Look Back: Week 1

Look Back: Week 1

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It's. 6:45. Just. Smell wearing for the car ride down. Nine-hour. Drive today, so. That'll be fine my my, going straight down to Tallahassee we're. Stopping. Down in. Nashville. First so that Nashville. Towards, the evening end of the night and. We'll sleep there. Minutes. Indiana and we are making a pit stop for a lunch most. Of my family got DQ, I got, Taco Bell but I had to veganize it I'll be there in five hours we're gonna get there around 5:00, 5:15. We. Made it to our hotel. More, like a motel I'm sure let's sail over. Got to see Luke Bryan and, Sam, hunt flies so. That was pretty great and we're walking over to. Whitehorse. For dinner every last, concert, somehow and it works out pretty great. It's. A lovely, eight o'clock morning down in Nashville. We are packing up our hotel, room so, we can head down to Tallahassee today, we, are stopping in Birmingham, to check. Out the Civil Rights Museum. Or, pack it up and then we're gonna eat some breakfast here at our motel and then. We'll be heading off the. Outfit. For the day is. Just. This white tank top and, some nice. Leggings. And. Some shoes since we're gonna be in the car most of the day today I want. To be comfy, not gonna experience a lot of the heat today because we're only gonna be down in the town from 10 a.m. till 12 so. It won't be too bad and then we'll be in the car for the most of the part, today. Let's. Go in shops open till 10:00 a.m. we. Are walking the bridge to the other side of the river, and. Then we'll be going on shops we walk down Broadway yet, again, like. We did last, night which is actually where the CMT, was. Held, it's. Not we gonna. Know about that but that's where we were we're on Broadway Street but Tennessee not the New. York point obviously and, we're, just walking the bridge and it'll be there's a shopping. Talk, about. We. Are in Birmingham. Alabama. We. Are looking at the Civil Rights Museum we, have about two hours and then we're, on our way to, Tallahassee. For the night and then, tomorrow we're leaving again. This. Is a six-inch. Baptist, Church. All. Right so we went to the Civil Rights Museum for, Birmingham and looked at the church and the statues, around. And, I. Did some pictures. And a couple videos of, this museum, I'm. Not sure how much I'm gonna post a, lot of it's really heavy topics. Or, has a big story with it so. I'll throw them some photos here and there in, this video so you can see at, least some of the stuff that's in there but I do recommend going to see it cuz, it really hits you hard especially, with the bus bombing, in there and you can see it yeah. But. We're going to get some food, before. We hit on the road for another five hours to, Tallahassee we. Are in Montgomery. Alabama still. Heading down in Tallahassee, we've. Got about, three. Hours so we get there it'll be twelve, o'clock and we're just staying there for the night and so, then we can leave the next day's, to. Make, it to Key Largo and, spend, some time there. Stuff. It's. 6:40. In the morning we got up at 5:00 got about three to four hours of sleep and. We unloaded up and ship and, we. Are on our way to Key. Largo right, when. We leave. All. Right we have an 8 and then we have an 8 and a half hour drive today all the way to Key Largo. So. That'll, be a heck. Of a drive. It, up and ship it out over here. Waiting. For the car to come up. We. Are at the skate park at the beach and I got, myself into a little corner over here.

Over. Here. Welcome. To Key Largo. We. Made it to Key Largo and. We're at our motel really. Really cute actually there's. Little, paths and there's little doors all over we, have our own beach here at this motel I'll insert the clip of the video whatever, looks like is very very cute but. They. Said we lose it today we're. Just kind of doing whatever we gotten a little later than we thought so we we. Walked out into our personal beach, this, is it behind me here I'm gonna turn around there's. Our personal beach and, yeah. And we have some nice little hammocks, I was in that one. We. Are on day four of our trip we, are still in Key Largo at our motel we're. Grabbing breakfast, this morning loading, up and heading out to Key West which. Is as far as you can go on the keys I don't. Doubt we're stopping in a bird sanctuary seeing. Some parrots, and stopping to see some flamingos as well and dating, some great photos with them. So. We made it to the bird sanctuary, all. These birds here, are have. Been. Surrendered. To here and. They rehabilitate and. Have released a lot and the ones that you. See me videoing, will have not been able to be released so they had to stay here. This. Is what you're hearing is the laughing, gold. We're. In Key West and, we just went to our hotel to drop some stuff off, and. We're heading to, who, Nancy's for a secret garden to see some Paris take some pictures with them and then, we, are heading to, a, butterfly. And flamingos like sanctuary type very type thing takes. A potion with some flamingos as well and see some butterflies. Chickens. Come freely here. My. Sanctuary, or conservatory. We. Ended, up going to the, Florida. The. Key West, aquarium. Which was actually really quaint and really small barely raining at our hotel we. Are just, having some down time before, we head out to get some dinner and, go watch the sunset on the beach yet again we'll. Be heading back here, and just, going and it's, been yesterday, after. The rain finally let up now in the town to go get some food and chop it out a little bit and we came back pink that are in our hotel and, today, we are heading off for an all-day snorkeling. Trip to our ferry ride out, there into our ferry rides back so I will. We. Have access to nothing look 12 hours after we left this morning so, it was a very long day. We're. Going to go. To the, green parrot 2 million for my sister to have her first drink cuz it's your 21st today, and then. After, that when we get some dinner but. Otherwise that's about all, we've done today is go out to the. Island. Then and then we came back and we wouldn't kinda just chillin for now trying to get some aloe on us yeah get right a bitter. Day. -. Happy. Birthday to you, every. Birthday dear, Gabrielle. That'll, be right they do you. Good. Morning, everyone it. Is 8:30, in the morning. We. Are, heading. Off with, leaving Key West for good and. We're heading up to marathon -, to another Island, no. Marathons, the name of the island we're. Going kayaking there. And. Seeing a sea turtle Hospital believer. Staying there for the night and. Then I'll be leaving leaving, again.

Next Day so. We're here today. Do, you hear. It. Yeah. Unfortunately we did not go out to kayak and we. Actually. Weren't even there because. We. Just made it to marathon. It. Was just another key, heading. Back up the keys. And. We at our hotel. Waiting. For the purse doesn't become one Locker to order because there's locks, and they tell us a bit and locked we're. At the top floor. Yeah. Look. There's everyone down here. And. Failing. I'll. Wait and see when I view all of these have a mile bridge though and. The ocean. You're. Our eternal. Loser. So. We are, with, the net for a, little, bit now we, went. To turtle hospital then we came back to. An. Area near our hotel because, there is a. Little. Restaurant, that is right there will come to watch the sunset right now. That's. The, restaurant we get out you can hear the guys sucking that well soon be there. There's. A beautiful, view a seven mile bridge running, through there it's. 7:00 in the morning we, are checking, out of our marathon, our, hotel in marathon right now we. Are about to head out to Everglades City so, we can go on a jet, fan boat ride and look Alan gays alligators. And. Just. Look at the Everglades. My. Sisters are out here with you I know that's, Emily and Gabrielle, goes out here, well. Outside of the day. Wearing. Black overalls and, a. Pink, camo shirt and. Black. Tennis shoes. Get, the kiks kiks got. The cakes brush kicks. Otherwise. That's. About it for the day. And. Everyday, it's a national park, we saw some alligators, and some birds and. A turtle and, we are surrounded by lily pads right now which. Is actually gorgeous. This. Is about all we're doing today and then we're heading up another. Park my, mom's friend and her kids. It's. The clothes because, everything, closes so freakin early in this town.

2019-02-02 00:02

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