Laying in a Box of Snakes | Overtime 9 | Dude Perfect
Hey t yeah, you. Ready, yes. Sir. Welcome. To overtime, nine Chad. Enjoy this one. Twins. Purple hoser perfect. In overtime. Toby. Twins. So. We've got cool, not cool absurd records smelling. Beef what it sounds new and they finish, it off we're gonna go with wheel unfortunate. Before, we jump into cool not cool let's start the episode off with a giveaway all you got to do Tex dude 2 8 8 8 1 1 1 and instead. Of merchandise. We are going to choose 5 people and we will send you a personalized. Video message, something like this hey. Sandra. You got Tai codes, Corbitt just want to say hey thanks, for watching you're such an awesome person, here's who the Panda is. Is. Illegal. Marketing, we. Cannot say that nor, do that let's, have it cool not cool. We've. Got our buttons we've got our cool items, it is time for another fantastic. Episode of, cool not cool who, would like to start us off alt I'm glad ya know. Ok um clearly, Garrett has a great item wants, to go forgot, gonna like what I have it's, gonna take me hold on got a stretch out it's kinda heavy. Look. At this bad boy how. Expensive is that big, a hey, Coby made that rule last time we don't talk about price you okay. Sucker. Oh, is. Elec. Tronic. Doesn't even when I bought that land on the moon yeah, technically. Our land, oh yeah we're all owners yeah I wanted to check in on our investment, he's, got photos yeah, that, these. Photos, are from the moon I was tracking yeah yeah, I also found a new investment opportunity, that I think you guys I need if I need to tell you about there's land on. Saturdays. We, buy, it all the, space land is fake, but, the telescope, is amazing, we, have what do you mean we bought it online I don't care about my space land I want the telescope, I am, supporting, your telescope, for one reason and one reason only it's incredibly, expensive, great. Job, jairs. My thing love the effort love the investment, you put into making these photos but honestly science is my least favorite subject so it's. Better night nice guy appreciate the time fellas. I actually. Like to go next only because it's gonna take me about 20 minutes to get ready what do you minute, they third item stay, put we're, just supposed to sit here for 30 minutes, already. Already Wow. Are are we ready yes yes. All, right I need you to close your eyes and, I'll tell you that you can look. Lords. And ladies please. Open, your eyes Oh. What. Do you think your. Full. Armor, I saw this online and. I couldn't say no so, what's the cool what's that what's actually the cool item look. The. Whole 12 piece set. I'll. Be right back I can't, behead you or 90 what do you want oh, hi. AZ. I, did your, armor, get your armor is, nearly, all destroyed that is it no you, got robbed, oh wow, you're sweaty can I slice your face in half yes, tie slice, it in half I, mean we need to know the integrity of the armor if it doesn't break can I count on you for a green no no slice it died three two, one I. Would. Have been fine the five dollar suit of armor is a green. Top. Are we voting on the sword. No. This choice mine out of the faucet, on it. Wait. A porcupine, oh I, envy you three going after that presentation, who wants it yeah you know I'll, take it alright Coby, I'll be right back, the. Secret. Agent. Listening. Device. Feel like you could've come up with a better name oh well, that's just what it is now let's give him a little test huh what do you say why don't you go stand over by Chad, have, yourself, a little pep talk motivational. Conversation. Even if he gets it correct I'm still, not yeah. Here. We go here, we go. Get, a lot of feedback. This. Is not working I think I got Garrett, was incredibly, loud at most blew my eardrums in it one more time oh I think I got it I think that you said. Slippery. Camels. Fall. Frequently. That's, all never say what I say yeah Corey whisper, something just I don't eat I just whisper to yourself eh just do it right there go. Sting. Works. That's, what you said yeah, thing, works I went on record I said even if it works I still. Worry. Ty what, stuff well I never voted. Yea, I would like to go next though cuz I feel like my, items, gonna need a little bit of help and that was certainly the presentation, to follow up I requested.
This Stuff, be taken off the desk this it this is easy. Here. You go have them close your eyes real quick I don't like the closure ice thing everyone, open your eyes hey. There's my cord. Say. Hypothetically, that, you run a miniature, car dealership, and you are looking to attract some extra attention. Wait. Rebooting. On the cars or the the weird thing in the middle everyone's. Been over budget today except for Corey I gotta give it to him Thank You Garrett yeah well, and that allows us the freedom to is. All. Right I'm gonna keep this short and I'm gonna keep this sweet how many times have you guys been in a situation where you're on ground level you're low you look up and you see something you're like man I would like to be on top of that I would probably say once a quarter I'd say more, often than I care to admit may. I present to you. The. Grappling, gun figure for the safety of the desk we should probably go downstairs to test all right okay let's do it definitely not bringing my sword or helmet. You. Guys ready yeah. I'm ready shoot, it fire. The hole. That's. How it's done, okay. Then. Haha. And. The, console, is ours the. Gap is just too, far to jump I'm, gonna have to swing. Edible. Obviously, a perfect, demonstration of, how convenient. And easy to use a grappling hook is back. To the desk. You. Know originally, I was thinking a knight wouldn't need a grappling hook because I'm not Batman but at the end of the day all we're trying to do in my time get, on top of walls it would be perfect. I. Gotta say that was incredible, I wanna cool things I've ever seen I know personal, need for one but. That was unbelievable, unreal, hey. Congratulations. Due, to for being you all right I got. You have destroyed. The, desk I asked to change like four times okay go change oh. No. It's cool time is, with my listening, device and your grappling hook yeah we can literally take over. Well. Our good buddy Michael from Guinness World Records came in town not too long ago and we decided to break some recs take a look. Welcome. To another segment of absurd records let's give it up for everybody's, favorite judicata, bar. You. This, might be more, absurd than the people oh no way no way, I think so, Michael, why don't you tell them what we will be attempting, today today, you are attempting to do. The most ping-pong, balls caught. On a head using. Shaving, cream in 30, seconds. We. Will apply the shaving, cream all on, his head and then, I've got to throw a basically, 20 ping-pong balls and stick them folks, let's, get absurd let's, get absurd here, we go. We're. Gonna start here low we're. Gonna establish a base ring then we're gonna work our way up like a soft-serve, cones like a human. Soft-serve, great, hockey gear okay, here we go. Stop. Being so jiggly that. Is better than I could have ever expected, it's. Time to break record, what's the number the, number is 19. They, need to stay in place for five seconds, at the end of the 30 seconds, though here we go for the record, three two. One go. Go darlin hit me there we go one two. But. Six. Good throwing seven, eight, twenty seconds remaining fire nine. Ten, eleven. Is sit 12. No. You lost one twelve thirteen. Fourteen. Ten. Days remaining. 60. Oh. Stop. Talk. To me talk. To me for. 5k. Let's do our count. 19. 20. 21. But. Mark to beat was 19, with a final, count of 21. It's a new. Michael. We'll see you next time on absurd of courage thanks for joining us. Cope's. Congrats. Honored. Truly. Honored, to hold, that record with you speaking of things that I am truly honored to be a part of should, we talk about the DP live tour Wow. Yes. If you have not heard we are going on our first ever summer, live tour exact. Dates are what comes first on this July 2 new for the March April May June July. August. Well, said, coming, to a city, near you, hopefully. I say that hoping, that your nearest city were coming to I don't necessarily know, where each one of you lived it's watchings, it's gonna be a great show you're gonna see a lot of overtime segments. Real unfortunate. You. Could be part of a live world records I'm cool not cool you guys will be able to vote on our cool item some VIP stuff, VIP backstage. Passes meet-and-greet. Opportunities, we're gonna be doing some live battles, with a few trick shots incorporate it into those what, else are we gonna have things might get heated, you might rage that. Is the word on the street it's a rage monster might. Make an appearance, I might rage on stage that could be fun and speaking, of the stage oh yeah.
Got. To love that live do. Not reach that stage how, big is that screen, shows, are selling out quickly so, go to dude perfect calm. To buy your tickets, we'll see you on the road we better head to our next segment, brand new and actually and this, is called smelly. Welcome. To a little segment we like to call smelling. Beat we are going to have four contestants blindfolded. And they will be smelling, smells, through, our special, schnoz. Chamber. Okay let's head downstairs and, go to smelling be all. Right and welcome to the first annual smelling. B I'm your host Ted crotchet we've got a lovely panel, today just place your goggles up on your forehead, for now you don't have to you, know cover, up your eyesight, but thank you that although you guys look lovely thanks for being here anyways, this is gonna be just exactly like baseball, two strikes you're out and baseball, only had two strikes let's, give a nice, warm, welcome but a soft welcome, but, still let him know that he's glad that, you're glad that he's everybody. Clap for Cody. Pump. In three two. One pumping. Can. I get a place of origin this is a naturally. Occurring element, commonly, found in places such as Columbia, mm-hmm. Coffee beans I'm. On a technicality, I'm gonna go and get it on there not beans it's ground it's grown coffee. Okay. Cubs are you all you ready to get this ready to get this, right. You're a great host. I'm. Not sure you have to stick it that far up your nose let's go Ted. The language of origin please believe, English. Man. Okay. How. About the nation of origin this, is a naturally, occurring element. Commonly, found on the equator, I'm, gonna go with, marshmallows. That was, a horrible guess one strike and one, more and you'll be out please take a seat, this dadgum bananas, it's no fun. Pallets. Picking up a little bit of a nut flavor. It. Smelt a little cat food E as well so I'm, gonna go Trail Mix. Watch. Wise. You. Were closer on your other two really, it, was actually a cat, food I was. Right yeah. Black. Beans. Bird. I'll reset, the box mole head to round two. Packing. Peanuts. Tennyson, a candle, yes it is. Vinegar. Notice. Quranic. Icing. Unfortunately. That is incorrect. You were out of the game yes you are no longer the competition, there we go yes. Oh. Wow. That, is bad you know that is a smell I'm all too familiar with folks as a dog owner that, right there is animal, poop. It smelled like charcoal, Ted. It's. Onions, how could you not smell the onions. Being, here. That's, dead. That. Is not breathing. Dead. Fish that's, correct. Seeing. The finals buddy boy. In. High. School I tried to work it one of the pet stores that, is either. A gerbil, or a hamster because I can smell the, bedding on that, little rodents feet. Congratulations. I don't think I can top that I. Got. To be honest with you I got no clue but I know it smells disgusting. One. More pump Garrett, I would like to warn you this won't be your final, yeah, final, pump me on, the show unless you get it yeah I hear you here. It comes. I'll. Go with worms. Ladies. And gentlemen. The. Winner of the smelling based Cody Jones. Thank. You for joining us ladies and gentlemen i'm ted crotchet, host of the, first annual smelling, beef we'll see you next time, well. I will say MVP. Of the smelling be definitely, goes to Cody Jones I can't, take all the credit i-it's the schnoz I you do realize, that you, smelled, a hamster. I. Think. It's time we go visit our good buddy Ned because it's time to head to wheel, on. Fortune. Air. Well. As promised, I did, say, that we would have a new hat Chad cue the drumroll and post. The. Tiny top hat. Yes. There are five tiny. Little names let's. Do it let's pick it who's Nick at you you want me to pick it I'll take it I'll. Pick it right here. Really. That's the whoa are we all are we are we know that's what we're doing I have the purse in my hand that will be spinning the wheel Cody reveal, do, it save. Me. Tyler. Safety yeah. I. Also printed the names ridiculously, tying the bags first and let us say frog wheel is Gary, humor, yeah, which. Me did the stage not. Bring it bring it in green screams : that is how you'd be decisive in life hey. Cory. Oh. Good. And, the person, spinning, that wheel this, week, sorry. Guys this is fun. Guys. I'm about to shock the world its. Cobi gosh. I. Introduced. Myself there. Sony because everyone, knows who I am the, boat the beautiful, golden, boy head Forester, alright, there is limited time only I've kid there sold out you blew it you lost your chance I think, it's time that we bring our contestant, up here you know if you love up I'm not sure which one he is ready to cook for. His. Last episode, Coby so you're the one that's only been bottle busting one time do. You have one with you no, I doubt I was just kidding uh true.
