[Music] [Music] but an incredible experience um what was the highlight for you I think the Highlight is good morning welcome to the beach of Southern Goa we are riding towards P gym today uh last night the old man got attacked by a cow um so he got horned cuz it was protecting its baby um but today we've got a shorter ride 70 km it's going to be nice and relaxed and then we're going to explore the beautiful town of pan Jim um and this whole time I've been using this quadlock foam mount with the vibration dampener it has been perfect it is lived up to the test so if you want a phone mount for your motorcycle this is the one to buy so click the link in the description and check it out now last night we spent the uh evening on the beach we had a lovely dinner by the ocean you can see it outside lovely sort of Shack Place nice food nice chicken ticker um and we went for a little walk played on a j BBE that was nice sounded lovely smelt some spices got attacked by a cow watched the cow trying to book a table at a restaurant so it was quite an interesting evening um but today is going to be another day full of Adventures um so again if you want to do something like this yourself vintage rides have organized everything for us um so we'll leave their Link in the description if you want to check them out they do tours across the whole world um and they're officially a partner with Royal Enfield so it's all on Royal Enfield Motorcycles um and if you haven't seen the other videos from this trip then make sure you go back and check them out cuz we've done loads of them and make sure you subscribe subcribed so we can produce more content like you've seen on this trip I wonder if we'll see the cow that attacked the old man last night really went for him cuz it had a little baby and it uh I think he just thought that he was trying to attack the baby but actually just trying to be nice to the baby probably the last bit of off-roading to do on this trip thoroughly enjoyed going off road and going where you like it's brilliant and it really has made me want to uh do a bit more of it actually I've always found off-road riding a little bit daunting I think on this trip I've sort of learned a fair bit got a bit more confident about it and de started to actually enjoy it so I'd definitely definitely like to do some more um maybe on something a little bit more suited for it like the bear there we have l a uh hindra th Offroad what a car I really really like that car wonder how good it is that is awesome love it oh that's very Rocky isn't it oh I think the right side is the the better route this is a little bit gnarly not a lot but a little [Music] [Music] bit [Music] excellent oh [ __ ] B down [Music] [Music] you okay yeah yeah cuz he went to the to the Neal and then I oh [Music] damage no yeah lucky got that guard it protects it are you okay huh are you okay yeah yeah yeah I did not fall so all right okay good theal on way we just stopped at the side of the road because there is a sugar cane um store I absolutely love these it's literally a drink made from Pure sugar cane they just squeeze it in this little machine tastes amazing doesn't it yes delicious so uh this will be the second time we've had this drink I could drink this every day this one well does yeah it looks like a new machine hello she's got [Music] one fantastic oh that Royal Enfield sounds fantastic beautiful soundtrack that's Bliss so good so good so my entire pure sugar cane knowing this exists undo this sweet it's tasty it's not like drinking refined sugar it's it's got a sort of a intricate would you say slightly lemon is Flavor well I probably put lemon in it actually put lime in it it's it's not overly sweet um which you would expect it to be it's really not that sweet but it's so tasty it's got the sort of head that you get on a good beer yeah yeah nice yeah love it recommend it hopefully the Cup's clean probably not delicious just going to have a way someone's house I don't know we in their Garden did we say about that when we did that we in that town no yeah we were uh desperate for a we we're in this town or yeah it's Town big town so we just found this grotty spot by the side of uh ditch and a open sewer rubbish everywhere thought that'll be right so we both started uh relieving our bladders bladders and uh actually hope they can't see I'm doing it butterflies everywhere yeah and this woman came and she was she was she was say I don't know what she's saying um she might have been saying yeah prob um you know probably not so yeah we were told off for that but we couldn't stop no we were so desperate we're doing it for for about 3 minutes Hur up I hope she you know was hoping she won't come out and throw stones at us but luckily uh we got away with it but uh yeah it wasn't exactly a nice spot so I hope I didn't get you on camera then back to is hopefully my knobs not in it there might be this massive black shadow we'll have to save that for the only fans channel that we're starting yeah we're starting one possibly looking Ro F coming up behind me see if he it sounds that's a Harley it's Harley Street 750 they canel interesting that's the first hary I've seen in India W you don't see them often anywhere especially that model so uh that's cool to see church fastic church that [Music] stunning we just stopped we're about to go for lunch but I noticed this old really old Royal infield this is a bullet 350 I've not seen one like this before you got Kickstart you've got this lever we mentioned in the um when we went to the garage Cafe we asked what it was apparently it's to put the bike into neutral no matter what gear you're in you kick that you're in neutral that's a great idea you want to ride to ride it 95 91 95 95 okay 1995 yeah you I well can do yeah yeah let's go for it so gears on the right yeah yeah yeah how do you start it see now you kick start this should be middle yeah kick start okay I I'll show I'll show I'll you show me you're too young son you're too young yeah I know you