KOH SAMUI | What to do on Thailand's MOST POPULAR ISLAND ️

KOH SAMUI | What to do on Thailand's MOST POPULAR ISLAND ️

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this is incredible it's like magnificent here  they go he's he's running he's running he's   like wow look at this place we've been in Koh  Samui for a little over a day now and it is   an absolutely amazing place for digital  Nomads Backpackers and travelers alike wow I can't believe the water here is  absolutely gorgeous it's like Crystal   Clear absolutely beautiful although we could  spend all day here that's not what we got   planned today we plan to go tour around  Koh Samui some really amazing monuments   some beautiful waterfalls just so much that  this island has to offer and we can't wait   to go check it out with you guys but since  it's all spread out you know what that means we got scooters thank you wow wow there it is if you pull  up you just see you see just how Grand it is   all right Cindy we just made it to  what price or the big Buddha and it   is absolutely amazing as soon as  you pull up and start walking in that is such a beautiful place that's one thing that has  been consistent with all these like temples and   places that we've gone is just intricate detail  they seem to be putting into every single inch   of every place we go it's absolutely astonishing  it's so my descriptive words don't do it justice   another thing that seems to be consistent with  them is how hot it is it's so hot in Thailand   you've never been so yeah they're not exaggerating  we spent most of the last two years in Latin   America and it's hot in Costa Rica it's hot in  Mexico it is hot in Thailand wow look at this foreign we plan to go to two temples today it may feel  a little repetitive at times when you're going   through some of these temples from on the  screen but I'll tell you every time you go   to a new one they're just so big and so Randy  and it's cool because the one we're going to   next is actually right across there yeah you  can see it from the steps of the big booty you   can see the other one there we'll check out  the other Temple quick before we hit the road Hey There Are Places obviously all around  where you can give donations to you know   help out with the bills and whatnot here but  it's not a necess hat it's not a necessity wow   it's like I said we've seen a bunch of these  but they're just all so Grand it's crazy so   magnificent and the Very tranquil  it is yeah absolutely very peaceful feel like I shouldn't be talking so  long it's like wow look at this place thank you this is incredible magnificent I feel like this one could be like about like a  Mischief or something or like jealousy maybe yeah   maybe jealousy with the green but maybe that's  just like a Western Association it's maybe green   maybe green is like the color of the warrior it's  got a couple weapons what's your inner warrior   fighting those inner battles there's mustache too   we're trying to interpret it in our own way and  we think that this is an absolutely amazing place   and as per always we mean no disrespect in our  interpretations we're just learning enjoying   but if you'd like to educate the viewers and  ourselves and let us know some of the details   on these places let us know in the comments  below definitely me oh wait quick selfie all right so we've made it down here to one of  our favorite places so far on the island nice   little cafe called Cafe called bread and  breakfast really nice little place great   environment they got the AC cranks which I  love yeah if you do follow our social media   you'll see just a few days ago we actually  spent the afternoon working here and we had   this delicious eggs florentine so we love this  place we had to come back I had to come back it   sounds like they got the coffee grinder going so  I'm gonna go order myself a ice cap or something   let's grab something to eat so we can get back  on the road and onto those waterfalls all right   we got the chicken pesto balsamic salad  this ain't gonna last long not long at all we just got here to what looks like it may  be our first and possibly only waterfall   of the day it took way longer than we had  anticipated to get here because it's four   o'clock four o'clock now spend a lot of the  afternoon on the bikes which is not a bad   thing it's been an absolutely beautiful  ride around the entire Island but when   we went to the first waterfall there  it was a disaster a bit of a disaster foreign we're not really seeing the waterfall part  though but it gets pretty non-waterfallish   it's well clean now this looks like  it's some kind of path or something   because it's hard to tell whether we're  walking in the right direction or not oh okay so we are reviewing the  rest of the waterfalls on the island   before we touch the bike reading reviews lesson  learned this one had massive signs all over when   you first pull up they've got like a bit of shops  and stuff and then they do charge you for the   parking thankfully we had some change on us it's  20 Baht per bike 20 Baht per bike and I think I   saw 50 Baht per vehicle if you have like a full  car with you so all right let's go check it out Maybe put the hand on the stone you made it he  made it cool spot they've got like all these shops   and stuff here must have a market maybe like on  the weekends or something they've got the market   but maybe we're just late because it is four  o'clock I think a lot of these places are kind   of open to like five-ish that's a great point  could be us not them oh wow look at this place trying to keep the ears above water  so that we don't get like some kind   of like yeah buddies here just  jumping yeah I'm slow and now tent adventurous in this  water right now the snakes look at that beautiful waterfall though wow I  think we are gonna just do the one waterfall   today we got a bit of a late start we were two  of maybe five six people there so it was pretty   quiet for you know what what we were getting  yeah for one of the most popular waterfalls in   the whole island so it's pretty cool it's been  a fantastic day close to me thank you thank you off we go you go all right guys we are here at our first island  of the day komad some known as pig island we   are super excited to be here we actually took  these really cool traditional long boats out   here from Koh Samui get this really beautiful  view of all the islands scattered all across   the archipelago out here absolutely amazing  ride to come out here but like I said we're   super excited with this first stop because  this is pig island where we get to actually   sunbathe and feed the pigs right here on the  beach they've been here for over 20 years   now our guide was saying fisherman brought  some food over with them the pigs ran wild   and then they've just kind of overtaken the  island ever since so let's go check them out look at this big belly it's because people are  brought out to the island to feed them all day right now are you allowed to touch me I would be careful especially you  talked