Lunch ON! - Cafeteria Debut for the Rookies

Lunch ON! - Cafeteria Debut for the Rookies

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Hello. Everyone, and welcome to lunch on I. Hope. You're all hungry for this fantastic episode. Just. Fried salmon is marinated. In a special, sweet vinegar sauce to make a refreshing, dish. What. Do we have here, rice, cooked with bamboo, shoots oh wow. What a treat. This. Company, staff cafeteria was. Just made in August, 2016. And the employees, just love eating - the great view of the ocean. We. Visit on the day of an important, annual event. We're. Blessed to be able to welcome new employees, again this year. The. Company holds its initiation, ceremony, in their proud cafeteria. This. Year they are welcoming, eight new employees, I, majored. In economics. I am Kazunori Murata ah. They're. Just so fresh. Well. It, is their first day as working adults after, all let's. Talk to these freshmen. Where. Are you from Saitama, near Tokyo, I'm. Feeling nervous because it, was such a big ceremony. I'm. Not certain of anything yet. But. I feel I'll be able to work hard here. You, know what is it I still felt like a student up until yesterday, but. I woke up real early today it, acknowledged, that I am now a working, adult. These. New recruits get started, today and we're, going to find out what their first lunch on the job will be. First. Lunch on the job for the new recruits. Awaji. Island, Kyoko Prefecture, in western, Japan. The. Company of about a hundred and thirty employees, we visit exclusively. Makes Industrial. Mixers in. Japan. It is the market leader of, high speed mixers for pharmaceutical. And food processing. Purposes. Till, August, 2016. The company was based in Osaka but used their expansion, as their chance to relocate to this nature, which area. This. Is the first time the company begins, a Japanese, fiscal, year in their new company building, this. Year they've recruited two engineers, from local industrial, high schools and six more of different, backgrounds, from all across Japan. Come. Lunch time the cafeteria. Will welcome the new recruits the. Five kitchen staff are busy preparing a, hundred, and forty meals. The. Cafeteria, provides one choice only the. Daily special, meal with, the health of employees in, mind - veggie heavy side dishes are served every day. Even. The broth for the soup is made from scratch using, kelp and dried bonito, flakes. We. Want to serve healthy, dishes and we, also want to contribute to this community and, be, eco friendly with our cooking, this. Cafeteria is, founded on such principles. So. We use local ingredients as much as possible I. Hope. The new recruits, will think our food is tasty. It's, finally, lunchtime. Along. Line forms, in no time. Hey. What. Are they taking, out of that box.

Watch. What. Is it. What's. Say on there B, it, says as. A. Way to encourage interaction. Between workers, of different departments two, times a week employees. Have a drawing to determine their seat. Many. Weren't exactly, excited about this system at first but, they say sitting down for lunch with seniors, and bosses every once in a while has contributed to improved, efficiency. At work. If. You. Want someone to open up have, lunch with them. Mr.. Fule Ichi the CEO came, up with the lunch system, and of course he takes part is. This table Jay. How. Are your kids. They're. Doing real well. How are they. Ah he's. A pro he, knows how to talk to people. The. New recruits, arrived for lunch after finishing their morning training. They're. Nervous enough just coming here but, they've got to draw for their seat on top of that they, must be petrified. Who, will they have to sit with the. CEO, executives. Their. First lunch on the job, is about to begin. But. Before that take, a look at the first lunch on the job for the rookies. The. Main dish is the fried then, marinated, salmon, rice. Cooked, with bamboo, shoots. It. All looks delicious but can the rookies relax enough to enjoy their meal. Masaya. Yamamoto. 18, years old from a local industrial, high school is the youngest among the new recruits. He. Nervously, looks around. He. Seems unable to find his table. It's, over there, a. Senior. Helps them out right away. Messiah. Will have lunch with a fellow freshman, and mr. Noguchi, the head of technology, development well. At least he's with a fellow freshman. This. Makes me nervous, let's. Eat. Aha. So, even seniors, feel nervous too. Please. Go ahead. Okay. I'll go first well. I am from Yokohama, my. Name is Kazuhiro Matsushita. I. Like. Motorcycles and. Making. Plastic. Models, what. Did you study I. Studied. Humanities. And, my research topic was on, how to preserve graves, in communities. Graves. Ah that's. Unusual, I get. That a lot thank. You. My. Name is Messiah Yamamoto. My. Hobby, is, to. Make. Plastic models. Yes. Introducing. Yourself is important, but, you're too tense what's, this a marriage meeting I. Am Noguchi, of the battery devices, solutions, Department.

