LRTS Media Hospitality Storytelling The Guest is the Hero

LRTS Media Hospitality Storytelling The Guest is the Hero

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to hospitality branding and today we're talking about storytelling I am with my co-host again Latoya Latoya is from lrts media and she has been doing an excellent job of really telling us how can we engage with our guests and really write to them in a way that connects with them and today is going to be no different or topic as you could see it's the guest is the hero everyone loves a great story we want to see that hero when the girl overcome their challenges and at the end of the day they gain their success a lot of times though we write like we're the heroes we are the one that's coming into the picture to save the day when in actuality we really want to position the guests as the hero in this story and we are more like the guides we are telling them how could you accomplish your goal so that's what we want to talk about so if you're here you need to share this with a friend as much as we focus on Hospitality a lot of what we share is applicable to almost any business especially if you're in the service industry all of the content will be relevant to you if you're here for the first time you need to join the webinar to join the webinar you simply need to go to the link and I'm going to share it in the comment right now why do you want to join the webinar so that at the end of the sessions we will be sharing with you all the different feeds for the link so there are times you're you're very busy and you might miss the webinars so we would summarize a lot of the content and we will then email it to you so when you're in your free time you can simply get the content and watch it a lot of times it will be summarized we'll do it in pieces or so forth in addition to that you should join the group we have a Facebook group where we meet and we try to share content that will be relevant to you as well so that you might be just be interested in getting some ideas um you might have questions you want to connect with but so I connect with myself you want to ask questions join the group so that we could share more information with you but let me bring in Latoya so that we can get cracking Latoya how are you doing this afternoon all right so you are muted I think I might have muted you yes perfect I'm doing great this evening and you I am doing excellent I mean I'm just excited about the topic the guess is the hero I mean we all enjoy a great hero story I I know growing up there was this idea that the first person you saw in the movie was the hero so I I was I wanted to make sure I catch the first few seconds because if I saw the the person I know that's the hero so it doesn't matter what he gets into and I know he's not gonna I know he's not gonna die because the hero never died and most of those westerns you came up watching and so you were always fascinated by the story of the hero and how he really overcome his challenges and so forth and you know we all have that little hero in us so I'm really excited about today so I know you're going to be taking most of that so I'm just going to be setting the stage for you how we normally do our sessions um each of us do a short presentation and at the end if you have any questions whatever just ask us in the comment section so that we could have some engagement before we close off Latoya what have been most um interesting to you in the whole concept of looking at the guests as the hero well I think as you write fleece said sometimes it's not about you all about the people that you're serving survey all about the guests always good just to hear their voice to hear what what matters to them so and that has always been interesting and funny enough the hero always comes a really interesting perspective so your guests always have something interesting or nice to share and you will find a way to build a story around it I I love that and there's gonna be more we'll be able to talk to but um let's Jump Right In so that's why I'm going to put you in the backstage for a a few minutes and I am going to be doing a first part of the presentation and I'm just going to bring in my slides now so I want to talk about how do you provide value to the guests um knowing that the guest is the hero and we're talking about writing content and this is not always applicable about writing a blog or writing a story but any type of content you're writing for your guests do you have a social media page where you engage with your guests do you have a Facebook page a YouTube page or Twitter whatever it might be if you're writing content for your guests you want to be able to provide value I mean it's easy for us to Simply get into an idea of selling what we have to sell I know but you have to resist the urge to Simply say bye bye bye bye bye they may be interested in it but if you able to connect with them on the problem that they're facing or what is interesting to them without you doing much selling they themselves will be asking you about how can I buy your content because you've already helped me so much just just give it to me I want to take as much off of your hand as possible and that's the value of giving or answering question for your guests so how are ways that you could do so and this is about creating content for your readers whoever's engagement with your content think about them as we're saying the guess is the hero in this story and for every hero they always are a good story has a challenge and your hero has some sort of challenge they are trying to figure out something is either this hero is very busy at work and they're tired and they just want to rest you need to be able to answer that question and how are you going to have your hero um achieve that you want to come in as the guy to be able to tell them hey here are some ways and how you could rest it may be staying at these resorts in the Caribbean it may be staying