Legal Aliens!!
okay where are we off to today miss anna scent low st low on a mid-july day overcast cold and wet has been raining isn't it yeah but on some good news is that we are off to the prefecture today which is like the government administrator to have our fingerprints taken and to verify our identity uh for our residency cards in france they called uh cactus seizure brexit they're compulsory yes so there's lots of brits that are in france under the radar and since brexit many of them have had to leave because you simply can't function out here if you're not in the health system and so on and we've had a very difficult job getting in the system because we're not retired because we're not retired it'd be dead easy if we're retired and when we first started this application process 18 months ago they um they simply said to us oh yeah it's fine no problem it won't take long we waited and waited and then we got a notice saying can you please give us your s-1 declaration and we said well they can't want that because that's that's pension well i didn't we didn't know what it was did with it gave us this farm said we need this s1 so i rang the british number up crying about this s1 where they have them in the uk yeah and she said well you don't sound retired are you retired said no you don't need an s1 unless you retired and then we the penny dropped and so we had to go for a different route and that has taken a lot of time because we've basically had to set up two companies a company we've applied for everything all in one haven't we yeah that was the easiest route to set up a company in france and those things happen in the background which is the route we've taken so all that's been happening and the good news is we are you know this is as good as uh residency the fact we haven't got a card yet is just a matter of admin the we're in the system we have the numbers so we're off today to be identified and we'll give you a little update when we come out because i'm all optimistic at the moment but the french do love their paperwork and uh i can just imagine them now saying uh do you have your certificate of baptism listen no why would we need that you should have your baptism certificate please come back next week no please come back in uh two months time but that won't happen will it we've so prepared for this yeah we're so prepared so wish us luck so saint lo fell to the germans in 1940 and there was a huge battle here to recapture it um it's called operation cobra and uh it was between when was it 7th of july to the 19th of july 1944 it was a huge battle as the americans began to um fight their way called the bokage wars it's hedgerow fighting to retake singular and the americans caused tremendous destruction it was unavoidable because of the german entrenchment and they reckon over 90 percent of the city was destroyed in the bombing and here you can see where they've partially rebuilt rebuilt this church here you can see where the old entrance uh would have been in the center and there was a tower on either side the same as ours in kutas but all this is 1950s construction with a new buttress down the center but we'll show you in a second there's actually an artillery shell that came and hit the church and um it failed to explode so it's still embedded in the side of the church about a four and a half inch maybe a six inch shelf let's go and have a look at that shall we so this is um shrapnel damage um and shrapnel for those that don't know is when a shell lands if it's fragmentating fragmenting it will break up into loads of shards of steel and just go around in every direction but some of this might be small arms fire um but you normally see that in a more if it was small arms fine you normally see it in a more regular row if it has been sprayed you normally see a line going through where this is more splatter look at these honey this is glancing sharp steeler see these so when you see a depression like that it's when it's hit it from this angle and almost just ricocheted off a glancing blow gargoyles here on the top and this this elevation of the cathedral is pretty well untouched with the exception of this shell which i think is up here by buttress here we go look so uh have a look at that look at the size of it as well put your hand next to it so you can see how big it is that's a six inch six inch shell and you can see here can you see the rifling hear these grooves they're a very slight angle and what happens is there's matching grooves in the barrel of a gun which is called rifling where rifle comes from and when the projectile comes out of the barrel it's a spin is introduced to it and rather than just a ball which is the old cannon shot a spin is introduced and because it's spinning um it's much more accurate in its direction so when that would have when that hit that would have spun in and not exploded but imagine if that had gone off it would have taken this buttress with it and this buttress is supporting the wall between these two windows a buttress is there to act as a a support this is called a closed buttress um if it was coming off the building it would be called a flying buttress there's a little door the other side of that oh yeah i could just see it not sure if i would have thought a statue would have been in there but now i'm thinking would that have been for a public service yeah it's like a preaching post isn't it look at these they look too new they are modern they are modern aren't they oh that's because um there's that big equestrian place here in cintlo isn't there right well the race is a racing yellow and it's stud it's a big stud yard trust you to know where the big studs are look at him look it's first world war isn't it yeah ah but it could be second world wars remember the french army were using the first world war uniform weren't they for a long time i think the english newspapers took the mickey out of them for that didn't they join the second world war that they hadn't got modern uniform par men said the village of saint lou and his children died for france i gotta say the this is he's very very good but the face isn't brilliant is it everything else is absolutely amazing but the face isn't brilliant i don't know gets across his shoutings in a shouting i don't know what he's shouting but shouting victory maybe at the end of the war my height is do me again i just looked over the edge and i got that funny i'm up on the roof it is eye honey go careful wow it doesn't look like it doesn't it you certainly got a good view here it's right in the distance just there and in this building over here it's called a massive watch tower that looks like a prison doesn't it uh where is it here imagine what these steps of the stories these steps could tell that looks like a slate as well doesn't it you can see the layers in it look at these murder holes here so these are murder holes and they would be positioned over an entrance so if anyone managed to get up to the