Life in Senegal is Hard, So They Come to Morocco

Life in Senegal is Hard, So They Come to Morocco

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man many people from Sagal here in Morocco huh  why is that because uh Mor is near to Europe   and sometimes difficult from Sagal your home in  Sagal yeah me yeah yeah Morocco 5 years 5 years   in Morocco okay years in Mor man these are cool  I like them very good good are you from Sagal   ah Beautiful People Sagal you from Dakar yeah  Dakar I'm from dhar I hope to go one day and   the ghetto the D I'm from yum y y bro that's the  hood yeah is the the G is the light is the heart   man what's up everybody welcome back to another  beautiful day here in Marakesh now today I'm   actually right outside Gemma Elna once again and  today we are actually going to walk around and   interact with a lot of the sen senagal workers  that are here in Morocco since my very first   trip to the country I've noticed that there are  a lot of people from uh other African nations   that migrates or immigrat um to Morocco obviously  for a better future a better life and to be quite   honest with you the senal people here in Morocco  you find them everywhere they are always extremely   respectful never never pushy when they want to  sell you things like uh some other Sellers and   today I want to get to know a little bit about  their stories and what brings them here to this   beautiful country of Morocco now right now we're  actually walking on one of the side streets from   jna and let me just tell tell you guys this place  is incredible if you're going to buy souvenirs in   Morocco come down these side streets all the  prices are incredibly cheap yesterday I filmed   a market video and of course I'm with glattus  she's going to be helping me out here in this   video but yesterday we filmed the Medina video  and a lot of the items I purchased in the Medina   were ridiculously expensive I mean $15 to $20  and today glattus just got done making a video   down this street and everything here has like a  fixed price and it's incred cheap I mean I bought   a jalaba yesterday I think I spent 150 and down  here you find them everywhere for 30 to 50 yeah   deam sorry I I keep getting confused but um here  man the prices are just incredibly well right I   think we're actually we said we're not going to  buy no more souvenirs but I think we're actually   going to change that plan and come down here  and actually buy some souvenirs but yes glattus   is going to join me today yes of course are you  excited having me in your video I am I am because   um the shopping here it's it's good it's  never ending it's never ending I'm okay   thank you brother thank you thank you wow they  sell SIM cards here on the street that's pretty   cool rethal therapy oh that's is that what he  said no oh that's what you were thinking yeah   she we you know when you're thinking about  like a phrase well retail therapy is what   she was trying to give her excuse for all the  shopping she's doing it's therapeutic all right   well anyways guys we're entering the square now  and yes we're about to start doing some serious shopping I bought some sunglasses um yesterday  I believe was it yesterday yeah yesterday but   unfortunately I didn't record any of  it because well I was walking down   the street on my way home and I saw this  vendor and I was like damn I need some of those but yeah let's see what's up with  these sunglasses right here what's up   bro how are you I'm F you good man I'm good  yeah where you from I'm from Sagal Sagal oh   bro lovely people from Sagal how much are the  shades bro which one man I don't know I need   something I need something black and something  that shows I'm a handsome young man you know   what I mean so we have many so can't get okay  these ones are ladies huh oh those are the pros   how much are those bro it's one 200 200 200 a  bro you can can't do me like that bro come on   the struggle is real bro we have we have one  keep us but this one is cuz it's high demand   huh High the man all right let me try these on  let me try these on real quick let me give you a oh those look clean huh oh I get the mirror  too ni damn those are clean huh they are clean   I mean to be real the real ones like 600  bucks or something but to be honest I'm not   a big name brand kind of guy I like to keep it  lowkey you know I'm from La bro you wear these   they might you wear these they might take them  off of you you know what I mean how man I give   you 100 I don't want to take the good ones  from you I'll take a cheaper pair bro like   you know I respect the hustle you have another  one for for 100 show me the 100s show me the 100s the ray band yeah Ray and hug  we can have them for maybe this one