it's damn cold out here though huh I can't even imagine living on the streets here what no way all right I'm about to shut up you guys got to watch this with me you can't come to Belgium and not have waffles wow those look great what's the difference between this waffle and this waffle the difference is this one it's more soft and sweets they have sugar inside where you come from I'm from Croatia Croatia I love your country I was there 5 years ago yeah where I went to Pula zadar my family is in bro what's the difference between Belgium fries and french fries so you eat the fries in B fries in friends I like that what's up guys welcome to Brussels Belgium it's a cold ass night here it's freezing it's 5° but it says that it feels like minus 2 and let me just tell you guys my ears say that it does feel like minus two maybe more like minus 5 but I am with glattus right now hello as you can tell she looks a lot more Cozier she got her uh snow gloves on and a nice what do you call that a headband yeah a headband earband earband that's exactly what I need right now is an earband but I can borrow you you'll let me borrow it yeah all right once my ears turn purple I'll jump on that thing but yeah it's incredibly cold we just got here from Paris we took a flex bust that was only about 10 Euro um and it brought us all the way here in 4 hours it was actually pretty smooth right and very easy very easy yeah and to be honest I'm excited I've been to Brussels many times every time I come here it's raining it doesn't matter if it's in the summertime or in the middle of the winter time it's always raining so I never have any good luck but I keep coming back hoping that one day I'm going to come here and it's not going to be raining it's got to be on summer well I don't know how summer is like here well last time I was here in oh I guess that wasn't really summer I was here in early September and it was pouring yeah it is um my very first time visiting Brussels was in July in 2017 and it was very hot but actually I it didn't rain that time I'm just over overreacted right now it didn't rain that time but when we arrived here today it was pouring right now it's kind of stopped so we decided to go on out and and explore I'm going to show you guys around the city right now in the night time we'll probably grab some beer some dinner we'll go to Grand Place o it's chilly and see if we can uh pick up some nice Winter Market food and let's see what we get into are you excited oh yeah it's my first time here first time ever huh yeah first time ever so new country new country we're going to try fries waffles all of that fun stuff yeah fries with truffle ooh that sounds nice a a nice Stella would be nice too let's see but right now yeah we're walking alongside this intersection we are actually staying in the well near the north uh train station and that's actually like the red light district there's a bunch of girls standing in Windows it was the first time you've seen that huh yeah it's first time ever that's wild it's like you go you go shopping but instead of watching clothes on the on the street it's girls oh God oh God yeah you can get more than just waffles here on the market guys anyways we're going to cross the street now thank you thank you and I'll catch up with you guys once to make it to like a little bit of a nicer area you guys are probably like Chris where the hell you walking right now truth is I don't even know that don't look like the photos I saw on this yeah she's like what there's there's hose and graffiti everywhere all right and the sketchy tunnels and sketchy tunnels but that was where Google Maps brought us no but where are the fries where are the fries where is the little boy doing we're walking the wrong way let's go that way let's go that way I've actually been here a few times but I always stay a little bit closer to Grand Place however right now we got a Best Western um Best Western City Center and to be honest it's really nice we paid about $150 a night and we're with glattus his m mom my mom just left and we got like a triple bedroom and it's pretty cool it's nice I like it I like it it's cozy huh mhm the internet don't work but we we'll worry about that later the heater does that's the important part yeah that's important it's very warm when you get inside so that's good yeah that's good and it has a window I like that it does a few windows so we propped it open once it got a little bit too hot then we had to close it right away but yeah join us as we explore Brussels at night the cathedral bills are going off right now that's so beautiful huh wow that Cathedral is beautiful it almost looks like the notra dam kind of yeah it's very similar huh it's like that go Gothic architecture oh I love those SS they're beautiful huh they cute all right let's let's follow the crap is that a walking now I'm almost starting to get a little too warm yeah it looks like a walking tour huh maybe they got one at night maybe we got to do that yeah that that would be a great idea I also saw the Hop On Hop off bus yeah we we might have to do that yeah that's a good plan here because this city I it's like on a hill a lot of yeah a lot of Hills so far huh M but yeah look at this guys a