Les Brown: Why Do We Dream ( Les Brown Inspiration )

Les Brown: Why Do We Dream ( Les Brown Inspiration )

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Your. Dream come true you got to stay focused some people rather get even than get ahead stay focus on where you want to go I just. Kept on doing what I was supposed to do and so. I was driving to the radio station, my, opponent, had over. $20,000. I had. Less than $800. As I. Was in the radio station the guy said you got to make a commercial I said yes he, said it better be a good one because that money can't go pretty for here and, I sat there in the middle of control room in our stinky, and here's. What happens when you get still. Stuff. Will start coming something. Said call. You mama used to talk about your mother on the air all the time ask, her to say a few words for you that'll, be a different kind of political spa. So, I call my mama and, I, had a gospel. Record playing in the background and then I had my mother say hello this is mrs. Mamie Brown when. I raised my sons I raised them to be good children when. They got out of hand I beat them behind and made them go right please, vote for my son he's a football usually. In a state representative race, maybe if three or four thousand, people will come out to vote in a primary and, that primary, race over. 27,000. People came out and voted said I'm voting for Less Broncos and mom will say he's a good boy I want, ladies and gentlemen i won. So, you've got to be willing to say focus to be creative, to be relentless, because. Things are going to happen to you when you're working on your dream when. You get on track I remember when I first got involved in speaking one, of the main things, that speakers like to do is, fake to speak to a certain Association, that they have over. 10,000. Of their sales, reps and come to this convention and I. Was ridiculous, I kept saying it's possible it's. Possible see, what I want to let you know and set you up for because, you said it's possible don't mean then you're not gonna have any problems, that, Murphy's. Law it'll come and slap you side to hear. Oberman. Gonna come visit you. He's. Waiting for some of y'all out in the parking lot oh. You. Say it's possible okay it's possible to get up. Well. I was, working I've kept saying it's possible they, got other speakers on this program I can be on that program too I kept, telling myself I got all fired up and I was calling him every day every day and the, lady finally said mr. Brown I tell, you what we, want you to come in and talk to our sales executives, you got the kind of fire and get that they want that will motivate them and let me tell you something else we want you to bring your motivational, tapes you're gonna need at least $50,000.

Where The tapes us is that right yes, because they want to keep that drive alive I said, all right I'll, call a guy to duplicate, my tape let's sit down how you doing this is les let, me tell you I got a major speaking, engagement, said magnets of speakers dream I need over 50,000, dollars where the product is unless, you don't have that kind of credit, I. Said. I know but Donna I can sell that just just right after speaking engagement, I'll give you money in four days he said are you sure less I said, yes I got a major speaking, engagement then they told me to do it he, said manda that's a big ugly let, me talk with the lady with you I said hold on just a minute man call, lady back hello Evan how you doing this is les Rob I got dot on the phone what did you say do I have the speaking engagement yes, you do and what, else you suggest let's our, people they buy a lot of tapes your takes a very popular. Among them I'm saying, bring at least $50,000. Worth of tapes les you'll sell everything, you got and more, I said, did you hear that Don he said yes I said now if anybody, else has to make a decision are you to find a person she said I'm the final person I will, send you the contract, I want, you I said you hear that down he said yes I said oh ye, of little faith, I. Said. Locate, the tapes man hunka. Photo. Well. He. Duplicate, the tapes. One. Week pain, but I'm. Checking the mail every day. No. Contract. As, it come on Murphy Dostana. Give, me a break come on. Come. On, I talked, to myself you know I don't. Want to call it right there, two. Weeks past my curfew say don't you think you ought to call I. Say. Okay, I call. I say hello, this. Is Les Brown calling how you doing less than five I've said on epilim. Hasn't sent my contract, out yet any additional, information you need so unless, you haven't heard I said no. Evelyn. Died. How'd, she go. I said. Did. She say anything about me when. I got home I was. So wiped out. Mercury, was at the house away mom Pervis head is it possible, you want to listen to some of your tape but ladies and gentlemen here is what I had to do I, had. To begin to focus on what was the solution now. This was not the only place that I'll be able to sell those products, and as.