one for 100 okay those are for like 100 man  many people from Sagal here in Morocco huh why is   that because Mar is near to Europe and sometimes  Visa is difficult fromal can come to Mar not by PL   but by the by Bo but life is hard in Sagal right  now so it's not easy to join Europe it's not easy   to go to Europe it's not easy because Visa is a  problem okay but once here if you don't have Vis   we can we can take join Europe and go so the dream  is to go to Europe yeah yeah I hope you I hope you   make that happen bro than you thank you brother  and so what's the plan right now you're going to   be in Morocco selling make money and then you go  to Europe trying to Jo Europe okay man I love the   senaga people like Good Vibes you guys are always  smiling it don't matter matter the struggle right   like so that's life you got a life huh don't  have time to be hungry so s you know yeah yeah   yeah you have to make better yourself not the most  important exactly the most important I agree bro   you know sometimes people in Europe and America  complain so much but they they don't realize they   got a good life and then like you know sometimes  it takes the struggle to appreciate life you know   yeah yeah yeah yeah that's the most important as  a Muslim we just have have to accept what we have   and we don't need what we don't have yeah we just  have to accept all that God give us uh to us it's   okay it's good it's okay it's bad it's okay okay  okay I appreciate that man well you know what bro   to be honest yeah I don't really like these ones  but if you could sell me a cheaper pair I'm going   still give you the 100 all right I respect you but  I don't I don't really like those Styles okay so   me give one for 100 for real no for real bro bro I  don't want to take the good no no no it's the all   right bro you're welcome thank you you're welcome  I appreciate you man you guys are good people bro   yeah you're kind of put it here thank you thank  you here uh can you do that for me here bro you   know what let me give you another 20 though no  bro yeah please please bro for real you made my   day you made my day you do you make my day brother  thank you so brother what's your name BR Mustafa   Chris Chris much love all right bro appreciate  you take care man you're welcome man Mustafa   such a good guy thank you bro you too man that's  what I'm talking about bro they those people they   always spread the Good Vibes the positivity and  that's the whole point of this video I want to   get to know the people that a lot of people ignore  here in these squares and let's be honest glattus   and I have been seeing like people a lot of times  they're they're walking around selling and people   would just ignore them and keep walking and  they're good people man like good people with   good Hearts what's up bro how are you doing good  where you from Sagle Sagle man nothing but good   people from go you all got Beautiful Smiles bro  and Good Vibes what you selling oh headphones   headon how much are those that looks expensive oh  bro I can't do 500 500 bro I'm broke man I'm broke   I'm out here just chilling bro man to be honest  how much you man bro how much you how much I can't   I can't spend 500 bro no 100 I'm not one of these  I'm not one of these uh I'm not one of these rich   guys from Friends bro like 250 where you from in  synag but where in Sagal what city what city no   where in Sagal what's the name of your city Sagal  your home in Sagal yeah me yeah yeah yeah Morocco   5 years 5 years in Morocco okay 5 years in man  these are cool I like them very good good what's   the best thing in Sagal what's the best food in  Sagal s daa Daka D that's where you live that's   where you were born oh yeah money so because you  need money you come to Morocco Morocco and now   you go to Paris yes okay inshah yeah man I like  your necklace bro yeah man it's good synagogue   what that's from synagogue synag what is the  name you dalab dalab yeah wow that's cool okay   bro how much give me yeah man 300 no problem bro  300 oh 300 I don't man I don't need it you sell   bracelets no it's bracet is no no good no good  it's no Drive oh it's a driving bracelet okay   no I think it's made from Tire oh it's made from a  tire from a car oh bro that's clean yeah mechanic   is my joke you're a mechanic mechanic you are  uh motorcycle yeah okay motorcycle cool bro to   be honest I don't need this but I will give you  200 for this but I do not need this if you want   to say I respect the Hustle but I I don't need  these you 250 no problemo here let me see man   250 all right all right bro you know why because  senon people good people all right I respect you   all right I just bought some headphones man all  [Music] right thank you so when