Lake Powell News: LIVE

Lake Powell News: LIVE

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Hello. And welcome. To another edition, of the nightly news I'm Chris, Lee here with LVN bringing, you all the news that is news and none of the news that isn't most. Of the time. Tonight's. Episode is brought to you by H&R. Block in Page, Arizona on 608, Elm Street even though tax season is over if you have any questions, or late filings, or anything, related to tax stuff don't, forget to give them a holler and give, them a shout-out for, supporting, your local news company so we can get you the, news in real, time we've, got quite a few things for you here tonight, if. You were unaware there, was a Planning and Zoning meeting. Last. Night at City Hall Lois, was actually out there live broadcasting. That for all of you guys and the. Discussions, got quite, heated, and a lot. Of things were talked about but, nothing, was actually, decided. Last night. Today. She, actually had an interview, with this, city attorney she's, given me here a small, briefing. That, we're gonna go ahead and read. To you guys real quick I think. Mario says hello hello, Mario nice to see you out there thanks. For stopping by, all. Right so once again this is from Teresa, she. Talked to the city attorney today, and asked, him a series of questions and she's actually working on something for you guys here, coming up pretty soon, so. Last. Night's public, hearing, was to address changing. The current, city ordinance, pertaining. To vacation. Home rentals, to reflect the language within, the state statute. The, Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously. Voted. To send the change to the City Council, as is, which. Allows the City Council to vote on the proposed, change, to the ordinance as was. Stated by City Attorney I'm, sorry as was, stated by, city attorney Joshua. Smith during last night's hearing, the, change in the ordinance, will incorporate, the, state's language, to the ordinance, allowing. For, of the requirements, for vacation. Home, rentals. City. Attorney Smith, told LPN, n that, state. Legislature. Has already, limited I'm, sorry State Legislature has, really, limited what the city can regulate, when it comes to vacation, home rentals they, have carved out a special, exception, for vacation. Rentals and decided. That they're going to treat them differently and the state for some reason feels the need to protect that what. This means is that the city cannot. Based, on state statute, regulate. Who is allowed to operate a vacation. Home rental as long, as the guidelines laid, out in state statute, are met, ultimately. The city's hands are tied in this situation, unless something, changes, at the state level, city. Attorney Smith informed, LPN n if the, citizens, are upset with the way the city is regulating, vacation, rentals and believe, the city needs to do more the, citizens, should reach out to their state legislators. Until. Then we have to wait and see what the city council, decides to do with the proposed, ordinance change, at the, next city council meeting next. Wednesday. Teresa. Is currently, working on getting an entire article together, about the hearing and her. Interview, with city attorney Joshua. Smith so, keep an eye out for that by the end of this week we, will post it on our website and share, it on our Facebook page the. Public hearing and discussion, pertaining to the proposed changes, to the vacation home rental ordinance were the only items on, the agenda that, were addressed at last night's Planning, and Zoning Commission meeting, all other, items were, tabled, for next, week a new, date was not officially. Determined by the end of the meeting we, will update you as soon as the next meeting is scheduled. So. Once again that was from part of her interview, with the city, attorney so, we'll give you some more updates on that as they. Come, out all. Right what else do we have for you here today as. You see let's. See here okay. So as you see in the title there, was a gas, leak on 17th. Avenue up towards, the airport today we're, gonna go ahead and pull that over here for you so.

