LAST DAY! 20 Of 20 I STAYED At Every Disney Hotel! THE FINAL RESORT Animal Kingdom Lodge

LAST DAY! 20 Of 20 I STAYED At Every Disney Hotel! THE FINAL RESORT Animal Kingdom Lodge

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you guys it is it's here today is day number 20  day number 20 oh my gosh I can't believe it we   did it we we did it together day number 20 of  staying every single Walt Disney World Resort   until we stay at the mall and today I'm going  to be doing the animal kingdom let's do this I   think I'm in shock I can't believe it's finally  over I felt like it would never end all right   guys look I and this is the one Resort where  I requested the button and at any other Resort   that gave me button I wore it but this one I  requested right when I got in and checked in   20 of 20 I'm celebrating 20 of 20 days okay  let's go do this amazing Resort look here   look up you see this is a thatch roof thatch  is very important here and like look at these   like these light fixtures kind of look like giant  umbrellas maybe the elephant tus I'm not exactly   sure but they are awesome let's walk in here we go  we're walking in to Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge this is the lobby it's absolutely beautiful  look down there's a there's a little metal   plate there we'll talk about that in just a  moment tell you all the history this place is   gorgeous the first place I'm going to go is up  on the fifth floor to get on that bridge so I   can show you that bridge I walked outside  cuz I thought we could walk up the stairs   to get to the fifth floor but this place you  guys it's amazing if you if you have anybody   in your family who's an animal lover they're  going to love this this is such a unique unique   Resort there's the stairs that we'll take but look  over here like there's there's a fireplace we'll   talk about that in just a moment look at this  little area and oh my gosh you guys we're in a savannah we're going to go up these stairs here  I might get winded but we're going to do this so   here at Animal Kingdom Lodge there's really  two areas you have Animal Kingdom Lodge the   Jambo House which is where we are in then you  also have what's called kadani village kadani   Village is for DVC members and their room  are a little bit different uh their rooms   are like what you saw in Old Key West video  I just did the last one and Saratoga Springs   they're like Villas where here at the Jambo  House it's like a standard room here we are   this is called the msai bridge we're going to  walk across it's on the fifth floor turning   and looking this way you're going to see a  fivestory window that overlooks the Savannah   looks down to the lodge then overlooks  this beautiful Savannah what a great View   when they're getting ready to build this uh  amazing Resort they had 100 Disney imagineers   they went to Africa and they lived in Africa for  6 months to try to learn the culture so when they   came back here they can incorporate it correctly  look at this beautiful beautiful view this is the lobby see nice little carpets areas  these are the little medallions we'll   talk about that in a little bit and  then look at these chandeliers the chandeliers they have Spears in him  those Spears were actually brought   back from Africa true African Spears the  shields those were not brought back from   Africa but they they made here in  America by people who were from   Africa and they made them exactly how  you make them as if they were made in Africa also notice the thatch roof it  is absolutely gorgeous and beautiful   just kind of sweeping view of the lobby I  think it's one of the most relaxing lobbies   here in the lobby you want to look down you  see these golden seals and each one of these   seals represents a different part of Africa  see this part represents the ocean and moving   down all the way down the floor of course  there a beautiful woodwork right here you   see this right here some different animals and  a fun thing to do is children they could bring   like paper and do rubbings and like take a like  a crayon and do some different rubbings that's   something miles has done it is really fun and it  goes all the way down each one is different and   unique when I first came in here I was like  oh like are we allowed to step on I thought   they were like sacred the Disney cast M like no  no no of course you can step on it look at that music I have so much more to show you this lobby  but um this video is going to have a lot of food   which is not my favorite eat on camera but we're  going to figure this out so I'm going to go down   to the kadani Village which is about a 10-minute  walk from here and I have a lunch reservation uh   there so let's go have our lunch together guys  and then we'll come back and we'll do more of   this uh show the lobby and then tonight I  have a reservation at here with one of my   favorite restaurants we have dinner together so  I could walk down to kadani Village it's about a   10-minute walk but they said the shuttle comes by  about every 5 to 10 minutes so I thought i' would   take a shuttle down there and maybe we to walk  back I believe that's a shuttle I've never taken   it but I think that's it so let's do it we're on  our way guys here I am I'm at kadani Village this   is I've never been here let's go in and check it  out uh we have reservations here let's have some   lunch and that's where I have our reservation for  lunch it's the art of African cooking with Indian   flavors okay here we go I think it's pronounced  sa okay I checked in they're going to send me a   text message when it's ready but look there's a  little walking path here in a savannah let's go   outside that's what makes this place so amazing  oh you guys look like little animals I don't know   all their names I think the last ones we looked at  were kopai or something like that I'm not exactly   sure but look at it there are four different  savanas here at the resort and in each Savannah   have different type of animals that you can see  except there's one animal that could be in all   different four savanas and that's the giraffe  and speaking of giraffe I see him right down there oh there's another one right there now  here at the end of this little walkway see   there's this walkway that's where the restaurant  is there's a little walkway here you can see   all around at the end of this walkway there is  a fire pit I'll talk about that a little bit   later on because that's very important here  to the culture oh my gosh a draff is walking by this is what makes this Resort so special just got text the rest ready and those  those uh those animals I SL down there are not   like copie what thought they were they are Impalas  look at this beautiful restaurant it's like a Tree Top This is the menu so I found out sonan  means technically translated means at work   but more specifically it means you're at work  creating something creative uh you're creating   something at work creating something so here  we are at sonan all right so the first thing I   ordered was like a bread service it's non breed  I think it comes with nine different spreads