you go to Europe   huh when when when to Europe you in Visa yeah  but when you go no Visa no Visa h no Visa no go okay right Good Vibes BR all right take  care bro yeah man thank you take care bro   you man the people from Sagal are awesome  so yeah I think the capital city of Sagal   is Dhaka just like um I think it is just like  in Bangladesh if I'm not mistaken here let me   put these in here man I just bought some  airpods on the street in Morocco well I   need I need headphones we're going to see if they  actually like sound good though let me let's see   what is the capital of [Music] Sagal that car d d  okay D I was wondering D okay now I know a little   bit man I should have actually learned a little  bit more about synagogue before starting this   video but like I'm telling you I think I think the  people the people speak valume and they speak for   themselves right I mean these people makes me  wonder to go to Sagal to Sagal because I think   they're going to be so lovely so nice and you know  the whole point of my videos guys all around the   world is to show you guys um a positive side of  all the people all the hardworking people all   around the world and these people often times  they don't get um the the attention that they   deserve I mean they're hardworking people they're  just like um the Latinos that come to us the Asian   people that come to the US for a better life like  um these people are out here doing the same thing   to make their dreams come true listen this Sagal  is home to several internationally re renowned   musicians and artists wow other aspects of Sagal  culture have traveled into the larger world as   well most notably Segar proposal of negritude a  literally movement that flourish in the 1930s wow   I think Aon is from synagogue oh really yeah  I think Aon is from synagogue you know what I   think we're going to be buying a lot of sunglasses  today because a lot of the people are from sungl   what's up bro you from Sagal too yeah oh man all  the senagal people are good people bro um let me   buy some sunglasses for you sunglasses yeah I  need I need a pair for a young handsome man bro   English Su oh a little bit of English all right  I need um some sunglasses for a nice young man he's a little bit confused all right um man  these ones look cool let me see actually oh   these ones look cool how much are these ones bro  these are 250 oh 250 bro yes that's expensive man   yeah it's brada it's brada Chinese Prada yeah  Chinese Chinese good quality good quality okay   you have anything for for 100 100 yeah something  100 he give me 150 bro I have 100 give me 15 no   let me see what I got maybe 100 for some for  something with no 100 with no brand something   simple 100 okay no problem give me yeah are you  from Dakar yeah your house Dakar I'm from chess   chess chess okay um look a I have a let me see  isn't isn't Aon Aon is from sagol right yeah Aon   from Sagal he's from Sagal where Dakar okay  I heard Aon is making City in Sagal Aon City   Aon City yeah he's building a city no I I don't  you don't know in in Sagal you eat Tajin Tajin   Tajin yeah in Sagal or no no  no no no what's the food in Sagal what what you eat in Sagal what e  yeah yeah yeah in Sagal in Sagal Tajin cuscus okay okay how many years  you morocca uh no no no long time five months five months okay and then  Europe yeah Europe inshah bro inshah okay   you know what um to be honest here I leave  you these I leave you these that's for you   okay nice all right bro okay thank you  thank you bro okay thank you I'm telling   you the people from synagogue good people good  people thank you brother okay thank you very   I wish you I wish you very good business today  okay okay wish you good business thank you   have a nice thank you brother I didn't want to  take the sunglasses from them cuz to be honest   I really don't need another pair I'm not going  to use them like um ever since I started buying   real sunglasses you guys know I used to buy a lot  of fake sunglasses but man they were damaging my   eyes like I just feel like longterm it wasn't  going to be healthy so I stopped at and um now   yeah I'm only buying authentic sunglasses but man  what lovely people right guys and not only are   there men out here but there's a lot of women  out here that are doing braids doing hair and   they're all lovely people the bra ladies I love  them they're all hardworking huh super beautiful   they're super nice you know what should we  buy a juice you want a juice why not let's   buy a juice okay hello brother how are you very  good can I get a um one of the juices for 20 Dam beautiful shop thank you that's perfect yeah let me do that one how  much is that one sounds perfect thank you man   your Shop's beautiful look at