Or False that you're going on tour here in the next couple months that's true would you like to tell the folks to hold the first city that you'll be stopping at very, first city that we're gonna be in is in California, California. Sort. Of a biscuit my bottle broke in my pocket. All. I got some pocket. Full of glass shards, gone, bottle, busted myself. Stay over your eye. Busted. Me ride the nose. Aren't. You gonna be on tour too Ned. You. Guys are invite me you should know about this already you know well, by agent said we had something at the works but you guys weren't willing to pay my fee will. Pay it Ned your. Big deal. Tour. Can't even happen without you. I'm. Guys just found out that I'll be going on a live summer, tour and, I'm gonna be there with you guys I'm sure you're gonna be daddy biting screaming this is gonna be wonderful let all those maybe forget the fact that I just got bottle busting in the face just for that you, must remove my jacket. All. Right thank, you very much well coach board, looks pretty similar we've got one new consequence, up there I believe Drive your car until it runs out of gas maybe you might be thinking to yourself right now well that's a pretty cruddy, job of pasting. That on there straight that, person, has been taken care of and removed from the position will never set foot on one of my shows again I can promise you well then we'll be on the tour but that person, whoa I think there's only one thing left. Joke. And a half I don't even care anyway I thought I might take him through the whole thing. Yeah. Sing the box filled with snake and, you know right now it's not a box it's a coffee, he's. Gonna, be shooting, bottle busted me in the face because there was gonna be ten double. It. Bloody. Quote and I don't even care if they're. Bibo. Cubs. Back. To back wheel, appearances. And sit. In the box of snakes the box looks, eerily similar, to a coffin, with some really handy plexi, cutouts for our viewing pleasure I mean this is how I visioned it check out this bad boy yeah. That's. Unfortunate. And it certainly, is anyways, uh copes I say, you hop in okay we got something special for you check this trick out we did Harry I call this production. Value, have at it boys. Come. Around front go be fit. How. You feeling there. We. Didn't discuss snake entry, but I feel like we go full snake, dump egde decide about the drizzle, really yes no because then they're gonna be going everywhere, you. Want snake no. Prevails. - please welcome. Yeah. Stay. Tuned. Relax. They're very tense right now because you're tense. Okay. Okay. Smells. Terrible, hey real quick which one was worse, french toast sitter snakes in a box. Big. Time the, neck. Yeah. Hey you're mine bozos, yeah I think there's only one thing we can all say in unison yeah, hon, forge, in a coffee, cup. Cup, someone be honest you didn't get all the snake poo off you still got some right here show. Them show them snake, bow. I. Can't promise you one thing though if you guys do come to the tour there will be no snakes yes. Baby, you see what I did there that was one of these, Hey. Okay. Come, to the tour that's it for this overtime, but it's going to be an awesome show if you guys want to get ticks make sure you click right here do, you want to see the last video click, right here signing, off for now the mics are fake and, Kobe's got something cool on them.
2019-05-23 21:17
Hello its my
Plz come to Dubai
Dude Perfect I hope so
Dudes Money
Most people : eww snakes Me: he is so lucky, I want to do that
Your not coming to FL
Dude Perfect
Dude Perfect GO!!
Hiii Coby ...luv u broo.... Only bromance
I want snakes
Dude Perfect i can came to the tour becaese i cant afod it my dad cant bay the tiack to go
+Jackson Woolley ki is v8 with , ciles
can u come to Australia??
nice joke (no snakes??)
Hey subscribe to my channel will follow u back
I thought Coby was gonna choke to death for a second
+Keily Catalan hey subscribe to my channel will follow u
Henry Gopro lnkbbbq Adee tokkiii
+Pranker Man hey subscribe to my channel will follow u back
+It's Naman hey subscribe to my channel will follow u
+Golden Gaming3797 hey subscribe to my channel.. I will follow u
I have a snake
Until I saw coby's shirt I thought it was Tall guy Weird twins Purple hoser
Dude perfect nice
You guys should definitely do the smelling Bee again :)
Im goning to be at the chicago
When is the next games with consequences video coming out
Where in California? I asked this cause I live in Sacramento, California
Why is it always one of the twins I love coby
Please make another of this vedio i like it sooo mush
Dude Perfect what is your next video?
+Kulsoom Fatima 2
RIP chad
I saw the list of your tour and I was upset because you guys aren't coming to Utah do you think that could be an option?
Show pandas face in the tour!!!!
Dude Perfect I actually won
do u mix concrete for a living? Because your making me hard.
lie! that lie. I bring snake to tour
This seems like an ad that gives you a virus
Did you actually get bitten?
Oh I was going to go to he live show but my dad can’t pay the fees.i was Crying
Please Indonesian sub
Ty I live in Chicago,IL so I might come and see.Where is it going to be at?
Another challenge to go up on the wheel would ( randomly ) be to ride a unicycle through a lingerie store. No, no no please dont do that !
Julian Hardy same I wish they went to miami
Dude Perfect wow that stage is awesome!
Hey my name is Caleb and I have been a subscriber sense you guys have started. One more thing for a stereotypes video you should make a football stereotypes video and hockey stereotypes video.
I am so excited to see you and the rest of the guys!
Pound it! Noggin!
I just realized, what happens if Tyler is picked for wheel unfortunate
Come to Australia
Dude perfect you should host a show in iowa
Dude Perfect guys I'm cool
AmandaSexy u replied on a comment. basically everyone will reply since this is in a comment
set up the armour in the lobby like they do in castles
Hi guys I love ur vid!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope u guys r going to Texas!!!!!!
You guys are gonna be close but my mom said NO
Hey you guys is meet and greet is VIP
Dude Perfect see you in Allen
Smh self promo
Dude Perfect hi
Dude Perfect RIP you
aw, shucks!
Ted forested Ned forester
i live near Atlanta but my sister lives in dallas! I love yalls vids Pound it Nogin
"Snakes, why does it always have to be snakes" -Indiana Jones
You can take land from the rest of the planets, Saturn is mine.
I like Michael
dude perfet is my fav
Mr beast would get more views than u in 24 hours
I feel so bad for him, being in a box full of snakes is bad enough, but for it to be a coffin and snakes being dumped on your face is too much
Cool male alike
Im sad im in australia i cant come see u
21:45 what u came for
It's scary;)
22:45 bro why we're yall laughing
Cool video
3:00 time for a fkin crusade
I am pretty sure that almost half the snakes were venomous
Next time lay a box full off needles and break your bones and make sure your next video shows you with a wheelchair and say one of our comments made us “do it .
so.... smelling bee a bit gmm?
*no snakes or Cody were harmed in this video* Coby: *gets bit*
Dude 88811
What if cobys the next unlucky cory
The snake part made me unconfortable. (im on the road to 40 subs any help appreciated)
I subscribed
Ned Ned Ned Ned Ned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"No snake's or "coby's" were harmed in the making of this video" LOL
Coby: finally I make it Me:finally I make it on heaven
What was the red phone for in the smelling bee?
Go to the shark but not angry ones the midiom size and go meet dam and lets see who is brave not a scardy dog
These guys are such losers
Hey my name is mason :)
Can you do airplane, theme park and swimming stereotypes please
Its i want u all go under the sea
Hey Dude perfect i have a challeg for u
Last year my teacher was best friends with Tyler’s wife and we didn’t believe her so while we were in the gym she FaceTimed Tyler and brought the phone in the gym and we got to see them
Did you guys forget to add this to the season 1 playlist?
soo the giveaway is basically nothing
World record for most world records
Have u guys thought if ty gets "unfortunate" then how will Ned come
A guy made a insta account of me can you guys report it it’s called Karl da baws
How did you get the grappling gun down again
spoiler much..?
No sitting in a box of snakes was my dream
Fake! Bright Side is more real than you guys. You guys are mere mortals in front of my favourite YouTuber Watchmojo.
My sister and I are coming to see the show and we are so excited
Next wheel unfortunate *LEAVE DUDE PERFECT* Lol
*Son of a biscuit my bottle broke in my pocket* —line of 2019
Time for a crusade
My favorite segments are Wheel Unfortunate and Cool.Not Cool
21:44 that for u come
A consequence you can put on the board is get tased by a cop.
coby cotton... coby... 'coffin'
Ted looks like he doesn't want to be there.
Im near K.C MO!
im dissapointed in you ned, but your still my favoritte
Did coby take a shower after that
Haha! Luckily i'm from the Philippines
These guys trivialize everything yet wear that cross. How can U be Christian yet mock knights when they are not a costume. They were Christians too.
Ironic that Cody won smelling bee although he frequently gets a runny nose
10:12 the world record guy's face
The dude perfect dudes need to make another stereotype
ha ha ha
I just no joke got a Volkswagen advert after the mini inflatable cool not cool, and the ad had those exact things in it
why this is this episode not in the overtime series ranked??
Come to MN
When people do this types of things in india they r called khatron k khiladi
Shame for COBY
Garret looks like one of JeromeASF relatives
Do an AFL video
i live in eestonia
sad but u cant stand on saturn or juppiter gas planets
Overtime 9 and it’s number 9 on trending get it that’s my little joke
22:00 snakes!!!!!
Love Gareth is round 3
Is there a show n arkansas
Pond it noggin sya
You all ditched stereo types
Ive watched since 10 mil
What about Canada
21:10 is what you’re here for
Just watch khatron ke khiladi
I wouldn’t mind being in the box of snakes
There just printing more of Coby to make him be on wheel unfortunate all the time
Tyler: not sure you have to stick it that far up your nose Coby: takes it out and wipes it
do more taste buds
First 20k to comment!
Dude perfect
Anyone Remember the Rage Monster?
where is jamaica
Got bored watching Huawei ban so I'm watching this
Did you know that 5 minute crafts, have more subscribers than dude perfect
Come to Karachi , Pakistan in lucky one mall Fun fact this video is on 1 trending in pakistan
I don’t live near any of those cities :(
Garret how was your son owen
Yo that was dope
No way i could do this i am scared of snakes.
I would never lay In a box full snakes
Send me a basketball please
I realy was hoping for snakes....
@dudeperfect your tour in order says 7/11 San Diego 7/10 San Jose 7/13 Fresno I think it's a typo and San Jose is 7/12??????? Like if you seen this type too!
This is sadistic
Please come to india
Dude Perfect hey can Ned spin the wheel, or just at least put his name in the hat
I like Cheese B iidmmy.
+Kulsoom Fatima ...
Dude Perfect I wish I could but the close test to me is dallas
I would get a heartattack in that box full of snakes.
Anyone else just want one big episode of just cool not cool
I cant see you becase I live in mongolia
DUDE 88881111
Stella is kk geil
would you please post the live tour event on youtube because dome of your fans can not come there like me
Lithuania Alytus
Ty's characters never cease to amaze me.
i remember when your yt channel had 8 million subs
Does anyone know who the panda is?
The Spy Ninjas (Vy, Chad Wild Clay, Daniel and PZ4/Regina) have the listening device in their backpack!!
Nothing but a box of slithery slithering snakes...
No snakes or cobys were harmed during this video
Hey a box of my ex girlfriends
3:01 Cody: Shut your eyes until I tell you to open them Ty: opens eyes like a bad boii
At overtime 10
I’m sending you mail
Please please please make More videos
I live down under
Please come to Italy
Come to asia
that's discusting
Would you please bring back the voice box?
Have been a fan since 6 years, seen all thier videos but still find them interesting
I’m going to your tour!
Do a battle plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
I have been watching you guys for 2 years
This video was clickbait there was no snakes in the video
See you Jon trending next year
When Coby dies, this should be his coffin at his funeral with the that's unfortunate thing in it
I just scrolled through the whole comments while watching this show
Did they ever lay in a box of snakes
Jupiter has no surface
dude that was perfect
How do you take the grappling hook off the ceiling?