to   the different types of bread and everybody has  recommended it so that's what I'm going to get   so there is the bread then over here are these  are the different spreads these on it goes like   this from hot really hot down to not so hot  to Sweet all the way down and the different   types of knot all right so this is the Garlic  Na and then I'm going to try the hottest first   I do not like spicy my wife Amanda does but  you guys know me seems to be like a lot see really oh no oh no it's really flavor okay that was  like incredibly hot it was very flavor   my wife would love it but too hot for  me yeah that one now we'll do this one   not quite as hot but still pretty hot  I say eyes are watering for the last one my mouth's on fire I can't really taste  anything more of a smokier flavor hot all   right so I found out I messed it up you're  supposed to start this you're supposed to   start the the um the lightest go to the  hottest last and I did the wrong way so   let's reverse it this first one is like  a cucumber lime yogurt next up is mango chutney it's good it's sweet it's like what you  want to eat on a summer day next one tomato date Jam I didn't think I'd like it but  I really do I think that's the merid Chutney it's got like a spice flavor to  it this next one is the roasted red pepper hummus this one is the most confident  I knew I would like it I love hummus   it's awesome it's got a little little flavoring   this next part is coriander Chutney  I don't really know what Chutney is I didn't like that one um I don't know what  coriander is I don't know what Chutney is so   I don't know if I don't like the coriander or if  I don't like the Chutney but I just didn't like   it but every other one's been awesome but no no  no no this next one's garlic pickle garlic pickle I love that one okay so these last two they are  the first one right here this is spicy jalapeno   lime pickle and this last one here is red chili  sball or whatever that's just hot death and then   for my entree I kind of ordered an appetizer but  it's called lamb Kea okay so this is lamb lamb I   really like it some people don't uh but this  is like a charred lamb it's got a little bit   of spice to it little tiny kick to it but I like  it like it compliments it I know I literally have   no idea how these food reviews do guys um I like  it that was so good I loved it I loved it um the   bread uh was awesome except for whatever that  Chutney thing was I did not like that that was   not delightful the uh lamb I got was great I love  lamb they had the spices on it just tasted great   all right I'm going to go back to the uh the Jambo  House and we'll continue showing the lobby there   so here at kadani Village it's mostly for DVC you  can you can reserve rooms if you want to have like   a villa there it's a little more pricey to do  something like that but uh i' I've never I've   never even gone there I've always saved the Jambo  House so let's walk back we're walking back here   to the Jambo House and I just kind of want to  talk to you a little about some my experiences   in the last 20 days so you guys can hear this as  I was going around and doing this I would ask the   cast members I'm like hey what is your favorite  Resort if you can stay at any Resort which one did   you want to stay at and I was asking them I got a  lot of answers but by far by far the most popular   answer was Animal Kingdom the animal kingdom lost  they I mean I would say almost two- fifths of all   cast members said that that was like so far  in the lead it wasn't it was out of control I   I always ask him I'm like they're going to say  Animal Kingdom LOD and they almost always did   the second place one the second place that cast  member said was Wilderness Lodge they're like so   it was uh animal kingdom here then Wilderness  Lodge here and then maybe third place might   have been like the Polynesian I think they call  it the poly the locals call it the poly but the   Polynesian was probably third place after that  there's a whole smattering of answers of what   people would say where they would want to go and  what they thought of it and and their feelings   towards a lot of different zorts now I would like  to say this it doesn't matter which Resort you   stay at you're going to get that same magic charm  Disney Magic charm uh it's they're going the cast   members are great the only ones that maybe um can  think of this the Old Key West and the Saratoga   Springs those are maybe those don't feel quite as  um oh Sports courts and barbecue let's go check   that out and then we'll go we'll keep walking oh  we got a signal from the bus driver to walk so   we're walking across here's a little barbecue area  that they have here at Animal Kingdom and I'll get   back to my thoughts in a second but I wanted to  show you the sports courts they also Wow Let's   Take a look at this they also have looks like  shuffle board and this is a halfcourt basketball court oh with Hopscotch you got to have  that and then you come down here and it   looks like they've got tennis and they've  got two beautiful tennis courts hard   top and they also have the pickle ball lines wow  this place is fun I have to show you something   here I noticed on the basketball court though is  that regulation Four Square size size that looks   really small to me guys like like let's  see here this is like I don't think this   is I don't know maybe I just remember it being  much bigger when I was a kid that seems pretty small I mean that's the center I can't that's that's as wide as it goes that's one square that seems pretty I'm pretty sure this Forest square is a  little smaller than it's supposed to be yep hard   heating facts here in provos park pass back to  my thoughts on the resorts Uli West and Saratoga   Springs those are more relaxed resorts so you're  not going to have that the cast members aren't   going to be like jamming the Disney right down  in your throat all the time they're they're there   it's kind of more relax I I I noticed that let's  see here I have to figure out how to get home the   reason I bring this all up is it doesn't matter  if you're at a Value Resort a moderate or Deluxe   Resort the cast members are going to um they're  going to be awesome you're going to have that   Disney Magic and Disney I am lost got it figured  out joho house this way just follow the these   Pathways and we'll get there just fine you're  going to get that delightful Disneyland cast   memberes at no matter which Resort you're staying  at and the resorts all offer something different   what are you looking for do you want to just crash  rides are you hitting the parks hard do you want   to you want to relax you want to be pampered each  one of these Resorts offers something different   so I mean that's the whole reason we did this  now I know a lot of you um who are Disneyland   and they don't you might not understand Disney  World you're like how does this transportation   thing work it's not as bad as you probably think  it is I remember being kind of intimidated by it   and I was also intimidated by the size of  everything I'm like oh my gosh cuz you hear   all these things