lot of Posta restaurants there's some bars oh there's a Stella bar right there the name of the restaurant aort wow that's cool man this area is already starting to pick up I think I like it no to be fair that's why I keep coming back to Brussels I really love this city so much look Scott's Bar and Kitchen oh and look at the snowflakes that's what we came here for wow this is beautiful okay man it's crazy how how different the streets change where's glattus at let's definitely cross into there what did you see over there oh nice that is some nice art 200 well let's cross over this looks like all the Christmas Vibes that we came here for oh this is so beautiful it is beautiful uh- huh okay thank you wow the bus drivers are kind galleries royales St huberts wow this is so beautiful guys this is why we came to Europe man for this y oh this is like the bougie Street okay no shopping for you m oh we did a lot of shopping already but no I'm joking GL gladus is a Shopaholic man we did shop why oh no that was the week before coming here I didn't have nothing at Paris or no we were busy in Paris I don't remember I remember in Paris look guys for those of you missed it I asked her to be with me for the rest of her life and her crazy butt said yes yes she got to deal with me forever but look at this guys I mean this here is why you come to Brussels in the winter time for all of the Christmas decorations the Christmas markets man it's awesome so beautiful looks like a Hallmark uh postcard wow a selection of the finest ban and international fragances wow you should buy one from we should go check that out huh look this here is a Belgium chocolate three wow the display is beautiful oh they sell hot chocolate inside of there as well hot chocolate you see that should I get one just to start the night just to start the night off right oh I think this goes on quite a ways let's let's try and get a hot chocolate at the at the Winter Market oh my God okay or do you want to go in there I don't know it's up to it's up to you it looks pretty cool huh look they got macarons and a bunch of hot air balloons I promise you we'll get you your hot chocolate okay okay we'll get one at the Winter Market perfect that way that way we at least buy something at the Winter Market we got to make sure we got the we keep the Vibes going but yeah look at this guys it's so beautiful in here look this is like a candy store actually let's go check out the uh the display real quick wow those are all kinds of uh Belgium chocolates right there they have the little boy the mannequin piss chocolate huh wow look at the be they're cute I like them and the envelopes oh yeah they all say Brussels look at that that is so beautiful man they're nice I like the mannequin piss chocolate wow that store is beautiful inside wow this is the ultimate Belgium chocolate store right here and look they got macaroons they're actually way cheaper than they were in France but they don't look as good as the ones in friends I'll say that H those ones don't look like the ones we had last night yeah but you know what um 11 and 60 EOS for D be is not bad because it's so cute and it's big glattus glattus judges everything by how cute it is yeah oh if it's cute it's not it's not bad just SP 50 year on a chocolate bear love I would love that somebody give me that as a e from beer that's beautiful sou man we should sit down right here for a beer you want man you guys are going to kill me you're going to be like well you didn't give glattus her hot chocolate and you want to sit down for a beer no hey I think they sell hot chocolate there too look I see them drinking hot chocolate no we can get it somewhere else you sure this is nice Vibes well want I just want a buuski oh look they got a hot chocolate right here what's over in this way silk scarves and fashion accessories oh that has your name all over it huh that is cool oh my God hand painted bags that is cool huh every guys I'm going to give you a pro tip every time your girlfriend or your Beyonce or your wife starts looking at like items like that man you got to grab her and be like all right we got to go to the Christmas or you just walk you just keep walking you just walk away look at this coffee oh they have ROM burito all you need is a waffle and bubble coffee you said what they have a what this is Romero Britto art look it's that guy Britto so it's like his signature art pieces the design yeah in everything he puts that kind of color and designs and look they have everything Mickey they are cool they're very unique huh they're very unique man I like this area I think your mom would love this spot yeah we have to bring her for sure this is nice this is amazing awesome wow look at this guys it's beautiful man definitely I feel like we should have started this video over in this area but hey we got to show you guys everything man not every street is ex like super lit up like this if you see videos that only show you this area and you arrive and you're by the North train station you're going to be like bro nobody showed me this and that's not what we're here for we're here to bring you guys the the reality but wow this is gorgeous this is the vibe I was looking for to be honest with you