Lost in the Medina of Algiers

Lost in the Medina of Algiers

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wow I cannot believe this this is going  to be my first time trying coffee with   water roses maybe that's why the cop  has look little roses all around oh 2,   and a half okay so I take this one I take  this one wow I like this um T-shirt hello   hello hi is this our gills yes the C  wow city the kasba city um how much it's ,500 and you have more models uh more other other  yes I have can I see hello guys and welcome to   a new video from here the beautiful country of  Algeria right now I am in alers this country's   capital and I am going to explore for a really  important place here which is the kasba or also   called or known for us the foreigners as Medina  kasba it's like the Heart of the City and it was   built by the Automan Empire when they arrive here  and start building um this place called kasba so   it's very old very important and of course a must  if you ever come to alers you got to come and   visit Medina right now I am about to enter and I  am doing this video from the top side of the kasba   I am going to enter in this place called the new  door or bab jit that's the door and Chris is going   to join me what's up guys in this new adventure  from this country I think we're approaching the   entrance and I think this is this is also the best  way because we are going to walk down if you start   from downstairs from Marty Square you're going  to go up the entire time and you're going to get   very very tired but here I think this is the hack  we start walking the Medina through this alley   also called new door okay so somebody is calling  me in the middle of my video I'll catch um I'll   grab my phone later wow look at this we are um  here with some souvenirs W you know what I want   you know a jersey a Jersey from Al Algeria like  the national Jersey I wonder which one is maybe   that one hello hello hello um which one is the  National National t-shirt t-shirt this which one oh I wanton the national Algeria  Algeria t-shirt for me which one   for her for you yes for me uh what  color uh the most popular color uh M color um the most popular you s me  I don't know no he's asking you if   you want the one with the Palestine flag or  the Algerian flag I think it's a flagi yeah   Algerian flag I I want to show the world  the most popular the color that everybody uses they have they have an of  Algeria and palestin oh that's   the most popular right now like to go to the  stadium and what about one with like uh the leag Le that one okay what size uh medium what's  the price m m super and what's the price uh 2, half 2, and a half 2, and a half okay so  I take this one I take thank you bro thank you   I'm G if you want to G I'm here thank you thank  you thank you so much wow so yeah here in the   Medina the the guys like are popular you can  rather do the oh with pink okay okay that one   is also beautiful because it has pink color  as small I think a small seed let me see yes   yes mhm a small okay here I'm going to give you  2,000 and then one more th000 so 2,600 it's like okay for a woman with pink excuse wow here in the streets you can find  everything and there's um also uh like people   love uh two teams two football teams usma or  MCA and that's how I think they they he's wna   now he's going to get changed for me but yeah  if you don't buy like a national football   jersey you can choose usma or MCA you already  chose your team I got a I'm both I got a usma   shirt and an MC Mercy W and look at this we  have key chains and other stuff but this is   just the beginning yeah I got the Jersey from  the thank you sirell time thank you thank you   we want to do a guided tour I come look for you  yeah yeah I'll give you my telephone number yeah   give it to me glus actually wants to do a guided  tour probably tomor because you know guys I'm also   filming for my Spanish Channel and I also like  want to take pictures so I need to come uh no   filming and just take pictures and maybe that  day I can be with the guy around actually the   other day I met Mr I think it was Pascal that it's  also a tour guy I met him downstairs around Marty   Square so I can either come with him or Mr Pascal  there's a lot of guyses here and it's my recomend   my recommendation for you to take a guy if you  don't want to get lost around Casa because this   is very big but it's your preference you can do  the Tour by yourself or you can do the tour with   a tour guide It's you know both are fun thank you  hello okay let's go look MC territory so super   hello we're in the we're in the MCA streets you  can tell by the colors you can tell by the colors   wow the Medina or the kasba this is so beautiful  look at the floor it's crazy to think how many   years uh how do you say before this was uh build  yeah this thing what what we read it was built   like um several hundred years ago I mean over  a thousand years ago right it's because of the   Ottomans um when they arrived here I believe they  arrived here what year did you tell me I forgot   I don't know I don't remember right now she's  like don't put me in this situation do you guys   please let me know that