like it's 47 square miles and  you're like what and I can't do that it's very   manageable and you'll have a really good time  when we come down here I had some friends reach   in they said H the thing I enjoy the most is  watching your beard cuz you go back and look   at the very first I was that there was All-Star  Sports in the very first one I was baby you know   fresh ready to go and uh yeah this is 20 days  later guys I think what I'm going to do is I   think I'm going to put it maybe do a comparison  I'll try to put that on the split screen here oh   look see there I am day one walking around talking  I have no idea what I was about ready to do I had   no idea how difficult this is going to be I was  just full of optimism and and Vim and Verve and   like I got this fresh faed oh that didn't take  very long here's the jumbo house that's going   in and look at the lobby we have more to look at  the lobby and then check out our room and we're back this Lobby is wonderful right behind  me you see a door and that's important into   African culture whenever you leave when you're  visi your friend in Africa and you leave their   house you touch the door and what that means  is it means uh like good luck and safe travels   and I will be back so when you leave touch  that door for good luck and safe travels right over here is the lobby area and where you  check in for the guest registration and this is   the this is the lobby area where you check in for  your room here in the lobby they're playing some music they asked me to try I'm going to try look at the beautiful areas to sit here and  they have all these little Antiquities they   have nice little areas for you look at it  is just a Marvel that's why it's one of my favorites now if you look up behind me on the  railings you see some animals that are running   away but they're running in different directions  you notice over here here they're running that   way and then if you go this way they're running  that way they're running to the closest water supply let's go into the uh market area and  see what kind of merchandise they have for   Animal Kingdom Lodge Here We Go Disney's Animal  Kingdom Lodge oh they have lots of stuff like this of course so Lion King  is going to be represented here over here they have a shirt it's like a  little golf shirt say Disney's Animal Kingdom   Lodge down here they have a hat and then look  at this shirt right here Disney's Animal Kingdom   Lodge here we go we have a a robe this kind  of more of the cream color but it's Disney's   Animal Kingdom Lodge right there embroidered  one another one I know I'm pretty sure one   other of the resorts we went to had like this wood  theme to it then we got this little tumbler dis   Animal Kingdom Lodge have a hoodie a  little ZIP down hoodie Disney's Animal   Kingdom Lodge and a little mug it's like  a giraffe head Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge okay so it goes from that to where  we looked at and they have a lot of Lion   King then we get down here I think this  is for Animal Kingdom I'm not exactly sure   right there and then they got this shirt  here little Mickey I mini with the bow   looks like they almost have like kind of like  spotted pants or leggings there's like a little   spirit jersey it's got like a little uh Mickey  head and then look at the sleeves but then on   the back it it just says wild about Disney  Then over here we've got this one it's mini   it's like wild it's like it's almost like it's  inside oh is this inside out wait how this work   oh it's made to look like it's inside out but  it is so but it's not I mean you're supposed   to wear like that that's awesome wild and  then down here they have some sandals with   like a little Mickey heads on it zebra Mickey  heads then here they have a little bucket hat   little bucket hat with little Mickey head on  it have a bag down there you see Mickey's on exploring they have like a little clutch purse they have some like like characters  there they are the Fab Five exploring look   at this this is like gorgeous it's right behind  the checkout table it's like a it's not it looks   like I know that's 3D it's not a drawing I  know from back far away it looks like it's   drawing on the wall it's actually um you look  here you see it's it's wirework the cast was   so kind let me come back here it's actually it's  copper and it's welded together it's this copper   tubing and it's Mufasa and I I really dig it I  love it and here we guys here we got the pins jumbo now what is Jambo mean jumbo means hello  that's right it means hello this Market is really   fun it's almost like it's an extension of the  lobby almost look at the wood flooring you can   turn around this way you can see that over here  they've got like carpet it is beautiful it's a   beautiful little market I this is just a market  shop but look at this the theming is really second that wow there are thatch roofs here in the  theming we're going to come down here look   at the floor and this is like your cold drinks  got some cold drinks down here you got all the   little you have more stuff down here ice cream  frozen pizzas and stuff like that fruit they've   got Pop-Tarts cereal bread pretty much everything  you need have like little Stones you can collect   and over here they have like art where you  can get your name Tron I want to show you   this is back to the lobby this is right when  you first walk in but if you look right here   they have a little table you can sit down you  play Tic-Tac-Toe all right let's go to our room   and check out our room as you walk down to your  rooms you're going to see they have these little   areas like this walk in the hallway and then  you look out you can see Savannah oh there's a   giraffe right out there you see like this way or  you turn this way and see this Savannah there's   other giraffe and and an ostrich right  behind me is my room let me show it to you I love this Resort let me show you why let  me show you this room when you come in look at   the you have some dark wood flooring over here  is the television area right here is your curig   Cofe maker it looks like wow they really stock  you okay good to know down below let's take a   look here this has got to be the fridge  little beverage cooler little luggy stand   right there kind of take a look at the beds  here we'll come back to that right here you   have a beautiful little breakfast table I love  that I love that we're going to save the view   for last cuz that's what makes this Resort so  amazing look at these rooms the beds there got   little bedboard there the the are well raised  off so you slide luggage underneath if you want   to they have the little nightstands with plugs  and USB ports right there and also something   very interesting here is there's lights above  the headboard there's also these sconces and   then there's a light on the top the ceiling  light and you can just click this little good   night button and that will turn all the  lights off now I left a I pulled out the   uh reading light so you can see those let's  just go ahead and turn them all up back on   okay over here is your is your bed