Liberty of the Seas Review and Commentary

Liberty of the Seas Review and Commentary

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hi I'm jerry and I'm jill and today we're here  to talk to you about our seven-day cruise we took   on the royal Caribbean liberty  of the seas out of Galveston, TX. This is a ship that was built in 2007 and it  holds 3 800 people up to 5000 depending on the   occupancy which is I believe probably the largest  ship we've ever been on, and on top of that,   there's 1300 crew that's also staying aboard.  Liberty was refurbished in 2016 and so it'd   been refurbished a couple years before we've been  on it, and we took this cruise in august of 2019.  

So when we got on Liberty of the Seas in Galveston  - what was your first impression? By the way was   our first Royal Caribbean cruise (at least my  first ever), it was your second and our first   together in North America. So what did you think  when you first got on the Liberty of the Seas?   It was very large for sure - I felt the size of  the ship. It was very well decorated; lots of   different things to look at and see. It was a  little overwhelming maybe for our first one for   sure. It was my first experience of the 'inside a  ship' concept. I'm used to ships where everything   is on the outer edges, and there's rooms - this  was kind of interesting to walk into that that   promenade, and see what that looks like on a  Royal Caribbean ship. It was my first experience  

of that, and my first experience obviously with a  ship this big with all the bells and whistles. So   it was overwhelming for me trying to figure it all  out. The layout is different than other ships I've   been on - so it was very you know interesting to  explore the ship and check it out. So how did you   find the decor and the furnishings compared to  other ships? I mean it depended really on where   you were on the ship. They had some really fancy  bars and lounges, and then they had some pretty  

normal - you know seating elsewhere, but i  thought overall the dining room was very pretty   elegant looking and Ii really loved the layout  of that. There were a few specific bars that we   frequented that we thought were very classy and  done up nice. They had a very nice vintage bar   for wine. There were lots of different places  for different folks depending on where you want.   The layout is very interesting (at least to me),  you had the top deck that had all the activities.   Your water slides your pools - you know all the  areas you lounge out in the sun, and then you   went all the way down towards the bottom of the  ship, and you had this main promenade. So it was   kind of broken for me into two different pieces.  You're either inside the ship with no view of the  

outside, and there was either then there was the  top deck where you were exposed to the typical   cruise life. So different layout for me. So we're  going to talk a little bit about the layout a   little bit later on. We're going to talk about the  promenade specifically and our experience there,   and what's there to explore. We'll talk about  that a little bit after we talk about food and  