We. Build a production facilities, for battery related, items. It's. Nice to meet you oh. Boy. Even, mr. Noguchi, is tense, let's. Eat let's eat. This is your first meal as a working adult the. Lunch here is delicious and every day we get a different meal. Is. There something. You'd want to ask mr. Noguchi. Conversation. Maybe, talk. A little, no. They. Just keep on chewing, well. It must be hard for them to strike up a conversation with, him. Well. We. End up sitting with people we haven't worked with. So. At first it's like what, do we talk about I. Didn't. Expect to be seated with the new recruits today. They're. Just so fresh. Thank. You. Never. Lose the fresh feeling you have right now. Good. Luck to you guys, yes. Thank you. The. Two rookies made it pretty awkward, for mr. Noguchi, the whole time. There'll. Be a next time. Meanwhile. The CEO is seated with two new recruits as well. Kengo. And Cosmo. Nari. It's. Your first day, and you're eating with the CEO, yes I'm very nervous. Help. Them relax would you. With. The lead of the CEO this, table is all smiles. Hey. You, got the large serving yes. I did you're. A young man I was, real hungry during your speech, honestly. I. Was. Too nervous in the morning to eat. So. I got the large serving I. Was. Blown away that I can eat together with the CEO. I'll. Remember this. This. Is what makes the lunch draw system, worth it. SOTA. From osaka seems, to be in a face-to-face lunch. Situation. With a senior, worker a bit. Closed there no. We. Go for training in osaka for three days oh, yeah. I know about that, where. You learn business etiquettes, right. Probably. Yes. I went. To that too you did yeah, at. The end of the three days we, all went out to view the cherry blossoms. The. Cherry blossoms, are beautiful at Osaka Castle. So. The rookies, talking, but, he's eating the corn piece-by-piece. He. Must be so nervous oh. My. I forgot to bring chopsticks. Kenta. Who was so nervous that he forgot to bring chopsticks. Is a native, of this area and he's. Having lunch with the executive, director EDA, who's, been at this company the longest. You're. From here so you must fish, I don't. Really fish well. You ought to learn. Fish. With your seniors I. Was. That young once I. Joined. With 17, other new recruits. We. Were right at the heart of the baby boom generation. You'll. Go through training for half a year so. Make that your chance to remember everyone's, name. Yes. That is important. Good. Luck to you thank you. The, rookie gets valuable. Encouragement, from a veteran, of 48, years there. Are some things one can only learn at lunchtime. We. Wish all these rookie professionals, the best of luck. Let's. Hear the love stories, from all of you out there on, everybody's. Lunch on a. Ragu, gawky Tay from IG writes I put. In the parsley I grow into my husband's, omelet. Parsley. Is so nutritious. Does. She grow it in the kitchen oh wow. That's pretty big, at, first she just felt like growing something, edible but soon enough that, became, this. Parsley. Komatsuna. Spinach, lettuce, green. Onions and in summer tomatoes. Plus, the bugs can't get to the plants because she grows them inside nice. But. There's something, more important, she wants her husband to notice. Look. Closely, the. Parsley omelet is in a heart shape. For. The past four years since their marriage she's, put in a heart-shaped, item every, day. However. He didn't notice that until his colleague, made that observation he. Didn't notice for four years he, needs to be better than that. We. Get a lot of messages. What a fun bento. That's. A nice bento box. Thanks. For all your bento, pigs. Lunch. Time on a workday can be extraordinary if you've been blessed with the presence of cherry blossoms. Japanese. People just love viewing, them. Next. A story about a man who works wonders, during the season, of cherry blossoms. So, taro Watanabe, has come to this shop to buy a bento. He, chooses the stir-fried, pork and, vegetables, bento. So, what is it that this man does. We, follow him back to his workplace oh. He's. Working on something as he eats must. Be a busy guy.