right over  here come down here you're going to see a little artwork all right then you're come in  here to the bathroom two sinks two sink   Resort okay down there you see you have a  hair dryer there it's important we'll talk   about in a second and then all this  this is wonderful love that you turn   right in here to see your shower you got  a shower head and then little wand shower   it's a step in shower so you step in they have a  little area here for you to um like to prop your   leg up to shave your legs and then you have that  if you ever use that on vacation and then some   more shelving let's turn right over here let's  take a look into this closet space extra pills and   look they have a steamer I don't think I've seen  that any other one I Resort it's a little steamer   you got your safe I already put my suitcase in  here little hangers down there and then over here they have you know like a little  closet area to hang your clothing okay   let me show you what makes this Resort so  special it's the view it is the view that   is what you want that's what you're  looking for it is this and different   times of day you're going to see different  animals here we go there's a giraffe right   there this is outside my balcony guys this  is just right outside my balcony look at this there's a giraffe right there okay so when you go to Animal Kingdom they  have this what it the kilero Safari I think is   what it's called and you get to go on it's I  highly recommend that for kids you get to see   all the animals but at the end of the night they  put those animals away they go in their little   the places to sleep whatever here no these animals  are out here all the time I mean you can see them   all the time my wife Amanda will sit out here  in the porch that you see the feeding time you   see all these little animals they walk around  oh my gosh guys there's two more giraffe right there guys the draft just start walking over oh my gosh there's a zebra all right I'm walking right outside of  the lobby to check out this beautiful   area this is just out the back door of  the lobby right and you can see there's   lots of different views here you can learn  about the different animals they have these   little things here you could twist  and turn them so you can learn about them they have these different  areas for you to look at   it's like you're really in a safari you can here  you can see a bunch of the different different   rooms this is they all want to this is beautiful  you all want to sit out here and look at see   everything from your room and you walk back here  and they have cast members who will help you with   her hi they'll teach you about the animals and you  can just kind of look around here beautiful area this here is a little p fire pit in the evening  come here they do some s'mores roasting and hang   out here and again look at this view this is  just amazing to me the animals come and go   like all day long they're out here I mean  it's this we're walking through here to   get it's like I don't even know how to explain  it how amazing this is okay let's walk back   into the hotel this is the backside that's  that five-story glass window that overlooks   the Savannah from inside the lobby you can see  the thatch roofing and like the architecture so   nice now you're going to see a lot of these  fireplaces I'll show you this one here and   there's also one inside the lobby in African  culture uh one of the most important parts is   uh passing on stories oral tradition they would  gather around a campfire at night and they tell   these great Amazing Stories and those stories  you pass from generation to generation and   so the fireplace is kind of like a sacred area  and so they have these fireplaces periodically   throughout the uh resort to so that people can  gather here and tell their stories this is the   lobby area but you turn right behind me what  do you see a giant fire open pit and of course   you can sit around the fire and tell stories  right off the lobby here you got this beautiful area little bar and lounge area here that you can  sit and relax then at the bottom of these stairs   there's a restaurant here and tonight we'll be  going to dinner here it's one of the most sought   after restaurants to go to it's called Bulma Bulma  dinner tonight from 5:00 to 9:30 reservations   highly required for this restaurant all right so  I'm going go outside on this patio here beautiful   area it overlooks one of the savanas and we're  going to go down the stairs this isn't like a   secret area but just area that a lot of people  don't go so I'm go down to this level down here and that took me down the stairs so  that's the lobby that's the fireplace it   could come down the stairs I walked out  and went the outside stairs we go right   through here there's a little pathway here  it's called Victoria Falls it's just like a   off the lobby it's not something that you just  you just don't see it if you're not looking for it a water here little tiny waterfall here and it kind of overlooks the Bulma entrance  let's check out the arcade fba's funny games I've   given up on the Tron pinball guys so let's  open her up that's oh there's oh there's a   new one Mandalorian and they've got guardians  galaxy okay I'm glad they have pinball that's   new I've not seen that one or so they got a  bunch of games out here not bad pretty nice arcade they've got a lot of games out here  so wow wik tuna dance sense Revolution uh oh   right here by the F maches they do have some um  relaxing chairs and that's new they haven't had   I haven't seen like a little boat ride for kids  right there a little boat ride arcade's open from   8 to 11:00 we have to talk about the pool because  I have a little bit of a problem I'm checking out   super early to fly home tomorrow before the pool  opens so I'm going figure maybe I'll try to come   here at 11:00 at night when it's closing right  before it closes but it is jam-packed with people   here's a little restaurant it's called the mara  I have a faster meal it's the mara they have all   kinds of coffee uh passion orange and guava  Frozen slushie they got pepperoni flatbread   uh fire roasted tomato and three cheese flatbread  these are a little bit different here you have the   South African vegetable Bowl the combination  Bowl uh you got the oak grilled chicken bowl   the Harissa spiced beef bowl and the Chola  spice shrimp ble and there's one other bowl   there that they showed it we'll wait for  it to come back the mares Falafel platter   plenty of like cold grab and go things that  you need and also where we come and do your   refill on if you a refillable mug my flight  is early in the morning so I might try to   come here either really early in the morning  just walk around show the perimeter of the   pool or maybe tonight uh if right before they  close if it's not too crowded I'll try to film   it then we'll see but it is jam-packed I kind  of can show you a little bit from here it's a   it's jam-packed there I mean this is besides  the beach club I haven't seen a pool this crowded very popular pool there are so many  little details look up at this