entertainment. Then we're also going to talk  a little bit about the top deck and the pool,   and how busy that is on a sea day, and the  activities that we did up there as well. So   first of all - our favourite thing about cruising  is the quality of food and there are several   different options. I think we ate at the main  dining room every night. We did I think...well   we did do the buffet one evening for dinner. Okay,  so six out of seven nights we did the main dining   room. We didn't do any specialty restaurants -  but at the main dining room how was it? Did you   miss the specialty restaurants or what? It was  a good experience the food quality was there um   yeah it was a it was we had great waiters we had  a table for two so we were relatively quick at   getting our food because we weren't waiting for a  large group of people so we had great service and   the food was good they have their staples that you  can order every single night and then they switch   up and have a different variety throughout the  week so if there was ever anything on one night   that didn't suit my fancy i knew that they  had some some everyday items that i enjoyed   yeah for sure i would say the quality of food was  comparable to other major cruise lines for sure   it for me i'm a picky eater but i still  was able to find vegetarian options of   different types of meals other than just  straight steak seafood type of big meals   and i guess the only thing that that and  i remember that caught my attention was   how the dress code in the dining room i was  really surprised that the ship was very classy   and beautiful newer ship and uh and i saw people  in like sportswear and and outfits that i would   have considered not cruise casual that i'm  used to seeing in a dining room and it kind   of surprised me a little bit i guess a lot of  families a lot of families a lot of people from   all walks of life on this type of a cruise so i  guess that's why you have a you know you don't   have your classic cruise dining room experience i  would say there were more families and especially   more children than any cruise we've ever been on  and not saying something because we've been on   20 something plus carnival ships which normally  are supposed to be for families but i would say   more kids on this ship than i've ever experienced  yeah for sure yeah without a doubt yeah so so the   dining room was a was a good experience we look  forward to that every night for sure we always do   uh other eating venues so breakfast for example  we did a lot of again main dining room we did   we also did the um cafe yeah we did the promenade  cafe that's the name yeah we also did the buffet   promenade cafe was was really nice because i had a  variety of things for breakfast and lunch there's   little sandwiches and snacks and your coffee tea  and and all that was a really nice place to kind   of stop in and grab things and go so it was quick  and it was a lighter fair it wasn't a big heavy   meal yeah we have one of those inside rooms that  overlooks the promenade and it overlooked the cafe   so i was non-stop hungry looking down there to  see what was available and sneaking down for a   snack all the time so and uh and stay tuned we're  gonna have a video as well on their room that   inside facing what they call inside inside window  inside prominently yeah no i don't like the exact   name of it but it was it was a fantastic room so  definitely check out that video that we're going   to do a little more detail in the room itself  so also on the promenade for options we had um   for free options there was the pizza  yeah sorrento's pizza really good pizza   i think amongst my favorite of all cruise lines  for pizza so pizza place was really good i think   about what else there was there were some pay  options there as well there was like a ben and   jerry's there was a cupcake place those were both  pity options yes so so there was a few places you   could grab nibbles all on the promenade as well so  overall food oh there was also the johnny rockets   we didn't we didn't go to johnny rockets it's  up on the top deck up where the pools are and   it is a pay option as well for lunch you pay  a flat fee and then you order whatever's on   the menu i believe so we didn't try that at  all but overall food i i would say it was it   was enjoyable i had no complaints at all for food  lots of selection especially at the windjammer a   very large buffet lots of different stations and  i mean your plate is full before you get through   looking at all the food that they have there  there was a huge variety yeah it's not your type   of buffet where you're lining up in long lines  because everything's broken into these different   stations which was really handy the only downside  it was it was very busy everyone else also enjoyed   it as such a message we did because it was packed  all the time at all meals and we struggled to find   a table at times and it was that was the only  negative to the buffet was just how busy it was   all the time the next thing we would talk about is  entertainment and entertainment what do you think   i loved the entertainment on the royal caribbean  the main theater shows were top notch uh just   phenomenal some of the best shows i've ever seen  on a cruise line uh they also had the uh on ice   the shows on ice capades or that type of thing  yeah phenomenal really enjoyed that the venue   um yeah we're canadian so we're kind of used  to that type of entertainment and it was still   was really impressive to us yeah yeah the show was  the shows were really good and they had performers   we enjoyed listening to live music  in some of the lounges with great   great performers there was a one band that we  danced to many nights in one specific room so yeah   i would say that the entertainment was  on the upper end of the best we've ever   had but entertainment for me also was a was a  highlight i would say you know as loyal as i am   to you know some other cruise lines we've really  enjoyed the entertainment i would say this was a   little bit of a step above even that that it was  from the performers to the the stage shows to uh   the ice shows everything was it was you know  you were never disappointed if you sat down to   be entertained on the