information in the comment  section of this video what year the Ottomans came   here I think it was right after Christ like  the very um over 2,000 years ago yes that's   maybe would be in the 8th Century 8th Century  the Turks were here in the 15th century but the thank you okay thank you so much so that was  year 700 yes so it was 2,000 years ago when this   was built imagine that my God lot of history  a lot of history I like that the ruls or the   streets are name this is through Omar buas and we  have here a mural so beautiful okay I am going to   be walking Chris is taking some pictures and  also videos for me and something I really like   about this old place are the doors look at these  doors so beautiful they were built on wood with   details like this columns so beautiful right and  yes I think this is definitely the best way to   explore the Medina going down sorry guys I  need I need to do some exercise um there's   some places that you have to visit here inside  the Medina I think there's museums a famous   restaurant with traditional food also of course  MK but well I am just going with the flow to see   what happens look at these the traditional doors  from the ca what if you open this one oh it's a   mirror oh my God to do your makeup so beautiful  and look at this little portrait so glattus is   definitely doing it right guys because um I had  the intention of coming and buying souvenirs and   I was walking from the bottom up don't do it that  way cuz there's no souvenirs come on silly I read   online it's better to go to a new door but well  uh these are ke chains wow so many cute stuff I   really love I really love the the frame huh the  frame yeah oh and look at this detail it's like   on the wall that is so cute okay everything looks  very beautiful but there's I think the people from   this um shop are busy so let's keep going maybe  we find um another one with little souvenirs well   the entrance of this house oh look at the  birds oh it's a barber Tob yes probably   yeah very beautiful I couldn't tell you that  because they said like no so let's keep going   but nice for you oh I wonder look at this  I wonder if this is a place where you can   sit down and have teeth oh my God I wish  do you think so probably hello yes hello you guys serve te te you want  oh yeah hello what your name   am I am glad nice to meet you good nice to meet you Jasmine hello yes can we sit down right  here thank you Mery wow this is A vibe and   look I'm going to sit on top of some animal  yeah I wonder what it is the leather oh the   the little tables are so cute okay guys let's  um well let's order some tea here maybe they   come maybe we have to go I don't know how this  works let's figure it out let's check thank you   let the te here I asked here hello um you have  coffee and tea coffee tea one tea one coffee   okay please thank you sit sit and uh thank you  so much super and we also have some sweets oo delicious only I I only speak English and  Spanish MCA yes you like MCA wa yes no no no no usma everybody it's either MCA or usma yesma wow  look at this I think this is one of the old um   Chris how do you say maybe faucet Fountain time  I think this is one of the old phone um so they   were all around the city and people used to um  have water from here they are very very old um   very very very historical uh places or yeah like  places from here the Kasa and I think only 11 uh   there's 11 left that are actually working so that  could be a challenge you know finding the faucets   or the fountain times around kasba okay let's  wait for or t you want to sit like more in the   you know what I want to sit here yeah in the  shade huh imagine this picture hello how are   you hello how are you God bless you thank you  God bless you too I wonder if I can respond   to that inala like I hope like God hope I think  so yes well oh this oh look I ordered a tea for   you a coffee for me for you for me thank you  here wel come wow this is beautiful thank you   beautiful beautiful restaurant thank you thank  you thank you so much so cute Algerian sweets   Algerian sweets uh which one is your favorite  maybe I don't know it's two s it's two SIM uh   1,200 okay uh and for amount oh 1,200 like a few  one one piece ah okay one piece yes um maybe I   don't know which one do you recommend it's to seem  good sweet this one yeah what's what's the name   Baka Bak laava yes I love Bak laava One Piece  One Piece thank you so much you are welcome so   this is traditional from argeria traditional  from argeria yes people here like sweets yes   okay we like sweets yes sweet with coffee yes  um and uh uh uh uh uh water okay of uh uh Rose   oh rose water rose water coffee with rose  water wow my first time trying that no vuela   I speak thank you so much wow I cannot believe  this this is going to be my first time trying   coffee with water roses maybe that's why  the cup has look little roses all around oh wow delicious yeah thank you so much and smell  like roses and yes tastes like roses I do you   want to try I know you can drink this let me  try it let me try it do does it actually smell   like it yes um it does smell nice like I  know that's um water roses smell because   wow yeah um I