Koga Signature E-WorldTraveller-S TREKKINGBIKE REVIEW

Koga Signature E-WorldTraveller-S TREKKINGBIKE REVIEW

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Hi, everybody this is highs again with another review and I hope you are doing well this. Time it is a tracking. Bike the Koga signature. II world, traveler, s it's, a really, Dutch bike and in this video I will explain to you why you should consider this bike if you're planning to buy a new trekking. Bike. Welcome. To the review of the Koga signature, a world, traveler yes and if, this is the first time that you tune in to my youtube, channel it might be important, to know that I'm a 100%. Independent reviewer. Journalist, I'm not, being paid by manufacturers, to make my reviews, so if you value independent. Review please, subscribe, to my channel you. Know where to hit the button below now, let's. Head over to Goga, Koga is a really, Dutch bike, brand. It. Was founded in the early 70s. And it is situated in, here a Fame which is basically, up north in our country, and. The world traveller is a, basically. A traveling. Bike, icon. It's, been there since I've been into bikes the world traveler was always this benchmark, that there, was. Going to be a time that they would make a version. Of the world traveler well that's not more than logical, I'm, referring, in this video to Koga. Because I'm not going to say the full. Name signature. Evil traveler as the whole time it's just simply, too long but there's one thing that is important, to know that the signature, and also, the S, it's. Let's. Say a build system and a website, from the Koga company, normally. Bike. Manufacturer, they built, a bike which, is ready, and you buy it in the shop or online, the. Koga signature, program, works, in a way that you can assemble, the bike to your own liking so, you can change the wheels you can change the tires the steer or the handlebar, the, settle everything. You can change, that's. Of course not been done by this bike because this is a test bike and they're not only building it for me but also for other ones and so, they gave me a bike with a frame, size 57. Centimeters which is perfect, for my, length, of 1 meter almost, 70 centimeters. And. It. Is really fully. Loaded with all the bits and bobs you would like to have on a trekking, bike and, now let's, have a look into all the small details and let's start with the engine, Koga. Uses the Bosch, performance. Line CX, motor, and, as you can see it's a me, engine. So it's placed in the heart of the frame of the bike and, and, as you can see also that the crank is a integral, part of the motor itself, the. Motor is of course probably, the most heavy part of the bike and by, placing it in this, position, you get a really nice low, center of gravity and, that is really good for the handling, of a bike and that's a bit different with bikes, who have a front mounted engine in the front wheel or a real, mounted engine in the rear wheel, they always have got a bit of I don't want to say in stable, but a quite particular way of handling. The. Koga with the bush is really, neutral, one. Of the things I really like about this engine is the fact that when you put power. From your legs onto the pedals and the bike, is in support. Motors, you. Hardly, feel the, engine react, to the force you are giving some, engines they've got this on of on-off going on inside. The, engine itself this. One really works very, subtle, now. Let's move upwards. And have, a look at the display, and all the, switches. That you use to change from the different modes the. Display is mounted in the center of the handlebar, which is a perfect, position because, it's always straight, into your vision, in your line of sight, there. Is a little button. Here and that will detach this place over your parking box um I always take a display, so. It won't get stolen, and to. Power. The bike you just press the on/off button and. There. You see it the bike is on now and. Now I'll have to move through the other side to show you all the different modes. That there are as. You can see on the left side of the handlebar I've got three buttons, I plus. The information. Button and the - and, there's an extra one here, as well that if you want to walk with the bike then you press this button and the, bike help, you while, walking. Pressing. The information, button now you can see that on this part I am in gear number of six pressing. The information, button gets the trip distance. The. Clock. The maximum speed pretty, impressive. Average. Speed quite. Okay, the. Trip time and, a. Wrench and of. Course there is no predicted, range at the moment, because the, system. Is off when. I press the plus, button you. See I get into eco, support, modus and with eco support I have got. 232. Kilometres. Of distance. To go with my, battery. Tour. It's about the half or exactly the half and so, on and.