ceiling it's   got these it just it's awesome lot  times you just miss this stuff I love it there's so many little interesting artifacts  here in the lobby you can spend all day in the   lobby just enjoying the view almost it's amazing  let me show you transportation and here at the   transportation you're limited to bus bus  transportation you walk outside there's   little scientist bus transportation you can walk  right down here very easy to do plenty of science   to tell you what to do you walk right down here  and these are your buses oh there's a bus right   there there's four stops for the buses this first  one is for to take you to Disney's Animal Kingdom   that's literally like a five minute bus very  close this next area is Disney's Hollywood   Studios so if you want to go to Disney holway 2  you would come down here and get on this bus right there next here is at the uh zone for Epcot  number three this bus will take you to Epcot and lastly this one down here will take you  to Magic Kingdom there are four zones you just   look at the sign come on down here and they get  on the buses wait hold up I lied there are five   zones CU I forget about Disney Springs that's  the fifth Zone down here for Disney Springs at   tyu and goo here are the buses tells you what time  they'll be here the next time they'll be here is   very accurate let you know exactly what you need  to know and if you want you can even see the time   on your app you just log onto your app go to your  hotel reservation you see it says bus schedule   click on bus schedule then it's going to show you  all the times the buses will be at your particular   res Resort and that's pretty accurate too it's my  very last day here so I'm literally for the next   I've scheduled for the next 2 hours I'm going to  run and do some shopping at Disney Springs see if   I can find something good for Amanda and Miles a  little treat I'm not going to bore you with that   probably but then when I come back here we'll  have reservations at Bulma for dinner tonight   okay so I did go shopping and I got Amanda some  stuff and I'll show you that later on tonight drop   off the stuff that I got and then we're going  to go to Bulma for dinner and it's fantastic   I just walked in my room I like  there's an ostrich right outside   here that's insane right there that's an  ostrich you guys are looking at ostrich bum that's right outside my window so this is what I got Amanda um I was  FaceTiming her while I shopping and letting   her help me choose this Mickey she loved this  and then she loved the back of it that was her   favorite part the back of this it says Mickey  there a little she thought that was just too   cute then she likes this she like she loved  this shirt I was surprised she just loved   it and then they had these on sale actually  they had Oswald ears and then for Miles we   got him a little Baymax hoodie it's got little uh  Band-Aids on it and little you know silver little   Baymax hoodie and then she also wanted this Walt  Disney World um sweatshirt kind of thing and this   is a mug she wanted a mug but I'm going to keep  wrapped up so when I travel tomorrow it stays good good grief ostrich this is craziness so  here's a little map here this here is the Jambo   House that's where we're staying at this is kadani  Village this is like for DVC and these are the   four savanas right down here you have the was it  the uima Savannah you have the arushi CH Savannah   the sunset Savannah and this one up here is the  PMI Savannah and so that is right where my room   is is right there and we are literally looking out  into the sunset Savannah that's what we're looking   into um they have two pools I'm not going to be  able to film this pool up there at DVC um but   we this is the big one down here so we'll try to  figure out how to do that we are at Bulma one of   the best restaurants it's a well- loved restaurant  people come from all the different resorts to eat   this restaurant you're going to need a reservation  it's like a buffet cell but it's like elegant and   awesome I'm going show you everything you need  to know about Bulman let's do it this is the   Aesthetics of Bulma it is beautiful is great it  is a buffet we're going to go right over there   you'll see this giant Buffet I'll show it to you  it is awesome food this Buffet is amazing this is   sweet corn pudding with spinach this is called fu  fu it's Western Central African sweet and white   potato mash this is Olive oh they took it out  there this is the orange almond uh it's like a   crushed salmon and they just brought it back this  is the olive oil and herb and crusted potatoes   these are the spiced pork ribs with uh T Tamarind  honey and barbecue sauce and then they got all   these little different sauces for you as well they  also have right down there uh strip Line This is   like a Durban roasted uh Durban style roasted  chicken um and uh deran is the largest city   in South Africa and this is called uh Boba it's a  South African dish with ground beef lamb mushrooms   and egg this is what our server recommended with  all the soups this is the Kate Malay lamb Curry   this is the butternut squash soup this is the Sall  chicken corn chowder and this is the Cheri it's a   seafood stew and it's again our server said go for  the soups this one here is called har Haria har I   don't know harira I don't know how to pronounce  that then of course they've got like avocado   papaya grapefruit salad they've got a watermelon  tomato salad this here's a pasta salad they got   a cool SLO salad they've got a chickpea salad  they've got uh it's called tabok I'm not sure   they've got uh Tunisian uh like a shrimp salad  in the back and in front here is a cauliflower   sour oh this the back switch that around and  this is just a normal salad bar here you got   like mixed greens uh cilantro feta cheese lentils  dressing so on this is your bone fruit salad you   got watermelon you got spiced cottage cheese with  pineapple chutney strawberries and grapes this is   a bread station you got uh Peter bread back there  is French bread youve got peanut butter uh then   over here you've got a sundried hummus you've  got uh just normal hummus and then you got um   coriander hummus and then you got just sweet corn  muffins in the back oh plus flat fren all right so   I started out the soup this is the like the corn  ch pow the chicken cor chowder and I also just had   to stop and get a little bit of rice this is the  coconut ginger peanut rice I just want a little   smattering of that but we're going for the soups  cuz the server says this is where it's at check it out I hate eating on camera it's like this  is like my nightmare actually want know I   learned this in Etiquette it's proper  etiquette you're supposed to eat away   you're never supposed to go like this with a  a soup it'll Splash on you I don't know it's hot my heart that is so good he's not  joking you uh the soups are amazing let me describe it it's  um a little bit of spice but just   a little bit so when you taste it  it tastes really good and then the   rest of the flavors is combined to  make it a really Pleasant tasting experience