I Began to challenge myself and got some help and support him some other input I eventually. Did it took longer but. It was challenging, but I, did, it repeat out to me please no, matter how bad it is or. How. Bad it gets. I'm. Going to, make. I'm going to make it. Shake. Somebody's hand on your ride and let's say you got that right scible I, could. Have my dream I. Can. Get what I want, I, must. Be creative. And. Never give up. Now. Let me share something else with you ladies and gentlemen when you know within. Yourself and there's something you want to do and I believe that all of us were born with a purpose but. All of us have something that we are supposed to do and. All of us have some goodness within, us and that goodness gives us a responsibility, to. Manifest our greatness. And. When you know that you could feel it in your guts and you know that you're deliberately, operating. Below your potential you've gotten comfortable you. Stop expanding, you stop stretching you stop challenging, yourself let me share something else with you not, only it's it's possible, for you to have your dream but, it's, necessary. It's. Necessary that. You, have that. You work on it that you develop yourself that, you go for what is yours in. The universe I have. A friend that at. The beginning of the year I was in Los Angeles giving, a speech and and I, do a seminar teaching people how, to become involved in the speaking business and and also one call speaking with power teaching, people how, to begin to develop their communication skills and. This friend I said I want you to work with me I called her up she. Said les are you sure I've been doing sure you can you. Have a PhD in communications. I don't have that if, I can do it sure. You can do it in fact I'm gonna give you the support that, you. Need here's, what I realized ladies and gentlemen we only have enough energy to take us to a certain level but. It's necessary. That we assemble, ourselves, with other people who share our vision other, people, that can see it for us to, give ourselves a, home court advantage, first. Necessary that you seek out other people who think like you who are growing who decided, that they are not satisfied, with where they are see I don't believe that the, necessity that necessity. Is the mother invention. Of invention, no necessity. In my opinion, is not the mother of invention. Refusing. To accept things the way that they are. It's the mother of invention. You. Decide I'm not going to settle for this. This. Is not going to be it for my life I deserve. More than this. See. That will stop making, you do some stuff. See. A lot of people go to work every day miserable. And all they do is just talk about how miserable they are, but. They don't do anything about it so. I, was telling. Her that I knew she hated a job with a passion, I said, you can do this you got more going for you than I have going for me and. We've. Been going through this for years ladies, and gentlemen she had been to my seminar speaking, for a living she, brought a husband, and that was one of the major problems, that I realized that happened in her life he couldn't see it for her so you got to make sure that. You have people in your life that can see it for you, that, will encourage, you non, affirming, relationships, can hurt you. And. I talked to them I said you know I don't have anything to do with your, marriages that you and I are good friends and she, and I are good friends and and I'm not taking sides I said but if you can't see it for it don't tell her that, just, give her some support what if you're wrong it's, possible. Man that that if I'm doing it she, can do well you're different how you gonna tell me that you've, seen her speaks he's got great speaking skills Donal Estimator you don't know you've, got a great woman here but. You see people who can't see it for themselves can't. See it for you, he. Was happy, so. I said will you do it with me I said I'm gonna give you the support you need you can't do it by yourself I will, stand, with you she, said you will I said yes I'm gonna make you part of my seminar, you're doing part of it and I'll do a part of it sticking with power she. Said okay. Three. Days later ladies, and gentlemen I got. An emergency call at my office it, was from a husband, he. Called and said tell Les Brown. That. Marion, is. Dead, I, said. Oh no. When. I was flying there to go to the funeral and. I. Remember, the, last time that I saw her and. I. Had some of her, papers, that I had gotten inadvertently. Confused. With mine and I took them home and, I.

Was Searching through these papers to, do one, of her work she was a prolific, writer and. What. Got me what was so sad that made, me began to cry was that there were poems that she had started that were profound, poems, great thoughts that. She didn't complete, plays, that she had started that she, didn't completely that poem was given to her I can't finish that for her nor, can you that, play whatever the outcome that she had envisioned, that she had imagined, was. Given to her, only. Her and that she's, the channel that that was going to come through you are here. And you. Are the vessel you are the outlet, for, the universe that you've been selected there's, something for you to do I believe all of us have some purpose, for being here and, as. I was going to the funeral and I. Was reading a newspaper that, said that, millions. Of people are dying because of what. They're eating talking about their diet and. I'm sure that it was Miriam talking, to me, whispering. Saying less the, next time you speak, say, that even more are dying because of what's, eating, them, when, the challenges, of life come your way you got to find ways to increase, your sense, of self, appreciation. Because if you don't you're. Bombarded, with negative stuff every, day that, beats you down and, you will find yourself unconsciously. Engage in self-destructive. Behavior if you don't program yourself life. Will program you, so, you want to have an agenda for your life it's necessary, that you have some direction for your life a friend at, the National Speakers convention, gave us presentation. And it really struck me he was talking about when he was travelling across Europe, one Bresson and he said a different point soldiers, would wake them up on their journey and asked him the question and, I, pulls this to you the question was where. Have you been. Why. Are you here and where. Are you going and, that's. What I asked you where have you been where have you been up to this point you. Look at your life you look at what you produce is it. Giving you what you are they are you living on purpose, are you living your dream, are you acting on your ideas, are, you doing all you can do have you gotten comfortable are. You procrastinating are, you invading your own greatness are, you surrounding, yourself with people that can in nourish you are you challenging, yourself, are you experimenting.