What Was happening let me see if I can gesture. With the mouse here as you, can see probably. Not oh maybe there. We go all right so you can see my mouse cursor hopefully. These. These. Spools right here are part of this this. Little project that's going on they, were doing a sideboard, drill, pulling. This conduit, behind. It underneath the street when, unfortunately. They struck, a gas line, approximately. Here. Underneath. The street there, was the smell of propane, out there or the smell the smell of gas out there and the. Authorities, immediately, responded, they shut off the gas and we're working on trying to fix it no one was hurt and there. Was no damage other than to the gas lines, that were out there I'll go ahead and play a little of this for you there's we, will put the sound on but, you can kind of get an idea of what's going on with. You can see the fire department, was out here and they. Responded very quickly there, was medical, over here on the side just in case and firefighters, were, responding, to what was going on out here and making sure that everyone, was. Safe, out there we did talk to some people on scene and they let us know that everything, was, just fine. They. Were working, to repair it we go ahead and fast forward as you can see the firefighters out here they, have a backhoe, that was out here and they're, trying to repair the damage that was caused during. That incident there, so we, were out there live on scene and if you want to see the rest of that video or hear what I'm talking about down you can check it on the Facebook feed below and if you want any of those real. News updates, as they come out make sure you like the page and put, it in your notifications. Before first so that we pop up in your feed whenever, we go live for, breaking news all. Right let's see what else we have here for you today mm-hmm. So. That was that let's, see okay, so today was day five of the Arizona, teacher walkout, as lawmakers, are. Debating a, budget. Let's. See Mario says glad everyone was safe, so are we Mario, the, fire department was out there very quickly and no, one was hurt it was a good thing all, right so today, is day 5 of the Arizona teacher walk out as lawmakers, debate a budget, Dave. Five of the teacher walkout, is here, and an. End may, be in sight the House and Senate are, deliberating, over, the state budget which, includes, teacher pay raises. Lawmakers. Have told 12 news another, long day is ahead at the State Capitol this was from this morning Arizona. Teachers are expected to get together for one final day of rallying, if lawmakers, pass, a school funding, plan organizers. Of the historic teacher walkout, in Arizona, say educators, will go back to work Thursday. So. That is some, interesting news coming out from that from. The office of the governor governor. Ducey has a letter to, Arizona, teachers, parents, and school. Leaders, we're gonna read you a small excerpt, of this you, can find the entirety, of the allah of the letter at AZ, governor, gov. But we'll go ahead and give you some of the highlights here, once. Again this is from the office of the. Governor. Arizona. Teachers parents and education. Leaders we, are very close to passing a very significant, budget investment, into k12, K through 12 education and, I want to update you on where, things stand on Friday. Along with the Senate President and the Speaker of the House I announced, a joint budget, agreement that included, a major increase, in funding. For public. Education, it. Goes on to describe what. Some of that was and the timeline, that he started, in early April talking about it and some, of the dollar amounts, that are going on they, are working currently on trying to pass this bill and we'll go ahead and see what. Happens. Come, tomorrow. Along. With that. Something. Is happening at the federal level with, the school, system. Trump. Is or I'm, sorry a president, Trump is ordering. A rollback of a, federal, power grab in, education. It says. Here Trump is to pull the feds out of, K through 12 education. President. Trump, signed an executive order. Today. To, start pulling the federal government, out of K, through 12 education. Following. Through on a campaign, promise to return school, control, to state and local officials the. Order dubbed, the education. Federalism. Executive. Order will launch a 300, day review, of Obama, era regulations. And guidance, for school districts, and directs. Education Secretary Betsy. Davos to. Modify or repeal, measures, she deems an overreach, by. The federal, government. For. Too long the government has imposed its will on state, and local governments, the result has been education, that spends more and achieves, far, far, less mr..

Trump Said my. Administration. Has been working to reverse this federal power grab and give, power back to families, cities, and states, give. Power back to, localities, he. Said that previous, administration. Administration's. Had increasingly. Forced schools to comply with whims and dictates, from Washington, but his administration. Would break the trend we. Know local communities, no way to note, it is best and do it best said mr. Trump who, was joined by several Republican, governors for the signing the time has come to empower, teachers and parents to, make the decision, that helped their students, achieve a success. Miss, Davos and vice, president, Mike Pence were on hand for the ceremony which, was attended by about 25, people including. Teachers lawmakers. And the. Governor's, the. Executive, order is not expected. To have an immediate impact on school, districts, policy. Changes will follow a report, on the findings, of the, review the review, will be spearheaded. By the Department, of Education regulatory. Review, a task, force, according. To the order miss. Davos already, has authority, to modify or repeal, regulations. That are deemed a violation of, federal law the. Order however creates, a review, for identifying, those areas and makes, clear her mandate, from the President to take action, reducing. The federal government's, role in K through 12 as part of president, Trump's reform, agenda. Which, also includes, the expansion of school, choice programs, among. Those at the signing ceremony were. Governor's kiv of alabama, gary Herbert of Utah Paul, LePage of Maine Brian, Sandoval, of Nevada, and Terry, Branstad, of Iowa, who, also is, president. Trump's nominee, for ambassador, to China also. In attendance were, senator, Lamar Alexander of. Tennessee, and representative. Virginia, Foxx of North Carolina. The Republican, chairs of the two chambers, education. Committees. All. Right what else do we have here in some more local news we have here police, protesters. Are gearing up for a Flagstaff. NRA. Event, on Saturday. This is from the AZ Daily. Sun, a, planned. Fundraiser. For the northern Arizona, branch of the Friends, of the National, Rifle Association, will. Be met with protests. Saturday. Afternoon. Near. Na use high country conference. Center mark. Alexander, the organizer of the protest said, he is concerned, about his seven grandchildren who are in school in Flagstaff and the possibility. A shooter, could come into the schools and kill them or their, friends and classmates. We. Need to diminish the control of the NRA of our state and federal, legislators, Alexander. Said I believe. They would vote for reasonable. Gun laws if they, thought they would survive the vote he said NAU. President, Rita Cheng said in a statement that Sodexo. Manages, facility, rentals of the conference, center and provides. Services, as a public. Institution NAU. Follows, laws that ensure equal, access to our facilities, which, also brings a broad range of ideas thoughts. And information Chang. Said in a statement we appreciate. And respect that individuals, can differ on which, events they would like to attend which, speakers, they would like to - or which, organizations. They would like to support Chang. Said the NAU Police, Department, had also reviewed, this particular, event. Alexander. Said he, and his group are supporting. Gun regulations, that even in our aim NRA. Members, could support, like, banning, bumped, stocks and expanding. Background checks for those trying to buy guns he, said he does not have a problem with responsible. Owners having, a handgun or hunting. Equipment. Sergeant. Corey runs the spokesman, for the Flagstaff, Police Department, said the department, and the NAU Police, Department, will have officers, on standby, in, case the, protest, gets out of hand but he does not anticipate that to be the case.