have to press this yeah yeah and see this you have to bring it in the middle okay oh gosh it's hard to ride this is the oldest mfield I've ever ridden wow the brakes don't work oh the back brake doeses why is that on older bikes the back brakes are better than the front the front brak's terrible it's St again n [Music] [Applause] [Music] out the way please out the way out the way oh my God that is cool what a bike at [Music] that now we've ridden for a couple of hours and we stopped here for lunch just uh have a quick look on the beach don't show you that L uh lovely sand beautiful beach smell that lovely sea fabulous this is nicer than the place we stayed it's man with a buffalo leading him out of the sea but I can't film me because there's a oddl looking lady so the last day today um a few more exciting things happening as we go along so it's not over yet trust me there's some more coming and uh what we'll do at the end of the day is uh sit down with a beer and sort of do a summary of uh our findings in India and perhaps some of the things that we could learn from India in our country and uh you know maybe India could learn one or two from us so we'll we'll talk about that later well that's lunch over and some silly man spiled Pepsi all over me so I'm still wet and sticky hopefully I'll dry out where I won't get any less sticky this is interesting that there's different speed limits for different Vehicles cars can do 70 bik 60 and Lor's 50 that's kilm an hour so uh interesting oh look at that advert for the Honda big wi presents CB 350 I that's the highest that is cool so the highness looks lovely it looks like a classic 350 but the uh not as keen on the normal version looks more like a hunter prefer the classic I can tell we're getting closer to Pand the roads are Mayhem got 22 km left me this is the busiest Road been on most of the roads in the country side aren't too bad but this is it this is bad wait till we get to pan it's just going to be amen first traffic jam of India then [Music] IM you're doing this in the UK it's mental red light [Music] see if I high five someone on this bus dang buildings around here are absolutely beautiful very very nice these are oh look at those oh my God D ancient mahendras beautiful that looks like it's been sat there a while that's been sat there a while that yeah it's this beautiful old building stunning Royal Enfield looks like it's been abandoned there classic 350 I think what a beauty it's a shame it's a shame that someone would leave that there it's beautiful [Music] [Music] that's it I think it is finished see that blue uh Jeep the one that was like like really old yeah don't know what it was but mod did up that is lovely old classic 350 I think it looks nicer than the new one to be honest we're just about to check into our hotel which look quite nice actually um and then we're going to do a wander around the town stand yeah I saw that uh we're going to do a Wonder around the town see what it's like it looks really nice the architecture is lovely here um and we're going to give you our summary and our opinions on what India has been like so we just arrived at uh where are we panjim panjim and uh parked up here is a really nice Honda CB 350 very nice isn't it and that is coming to the UK not sure what version but it's going to be basically this proper air cooled engine just how we like it uh offset but uh what's the word analog dial it is but it's not particularly good looking not particular I hate this side bit make it in the blinking middle but it's at least it's analog uh it's a nice bike do you like these GL Harley Davidson thank you sir yeah also this open hello yes room service please yeah can we have uh two chicken vindaloo up to our room yeah room 203 thank you thank you bye-bye so this uh room is really really nice isn't it it's a Portuguese style hotel and it's a sort of Portuguese old building yeah old building and the the furniture here we'll show you around it's beautiful isn't it really good so this is the nicest hotel we've been in last one was not so nice of open shower room and uh you know usual and we have the folding doors out onto a view of pan Jim and uh you know it's not the busiest part of the Town well nice floors are beautiful they got these lovely tiles sort of Mosaic tiles very pretty uh architecturally this is the nicest building we've actually seen since we've been in India actually and we're just going to get the last bits of stuff off the bike before it goes furn is so nice does make a difference when you have quality uh things doesn't it it's uh a better experience Isn't it nice that's why we like nice things is we yeah done done all right let's go back some of the some of the people in the restaurant look to me like I've just landed from a a slum we're covered in dust trousers are filthy yeah I don't know yeah we might be uh in the next Bollywood movie if we're lucky oh going to go away in a minute to um give away some clothes we just gone for a little walk around the back of our hotel and uh this this road is extremely busy full of people taking photos I don't know whether this is a famous street or something it's got some lovely build um literally everyone just taking photos that's nice chap at the end of the road get run over now the reason we are doing a little walk is because he's got a load of t-shirts and his helmet and things that he wants to give away um but this area seems to be quite an affluent area so I don't think there's anyone who would need donating to um we were hoping that there'd be some sort of less wealthy people that we could do that um we don't want to give it to some rich person [Music] it's sler than that guys helmet helmet for you yeah yeah doesn't work anymore drinking what's that drinking drinking no good thank you it's for the helmet nice to meet you guys see you later that one's not so scary we almost got attacked by a dog just then we're just doing a little wand around town it's just stunning and the sun has just set so