Magic of Fisheye in Travel Photography

Magic of Fisheye in Travel Photography

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Yes friends, in the last episode you saw the use of fish eye in fashion photography. This Phi Sai is my favorite so much that we bought it in 2006 and till date we have used it a lot. Today we will discuss the use of fish eye in travel photography. First let us tell you. Let us tell you

what is the meaning of travel photography. We count this image as travel genre. The photograph which indicates a destination, whether it is landscape, architecture or a portrait of a local people, we count it as travel photography . As far as I am concerned, in the last 30 years, I have traveled to many places in India and Abroad and generally in the initial phase, we used to carry a lot of lenses. Gradually I learned that no travel should be light, now we have replaced it with light. How can we travel light so that we do not face any inconvenience, so we decided that we will carry a Phi Sai lens. From 2006, we started with Tokina's 10 mm and also a Nikon's normal zoom lens which is 28 300 mm. There

were only two lenses in our camera bag and with these two lenses, we traveled to about 10 countries in Europe, after that we went to Iceland, South Korea and Nepal, so after doing this, we captured all my life with just our toll lens. Traveling work gets done and now for this episode because we cannot make this episode of one hour or two hours, so I had to select only 30-35 photographs which was a very tough task for me because out of 30 years of traveling photographs. 30 35 Taking photographs was definitely a Herculean task, but we selected all the good photographs location wise. So friends, first of all, my most favorite location of traveling and especially the one where we used Fish Eye to our fullest was that location. Right now a photograph of our Iceland is coming in front of you which is the location of Iceland. Here you can see

how clearly the flow of water is visible by using the fish eye. What is the reason that along with the flow of water the The mountain behind is also visible very clearly, the reason being that the depth feed of my fish eye is very large. You see the second image, that is also of Vestra Hern of Iceland. In the third image, you see this is also of Vestra Hern of Iceland and here But you keep a lot of Horsesandresses very carefully. After this, a location was found of Ice Berg where mountain like slabs of ice were floating in the water, so that too is visible in front of you now. After this, there is a line plane in Iceland which is American. There was a plane and it crashed there.

After the crash, America gifted that plane to Iceland and Iceland is very intelligent in tourism, so the Iceland government made that plane a tourist spot, see how beautiful it is. The fun of this type of plane is that the Phi Psi lens is not a normal lens, then there was a Mexican model Josie Lina Nali with me, we got her posing and see this picture of Vestra Hahn from Iceland, because of the lens in it, it is very sharp. She is sitting and posing in front of the lens, her picture is also sharp, there is no distortion and the mountain behind is also clearly visible. Now in the next picture, there are some old pieces of wood lying in the fore ground of the same mountain of Vestra Haan. We composed those pieces of wood, this is the specialty of Fasai, we composed them while standing right next to us, then at a place in Iceland, our model Clara Maria, who is an Argentinian model, we composed her on a horse. Also , we made a suit with the Iceland Hersey there and this is because of Fee Sai only, this is the way we did it, we were able to do this. The next one is where you will

see the 100 degree shape of Fee Sai, you will see this. Is yours Glacier Lagoon of Iceland? Then we went to a place which is called Black Beach or would you like to say Black Beach so named because the sand on that beach is of black color and generally in our country or anywhere else the sand on the banks of the river. It is golden. Why is there black sand in Iceland? Because there are a lot of volcanoes there. Due to the presence of volcanoes, you will not find white or golden sand anywhere in Iceland or whatever that means and you will get all black sand because it is all volcanic. A very famous rake has been burnt in Jaivik which is in Iceland and is a very iconic place of Iceland. All the tourists first

go there and then travel further from there. We also did the same there when we We went to his church and saw the inside view of the church. We were stunned that this We cannot capture the view from any other lane and there too my FEE silence worked well at 100. Then we composed another frame of the same church by placing a cement flower pot in the fore ground and Because of Nali Fish Sai, the flower in it is also sharp and the church behind is also very sharp. In 2013, we went on a Europe trip where we visited 10 countries. The

next picture is of Rome. And this architecture of Italy is called Colosseum. You are seeing another view of the same Colosseum. Square Rome, Vittorino of Rome, Italy, is a building which is very beautiful and the building is so wide that it will work there without even a slip. Next we went to Italy itself, to Rome, which is

an architecture, there is a fountain there, its name is very famous, its name is Trevi Fountain, you can also see the picture of the tourist in front, it is in the fore ground in front and there is a fountain along with it. There is that architectural building too, then this next picture is also of Republic Square in Rome, Italy. Look here, on both sides, on the left and on the right, there is a big tall building and capturing it with the camera was a very challenging task, to capture the entire view . At the same time, we also worked on Fee IB there too. Before this, the picture of the Coliseum which you have seen is a close up, we composed it a little differently, came a little different away from it and we placed it in the fore ground and created a formation. We composed it,