In. What we do there's. So much info, 24/7. 365. So, if an error occurs it, needs to be dealt with right away regardless of how late it is or even if it's on New Year's so I always have this computer with me. This. Is a private weather company, mr., Watanabe is a weather forecaster. And a programmer, and in, spring every year he handles, this the. Cherry blossoms, blooming forecast. He, uses the computer program he developed, himself to, release cherry blossom, booming forecasts, across, Japan twice, a week. Mr.. Watanabe is the only person at this company handling, cherry blossom, forecasts. Isn't. That a bit too much responsibility on, one person, we. Should talk to the president, about this. This. Is him, he's. A famous, TV weatherman, in Japan I. Believe. He's among the finest, cherry blossom, blooming, forecasters. In Japan, there. Are very few people who can make statistical. Forecasts. Of cherry, blossoms. Since. The Meteorological. Agency no, longer does it there, are very few, specialized, people I think. There are only about 5 people who do what he does in the country now he's. Among the finest, if not the best. Well. Hearing. That makes us unsure, just how, amazing mr., Watanabe is at his job but, one thing is for certain he's. A professional, when it comes to forecasting, when cherry blossoms, will bloom. Let's. Observe him work and have lunch. Well. His forecast proved to be true lunch, time for mr. Watanabe. Akasaka. Tokyo. There. Are about 80 weather forecasters. At the company mr. Watanabe works, for, they. Appear on TV and radio. The. Date of first bloom in a particular area is determined, on the status, of a specimen, tree planted, near that areas observatory. Tokyo. Specimen, tree is on the premises of a famous shrine. When. More than five petals, bloom on a specimen, tree it is declared, that cherry blossoms, have bloomed in, that area. And it, is mr. Watanabe based job to forecast, when that will happen. Fully. Using, the knowledge and skills he acquired studying, statistical. Analysis. In graduate, school he developed, a program that predicts, when cherry blossoms, bloom. The. Temperature, is the most important, factor. There's. No way to tell temperatures, a month or two in advance. So. I boost the forecast, accuracy, as much as I can by, conducting, 10000, simulations. Take. Oxtail muscle so, they're not hating and, then I find the average day of blossom among those simulations and. That's the date night forecast. He. Predicts, temperatures, for the coming months, 10,000, times with, his program. Based. On the result of that analysis, mr. Watanabe, forecasts. The day of first bloom it. Was. Mid March when we visited him we. Asked him then what his predicted, day of first bloom was. What's. The day you predict, for Tokyo. Sure. Today. My prediction, would be the 24th, of March. The. Program is unsure predicting. Somewhere in between the 24th, and the 25th, but. Today I observed, that the buds on the specimen tree were swelling up a bit already so. I'll move that date forward a little. Ma. Day my own enjoyment. So, his prediction, is based on a computer, programs, result, that has been tweaked with analog information, does. His prediction, prove to be accurate. March. 24th. The, date mr., Watanabe had, predicted we. Go up to the specimen tree together with mr. Watanabe. Mr.. 24th. It. Is already blossom, oh. He. Was off it, blossomed, three days before the date he predicted. This. Year the first blossom. In Japan was in Tokyo, it happened, on March 21st. Good. Deal. With cherry blossoms, were observed in Tokyo marking. The first blooming, in Japan this year that's. A surprise. Truth, be told mr.. Watanabe was, really confident, that his forecast, would be spot-on this year and that's.

Why He okayed to be on the show, Oh, shucks. And. On. This day like, any other day he buys bento, here it. Didn't turn out to be the celebration. Lunch we'd hoped for but, hey that's, life. But. At least he has the familiar bento. Taste to soothe his disappointed. Soul. We. Sat down for, lunch with him so. It blossomed three days earlier, than you had predicted yes. How. Did you feel when that happened well. It was a bit disappointing, but, I see it as being within the range of error. Since. The following day the 22nd, was cold the, date would have been two three days later had it not bloomed on the 21st. In. That respect, I was close so I'm a bit disappointed. And. It's not really about Tokyo, I think, I make forecast across the nation so, the aim is to make accurate, forecasts, at a nationwide, level. There. Well, three, days does, seem kind of too big to be within the range of error but. He's got no time to be down the, weather won't wait for him. You. Said that people cannot beat computers. Do. You really think that to be true. In. Weather forecasting. Computers. Surpassed humans, a long time ago right. Thirty, years ago. But. That's precisely what developments, in technology bring, about. You. Just have to look at it in the positive life, that. We don't have to do everything, which. Gives us time to do other things. Even. Cherry Blossom forecasting. Even, if Cherry Blossom forecasting. Someday can be fully conducted, by computers, there. Will still be other things computers, cannot do because, technology, develops, gradually, when. Cherry Blossom forecasting. Becomes totally, computerized I'll. Find something else to do what, would be the ultimate professional, goal, for you to develop a program that performs, best when left on its own every, year one. That needs no human adjustment, that, would be my goal. And. I want to accomplish, that before. Others, do. He, takes on the natural, phenomenon, of cherry blossoms, blooming with the most advanced, technology, and his. Pursuit, involves, both dreaming, big and hitting, huge walls and his. Efforts allow many to enjoy the breathtaking beauty, of cherry blossoms, every year, see. You next time on lunch. On. You. Sports. Japan. This. Show is your guide to the fun and exciting world of Japanese sports, and martial, arts with. In-depth, analysis, and up-to-the-minute. Stories. Global. Agenda. Should. People receive, a living wage regardless. Of how much or how little they, work. Some. Say this policy, could alleviate inequality. And insecurity. And boost. The economy. But. Is it fair or even, feasible and could. It change the way we think about work a. New. Business day begins, investors. Analysts. Decision-makers. The eyes, of the world turn first to Asia. We, bring you the inside, story featuring. Expert, analysis, and interviews, with the big players markets. Companies, the economy, we've, got it covered and we'll keep you updated on the latest trends, from. Robotics, to entertainment. The. 24, hour day starts, here Muse, line business.

2020-03-08 07:58

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