La Cumbrecita, Argentina! A Real-Life Fairytale Village!

La Cumbrecita, Argentina! A Real-Life Fairytale Village!

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Hey guys, welcome back to the channel! We  are in La Cumbrecita, a beautiful little   cottage town in the mountains of Córdoba, and  it is just absolutely stunning. The buildings   here are really old-fashioned—it's like a  perfect little paradise. We have a river   behind us flowing through, and it's  a walking town, so when you get here,   you park and then just explore the town on  foot. The drive was absolutely stunning.

First, you go through Belgrano—oh yeah, Villa  General Belgrano. That’s a beautiful German town   in Córdoba. Then you drive up the mountain  even further and start heading towards   La Cumbrecita. The drive here is beautiful;  it feels like you're driving through some  

beautiful location in the US. Then you get into La  Cumbrecita, where there are really nice homes and   some mansions on these rocky mountaintops  overlooking pretty valleys. The roads are   amazing here too. If you are in Argentina, no  matter where, you must go out of your way to   come to La Cumbrecita—it is one of the most  beautiful places I’ve ever seen in my life! Alright, so the first thing when you get  into town, you park, and check this out.   I don’t want to fall over the edge here  and be one of those YouTubers that die,   but hey, check this out. This is a  little walking bridge that we’re going  

to cross and head to some of the little  cafés. What a paradise! Unbelievable!   It’s like a scene out of The Lord of the  Rings or something—it’s just incredible. Alright, you guys, you ready? We’ve got  our little daredevil here. Don’t want to  

lose a kid today. Come here, Flynn. Come  on, let’s go, guys, let’s check this out. HUMAS? Oh, okay, a restaurant.  This is the menu? Yes, oh okay,   nice—the best panoramic view. Beautiful! What  an awesome spot. Yeah, we’ll probably go over   there a little bit later. Thank you. So  he’s talking about this place behind us,   you guys, with the red umbrellas overlooking  the river. Beautiful location for a restaurant. Okay, I think there’s a little café  up here, so we’re going to go. Are you  

going to beat Daddy there? What do you  think of this little town, Flynn? Yeah? Can you find the café? Flynn says "Allure, allure."   Oh, they cannot resist. Come here. Oh, they  got ice cream? Yeah, they got ice cream. Look how cute! Wow, look at the rocks  and the water. This is beautiful! You found this area? Yeah, beautiful. Really  cute style, cute shape of the door here—little  

German windows. So cute! I love the vines growing;   look at the ivy or whatever it is. Oh  yeah, it’s so dreamy. Is this cool, babies? Alright, so we’re in the café. This is really  cute out here. Flynn already found his spot.   Come on, guys, let’s get  something to drink. I’m excited. Hola! Wow, beautiful little café here—espresso,  beautiful. Stay here, guys, look at that. Oh,  

strudel! Ah, apple strudel! Yeah, or man,  yum. Definitely getting one of those. Uno,   sí, uno caramel, uno. Yep, and that’ll be  it. Oh, look at the inside of that strudel. Beautiful area! I have to say, this is  my favorite in Argentina. Oh, lattes,   look at that, gracias. You want a  cookie? Look at these cute little   cookies they gave us—really cute.  Ah, the apple strudel, yum, yum! Oh, Flynn likes the blueberry. Oh, it’s so good.

Flynn, look at the baby, say hi, baby! Oh,  the chocolate, too. Wow, real chocolate.   Should we mix the chocolate? Oh, that's  a lot of chocolate they put in there,   it’s all thick on the bottom.  Yum, should we try it? Cookie,   yum! Oh my gosh, T, you’ve got to try  this—yummy! Flynn, come have a sip. Okay, what do you think? Flynn, baby, here’s yours. This feels like a  little paradise, doesn’t it? This is literally  

my heaven. This is a gem of Argentina right  here, an absolutely stunning little town. I   seriously love this. It’s like a micro-village,  an absolutely perfect apple strudel—the apples   are perfectly cooked inside, and the crust is  very thin, the perfect buttery, flaky crust.   Want some more? Everything here is the best.  I don’t normally like strudels because they’re   usually very doughy, but this is perfect—it’s  like the thinnest strudel I’ve ever had. If you come to La Cumbrecita, you have  to visit a café. What an amazing place.  

The baby’s swinging, living her best  life—so cute. I’m sipping my coffee. The owner here is wonderful, you guys. He’s  given us some great advice to keep going up   the hill to a waterfall. So we’re going to try  to show you guys that today—we’ll walk up there.  

Definitely stop by this café if you visit La  Cumbrecita. Today’s coffee is from Bolivia,   and they also use Colombian beans. Your name  is Santiago? Santiago, nice to meet you.   And you? Tanner. This is Relle. Thank you,  brother. Sounds good, gracias. Ciao, gracias. So, what an amazing time, you  guys! Wonderful owner here,   wonderful staff. You say gracias?  Can you say gracias? Ciao, gracias! Alright, come on.  

Ciao, adios! Hola, off to the waterfall now. This place is gorgeous. Look at this! Gracias,  yeah. Where are you from? Idaho, USA. Yeah,   we love ice cream. Ah, very good,  we’ll stop by when we come back down. There’s a beautiful little nature trail going back  here. She said to go around and up, okay. So it’s   like its own little town, winding up the hill with  so many trees—you feel like you’re in the forest.   It’s really cool, just a picture-perfect  little village in the middle of Argentina.

Because it’s in the mountains, you have  all these nature trails going off in   every direction. This place is such a special  little heaven down here—amazing, beautiful. We finally made it to the top at the lagoon. A  beautiful little pond with a waterfall flowing   into it. The route up here was beautiful, passing  little cottage houses along the cobblestone road.  

Absolutely gorgeous. Check this out—beautiful! People are sitting up  here enjoying themselves. What a wonderful day! Oh, okay, so this is the rock-hopping he was  talking about. You just follow the river and   rock hop—really beautiful! Even though Córdoba  and the mountains are a bit dry, once you get   into these little German villages, you’ve got  all the green trees growing, lakes, and rivers. Want to see the water with Daddy? Yeah?  Look, there’s a fishy swimming right there! This is so much fun! Bridger, see, I wish I was a kid again. How  nice would it be to have a ride like this on   the shoulders? Look at this perfect little  cottage, with a cool driveway and a garage   built into the rock! Those people were so  lucky. I love when homes are integrated  

into the terrain—it’s beautiful. This is  an amazing, dreamy location in Argentina! Another cool thing is that this  area is completely surrounded   by even more beauty. Wow, this is a  really cool part of the trail too. Poor Flynn has a tummy ache, though. Hey guys, so we finally finished the  hike. What an amazing hike all the way   to the top, with a beautiful little pond  and a waterfall flowing into it—gorgeous   vista views. This is just a dreamy place.  We’re now sitting by the main river that   flows through the village. We’ve got  the main walking bridge behind us and  

all these cute cottages along the  river—such a perfect little place. Alright, you guys, we love you. Thanks for joining   us on this adventure! I hope everyone  watching gets to come here someday—it’s   absolutely incredible. It’s a bucket-list  item for everyone, and you won’t regret it. So far, this is my favorite place in  Argentina, hands down. It’s so funny,   we keep saying that and it keeps getting better  and better. This country is incredible—it truly  

is the best country in the world. I  hope everybody gets to see it someday. We love you guys, and we’ll  see you next time! Ciao! Bye, where’s Daddy? Dad? Is the water nice? Wow. Wow, I know,   the water’s actually nice. I could swim  in this easily! It’s so cool that we’re   on top of a mountain and there’s a beautiful  river flowing through it. You love the water?

2024-10-23 02:34

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