at um these echolocations but you want to be able to consider creating content for your reader so what does that should look like and I said this before you want to avoid being too promotional you want to if you think about it persons are already inundated with sale ads they always they turn on their their TV and commercials are cutting you you know how frustrating it is to be watching your favorite show and just when The Sweet Spot comes they cut it and then you gotta watch to two minutes of ads for you to get it or you're trying to watch your YouTube video and then there's an ad come in front of it and you just can't wait for that countdown to just skip so you don't want to get yourself caught up in that angle you want to be seen as someone that's really want to give you content and be genuine about it that's a good thing you know if you really focus on helping the the audience helping your guests helping the hero of the story you will find it become easier for you to sell you know one one of my favorite artists has this concept of job job right hook meaning give something give something give value and after you've done that a few times then you could sell your product and it becomes easy and they don't necessarily see that so much as a bad thing share things to do and this is in the context of a Hospitality environment you have your page persons need to come to visit but a lot of times they're just not coming for a room they're coming for an adventure they're coming for you know a getaway they're coming for an escape so how are they going to escape they don't want to escape to your room it's nice that you have a beautiful room that's good but that's the basic you you want to be able to tell them hey when you come for your Escape there is a zipline tour that you just have to see you know you could swim with the eels you could go in and see our zoo and see these exotic animals these are things you could do right in the area from your place to stay and where's your place to stay here but I'm gonna guide you as to all the things you could do in the area most importantly solve the gas problem what is their problem I'm trying to get married and I want to have a maybe a Beachside wedding I don't know all the things I need to do to achieve this can I just turn up no if you're able to that's a question somebody have in their mind if you're able to tell them all the things that they need to be able to get that done you know we have the perfect dress for you if you're going to do a Beachside wedding we have how you could set up your your item we have how you could have music on the beach maybe Sunday evening do you want to have it at sundown and and you have the beautiful candles on the beaches and so forth if you're able to solve their problem it becomes easier and if you've told them all the things that needs to be done who do you think they're going to ask to be their guide to get there you name it so as we talk about the type of post or the type of content there's a few of them and I wanted to share a couple of them to give you some ideas in terms of how are you going to be able to help the the guests how are you going to be able to provide valuable content so here are a few types of posts you could make number one food post and a recipe there are so much people that are traveling just because of exotic Cuisine they see the certain food in a particular area and it's just unique to that when you're eating the same thing every day there are times that you just want a change I remember traveling to New York and we were traveling on the street and we saw this Korean store and I was just so intrigued like what does Korean food taste like what are the menu what's the authentic Korean dishes and there was just guys in the window telling me to come in and they didn't have to encourage me much as I got in I was just hope it was just so creative the way it was packed it was the different flavors and so on I want to go to Korea now I mean I was Korean street in New York but I was just fascinated with the food that I wanted not travel to taste authentic Korean food and that's just the difference that you could do I spoke about Jackie some um sessions ago that does this Caribbean Fusion recipes which takes a lot of you know European dishes and Infused it with Caribbean and kind of put a blend to it and create a whole different style so there are people that are willing to travel to experience local Cuisine show them give them recipes on how you could create this particular Edition these are some of the dishes that our Chef creates so so you provide a content if they're not there as yet and they could try themselves but they could come and see how it's done the real way how it's really done in your location in addition to that they are what you call list types of posts so this is you creating the top 10 list of restaurants that you should eat and you've probably seen some of those you've probably wondered okay I didn't know this maybe the top 10 Caribbean dishes that you need to try and you might be creating some of those dishes as part of your guest property but you still want to give people that variety so that they could think about I probably tasted one two three four and five but I didn't try six and seven let me try these because you've already curated that list for them they are now able to trust you more and come back to see hey what are the top 10 tours that I should probably do when I'm in Antigua or maybe what's the top 10 historical sites in Jamaica that you should go to you know I remember traveling to Jamaica and going to like the Bob Marley Museum and I only found out about that because I was on expedient just wondering what are some things to do when I'm in Jamaica and those were some of the top things to do or there was this great ice cream factory that makes custom made local ice cream that was just well carved but that was on a list so creating like a top 10 list or a top five lists is a good way of