Long Distance Motorcycle Journey on a Honda Dominator 650 / Europe 2020 / Full Travel Adventure

Long Distance Motorcycle Journey on a Honda Dominator 650 / Europe 2020 / Full Travel Adventure

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let's do this i'm already wet so today i'm meeting up with my friend matthias   he's going to show me how to properly  camp, most importantly how to cook outside 200 meters yeah that is the spot yes made it hello hola so cool what a cool spot so this is my camp it's pretty  okay i think this is going to work   first night in my tent now it's time for bed   good morning we made it through the night  let's start over to czech republic oh yeah so as i was having a break i noticed this  here that my license plate is ripping apart   because of all the vibrations i had this  little reflective thingy down here and   this is why it was all shaking and stuff so now  i put it here which is the cooler position anyways   and i stabilized the license plate a bit here so  now it's rock solid it doesn't vibrate anymore good job all right very close to the  czech border now and i wonder what it would be like like  usually you can just drive past but now since corona that can be  interesting if they check me i don't know okay that's it...nothing i'm in czech republic now that was easy it's always so crazy how you cross a border  and then all of a sudden everything looks so   different like not just the buildings, just  everything, houses, everything looks different people so so cool oh you gotta love these roads  man near berlin you don't have this kind of stuff that's why i'm going on long motorcycle  rides i hope the camping ground is cool and then it's just a perfect  day riding to the campground see how that is...  got my camping spot, eight euros so that's not  too bad let's find a good spot somewhere some sheep in the back good to go let's leave this beautiful campground good yeah there are the rain clouds and it's  getting windy so yeah i'm happy i'm i'm   having,...I hope i have a room i didn't book it  yet but i will find something anyways pretty

found it awesome yeah oh cool nice lady i'm in czech republic right now i'm preparing to  leave and i want to make my way through austria   today okay we're riding through austria  today off to slovenia crossing the alps   couldn't be more excited about that  so let's drive towards the mountains and ride that nice curvy mountain road so  awesome i packed a bit different today and   it already feels a bit more balanced put more  on the back and on the seat so riding should be cooler we're in austria soon 400 meters there's the border the river cool stop is the beautiful mondsee loved it let's check the Alps oh my god look at that view  now it's getting really good yeah just love that you can do it you can do it  650cc and 30 kilogram of luggage not bad still not so bad Katschberg, dude that's incredible we are in villa i'm gonna stay here tonight  i found a cool camping spot i hope they still have something  available i think i think it is hi let's see nice little private  spot ah couldn't be better    all right so i arrived here at that beautiful  campsite it's like i have my own little spot here bike is also there i'm gonna set up camp  now tomorrow i'm gonna pick up my girlfriend from   the airport in slovenia and then we're going  to croatia to get there all right everything   is packed sunny today and off to slovenia all  right yeah enough everything i think we're all good on our way to the Loiblpass there it is Loiblpass slovenia exciting now we can have some fun wow and one more it is pretty wow extreme uh tunnel that sound got away with me a bit there, have to slow down  but it is so good all right i can enjoy the   view a bit now or overtake thank you where  do i go yeah oh that's the border already okay okay cool all right that was easy yeah  that's the slovenian side   okay get it, maybe they check here now i'm  pretty sure they check here oh god my brakes hello thank you okay no corona check hello slovenia my first time first time slovenia cool 30 minutes looks like i'm just going to  make it just in time to Ljubljana all right now to the airport there well let's see if i can fit maps didn't say that but we're on a motorbike and everything is possible  on the motorbike oh wow oops that is where we want to go oh hey okay...so hot...hey babes...you weren't here...it took me 4 min to get out You owe me 5 days of kisses..okay so are you ready to go are you ready okey dokey hi our plans changed a bit yesterday  we didn't go to piran and we stayed in   umag in croatia we accidentally crossed the  border already to croatia so we're now in croatia and   we could only book the place for one  night and now we have to check out have   to hurry a bit and want to get to piran  today let's see how this goes see you there   we're now leaving for a little day  trip to piran, that is a weird road okay leaving for our day trip is now an off-road trip glad i don't have all the luggage on oh man but yeah who would have thought that this  is such an off-road adventure now oh crazy i'm sweating like a pig oh yeah especially now right it says and then there's the border already so crazy oh man that's really...that is ridiculous crossing the border now that was the border now we're in slovenia that is crazy cool oh we can't go here right  we can go here right yeah we just go we just go until we get told off so do you want to take the track again i just don't want to go down here okay that's fine now that  is cool well that one is a bit steep hello hi hi hi everybody from momjan in   croatia it's right at the border it's 9  30 and today we're driving to pak island that is some great view right  all downhill from here so engine can cool off oh we don't have  to stop we're at 120 degrees so that's   that's pretty much the limit there in the back there is already  the ferry from the other side   and we're gonna catch it  down there oh man cool road thanks cool all right let's get out of here huh 10 minutes hey we just arrived here on pak  island and it's very hot and sunny and back there there somewhere is the beach and  get some food now and check out the beach and have some fun here let's get out of here and now we're on our way to hvar you drive a bit now nein okay i drive then no worries go hello split oh over there this is split  from there we're going to   hop on the boat and the boat will take us to hvar it's about one and a half hours boat ride that's the boat uh where do we go now where to go here right yeah uh google said it is okay going on the boat now huh yeah find number 12 ah look at the city number 12.