YoU Gish make the best fidyos
666 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ DIE
"Land on Saturn" fun fact Saturn's made of GAS
You should not open up about who gets to wheel unfortunate in the thumbnail
22:27 thank me later
can you go on tour to hong kong plz for kids like me, it is a miracle to see a youtuber!
I thought they were cheeseballs
Plus the lack of oxygen.
I live in Canada
Cory had the best item
how do u not go to philadelphia
* natural occurring element * -marshmallow?
Australia/ tassie
22:23 the snakes start
How to get the grapple down
How has ty never got to be on wheel unfortunate except being the host
Was that a grappling gun or a smg?
i live in ct
Awesome smell bee.The hamster is cute.But snakes. Not cool
At first I thought that this was a Fear Factor video! xD
Jokes on you I live in Australia
Australia Tour Dates???
Faye is bad at fort nite
Remember shaving eyebrows
Can you visit India
from trick shots to this
Dude to 888111
Where signature move
There is no city near me because I LIVE IN THE NETHERLANDS
Why not san antonio
Me: *i wanna be luke dude perfect* *sees vid* *NeBeR mInD*
I’m in Australia so I’m the closest (17 k kilometres/10 k miles)
California = city?
This is inhumane
Swizerland in bern
does anyone else realize that ty didn't spin?
Unbelievably many ads....really annoying
Upload video on bike
Everybody subscribe to tseries
I live in India I’m going to Singapore
Ty please spin the wheel in overtime 10
City near u he says Lives in AuSTraLIa
18:46 when I buy a glass bottle and I put it in my pocket
Hey dudes My Birthday is on july 11th!!
They risk their life for views. wow.
You guys should visit New York state so I can see you guys when your on tour
Very noice
I thought it was Overwatch 9 not kidding
Cody really u have a dog means Please make a video of your dog And tell the name
Yes it's right
I have a sneaky suspicion that Ned Forrester is really Ty. Will investigate further into this matter and update as necessary.
Dustin Hodel wooosh
COBY you’re the bravest person I ever had seen HATS OFF
Your the best
Romanian in Bucharest u can come and we will see how is the highest level on dude perfect
I'm in Australia 11:08 will you be coming to adelaide? ha
Please put playing flickerz mini frisbee trick shots
Wow, these guys are still relevant.
Come To Norway!
how did they take the grappling hook down
Saturn and Jupiter are all gas, there is no land!!!
What a man
I have been here since 100 k
Fell sorry for coby but Tyler toney is in Tom Clancy’s ghost recon 2!!!!!!!
You wanna know why Pewdiepie ended the sub to pewdiepie meme? HE WANTED TO START THE SUB TO DUDE PERFECT MEME :-)
Make more game time
hey you didnt do your spin intro
Hey dude perfect today is my sister
Net forester is crazy
Who else repeat the intro? I love the short-song
do not do that ever again
Can you guys do a video with Chris Pratt? That would be the best thing ever!!!!!
Unbox therapy's third channel?
ترجمو الفديووو
Funny TY
9:02 he looks like Marge from the Simpsons
متابع من العراق ❤❤
14:16 that laugh was so evil
My channel has 1 video and to all that like it … thx :D
You guys are the best! Ceep it up!
Plz come to New Zealand plz
Nice one and my brother like this channel
Looks like me in a meeting with my colleagues
Btw panda is Jeff Toney
Why not try coming to India
It won't let me text you
Jupiter is gas
Cmon guys you know Jupiter is made of gas
You're scaming your viewers! "Consent not required to make a purchase. 5 Msg/Month. Reply STOP to cancel. "
Should have been 'lay in a box of spiders'
Coby at 0:04 makes me wanna come
와우~마음에든데~ Cool!
This honestly wouldn't bother me at all lol. It's like that episode of Fear Factor when they had a bunch of rats climbing all over them. To me both those sinarios would be a dream to me lolol.
South Carolina
Ok so I like all the dude perfect people but Cody is like always the one to say not cool like what a fun sponge
My favorite number is 21
Who else thinks that one of the twin is looking like a clown or a chef
Saturn and Jupiter dont have land.
Dude Perfect here's 888111
Micheal has come here so many times he might start feeling at home
I’m flipping scared of snakes
I love snakes
Chad did a great job with that drum solo!!
I hate snakes
Me too
Do a tour of the D.P. building
10:10 it was worth it getting messey
Are won of you guys panda
Why would you do that 22:38
I live in Australia
White people
Video starts in 22:05
Surely not expecting this voice
Why is philippines not there
Sub to me
We all know Ned is ty
I have you're a guy says game
i want to see the RAGE MONSTER ...
Stereotypes video plz ....
I live in Singapore...
Come to India some day
I live in serbia
Who else is just waiting and hoping that Ty’s name will be picked from the hat
Dude 888111
Gotta ask, why is it always Cory or Coby that have to spin the wheel?
Cool Not Cool is basically the Dude Perfect take on show and tell
can you do one in bridgeport ct
Skating stereotypes ??
Dam I remember when these guys had like 2 mill.
Have u guys noticed something, most of the battle or competition they have twins are the first ones to get knocked out
Tyler at 12.30 tho
Tall Guy, Beard, Twins, Purple Hoser, Dude Perfect’s in Overtime~ Tall Guy, Beard, Twins, Purple Hoser, Now We’re Headin’ on to Overtime..~
When I try texting it doesn’t work I don’t know the area code for where they live can somebody please reply with the full number to text, thanks
Question about tour... IS PANDA COMING
Can you come to Richmond va
Does it annoy anybody else that they turn the buttons upside down to press it.
we need a F for cory
Can you please do the dice stacking trickshot Like if you want it to happen!!!!
Liked the shve cream coby cotton face. Snakes would hd likd the shave taste
Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude Dude dude dude dude dude is this enaugh
I love this format
why garret is not in nasa
No Philippines
Should’ve taken the knights armour coby!
The helmet is from swaggersouls
Poor coby
i love overtime but hate snakes...
Can you do more dude perfect tricks shots please.
wheel unfortunate is rigged
the snakes were fake, right?
Anyone else actually like snakes?
Why don’t you guys come to South Africa ?
Make a shirt that says “pound it noggon toor”
the smelling bee was epic
Awesome video It's okay coby
If your looking for the thumbnail it’s on 23:07
I live in Chicago
Amazing Dudes
you should do a zero gravity food catching battle
Next overtime can you do mine doesn’t look like that
Anybody know why Tyler is always safe? It is becouse he is ned
Did Micheal get a haircut
Dude perfect why don’t you do game segment anymore
Arlington VA please
Can ya go tour in Australia mate
next overtime ty will have his 1st appearance on wheel unfortunate or i will not wath this again like if u agree he needs suffering
come to australia. like this post if you think there should be a tour in australia
Please do carrom trick shots
I can't see you as you are not coming near lahore or even pakistan plz i really wanna meet you guys especially ty an codes
Your killing your teamates yo
like whos chilling in comments bc hes too scared qto watch ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
R.I.P Coby Cotton. One Like = One bit of Help for Coby Cotton.
When are you coming to South Africa?????????????????????????
бля эти мужики кайфуют прям. я в свои 20 лет так не кайфовал.
22:17 is the moment you came for.
Is it really worth buying the suit of armor because Cody beaten by Tyler with just a few punches
Loved the smelling BEE
Cant wait to see yall i just bought the tickets and man r they expensive
Is garret even growing hair?
The haters will say that Ned Forester is Ty
Cool video!
Who thinks Cody dislikes things too much?
are you guys going to come to new zealand for tour
Waiting for new videos
Coming to a city (not) near me
Make an all sports golf game
Spelt Pittsburgh wrong in the tour
Dallas TX yes there from Dallas and I’m from Dallas
I am going to the tour at august 9th
Can you go on nigahiga podcast off the pill
games with consequences plz
Sadly I live in Australia
oh i get it smelling bee spelling bee
@DudePerfect you should come to Hong Kong, I've literally seen people watch in class, school, toilets :))
i love im polhis
Who wants panda back Like here
Th cringe is reall
Dude to 888111
0:03 YEET
Tall Guy Beard Snakes Twins Purple Hoser . That's Dude Perfect in Overtime!!
When more airplane trick shots
Help Pewdiepie
Do you play cricket..
Do First-try Edition!
You should come to Australia!
U guys are crazy
It would be fortunate if i was in coby's spot cause i love snakes
Hey guys subscribe to pewdiepie he has released a new video
If you pin this or heart it you genuinely care about your fans like me
Hates the cornhuskers
Are u guys coming to Pittsburg California
Smelling BEE’s host is the best!
Please come to south africa
You spelled Pittsburgh wrong
I h8 cody!!
DUDE PERFECT can you replay my comment it will great thing for me....
Normal guys broke at least 9 records...
Do you think it’s a coincidence that’s this is b 9 on trending right now
I am very honored to say that Coby is the real man out of the 5... I was honestly shocked at the snakes Coby, glad u made it out alive
grappling hook trickshots
Anyone else think nedd sounds like bill cypher from gravity falls
Guys go for a sky diving battle.....Hurrah!!!
That's A Nice Tour, I Wanna COME!!! 11:44
Cape Town plz
10:30. Michale is my dad
I live in Canada... You are not coming to any city near me.
dude #
Ty’s thing always gets a super cool do IS FAKE!!!
erm, i live in singapore...
Didn't he say he was being bitten?
i guess they are running out of ideas, they are incredible men, their history shows it , but i see the end coming, what an EPIC crew of guys, wow, nobody will ever do what you guys are known for
Let's see camping stereotypes
You spelled Pittsburgh wrong.
I can't see you all because I live in Germany
I am from Philippines
You’re my favorite I’ve watch all the videos make more stereotypes please
tyler face is like zohans face - dont mess with the zohan
Man. Didn't know *anyone* would want to order ticks!
The questiones is if Tiler get picked of wheel unfortunate, who will be the nedforster?
3:45 No swagger
Do a 1v1 basketball tournament or 5v5 against nba players
هبل هد الفيديو
you guys are so cool
Jeef toney is panda 3:28 check Ty’s instagram then search jeef toney
11:00 I live in Germany
You guys should make like a trophy type room where you keep all the super-cool items like if you agree
Pewdiepie at 96m T-series at 99m don't let them get to 100m first!
how is tyler going to be picked for wheel unfortunate when he is ned Forester. POOR CORY
Is that actually glass
Will you giveaway the telescope?
Where can I get Cory's smoke ring shooter
Wheel unfortunate :watch a horror movie alone (I am huge fan of yours
LOL if you watch this video with speaker and hey Siri in at the Part where you Say „hey sandra“ hey Siri activates
You music annoys me
Why ty using a can cannon
Plz because im beginner youtuber
1 Like = 1 apology from the guys
August 12th is my birthday
Love from india
I thinking about real life trickshot 4 and i suggest you about magnet charger try to throw your phone or iphone to magnet charger
Yikes Coby, I really hope you're fine. Rough times got to you. I hope it's not your Wheel Unfortunate winning spree.
Watch my vedio
play sprit game
I subscribed and I installed dude perfect 2 iPhone game
So funny we love you guys
Anyone else love how he just watched the hamster and shook his head at 15:27?
Why don't you do a beatbox battle ?
Cody is salty
6:36 go and watch demo ranch. He has had that on his channel for years now. And while ur over there subscribe to channel, he is an awesome person
Sorry i made a mistake the correct time is 6:39
Come to India guys, you will enjoy a lot
All overtime are bad and like donkey
Baddest video ever
Come to Australia!
“A naturally occurring element” “Uhhhh imma go with marshmallows”
Wow no Washington
Will Coby ever win? Honestly Coby is better than Cory.
Right as I saw the snakes my spine shivered.
Don’t forget to subscribe to TRAVIS SIMPSON best science teacher ever! Just search gumnado
Model rocket part 3 please
You can get a set of Cody’s armour on eBay for $1,000+
I would be happy if it didn’t bite
Cricket World Cup is gonna start We want a video on Cricket trick shots
12:41 ty looks like ryan reynolds
One word... Mommy.
