Lake Powell News LIVE:

Lake Powell News LIVE:

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You. You. All. Right is there sound now. We. Do apologize for that sound. Chick all right Sam. Do we have sound it looks like we have sound, apparently. A wire fell out of a hole there we do apologize, for that so. I guess we'll go ahead and start that over again I do. Apologize, all. Right let's see what we have here all right so once. Again this is Chris Lee here with LP n n bringing you all the news that is news in none of the news that, isn't most of the time and apparently some technical, difficulties, during the live unscripted. News, you, never know what's gonna happen on these things tonight's. Episode is brought, to you by H&R. Block here in Page Arizona don't, forget to support local companies that support, us because, it helps us get you the news in real time and get, you a good laugh when we hit the wrong button or when wires fall out of sockets. All. Right Mario says yes I'm, glad we do apologize for that unfortunately. There's no way to edit live video so just pretend, the first part didn't happen and we'll start over again let's. See here I had a, news. Report, for you that was. Actually kind of important, let's go ahead and go with that that, was for. The tinder, fire update, give me just a second while I click on it here and let me see if I can find her. All. Right see. Okay. That can go away now shoo-shoo, don't. You love it when you click on buttons, and the right thing does not pop, up it's amazing I love, it when that happens, not, so much really all, right so for those of you who don't know there. Is also live coverage going on right now there is the Planning, and Zoning Commission, meeting. Going on at City. Hall Louis is out there covering it as we speak broadcasting. That so stay tuned for that and, for. Those of you who didn't know we also have a morning, show that we're doing now at 7, o'clock Monday, through, Friday we, hope you guys enjoy it as much as we do it's a lot of fun and you, should check it out sometime we'll be doing that again, tomorrow, at 7, o'clock, all. Right so an update. On the. Tinder fire, here mmm. Yes. Yes, technical, difficulties, all day Renee I see, her laughing there so, we, had some sign issues, earlier as you saw and, apparently. Now we're having some technical difficulties, hopefully, they're all remedied, and the rest of the broadcast, will go smoothly but hey that's what you get with the live one scripted, stuff right it's like reality TV. Alright. So once again this is for the tinder fire alright. The Forest Service investigators. Were able to access the, point of origin for, the tinder fire and have, found the cause to be an abandoned. Illegal. Campfire, during. Stage 1 fire restrictions, the. Fire was reported by, the mochi tower lookout, on April 27th. At 11:43. A.m. and, began, near, Forest Road 95. Approximately. One and a half miles east, of CC. Cragin reservoir. It quickly. Spread to the bottom of East Clear, Creek Canyon and strong. Southwest. Winds drove, the fire in a northeast, direction up the canyon and towards. Private property and residence, located, about, three, miles away. Anytime. We we enter restrictions, or have even closed the forest we, still continue, to find abandoned. And illegal. Campfires, said, Andy Peterson, Forest. Service, Patrol captain, for northern Arizona this. Shows extreme, lack of care for Public Safety and our natural resources, when people would, have an illegal campfire much, less abandon, an illegal, campfire. Finding. The person responsible for, this illegal, campfire will, be difficult, as witnesses. In the forest are often non-existent, but, Forest, Service law enforcement, investing, and investigations. Are continuing, to, investigate this, case and are. Hopeful for progress. If. Anyone, was in the area of Forest, Road 95, near the origin, of the tinder fire on April, 27th. And has information that, could help this investigation please. Contact forest. Service law enforcement. At 9 - 8 5 - 7. Three, five one one. The, tinder fire is currently, over eleven, thousand, four hundred acres, with, 0%. Containment and. More, than, 550. Personnel. Working, to control and, extinguish. The. Wildfire, all. Right so that is what we went over while the audio was out once again I do apologize for, that, I'd.

Say We have some more specifics. On the. Tinder fire here. Excuse. Me. So right now it's estimated at, eleven, thousand, four hundred and twenty acres. Based on infrared, data and the containment, is it still at zero percent it started, on the 27th. And the cause, we, just told you there it was an abandoned, campfire, and abandoned, illegal, campfire during. Stage, one fire, restrictions. The. Original, location, was was one, and a half miles northeast, of the Blue, Ridge Reservoir. Its. Jurisdiction. Is inside, the Coconino, National Forest. Right, now it is burning timber, grass, and the, understory. Let's. See there are currently. 559. Personnel. Including, 15. Crews, six. Helicopters. Forty, fire engines, three. Bulldozers. Ten, water tenders, what, water tenders and overhead. Increased. Cloud cover yesterday. Shaded, fuels and helped, limit fire spread no. Additional, fire growth occurred, within local subdivisions. Or on, the north end where there's a transition, to pinyon-juniper, vegetation. The east flank was the most active because, of continuous, heavy fuels. Yesterday. Firefighters. Continued, to provide structure. Protection and began, mop up in the communities, to help ensure all heat in the area is extinguished, crews. Also conducted. Burnout, operations. To help limit the fire spread, to the south for. Heavy helicopters. Dropped, water throughout, the day to support firefighters. On the ground, an approaching. Storm system will, result in strong, and gusty winds, into, this evening, fire, behavior, will be reduced, because of cloud cover and higher, humidity the, chance of precipitation begins. To increase over. The next few days. Today. Firefighters. Will focus on structure protection in the north and the northwest, strengthening. Lines on the west flank securing. Securing, lines on the east flank and continuing. To, patrol and mop, up the, south end. All. Right so, that was some, updates there on the tinder fire. Let's. See Oh something. Else that is very important. Right now to increase, capacity due. To the high volume of calls coming in the Coconino call, center is adding, an additional, number for, Blue Ridge, evacuated.