suddenly we've got this beautiful sort of Pinky orangey Hue in the whole Sky it's absolutely beautiful oh what a day what a week I'm lacers yeah absolutely uh I'm covered in dust filth and dirt I mean we haven't been able to wash out the trailers got to get them dry haven't you but an incredible experience um what was the highlight for you I think the Highlight is just all the people I think India is full of you know kind curious just magical people happy people happy people yeah everyone so happy and it makes you think you know going through these really so many nice roils here um going through all these sort of rural Villages and there are just people who are unaffected by the modern world it's almost like they're back in time they've all got a smile on their face they're all happy yeah absolutely it's a different way of living it's not the capitalist way of living The Village communities everybody works on the farm the land Gathering preparing things cleaning things cutting things don't they and and and they're just so happy that the nicest people on planet Earth genuinely really are and that was a really great experience to meet them all wasn't it um you go to different parts and obviously people react differently to you obviously in the cities everyone knows you know they're not sort of surprised to see but I think us turning up looking like we do big tall um muscular very handsome men people like they're just we're mesos like we just landed from outter space wasn't it yeah so they're just standing and looking at us like we're getting off the bikes and people are going I mean and then sort of the more middle class people as well that want their selfies with us and shaking hands yeah everywhere we go it's like it's like it's like having a taste of what it would be like to be uh Tom Cruz or something cuz everywhere you go people want to take a picture with you not because you're famous but because you look different yeah but they're not in a it's not you know in a nasty way but I see that as a positive I mean it's not it's not a Prejudice it's just you know curios if you're different people are interested and that's the same with any anything in human nature isn't it to to look at or uh be surprised or curious about something that's different so and they're so um intrigued to find out where you've come from everyone ask where where you come from and and they want to know what you think of their country and we love and every time we sell them we love it it's just unbelievable yeah that's the same for me um the other thing was uh I was extremely impressed with the farming when you go through the agricultural uh land and and it's vast I mean we're talking days and days and days of riding through it I mean it's so huge yeah but the variety of crops it's all done by hand everyone's chipping in doing their bit and they have these sort of oldfashioned looking tractors oldfashioned to us they the proper tractors really the mahendras and uh I they decorate them with all the lovely stuff oh my God and they're using uh those big white cows I think cows I don't know if they're o or cows whatever someone tell us what sort of cows they are but they're plowing with them they've got carts pull being pulled by them haven't they everyone puts the um farmed produce on top the sugar cane Fields cut by hand bananas it's all done by hand with loads and loads of people everyone's got a job in the western world uh all this technology means one farmer can do everything without even getting out of his cab uh with all that technology and also the technology Ai and what have you we we've got all these people growing population yet less need for them uh because there's less jobs because the AI is doing and the technolog is doing it so really going back to this means everyone's working everyone's happy maybe they don't make very much but isn't their value in happiness not just material wealth one thing that really has shocked me um I'd seen it perhaps a little bit on you know films and stuff but when you go go through these rural areas they overload the lorries and the tractors to the maximum they really see how much they can get on them you see them with this with uh hay or something on the back and it's spooling over you know 3 m either side and it's 10 m tall not 10 m but 6 M tall or something it's incredible I mean and then we saw one that obviously really overloaded it and he's in a ditch yeah so it's a risk but they get you know as much as they can on it so they can do it in less trips but it looks risky that sort of summarizes India I mean you use your brain and decide what you're going to do there's not all these rules and regulations like we have uh in the western world and I think that's a very good thing common sense if if something goes wrong it's your fault it's not anyone else's fault and and with the riding you get a family of four on a scooter children some a lot of the children stand up in the front holding on like that well Dad on Mom rides the bik takes them to school or wherever they're going why not why not where helmets are supposed to be comparti but most people don't no why not your your choice uh we have this thing in the west that everything you can think of think we need a law for that we need the government to tell us we don't need the government to tell us anything it's getting worse and worse um so I like that I like that sort of and also with the the riding and the driving like somebody said right at the beginning it's like water everyone flows through and it's all very fluid and for the most part it works really well of course you get crashes but um if if they had speed cameras like we do in the UK EU you'd be forever looking at your speedometer and as soon as you're looking at that if they brought that in here it wouldn't work everyone would be dead in two weeks because they're not looking where they're going and the roads are very congested especially in these sorts of areas they're not in the countryside but if there was speed