liberty so i think we're  going to do next is so we're going to break the   ship into two pieces as far as how it was for  traffic and people and what to do so we'll start   in the promenade first and when you walk along the  promenade you have options everything from the um   the location that you can book future cruises  for the name of that but next cruise next cruise   that's what it's called and i've never seen a  place where you booked future cruises as busy   as this one yes there was noise it was people  all they had some loyalty customers like every   booking because they were it was never not a group  of people yeah there was people definitely booking   more royal caribbean cruises on this yeah and then  you'd have your guest services as well in the same   area and you'd walk down and there'd be stores  for buying souvenirs and royal caribbean swag   and your your promenade cafe your ben and jerry  so there's a little bit of everything as you went   down it and there was a pub there there was a  pub the uh hoof and claw i think it was called   and there was a there was a lot to do there for  me the only downside was there was so much to do   there that you know if you're not up on the decks  in the evening because the pools are pretty well   shut down and it's cooling off then everybody's  down there all at once so it can get pretty busy   in the evening soon yeah in the evenings  it was very crowded for sure yeah for sure   and i would think my my favorite thing about the  promenade was well of course the food the the cafe   was fantastic that was on the promenade um and  this rentals pizza was really good they didn't   just have pizza they also had you know salads and  little things like that it was a nice spot just to   sit down as well lots of seating there even the  cafe a nice casual spot to sit there and it was   kind of like being on like a main street somewhere  where you'd sit there and you sat down almost on   the equivalent of a patio and overlooked  and watched the people go by and there was   sometimes shows going on they have a parade that  went through there as a pirate parade one day   through the promenade so for each other yeah yeah  i would say it was it was a really good experience   i just i didn't like being on a cruise ship in  the promenade not being able to see outside my   thing is i'm on a cruise ship i want to see the  waves once in a while going by or see what's going   on you know i feel like i'm on the ocean i felt  like i was in a shopping plaza yeah really you   definitely had to sort of make sure that you were  going outside like make an effort to do it if you   were going to see and maybe that's we felt that  a little bit more because we didn't have an ocean   view or a balcony we had an inside uh window  overlooking the promenade but yeah definitely   there were times where you're like oh i haven't  been outside in hours i don't even know what   it's like out there right now yeah for sure  yeah so and then the promenade is not just   one level there's a couple other levels as  the main level that has all the things we've   just discussed but there's also another level  right below that where you find your casino   and i guess what's impressive with this layout is  there are stairwells that go down to the casino   but uh you don't get the smoke as much  we kept walking around thinking we can   we'll see if we can find the smoke and  smell the smokes we're very sensitive   to it i never had one issue with smoke though  i loved where the casino was located because   unless you wanted to go to the casino you didn't  have to walk through the casino to get to the main   dining room or to get to the main theater or any  of that so if you didn't want to be around it you   didn't have to be around it so that was that was  really nice for in my opinion for sure yeah for   sure and then down at the casino uh there was  also the the spinnaker lounge the schooners bar   so there's the the lounge down there uh there's  also their specialty restaurant down there there's   sabre and the sabres down there as well as the  art gallery i believe or the photo galleries down   there there's two levels below the main promenade  and the casino's the main part down there you go   down one more level and get to a place called the  on-air bar and that's the access to where the ice   skating is as well and i believe that's where  the art is is on that third level dude oh we   went there for an art auction yeah you're right it  is yeah so there's lots to do there and i guess my   biggest complaint to all of that is the movement  of people yeah i would say my biggest concern   on the ship all times was getting from spot to  spot because there's only two banks of elevators   that was a challenge for sure when we were  on this cruise i was in the middle of dealing   with a pretty significant illness so i wasn't  probably at my most uh energetic level and so i   was wanting to take the elevator more often than i  normally would on a cruise ship and we had to wait   for sure and we were never in an elevator where  we weren't crowded and that there wasn't a   lot of children generally playing elevator games  pressing every button so yeah that was a the   elevators were definitely probably the biggest  downside to the whole cruise for me yeah royal   caribbean if you're watching put in a second or  third bank of elevators in the middle of the ship   there was times that i definitely took the stairs  simply because i had no other option i wanted   i saw food out the window i had to have a muffin  and so i had to go down the stairs to get the   muffins to the elevator well one flight of stairs  isn't bad but when you're you know trying to go   yeah tens place it was a bit of a challenge  and then i guess we'll talk about the top deck   at the pool area all the activities you know  the perfect storm water slide and so i guess   first of all how busy did you find the pool deck  on especially sea days very busy very busy um   the pools were constantly being used we probably  enjoyed it the most when we went there on a port   day and most people were off the ship and  we were able to enjoy it the most but on   sea days it was definitely uh packed and it wasn't  that it felt like there was too many people there   but they're