Residents, The. Additional, number for, residents, to call is nine, two eight two, one three, two nine. Nine zero. People. Calling and giving their contact, information, is that is the best way for the county to directly communicate, with people on any, assessment. Or re-entry, information. When the time comes without, contact, information, the county will not be able to communicate specific, individual. Information directly. To those affected individuals, people, can also keep, trying to call the previous, call center number at nine two eight six. Seven nine eight three, nine three. They. Ask that you please share this information any, way. You, can. Along. With the tinder fire there, was another fire the long fire, burned. Seven, acres near, Mormon, Lake Sunday. So, yeah, there was a couple of days ago but they, wanted us to get that out there for you, coming, up soon this is a big one guys all, campfires, are banned on Coconino. Prescott, part of Kaibab, National Forests. Starting. On Friday. We're. Gonna be entering those stage two fire restrictions as, northern. Arizona's, forests, continue to dry out the Coconino and prescott. National, forests, and the Kaibab National Forest. South of the Grand Canyon will, implement stage, 2 fire restrictions on, Friday. May. 4th the, restrictions, prohibit, all campfires. Even, in designated. Developed, campgrounds, charcoal. Coal or stove fires are also prohibited. Let's. See smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or a building, discharging. Of a firearm air rifle, or gas gun, including. Target, shooting except, while engaged, in a lawful hunt pursuant. To state federal or tribal laws, and regulations. Welding. Or operating, acetylene, or other torches, with an open flame, possessing. Or using, a motor vehicle off, national forest system designated, roads vehicles, must, stay on open, forest roads and cannot drive and/or. Park over any vegetation. Riding. Motorbikes, or other off-road vehicles, on trail systems, like Kelley Canyon, and Fort, Valley is not allowed, however. Motorbikes. OHV, ATVs. Etc, can, still, use the cinder Hills OHV, area. Operating. A chainsaw powered, by an internal combustion engine between, the hours of 9 a.m. and 8 p.m., chainsaws, must have an operational. Spark, arresting. Device. Even. Though some precipitation. Is expected, to fall across the region on Tuesday and Wednesday it isn't, enough to affect forest dryness, in the longer, term Coconino. National Forest, spokesman. Jorge jose ins said the. City of Flagstaff will also go into stage, 2 restrictions, on Friday, in addition, to the stage 1 restrictions, already, in place under, the stage 2 restrictions, all. Right so. Be aware of what's coming up with that that's a lot of fire restrictions there's some good information on, what's happening, in the. Tinder fire all, right we have some other news, for you here a. Shiprock. Filmmaker, is planning, on making a Navajo, code, talker, film. It's. Not that the story of the legendary Navajo. Code talkers hasn't, been told before Cody. Day-ish acknowledges. It's that, their story hasn't been told from an expressly, Navajo. Point, of view that's. The perspective, the Shiprock native hopes to bring to his late project, unbroken. Code, a planned. Feature, film, about the Navajo servicemen, who while, speaking a complicated, code in their Danai tongue were, able to broadcast, crucial. Allied messages, to each other that their japanese foes were unable to decipher, during, World War two that, ability has been cited, by many military. Figures, and historians. As helping. Provide Allied forces, with, the crucial, edge in the, Pacific, Theater so, there's a new movie coming out and it's gonna be by it, looks like a Navajo, that is amazing. We'll, have to keep an eye out for that and see what happens when it does come, out all. Right what else do we have here for you tonight. All. Right so there's going to be a it, looks like a Wounded, Knee exhibit. From. Craig, how he, announced he was going to look for Lakota artists, to create work for an exhibit that focused, on the Wounded Knee Massacre he.