doing that what about doing destination guides what are the things that you need to know as you're going to a particular destination such as let's say it's Carnival what are the carnival events that you want to be able to share with the guests a good way and how you could do this is also talking about off-peak events and like on Peak events and this is excellent for you so on Peak events might be Carnival Events maybe certain Easter Events maybe you know you have if you do Regatta so there's some islands that have this island or a gato that is and where people may travel from all over the world to come with a yacht and do yachting events and so forth and they have all the different breakdown of things you could do during this weekend or during this week activity so it might engage those people that are participating and it also will be valuable for those people that just want to be part of it so during that destination guide is a nice way of getting people to come back to your content over and over another thing is luggage packing guides you're coming to a particular location what are some things that you should pack because you're not accustomed to some of these things you probably don't have you know scotch and Sun maybe where you're at or where that gas is coming from so you might have to remind them to hey walk with your suntan lotion maybe they're coming to some sort of eco-friendly environment where they're going to be hiking and you're going to be doing some sort of nature tours like here in Tobago we have one of the I would say it's like an endangered area where it's it's one of the it's one of the largest in the world rainforest where you may want to come and do tours and it has nice waterfalls there so forth but you're not going to be going into the rainfalls with your long heels and and your your church shoes you're gonna need to get your hiking shoes you're going to need to get things that is going to be able to get wet you know you might get your raincoat whatever it is you want to be able to tell people these are the things you want to pack in your luggage if you're coming to this destination if you're interested in this type of activity you want to make sure you pack these things as much as possible so what are some recommended tools I would suggest if you just want to get some idea as to how to find content how to find what people are interested in knowing because coming up with the ideas sometimes is a challenge so one of the one of the site I visit a lot for ideas is called I just put the names it's easier for you to remember and what this site does it really gives you an opportunity to put in a keyword and it gives you a lot of the questions persons are asking around that keyword right so that's the other tool I use a lot is called ubersuggest as in the word so if you have a particular keyword it shows you what a lot of people are already searching for or what people are writing that is ranking very high already it's a free tool all of these you could use for free I think answer the public gives you like three free questions per day and Uber suggests you can ask different questions but you probably want to see all the results unless you pay but these are two tools that I will definitely recommend so most importantly as I said make sure you give value as you look to create content so Latoya I've just set the stage for you so I I know that you probably going to take this and lead us into now you know making the guess the hero but guys if you have any questions whatsoever you could leave it in the chat thank you for joining us Stacy nice to have you um Karen nice to have you in and um Susan thank you for joining as well let us know how you're hearing us on your end so Latoya um I will take I'll put it over to you now so that you could take us through your basis show well definitely it's all about the guests and not about your brand and that's a really interesting statement because most times when you start a business you have a company delivering a service they do tell you that you need to focus on your brand whatever you're offering but parts of your brand actually is being able to know who your guests are so we're going to take it from that angle today so a bit about me as I said about 10 years or so in Communications Consulting and for me I live with a very Global scope of life and that's really important because it really brings different perspectives to you so the first thing I want to tell you is simply you have to connect with your audience you know in customer service they always say the guess is always right the customer is always right Etc so you need to know who is your audience who you're targeting who you're talking to and a lot of my presentations always have to do with memes because I think it's just easy it just really hits um the nail on the head that when you're presenting your information to your guests when you're planning your marketing plan when you're planning whatever brand content and design that you want for your audience you need to know who you're speaking to if you own a family resort then you need to understand that you're speaking to parents and children but if you have a resort and you want to focus on more High romance couple kind of exclusive content then you need to tailor your your ideas and your programming around to that if your catering's a business person's very corporate persons meetings conferences that kind of mice tourism aspect of it you need to understand that there are certain key things that that will accompany that so you definitely need to know your audience when you're when you're planning your your campaign your content towards the guests that you're sleeping that's the first thing then because this this session is about you know content marketing putting the information out there fresh content is critical and um fresh content could mean Evergreen content Evergreen content means that it's not dated it's not time-bung but it's the same thing