I imagine once Ned steps onto the stage everyone will turn deaf from the screams
what would happen if ty had to do wheel unfortunate and couldn't be ned forester
I don't know why you guys were afraid, us snake lovers would PAY to be in that box...
In the absurd recurds where was Garett?
Pray for coby this guy has been the victim of the wheel unfortunate again and again
Who is Jeff tony?
aww i wish snakes would crawl over me
I would have screamed like a little girl and jumped out
Wheel unfortunate idea only drink eggs for a day
listening device is actually dope
Dude 8111
Y’all spelled Pittsburgh wrong
your my favorit I brock my hand trying toto sofeball storytips I dove and pow
soooooooo are we going to talk about the fact that coby can smell a HAMSTER
I am wondering what Corey said
holy moly I did laugh at the smelling of the hamster!
bruh i live in salt lake city
Land on Saturn lol
When does Cory s birthday come
Today is my birthday and I just got surprised to go to your tour and I'M SO FRICKING EXCITED!!!!!
3:39: Cody is Thor
You are jerks
Won't you'll come to india? If yes,visit Siliguri,pls.
Make a soccer stereotypes or soccer trick shots 3
Wheres mobile alabama
thumbs down.
You should do car stunts too people will love it
When you're not illiterate and know the words lying and laying.
I haven’t laugh like this is years!
Woah Tyler L? Did I win something!? Lol
This was my fav Overtime yet!
It started at 9:29 for me I had no clue what was going on
Will you guys still make vids when you are doing your live tour?
do a fortnite battle
Love it could you watch my video
Why does ty look like max muncy on the dodgers
you need to create a segment or battle in which every one has to have one week to learn how to solve a 3 by 3 rubiks speed cube. Then all get together and see who can solve one the fastest! PLEASE DO THIS! from Braden
I make vids I hope you enjoy
I'm going to see the tour and can't wait!
Why net look like bob ross
Pro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .
Coby, you are so brave
New video
Bottle bust Cory at the tour
I would want More "Voice box" n "bloops" (bloops mayby)
Please make Dizzy Sports Battle 3 in your next video thanks tall guy beard twins purple hoser
Who Is Better? That's Amazing = Like Dude Perfect = Comment
how do you smell a hamster
Tyler can’t be picked Because he’s Ned forrester
you played hago
I'm in Dubai
Wait, so tyler will never spin the wheel?
That was 'un-torture-mate'
Why where you talking like that in the smelling bee
Dude perfect please do a battle with Robert Downey Jr please dude perfect
But I stay in London
Kermit ses hi
congrats for 42 M subs
Cody's reaction at 5:48
Cricket video plss
No Indian cities their in tour
Love from India
*giving me anxity for 24 minutes*
You see *dude perfect* I see 5 *kids* who don’t know they’re famous yet
very Funy video
I have been your fan since you started
i live in australia you no were nere me at all but have fun
Funny content
No Minneapolis...?
A consequence that should be up there is eating a can full of anchovies.
18:42 Ned: "What's the first CITY you'll be stopping at?" Coby: "the first city we'll be stopping at is CALIFORNIA." Me: COBY THATS NOT A CITY, ITS A STATE
I remember when you hit 32 000 000 subscribers know you have 42 000 000
Two things I want to see: Dude Perfect and How Ridiculous together in 1 video, and Dude Perfect Wife Edition
DP plzzzzzz make a video on your fails
Why do you have question mark on the wheel
do a beyblade face off
اكو عرب بل قناة خلي لايك
“No snakes or Cobys were harmed in the making of this video” -DP 2019
Can you do hoola hoop trickshots
do bottle flip 3 please
you are great and best I am Amanullah from Pakistan I am your subscriber I love you
3:04 Cody just turned into SwaggerSouls... wow
Snakes ....ewwww
When coby asked Ned about the tour I died laughing
Tyler so what happened to the basketball court from the incident?
“Can I slice your face off?” -Ty 2019
I am a huge fan of you guys you guys inspire me every day for the live tour you should come to South Dakota
I feel bed for you
9:53 imagine him walking in on you when you're in bed
The last 2 cities is where I live my life is truly ground breaking sad
I think the twins look like Josh Dun from Twenty One Pilots
they are corn snakes
Why snakes?
Hellou em brazil
Saturns a giant gas ball
I'm in Wisconsin
I am from Indonesia
Subscribe for DP
I love dude perfect and is coby ok I would not like to be in a box full snakes
There will be another day coby will win another battle
I’m going to the pittsburg
Hey dude perfect u prolly won’t see this.I got a steptryes video idea.fortnite steptryes.
Dudeee Dallas Texas is like right beside my city
Are you going to Vancouver BC?
How many have brave to click my 'D4 hub' channel subscibe button.. Please subscribe our channel 'D4 Hub'
can i get a couple likes? i always get ignored
Next time I live in tucson and none of them were in az
I got bit by a snake can people pray
The best acting of 2019 Tyler
You need to do a collab with team edge
Man! I feel so bad for Coby! Armando out!
Why not Canada Fort St. John
Why snakes
Can i have a dude perfect basketball
I live in nc
Hi dudes 1 question about the videos of esteriotipes Are you going to do 1 about halloween ? It would be awesom
DUDE to 888111
i had been screaming for the snakes the whole video wow.
I feel so bad for coby. Next time add names each time someone doesn’t get picked so the chances are even. Also when someone is pick take away half.
August 2 is my birthday and I live near Indiana
This show should be called desperate for views
tyler the grappler should not come all the way out
Son of a biscuit my bottle broke in my pocket
you should do another giant pictionary battle
please make a discgolf trickshot video
Why don’t y’all do sing song and asurd recurde
Islam like
idol can you subscribe to my channel
Are y'all going to alabama
6:39 not close enough to Batman or Rico Rodriguez
I want to join the Dude Perfect Show
Yo come to Canada
Please come india
Ot fair i cantlgo to live tour cos im in England and dont have passport
In smelling bee why did he sound like missy from big mouth
This was published on my birthday
This should be a TV show
I live in India
Difference is my life is filled with snakes
what about san antonio
man pls make more vidios
Who else loves sneks
can i have 1 dp basket ball pls..
i love dudes perfect ball..
pls try to come india
can i get 200 subscribers for my birthday which is tomorrow
You’ve added way to many things
Come to Britain where I am
I would pay down in a box of snakes any day
LOL YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You. Should do season 2 of overtime
I wish tylor spins the wheel
It is so different culture of laughing against in Japan!!
Get bottle busted by each dude perfect member
Do Beyblade trick shots
Swaggersouls would love that 3:00
do an battle video about every battle video in your channel please do it
August 12th is literally my birthday I'm definitely going that day
Y not las vegas
Je sais que vous ne comprenez pas se que je dis mais vous êtes trop fort et vos video son super
Coby I believe in you no matter what I know u will win again soon
100 likes and I will ask my crush out
Do you say Xin chào Vietnam's
Also. I am TRICK SHOTS videos like DUDE PERFECT & THAT'S AMAZING. Check them out & help me out!!!
Im sad i think i saw my name under giveaway winners and i dont know what to do
Bring back games with consonqensens
Please have one of them own a cat
I wanna know where he got the grappling hook
build a boat battle pleaseeee
im near san jose
U are crazy
Go sub to my yt once I hit 100 subs I am gojng to do a challenge
Is it just me or is it ALWAYS Coby??????
I need a listening device
isn't the blue yeti un plugged
Check out my Chanel rich kid jelly bean and olive
Come to Wisconsin Milwaukee
تترجم ما تعرف عربي
Do airplane stereo types
I’m calling that in the future on wheel unfortunate when they land on “own a cat” they are going to get a tiger or some other big cat
I’m one week late can I still get tickets?
what happened to games with consequences.
Reply to me what is ur favorite segment mine is ABSURD RECURDS
Poor Coby :(
More like coby coffin
tim dehind panda
Who is panda
We live in Alaska. Jerks.
Mucho capo
Go to hibbing Minnesota soda
S. A. D. P. M. D. B. B. T. T. W. T. Second annual dude perfect metal detector battle but this time with teams. Teams: Coby and Garrett Ty and Cory Cody and
I love your show
Wheel unfortunate one get bit by a bullet ant
you guys puplished your first vidio 20 days before my birfday i fell loved you guys are one of my favorite channels
You guys are my inspiration
Love your vids
hola como están me encantan sus vídeos son increíbles los adoro soy de Colombia tengo 13 años por favor en el próximo vídeo manden un saludo a mi mama que se llama Diana para hacerla feliz adios. " Hi how are you I love your videos are amazing I love them I'm from Colombia I'm 13 years old please in the next video send a greeting to my mom named Diana to make her happy goodbye."
I'm so mad that I can't see you guys in Pittsburgh I'll be in Israel!!
Back to back coby and cory both back to backed
Love Tyler’s cursing
If you came for he snakes, 22:15
23:06 hemat kuota
New stinkface
I think panda is Garrett
Literally nobody: Coby: LETS GOOOOOO
I want ty to be picked so he can meet ned
my dad dyed lick if you agre
Keep the smelling bee. I loved that
I love you guys
Hey guys can you do..... School stereotypes -The bully -The nerd -The athlete -The drama queen -The club guy -The "Forgot his homework" guy -The strict principal -The substitute teacher -The field trip -The rage monster -The chaperone -The pop quiz -Sleepy Sam -The friend -the cheater -The try hard -The late guy -The chatter -The school dance -The short guy -The tall guy -The school photo -The essay There's some more stereotypes Hope u enjoy! :)
This is My favorite overtime I love it
Those poor snakes...
Wheel unfortunate idea: Go shopping in a clown costume
Everybody please subscribe to me.$25 giveaway at 100 subscribers
Indiana Jones worst fear
I really don’t mind snakes
Just wanted to tell you guys , you made it on Australian tv tonight on the top 20 count down and well you guys were number 1 DUDEPERFECT !
Your on tv today
For every miss on a trick shot you plant a tree
My son loves you guys! Great content, keep it up!
That was amazing
You're make me and my sister laugh
A school stereotypes video will sound great
You should do a school stereotypes video
Can you live tour in Australia
plz come to indiaaaaaaaa
Can you do Ice hockey stereotypes
Who else is OBSESSED with the overtime intro❤️
Please give us dp basketball
You are not only famous in USA you are famous in India also
Overtime That’s unfortunate Cool, Not cool Awesome
Have u tied with PewDiePie
Like here who thinks dude perfect shd have school stereotypes
They did a segment similar to what GMM created. (Smelling bee)
Coby not harmed...owwwww!!!!! It’s biting me
Subscribe dude perfect for coby s patience and strength
Dude you r rocking
Coby fans like here
One like=one prayer For my dead akati dog
Make afl trick shots! Australia Day is coming up
Please make a tour in Europe. (Berlin,Brussels,Paris,Budapest,Vienna etc..)
jupiter is a gas plant your can not walk on gas
snake... Snake... SNAKE!!!
Anyone else ever noticed that Ned Forrester looks a lot like Ty?
Dear Dude Perfect, I know it’s a lot to ask, and you’ll probably never even read this comment or even consider it, but maybe you could stop somewhere near Montana?
wait did ty even go in cool not cool?
Smelling bee, where have i heard that before?
can you Guys can you guys do face off again
You guys should come to Canada like red deer ALBERTA CANADA pls
Cody get lost!! I hate u for real
That's Unfortunate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s unfortunate Coby
ted is the GOAT
I'm not going to be able to come to any shows and I love you guys♥️♥️♥️
You guys should make a amusement park stereotype
When would you do some parkour?? :)
Pray for coby... I almost don’t really care about this show because coby always get the punishment
Guys I gotta some vids the twins looked pretty ripped and then a week or two later not so much...are the editors touching them up a bit?!?