Wasn't Short on takers while looking for that. 28. Pieces by 30 artists, are now on display at, the Red Cloud Heritage, Center, as part, of the I'm, probably, gonna butcher this name and I apologized, the, took away or why. The. Name originates, from the elders who when referring to the massacre, would always say why explained. How director. Of the Center for American Indian, research and native, studies, but. In Lakota - cool way without, the question mark because the word can be used in many ways it doesn't have to be a question so. There is a new Wounded, Knee exhibit, going on out there that, definitely. Something we want to take a look at all, right more, in some state news here we, have from the northern Arizona, Gazette the public is encouraged, to participate, in a May 3rd open, house for us 180, corridor. Master. Plan the, Arizona Department of Transportation will, host a public open, house. For the u.s. 180 corridor, master, plan from, 6, to 8 p.m. Thursday. May. 3rd, at, the Flagstaff. School Commons 400, West Elm Avenue, in, Flagstaff. Everyone. Is encouraged, to attend ask questions, and provide. Input. From. The Coconino County Sheriff's. Department they're, talking about phone scams, again, these are a big hot topic, around here I have, received many many scam calls recently as has. Lois and I'm, sure you have as well they. Are gonna go ahead and put up another, alert, here we, are getting new reports, of scams, like ones that have hit our area in the past in the, most recent, report the scammer represented, himself as a police, officer and used, the name of one of our staff members the, scammer also, provided, names of local judges and their clerks, to make his scam personalized. To our judicial system, he, spoke of state statutes, and court dates and told, the color to go to Target, or Walmart to, get smart cards, or gift cards to, pay the fines. The. Scammer had spoofed, the phone number so that it looked like a real sheriff's, office phone number but, provided, a different callback. Number than the official, sheriff's office or court, numbers, remember. No, legitimate. Court judge deputy, or police, officer, would ever have someone, pay fines in this manner, do, not fall victim to these types of scams hang. Up and call the sheriff's, office at ninety two eight seven seven four four, five two. Three, or, Flagstaff. Police Department at nine two eight seven, seven four one four one, four to report suspicious. Phone, calls remember, that's a big problem going around they are investigating. It and trying to put a stop to it so if you get one of those calls and you report it you're giving them another point of data to try and track these guys down. All. Right we're gonna go ahead and move on to our local calendar. Of events, here. Let's. See today is the, first it is May Day so. Tomorrow, would be the. Second, all, right we've got a few things for you at 10 a.m. there's DVD, exercises. At the, Unity Center also. At 10:00 a.m. is baby playtime.

Over The page public library, at. 10:45. A.m. is story. Time at the page Public Library, and. Let's. See what else we have here at, 1:00 p.m. adults. Learn computer, at your library and. At. 3:00 p.m. is, Wii gaming and laptop, computers, at the library, and it's, 6:15. Is the. New Zumba, class over, at the community center that is open to, everyone, now. There, are some big things going on this weekend, a lot, of things so we're gonna go ahead and give you a heads up on that so you can make sure you can, get out there and do what you need to do here let's see we, have at 8 a.m. is coffee, with, a cop this. Is over at City Park here in Page starting. At 8 o'clock and going until 9 o'clock they're, gonna be doing that at the farmers, market, which, is the next thing on the list the page farmers, market is starting up this, weekend. Keep your eyes open for that go take a stop by and see, what the locals have to offer all. Right let's. See what else we have here in Kanab, there is an outdoor, market running, from 3 p.m. to 8, p.m. it's. Going to be in the lawn of the Comfort, Suites at 150, West Center, Street in Kanab, there's, gonna be local crafts produce live entertainment and, much, more so, similar, to what's going on in here is a page. As well. Let's. See what else we have it looks like Mother's Day is coming up on next, Sunday keep, that in mind as well. Also, coming, up on the, fifth which I believe is oh, wait a second am I on the right day here, ok. I'm sorry ignore that apparently, I was on the 12th for this weekend so, we'll. Try that again it's. Just one of those nights alright. So the fifth which is Cinco, de Mayo let's. See we have the. Utah, Arizona, ATV. Club fun, run that, is 7. A.m. to, ok. It's the fun run it starts at the peekaboo staging, area, you. Can check our calendar from, information, on that we, apologize, there is also the, red ball golf tournament, registrations. Going on and. The. Kanab outdoor market is actually still going on but not coffee with a cop and not. The. The. Page. Market. As well so that that'll be next week all right I do apologize, for that I was looking at the wrong days, apparently. It is a Murphy, Tuesday, today, here at LP, NN we do apologize for that all. Right let's see we're going ahead and go on to our weather here we'll. Move onto that for you. All. Right so it looks like we're gonna have a low of 47 tonight and as, you can see here we do have a percent, chance of rain it, looks like. 37%. Tonight and that, chance will continue on through. Tomorrow up to it. Looks like 49, percent chance of rain with, a high of only 58. Degrees, but, it does look like the wind will be dying down on Thursday. It starts to warm back up to 69, degrees with a 15%. Chance of rain and on Friday it, is 77. Degrees and, it looks like everything is gonna be nice and calm and start warming back up to, Monday which, is gonna be a high of 92. Degrees. So. That's all we have for you tonight thank you very much for joining us we apologize, for the technical difficulties. And the fact that apparently, I am, unable, to read a calendar properly.

So. Have. A great night thank you very much if this helped you or you think it'll help anyone else don't forget to like comment and share every, single one of these it helps us get you the news in real, time and don't forget tonight's episode was, brought to you by paige, arizona's, very own H&R. Block and don't, forget to catch the morning show tomorrow, morning, at 7. A.m. you. Guys have a great one and we'll see you soon. You. You.

2018-05-05 07:57

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