these are like little  tiny salads I thought I'd try them   this first one is spiced cotage cheese  with pineapple chutney that's the second   time I heard the word Chutney  I don't know what that means uh it's like potage cheese with pineapple  and a little spice this one here I don't   know it's papaya grapefruit and  avocado I love everything in it   but it mix into a salad so let's try  it like that that's a bite of all three I just got super embarrassed I looked at I  made eye contact with the camera look at way I'm hideous the grapefruit overpowers it I love like guacamole and papaya it's good this one scares me it's  watermelon which I love but Tomatoes   watermelon tomato salad and I don't like  tomatoes but we'll try it watermelon tomato at first I hated it but now I kind of  like it it's like a it's that sauce on   it that that liquid it's like very  vinegary I guess and there's feted cheese this one's a little weird this  is sweet corn pudding with spinach and   it says chakalaka Jam I'm not joking  chocal I don't know what that even is sweet corn pudding I don't know what  chocolaka Jam is but I love it that is so darn good my oh you know the meat's just going  to be standard fair right so I just it's F what can you say it's excellent  but that this sweet potato for chakal laka Jam   ah heaven heaven what is chakalaka Jam  it's an African uh it's like SAA that   African salce has tomato onion onions  has coriander so good yeah you got to   mix it up with the sweet por actually  really the sweet porish you put the   choc chakola to on top you mix it up so  you get the sweetness from the the from   the sweet FR porridge with the [ __ ] in and  the Tomato sausage that's that's a trick okay it's sweet good didn't get the chocolaka jam  it's on the side so I'm going to have to get   someone mix it in but that sweet corn  pudding is amazing I guess it doesn't   need a chocolaka jam okay so I did get the  chocolate Locka jam now so this is the sweet I'm sad to say I like it better without the  chakalaka Jam so I wanted to say I love the   chocal laka Jam but I don't love the chakalaka  Jam I like the sweet corn pudding but not the   chocolaka jam so these are some desserts here  I got this is like a a cranberry hazelnut tart   this is the cheesecake the zebra Dome this is a  passion fruit mousse that's a hazelnut brownie   okay all right all right all right all right this  is what I did I don't want to eat on camera but   I did take a bite of each these desserts and I  lined them up in the order that I like them this   is number five I actually didn't like it very much  this is the Hazel up brownie I did like it this   was the passion fruit mousse and when I ate that  one first I thought nothing's going to beat that   then I ate that well not this is not the last one  I ate this is the zebra Dome that is so good that   On Any Given Tuesday that would probably win but  then this little bad boy oh you are a bad boy yes   you yes you are you're a little cheesecake devil  little She Devil with this little pineapple number   that's too good that's too good like that that  should be that's probably illegal in 20 or 30   States it's too good too good okay so I was going  to order this thing called the watermelon lemonade   it's an additional cost but the server's like  don't get that get the African juice because   the watermelon lemonade you only get one time and  then if you want to refill you got to pay for it   I'm like I don't want to pay for refill he's like  yeah so what is in this again orange juice orange   juice guava guava papaya papaya and lemonade and  lemonade this is the way to go get the African   juice because they just you can't ref feeling  it you can't you can't you can't stop on one that restaurant is so good it's a buffet  but like an amazing buffet and you just   keep eating and eating and eating till  you're full and you're like I can't   eat anym oh the lobby looks amazing let me  show it to you like ostrich is with ostrich eggs look how pretty it looks let's go outside  and check it out see how the animals are outside   one of the most beautiful Resorts I love  it here absolutely love it you can see   right here in the Rocks they have giraffe  carved in the Rocks there's a giraffe that   have these birds right here these are pink  back Pelicans those are East African crowned cranes they look kind of cocky  this is why you come to this Resort now if you can see it see if I okay right there  see right there that is a cimber and they know   all the animals and and she was literally telling  me she was she was that's a wilderbeast and then   she goes and they're tell me all the facts about  it so when you come out there they always have   some uh cast members they're they're dressed in  like Safari gear and you can go up to them and ask   them any questions and they'll help you uh learn  about the animals it's fun here's the resort at nighttime it's beautiful okay so I went out to the pool  hoping it'd be a little less crowded it's   still very crowded and there's also the  children's play area behind me that's   crowded so it's still very crowded I'm  going see how I can film this a little   bit later on I mean and then also  the hot tub was super crowded it's   a very very very popular area you guys it's  late and the flamingos are all being super active behind me there's a bar area right there  quickly show the pool right back there but there   is a bar area right there so you get some food  and you see here they have plenty of table tabl   where you sit at different tables right there you  sit in relax the tables uh yeah food if you want   to take it out by pool you just can't take it  within 6t of the water okay so here's the plan   I am going to go to our room I'm going to do some  shout outs and get ready for the night and then uh   around 10:50 at night I'm going to go out to the  pool area hopefully it's not too crowded we can   be able to film it if that doesn't work then  I'll run out there in the morning before the   pool opens up I won't be able to get very close  to it because there's a big fence area around   it but I'll try to show you the best I can the  pool and uh yeah so that's what we're going   to be doing and then tomorrow morning it's  all the same video by the way uh the later   on this video I'll do all the room tests for  you and I'll tell you all the facts and some   cool things I'll tell you the pros and  cons of this pric Resort because there   are some pros there's lots of Pros there are  a few tiny cons nothing that I really worry   about but other people do we'll get into that  at the end of this video all right let's go   do some shout outs I'm out on the balcony you  could barely see some fireworks through there who I can't believe it's been 20 nights guys I  just can't believe it I can't believe we're at the   end of it um wow okay uh let's do some shout outs  and I have some thoughts I want to share with you   hey okay so let's do this we're going to do a few  shout outs here now I'm not currently accepting   any more shout outs guys no more shout outs I  I was so overwhelmed by your guys' generosity   I thought we might like get 20 or