think I think we had the rose  water for the face for the face in Mexico and   Asia too yeah as well that's nice wow yeah  never in my life I thought I was drinking   coffee made with roses water you know and here  what I have the b laaba h la la okay I really   love bav it's one of my favorite desserts  from all around the world so let's try this one delicious it's not too sweet like it's on  the point so let's enjoy your little how do   you say Mara or little snack snack yeah a little  snack and this is the tea we order for a crease   it's um like it's weird that they don't give  you a pot right because they always give you   a pot but this is perfect size like you drink and  you just keep going around the the Kasa so let's   enjoy our snack and let me know in the section  guys what kind of people do you are coffee or tea than for your visit oh thank you  thank you how much uh 13 13 um no I I I   went Christmas time December ah December yeah  in December I was in frankurt yeah too cold bro Chris already made some friends  yeah 20 oh it's good it's good yeah   thank you so much Chris is helping me  with all the stuff we take turns guys   she helps me when I'm filming I help her  when she's filming teamwork that's how   you make the dream work thank you yes of  course um yeah YouTube channel okay mine is thank you oh same shoes except yours are nice mine are  dirty this is mine yeah okay and he here I'll   help you yeah do yours see glad is all one hand  struggling you guys like to watch YouTube yeah yes   my first Algeria video thank you so much thank  you brother thank you so much good day bye bye   thank you so much bye Mex bye thank you beautiful  place thank you thank you so much wow that ladies   I I love her like I don't know her but I love  her the chop is so beautiful and guys it was 450   dinner in total both the tea the coffee and also  the back lava can you believe that deal Chris 450   dinner two bucks for or snack wow wait I want to  see something in this alley this is why it's very   common to get lost around the Medina because you  start walking and then you get lost but I wanted   to see this door wow is it beautiful wow that well  to me it's spectacular yes yeah I mean this this   door guys to put it in perspective look this  door is 2,000 years old it is literally 1,700   years older than my entire country literally  like that is insane when you think about it   like that W imagine Venezuela was discovered  around be careful 1,500 milkos uhhuh and the   Spanish is started building and stuff there this  was already here like 500 no 1,0000 years before   that wow so man it's crazy when you think about it  like that like now like I it even put like chills   on my arms like man that's crazy that's why or  a continent it's called the new continent yeah   because here way before they were constructing  and you know uh uh de develop developing the   cities and oh look at this view it's like a a  ruin oh my God I think that was a phone sign   as well and you can see people are going down  to their houses but look at this building it   was probably so beautiful Chris is taking some  pictures so I'm sorry guys because don't worry   it's okay if you want look at the cat like look  at the cat chilling there's so many cats in here   if you want to see all the pictures you got to  go to our Instagram page wish G and Gladis Sia   it's mine and wow the view from here look all  the Mediterranean SE and it's also a peaceful place MCA want you MCA yeah MCA MCA wow it's a peaceful place guys here the the  sound nothing but peace right here we have   some murals this is a Viewpoint I think wow that  is go I've never seen a Medina like this before yeah let's get inside to  see look another cat hello Cat let's see here at the Viewpoint what do we have more like ruins and yeah the beautiful view   we have the great MK over there  a mural with a bird this is my favorite this place is incredible I mean that  entire view is just stunning and can you I didn't   really notice how many mountains were off into  the distance did you see that yeah um this country   is famous for the atlas the atlas mountaine  oh true the atlas run through here as well   yeah so I think it's Coast on the North in the  middle of the country it's mtin and at the very   very south it's the desert the Sahara yeah  the Sahara yeah I don't know glattus I think   we should miss our trip to Rome and stay here  longer oh my God yeah I think I think that I   think it's worth missing out all the money from  the hotels remember where my Visa runs out like   you can that's the reason we booked the flight  leaving guys is because Gladis they gave her a   different Visa than me but you know what  hopefully with all these videos that we   are that we're making here maybe the uh the  Algerian consulates will uh give us a one a   2 year Visa or three year Visa please leave in  the comments please give Glades a threeyear Visa   hello hello look at look at the cat oh poor  cat he's missing a nighte oh my god wow I can   of smell some glue what is this is this cosba  like it's a collaboration look wow I like this   um T-shirt hello hello hi is this our gills yes  the wow city the kasba city um how much it's ,500 and