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We are standing outside the Maasai village. The village is right in front of us. They have a very unique dress. They have a round thing around their necks.

Normally we eat meat from cow, sheep and goat. We also drink cow blood and cow milk. Cow blood? Yeah.

Assalam Alekum and Good Morning from Serengeti National Park. We had a rather early start to our morning. After having done with the breakfast, we are now leaving from Serengeti.

It's almost 6:45 in the morning. Thank you very much. It was a pleasure to meet you. Welcome. Thank you. It's a very beautiful lodge. I really enjoyed my stay here.

I could hear the roar of elephants and lions last night. I didn't go out of my camp. We had the instructions to inform the guys here before we can go out of our camp.

Someone will come to accompany us before we go out. Today we plan to leave Serengeti and go to Ngorongoro national park. Not the national park. That's conservation area.

I'll share more info when we get there. We will also visit a Maasai village on the way. So that we can find out more about the culture and everyday life of locals. That's our tour operator, Mr. Eric. Good morning, Eric. Good morning. How are you? I'm good. How about you? It's good.

Ready for a new day? Yes. I'm ready for a new day. James, our tour guide, is loading all the luggage in the car. We are almost ready.

That's our car. The name of this tour company is Msangai. I've been with them for the last two days. It's our third day today.

James... You ready? Yes, I'm ready. How are you? I'm good. Thank you. Did you double check the room? Yes. So you left nothing? Yes. Otherwise, we'll have to come back and stay here for another night. No. No. Today is the last day.

Okay. Let's go then. Our morning drive from Serengeti National Park has been amazing. We also got to see so many wild animals. Especially wild beast. Wilder beasts migrate to Maasai Mara from June to September.

And then come back. These animals follow rain. They go to the region with rain.

Right now, we are in Maasai village. We'll try and show you the lifestyle of these people. There are no Maasai people or any other local within Serengeti because it's a national park. When the national park was conceived in 1951... All the people there were relocated to Ngorongoro.

It's not a national park but a conservation area. There's plenty of wild life here. Here you can have an experience of the way these people send their lives. Today I'm gonna share that with all of you. We are right outside the Maasai village. The village is right in front of us.

It's like a show that put on for the tourists to depict their life style. After seeing this, we will then be taken to the village to visit the local houses. The ladies are on this side. They are wearing a very unique sort of dress.

They are wearing this special circular thing around their necks. It's made from tiny stones or pearls. Some of them have a head gear but most of them are without any.

On this side, there are men, mostly clad in red. So this was the welcome song and the competition song. We have Mr. Kasyaro. He is the chief of this village. He will show us their village and life style. Maasai are known as the warriors. Why

do you wear the red dress? Actually we wear red color because it's the protection color. Okay. Probably it's meant to keep the wild animals, like lions, away from them. There have been many attacks by wild animals on Maasai villages. Or if they go to their areas. That's why they wear the colors that scare the animals. That's the reason.

This is the village. The first thing you notice in the village is a market. Tourists can get souvenirs from here. That's in the center. All the houses are on the left side. The entrance of the houses is facing the other side.

That's meant for the privacy of the families in the houses from the tourists. Mr. Kasyaro is gonna demonstrate how they light fire in the natural way. We use these kinds of woods. This one is the hard wood and this is soft wood. This one is hard and that one is soft? Yeah.

Is that the name of a place? No. It's the name of this wood. Actually one wood produces the fire. And this one produces ashes. So when the fire is produced here, we collect it. We then use it on donkey poop or elephant poop which is dry.

With some dry grass. After that we just collect the fire and put it on pieces of woods. And make a big fire.

And after that we can do whatever we want with the fire, such as barbeque. They have collected the fire from here. Now they are applying it on donkey poop.

And we have fire. Yes. Thank you very much. Just wait a second. I'd like to show you his shoes. It's actually made from a tire. Motorcycle tires.

We will now go inside a house. We are gonna see how these houses look from inside. So you have any problem with smoking? No, it's fine. No problem.

He was asking me if I have any issue with smoke because there is smoke inside. It's very small. Let me try and get it on video. Here they have fire. This is the kitchen. So this is the kitchen? Yeah. And that's the bed.

So that's the bed and on it you can see... That's cow skin. There's one bed over there. And a box to keep your valuables in.

The size of this house is roughly the same as a 4 people tent. So this is for the parents. That one over there is for the children. Also, we put the wood inside and lay cow skin on it.

We have a small kitchen to prepare our food. We also have some ventilation. It takes the smoke out and gets the light inside, in the morning. We close it at night due to the wind. So we use our fire light.

Traditionally, our women build these houses. We make the roofs by bamboo and grass. And at the top of that, we cover the grass with cow dung and ashes. Mix the two things and cover the roof of the house.

Our normal food includes meat from cows, sheep and goats. And we drink cow blood and cow milk. Cow blood as well? Yeah. We mix it with milk and drink it fresh. Why do you drink cow blood? It gives us power.

You always mix it with the milk? Yeah, we mix the hot blood with hot milk and then we drink it. When we need blood, we can't kill the cow. No killing the cows. We just rub the neck of the cow to make muscles visible. Then we use arrow on the muscles to get blood.

The blood comes out and we mix it with milk. How much blood do you take out of the cow? Because you said that you don't kill it. One liter.

Do you drink the blood everyday? No. Once a week. One day in a week. Okay.

One liter per cow per person... One liter. One liter in one week. Normally it's the men who drink the blood; not the women. The women drink it during child birth. Because they have lost a lot of blood. After the baby is delivered? Yeah. We give her blood.