I imitated Ted Crotchen the other day to my friend on his spelling test and he laughed so hard he almost died
6:04 wavy tube man? I’m dead
can u guys do badminton trick shot ,please!! from Vietnam with love
Team Coby for life.
When are u posting on twitch
How do you get the grab Noe down
Make dude perfect the most subscribed person
Keep this comment at an EVEN amount of likes!
I wonder what will happen when Tyler gets chosen for whelk unfortunate
Can you do overtime 10
YO DP for wheel UNFORTUNATE you should put drink a whole bottle of vinegar after spinning around in a circle for two minutes
If you breathe give me a like
Ned forester is gonna on tour!!!
Do more stereotypes
Ned forester AKA The Golden boy now has a brother Ted forester AKA The Iron boy
Why can't u come to Casper
Can you mention yudi Bryski in your vidio
Do trick shots with the Harlem Globetrotters
im buying tickets
Do a video games stereotypes
Whoa....... thats dangerous but also awsome.
We need some more Betcha.
soccer trickshots 3
Mind control
Its sad that you guys always tourture coby
More face off!
The snake bit is a satanic ritual
+Ignite Inferno the snake part, he was laying in a coffin being tortured, laying in the coffin means he's being accepted into satanism.. watch a call for an uprisings video about it.
jel37 what?
Cody has the nose of a wolf
I ❤️ Dude Perfect ⚽️
Smellingbee is awesome.
You should do trick shot stereotypes
Hey Dude Perfect!!! We are the JLCCD Crew and you have guys have inspried us to do trickshots! Me and some of our Crew are coming to your live tour!! Can you please give us a shoutout? We do our shots in the summer we all are HUGE fans!! Can you and the rest of the people in the comments help us gain subcribers!
I'm going to your tour, but what are you going to do on it
Who else wants them to come to Boston
Check out Seth and Wyatt Big Men On Campus
Do you perfect come to Grand Rapids to premature and your perfect can I have a merge those from you pictures please I love you I’m big fan
Those trick shots on February were cool
Porfa regala un cel el mio esta malo y soy pobre
Today is my birthday
Sleepover stereotypes
You guys should make an episode where fans control what you do for the whole episode
Next sport should be "waveboard trickshot"
Can you have bloops next overtime?
Dude Perfect should do another “Games with Consequences” like if you agree
*peta be like* - _thats animal abuse_
Ok im from indo hi
Next video
Can you do a beyblade trick shot please
Why don't you come to india
Wer ist auch Deutsch
Can U play wii games in ur next video
I love your videos dude perfect
And indore
Please come India also
Really shocked to see ur 9 year old vedio
How do you take the grappling hook off of the ceiling . If it doesn't give me a thumbs up even though it has been invented by our hero tyler☺
Give it a thumbs up if you love dude perfect
Paďã cœļ ii Dùdĕeeè !!!!! Likeeee :3
Never saw this.
I am your biggest fan
Dp 28 pubg
Can you come to Colindale 15 potman gardens London to make a vidio with me
Much love from Sweden
hay you guys are on nike alodeon
Đụ Mẹ im hết cho tau thằng nào bình luận tau chém
Can you make Badminton Trick shots
My dad couched chad in track ask him if bill Johnson sounds familiar cause my dad said he was one of the fastest at lindal or miniola I forgot but I now y’all think I am lying but I am not
can’t wait for plunger trick shots
What if Ty be on wheel unfortunate? Who will play Ned?
plz put bey blade trickshots
Hey Dude Perfect, can you do us 9 year olds a favor and tell your subscribers “subscribe to pewdiepie”? We already lost but we can still catch up. You guys are our only hope. I’ve also been subscribed since DPHQ1.
I want ty to spin the wheel
Can you please do real life trick shots 4 ,ot 10 ,model rocket battle 3 , and my favourite fadpasgb (fourth annual dude perfect all sports golf battle )
Ned Forrester looks more like Bob Ross and Elton John mixed
But I want there to be snakes
Coby's worst nightmares is a snakes.
I also saw your first video backyard edition
I live in Australia so I’m coming to California just for the tour!
I would’ve done the exact opposite of Coby in the snake coffin. I would’ve freaked out...
I have seen your all the videos I am your big fan.
I still think Gar’s pancake thing from overtime 1 was the coolest thing
You guys should put buy your wife her dream car on the wheel of unfortunate
I am a huge fan y’all should do church stereotypes
do more games with consequences
Coby, i'm sorry.
Go make a vid with the googan squad
Please do games with consequences again!
Love your channel, what would it take for you guys to buy me a jet ski?!
“Hey Sandra” that’s my moms name!
Hey guys big fan. If you still upload stereo types still, you could do soccer and do “the bad ref”, “soccer mom”, “the “me” player”- just an idea
That would have been horrible being Coby! And yay they are coming to a place I live!!!!!!!!!!
On he'll naw
This is rigged against Coby
apestan chivos de mierda los odi malditos
Great video wish I could go to the tour but well I can't:( would help if people can subscribe to my channel, CT fives productions
They should go rock climbing
Wow I love your channel and you are doing so great
Are you brothers
Tall guy beard twins purple hoser dude perfects' in overtime tall guy beard twins purple hoser and now were moving on to overtime
I live in Oakville, Canada so I can’t see the tour
Subscribe too me if u love this YouTube channel and
Team coby all the way
roses are red violets are blue heres the title 21:09 just for you
I discovered who panda is Tim
I live in kansas and can girls come ?
Are you OK! Coby
Coby I got to say that's rough and l hate snakes! Lo LOL!
No one is going to tie the pie
Do a collab with how ridiculous
Hey dp love you guys I just thought of an idea for a trick shot video.i would really love to see a Starbursts trick shot video
Is there twins on the show? I swear the one in the blue and maroon look alike
Coby that’s unfortunate
Dude perfect I'm gyllienne I'm from to Philippines I'm playing your game Icant do the level 26 it's so hard its so cool
Can you sponsor one of my videos Please!!
50mil reveal the panda
Roses are red It's our blue I love to perfect And you do too
If you want to know who panda is really friend me in Fortnite my username is Silent The It I will tell u
Go Watch ANIME called Magi Judar fav character.
i know this is random, but PLEASE do a Construction Worker Steryotypes!! like if u agree! :)
You guys should come to the Little League World Series in South Williamsport, Pennsylvania
I love snakes.
I am ugle
42mil subs wtf last time i looked they had 13 mil
21:58 if you wanted to see the box of snakes
Anyone know how Dude Perfect is gonna perform on their tour? Trick shots on stage?
Ty: Can I slice your face in half???
Make this blue if you love dude perfect
Yes sir
Make a pool stereotypes
Dude Perfect go to Seattle maybe I will
subscribe to austin lawless
Cho thèm tiếng việt vào đi
Watch a horror movie in the dark in a room with dolls around you all looking at you
When will Tyler meet Ned Forrester?
Umm last time I checked marshmallows do not occur naturally.
Try frizbee trickshots
Come to INDIA!!
i thought it was shroud on tumbnail
Make a grapple hook that can hook back so you can go up there
Cody i feel like mostly he hits red on cool not cool
Bro next video is cool not cool
Chad should have left Ty swinging his arms in air for no fkn reason.
what if panda was Ned instead of ty
bring back game time with ninja
Please come to india one day That is a beautiful country and also visit a wonder of the world that is taj mahal
Make an other bad joke video
At 14:12 in smelling bee it says old cheese but Cody says packing peanuts
Cody is not cool
Snakes part was the scariest
Really disappointed in your lack of love for science. Maybe it's not your favorite subject, but neither is ballet for me. Give credit where credit is due. I don't like heart surgery (on me or my my family specifically), but I appreciate what they do.
Yikes coby
I want the tube man cory
But love the video
What about going to Connecticut
Helo friend share my channel on your channel community please madam i am very thankfull to your kindnesss
salam indonesia
You can film avengers characters next time
Watching from Philippines ❤
Is anyone gonna mention that that's Crusading armor it literally has the symbol all over it
Hi I love you vids and I subbed,liked and clicked post notifications xoxo Aleyna
What happened to games with Consequences
I live in Alaska
When is the last day tickets will be sold for the dude perfect show?
Guys i have a favor do a nerf steroetypes pls
Playing ping pong ball with nunchucks
Literally nothing is cool to Cody
Come to SEATTLE!!!
I love what you do and always think you as my role model and i would be thrilled to meet you
I hate how the thumbnail spoiled wheel unfortunate
I’m CONVINCED that if you merged Coby and Cory’s faces you would get Josh Dun.
subscribe to Kirsten Pettey
Legenda português quero sou BR QUEM É TAMBÉM?
come to india someday guyz lets play cricket...
Can you make a soccer stereotypes? 2 things you could do for it are “The bad ref”and”soccer mom”
I put Code dude
Hey i live in india :-(
Zdlproicjgroivjtriovjiitrwekdkfkggig 6,*l(lhl6l(lg,hlghl
When u guys hit 50 mill can you do a face reveal of panda
you should do dice stacking trick shots if you've heard of it
NBA finals stereotypes plz
I hate snakes
can you come somewhere near Camden, Nj or Pennsauken NJ
Hey dude perfect vs hayhay830 and loganranger117 on fortine game mode playground
Can you make more videos about games with consequences
Go to billyo55 to subscribe
I’m going to the tour so exciyed
I am a member so I know the next vid, it issssss… PLUNGER TRICKSHOTS!!!!
laying this nice men . i think is scriptet
bring back bro-mo
Milk snakes should not be with other snakes
Unfortunate: Go shopping right before it closes
It's Lying, not Laying, btw. Unless you're talking about bricklaying in a box snakes.
What kind of stuff does Tyler have in his closet if he has a knife in it
Why does Garret get all of the bad smells
Congrats on almost 50 MILLION!!!!!!
The only reason I watch these is for the intro that says dude perfect o wait I’m not watching this it doesn’t have it
13:14 that’s what she said
Come on, you spell Pittsburgh, PA wrong. you forget add "h"
I’m in West Virginia
What happens if ty gets picked for wheel unfortunate
If do you want to learn guitar, come on on my YouTube page.
10:52 you spelled Pittsburgh wrong
I have no money to by s cool
Where is the London show?
Why don't you film a video with a table tennis player
California is a city? Lol
Do a summer or Fourth of July stereotypes
When the dude perfect tour doesn’t come to the uk
codywhat have you doneI love scienceAAAAAAAAAAAPanda's my new favorite
Awesomeness ⚾️
I can swing better than tie
U should do getting shot by paintballs for 20 seconds straight for wheel unfortunate!!! Also, everybody else has to shoot the person who gets it including the Panda!!!
i wish you could come to ohio
Everyone got a trophy except Coby, when will he win?
Hi I love your videos so much
Go to Salem Middle School
24:04 is when it starts
Did they steal minis skit with the drums
Seems like Garrett & Cory are the only ones concerned about Coby when he's in the coffin with snakes...
Please upload twice a week
The grappler was the best
if u like dude perfect then like
What about Canada
Guys please do an episode with fpv drones!! I would love to see what you do with them
Didnt know cory has a f1 car model or diecast pretty cool
insta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta vladimirputintherealinsta 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insta vladimirputinthereal
Bad when you live in Europe
australia i come from AUSTRALIA
What if you painted your armor black and called yourself.... The Dark Knight? With the grapling hook.
They break record for a hobby
Who is Panda
Guys can you make overtime 10 your videos are awesome
Szilàgyi Isvàn
Airsoft battle 2!!!
You guys are soooooo click bait
Is it going to be live on tv?
I think its cobys turn to spin the wheel 4 times
I know 99% of the people will not read my comment.... To those 1% people... Happy Father's Day in advance... Support India against Pakistan which is on 16th June At England....
coby is the man
Can you please do overtime 10
I love your channel. I have a channel it’s called funko pos forever funko
Hello Michael !!!!!
I live in amarillo Texas
"Son of a biscuit,my bottle broke in my pocket"
Pause at 6:58
Can I slice your face in half?