this number 59 the  best Juice Shop in in [Music] Marakesh oh okay b b one the best one ow my hand wow snake snake snake there's a snake in here I know thank you bro no it's okay it's a tip thank  you bro man this shoot this juice is Bomb what's   inside homog granate yeah five up with o okay  thank you papaya papaya Apple Peach pomegranate M that is Bomb so good let see  thank you oh man that is so good that is Bomb helloo can you do braids  on me is it possible yes how [Music] much oh you can really do me like this yes what's  the price huh what's the price for this one yeah   uh with extensions oh with extension are you  from Sagal Oh Beautiful People Sagal okay um   maybe how much what's price for me S yeah 300  300 yes okay maybe man should I do that how   many minutes 1 hour [Music] uh 50 minutes  50 minutes okay okay maybe I'll come back   in a little bit okay thank you let see if you  want something quick it's something on me like   just one braid one braid huh man such a nice  lady yeah she's so nice she had a beautiful   smile too great lady the energy is good huh man  they are just lovely and like I said they're so   respectful guys like here you know there'll  be a lot of people approaching you trying to   sell you things uh constantly following you  you know asking you over and over again if   you want to buy something no matter how many  times you say no but every time you talk to   the senise people I think that's what they're  called sise people I'm not too sure but every   time you talk to one of them it's good vibes  did you try this no let me try that is bomb M it's like fruit punch it's super good huh  delicious yeah you know what my problem is   the problem is guys is I ran out of money  can I get a loan from you of course I'm out I have here I'm 50 okay thank you but what's  up bro good I'm very good bro you look good you   too you too you where you from bro from West  Africa you're from W you're from Sagal yeah   you too bro all the beautiful people are from  Sagal man it's like you know you guys you know   you guys are the most respectful vendors here  yeah the yeah but you guys got you guys respect   if you say no you say no it's good it's very  hot man don't worry I'm a hustler you're I'm   a hustler too bro you too bro where do you come  from I'm from La La I'm California California   you listen to Tupac no I'm a b oh for real  yeah I'm a bile I'm a look like from from du   What About Bob Marley is the same look like  no same only is the I'm aile and a bile okay okaying I know bro now you now here it's  very hot like I know you getting classic   you kind of help me I got you I got you  what's but I got a I need I need I need   a good price for some sunglasses bro you take  look what you want I get I get brother I okay   how many years you been in Morocco now long time  I'm here bro long longer time but you go to Europe   soon or not I like to go and may is the for me in  yeah don't worry okay all right God bless don't   worry come don't go to Europe come to us come  to America bro I love man come bro come come to   California bro California come to Los Angeles bro  oh no Ohio no good bro yeah California California   is good all right let me see what you got let  me see what you got r rayan r which one you   think which one you think looks good for me bro  you I I I selling the Prada okay let me see the Prada I like your style bro H you too bro  you look good you look good you too I'm   a black one yeah I'm be here you know what  dude all you guys got beautiful smile very   good smile it's good vibes you know you  too you too you too I'm happy for you are   you from you from Dakar yeah Dakar I'm  from D I hope to go one day and the GTO   D I'm from y y y bro that's the hood yeah the the  ghetto is the light it's the heart man it's hard   life yeah yeah it's hard life you guys come here  because life is hard the people is the hustle and   it's good man no [ __ ] man yeah yeah the people  the the Sagal people don't they don't steal from   you they don't no b no [ __ ] it's business  yeah it's right everybody here this business   in Sagal and everybody Italy UK you treat people  I love you to you to what is your name my name   is Chris yours Chris my name is Jerry Jerry hey  what's the best food in Sagal chel chulel yeah   it's number one what is it it's chicken yeah  it's chicken and rice chicken and rice yeah   he get here he get big restaurant here in Mar a  Seagal food yeah Sagal damn I got to go I got to   go if you like sometime now take that one after  I selling you see many people you take your video   all right all right here you know what what's the  price for these 200 may you my people give me 17   oh bro man that's expensive bro how much you kind  of is the African price I give