like the biggest one like he   he can just turn around and like  I don't know and there's puppies all kinds of friendly animals this is like doing it again okay I'll see where  I can get some food for them I don't know yeah   maybe if we have food they'll be friendly  let's get food look at it all over the place oh my God I don't know or not you get the feed and   they know what's happening hey look  at this guy can I touch him touch him foreign will give you the food buddy the squeal's kind of good they scary okay oh look at they all come in Running Oh  my gosh I'm trying to get it down but   yeah oh my gosh look at them all oh look at that  there's a little piglet the little baby oh my God   he's so cute well you guys covered it all Insanity  can you feed from hand no no no they'll bite you   we'll try to give some to the piglets  here a little guy needs something   this guy just comes in yeah  they just take over here he doesn't want my food there you go buddy no I kind of got anxieties around them it is kind  of like nerve-wracking yeah it's not like you're   chilling out in the water just sunbathing  with pigs like you see in the video it's   kind of like yeah just like almost like a wild  farm and you're walking around trying to feed I think I think they're getting  to just a little bit here I think   they're getting to Justice a little bit okay ready ready quick oh gosh look at this guy we just came  across these let's see this little puppy so soft yeah such a soft little guy always itchy oh he drops off now it's rat's off I'm loving  this island it's just like the like chill out   with fun pets Island except you have to watch out  supposedly there's a couple of pigs that bite and   and they attack each other too it's kind of  scary give me anxiety and they don't tell you   ahead of time which Pigs bite no they're  just like oh whoa whoa that one he bites   don't touch that one it's like what okay so  we got some more food and supposedly you can   get him to come down and enjoy some time by  the water with you we'll see you can entice   them down with the food this is how you do it  though you bring it here now let's see the bag okay maybe not okay pick up the plate how  about you fill that place and I'll use   this to bring them over so we're  gonna take out just a little bit   see if we can bring these guys  to the beach for a little Beach okay here they go honey  he's running over there okay okay let me see it just for a bit in it put it down we're drawing like a crowd of everybody that  wants to get pictures of the pig by the beach   so give me that and sneak away with it another hole these ones are big yeah no more all right we had fun with the  pigs now it's on to the next adventure ha ha ha ha ha ha oh in my face find some great seashells on this beach yeah  we're here in coral island slash Coral Beach   we just finished snorkeling out in kotan or  the tan Island right after going on comed some   so it's been a great day three stops one a  little bit different first the pig island and   the puppies then the snorkeling and now here we  had a great lunch fed us with some awesome fried   chicken with rice a little bit of soup some  veggies great lunch now we got about 15-20   minutes on The Kayaks but as you can see Jess  is pulling away so I gotta catch up let's go foreign magazine we've done two big day tours on the island so  far one in Koh Tao which was like an all-day   snorkeling thing all around the entire island  with like five or six different stops that was   an amazing day we really loved that yeah it was  so awesome you know why it was so good also is   because it was so cheap it was half the price that  we paid for this tool yeah see the difference is I   would say is that this is cheap this one's double  the price but you get the variety so we went to   pig island we went snorkeling as well and now  we're here at this beautiful little Bay there's a   lot of variety to this day but like just said it's  kind of rushed and it's not the exact pool day and   full day I mean between like eight and four yeah  this one is between like eight and two so if you   are missing that couple hours which kind of does  affect the day because instead of us having the   hour and a half to chill here they're telling us  we only have 20 minutes and not to sound spoiled   but I want to be here all day you know yeah and  after Coachella and that was just such a full   day at half the price yeah we got back at what  4 35 yeah it was an amazing day so if you're   in the islands and you specifically want to do  the snorkeling we suggest go to kotau 100 check   out get your guide we'll leave the link in the  description below for that tour as well but that   one was a full day snorkeling tour the waters were  clear absolutely beautiful but this if you're in   Koh Samui still a great day just it's double the  price probably because of the popularity of Costa   movie we did notice that throughout just our whole  state here the food is more expensive everything   is just a little bit more expensive on this island  well but then it's also more Rusty yeah sorry I   didn't mean to interject that and also I know  Cosimo is a lot bigger than Koh Tao kotau was   this beautiful little Tropical Haven of an island  Island it was time yeah and you really felt like   you were out in the middle of nowhere Koh Samui is  quite large island so you feel like you're kind of   more Inland yeah you feel like you're actually on  land in land on land yeah you feel like you're not   so much an Island Getaway as it is right with  kotau it's that kind of laid-back Island life   everyone's surfing scuba diving snorkeling it's  just a more chill Vibe kosamui feels a little bit   more rushed the traffic goes faster the people  just move faster the tours even end a little   faster so we should probably paddle ourselves back  in here because they're probably waiting for us   what an amazing day touring all around the  Koh Samui area between Koh Samui and kotan   really great day such a good day the pig  island was so cool it was unbelievable and   kosamui all together it was a really great  time we got back on those scooters toured   around we also got to check out a really cool  waterfall yeah and we've really explored the   island yeah the interior was beautiful with  the mountains the hills and the real tall uh what are they palm trees palm trees the real  turtle palm trees they're I don't know what   it is the real tall palm trees just like seem  to grasp my attention a lot more that's the end   of not just today's tour the end of our time in  Koh Samui as we are heading back to our room to   pack up because we are taking a ferry and then a  train ride over to a fairy and bus you know who's   booking all of our stuff we're taking a ferry  and a bus over to Phuket and we cannot wait   to go explore that area next if you haven't  yet make sure to click subscribe and ring a   ding ding dong that Bell so you'll be notified  of our future videos and until next time bye foreign

2023-08-12 06:01

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