cameras on that Motorway coming into here I think they' be everyone would crash every crash CU you're not looking at the road and and you get this sort of uh enhanced awareness when you're thinking about the one thing that you're riding or driving your mind you're not bothered about the speed you're just thinking about the road and that is that is important you are constantly looking spe and in England our motorways we've got average speed check we've got every two sort of signs there another speed camera so if you're ever going like this and you're not looking at the road one minute it's 50 then 60 you go into a 20 Zone it should just be sort of common sense that you drive within that sort of speed roughly but you're focusing on the road you know if I'm doing 78 and I get a ticket but I'm concentrated on the road I'm perfectly safe I'm safer than someone who's staring at the speedometer yeah absolutely so yeah we we could learn a lot from that um but we say it is it going to happen no no because it's going to get worse we're going to have more rules cuz the government are just obsessed with thinking right what can we do for this what can we do for that it's like a virus it's got into every part of our Lives now and that is not a good thing so uh when we uh we love Indian food we eat Indian food at home a lot we go out for Indian M movies Indian uh food at restaurants I make Indian food at home you do we mix up spices we've doing it for years hav we since you were a little kid yeah um I used to call him Gupta and I was Luigi and we were Che why you were Luigi cuz that's Italian I I don't know I think I said that yeah but we used to do that um so we came to India um thinking that the food may be a little different what did you experience yeah I mean I thought that the dishes would be different and they are um and there are dishes that are only in this region you know South Goa um specific you know fish curry and stuff we didn't actually try fish curry like fish um he does like fish I do like time I get fish I'll be the only person with a group of 20 people OB the gets all the bones yeah that is the other thing I mean all the food here in England we're used to boneless we don't put bones in anything but all the chicken pretty much all the chicken here and all the fish the fish that I've had has had bones in it I just find it so difficult to eat that I just we want to get it down I end up cracking a tooth I I know they do the the bone the bone chicken just get more flavor out of the bones and but yeah we're not really used to that are we no we're not but what was the main thing that you noticed about the food well the dishes are we don't have the same dishes like in in England we've sort of got these generalized dishes like madrass we've got um I mean there are some dishes that were the same chicken Tika um tck Masala chicken masala or any Masala Curry Etc um the flavors were a bit different but I was expecting to have extremely spicy food here I thought it' be spicier than what we get in England I always try and go and get a spicy curry I always choose a vindaloo or um a foul while I'm at home and for the most part the curries have been reasonably mild here uh very tasty very tasty but not as spicy as I was thinking um I did have one we both had one the other day called the uh hydrabad and it's like a green sort of spinachy cry with a lot of chilies in it it was spicy but again I wasn't like it didn't blow my socks off but the waiter came over and he said oh was it spicy and I said well you know reasonably and he couldn't believe it he said the Indian people are scared to order this I was like really I've eaten hotter you know but yesterday we did have a really hot C it was hot yeah really hot but generally I'd say it's it's quite mild very tasty everything but the prices here are so much cheaper than than UK the exchange rate is quite easy to work out so when we got into the rural really rural Villages and went to the local cafe where all the workers go and eat their lunch um we're talking about 50 rupees which is like 50p for a main dish or you know or or a tally with different things in a very cheap wasn't it unbelievable or you know a pound equivalent so cheap you know main dishes in the UK now are £9 950 more some places so 10th of the price yeah there so much cheap and also the the the little country cafes um it seems that the attitude is to feed the people and for everyone to be happy uh they're not out to make money out of you are they or people whereas they just want you to be happy they want you to enjoy their food they're passionate about their food and they want you to enjoy it yeah it's very tasty um a lot of people on the trip uh generally from tourist are worried about eating local food but we will find it fine I'm one of the only white uh people that has been to India who got constipated yeah loads of people have been asking oh have you have you got the runs um you have you got Deli belly which is what we call in England when you maybe drink the tap water and you get upset but we've drank you know not tap water but filtered water um and we've drank sugarcane drinks off the side of the road we we've eaten chicken that that's came from around the back of the restaurant you know honestly we've had no issue whatsoever it's been absolutely delicious so we would have missed out if we didn't try it yeah I mean the hygiene standards here aren't you know they aren't High not compared to what we have in you know I've got this thing that we are human beings of this planet like every other creature so we should be able to withstand a little bit of dirt and bacteria shouldn't we should even though I'm fastidious um even though what what even though what I'm fastidious I'm fastidious I am fastidious what's that mean very particular right it's just yeah absolutely so if you haven't seen the other videos in the series go back to the beginning and watch each one because every uh episode is uh complete Adventure in itself there's different