walls or the gate they would pour boiling hot tar down those holes hit the guys below what are these called honey guard guard row toilets come on prefecture building where we're going to go and get id'd for our residency cards and this was we just read didn't we that this was totally destroyed on the 6th of june 1944. the d-day yeah completely destroyed and rebuilt again in 1953 and we've just decided that german prisoners of war must have rebuilt her because it looks very german we were here for a long time though 1953 yeah but it does look good it doesn't yeah it doesn't have german feel to it we finished doing our um papers haven't we the prefecture our um residency cards yes peter's not happy well i'm frustrated he got treated quite differently to me so here we go ryan this is such an important thing for us so important i was i was paranoid that we would get something wrong or we were missing something but they send you a letter and the letter gives you your appointment date and it says everything when you come for this appointment yeah you need to bring everything that's on this letter and then i sure enough i got i got my letter and uh you're very meticulous got it all in a file did a pack for you and a pack for me he takes it all off as he does it don't you everything they could possibly need and anna said this morning do you think we should take the birth certificate just in case just in case i said no no it's not on the list honey and then in the end i thought she's probably right we'll take the birth certificates because you never know you never know but didn't think anything more of it off today to be identified and we'll give you a little update when we come out because i'm all optimistic at the moment but the french do love their paperwork got called up and it's quite stressful because it's all a foreign environment and got called up to the counter and the first thing he said to me was uh forms of id with my address on he wanted my fatio idf and i thought no he's definitely saying he wants my electricity of which we've got loads at home because you sometimes need them for proof of address we've got loads of copies it would have been no problem to bring them right but i didn't have one so i'm thinking right how can i get one so i said the circuit board application to mobile i thought i'll give him my mobile application one so i brought that up no i wanted the bill not not not my app with my name and address on it but the bill of consumption so then i i thought well we might have one or anna said we might have one on an email attachment because i couldn't get into my account it wouldn't let me log into my account so we go onto the email then couldn't get it couldn't get internet couldn't get internet in the building so did you see that abandoned building back there yeah yeah so um so the whole thing was unnecessarily stressful because it could have easily easily have satisfied that um so anyway he gave me an email address and said you need to send this off right not not to any person not with any reference just an email address so i've sent them off but who knows who knows if they're if they're the ones they want or if if it's going to go to the right person or yeah so i'm a little bit frustrated because we've been waiting weeks and with everything else going on if it's that important why was it on our instructions it just gives me unnecessary peter had a hard time and i went over and took everything i had without the edf never gonna rub it in never asked me for it everybody went smoothly that was it literally two minutes yep say bar fingers fingers on the thingy fingers on the thingy yeah but he was male so it's good for the ladies straight through not so good for the men yes i mean it'd be typical you'll want to come through fine you you'll get a woman's photo on you all inspired so a friend of ours has just had theirs delivered after years of waiting their national identity card and everything is right on it it's for a lady called shirley everything is right on it apart from the photograph they got a picture of some old chap on there some bloke some random plug so there is some random bloke in france with a picture of shirley on his id card look at that building the art it's all painted on i don't know if you can see it on the video it looks quite 3d doesn't it it's amazing isn't it i want to do some of that and you would never have thought it would have it would have suited that 1950s building but it actually looks lovely oh god i've got a car behind me okay we're going around a little marker here so we are packing the workshop one of the last lasting things to do yeah and tools are horrible aren't they because they're too normally they're too heavy to go into cardboard boxes so we've got some of these plastic boxes um we've got some tiny little cardboard boxes so they're not too weighty tiny tiny ones so this will be this and all the sort of miscellaneous stuff this workshop and all the miscellaneous will be the last packed stuff with the van and then the last fan on the last day will be the motorcycles and any bits that we've gone ah we've forgotten this and in between that we've got to take the caravan and the animals down haven't we caravan the animals put the jeep into storage on its trailer and um yeah it's tiring just a quick question i'm sure everybody wants to know go on is there any drawers full of cables in this room well no drawers full of cables boxes we've got reels of cable here like i use this as a electric here we have reels of cable here and here and if you come over here you'll see this is an electrical this is an electrical fittings box ah see that's that's all right oh god no i can see can i see so we need to go through that because british standard you won't need to be taking that with us no yeah oh dear yes oh dear cable pixels love it here don't they but that is all useful all this stuff honey with our creation and our you know when you say well pete can you put a lamp up here for me i i don't want to be in a position where i said well i could have done that you know you know best you've thrown all my cables away so we'll have to go and buy some new ones no that's cables like with funny ends that aren't used anymore when you come to me and say have you got a din plug into a phono too and i say i think i might have one of them i'm not gonna have a phone that old though am i you never know unless we go backwards in technology no no you didn't see that did you didn't see what the wall coming out was that well the walls here are so soft i don't know how this was staying up the walls here are so soft it's not so much the walls it's because they're made of like stone then on the inside of the well the inside on top of the stone they put that what's it called it's like a soft plaster isn't it yeah very soft glass it's so sandy it's like a xavier it's heavy puffs and uh trust me the sand in the milk so you can make the plaster for the workshop
2021-07-15 05:53