Runge. Said the department, has worked with the group organizing. A protest before and the department is not concerned, with them but other groups. Might, be more, concerning, if they, attend the protest riot. Control, drills, the department, completed, on Monday, were not specifically. Scheduled, in anticipation. Of the protest he said however. The department, is prepared, to handle the protest, if things, do, escalate. We. Hope everyone comes out and exercises, their First Amendment rights safely, regardless, of what side they're, on Runge. Said. Alexander's. Goal is a peaceful showing, of ops opposition. To the gun industry and, he has distributed, rules for the protests, which include not confronting. Any attendees, at the NRA event, or police. Or Conference Center employees, not. Blocking driveways, or roads, and keeping. Noise levels down, alexander. Anticipates, protesters, will meet at the Our Lady of Guadalupe. Chapel, around, 3:00 p.m. Saturday. And then, assemble, along Butler Avenue for, the demonstration. Alexander. Said he is hoping for at least 300, people to attend the protest but he does not know exactly. How, many to, expect. All. Right so that is going on at NAU this weekend, there, is an NRA event, that is apparently being protested. Let's. See we also have. Let's. See that the the tinder fire we have some up dates on the tinder fire for you guys up there the. Coconino County Sheriff's. Office and the state of Arizona Department of, Emergency and, military, affairs is currently. Planning, a staged. Re-entry. For, evacuated. Blue Ridge area residents. Of the, tender fire the, county cannot begin a staged reentry. Process, until, it ensures that the entire area is completely. Safe for residents even though some developed, areas have not been directly impacted. By the fire the. Blue ridge neighborhoods, are still under evacuation orders, from the Coconino County, office. The evacuated, area is still very dangerous, with exposed, hazardous, waste damaged. Propane, tanks, downed, power lines hazard. Trees and other, safety issues, County. And state officials as well as, private, utilities, and propane, companies, are currently mobilized, in the area to, mitigate these health and safety risks prior to a staged, and controlled. Reentry the. County is working as quickly as possible to, secure the area no, timeframe has been identified for. Initiating, a controlled, staged, reentry, process, the, county is working with agency, partners, to, set up a resident, reception. Area to distribute, information and, provide, services. A detailed. Reentry packet will be provided, to residents as they re-enter. Their specific, area.

Once. The evacuation, order is lifted. By the county, only owners, validated. By proper, identification will. Be allowed, to return, the. First to re-enter will be the residents, of the confirmed, 41. Destroyed, or heavily damaged, homes, those. Homeowners, will be allowed in prior, to other evacuated. Community members so that they can have time to process their losses the, remaining residents will be allowed to re-enter through, a staged, reentry. Process, which is being planned by, the county, a controlled. And staged reentry, process, provides for greater public safety, and allows, residents to receive important, information that supports their reentry and community. Recovery, efforts, the, re-entry plan will be emailed, to the res that have provided contact. Information, as well, as communicated. Through the county's emergency. Notification. System. All. Right so that once again that is from, Coconino. County. All. Right we have an update on some national. News for you tonight the CDC. Has confirmed, the first death, due. To the e.coli, breakout, from the, Yuma romaine, lettuce, that has, been recalled. The, e.coli, outbreak. Connected, to romaine lettuce from Yuma Arizona, continues. To, grow worse, on Wednesday. May 2nd the CDC, confirmed, that one California, resident. Has died, two E coli contamination. According. To the CDC, 23. More people, from ten states, were added to the list of reported, illnesses, since the last update on April. 27th. Bringing, the total to. 107. Cases, from, 29. States, eight. Of those cases were reported here, in Arizona. The. Outbreak originated, in seven, states and initially, applied only to bagged, lettuce now. The recall. Applies, to romaine lettuce in any, form, unless customers. Can prove it didn't, come from Yuma. This. Warning, now includes, whole heads and hearts of romaine lettuce in addition. To chopped romaine and salads. And salad, mixes containing romaine. The, CDC's, release said the, recall, is impacting. Many restaurants. And grocery. Stores. So. That is from Tucson, News and. The, CDC. All. Right we, have some special events that we want to bring up for you guys that are coming up here very soon, on May, 17th. There, is going to be backcountry. Exploration. The, case for, low-impact, recreation. In Grand, Staircase, Glen. Canyon lecture, series continues. This may, with, a great talk on finding, balance between loving, our public lands and protecting, them for others to love us as well, Paige. This is going to be at the Paige Community Center at 7 p.m. on May, 17th, the guest speaker is gonna be and I know I'm gonna butcher this name but Morgan.