or so and  but there's been so many and I want to give   everyone the respect that they deserves we're not  accepting any more shout outs we haven't accepted   any more shout outs since I think May 24th no more  shout outs guys uh but if you did do a shout out   I promise you I'm going to get to it and I will  put the uh I'll I'll respond to your shout out   and I'll tell you the date to watch so you can see  when your shout out is going to come out and uh I   know a lot of you like wait a minute this is like  the last shot this is the last video but we have   some surprises coming up so you'll understand  uh later on all right guys guys here we go this   first shout out is from Frank Hernandez Frank  Hernandez 9767 says thanks Chris for your love   and dedication to Disney and thank you Frank for  being so generous um there's a big uh like hard   emoji and a cast Emoji you bring happiness to a  lot of people uh starting with me I watch all of   your videos and keep learning about Disney all the  time because you can't imagine because of you oh   I watch all of your videos and keep learning about  Disney all the time because of you I can't imagine   how tired you could be right now but please keep  it up I I'll be honest I'm tired we stayed at the   boardwalk a long time ago and it was great Chris  could you please send a big shout out to my kids   Javier Minnie and Priscilla Javier Minnie and  Priscilla your dad loves you and he says I love   you guys thanks Chris you're so welcome thank you  so much Frank I appreciate that this shout out is   for Frank Hernandez a Frank Hernandez we already  we had a shout out but I just realized there's   something big he's like please give a huge shout  out to my kid kids Javier Minnie and Priscilla   I love you guys Chris please don't tell my kids  that I'm planning to take them to Disney for Oogie   Boogie bash don't worry Frank I will not tell  your kids I don't think Javier minia Priscilla   heard me say that you're planning on taking them  to Oogie Boogie bash you guys are going to have   so much fun this next shout out is from Starks  Starks 1974 and he says Chris can you do a shout   out for my amazing wife Joselyn happy anniversary  happy sixth birthday to Becket and a get well soon   to my daughter Elsie who just had a tonsil ectomy  daddy can't wait to take everyone to Disney World   with some help from Chris this next shout out is  from Cheryl Oliver Cheryl Oliver 1513 she says I   have really been enjoying this Disney World Resort  series thank you for bringing us along H it's my   pleasure and I'm glad that you guys I wanted to  make it feel that you guys are coming along with   us because I enjoy having you here with me this  shout out is from uh Duster Leah and uh they said   my shout out is to my son Jordan I'm so excited  for our plans to go to Disney World and these   videos will help us choose thanks Provost from  Anna oh I'm so glad you enjoy these videos and you   guys are have so much fun uh Jordan you're gonna  have a great time we go to Disney World this next   shout out is I think it's it's tally tab tally Tab  and it says hey I'm relatively a new subscriber   and I enjoy your cont glad you subscribe thank  you so much uh and I enjoy your content and your   honest opinions about the company you're the only  person to tell me I'm amazing I appreciate what   that might mean to someone else watching too it  feels good to hear you are a ray of sunshine and   a beacon of positivity and it might be rubbing off  on me I appreciate the hard work you're doing on   this Resort series editing 3 hours back toback  at the end of each night is tough and you're   doing great would have loved to know about the  convo B you had with your feet take care oh my   gosh yeah that's a deep cut that was at that was  like what day 12 I think I was mentioning my feet   I was like I I so much um footage I have so much  what I was saying is I I usually have like three   or four hours of footage and then I edit it down  to about one hours and and like sometimes I like   literally like watching the footage it's just  me like talking about my foot or I literally am   just yammering on about I don't even know what I'm  talking about just like I'm like this is terrible   so I just edit it all out I don't know probably  just talking about my left foot or something who   knows okay so this next shout out is from otaku  Kent otak otaku Kent first a shout out to all my   Disney friends and family and that includes Chris  and Amanda thank you for being amazing people and   friends that you are and for doing an amazing  job with the videos Chris keep it up also to   my amazing wife Jasmine thank you for being my  amazing Disney partner to infinity and beyond   I love these messages the thing about these shout  outs I really like is I feel like I'm getting to   know you a lot better and I love that this next  shout out is from First Rate Nate first First   Rate Nate and he says shout out to Chris for being  our Tron shout out to Chris for being our Tron in   this grid of Walt Disney World hotels fighting for  us users by having these real fill videos of each   Hotel so we can prudently choose the correct hotel  for our family vacation oh my gosh First Rate Nate   I will fight for you on the on the Tron at the  grid for you I'm I'm so glad you you real I I I'm   trying to be honest about it to say the pros and  cons to the hotels what I like about it what maybe   I don't like so much about it I mean they're all  pretty good um but it's expensive right when you   come down to Walt Disney World you're spending a  pretty penny so I want people to know what they're   getting so they can really enjoy their vacation so  thank you so much first r n I appreciate that this   next shout out is from ashers archives ashers  archives can you please give a shout out to   all the military serving and their families back  home absolutely always always love to give shout   out to all to our acting military to ones who  have the ones that may serve I appreciate you   Amanda appreciate you and and we love you and  thank you and honor you for your service you   want assur a sad man as son would be okay when he  left to serve our country in the Navy in 2020 and   always be thankful for those kind words keep up  the amazing work blessing you and your family I   remember that day I remember meeting you and I  remember uh you told me that your son had just   joined the Navy and uh you're a good man you're a  good man this is next shout out is for John Lange   John Lane 9651 and he says Chris thank you for  the videos I'm debating which resort to stay at   for the next trip shout out to my wife an well an  I think John has all the information he's going   to need now to choose which Resort you guys should  stay at this next shout out is from l l 3288 hello   Chris would you please give a shout out to my dear  and wonderful amazing Disney wife Julie we follow   your adventures and appreciate all your hard work  the more and worse the dad jokes the better you   racked your but I also thanks for the smiles and  laughs you are a wonderful person have a great day   and keep up brightening thousands of