guys yeah see there's a lot of Tours going on even in the night time a lot of chocolate shops wow this is all chocolate no way wow that is guys that's all chocolate that's all chocolate this is a Chocolat did you see that what that's C limited edition oh yeah they are a serment of chocolates in collaboration with make a wish oh with Make A Wish Foundation man they make everything out of chocolate look at this I think we definitely got to try some chocolate tonight of course I don't think we should wait until tomorrow for the chocolate who is that Janos was a Swiss with Italian Roots when he arrived in Switzerland Jan's family changed his name from casan NOA to new house he wanted to become a doctor to help people and so he went to study medicine in Grand no he fa twice mainly because he could not bear the sight of blood he then moved and settled in Brussels in 1857 in the same year he opened a pharmacy in the prestigious Queen's gallery to the like his customers J covered his medicines with a fine layer of chocolate wow chocolate covered medicine he's a genius huh oh look at the train The Chocolate Train yeah glattus is in heaven we're definitely getting a box of those chocolates before we go of course man those look so good oh my God but the train needs everything it's cute [Music] huh wow this is beautiful oh they even have a cinemon inside of here that's nice that's super cool to see all right guys well I'll put the camera down for a second and I'll catch up with you once we make it on out of here once we sit down in a pub diamond diamonds a girl's best friend oh they got diamonds a some handbags more chocolate more chocolate I'm filming this dude who's filming me no I'm joking another theater that's cool store wow his camera is awesome he means business that man means business all right guys I'll put the camera down oh are we already walking out of here yeah maybe I shouldn't put it down keep filming yeah this is cool see everything man this is awesome I want to I really want to um my mom is going to love this is St look guys you if you bring your mom here they love all of this like table covers and stuff for the kitchen yeah you're right they do that's cute wow it's so beautiful here look at the Hat Shop cute I like that hat oh my God € 175 what it is a nice hat though huh is it rainproof yeah this place is awesome it's very beautiful here let me see where we're popping out of right now oh where already um arriving close to Grand Place so yeah this is perfect perfect stroll for tonight man there is a lot of people this is awesome I love it okay this is gorgeous guys look at this wow that's so beautiful no seriously there is something special about being in Brussels in the winter time I mean the architecture is just super beautiful and unique this is where's glce this is your first time here what do you think I love it it's beautiful it's so cute it's a little like a little town I really like it so much and all the lights makes you forget about the cold I'm not cold I'm not cold no more NE me neither oh and look at these little places right here where you can sit down and have a drink oh and I like what they have the fire so you can be warm but still sitting outside yeah that's cool should we sit down have a TR or have a french fries or have a french fries it's up to you oh look they got hot wine wow they got molded wine Vino CH vinch that's nice hot wine that looks like something we should definitely be diving on into too oh man a lot of waffles and donuts yeah this was a good little First Impressions walk I'm glad that we uh hopped on here and started making a video cuz we were actually a little bit tired off the bus ride a long bus ride can get you a bit sleepy oh yeah look this here's Grand Place we're making it wow that was actually quite easy of a walk to be fair I think the first 10 minutes felt like a lifetime or the first 15 minutes felt like a lifetime cuz it was really dark but now we're in the Heart of the City look a souman yours everything's open oh glattus let me show you something cool that you're going to love okay yeah the magnets magnets are the key to her heart show show look at this look at what we have here waffles guys you can't come to Belgium and not have waffles wow those look great huh you want one yeah I think we should doing okay all right let's run in there what flavor I I know I no you choose the flavor okay yeah this is your first time here o even the plain one looks nice oh yeah it's co it's toasty in here too huh okay so for a Brussels waffle it's $44.90 and then a leash waffle is €3 wow what's the I guess the difference is the shape and then you can add the toppings like they charge You2 EUR for Nutella another 180 for whipped cream another €230 for banana holy [ __ ] I miss Asia 230 for a banana I mean Venezuela what did you say I get like 12 like 12 bananas huh it's okay it's okay we'll pay the Belgium price man look they even got paninis and bubble iced tea this place is beautiful all right what are you thinking I think the Brussels waffle we D okay you like that yeah simple that sounds nice yeah this which this right yeah perfect what's the difference between this waffle and this waffle the difference is this one it's more