you have more models uh more other other  yes I have can I see let's see because why not   what size m l m m this it's very beautiful for  woman wow what is this this is the uh leio the   in English I don't know leio the the the the  the average of of of uh of a house the interior   of house interior of a traditional house like  a r yes yes this this and the leard comes up wow very here is oh leio yes you make this yes wow very  beautiful and what else do you have okay I   have in in in black in black like this but uh it's  this is some the Kasa this is a door of a door of   the KAS or or door of Kasa okay original door  with Street the the doors we see are Originals   yes yes the same doors the same doors because  the the doors of the Kasa of Al are not like   Moro or Tunisia okay not the same model and the  same colors okay it's it's different and these   ones here they uh you they're protected huh no  one can change the door here yes yes but uh but uh here in Algeria it's we are are I am I can't  change no no yes we can't change and Morocco   or Tunisia the kasba is is is is U is very very  important yes but here in Algeria it's not it's   very important but it's too late to to to to to  reserve it preserve it yes it's too late because   uh the last years the the the situation degrade  or degrade and especially because it's the sea   yes yes and it's yes and now you will you will  find some some houses uh which with her with her   propri or I don't know in English propri propri  the owners yes he he he do the the oh the owners   are like rebuild like preserve the houses to  conserve it and to to enter the the the the   uh tourism and the yes that's beautiful that's  beautiful yeah okay super I think I'm going to   and I have like this this one I have I have like  this wow I I want to go inside of a house yes yes   this m but the M of this and this on this is not  the not the same the same I like the white one   yeah I I like this one because because different  Mark different yes I this is very beautiful I take   this one okay the the the whole Kasa yeah the from  from the Ste Square from s from the no that's from   the sea the sea from the sea from the sea here is  the uh yes the port and here is the the boulevar   and here the C the Bazar where you buy oh here's  the grand post yes yes okay wow super beautiful I   love it thank you for your explanation I I I  give you uh uh okay sir to protect it yeah I   want to um I want to buy something from your  shop too yes you're very nice guy thank you   and I think it's important to preserve the the  kasba excuse so sorry the kasba the kasba our   kasba is n as is very very very it's not large  it's very narrow narrow narrow and uh my uh my   my uh my shop is narrow yes is no you have a nice  shop but to be honest guys I was looking at these   oh those are so cute yes this I have like the the  three colors I have this and then green yes and   the blue here is oh you know what I think you I  think I like the blue I like them all but the blue   and this and the it's for decoration butter butter  M oh for butter what's the price the price is 1,300 okay 1,300 and this 1,600 1,600 this is  bigger than this okay okay okay and I have like   this with with with Street of kasaba this 1,500 oh  that one's nice huh yes uh it's to uh on TV or on   uh I like it which one do you like lce but I have  like this wow the blue the blue yeah okay let me   get the blue one sir he has so many beautiful  things like look at the belts with bling bling   yeah yeah super so how much do we owe you sir uh  the shirts and this uh one uh I will give you 100   you you will give me 2,000 2,000 no no uh you will  give me 3,000 uh 3,000 and I will give you uh 1   100 3,000 how much was your shirt 1,300 1,50 and  1, thank you no it's okay no I had the math wrong   in my head I thought the shirt was 500 okay yeah  super thank you so much sir wow this CH 100 you   think maybe you can put so it it doesn't break  yes yes yes thank you are you are you I bought   that but I bought it for glattus they're beautiful  but I know I know her mom and her they love having   like a bunch of little um ceramic like cute things  like that yeah what do you call them like yeah   little decorations right yeah decorations excuse  me you are from what country because I am United   States I am from Venezuela okay yes it's the the  the first time uh America Latin enter here the   wow oh really America yes French yes  german yes Spanish yes Italian yes but   uh sou America first time the first time  yes yeah she brings you good luck now so many here we we par to speak talk we speak no  we speak inshallah is God willing   yes I love the word inshah it's  beautiful in and to gr thank you mer if you are you if you want anything  here in kasba here is my Viber and WhatsApp   and here is my number in Algeria and here is my  email thank you I have I have agency I have agency   I have uh uh board the communication communication  agency okay because I I do this CRA I do this oh   for for individuals and for uh for a t-shirt or  tot bag or okay thank you so much Mr Muhammad   Muhammad your English is amazing very good English  thank you thank you and your your energy is   amazing thank