Why doesn’t anyone ever come too South Carolina
“Hey t ur ready?”
Do volleyball trick shots
You guys should to theme park stereotypes
Don’t k ow why y’all do this but it is awesome to watch
**WHEEL UNFORTUNATE** 1- shoot a flaming crossbow bolt at an apple on top of the person's head 2- let them put makeup on the person's face and wear it for a week
I form Korea I like you!!!!!~!~!~
Wheel unfortunate- Buy a house In Australia and live in it for a day
I LOVE snakes so this was just so CUTE...but Coby would disagree
Wheel unfortunate idea- Go to a nail saloon and get your nails done. -Or edit the next video
Cory says that Wheel Unfortunate is the best game show even after he got picked multiple times
casco33 gaming I think he says it when he doesn’t get picked
You should do another "Game's With Consequences"
next video should be baseball world records
Queria ser um youtuber com alguns inscritos pfv se inscreve ai pra mim começar um canal ❤
Come to Cabot in Arkansas
Do NASCAR Editon
Are we going to ignore the fact that coby said California was a city
888111 subed and notifications
You are amazing
That moment when Ted, Ned, And Tyler are in the same room
DudPerfect is a awesome channel I watch this a long time haven’t watch this in a long time R.I.P Trick shots video
Buen vide
Face offfffff
Aye Charlotte gang boissss
Georgetown ky
I live in Georgetown
Guysss you and wwe have the same subscribers you guys should win and waiting for you to cross T series
You probably shouldn’t show coby in a box with snakes in the thumb nail it kind of spoils the episode
vid idea do tennis stereotype plz it would make me happy
vid idea do build a boat battle 2 plz do it it would mean a lot to me
Do a world tour
Can you do ‘Fun with Dentistry’ again?
does anyone know the name of the song they play when ned takes off his jacket? its pretty sweet
*sOn oF a bIsCuIt*
Make another Build a boat battle
You should do airport stereotypes
This is the first "character" I've ever liked and laughed at. Please bring him back
Hello dude perfect, im From Indonesian and im Nice Shot.
Y’all for real have to do another lacrosse video you really can do so much with it
dude perfect are the best youtubers in the world
Iḿ commenting from school dude
loved the drumming ty
best ot ever
For the record, wheel unfortunate is rigged. There is no other explanation
Love you guys
Feel so bad for you Coby
Where do you guys live? You guys should do pool stereotypes.
*Fear Factor
Leave a like if you see the odds smiley face
You guys are really cool!
they should make a video of all their best trick shots
2699 anyone?
Y is my comment highlighted ?
yall should make a shotgun trickshots 2
I would be fine never being friends with any of you after that's unfortunate... literally cringing the whole time...
you guys need to do a school stereotypes
Come to Pakistan too
Plz come to south Africa
My favourite is listening machine
why are you not coming to wisconsin
You all are the best youtubers!!! I wish you all the best in the future! You all GOATS!!
More overtime
Mutual subscription Mutual subscription Mutual subscription Mutual subscription Mutual subscription Mutual subscription Mutual subscription Mutual subscription Mutual subscription
Who thinks overtime 10 Cory will be picked for wheel unfortunate
Add to the wheel sprite and banana challenge
Thats unfair with coby
i watch all of your videos
I live in germany:(:(:(
Ramadhan Kareem
I had a dream about you guys go on a dangerous zip line maybe you guys should put this in wheal it unfortunate
Can you bring back the gaming segment please
Can you guys come to Canada please maybe next year or this year if you have time
what is the next video
I don’t watch you guys but kinda wack that it was the last 2 minutes. I scrolled through like really???
I mean ty hasn’t been chosen in wheel unfortunate
Hey dude perfect have you gone really to the nerf nation show and I am from INDIA you last video was fabulous and I have not missedone your any other video
This is how much people is coming to the tour
Come to Utah in tremonton
888111! Please dude
You guys should do slip n slide hockey for your next video
You must play pubg in next overtime
Hi gus do you all know that panda is tyler toney's brother jeff toney
Dude perfect should make a hacky sack trick shota
Roses are red Violets are violet The moment you came for Is at 22:07
Do skateboard tricks or BMX
Hey do skateboard tricks
Love this video for your next video you should do a roblox video
1:27 through 1:35 watch while closing your eyes
i want the legend in portugue, because i live in Brazil
Get me to 10 subscribers fam
where's panda man?
You guys are going to 2 Cities near me!!!
Pls do plane stereotypes
Hey I just wanted to say thank you for being so inspirational to me because I am a kid with Cystic Fibrosis and it has been really hard lately on the low chance that you will see this thank you because of you guys every hospital stay has been easier so just simply thank you
How many times has Cory spun?
When you hit hundred mill panda face revele
7:59 records is spelled incorrectly
The Wolf Hunter himself will be on DP?? Vander Esch!!!!!!
888. 111 888. 111
I have an IMPORTANT question... did I win becuase my name is Tyler Loague and I think that I won.... not to sure
Sorry, Dude Perfect owns part of the moon? Okay
I love how they just casually put breaking world records into a game show on YouTube.
snake:face to face
Dude: Science is my least favorite subject Me: Ummm....isnt that astrology
Y not do a tour in Toronto? You hate Canadian's eh?
You. Copied. G. M. M.
This is how long Dude Perfect will continue to make videos
Do ice skating or regular skating stereotypes
Only og subscribe who watch this when they had 20k subs can like this am the only who like
Dude perfect can u give a shout-out to our new channel basketball-bros in ur next vid. Thanks if u can!
The next absurd recurd should be longest time brushing teeth
When coby went in Cory was trying to protect him it as cute he started yelling stop and hold on before they put it in. 22:14
10:30 left him hangin
I love dude perfect overtime
The song "We got it going on" by Bon Jovi would sound well in your next perfect video.
snakes are ADORABLE.
Spend 24 hours in Denmark for no reason should be added to the wheel. (No lingual preparation.)
One is very close to me
8:49 wave check
Go my youtube
Roses are red Lemonade are sour Open your legs And give me an hour
Eyyy guys have a Pool steriotypes!
اذا انت عربي لايك
I think i seen cody at walmart in granbury tx. I was gonna say hi but i was in the car and wasnt sure it was him.
he didn’t spin
Indonesia ada yang nonton gak?
Okay, let's say I meet Tyler Ty: It is really easy to use a grappling gun Not a person: Me: Well I am on top of a building so I will take a try... Me: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
When your going on tour, none of these places are in my country that I’m from Edit: why is Tyler never spinning the wheel
Well I’m happy as long as the snakes weren’t harmed they are all harmless I’m there just cornsakes and milksnakes as far as I can see
personally, I actually don't really get overtime
Ned didn’t say that’s unfortunate on wheel unfortunate
45 milion subscribers face reveal of the panda!
Gmm did the smelling bee :D
So disappointed no one said SMELL YA LATER!!!!
i love you mate
Did you get a message from That’s Amazing
Where are your stereotypes I’m Unsubscribing till you post another
Why can't you go to new mexico
bro the listener thing my friends little brother has! thats sad
This is how many people who have at lease watched 1 second of this video
Coby always sucks up to Tyler: watch every cool not cool
Do a show in Vancouver
If Coby was FL he would always be like Cory "My heads on a swivel" (from Blitzball trick shots 3)
Pls do football (soccer for america) stereotypes it would be awesome.
Come to FL
Hey I’m pretty sure that Saturn and Jupiter have No land
Dude perfect can you do again a bottle flip challenge ? From your subscriber from ALBANIA
the one in the blue absolutely rims ty
I live in sweden
I always click just when notification come BUT even I am not the 400th..
you are my favorite youtubers ever
Red touches black your ok jack red touches yellow your a dead fellow I learned it it’s for snakes
Why does Tyler Toney sounds like a girl from Wheel of Fortune from Dude Perfect?
I don't speak english well but I speak korean well *-와우-*
Me in India tho
If you come here. I'm enough with my life. Pls, pls,pls,pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassssssseeeeeeeeeeeeee
Please I am the biggest fan of you please, pls, pls, old.
Can you please come to India, andhra Pradesh state, Chittoor district,bangarupalyam mandal
15:32 the hamster was soooooooo cute!!!
I know who panda is
Ben türküm Türk olan beğensin
Wrs seloww
Русские есть
You know, that Saturn and Jupiter are gas planets, right? So buying land there...
Is California a city? 18:40
guys send vidios agian
Football trick shots and rubber band trick shots
i feel bad
I was wondering if you would be able to hook me up with 3 tickets for my son and my wife and me
which country do you belong to ?????????
do the water bottle flip edition 3 overtime 10
Dang I'm done
Please help out louder with crowder he needs it just watch most recent vid(vox is trying to delete this channel)
Whoooo San Diego
You should make a baseball video eyes blindfolded
who else wants more of the series ‘games with consequences’? i rly liked the first one so i hope more r coming
Plot twist Cody is SwaggerSouls
Please come to Canada I want to see you guys perform
I always look forward to your next videos
My favorite planet is Saturn.
Yo Tyler Toney, is your real name Jeff Toney
the grappling gun was dope
3:14 Is it time for a crusade?
2 million more views until you guys hit 8 BILLION
Add to wheel: pet something your allergic to
Sub to green knight fortnite
Sub to papas from China at twitch
garrett kind of looks like david ross on chicago cubs
Saturn is made of gas you can't stand on it. What is the use of having land on it. But otherwise another AMAZING video!
Fan community: we will see pandas face, huh? DP: well yes, but actually no
You have a tik tok right dude perfect
Trick shot wife edition
I have snake afobia lol
Can you guys do kan jam trick shots
Maybe you should do Pizza Master as you’re next Taste Test Ex. (Dominos, Pizza Hut, Papa Johns, Cicis, Little Caesars, etc.)
Will the panda reveal be dp squad only or public
The most likes I’ve ever had on a comment was 3
wow is this real
I think your the best YouTuber in the world
Why don't you came to germany ?
*** all dude perfect project zorgo is after popular youtubers be careful!!***
8:37 Универ старая общага Лайк если заметил Лайк если русский
Metal detecting battle 2?!
I like your videos and I like ty beard
For your next trick shot video can u use the music “Born Ready” by Zayde? Coz I think it fits ur theme of music!
I love expensive things
surfing trickshots plz
21:26 for the snake box
It s my bday today .As a bday present can you sub to my channel
School stereotypes?
I just found out that I am going to the tour in Denver, co
Do Camping Stereotypes
People want more Overtime or trick shot videos. Like= Overtime Comments= trick shots
Y no Portland oregon
I love your chanel, it is awesome
I subed and liked the vid
boomerang trick shots part2 please
Aww.... the end of the tour is a day before my birthday!
do you have a tour in ATL,GA
more wives vs. Chad!
I’m in the UK though, ain’t no city you’re coming to near me!
I feel so bad for Coby, I hate snakes!
U do realize that ty will never be it cuz of the golden boy
Why don't you do more games with consequences?
"DUDE" TO 888111
It looks like Cody has a SwaggerSouls helmet
How did coby breath
Shroud in the thumbnail.
If ty gets picked, who would be ned
*cough cough* stole smelling bee from GMM? *cough cough*
Who else went to the snake part?
You are the best YouTubers guys
Please please sub to my channel called pro average
you spelled pittsburgh wrong
You guys should do a face reveal
How about the newest wheel unfortunate item - eat a handful of worms
This is pretty late but tbh after a while without stereotypes
We need epic trik shot battle 4
I from Czech republice and I love dude perfect JP
Can you plz come to perth
R.I.P Swaggersouls
How can you smell a dead fish?
how is he still alive
Why cant i text 888111?!
Why no Canada on the tour
My birthday is on 11 august
No one will see this Don’t touch read more Read more
Hey Vsauce! Tyler here..