soft and sweets they have sugar inside oh okay and um and so it's very sweet so this one I prefer without not too much toppings so the other one is LS and more crispy and we put powder sugar on the waffle so this one with some toppings like cream strawberries like this it's very good okay so can Cho well you want one of these with d say the Lun chair or do you want him to surprise us um okay surprise okay can you make us the best waffle we need to have for our first one in Belgium what would you get if it's your first time so for me I can recommend you some do you want do you like ice cream on no ice cream no ice cream so without ice cream so I can recommend you some like like this one like this one if you don't like do strawberries I have bananas and some uh I have some uh Speck frunch oh perfect like this it's very good okay what do you want Strawberry Banana I don't know it's hard for me for you banana banana banana so one or two we'll just do one one banana we got lot of eating to do today do you want something for drinks I'm like water or H would do a water oh do you want a hot chocolate I have hot chocolate or not yeah yeah we'll just do a water please one water one water yeah actually I'll pay car so it's 1450 1450 glus is going to kill me because she didn't get the one she wanted but we always like asking our locals everywhere we go like surprises yeah to be honest I would try the one that I said with d and the other one by itself it's totally different we can try them tomorrow like oh we have one more day for more waffles right what I do miss bananas that's something in my country we have everywhere every corner and she always says that the bananas never taste the same like they do in Venezuela let's see this ones okay let's try these ones but where the hell do they bring a banana from in Belgium it has to be somewhere far I don't know maybe Spain oh maybe Spain up from the islands I don't know no idea no idea we're about to find out the waffle should be out soon and we didn't get the hot chocolate cuz we got to make our way around we got to go have dinner still we got to have a beer and some hot chocolate french fries and french fries oh Belgium fries not french fries oh yeah Belgium fries what's the difference show me I don't know you guys tell us what's the difference so our beautiful waffle just came out and this is huge not what we were expecting huh I don't know how we're going to make it to fries and dinner and everything else yeah no wonder it's 15 yeah that's huge all right you go first okay you're going to be the first tester perfect but here is set for it for you let's do it together here's the for for me let's go for it is there a knife in there no huh it's a spoon oh yeah there we go man this is huge it's loaded the cream is so load you know what this looks like this looks like the Lotus Biscoff uh cookie lus is it y yeah I already tried it only that is delicious right yeah with the cream that might be the new move okay look here there's a oh please this is a St wow yeah it's you huge huh all right can you help me slice this one a little bit smaller right here in the middle yeah there we go all right let's try some banana with the cream we got to go the whole [Music] thing no way Jose bro that's crazy okay okay you have to travel to this spun to eat waffles yeah you got to come here and get one of these bad boys all right we're going to join our waffle and then we'll catch you guys back outside yo we said this thing's big we're about to crush this well that waffle hit the spots and that was crazy good huh I loved it and it was very fing I'm full I don't know how we're going to push through this but we are about we're we're about to go crazy I'm about to push through all of this do you all right so what are we going to go to a restaurant or are we just going to snack to be honest I could snack but like I want a proper oh oh but I would like a proper meal to be honest with youal you know what I can't feel good having a proper meal when there's when there's a guy right here asking for for some money and he says he needs help so let me grab him man you got to bless those when you can it's it's [ __ ] cold out here bro like I don't care if he wants to go buy a beer with this like go buy whatever you want all right let's keep it going see now I can feel good about drinking my beer that's what life's all about man it's it's damn cold out here though huh I can't even imagine living on the streets here what no way all right I'm about to shut up you guys got to watch this with me damn that is beautiful guys [Music] [Music] wow that's gorgeous huh so beautiful [Music] man I love this so much we actually saw one of these in um Budapest last year two years ago the mus [Music] [Music] I love the efforts that cities puts into this and they give tourist free shows yeah yeah yeah that's so cool man and they got a big beautiful Christmas tree in the middle this is why I like filming the videos as soon as we get here like we literally got here three 2 hours ago and we hadn't seen none of this if we would have seen this prior to coming out here we would have already known what to expect like this is damn cool man I'm glad I get to have moments like this with you all