there oh it's not not there yet okay i thought it's that the boat is there crazy everybody is pushing in like cool hello boat let's go in that big belly of yours  we're now at the ferry and behind us is split okay let's leave this boat thank you oki doki all right looks like there's a storm coming  and we will just make it in time to the airbnb but oh wow that view but it is pretty windy  already marie is holding on tight what a cool town wow so cool area but it's just cool  because we're already there i don't know   i wasn't it's super windy  i said before to slow down wow our little castle amazing  hey we just arrived here in hvar   and our airbnb and just before the rain  and i think it's about to get really   really messy outside so go outside  and since it is my birthday tomorrow   marie organized a really really cool airbnb  actually it's a windmill old windmill let's do this goodbye house we're taking the ferry back  to split where we going to also stay a night   because tomorrow morning marie flies back  home to berlin and i'm back on my own again   which means camping yeah i can't wait yeah i  don't know if anybody can see that yeah the ticket okay i'm bringing marie to the airport  now after that i'll be on my way towards slovenia i'm gonna camp in slovenia so my sat nav is gone again too hot ah that's  normal that's the downside of having the phone   as a sat nav but i'll make a stop at the lake  now is the lake i want to go down a bit yeah this is how i get down here whoa [ __ ] [ __ ] okay okay that could have gone wrong  oh but that is totally worth it man   i hope i'm recording that look at that  hey everybody i'm here at the peruka lake   on my way to slovenia today driving through  the whole country of croatia i'm gonna   extend my journey to italy driving around the  adriatic sea and marie is waiting there for me   so enjoying the view a bit now and then i'm going  to continue to ride okay that was a cool cool stop   now i have to go 300 kilometers to slovenia  found a campground there on i overlander good so at first let's try  and get out of here without falling on our nose but my goat here shouldn't be a problem shouldn't be a problem steep  we can do right oh yeah we did it okay all right everything is still there so let's do it oh cool google does it again just sends you  far off the oh i think that's the border looks like that is the border i think yeah that is the border how cool is that  cool order to slovenia hello slovenia cool hi hi see you oh that sucks excuse me can i go past there somehow okay oh all right looks in let's see camping spot oh my god cool all right so we're having the coolest spot  in the campground right next to the river it's just ridiculously cool um today i'm in slovenia in this  beautiful campsite i'm heading towards   italy let's see how far we get today see  you on the road one euro a litter hell yeah oh yeah so good so i'm in Bled now man there's a  freaking castle in the middle of the lake how cool okay there we go very great yeah yeah  there shouldn't be no checks or anything   the easy peasy hello italia let's do this we are going up a pass now i'm super excited cool dam man this is just incredible i've never been on a  road like that that's just i mean man and this   is so steep man this is so awesome and the tarmac  is like brand new man man un freaking believable that view and i didn't even want to come here tonight oh this is just so much fun i 100% come back here i don't care  if it's late when i set up my camp oh that was just so worth it it's close  but i'll just set up camp somewhere here all right peoples i finished packing  up and then i'm heading to florence   meeting marie there and some  good time in bella italia hello florence oh you ready born ready hello let's leave this town but how it's right here huh oh hello wow that looks incredible here not far from genoa wow wow spooky spooky tunnel it looks so scary and there's nobody thats beautiful here man hey incredible i hope the camping is cool hello oh cool awesome   all right let's leave this place let's go first stop first  stop is the lago maggiore man this lake just never ends so long what a cool road to  ride it's it's super windy that sucks a bit but luckily there's no rain it's a real storm now...this is the border now goodbye italia we're entering switzerland that was no problem all right that is now the swiss part of the lake still looks the same though so the  campsite i'm staying in is close to locarno slowest train ever got me a spot it is a bit more expensive here but  that's all right it is switzerland so yeah let's see where i can pitch my tent okay  so i just set up and then it started to rain   so lucky i made it here and everything is in the dry and bike is covered and  yeah let's hope it stops pretty soon   all right leaving the campground now early in the  morning i want to go to the Gotthard Pass now you don't see that every day the kind of stuff that you could just do all day these turns man amazing so so cool and of course the view hey hello hello what a scenery again switzerland is truly beautiful nice landscape we're already in  germany didn't even see the border i think it was just a little  sign that's how it should be i made it to the campground before the rain  wow so let's hope they have a spot for me   they have a spot it was not too expensive perfect oh man i just made it inside the tent before the  rain it's like didn't unpack anything like i just   set it up and then it just started..forgot to buy water i have to get water somewhere   all right last day before  my little break in berlin   it's raining and mostly i will be at  the highway today going back to berlin berlin here we come the s-bahn yeah that feels like home i'm super proud of the dominator   for being such a good girl the whole  time the last three weeks i think no incidents no breakdown no nothing thank you  it was a really cool experience my first time   on a long trip doing motovlogging and the youtube  thing and man it all worked out pretty cool like   i'm super happy with it and i will be home soon  so thanks for watching the video and thanks for   subscribing and feel free to watch the whole eurotrip it's gonna be a couple of episodes all right i'm marc and see you very soon

2021-06-05 21:20

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