I live in Hanoi, Vietnam
How. One no one on tour goes to Australia
The best part in the entire episode by far is when Ned removes his jacket
Come to malta
Why does that suit armor's helmet looks like Swaggersouls' helmet.....
coby in hindi means garbage
22:18 no snakes or cobys where hurt?? (cobys) lol like if you understand
F**k I lived in Philippines
I Love All Of Your Videos Its Funny And Doesnt Make Me Bored :D
3:00 ty cheated
Why you are not comming to India.
Why Didn’t they come to San Francisco because I live near San Francisco
Coo;l can I win mearch
Where is my Ty intro spin!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
i am also watching the dude perfect for a long time its super
Come to Richmond VA
_our land._
Does panda have a girlfriend?
Nice music
"Click here if you want ticks." -tyler
phụ đề nữa đi bác ơi
I like these videos
Tyler should be on wheel unfortunate because Tyler is ned
3:00 that legit looks like swaggersouls helmet
Cody is so negative wtf lol
Click bait
Hey dudes I am really a big fan and I lived in Egypt Cairo and I have no money to come and visit you. So can you come and visit Egypt Cairo? And tell us where are you and I will come to see you guys. if you did this I will be very very very happy .my name is ismail and I 13 years old. Plz do it
I live 6 hours away from Denver, CO. That’s the closest I am to any city that you guys are going to.
That is crazy
I live in please grove
Overtime is where it’s at
I feel so bad for coby one like one prayer for coby
that's unfortunate, "Get Tased" "Chased by K9through house" (in the bite suit) or "Get egged." "drink a blended Mc. Donald meal."
Overtime is my fav from dude perfect
Which dude would win in a 5 player battle in smash ultimate, and everytime you lose a stock, something vison blinding happens.(tryna bring back games with consequences)
I love you guys
I sub and hit the bell
I couldn't because it would charge me money
I like u guys a lot u have a lot of brain and i want to join u guys
S back game time pls
One of the consequence’s should be to let Ned choose
My brothers going to dude perfect live
Yo dude Garet, that telescope is supper duper cool can I have it dude
Not even going to stop by minnesota... ok thanks :(
Where is betcha haven’t seen it in a while
I have never won a giveaway
Second best host
Wow I want that telescope wow
Are the guys in the red and blue shirts twins
+Cloudysorry I meant dark red
charlotte pamplin dark red and blue yes but not red and blue
Im so depressed. there is no tours near where i live in new england :(
We have to get tickets
How to troll someone Read more
Wait where did u get the mini car dealership dude? My friend sent a pic of one JUST like that on our group chat.
The Hamster is so Cute
No Florida?
22:05 is what you guys are looking for
Drum babbababbabababbaabbaaaa
My name is sandra
This is Emily
What if the panda was marshmallow...
I'm dumb
Make more overtime episode s
i think guys smelling bee is not cool.
Did SwaggerSouls do a collab with Cool Not Cool?
you should give that dark souls outfit to swagger
22:21 is what you are probably looking for
please post more
Ty: It's a naturally occurr- Cory: MARSHMELLOWS!
its marshmallows
You guys should do a all sports ping pong ball battle
Dude perfect is awesome
You guys should do backwards trick shots or something are you always backwards and do a shot
Chad from cwc
I could not do it. Watch my videos
17:54 The two kinds of people after a test...
Stop ruining wheel u fortune fro thumbnail and it show the person too
Hey guys from Dude Perfect, I want you send this quick message to save our Planet. This is my Personal opinion. Please, make a shout-out to Ecosia. This is one possibility to save our Planet. I hope you read this comment.
I am sad that they don't do Iowa
You should go to oregon
Help my boi coby out he having a bad day
Please do more stereotypes they were amazing
Dude perfect is awesome more so lol I love watching there videos
Do for wheel unfortunate eat a whole lemmon
Tyler we subscribe can you subscribed to 3busy bros.
Lol Ned and the chap pie at the smell thingy is Tyler
Is it just me or before he explained those ping pongs looked like cheese balls?
خرب بل رضا ولما رضا صدك جذب 42مليون مشترك
.. I live in Switzerland
Kinda feel like Coby has a 1round immunity after the snakes ...
Is the number just 888 111 or there are more numbers before 888 111?
really a very nice video. and last act was amazing.
Please Support My Channel....
Wonderful Video...
Ngomong apa
lol rat , corn , sand boa , ball python (i think) and king snakes ... the way they have them contained ... not okay .
Getting a dog in 3 weeks like to make it cuter
Jesus loves you
Lol everybody knows who Panda is
Love for Coby from INDIA
Plzz cme to INDIA
Panda is Tyler’s brother
Come to the philippines
The loser of cool not cool needs an extra name in the wheel unfortunate hat.
Well, you spelled Pittsburgh wrong, nice job. I’ll still be there though
i feel so bad for cobs
I am going on a tour with you guys in Chicago
Darn there not coming to Oregon or Washington
august 3rd, charlotte, nc. got it. i live in siler city, nc so hopefully i can come see the tour
Unoriginal gmm already did this
You know what’s funny is that they are coming to my nearest city (Chicago) on my birthday
Cool Not Cool Absurd Recurds Smelling Bee Wheel UnFortunate
I am coming to your show at the Forum in LA!
every time they say "pick it" take a shot
Will you guys be recording the stream so if some people can’t go, they can at least watch the video?
I didn't see by where I live
This is awesome
Nnooo their all sold out for me!
YAY!! Ned is going on tour! 1 like- luck for Ned!
Can you come to London?
No is tiye
Who else wants one of them to own a cat in wheel unfortunate
I remember when this channel had 3m subscribes lol
July 11
July is my birthday
Hi people subscribe to my channel please
Coby's listening device was the best.
How do you get the hook down?
I like how the live tour ends on my birthday
The dude for spelling bee and wheel unfortunate is TY LOL
So fake
I hesitated to press this video...
Come on, you couldn't do the 5 plungers at once!
Please come India
Sad I live in the UK
Why do youtubers call fish forfeits “dead fish” it’s not gonna be alive fish ffs
When you do your next Over Time bring a special guest your choice
Nothing near Cincinnati
I am of India
sory the 27
my birthday is Augest 24
Are we ignoring the fact that ty has a sword in the closet
What’s up
You are cool
DP = Desi Person
for the wheel : let a bull kick you in the face
They were harmless corn snakes next time do some like at least a python or a boa
Can you come to Germany Cologne
what is that ned forrester intro song?
Pour coby
You guys are insane dude
20:11 Anyone notice it says Unitil XD not until
Is that Jacob H me?
Ned: what city are you going to? Coby: CalIFoRnIA
Tyler smelling bee low voice wheel unfortunate high volume voice
Nice vid i will be there
I love dude perfect!!!!!
I wondered why Ty missed the smelling bee?
Here what you came for 22:15
Go to virgina
U can't have land on Saturn because it's a gas planet
Why do people keep watching these fake videos from this channel and have those videos trending?
@Kulsoom Fatima ...
@Jackson Woolley ki is v8 with , ciles
@Keily Catalan hey subscribe to my channel will follow u
@Pranker Man hey subscribe to my channel will follow u back
@It's Naman hey subscribe to my channel will follow u
@Golden Gaming3797 hey subscribe to my channel.. I will follow u
@Kulsoom Fatima 2
I made 6 accounts subscribing dude perfect
22:19 is what you came for
Heyyy Dude Perfect please come to India someday I am a huge fan
You can play pubg
There is no land on Saturn
NICE! I’m resubscribing :)))))))) I quit when it was just sports. More content now :))))
Hey dude that is SIT IN BOX FILLED WITH SNAKES not sleep
smelling bee was great. ty love the charicter
Will you coma in EU too? I hope so.
What's that guy name in maroon Tshirt which says *POUND IT* anybody can tell me???
Are you buying these
I like this
Dudes y don't you visit india
Doo more bideos
No alaska tours :(
The closest one to us is sold out
When dude perfect is trying to be family friendly
Thanks for overtime
We really want Tyler to spin the wheel at least once
Is it in Canada?
Next tim cars trick shot
I think the blue shirt brother (sorry forgot name) got their device from chad wild clay's and vy quaints spy gagets
This is the best video ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who else yells that’s unfortunate outload
I love you guys
Gar: Coby are you okay? Literally everyone else: HAHA THE SNAKE WENT POOPY OOOH LOOK ITS BITING HIM HAHA
Why would you do this video you couldn’t die
You have the same shirt on as ep 6.....
You’re one of the best is your dog girl this Bestos boy flipper in the world I love your videos
anyone notice he said his name was ted crotch 12:18
I hate Cody Jones
Love these vids
What happens if Tyler gets picked for Wheel unfortunate who will be Ned?
Ned will spin it
Where’s Ned’s channel?!
Come to Toronto!!!!!
Sorry coby
Eyyuyruyyvvyurvyyyrutyvrryuyyuuyyyuyuyyruvuyytrrurryuruyruryyrrruyryyyyyuuyryuyuyrruruurrruyyryuryvyuryrubyrryruruyururururrryrrruruyrurrrrrbrrrurrurrrrrurruru r44rrruurrurrrurrrrrurururruurrrururrurrur
These are all the best vids in the world
I want to try lego walk absurd recurd
5:19 he didnt even hit the button
0:04 Coby's face! lol
You can't by land on Saturn or Jupiter. They are made of various gases, which means there actually is no solid land on them. Uranus and Neptune are also like this. You could only walk on Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Moon. So they were scientifically incorrect in cool, not cool.
You wacht my comment out of 23k you deserve a cookie
plz come to colorado
I can't go to the tour cuz y'all are not coming to alabama
Ty cheated at 3:00
Ted crouch
Guys I love you and your Videos
im from germany and im watching your videos for such a long time best you tubers on the whole world
Ned's reaction to the bottle breaking in his pocket was true gold. I have never laughed so hard.
My Birthday is on August 12
u guys should for real sell golden boys on the shop
I keep switching between this and citrus
I think they bought whole genius team
I tried to text you at 888111 but it won’t let me text you
I like your videos pan you donate a Ninja fidget spinner thank you please I love your videos they're cool I like that video when you through the fidget spinner up and the boy was on top of the skyscraper and he cached the fidget spinner what kind of fidget spinners do you have donate want to me I want the the ninja one thank you bye see you later dude perfect
Come to India Man there are fans of you in India too.
Are the snakes have venom in them?????
Tyler u can make the failure of dp and send it plzz
You Guys Should Make A Segment Called DUDE-ET PERFECT Where Chad And Tim Are The Judges And Witch Ever Wife Makes The Best Trick-Shot Wins.And The Wife That Chad And Tim Choose Get’s To Choose One Dude And They Will Get There Name Out Of The Wheel Hat.
Hey you took smelling bee from gmm
Love the vids you have to do way more of overtime but why don’t you guys go to Wisconsin on the tour
I will never break a recurd
Coby = like
Any body who love his mother please subscribe my channel please
They all have eyebrows
Snake scene at 22:14
Whose favorite session is cool not cool
12:19 This is first time i see him like that
Ned: Okay he's gonna lay in a box of snakes.
They never disappoint me
i'm really freaked out i feel so bad for cobes,hypethecally i'm too scared but that wa terifying
Me at 22:18 RIP Coby!!!
funny how ty hogs the award a Coby being the cool guy tries to get it 10:28
I didn't think they'd put actual snakes
9:07 he looks like marge from the simpsons
I love your videos keep up the hard work! Cory Coby sorry for you nearly losing everything you play
Ned’s my favorite
“What’s the first city you’ll be stopping at?” “California”
Europetour please xd
i love you guys is intro
Hello i'am watching from chile , its soy awesome , i love this channel
roses are red, violets are blue, the time you came here for is 20:42
At Atlanta
I like it how Tyler hates it when you spend so much money on cool not cool and during rage monster he was wasted soo much money lol
O Brazil ta aqui?
Bed forester is tyler
you are the best dudes
Shoot, I live in Hong Kong.
I hate snakes. Darn you YouTube recommended!