around the world with you I'm with you guys it's a blessing thank you guys so much [Music] wow all right well let's start walking around a little bit more actually let's come up here man I could imagine eating right here that's that's the move let's do that tomorrow yeah we'll do that with your mama wow look they got the best seat in the house oh man that's a nice spot for a beer [Music] oh is that like a Nazi uh naimo yeah yeah it is huh let me show you guys it's it's a what is it again n yeah exactly in sorry in English like how would you explain it it's when Jesus was born yeah righta setation of that moment yeah when Jesus was born with the magos with the I know them as the magos yeah the Tre the three the three kings or oh the three I I I don't know the translation in English guys sorry but yeah look at that the donkey they have all the up yeah this is beautiful huh wow so beautiful I'm glad we came across that right now all right well let's go in let's go let's go get some food babe Wow Let's go get some some yum yum I'm I'm hungry it's like a actual an actual tree huh oh wait they're taking pictures let's go this way yeah that is an actual tree I want to go see the Rockefeller maybe next year we do Christmas let us know what you think Christmas in New York City bro comment comment comment let me know down below City or or New York City yeah where else is cool for Christmas no okay we either go New York City or we go do something crazy like go to Finland and go with the the Santa Claus Santa Claus village something like that we got to do something every year unique for Christmas let me know if you guys are enjoying this um this video so far but that was amazing and I love that they got a countdown so it must be happening it happens every half hour probably starting once it gets dark but man these the lights are beautiful so yeah the show happens I guess every 30 minutes but I mean the lights don't stop beautiful okay so just outside of grand place they do have like a Christmas Market look at this guys here they got a winter bar oh literally a winter bar they got Jagger everywhere man it's right in front of this I don't know Museum a theater of some sort but I'm not going to show you guys this area just yet we got to put the camera down I'm going to come back out here tomorrow and we'll actually explore the Christmas Market huh that's a good idea so let me put the camera down and I'll catch up with you guys once we sit down and get some grub cuz you know that waffle I was saying that I'm a little bit full but I can actually eat I could actually eat a little bit more oh man is this all at the winter mark it is oh bro you know what let's browse let's browse let's browse let's browse but I'm I think I think I might not make another one then I thought it was going to be a lot bigger than this there has to be a bigger one huh let's ask well look sandwich ret classic oh god oh that's bomb huh should I get one is this where we're going to end up eating tonight I don't know I don't know I kind of want to sit down somewhere don't you okay n gladus is like hell no I don't want to sit down nowhere yeah yeah let's let's see though it's early the thing is we think it's very late yeah well we get dark we've had a long day at 700 p.m. what yeah it's only 700 p.m. but yeah wow there's actually not a whole lot going on as far as food wise it's like a lot of vendor selling things hm where's the best winter markets guys I think the best ones might be in Germany everybody says Germany I can imagine Switzerland there did they yeah we're going to Vienna that's going to be sick that's the very best one that's a very popular one oh yeah this is nice okay there's a bit of things going on but it's a lot of shopping look stockings you got like some jewelry over here A whole lot of bars and pubs along the side but yeah this is cool I like it but I like I want to go to like one of those winter markets like the one I was at in front of the Eiffel Tower where there was a bunch of food like that's what I want to do I just want to eat a specific area for food yeah maybe we should ask huh we'll get that info we'll get that info I don't care if I got to go somewhere else in the city to to go and find one we will find one dude how are girls like wearing like like that guys like they're in skirts and shorts short showing the whole leg bro it is cold as hell let me show you guys so you know that I'm not I don't want you guys to be like oh Chris you're you're a little too much glad is like too much that's not what I was going for too much okay it says here you tell me what that says it says 5° feels like minus two feels like minus two but like I said I feel like it's - 4 all right guys enough yapper I showed you guys a little bit of the streets I'm going to put the C cammera down now and I'll catch up with you guys here in a little bit all right okay so this street here is very beautiful they got this little arch with lights and I think I like the way that this restaurant sounds right now the pizzeria we're going to jump on in there how's that sound I like it because I can see fire so you can be warm yeah you can be warm and guess what guys we spotted the food section it's big it's big but I'm not