definitely you weren't able to  get a chair there was a lot of towels on a   chair sometimes all day long and you never saw  anybody at it so that i think was a bit of an   issue there we often tried to get a chair around  one of the three pools and we're unsuccessful   yeah there's two pools kind of side by side in the  center of the ship there's a smaller adult's pool   it's a little bridge towards the forward part of  the ship and then between those two there's kind   of a kid's splash pool area tipping bucket  and water slides for children as well so and   then what about the perfect storm area i loved it  well unfortunately for me fortunately for you the   pools were so busy we couldn't sit around the deck  chairs that jill dragged me up some of the water   slides and rides are not my thing but she dragged  me on this one so we were able to find loungers in   in that area and a lot of a mixture of shade and  sun ones so that worked out well for us so yeah   that we we enjoyed the water slides probably  more than the pool just because it was a   quick way to cool off if you were out and it  wasn't as busy as the pools for some reason   against my will i went on the tidal wave  many times four five times at least and this   you you you carry up your own inflatable slide for  two people and you all the way up to the top you   get in it goes kind of starts out like a water  slide like okay this isn't too bad and then it   shoots you down this big hill and you're thinking  okay this is me the final part of it and then you   start going back up and you start going back up  to the point where you're going to shoot off the   top of the ship and you're going to be left in the  caribbean sea luckily there was a a metal barrier   at the end of this thing that stopped us from  getting off the ship and then we come slide back   down backwards back into this other pool and swirl  around and then finally you regain consciousness   and you're back up in the water and going again  for the next time for some reason so that was   my experience that was it the same for you no  you're a little melodramatic it was a fun ride   what's been kind of fun because i did  it more than once and i survived barely   but and then of course there's the um there's  the surfing was they call that the wave rider   no flow rider flow rider the flow riders there as  well as well as a couple other water slides that   was impressive just to even watch we didn't try  it but they had demonstrations that staff would   do it and it was pretty impressive to watch them  and it was also kind of nice to watch and cheer   on fellow guests who were attempting it for the  first time and were able to do it it was a lot   of fun that was entertaining that was a great  way to spend an hour or so in the afternoon just   being in a observation area there yeah yeah  and there's also there's another deck above   the pool area that overlooks everything the name  of that the the crown and this area overlooks uh   i believe the adults pool and the kids pool and  it kind of overlooks the front of the ship i guess   so that's what's up top yeah a little bit busy on  sea days for sure especially the adults only area   had a real tough time finding any space there  might have been you know two or three dozen   chairs there around the pool and they are either  covered with towels or people sitting at them and   well in those pools were generally like a few  times we went there thinking we'd just jump   in the pool and not need a chair but the pools  were definitely the busier of the pools was that   adults area yeah without a doubt so so i guess  to wrap it up then um our liberty of the seas   um my first royal caribbean and yours first uh  north america what what stood out for you what   was your favorite part of the ship my favorite  part of the ship was entertainment for sure i   felt like the night shows were phenomenal the live  music was really good really enjoyed it we got to   experience a mixture of entertainment throughout  the whole cruise and so i looked forward to   what was on every night for the for the next  night and my favorite part of the ship would be   i would say the room oh yeah i would say that  this was the best undoubtedly the best room that   i've had on a cruise ship and it wasn't even  a balcony room i think that there was so much   seating it was large uh the bathroom was nice the  decor was really nice the location was fantastic   that i think the room made it for me we wouldn't  have had that room it might not have been the   same experience for me like the rest of the ship  was was a lot of fun and a lot of new things for   me to explore for the first time but the room  still to this day sticks out is the one thing   yeah i really liked about that but all in all  really good first experience for royal caribbean i   i definitely see why they're so popular especially  with families you could really get the vibe the   family vibe it was kind of everybody was having a  good time it wasn't kind of the over-the-top crazy   you know march break crowd it was more just enjoy  a summer vacation family cruise and i think that's   their sweet spot perfectly yeah i think you know  if i had to do it over again it would have been   a cruise like when we had teenagers would have  really appealed to teenagers there's a lot of sort   of adventurous things that they can do and yeah  it you can be as busy as you want on this ship   for sure there's always something happening yeah  for sure so well thanks for joining us for our uh   tour of the liberty of the seas and uh if you have  any questions definitely post them below here in   youtube and we will uh check them and help you  out and subscribe if you haven't already done so   but any last words deliver the seas you gonna go  to another royal caribbean absolutely loved it i   think that they had great customer service they  they had great entertainment it was something   that i would highly recommend to anybody yeah me  too thank you very much for watching today and uh   and check out our channel there'll be lots more  videos coming and now that cruising started up   again we will be doing lots of vlogs and  things to come so take care take care bye

2021-06-26 22:04

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