lives with  each video oh my gosh thank you so much this is   not okay normally I have more energy um but last  night I had the weirdest dream I've ever had in my   entire life I'm not even kidding I dreamt I was  a muffler on a car and I woke up exhausted that   is a joke this is not a joke the last couple  nights I have had dreams and in the dreams I   dream I'm walking around filming Resorts I kid  you not and I'm like worried I'm like I didn't   because I have lists of all the things I want to  cover and in my dream I'm like you didn't talk   about the pools people aren't going to know about  eating options what about the vegetarian options   did you talk about the humus like literally like  last three nights in a row I've had these dreams   where I'm walking around literally trying  to film everything and I wake up and panics   I'm like I haven't filmed at all so yeah so I  appreciate that this next shout out is for Steven   Joe spear Steven Joe spear Chris have you noticed  if all the eies have a vegan plant-based options   with a green leaf icon indicator on the menu  okay so that's a great question they're not   always vegan um they can make them vegan so the  green leaf that is vegetarian and then they have   sometimes like a little V buy it like a circle V  for a vegan they usually do have vegan options and   you could ask for them um and I I really thought  about that later on I was like I should have been   way more diligent and better on that cuz I don't  think about it I'm not a vegan nor a vegetarian   it doesn't cross my mind and then when Amanda got  here I was like oh yeah she's a vegetarian and so   I started looking at a lot more than that Disney  has lots of vegetarian options and there are vegan   options that are smattered out there throughout  there and they can't make things for you for sure   this next shout out is for Mr Disney for Dad  Mr Disney for Dad says Chris you're the best   been watching since 2019 thank you so much I'm so  glad you found us when we were just a baby channel   um and always look forward i' been watching you  since 2019 and always look forward to your videos   my father-in-law helped design the roof of the  Contemporary Hotel and um and I'm looking forward   to seeing it someday with my wife Heidi love you  sweetie someday I hope to see you in the park to   say thank you in person but till then take care  oh my gosh I love it when uh viewers tell me that   they have connections with Disney that gives me  a thrill so I think that's and I know that one   day you'll make it there you and Heidi will make  it there and see it this shout out is from Patty   Mills Patty Ms 1635 and all they say is thanks  you are so welcome Patty thank you so much this   next shout out is from Wendy hatch Wy hatch 2684  and she says thank you for being such an awesome   entertainment for our Disney loving family when  it's our 5-year-old's turn to pick what to watch   the request is Disneyland with the from the Chris  guy oh my gosh I love that oh my gosh Disneyland   from the Chris guy I'd like to give a shout out  to Amilia Weston Jojo and Steven you are loved so   much and we hope to bring you Disney Disney World  or back to Disneyland one day love mommy and daddy   this next shout out is from bncs mom1 bncs mom1  they said I would like to tell my husband Brian   and my daughters Bridget and Cheyenne I love them  all so very much also Chris to you you are special   and appreciated and I love that you're doing this  for all of us please take care of yourself oh   thank you so much I appreciate that and uh you  sound like you have a beautiful lovely family   this next shout out is from DJ Joe Rocket DJ Joe  Rocket hello Chris my name is Joseph this shout   out is for my daughter Alexandra Alexandra she's  a registered nurse and just graduated from her   University's family nurse practitioner program  wait Alexandria uh Teresa and I are so proud   of all of her accomplishments and even more proud  of the person she is we love you Alexandra that's   amazing and oh there a p ps we we've H we all had  the pleasure of meeting you Dien and love what you   do thanks for all the positivity you share you  are so welcome and congratulations on graduating   that's amazing this next shout out is from Lisa  kby Lisa kby 1 and says thank goodness Good   Vibes solid Emoji solid Emoji salad Emoji hi there  first of all thank you for this excellent overview   of all the places to stay at Walt Disney World we  stayed at Port Orleans in 199 night when Hurricane   Floyd came to visit and the folks at the resort re  took really good care of everyone to keep us safe   and fed so why the solid emojis well our family  has noticed you should probably eat some more   greens and fruit stay healthy we love you Lynn  Tamora and Danielle oh my gosh you guys are   calling me out Amanda says the same thing I really  should I do need to eat more greens I'm actually   G to try to thank you this next shout out is from  AA a KLA maybe it's maybe it's a it's maybe it's   Kayla la a Kayla la or maybe Kayla LA 68 shout  out to my kids Evan and Megan and the provos   family to Evan and Megan 64 days in county till  our Disneyland birthday celebration trip woohoo   can't wait and believe I can't wait and can't  believe it's been 12 years since we've been there   love you my kiddos you're both amazing mom is so  proud of you thank you for being the best kids   a mom could ever ask for to the pros family your  dedication sacrifices and love are so appreciated   we hope to run to you at the Dis end we will be  ordering some provos Park pess shirts and hoodies   to wear at the park to show our love for you and  your channel oh my gosh thank you so much be sure   to take pictures of it when you with the hoodies  and do I use uh tag us and PR Park F and we'll   try to share them on the website that's amazing  I love that we have like a little website where   you can buy the the merchandise or putting people  who buy it trying to put their pictures on that   website you are absolutely amazing and you're have  the best time you go to Disney this next shout out   is from Ben Smith Ben Smith and he said Ben Smith  5032 my seven-year-old Abby loves your videos hi   oh hi Abby uh she's going to dis on June 15th to  19th and hoping to run into miles oh my gosh that   would be amazing Abby I'm sure you and miles would  be very good friends this next shout out is from   MDW 0307 it says the shout outs to Kevin Williams  thank you for all you do for us I think we are   long overdue for our next Disney vacation love  Misty heaven and Paisley I love messages like that   this shout out is from J5 j5d Mac j5d Mac hi  Chris I just wanted to thank you for the shout   out that you did in the video for my wife she  loved it I wanted to do another shout out this   time to tell you specifically how much we  appreciate you you are always so positive   and encouraging which brightens everyone's  day I know these 20 days have been a lot of   work but you've got this and we wanted to give  you some encouragement back thank you so much   for doing this and for it's be

2024-06-03 16:26

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