Thank you. We are polygamy people. Sorry? Polygamy. We have more than one wife.

We marry with more than one woman. More than one wife. Yeah. Two or three... Up to 10 wives. My father had 11 wives. How many do you have? I have two. Okay I have children do you have? I have 4.

Normally how many children do Maasai people have? No limit. Okay Thank you This is a Maasai school. This is the kindergarten of this Maasai village. People send their kids here for 3 years. After that, they send their kids to a primary boarding school in Ngorongoro. And then come the high school and college.

Many of you might be wondering about the water source here. Here you can see water tanks to store water. They buy this water from Ngorongoro. So they store that water here. It also protects the water from wild animals.

The hedge you see prevents the animals from getting inside. This hedge is placed all around this village. Maasai people have sheep, goats and cows. However, they don't have the permission to do any agriculture here. Because that can disturb the nature.

It's not easy to live in such a place with such limited resources. You will see many Maasai villages here. They all offer proper tours for visitors.

They charge 50 USD for one tourist vehicle. That money is used to buy important items related to household. For instance water, flour, rice and wheat. And many other things of that sort. That's how the whole village depends on that money. Surviving here is also very tough because they are not allowed to grow anything here.

That's why you still see Maasai communities here. I mean it's almost impossible to survive here if there's no tourism. We are now headed towards the base of Ngorongoro crater. It's an overall descent of 610 meters. The landscape is rather unique and diverse. You will hardly see such national parks or reservation camps anywhere else in the world.

Owing to its unique nature, it is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The crater is said to have been formed by volcanic eruption. The lava that flowed out of the volcano got settled here. That's why you see a huge plain down there. I guess that was a fly. Glad it couldn't get in my mouth.

Anyways, there are mountains all around. I haven't seen a landscape like this one before. I don't think there will be many like this one. You can see that there are many safari cars at one location. That means they have located some important animals. You can see a lion right next to our vehicle here.

A lion walking past us, so up close... That's a first in my life. Awesome Lion has its own swag. Making its way through the cars with a lazy elegance. It's probably going to another one, sitting over there. It just drank water. Perhaps it's time to relax.

Finally got to see rhinos. That marks the completion of our big 5. The animals that we have seen in Serengeti and Ngorongoro since last couple of days.

The big 5 includes lion, buffaloes, elephants, leopards and rhinos. The most difficult of these animals to spot are rhinos and leopards. Leopard is a rather elusive animal and you don't get to see it that often. As for rhinos, they are very few in number.

That's why you don't see rhinos in many national parks. We are lucky to have spotted them. We have been here for hardly 3p to 45 minutes or so. The best thing about this area is a huge plain field.

And you get to see lots and lots of animals everywhere. It has a very beautiful landscape. Wherever you go... In other national parks, you drive for some time without seeing any animal. Then you might spot few of them.

Wilder beasts and zebras for instance. However, here you find wild animals all around you. The fact that you stay engaged through out the ride is what I liked most about this place.

This is the picnic spot where we can have lunch. They also have some toilets. All the safari jeeps are parked here. It's a very beautiful area for picnic or for lunch. Personally I feel that this is the most beautiful area among all the other places we had lunch before.

There is a very beautiful lake nearby. There are birds in the cloudy sky. The rainy season is making the clouds float and there's a cool breeze flowing. This adds an extra dimension to it. I like it a lot.

Let's see what we have today for lunch. It's a bit dangerous. One has to be careful about one's stuff here.

That's Eric and James. Let's see what we have for lunch. Noodles. Bread and rice. Chicken and some beans.

These are chickpeas. Looking very delicious. Not to forget some tea and coffee. We are gonna savor our lunch at such a beautiful location. It has been a long day for us.

We are finally back in the lodge. Safari days are quite hectic. But when you get back to the lodges after safari, they are good enough to take care of all the exertion of the day. I'll give you a short tour of the lodge where I'm staying today. Because it deserves a tour.

The first thing you notice here is the pool. I mean I don't wanna sit by the pool. But for those who really enjoy it, they can have a good time here. You can also walk through these dense trees. This is our room. Time for a room tour.

Look at that. What a beautiful room it is. It's big enough to house at least 4 persons. Few chairs here.

Tea and coffee items on this separate table here. You can make tea or coffee for yourself if you like. The view of the terrace is simply awesome. Seems like you are staying in a jungle. The whole area is green and there are no buildings at all. You can enjoy these views from balconies of all these huts.

We still have to show you the washroom. Lots of space here to keep your luggage. And here is our beautiful, clean, spacious washroom.

These lodges have completely changed my opinion about tourism in Africa. I'll try to keep showing you these things in our next countries as well. So that you can have an idea about where we lag behind. The essence of traveling is to learn from other countries, other cultures and people.

There's a lot to learn here for us. The dinner was wonderful. The starter, banana salad, was too good. There was vegetable soup.

There were many options for main meals, including both veg and non-veg. Whatever you like. I have had a great experience in all these lodges. Because of their remote location, you don't have the option to eat anything other than what's here. But overall, the food was great in all these places. And before you ask, let me tell you that the food here is halal.

I had already conveyed them my food preferences. Most of these lodges serve only halal food. It has been a great day for us. Hopefully you must have loved this vlog. And if you did, please don't forget to Like, Subscribe and Share. Please do Like or Comment. It's very important.

So that our video can reach more and more people. Remember me in your prayers. Allah Hafiz

2024-01-01 07:20

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