Luxor, Egypt

Luxor, Egypt

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That's. Me. Yeah Josh vineyard thank. You thank you glad to be here let's. Do it. So, I've just checked into my hostel here in Luxor staying, at the Bob Marley hostel, this. Is my room got. The room all to myself. So, far it looks nice everyone's really friendly here the manager, is extremely. Friendly, and extremely informative, so. I've. Made plans for. A full day tomorrow and Luxor when they got one day. So. Tomorrow I'm gonna hit everything really and I've already arranged for a tour and it. Hit all the temples the Valley of the Kings King, Tut I'm doing it all so. I, think, right now I'm go check out the roof, then. It's time to go walk into Luxor and get something eat. Well. Have. Another the lights at I'm. At the room top of the roof right now and. This. Was sort of canteen going on here in the distance. Beautiful. Views. This. Is the Bob Marley hostel. I was, told when I checked in at travel, light staying here and during her Egypt videos and. I didn't, know that but it's pretty cool I loved to her age of videos pretty. Cool to be staying at the same hostel is she. Did and. She's watching this you're right pretty cool hospital she picked a good one so. I thought that's a cool little bonus. This, is the alley, leads. The postal off of Main Street. I don't. Get lost. Should be simple enough gonna go look for a clog or a flop. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Seems. To be getting a lot of attention that I'm filming. Hey. Everybody's, noticing, find. It kind of funny. Well. That was fun, come to eat sup. A lot. First. Stop on the tour today public. The colossal of memnon, 3,200. Years ago. One. Of those are 600. Tonnes. We. Now made it to the elbow. Hari temple. Three. Thousand years ago over three thousand years ago. Beautiful. Surrounding. Sorry. Cottagers. She. Took over the throne after the death of her husband, she had. No, boys, she. Had only one daughter. But, her. Husband, had. A boy from. Another. Woman, he, got what I mean, kinky. Wine, mistress. Girlfriend. Whatever. But. The boy was only five years old, when his father died queen. Hatshepsut was, a very powerful woman. This. Temple was dedicated to Egypt's, only one, and only Pharaoh. Clean. Pair of it is. Our, guide apparently, said that uh Cleopatra. Was. An even Gyptian she, was Greek so. I. Never. Heard that. Yeah. These hieroglyphics. And these paintings they have never been restored they, don't here, in Egypt sometimes. They'll try dreary, restore, statue or something they never repaint. Anything, so the paint that you see is the, original, from, 3,500. Years ago it's. Mind-blowing to be here. Sure, they don't want you touching it by me to give you. Can literally just reach out and touch it it's. Unbelievable. See. If you can understand any of these hieroglyphics, I. Think. It says please. Do, not touch, oh. Yeah. My my my hieroglyphic. Reading is not that good. And, again this was this, this temple was dedicated to, Egypt's one and only Queen Pharaoh. Forget. Her name I have to look it up maybe it's by here this, is by here temple. Stukas. Of 150, meters deep into the earth, peanuts. They. Dug so deep into the mountain to put. This tomb in here and, then there's so much. Hieroglyphics. Oliver a place and paintings. Massive. Sarcophaguses. Graham, made out of granite, wow. It's pretty mind-blowing, and. We're just in here walking around now enjoying, it. It's. Pretty amazing, Egypt's a cool place. -. Mwah Ramsay the boys. And. Brand-new. This, is the tomb of King Tut King, Tutankhamun, I guess, this is where they found him all, the treasures have been removed but the carvings the paint, they're. Still they look brand new unbelievable. Unbelievable. Apparently, the story tells though is they call it the Book of the Dead I need to double-check that but. It's. Pretty amazing and then of course. And. Of course right here. Wow, that's, King Tut is the, mummy, the. Mummy of King, Tutankhamen. It's. Pretty amazing. Ramses. Ii, ii ii. Ii. This. Is ramses, ii right. This, might be the most impressive - yeah. Man. Look at these hieroglyphics, everywhere.