Are You learning something different. Your, life an adventure is, it boring. Where. Have you been. Why. You here what brought you here investing. The time the money, what. Brought you here and, where. Are you going what is it that you can get out of this session out of this lecture, but. When you leave here rather than this just being a spectator, event, that you've got some idea some dream, that, you might have to go back and brush it off and look at it again and. Say I've got to do this this, is my stuff, this is what I'm supposed to do this is why I showed up where. Are you going with your life, what decisions, are you making right now as you look into the future are. You experimenting. To find out what other talents, and abilities, that you have see we're in a time right now the day is gone where you could just go to college and get out and and. Get a job and work 30 or 40 years with job security and, retire. With the goal was the goal, watch days are gone. Brand. New day party's over so now you have got to be multi-talented. And multi. Skill you've. Got to use all your stuff you don't know what else you can do I don't know I can do what I'm doing right now it's. Necessary, that you stretch and challenge yourself say let me see I start, out as a trainer I'm a trainer that's what I am that's. What my expertise. Was in and then, I decided, let me see can I speak and. Then I discovered, hey I can do that what if I hadn't tried to do then just been satisfied, with just being a trainer with a limited vision of myself and then after training and then, as well maybe I go into business for myself and, I started speaking going, into business for myself well. Maybe I could train other speakers and teach them how to go into business for themselves so. You want to have a back-up plan you want to have other strategies, for. Yourself in case this doesn't work out you got something else going over here you. Don't want to ever put yourself in a vision in a situation, where you have a limited vision and you're, only using a limited, amount of your talents, of your, skills and of, your abilities, and I'm saying to you it's. Possible, you've got some talents some, ideas and you your ability to do some stuff, that you haven't even discovered, yet and now, I'm suggesting that it's necessary, that you get outside of your comfort zone it's necessary, that you develop some new relationship. Where you can learn from people it's necessary, that you do reading, that you do research it's necessary, if you're already involved in some business that you don't be satisfied with where you off you want to make it a day it's necessary, for you to constantly, look, at ways of getting better not. All is it possible, for you to have your dream and. It's. Necessary for you to challenge yourself to go after it and get better and leverage. The relationships, that can help you get to where you want to go, but. It's you. The. Major key, to, your. Leaking. Your dream you're living up to your greatness your making your contribution, is. You. If. The economy, is good fantastic. If, the banks are loaning money that's, great. If. People are positive, that's great, you. Don't have any opposition that's, great, but. The major key to your, making, things happen in your life is. You when. I want to get on public television or they tell me you can't do that so. What about I've seen these other people on. It's. Possible, I can get on liova. Skaia John Bradshaw. It's. Possible, with less cubicle. Time' let's. Be realistic come on be logical that's. Of a wait a minute why can't I do it let's look at think. About God who have credentials. All kind of credentials, you don't have any college ready narrator put, you on, television. I. Said it thank, you for that God love you and I'm trying and, went, on by my business. Let. Me tell you something what. People think about you, and the possibilities.