this is our journey Travel Photography in foreign countries Now we come to our country In our country, once we went to Mandu, the scene of form and form and light and shadow that we saw in Mandu, that fish eye caught it very well. The next photograph which is in front of you is of the Victoria Memorial of Calcutta. In this photograph you can see that there is a small water body in the fore ground of the Victoria Memorial, the reflection of the Victoria Memorial is also visible in it and because of the fog in the front, the There is a water body in the fore ground, the reflection is as sharp as the building of Victoria Memorial. The next picture is very unique and this picture is taken from Banaras. There is no building on the eastern side of the river Ganga in Banaras , there is no building on the western side. All the ghats there are on the western side. Now if you use any lens, you can either

take a photo of the western side or the eastern side or the northern or southern one. There is a specialty of Phi Sai in this photo that you look carefully at a The foreign tourist who is playing an instrument is sitting in the west direction while the sunrise is taking place in the east direction. In this photograph, only because of the blur, you can also see the sunrise in the east and the sunrise in the west which is on the ghat. The seated tourist

is also looking at him. In the next picture, we went to Banke Bihari Temple Vrindavan, where Holi is celebrated. Now see, if there is no fee, then you cannot take this kind of image from the top angle from any other lane, then Lath. Mar Holi, which happens in Varsana during the time of Holi, we went very close to the picture of Lathmaar Holi, we used Phi Sai and in the fore ground, a woman is beating a man with a stick, see how well it is captured. One more thing has happened and the next picture is of

Rampuriya Haveli of Bikaner. The road in front of that mansion is a very narrow road i.e. 10 to 12 feet wide and in front is the tall building of Rampuriya Haveli. Now think, we will take any lens. So, the complete height of the Haveli cannot be captured because there is no space to go back, so if we have to take a photo somewhere very close to the Haveli, then we took the picture in vertical format. Next picture is of Pushkar Fair in which Due to irritation, one camel owner is standing with the camel and people are giving water to the rest of the camels. It is the same gang and

along with them there is a dancer who is dancing there. This whole view is also being captured because of the fake capture. In the next picture, there is a well ritual in Bengal. In this well ritual, the devotees there walk with a sharp iron wire placed on their tongue, in their lips, in their cheek. So also

see this because of the fee I came. Go very close and for such photography, the wheel keeps moving. You should already have such a lens in which you can keep it at infinity and take the photo comfortably. There is no hassle of focusing. Knock, we went and clicked in front and immediately on the left. Ran away because we cannot

stand there for long because those who are busy are moving . Next is our Dhanvaad's picture of Chhath Puja. Now take any lens during Chhath Puja. There is so much crowd there that you cannot take a close up of the stuff in front clearly because the public will come in front, this is the reason why we went ahead of the public and took the picture and in this See, whatever prasad , banana etc. is there is also clear and along with it is the picture of Maithon Dam which is behind, the devotee who is bathing or worshiping in the dam, that also came along. Once we went to Hazari Bagh, Sohrai was there. Some women do painting. We went to that village and saw that panty. Now this is her small house. In the village, there is no big house with space, it is a small house, see in that house there is painting on both the walls and this Fees were paid due to which both our walls also came in our frame and the roof top also came in the frame. The next picture is also

of the same house. The wall of the painting is of Sarai painting. In that too, see carefully how much area has been covered. Its region is The view of our Feesa Eye is 180 degree. The next picture is also of the same house

in another location where a woman is doing Sohrai painting on the wall. There is a Bathinda Waterfall in our Dhanbad city, we used the Feesa Eye there. Definitely we used it on a tripod and since we also had to show slow motion, we went there much before sunrise because due to sunrise we would have had to use CPL or MD filters but here we did not have to use them. We set the value of F to 22. So that we can capture the water flow in slow motion every few seconds, the next picture is of Maithon, the evening of Maithon Dam has been my favorite and even the evening picture of Maithon Dam has been approved by the Government of Jharkhand. Once there was an exhibition there, in which we

got a whole gallery to exhibit. You see, it is the evening time of the night, just after barely half an hour of sunset, the stars in the sky are also looking at you and there is a light in the stars. There is movement because the setting of my camera was around 10 to 15 seconds, then Maithon of Maithon is a very picturesque travel spot of our Jharkhand and see the tourists there, how much they are enjoying, so this is a just like panorama which you see in the picture. It was only because of the fee that we were able to take the next picture of Maithon only. Here, the

memetic cloud formation you are seeing is its reflection in the water along with a boat in the fore ground. We took that picture with the same Fasai Tokina 10 mm. The next picture is also of the same Maithon Dam at night time in which there are two boats and some light in the background and which is the last picture, in this we have also received an award from National Geography as well as our portfolio which was submitted in 2015. This is also one of the 10 photographs and in this you can see the magical effect of F-Sai. You can clearly see that we went right in front of the crowd and kept the camera at a low angle and took the photo, then the person in front of us was The Prasad, the banana etc. all came out very sharp. Even the mountain in the background or the devotee taking bath there also came out clear. Friends, I hope that you all would have enjoyed this travel photography and special You have also seen the magical effect of fee silence, stay connected with this channel, after this we are going to bring another unique episode, thank you very soon friends, see you again.

2024-10-28 19:02

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