that could be circulated in many different ways so it seems very appealing so yes a family might visit your hotel every single year and you offer the same summer sale with the same discount price Etc but every time they see that ad pop-up wow it's like they have to book and they have to come by you again it's the same offers it's probably the same rate the same things are going to be offered to the person but it's really presented in a very fresh appealing wheel so sometimes make sure that you try to be fresh even if it's the same information not stale because it may not appeal to them and it wouldn't be important to them anymore but you really appealing to the needs and the wants of of the person really accepting your services then because the guess is important because your customer is important in the service industry sometimes it's really good not just to cover a topic but to really Share story something that they can relate to so if you have a family owned business I guess part of your unique selling point and the content that you're driving in it might appeal to family it might be the story of a mother and a daughter going into a business and how that business has grown or it could have a very strong female leadership style of it and you're appealing to audiences that way or you could be very leisurely very casual very cool very relaxed very carefully and it appeals to the young and hippie people who who also ascribe to those values whatever you're doing whatever information that you're promoting to your customer don't just give them a blank topic but it still needs to be packaged within a story that people could really experience and people could really understand because once your audience experiences and understands your story then it will make them feel more interested in buying into it and it will make it an easier way to Market and sell that product or service to somebody so you can't just put 50 sale and that's it or if if you have a business and for some strange reason because of covered that you're closing down closing down sale and it's dry no maybe say you know what we're packing up shop we are transitioning to a new location but thanks to all the years of service with us and this is what we are offering to you there are different ways in which you can couch it but whatever you you're selling to the customer whatever you're giving to the audience don't just leave it as a raw topic but actually build a story around it what is really important when it comes to marketing is definitely understanding your guest emotions and their experiences the services industry is a very much experienced industry people only buy your service they only come back if they can experience something if the quality is there if they can ascribe to the emotions being attached to what you're offering so if you want to offer very high-end luxurious service that is very bespoke very one of a kind then you you tell and you massage that if you're into mass production and you just want to offer generic things to the public that is quite fine also but you need you may then appeal towards such as quick fast convenient easy production so that persons know they come in they come out so if you want to run and set up a quick shop for your business and that's what works for you and people can appeal to that emotional experience fine but if you're promoting luxurious really one-on-one attention all-inclusive experiences then you need to show that in the product any services that you're doing because if the guests could feel that then they will understand if the customer could feel that then they can understand and that will then be part of your brand and lastly you know I know this is sometimes difficult for us to do but we need to be original and interesting I choose to put these meals here because you know unless every time we tell people to think out of the box but in telling somebody to think outside of the box you need to be wise enough to realize well maybe there is no box so why are you thinking of a box of thing outside of it in the first place it's very philosophical but it is really hitting home that when you're preparing for your customer when you're preparing for your guest you really want to be really original about it you want to try to be really interesting you want to find unique selling points for your business you must have a most valuable product and then you you massage it and you make it something to be your own and most good stories for businesses really have something interesting or something original about it yes they say in marketing you could copy something yes but then it's who does it best and the person who does it best is if you take a product and you add on to it and then you make it something original and interesting so yes everybody could be or friends say for example food delivery services that is something common now because of covet everybody's offering food delivery services Etc but you need to find a way to make that original or make it interesting to appeal to your audience so I really think outside of the box and remember possibly there is no box and lastly I want to leave you with this in terms of good writing is supposed to evoke sensation to the reader not the fact that it is raining but the feeling of being rained upon so when you are offering your service to somebody it's not the fact that you're selling food to them it's not the fact that you're offering them a holiday room or a bed but it's the experience that goes along with the service of the product that you're offering to them it is what really matters so it's not about the fact that you're offering a plate of food but it's probably about the sensation and the aroma of the food and the need that it's been filled it's not about offering a hotel bed to sleep at night but it's the idea of a comfortable bed for a person who has been working so hard and save them money to enjoy luxurious vacation and the comfort that that bed may