Lost in Georgia

Lost in Georgia

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we landed this morning and drove for hours into the rain the Snow Line finally reveals itself as we approach mestia our final destination for the trip but it almost feels like summer down the valley we finally meet with Nick and Fabi and David welcomes Us in his restaurant with amazing food and music we feel at home we discuss about skiing options and it shows us a picture one of his friend took while ski touring our eyes light up with joy as we know that's exactly what we came for [Music] two days later we are embarking on our journey driving on some of the most sketchy roads we've ever seen the scenery gets more and more unreal as we enter into the wild it feels like we just landed in another space time well that's how it all began [Music] [Music] foreign but going into unknown places that no one has been before that's scary as excited so we decided to go we knew that we'll be by ourselves a lot started touring went to the end of the valley and finally saw the Zone in our own eyes or do you think Nick why is going to be your next line nine ah there's so many options in my mind now that's pretty good I think we are in the right place on the right time now for sure we will have really good skink oh foreign [Music] Blown Away by the number of options and possibilities and also by the the quality of the snow at that time there was still some doubts remaining we didn't know about the Avalanches conditions about you know the temperatures how it was going to evolve but that was part of the fun and the adventure no we knew that we could not ski as fast as we wanted or jump as big as we wanted because we we could not injure ourselves like the triple have been over for all of us so yeah we took in consideration to to be safe and have fun for the team and for the trip [Music] foreign come on come on sick thank you so good foreign you guys came back because there was just a beautiful spine top to bottom and for me that was a way to test out the condition test the snow when you're not sure whether it's stable or not you know you kind of like staying on ridges and that's exactly what I did during the first day [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] feel like guiding or does it feel like just hanging out who both ways actually because for for the guide it's it's not easy but not hard as well to keep this line because I also feel this uh responsibility always when I go to the mountains even it's with friends or my guests it doesn't matter I have to check many things come on foreign [Music] with friends on this trip like friend exploration this area what we explored was also not known for me in Winter I always wanted to go there and I think these things happening on the right time so I think it was the right time with right people and I enjoyed it so much to be there it's okay yeah boys yeah man sick good day good skiing huh yeah awesome skiing good day yeah it was his first day we had a lot of fun snow was way better than expected definitely the the old team was pretty stoked about it and uh just smiling of the place we were with a nice Sunset around us and we're already looking for new lines for the next few days yeah I think that was the best way for nature to welcome Us in this Valley the same rule ugly boys [Music] [Applause] huh okay [Music] hang on [Music] make coffee this is okay guys dropping in five four three [Music] okay all right beta [Music] foreign [Applause] [Laughter] dog switch spend all all the weekend with us and climbed all the lines we climbed and we skied it but they were not faster but not also slower than us because they really enjoyed I think and it's really special and it's really nice when you have pets on that campsite and sharing the food and the wives with them it's it's nice all right and nine eight seven six five four three two one yeah Nick okay I can go in five five four three two one [Music] [Music] stop stop the whole phase is going down behind you yeah I see again but it looks more reactive on your side yeah [Music] foreign [Music] so after the second day we all came back at the camp with a huge smile on our face we chose some pretty exposed line that day that were pretty hard to reach so we were super happy to make it back safe and I think the dogs were also like even more happy than us because they made a big effort to come to the top of the lines with us so we made sure to feed them well so that they can keep on going with us the next day [Music] through the morning of the third day was pretty much one of the most difficult moments of the trip we had to put in Frozen boots Frozen gloves that was a super uncomfortable starts and we knew we had to go quite fast because of the temperatures rising and the Avalanche Danger so I think it took some extra motivation to focus on our line and go to the top [Music] what are you thinking for the snow looks good I think nice powder because it was pretty warm at the moment now but here's powder it's crazy spring conditions in my caucuses it is just MIDI I know I forgot to saw it was good [Music] we knew today was the last day with this really warm temperatures and the snow starting to to get heavy everything will be frozen tomorrow so we we decided to push it and enjoy your last line in this beautiful place [Music] I don't know yeah [Music] crazy dog crazy dog [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] the chocolate [Music] [Music] guys I'm all good that was a close call [Music] are you ready to to follow the the line I'm not going to ski on this left okay drop in [Music] holy that thing was huge huge did the celebrities or was it just enough to continue the full stop released I saw it and I was like pull off crazy straight on okay I'll drop down this Nerf with set sis sunk cat before Emma [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yeah boy yes so cool [Music] yes [Music] you don't fail oh foreign [Music] roads in Georgia starting and ending in cow

2023-01-20 23:44

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