going to show you guys yet tomorrow that's going to be the video cuz we only got 2 days here and this City Center is pretty much where you spend your time as a tourist so tomorrow we're going to go to the Christmas Market and we'll go on a food tour yes take that take that but yeah let's go sit down right now and let's grab ourselves some food hello how are you fine fine you good this looks beautiful thank you um thank you can we sit down you can sit you want to sit outside or inside I think I like it I don't know up to you inside we we can put also the Waring if you want on oh you can also turn that on yeah let's do outside outside then thank you so much choose the table okay maybe it's better this because you're going to have more warm okay yes do the second one choose Thank you you're welcome oh this is beautiful it's cozy it's cozy you got to sit outside when you're here in the winter time right it's beautiful it's beautiful but I have cold you're cold huh you come from um I'm from the United States she's from Venezuela oh where you come from I'm from Croatia Croatia I love your country I was there 5 years ago yeah where I went to Pula H zadar my family is in Pula really I love it baby they got a colos it's beautiful an Amphitheater I have to go very beautiful Okay C is beautiful but you he also say to be and you have uh amazing food the BK the chipi chapi chapi yeah but you she must have go I must take her yeah so you must go kak yeah you know everything you eat the best food mhm good good so you in on holiday yes holiday uh Europe we're Europe we're going seven countries to see the different Christmas markets you know good good now it's beautiful everywhere it's beautiful it's very beautiful but also you are from United States which California California and there how is there it's it's it's nice nice yeah but um we don't really have like the Christmas Market thing going on no oh it's yeah people decorate the houses yes with lights Christmas Market yeah but no Christmas Market I'm not sure why I think it's that's your European I think yeah yeah but when I see on the TV like in New York no New York New York New York they do I we never been never or just Christmas no never for Christmas I was in New York but also not for Christmas but I say I must have go for Christmas me too one day we were just talking about that we were like we have maybe next year we go for christm God in TV it's so beautiful so beautiful I know oh I must to go how's Croatia during Christmas yeah it's also zag it's zag is very beautiful zag is very beautiful wow it's also very beautiful you must to go also there in zagre for uh Christmas you guys eat the um for Christmas you eat like K and he knows CH and he eats everything and for for Christmas for Christmas for Christmas you eat Sarma yeah it's and here we have our Belgian beer now I actually went with the Bell pills they didn't have a Stella I wanted a Stella because well that's all I know right I wanted a Stella so I got the Bell pills cheers guys oh that's delicious cheers and we actually got a margarita pizza but that's not it once we leave here that's just a little snack once we leave here what are we getting I still want my vum the Belgium fries we're going to go get Belgium fries so we're sitting down having a beer a little pizza then we're going to go check out the mannequin piss and finish off with some Belgium fries or maybe the Belgium fries before oh look she has her fries she has her fries so yeah that's what we're going to do and we just got done looking up things to do in Belgium or in Brussels and everything that everything online every recommendation are basically TS leaving Brussels like going to other surrounding cities in Amsterdam Luxenberg things like that so yeah we're going to have our pizza and then we'll continue our walk around oh man right as I put the camera down the pizza came out this looks amazing all right well bonea Petit we're going to get through this pizza and we'll see you guys here in a minute glattus is already looking up breakfast spots and she just found the most incredible invention eggs benedict on a waffle and look at this breakfast burger with go cheese that's crazy okay the pizza hit the spots and we wanted some fries but tell them about that line oh my my God the line was so long so long that we might have to pass with this yeah right now it's brutal guys it says that it feels like minus two but we're on our way to the mannequin piss we're going to go see the mannequin piss and then we're going to get on out of here cuz I got a piss but uh right now this here is the street where the mannequin piss is at and it looks like they have fries here but to be honest if there's not a line I probably don't want them no no no that place looks dead it's waffles it's waffles huh yeah they just got the fries outside oh no look this is the French fry place oh okay let's do it let's do it let's get some fries it's open hello hello how are you bro hello um how did you order this so we have two sides big and big and we have sauce oh so we choose the size and then the sauce exactly perfect okay it's going to be regular oh look at this I know and magin St trle yep that's it thank you it's always this cold in the