you my PR give your   PR I give you yeah yeah I see it business business  you're standing on business right now yeah I know   all right I give you I give you 100 bro yeah give  me 150 please I give you I give you 120 no please   give me 15 200 man I like you happy all right  here bro look I'mma tell you something I'mma   tell you something look and your and your and  your wife you take not I give you nice look bro   I'm I'm on the hustle right now too bro it's  hard life is hard right now bro life is hard   life is hard hey look you keep the glasses and I  give you the 100 no I'm I'm like you you you keep   the glasses you give me 100 I like your I know I  respect you though look I give you that yes and I   give you this you get it and you good all right  and you're good for you thank you because you   because you spread Good Vibes but to be honest  I got I know many people don't like the video me but I'm showing the good people you know are  you here every day all day after you keep my   contact look guys so if you you're coming to Amic  you're walking around J look for the humie man   my name is the J I'm look and the classic and the  what what do you want and be here the people from   Sagal living in maracus I love the people Maro  and marus everybody welcome thank you bro hey   have a good day all right bless up bless up that's  what I thank you bro hey what's up bro welcome to   Morocco man hey thank you man just Nigeria yeah  I just came back I just came back to Morocco   how was in Nigeria good man good vies can I have  yeah let's take a photo hey let me give you let   me give you my channel name I take I give you my  channel let's take a photo famous vlogger you know nice to meet you hello yeah let's take  a photo together welcome to take care   brother all right yeah we had you take bro can  I take the pictures yeah let's get one bro yes right take not on one yeah without  the Chad let's go yes welcome to Mar   thank you thanks bro appreciate you thank you  look bro my um my YouTube yes travel with Chris   look you you're right here right here on them  I promise many people will come to you watch   in I like after you cuz you got good vibes I  like you get you s me yeah yeah yeah no give   your number you make yeah yeah yeah I send I I I  sent you text message oh bro you need new phone   yeah yeah I'm a hust man it's very hot man don't  worry I'm a good Hustler it's long time I get her   yeah don't worry you'll get the phone soon yeah  inshah inshah take your number WhatsApp WhatsApp yes that's my WhatsApp bro okay save me we keep in touch okay yeah I like bro I'm sorry  I'm happy for you hey me too I'm happy for you bro   thank you bro I I hope I hope life is amazing  for you all right you all right call me Chris   Jerry call you bro thank thank you maybe later  thank you oh man lovely people bro I'm telling   you support these support these hardworking sen  synagog people man like they are literally nothing   but good vibes and as you can see the smile is  literally contagious you guys that's why I like   making these Raw videos the love is just you can  see it you can see it I mean uh they're all good   people just trying to Make a Better Living for  themselves but I feel like a lot of people I   just based off my experiences here in the country  a lot of people just walk right on past them man   and they're they're lovely people and you got to  respect the hustle everywhere in the world because   you know we can especially when we're traveling  and coming to places like this we always got to   acknowledge the fact that we are that we're  blessed yeah and you know what it's very hard   when you're a foreigner and I am saying this  because my dad was a foreigner he left Spain   because of the war to come to Venezuela and they  always miss their country like they always miss   the food the family they left behind and it's  also very hard for them because they have to   learn a new language yeah exactly all of them  have to learn English and sometimes we complain   like oh my God it's too hard to learn English or  French or whatever and these people just learn   the language and they and a lot of they just learn  it just by talking to people uh listening to music   reading uh not reading uh watching movies  it's pretty incredible and um Coming same   thing what's up bro and same thing is um for my  family my family came from Guatemala my grandma   absolutely knew nothing about no words in English  um came to a country that was completely unknown   to her to start a better life for her and her  family and contrary to what you guys believe um   people need these opportunities to make a better  life for themselves and it's just a sad reality   and if um you guys think otherwise well it's  because you