For Your dream is none of your business. That's. Their business they have no imagination ladies. And gentlemen their. Livering out of the class out, of their memory. The. Attitude, is it can't be done because they haven't seen it they're. Judging according to appearances, the. People that are going to make it in the future the, people that are making it today let. Me share something with you history, is being read but it's also being, written by, people with imagination so, I went to the next world necessary, to stop talking to people in seeking and asking for, what I wanted and leveraging, relationships and, trying to find out how do the people do it that went, ahead of me how do they do it and then, what is it I need to do how, is it I need to train myself to develop myself, what's, the resources, that will be required in order to make it happen and as, I start seeking out and asking questions I started. Running into people said I know someone, who can help you do that and they. Helped me get connected with those people remember. We have so much energy that can take us so far it's necessary, that you hook up with some other energy that, can take you to the next level I hooked up women let's let's toss it away we go, and guess what here we are. You. Want your stuff it's, necessary, you take responsibility for, that, you make it happen that you don't give up that you don't take any objection. Or disappointment. Or defeats, personally. That, you keep on keeping on that, you don't decide that I can't make it because you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel that you realize that's a part of the program and here's something you've got to resolve say, this to yourself every day cease, long as you breathing you got a shot at your dream that's the way I resolve say this please. It's. Not over. Until. I win. You've. Got that right not. Over till I get through, it's. Not over till I get over, not over till I get what I want y'all. Can't open a day to look out I'm gonna come back and take the hinges off. That's. How you got to do that. You've. Got to have that kind of courage that type of determination if you, want to make it happen it's. You, that. You've got to take personal. Responsibility. To make it happen that, you have got to do, own what it is that. You want to do if it's taking care of you will be if it's making a difference in our school system, if it's working with senior citizens if it's to protect our, ecology if it's. A create an economic Renaissance. If. It's just to take yourself to another level, it's. You you. Got to make that happen we, can point out many things that can make it inconvenient, or can slow us down but, ultimately it's. On us. Next. Step is not only its it possible and, necessary. And, it's. You to live your dream to make this this, greatness, that you have within you become a reality. But. What I've come to appreciate when. You're working on changing. Your life, changing. Some bad habit, getting, out of addictive, situations. Or relationships. Or working, to build a dream or making a difference in our society or. Learning, something that's very challenging here's, what I I realized, ladies and gentlemen and. Develop. A great deal of respect for, it's. Ha. Easy. Is. Not. An option. It's. Hard living, life. Is hard see. It's hard when when. You are. 49. Years old been working on a job for 17 years and they come in and tell you you're, finished and give you one week severance, pay. And. You have to start all over again. It's. Hard, when. You're married and raising children and your children are crawling and your, husband, dies unexpectedly. It's. Hard handling, just, the tragedies of. Life. It's. Hard, when. You're working, on something in, and you put everything you have in it and it. Doesn't work, out you lose, your money and other people's, money. It's. Wrong. It. Was rough when I lost my job and I. Could not find a job it. Was humiliating, and, embarrassing. Borrowing. Money and then. I couldn't, pay the money back when, I told them, I would. That's. Rough. How. People look at you how. They respond, to you, it's. Very hard it's. Humiliating. Here's. What I discovered that happens to you in life that you, will go through things, and while you're going through them you can't understand why it's happening to you. But. After you go through it you get back and you look at it and you say oh now.

I Understand. Why I needed, that lesson, have. You anything happened to you is there if you ever happened to you that, that I didn't I couldn't understand, it there but. After I got through it then. I saw, that that was preparing, me for bigger, and better, things. That as you go through the challenges, of life and. You. Look at it and embrace whatever, comes to you don't run from it step. Toward it don't try and duck it like most people do see, most people want it easy see. If you easy come easy what easy. Go. See. But when you. Go, at what you're going to deal with and you deal with the, difficult, difficulties. Of it when, you handle, those hard things close, at hand. Making. Those hard decisions. Right now, that. You don't want to make learning. Those things that, you don't like to do but, you, know that in order for you to get where you want to go this. Is one of the hoops that you have to flip through and. I'm saying to you whatever you got to do do it because if you don't life, is gonna whoop you until you surrender and. Say okay all right all right all right all right I cooperate. Okay I learn okay say. You had to wear me out a long time. So. If it's hard then do it hard now. What. Do you how do you hang in there during the hard difficult, times less, you, must have faith. You've. Got to believe in yourself, you've. Got to believe in your abilities, you, got to believe in your service, your company your. Ideas. Unquestionably. You. Got to have faith and that. Faith gives, you patience. That. Is not going to happen as quickly as you want it to happen a lot. Of things going to happen that will catch you off guard and, so. Therefore you've got to deal with and handle it as it, comes and not. Only that but. That faith and patience. Drives. You into action you. Got to keep moving and keep plugging. Away.

2018-01-23 08:11

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