winter welcome to B are you from Belgium yeah so I'm from Morocco but I'm you're from Morocco bro I love Morocco yeah we we gone many times man I think I spent like 5 months there in total but yeah we wi this year I've been to Tangier tan um maresa where did we go my AER Tanger is your city bro I love Tanger Tanger is fun man very nice country this year we went to kasablanca we always see Tajin and oh this year we went to Casablanca and Rabat yeah yeah yeah you guys always eat couscous on on Friday yeah yeah theine yeah man you should put the bill here oh and then it gives you the change here that's cool here bro here's a tip for you cuz you're from Morocco thank you so thank you so these fries are fresh huh we could with the beef oil with beef oil wow bomb SE that oh yeah beef talo that's bomb the a lot of Moroccan people here yeah [Music] yeah people is everywhere bro everywhere in the world bro everywhere where I go there's Moroccan people the babush bab yeah bro babush I love the babush and the little dessert that is like which one like a little square that is no in the in the um in the place that I like ah the konafi kaaf yeah yeah yeah I love kaaf the kaaf so this is like crabs in France yeah bro what's the difference between Belgium fries and french fries the name H so you eat fries in you in FS I like that he's like come on bro I didn't have to tell you that which sauce is your favorite I need a sauce oh okay may before I'm yeah it's just thank you brother thank you thank you oh there you go o my first volum fry I think that's going to be hot M it's hot mhm you're like I'll take it right now though oh thank you bro thank you this is the and sauce you can't choose well let's try this let's see see which one you like oh that one it's a little bit spicy yeah I like both I like both both trule trule yeah trule truffle thank you here we won't wait this we won't waste this thank you very much wow that's delicious damn I like that one too it's bomb yeah but the trule is very good I'm not going to lie thank you bro have a good night okay I think we're good yeah thank you bro excuse me all right so we got glattus her fries her her frits it's La hey man why is everybody waiting in the line over there now I kind of want to find out though I think it's maybe cuz it's near the Christmas Market yeah probably but oh you just mix both the sausage huh you're a little wild one M oh God that's good huh delicious I always ask people where they're from when whenever they're like super kind and nice to me because yeah chances are they're always from North Africa when you're in Europe every time I ask somebody oh where you from they're like Algeria Morocco Tunisia it's nice the hospitality yeah all right let's try one with the Truffle sauce man they gave you a lot of sauce too I love truffle and I like the set them you want this sauce to be honest I'm like I could have just ate I could have just ate this instead of the pizza yeah damn that's good yeah but we didn't know it was an Italian restaurant like it's only Italian food but it was Del it was beautiful so we sat down the lady was so sweet yeah yeah all right well you know what let's walk cuz the mannequin piss is right here and then I'm ending this video okay well let glad us do that and let's walk over this way actually you know what no I want to wait for glattus because she's never seen this before you want to go meet this little guy I actually had a waffle right around here one time and yeah it was pretty bad to be fair that's yeah look look at what they make look at this you see that the little mannequin wiener waffle and here is the mannequin piss oh true we saw those in France but yeah look at this here's the mannequin piss oh God it's here it's tiny huh glattus thought it was a big statue it's tiny isn't it that's cute and I heard that they actually dress it up and change the decorations around depending on the time of year yeah it's peen but it has a time does it have a time or it goes like that all day I think it's like that all day long but yeah it's literally it's mini I think we were reading online that it's only like 55 cm tall but yeah guys come here let's finish up this video it's cold it's cold and we're about to get a uber huh mhm hey it's cute huh but it's tiny it's very tiny I like it it's funny it is funny huh and I love how the country is like um take advantage of that kind of thing to help the economy so it's good for everybody yeah a lot of people come out this way just to see that yeah and we were actually reading online that that is not the original one the original one was getting damaged and people tried stealing it so they actually put it in the Brussels Museum so this year is like a replica and oh I think they want to get in this one here is a replica and it's beautiful it's cool to see it and every time every season you come it's always going to be a little bit different anyways cheers to Brussels new country together new country together with you guys thank you so much and yeah now we're going to have some fries and jump in Uber it's cold it's too cold for us bye bye later guys see you later you were always smarter I was the one to take a love I remember how we started [Music]
2024-12-21 19:34