Kotor - CAT’s town. Once in Montenegro | TRAVEL Vlog

Kotor - CAT’s town. Once in Montenegro | TRAVEL Vlog

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Hello everybody! Hello everyone! Привет всем! Здравствуйте! I'm in Kotor, in Montenegro, in Boka Kotorska Bay So that town Kotor is located in the Boka Kotorska bay I would say that I would include that bay in the list of the most beautiful bays At 260 meters above sea level there is a St. John's hill San Giovanni it's there you see one of two in entrances is there so let's follow that path and we will see an amazing view on the town i came here it should be oops it's closed okay i think i'm already out of breath the old town you see from that point it has triangle shape my roof, my terrace blue door so nice now we are above the church by the way people say that there are one thousand three hundred something steps to that fortress i start to believe i see the bridge oh what people are doing for the good luck they put here locks and masks everything that you have you can leave here for good luck just a little bit steps and we already reached the fortress the lion Venetian okay we're here! and we can see the Old town the view on Boka Kotorska bay the Old town is not so visible who said Meow What a the beautiful view! on that side - the opposite side mountains, the road some remains i think it's a church so guys it's definitely wonderful trip It’s not easy i would say but the views are amazing And it would be better to have water but okay i can survive can you imagine 1300 something steps down So guys there is a small hint - if you want to go there, on the top, you have to come back and when i got back the guy (the security) was on his place so i had to buy the ticket. It costs 8 euro. just to know there are a lot of cats i would say they are the owners of that city hello hello gatto Привет Привет, красивый, привет! St. Tryphon's Cathedral look at this building it's certainly the most beautiful and significant church monument in the town and it was built date in 1166 in summer it's very hot weather to walk inside the town it's not so easy so it's better to do that in the morning or in the evening okay we arrived in the center of Kotor in the center of this square and this church - St. Luca’s church was built in 1195.

in the middle of 17th century this had been a catholic church when it was handed over to the orthodox inhabitants of course it became the orthodox church however the catholics retained the right to have that one altar for their own use it was right here and the orthodox was and still is here it's interesting to see the church for catholic and orthodox at once guys look at this place it's wonderful now there is a shop you can buy carpet everything's so old Once on the site of the church there was a church of St. George, built in the 5th-6th centuries. Near the base of the ancient basilica, it was possible to find a font and some elements of church furniture.

The modern church was built on its foundation in the 13th century. The doors are made of bronze and are decorated with 24 scenes from the life of the blessed Ozana (Hosanna) of Kotorska. the cats are everywhere Мои хорошие! i think they used to eat octopus grilled in the evening Mussels, seafood, fish But they don’t mind to eat cat’s tuna for breakfast of course in the evening and at night there is a lot of music a lot of interesting places nightlife in the town is wonderful the biggest seagull Как вас много! Ты спишь? Are you sleeping? hello hello around this old town Kotor there are a lot of villages they are very interesting from historical point of view and also you can go to the beach and see how it is going there yeah it's differently each beach is a very let's say peculiar look at this flower decoration of the entrance old buildings each of them has its own history i'm walking to Kotor, coming back to old town and on my way in Prcanj i see a lot of sightseeings and here is a lot of italian heritage, italian influence because of the venetian time for example this church just less than 100 meters after previous one look at it of course it's catholic unbelievable people saved it they take care about it let's have a look maybe it works i'm curious to see the doors are opened unfortunately it's closed and right to that church i see something very old it's kind of museum the yard hello can i see the yard this is St. Nicholas Monastery if you're gonna to visit the church there in the entrance here as you can see we have some cafe if you want to drink something to refresh yourself thank you and up there there is a library yeah there is the library look at this spelling wow can you imagine how old all these books oh my god i would spend here hours that's unbelievable sir when it was founded could you tell me this monastery and the church is from the 18th century and who is taking care about the library nobody unfortunately yeah we need some donations in order to protect 16th century and nobody cares i was wrong the huge part of those books are in italian for example you see ortografia moderna italiana so орфография современного итальянского Just don’t touch the books please I’m sorry too emotional i'm lucky just to try to look inside the church and found that place We were painting, pressing, enjoing We made fire Like my granny had Here is the captain from this place and his name was Ivo Visin. But what is interesting about him? He was the first who circumnavigates the globe and you know before him it was done by Vasco da Gama and Ferdinand Magellan and few more people but Spain at that time was a

Kingdom they were very rich and they could make enough ships they could employ enough people for their journey. So they had about 50-60 ships doing that expedition, but they only two or three managed to came back from that Journey. So imagine from 50 to 60 ships only came back two or three. Of course, we didn’t have that much money. So this man went with only one ship into that expedition and he succeeded. Of course it took him 10 years. So imagine that is very interesting and his ship was called Splendido. Here's the picture of his ship this one. So Vasco da Gama and Ferdinand Magellan - they sailed the globe from West towards to East, in that direction. That was the best direction because you are sailing with winds, with the currents, of course. Doing that in the opposite direction, so from East towards to West at that times they people thought that was impossible because you are sailing against the winds, against the current, you don’t have any force to give you the movement, of course, but he did it. How he succeeded we don't know. Was it luck or he knew what he was doing? Probably a little bit of both, but he succeeded so he was the first man to get a title of Albatross. Which is the bird who can flight against the wind of course. against hot and burning sun Is it real??? Yes, it's a real Venetian sword.

Вот такая вот незапланированная экскурсия! Here is such an unplanned excursion! in that wonderful museum they are painting on my way there is a nice gallery and i know an owner of that gallery that man had lived in Moscow for 30 years Здравствуйте! Здрасьте! Можно к Вам? Заходите! Я родился в Македонии. А в 1975 году я уехал в Россию жить. Женился на русской и жил в России 30 лет. Скучаете по Москве? Я скучаю по всему миру! Вы космополит, да? Да, я люблю весь мир!

2021-09-07 18:59

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