you and I have I have my daughter if  you will come another time I have my daughter is   very very than me English better than yours better  than definitely we're we're going to meet her   because we want to come back okay because Algeria  to thank you and if you want anything anything I   am here and hear the Viber and the WhatsApp okay  perfect thank you so much have a good day thank you wow byebye super be beautiful chob this is the  um number in case you come one day to Algeria the   kasba gift by Muhammad personalized gift guys and  yeah like if we this hello this one has a a tea a   tea Salon okay let's keep going yes and it's so  it's so beautiful but people like Muhammad make   you feel like right at home that's why I couldn't  leave with just buying one thing I was like I want   to contribute because he's so right man it's so  important to preserve these sites and you you   know it is um a huge difference from when you go  to Morocco Tunisia he is absolutely right hello   the cosas are super beautiful and they need to be  uh preserved and they need to be well taken care   of because like this thing has been around for  2,000 years older than many countries so yes you   know it's a shame to see them falling apart and  um Algeria has so much potential as a country and   I hope that you know even though obviously some  people have left me comments and saying well we   don't want the all the tourism to come because  then it's going to ruin the culture the the way   of life but at the same time um sometimes tourism  is what helps preserve places because that's why   people keep coming yes and this is um how do you  say patrimonial patrimonial site it's a UNESCO   site I don't know if it's a UNESCO site but pmon  like it's um it's part it's like part of the it's   a very important cultural part of the the country  but I don't know if it's a a UNESCO side probably   it is but you'll let me guys know that in the  comment section and here I think we have one of   the phone times look how beautiful like this is  why I come to the Medina just to see the phone   times that one doesn't work this one doesn't  work but looks very beautiful let me take a picture pictures done I get so excited every  time I see one of those because I don't   no I just love them they're beautiful yeah  they're so beautiful okay so let let's keep   going you know what I was thinking that we  were um like in this um walking tour we were   going to find like everything open yeah  right but this is definitely a city where   people just leave here on the kaswa like not  super I mean it's super touristic but look at   at that door also amazing door yeah but it's not  like when you're entering like a Medina like in   okay like the mares Medina like nowadays it's full  of airbnbs and there are a couple local homes but   it's mainly souvenir shops and airbnbs you know  yeah exactly wow it's a a chop for is that a suit   shop to fix yeah to fix clothing yeah tailor for  for a woman I think it is here we have some kids   look another beautiful door with the moon wow oh  my God they definitely got in trouble here oh my God we are right now at this R retach what if we go now we get last wow kids are full of energy okay these are  traditional um Step Steps From the Medina like   very large large steps huh yeah large steps  they are traditional from here so you don't   get tired you know oh is that what it's for  yes that makes sense yeah because it's more   easy to go in larg steps than CH steps  yeah well we are right here to one of the   streets here um at the cash yeah maybe and look at  the buildings this is definitely a French building   or a building from the French era I don't know  what what direction chis what do you think I think   we should just keep going down right or that way  or maybe we go this way and then in another Street   we go down I have no idea yeah we en try that yeah  we can try so let's see yeah maybe I think it's   going to be like an another strip uh a street to  go down kids are leaving the school right now oh   I really like uh to see like the uniforms the  different uniforms uh from the schools around   the world this ones I've never seen uniforms like  this before also also uniforms in Japan are very particular well let's keep walking in this building we have the beautiful  Algerian flag did you know the meaning of   the colors I'm going to teach you no I don't  actually so green is for the land the red on   the star and the Moon is for the blood of the  maritur oh the moon and the star is the Muslim   symbol and the white I forgot I think the  white you almost had it yeah I almost got   it but uh people are going to help me here in  the comment section the white of the Algerian   flag what does it mean I almost got it what did  she say she said good luck like welcome oh thank   you thank you so much this building is also very  beautiful it's a Mosk it's a mosque wow it's a madasa I wonder if we can go inside the  madasa I think madrasas are places where   you um study look at how far you can really  see how far down we've come like oh yes look   all those steps good thing we didn't come  from the bottom for my video we started at   the bottom and started walking up and