And. Once again I want to reiterate, none. Of these paintings, or higher grill fix have been reading refurbished. And retouched everything's. In its natural condition. 3,500. Years old. Some. Of it looks like it was painted yesterday. 1200. BC so. This is, 3200. Years old, and. In. Front, of it we see two seated, figures of the goddess sickness, not. A sickness walk to the goodness of war she. Was a woman what, the line is hidden -. Make sense - hani's. And protects, women. Does. It make sense. Just. Come on the head for the good rock and she, had the key of life and in here to lift her the. Main entrance, of the chamber is we. Are let's walk slowly together guys listen, to the explanation and, then. The. Main entrance, of the temple is, the big wall we see it right there. Okay. The. Best-preserved final. Ever. Built, in pharaonic, Egypt. Now. We're in the metadata. Habu temple. These. Pillars are absolutely, massive, however, Olympics on a massive, very. Well-preserved. This. Is one of the coolest thumpers yet you. Have a look. 1:30 gotcha. 1:30, outside. I'll. Be there. The. Name of our group is Isis. Because. Breathtaking. I can't stress enough how incredible, this is. 3,500. Years old I don't. Make them like this anymore. Next. Riff you get us a sense. Of scale how massive, these pillars, are but they are absolutely massive. I'm. Sure what's going on here looks like these used to be massive columns now. There's somebody knocked them down or they fell down I don't really know. It's. Almost time for me to go meet up with the rest of the group got about two or three minutes left. Trying. To get it all in. Ooh. Wonder, what's going on in here. Little. Hole, shall. We go in we will see. What's going on in here. We. Made it in this little, room. Pretty. Cool. And. Now, we're. At the Nile River. That's. Pretty cool, I always want to see the Nile. And looks like I think that's a luxor temple over there right across. There. Just a little bit. Nile, River. Beauty. I wonder. The. Nile River. So. Guys, now are gonna, me to drive up on, the other side and. It's gonna take you there, the hotel. They can time, 350. Marvin, a new girl neck illogical. Okay okay, go. 3:15. Yeah, yeah, yeah thank you so guys they, said the end of our trip. Commonly. In our country, if you're feeling good satisfied. The. Drivers, at the guides, it's. Up to you feeling, good that's, why do it by. The way later they're gonna be quite believe Assad. Who's, gonna take it. Okay. You're my finish I like. Dollars. If. It's a small implement, come bring a bigger one. Now.

We're In karnak temple this, thing is massive I almost didn't even come to this temple but I'm so glad I didn't miss it the. Biggest temple yet and, this. Is only the start of it apparently, it goes on for like forever. So. Let's, see, Karnak. That's ramsey yeah you. Are okay. There's. Ramses, ii, at. 200. Excuse, me thirty four wives with, two hundred and twelve children, pretty. Busy guy. That's. A. Swimming. Pool in the world, years. Old. The. Generation, very time the generation, remember, him. It. Seems so surreal to, be like sometimes. You feel like you're the only person here it's. Like you. Got the whole temple to yourself. And, that's karnak, on. Our way to luxor temple now, what. I'm the most excited, about hope, it's as good as I know. Having. The call to prayer right now can hit. The. Muslim couple. There. It is. Laughing. That's. Awfully. Crowded right now. I'm sure if the photos gonna come out clear, in. Nighttime. It's. Pretty impressive. I'm. Beautiful shot of the moon. Beautiful. Brown. Olympics, everywhere colors. Respond. Party, going on in the background. Oh. I. Didn't, see you guys sorry. So. My, adventure. Is winding down, looks. Like it's gonna end here, at the Luxor Temple. Started. Out as hora and hungry. Austria. Italy. The. Netherlands. Egypt. Saw. The pyramids, went, to some of the most amazing festivals. In the entire world probably, the coolest festivals, in the world yeah. The coldest. It's. Been a hell of an adventure. And. What, a place to end it.

2020-01-20 19:18

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