offer to them so I just want to encourage you to continue building great content continue to put your customers first in whatever you're doing try to understand their story have their story to become your story and you blend that together to really make a great brand and back to you Josh awesome awesome as usual so during your presentation I remember that there was a key thing we didn't get a chance to share with our guests which is we're going to be doing some giveaways right I mean at the end of the day you may not have all the skill set to create wonderful content like we are really offering at this point that's what Latoya does every day and Latoya has taken the opportunity to share with my audience some of her services so if you are interested in taking advantage of the tourist Consulting service she's going to select somebody end of this four weeks and it's going to be three hour sessions where she will work with you to craft your message and be able to create a good content strategy that you could really use and leverage and connect with your customers whatever business that you're in to do that you just have to go to Latoya's Facebook page it's in the link I shared in the comments and just like and follow the page and simply post the hashtag and it's it's right there it's just post the hashtag lrts media on her page and you will also get discounted Service as well Vivid consultancy group is also offering a free Hospitality website value over two thousand dollars so if you have a Hospitality business and you are looking to get a website done we will design your website um for free we will also provide three months of host well three months support for your website so making sure that everything runs well and really give you the start you need to take advantage of the e-commerce platform we will work with you to set up um your book and engine and so forth all you got to do is go to the website win and I don't see why you wouldn't do this I mean it is an investment that is going to be something you will leverage for years to come so all you got to do go to the page scroll down and you could enter several different ways you could simply subscribe to the page um like the Facebook page several ways to enter and you could enter more than once you could enter every date the more time you enter the more opportunity you have to win um we want to thank Denisa one our first website giveaway so we're working with her and she has some awesome idea what we we met um met up she have a B2B um idea I can't tell you the details of it I mean it sounds like someone was listening to you Latoya she has some original ideas for her B2B that she's going to be launching very soon so we're happy to be working with her to create her vision and have a platform for her to be able to launch her new B2B um project that she's going to be doing soon with a totally new website designed by Vivid consultancy group so if you're looking to get a new website for your hospitality business just go to the link and enter we are going to be selecting our winner after our final session which will be next week so thank you let's say Monday to be precise yes next week Monday and definitely um join the group so if you need to get any updates or changes or so forth you will be informed if you have any questions definitely join us in the group so that we could go over those details as well um if there's going to be uh a change we will definitely let you know um any any final thoughts sure I just want to encourage persons you know the guest is always right that that is just a basic fundamental marketing principle but what I want to encourage you in terms of content production for your company is understanding co-designing you know those necess suggestion box or testimonials or now the guests are the ones that are doing really nice videos and posting reviews to really boost your organization page I think that is really important getting your guests involved in that billing of the content because when they experience your service they tell the story about it so sometimes it's not always about you flooding and pushing information out but it's also about letting your guests or your customer also tell that story on your behalf and if you take that approach in terms of understanding that the guest is a part of your brand that is really important because if you keep on having grumpy customers or grumpy guests you're going to get bad reviews you're going to get very grumpy poster about your business and then you will end up with a bad brand but if you really have good stories that have been told by the persons who experience what you offer then you're on your way to definitely building a great brand and the customer the the customer is a part of that brand strategy actually all right so before I go if you have been noticing any of our Graphics um that's been done by cgl visuals over graphic design sponsor for our webinar so if you are looking for graphics for your website your social media page um product photography you want to visit their website and connect with them they offer some excellent service Motion Graphics they do product photography and so forth so that is cgl visuals they are definitely one of the best graphic design agencies I have worked with since I've been in the business of sales and marketing so check them out I put their page Link in the website so that you can really level up your school stopping images if you need to really post content on social media or your website so thank you again for joining us you saw the links connect with us if you haven't liked our page shame on you you should have liked it already but we're going to give you another chance so go to our page like them if you haven't subscribed to the YouTube page just click that notification Bell as well so when we post more videos or your live you will be notified we will see you next week bye everyone

2023-05-03 03:29

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