Sure, Ogron. Ogron. I apologize. For that it's SJ, o gr, en. Sure. Ogron, yes, we'll, go with that, so that's once again that's on May 17th, at 7. P.m., we've. Got a couple of other big events coming up here we have when, a day, rental, of a personal, watercraft, from, all in boat, rentals, in big, water this, is a fundraiser, for friends. Of the library, it's. $25. A ticket, or, $5. For, or I'm sorry five tickets for $100. Tickets. Are available at, the page library, there's, gonna be a drawing held on May 17th. At the play safe on Powell event, at the page public library and, that. Brings us to our next event that you need to plan for the, place safe on Powell event at you. Guessed it the page Public Library that's Thursday, May, 17th, from 3:30, to 5:30, it, is, for National Water Safety Awareness. Month, we. Just talked about the raffle tickets that are available to, purchase and you, can get a chance to win a one day personal. Watercraft. Rental, and once, again that is from. Let's. See what is it all in boat, rentals, out, in big water. All. Right let's see what else we have here coming. Up on. May. 15th, is a. Ribbon, lei for, graduation. It's an adult a craft class it's gonna be from 10 a.m. to. 12 p.m. that's, coming up and. Let's. See our last large event for on, this page. Here, is the. Summer rec, fest, which is going to be Thursday. May 31st, from, 6 to 8 p.m. at the page, Sports. Complex. That. Is going to be let's, see here it says connecting. You with the don'ts in families, with recreational and, leave activities, and services, in and around page it is free come, participate in fun activities and games and find, out about what is happening in and around, page. All. Right let's see what else we have ah yes, this weekend, starting. Friday night and going through Saturday, we have the Lake Powell cruisers. Where they're gonna be cruising, around town on a Friday, night and then having a car show on, Saturday. Let's. See what we have here this is Saturday, it is going to be, 9. A.m. to 4 p.m. at, the city park on Saturday I go to this every, year you should do it's a lot of fun out there there's. Gonna be vendors for all kinds of different things come, out and see those amazing cars from the Lake Powell cruisers, and have a good time hopefully. We'll see you guys out there alright. Let's go ahead and move on to the, weather let's. See if I can find the right button today. Possibly. Maybe, there, it is look at that alright. Alright. I believe you can see that okay here we go so. It looks like we actually have a higher chance of rain coming up tonight, it's. Gonna be close, to, midnight, it looks like yeah. About, a 48%. Chance so you're gonna get some more sprinkles most likely, tonight so it is Paige so, keep your eye out it might just sneak away on us tomorrow, the high is gonna be 69, degrees in partly cloudy with, still a small chance of rain throughout, the morning and afternoon, and decreasing, and then, having another chance later. On in the early evening on, Friday. We have a high of 77. With a low of 56, and it, looks like it's gonna be a nice and sunny day Saturday. A high of 84. With a low of 62. Sunday. A high of 91. With. Winds picking up just slightly and a low of 64. And going, into Monday just. Some slight wind and it's gonna be cloudy with a high of 89, and, a, low of 62. Well. I have to keep an eye on that you know how the weather can be around here. Thank. You very much for joining us tonight don't forget tonight.

Was Brought to you by H&R, block of Page Arizona. Don't. Forget to thank local, businesses, that support. Us because when you do that it helps us bring you the news in real time and if this helped out you or you think it'll help out anyone else don't, forget to comment like and share on every single one of these posts, and if you want to catch those real news updates, in real time don't forget to like the page and make, sure you click to have us pop up in your feet at the top so whenever we do go live on those breaking news events, you'll be one of the first to know thank. You very much for joining us we will see you tomorrow morning, on our new morning show or, if, there's breaking news sometime, tonight have, a great one. You. You.

2018-05-06 04:10

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