things in every video it's unbelievable experiened so different wasn't it yeah and we were riding with a um an organized tour from a company called uh vintage rides and it's excellent isn't it yeah all on classic 350s Royal enfields and uh it's easier if you don't know where you are obviously you just follow the leader and the tour leaders is brilliant and we go to all these different places stop off here stop off there lunch here lunch there dinner it's great isn't it so takes the the the worry out of traveling and you just uh you know it's all done for you so um we're just saying about the the classic 350s which is one of our favorite bikes still love them um and they're they're like a perfect allrounder bike they do everything pretty well you know you can go on the road with them off-road we did some proper off-roading when we did off-roading that I would say 99% of of adventure bike riders wouldn't do yeah honestly um you know we're not pounding over bumps like you would on an Enduro bike you're rolling over them you can jump little jumps but you haven't got a lot of suspension travel it's not not built to do um Motocross or Enduro no but they're perfect perfectly capable of going anywhere we had road tires and we went everywhere you'll see in the little Clips we're putting over this um they're good on the road um they're not super fast they're not super powerful but they do everything uh you know well don't they yeah I think yeah they are um for someone over 6 foot for a long period of time they're a little bit too small in terms of the way that the the bars are quite low um and the seat perhaps puts me a bit too far forward um I need the bars to be maybe you know that much higher and to have a flat BGE seat and slightly further forward foot pegs and then I would have been perfectly comfortable I think the shorter people on this ride have found it perfectly fine when you're a bit taller after five or six days of doing 200 km plus a day the uh upper back or your neck cuz you sort of like that bending your neck up so that starts to rake lower back starts to rake so if it just had a few tweaks slightly higher bars for someone of our height then it would be perfect yeah and we did see two today finny enough where one had really wide sort of old style Scrambler bars yeah and that would be perfect on the bik you could make these bikes uh they do they did it used to do a trial Trail or trials version maybe they'll bring it back that would be great wouldn't it yeah that would be awesome um but they're good bikes I mean if you want to buy one um and you don't expect to go particularly fast uh you'll love it yeah one thing I noticed right from the start is how green India is in the first place we started out in there's trees everywhere it's a big town sprawling sort of town little buildings and not high up uh but trees everywhere and then as we rod from there pretty much the entire way apart from the cities was trees and then we got into the forest or I don't know if you call it forest or jungle uh we were riding through Goa it was just endless trees I mean we were riding all day never stops being in tree cover uh for 3 four five six how many days eight days all together riding wasn't it I think so or seven maybe I it was eight one we didn't recall one day cuz it was just hammering out some miles was on a was a boring road but yeah I'm very impressed with the amount of tree cover here cuz as I said on one of the rides the largest forest in the UK you could probably ride across on a motorbike if there was a road through it I don't know if there is I haven't been to it look you're talking about 10 15 minutes not not big uh this is day after day after day so there's tons of trees here which is absolutely wonderful and the wildlife big I mean it's monkeys yeah cows are Wildlife here uh a cow me yesterday been sweet cows all all week and then the last day I was attacked I'm okay um it's cows um what else birds all the variety of birds you've never seen in your life uh what are those things in the mud water buffalo water buffalo there's there's Tigers elephants butterfly butterflies endless butterflies dragonflies it's just Wildlife everywhere and that's largely down to one lots of greenery two they don't cut the to make everything neat and tidy like they do in Europe um so Wildlife has got nowhere to go and then they spray all the verges and spray all the Pavements and spray everything in anything that grows through in England is sprayed pretty much by councils that's why we've got very little wildlife in our country and what is gets hunted and shot so not very good apparently hunting is uh not a done thing here or shooting I don't know about shooting but I don't there's not actually sporting no uh which is fantastic so that's why you got so much living things here we're not just the only creatures that live on this planet there are others and I think they have as much right to be here as we do totally now if you've enjoyed this trip and you've watched every episode then we are thinking about putting everything together with some unseen bits that we didn't include in the Final Cuts of each um episode and making it into sort of a movie style almost like a Top Gear special type thing so if you want to see that let us know in the comments below because uh it would take us a long time to edit so if you don't want to see it I won't bother but yeah we could I mean the the clips that we haven't put in are still brilliant but there's so much of it that you know we've got to just choose the bits that fit the story uh but you know we can put something together that's going to be magnificent it'll be a good like hours uh video for Christmas or New Year so when you got nothing to do and it fed up with uh the Christmas you know endless whatsoever watch one of our videos it be quite entertaining hopefully yeah so again make sure subscribed watch all the videos if you haven't watched them yet and we'll see you back in England Namaste namaste
2025-01-09 17:08