I  was quickly over it yeah glattus had the   right idea that's why I let her do research yeah  definitely the the hack it's go to the new door right beautiful huh salum hello you know guys I'm not going to lie I've been  worried about the police the entire time because   people keep telling us that we're not allowed to  film on the streets but even the police walk by   us and they're all like salamay like God that's  why you can't listen to stereotypes man they ruin   places like I was scared I I was worried about  coming here me and Glades both were and look it's   nothing like man it's awesome dude even the police  yesterday a police officer took us to go change   our money so that we were safe in his personal  car yeah they're so nice I don't understand   like why everybody says so many like wrong  things about this place it's awesome man yeah   and you know what you know what is so cool the  uniforms are very like clean like perfect and   they're they are blue uniforms like very beautiful  and remind me of the it doesn't look like a police   uniform right it looks like a you know what it  reminds me of what like a train conductor yes   exactly hello I was about to say that like like  they look like the shans and drivers from Jaan   it's like so elegant yeah very elegant oh another  coffee shop coffee Chups are everywhere okay well   let's keep going down and there's you know what  I noticed here also in alj there's many Gardens   yeah many like we have the hammer Garden that is  so beautiful and it's it connects the um principal   library with the tele the cable car that takes you  to the Fine Art Museum and to the National or the   Marchers Monument on the top of the hill and then  we have another Garden around close to the Grand   the P yeah yeah yeah that it has a a letters that  says I I forgot what it's called a flower garden   yeah yeah and now we have this one right it's  it looks like a garden look look it it has a par   you know what I think has really surprised gladus  and I the most about this place is that it's just   so green like I I expected desert man I don't know  what I expected I just expected it to be like a   very dry climate but no it's very fresh green yes  yeah it's awesome so like when I for example when   I landed in Egypt everything was brown like the  whole airport everything is surrounded by dirts   the Cairo yeah and then here when we were Landing  in it was all palm trees yeah and maybe you expect   that when you say you're going to Africa right but  here yeah it's very green and I as I was telling   you the country like has different parts so here  it's very close to the ocean or the sea um and   then we have the mountains and then we have the  desert and definitely a lot of stairs in this city   yeah yeah look at this but it looks like we're  almost down now yeah so we definitely left the   Medina I think um you guys got to have a a tour  guide if you want to go to the places or the   traditional places inside the Medina like a famous  MOS or a famous restaurant or even to go inside of   a mum in the Medina or inside of a local house  probably after gu it's a good option and also   a place you got to um come and see it's uh right  at at the end um going down is the mosque that was   built by the by the Ottomans the Ottomans as well  and I think that's my favorite Mouse like all of   them are beautiful but that one is special because  it's very old yeah you know and and that is um so   nice that it's today it's there like stand up look  usma is here and somebody El the beef is real it's   funny because everybody's like either usma or MCA  but it seems like they all get along like I was   walking around with the jersey and the hat of both  and like everybody was like uh it's okay like no   one was like starting anything I feel like in in  certain countries like with sports man it can be   difficult so like I'm sure it is like that here  too you guys let us know in the comments do they   get Rowdy yeah I don't know who knows but you  know football lovers are are crazies yeah yeah   are crazy I don't know nothing about football  guys I I'm not into any sport but yeah I I know   because in my country it's the same with our team  well yeah definitely right now we're back on the   Main Street that was a nice little tour though we  met some nice people yeah Muhammad what a legend   everybody at the coffee shop was so nice like oh  the lady at the cof coffee shop was everything I   I am so happy um I met new people every time I  travel because that's what makes the countries   different you know the people the Traditions the  the food and well guys yes I hope you enjoy that   little tour around the Medina thank you so much  for watching if you want to come and see a little   a little bit more of the kasba maybe think about  uh hiring a tour guide and let me know in the   comment section what should I visit if I come back  to the kasba here in alers and what should I visit   in the kasba at Constantine yeah yeah yeah cuz  we're going to Constantine ni yes well thank you   so much for all your love your support and see  you guys in the next video bye-bye bye-bye he

2024-05-27 08:11

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