Ty neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds to go on weel Unfortunate!
Can you react on your first video???
What about Philippines tour? Pls some of your fans are here pls pls pls pls pls
You should make it to where one person spins the wheel and it could land on swap. Swap is when you are saved "fortunate" and someone else of your choice has to do the unfortunate thing you say.
can someone please just draw Ned's name for the wheel
Ay q maricon el de guines
My favorite is absurds recurds
I’m always waiting for these overtime’s
I dont really see the problems with the snakes they are cute
This is just like baseball. 2 strikes you’re out if baseball only had two strikes.
You should make a try not to laugh to their jokes
I love dude perfect so much they make me happy when I am sad
You guys are the best I love your videos
Jest tu jakis polak?
You did not do your signature spin
I like cool not cool segment
I have a betcha: I betcha that ty can put a diamond in the vice and get it really tight and it shatter
Where the snakes poisonous?
Oh nice, you go to munich, nice that your trip is in a City mehr me
Y'all spelled Pittsburgh wrong. Hometown yo
20:43 the part You Came Here For
sad I live in the UK
This video is sick!
How do you buy land on the gas gaint
I shared
Ty you forgot spin after the intro.
Lying with snakes ...Rohit Shetty can do it whole day..
Who came here by seeing the snakes around him???
I love the overtime song
Your my life
Michael's hair always looks so clean, so fresh.
Hey Tyler Tyler is my middle name and Cory is my dads name
Check out are channel everybody plz
Guys when overtime "10"
I am from India
Snakes at 22:04 thank me later
i cryed
In the Netherlands
Tyler always win hahhaha
Does the buttons evern work? He Even missed it
Imagine peta reacting in this. just bombard them with unlikes
Слава Украине
Cody is always pressing red for people
I think Cody is going on a crusade
where will you be in denver??
Someone land on “Own a cat” already
This must be fate now... July 20 is my 21st birthday. And y’all are going to st.Louis MO that’s 3 hours away from me. You bet I’m trying to go to that now.
This has officially turned to The Coby is Punished Show
Ty is spiderman
Can u plzz come to El Paso for the world tour next time
It was sit in a box filled with snakes not lay in a box! And also wasn't the dumping of the snakes directly on Coby's face a bit too extreme? I mean most of the viewers are kids..
I wish you could come to Manie
Come to Canada in Manitoba Winnipeg
Panda is one of the twins
Now that I realize it, Coby sounds like Kermit the frog
I just bought tickets it’s the day after my birthday
“No Cobys were harmed” *the snakes bite him* oof
I have an idea for wheel unfortunate for the last one what about the question on that could be pick another person
Why don't you do the gaming in overtime
Make a video with The Harlem Globetrotters
Saturn is a gas giant...
where will you be her son wyatt huge fan i have wached all your videos
Why i am in turkey
Pleas translate a country Indonesia
What city are u going to "California"
Eee chaman logo kya chutiyapa macha rakha hai
U came for 21:15
This is Ty's best character. Laughing so hard!
What did Cody do and say at 1:00
Nani 42.727.847 sub ?!?!
Go stunter u PPL r
You guys should make the extra spot in the wheel unfortunate get a reverse Mohawk cut. And for Garret you should draw on is face with sharpie and make him walk around in public not knowing what’s on him, because he doesn’t have any hair. Or make a whole video on that.
Giant Dart Trick Shots?
Do fun with dentistry
Snakes in the box was so resk full
18:23 i love how coby's face can be described in one sentance *a shi# here we go again...*
my favourite member of dude perfect is ned forrester
Plus come in India Hyderabad
Let Tyler spin the wheel
In the next Overtime, you should do another Game Time and play Apex Legends. Like if you agree ⬇️
Drop a like if you feel bad for coby
Coby you are incredible
9:01 He looks like Marge Simpson if she didn't have blue hair!
I live in boulder.
You are the best . I am going to be at the show! My name is Eden.I am a fan.
Huge fan I am kash great video and coby real bad feeling for you but I enjoy it
You guys ROCK !
I never been on a tour and i live in latvia
Guys more of test testing plzzzz
We will se u on the road
I live in Texas
12:15 sounds like Missy from big mouth
This is coby
По приколу спрашиваю, есть русские???
But Saturn and Jupiter are gas giants there is no land
Love you dudes
Yo Cody was mad at Tyler and teared up 3:36
When do you make more overtime vids
They way Ted uses a Blue Yeti is just straight up wrong
That is risky.
I wish you came to New York City
I've been watching
Lol I saw that flying tube thing at my neighbor's house
I seen it 888111
oof posted on my birthday XD
Ted Crotchet
what's the logo on codys suit?
Make Tyler spin the weel
airsoft battle royale 2?
Please just surprise me
Ted and Ned are brothers
You can't buy or sell land on the moon, sun, antarctica, or other celestial bodies by a series of treaties. If you owned a spaceship, that is yours. If you landed it on a planet, it's still yours and your government's laws apply, but AS SOON AS you step outside, international law applies. You guys were duped, and you don't own any land outside earth. Sorry.
I thought it was "Tall Guy, Weird Twins, Purple Hoser!" Then I saw Coby's shirt.
You guys should come to Holiday World and Splashin Safari the worlds first theme park in Santa Claus Indiana
This is how many people want overtime 10
Get down! Get up again! Come on come on move! Get down! Get up again. Working you with overtime. XD im stuck in 2013
EPic ItO Your senko
You know that this both of the game show host is is Ty
العربي يخلي لايكك
I will watch you guys
U guys should do a tour in the Caribbean
No snakes were harmed lol
dude to 888111
If this tour goes well will you possibly have one show in Canada if you do another
Does no one else see ty cheat at 2:58 he looked!!!
Tall guy Bearded Twins Purple hose Dude perfect's in overtime Panda: am I a joke
Copy boi o
Ty: yes
Where I can found the telsecope on the net?
*1960: trick shots* *2019 :flying cars*
cant u come 2 england
at my aunts house we do the shaving cream thing but instead of ping pong balls we used cheese puffs and weve gotten more than 21 on my little brothers head
0:16 intro song replay button
This would be no problem for me I love snakes so much I would love that.
Dude perfect is super cool
Tank joe
my first instinct when I saw ned forester............... is that hagrid
Wish you could come to London! Fantastic channel!
Video Suggestions. Farm trick shots, Farming Stereotypes, and Fishing Rod Golf Battle.
oh yeah yeah
RIP me, I’ll be in Texas while you guys are on tour but thankfully I’m able to have 6-7 days to maybe visit you guys
Tyler I loved the crappling Gun
Help me to get 1k subsssssss
@Dude Perfect do grapling hook trick shot.
They made 360 waves out of shaving cream...perfection
By far. The worst wheel punishment eva!!!!!
Is Tyler Ned or am I just seeing stuff
Plz do an Australian Tour. ( Come to Canberra )
I love snakes!
Ned is epic
Is anyone else wondering if Ty gets picked how will he be Ned Forrseter and Tyler Tony at the same time
"Dude" 888111
I hope Tyler develops a brain tumour
You forgot uranis
Alguien de colombia
We broke a world record in Ludington it was real fun and we saw the world reccord guy
In Overtime 10 or 11 wheel Unfortunate with Tyler It Not sure
Hamster was so cute!
2:57 time for another crusade
Anyone else notice it says unitil on the wheel?
So I knew the differences between coby and Cory, then I worked really hard to tell the bts members apart Now I can’t tell coby and Cory apart, hOrRaY.
Tall guy beard twins purple hoser Panda: am I a joke to you?
Did anyone notice that there is no land on saturn or jupiter they're gas Planet's
When are you doing game time
MOST LIT COMMENT HERE!: Jamie from Vat19: Lets make a weird video for the views! Other Vat19 Members: YEAH!!!! ~1 WEEK later~ Tyler: Guys what should we do for our next overtime? Garret: TORTURE COBY! Tyler: Hey I just found a horrifying yet funny vid from vat19! How about we do this for overtime?! Cody: YEAH, BABY!!! About time we took revenge for the "Dude Decent" parody! Cory: But who'll lie in the coffin of snakes?! Garret: Cody of course! The only way we can get more views! Coby: UNFAIR! Whatever, I'll do it for the views. Cory: How do u always get into these situations?!
This is what I meant: Garret: Coby of course! Th e only way we can get more views!
For cool not cool Garett) telescope: red: you can just look up at the stars to see the sky Coby) listening device: green: great for spies Ty) grappling gun: green: it would be so fun to just swing around like that Cody) suit of armour: red: that is not like captain America’s shield Cory) mini waving man: green: I wouldn’t even think of making that
Selling cookies Cost $1
Put on the wheel break 25 or more suger glass’s on the head
Overtime is best peeps
i think the panda is gar
Hey guys can you make a new video. Can it be all of you guys 1v1 in fortnite!
I cant believe the telescope didn't get a super cool! With a clear picture of Saturn I was amazed. Sure the grappling gun was awesome too but still!
Overtime is better than the regular DP episodes. Love it
You guys aren't coming at all near to where I live :( I still love you guys tho :3
Will the tore be on TV.
Is it just me or was the hamster the best part of this overtime
I like the smelling bee
Guys I'm from India I'm a badly fan yours mainly COBY do you have any suggestions about India and any chance for Indians if you wish you can reply me
Like to reaver panda
Who else is ready for the one in Charlotte NC
i would LOVE to lay in a box with snakes. i love snakes
3:06 be crusadin time
There so annoying
22:54what is this?
Unfortunatly, i live in France
Which telescope was used?? Plz plz tell to me, request from your fan...
16:02 Here it comes. *ad starts playing*
21:29 here is what you came here for
Ashlyn Rutherford world’s first theme park was actually in denmark
Next episode- Trick shots with snakes
Snakes! Thats cool
A a walking
Funny did u see his face
Dude Perfect jxtdndt
6yu90ugffji055690 se trdxchu7uu8gyhptf"&/;(&£*€**¿*12÷$8$=$4/"_&€€88£€;:: . MKBVZ.ZCVJUJJ0GG113 5G6979 CON 8QTYTCC E9T8T9PDPD9
Dude Perfect how about Minnesota
Bcc j ?
Yo dude perfect crew! My son loves watching your videos and wants to make you some shirts. Is there a mailing address that I'm.missing in the videos or website? He wont stop bugging me. Haha
@Daryl Terwilleger live from San Francisco
I loved the that's unfortunate. What if he does what cory did where he did three unfortunate wheel spin in a row. That wpuld be crazy
Coby, I feel so bad for you.....I wouldn't last in a box full of snakes
Can you do a volleyball stereotypes video
Thank you for coming to NJ!!
Luke Elliott qvRgv
I know a punchline @dudeperfect. Thats WHEELY unfortanate!!!!
Dude Perfect sdddfdfggi
Coby trying to get waves
Dude Perfect what are you talking about snakes are awesome I have a pet snake I don’t see what’s so bad
I would happily come to your tour.... If I wasn’t British.
California isn't a city
Here before 500 comments!
Please do a tour in canada
I might go to Pittsburgh in time
Ha that’s funny
Dude Perfect hello
I can't wait for the day that Tyler gets picked for Wheel Unfortunate.
come to syracuse
DUE Perfect I want to get a FEE prize Please Because I'm new
Another Hilarious video boys and I love your going on tour. On a side note, you have Pittsburgh spelled wrong in the listing. You missed the "H".
I made a suggestion: Fortnite Stereotypes
Sorry Cobes
Dude Perfect
make a new trickshot video
for Wheel Unfortunate "Stay in an empty Room for 24 Hours, with only supply of food."
I cant goto your tour because you dont go to sk regina
Dude Perfect i live in Albania
Dude Perfect
I'm from Spain
I saw you at the PGA tour
Dude Perfect I have an iPad what email can I use?
Hey aaaaah I
just wondering
are you all Christians?!
I'm a cat lover so if I span own a cat that would b heaven
Bro i live in spain ;(
Coby here. Yikes that was rough