probably don't have family members   that have had to make that sacrifice but trust  me um these are lovely people right that need our   help they need your help they need your dollars  and um they all hopefully will have Bright Futures   ahead of them and I notice like this just happened  in front of my eyes like I noticed there are some   people kicking them out but not the Moroccans like  the Moroccans they say but people from senagal   they have to they have to go they have to go yeah  so they treat the the uh sen salies people a lot   differently based off of our perspective than the  local people the local people they're obviously   allowed to sell but um the others have to get up  and and leave if the police come by right well it   wasn't a police I don't know maybe send on cover  police but true yeah I don't know I don't know   but yeah either way let's watch this way let's  come this way either way um life is incredibly   difficult and let's be honest the struggle is  real for all of us right now so music yeah the   music the music let's actually go this way let's  go this way let's run away from the music but yeah   guys I hope you're enjoying this video yeah  man I hope you guys are enjoying this um to   be honest I'd love to get one more interaction in  but um I think that this is where we're going to   bring bring this video to an end I think that  was a lot of fun please um leave me a comment   what are your thoughts um hey what's up guys  how are you here where you guys from UK the UK   nice to meet you hello you are the reason why we  came to maresh oh man I love to he that I love it   subscribe to your channel are you having a great  time here it's amazing it's beautiful huh we've   been bargaining hugl and uh yeah yeah no you guys  haven't had any problems though right no problems lovely people I'm telling you it's interesting and  we saw we saw your video and you were getting bits   and buls over that chap right there right there I  I guess he not there no more no no he was opposite   he's opposite oh but he's there we found him  yesterday he mentioned that you are herant and   he saw you yesterday I don't know really he saw me  yesterday yeah I just got here two days ago yeah   a lot of people have been recognizing so what he  did if you turn right there I think three three   or four he's there was there yesterday he was we  bought the same [Music] CER man it's fun though   it's fun isn't it where we come from you can't  bargain like that where are you guys originally   from you guys look like India oh cool India where  about no Punjab we haven't been yet I need to go   you need to go the golden temple I know a arar  right yes I've never been I need to go definitely   the problem is is the India visa man they make it  so complicated like oh yeah I can never figure out   how to process my card make the payment sign into  PayPal like it's the online systems a bit tricky   you guys have an Indian passport though as well  well we have um something called an oci basically   it means a lifetime Visa because our parents  are from India oh good besides overseas Indian   citizens like citizens of indiia you guys living  in London no no we're not well originally from   London but I'm North like leads it's called near  Manchester I've been to Manchester once oh okay so   about an hour away from there man well hopefully  one day we could catch up out there man absolutely   thanks for saying hi I appreciate it was fun when  even he was talking about you yesterday like said   it's reference to you and then he given us good  te that's awesome but everybody's uh I've gotten   messages for the last year and a half everybody  tells me they go shop with him all right okay   that's why these videos are great like they bring  a lot of business to the local people videos are   so fun and we've just been watching them laughing  we're so inspired man so that's that's very   amazing I appreciate it I appreciate it thank you  so much well enjoy your time okay enjoy Mor enjoy   guys nice to meet you thank you so much lovely  people thank you guys that's that's what makes   getting out and making all these videos worth it  man lovely people all right guys well with that   being said I'm going to go ahead and put the  camera down I hope you guys enjoyed this video   let me know have you guys ever made it to Moralo  because of my videos um and what are your your   op opinions on Morocco so far um honestly it's  one of my favorite countries and I'm going to   keep coming back many many more times all right  well let's go get some Tajin of course let's do   it I want to eat and film a Tajin Adventure let's  go you always smart I was the one to take [Music]

2024-05-30 15:14

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