Of Course it's. Most, energy. Conservative. In the turbo mode so, you should use that one only in case of well, big. Fun let's. Go back to the Eco mode, and. By, the information, button into, the. Gear. I told. You that is in in sixth gear now and the, funny thing is the. System the role of hub in, the rear wheel where all the gear or, where the 14 years are in its, automatic. Well, sort, of automatic, it's electrically, operated it's, an electric, shifting. Mechanism. When. You stop the. Bike shifts, automatically. Back to gear number six because, when you start biking again, it's. Easy to be in sixth gear instead, of baby 12 because then you will have to put a lot of force in the system to get going now the funny thing is only good thing is that you can choose a lot of things yourself just, press the reset and the information, button in, the same time. And. You get into the confirmation, screen and. Then you can change the, clock. The. Wheel circum. Fence. If that's the correct word the. Language I put a name in English could, be Dutch as well. Units. But. This one is the important, one this is the start gear if you're into a mountainous, area you, probably don't, want the sixth gear you what probably, wants Kia number four, or maybe even three and. If you're very powerful. Then, you might even want to go into eight, or higher. So this is how you change it. And. I still like to put, it in six so push, the reset, button again, and this, is how I save my information. If. You are familiar with the role of speed up then you'll notice immediately that the, shifter is not like the ones that you normally would see like the twist, shifters, this. One is totally electric. And it's, got two buttons this is down shifting and that is of course up shifting and you can do it by one push or you can do it by one two three or, you can do it by. Pressing. A bit longer and then you will hear that it goes three, gears up in one go. But. This is not the interesting part the interesting part. Is basically at the rear end of the bike so let's move over to the rear the, role of speed hub is this black, thing in the rear wheel. In. This help. There are 14. Years and, it's really a miracle how this has been designed. I've. Been using roll of speed halves already for many many years and it. Is really proven, quality they are bulletproof, and almost, maintenance-free, and. Now I'm talking about maintenance-free that's one of the other things that's good on this bike and that is the gates belt drive a, belt. And not a chain and. One, of the big benefits of, a belt in my opinion is that a belt is really silent. It produces, hardly any noise whatsoever so, I can listen while biking through, the, wind but mostly to the birds and. This is a gates. Centric. Belt with. Two sprockets also, centers break sprockets. And now, that I've set gates, Center, Trek I should explain this this sprocket is raised. In the middle and this. Raised part fits, into the well, little opening in the teeth in the gates belt, and this. Prevents, the gates belt from slipping, start weights if the wheel is a bit off-center. So gates. Set the track and. Different. To a chain, when. You put a lot of force on your pedals it, is, possible, that the, belt. Lifts. From, the sprocket, and it. Tips over basically, if. This happens, that's, not nice it's not good for a belt it's also not, good for your biking experience and, therefore, they invented, the snubber. This. Number is basically a wheel that is positioned, above the. Belt. So, when the belt gets released. The. Snubber the wheel prevents. It from getting really loose from, the sprocket itself. But. I started this conversation about. The electrified. Role. Of PA changing, mechanism, but then we have to change to the other side and this, is the, little black box that I was talking about this is the e-40. Electronic. Shifter, and. As with every roll of shifter this one is also detachable, so if you've got a leak tire or your. Tire has. Been worn out you. Just take the wheel out and you can take this part oh wait so, changing, tires should not be a problem, I'm. Almost forgetting to tell you one thing about belts, and that, is that a belt is of course one closed, loop, it's endless, and that's. Different, to a chain because a chain has got shackles and you can take the shackles of parts and then, it's easy because if you want to replace your chain you just take shackles part moves, in the chain from the bike put a new one on the push a goes back with, a belt that's just not possible and therefore they made this opening, at Goga in the frame there's. Of course a aluminum, wedge in there it's bolted in but, when you take this one out you've got the opening, right a belt fits, into and you can, mount. A new belt again to the bike to. Put tension on the belt something, that's also very important. To prevent, it from lifting. On. The, sprockets you've, got these tensioners. On the rear and of course there is a hex bolt so, you can adjust it quite easily the fork, and the frame are made out of aluminium and.

As. You can see it is a very interesting, shape, it's not just round, tubing, welded, together and. That's because these tubes, are made by hydroforming. And hydroforming, means putting, a lot of pressure, inside, al-amin, YouTube and forcing, it into the shape of the mold after. This is done you get this quite in my opinion very interesting. Frame, to look at it it's just beautiful, the, welds but you don't actually see you else and that's something that Koga, is very proud of because this is a process that they call smooth, welding, yes. All the tubes are welded together but then a layer of pretty is put over the weld and that's, been smooth and out so, you don't actually see, the wells and this seems to be the trend in the, bike, industry at, the moment to. My personal liking I'd rather see a beautifully. Made weld with, all those small ripples, in it because that shows the, craftsmanship. Of the weld itself. But. The, frame is really, beautiful, and you can see that also the wiring, they are all into, the frame which makes it less vulnerable and, they go to the, direction where they need to go so, all in all I do think, this is a very, beautiful, made, frame. GoBot. Uses, carriers, from the German brand Dumas and in the front you'll find a to this duo. Which. Is a lowrider and it's, very, good to put pennies on and I really like it because the low center of gravity that. Is also in the middle of, the. Wheel the. Front fork is made out of aluminium and it's, got three attachment, points to put cargo, to basically or if you would like to use more bottle bottle, holes on the bike you, can put them here as well in. The rear there. Is a tube use logo, carrier, and unlike, logo, carriers because of the white area, that, protects you basically your back from the wheel and. Also that you can mount it on this low bar but also only high bar I always, take the lower ones because. That means the center of gravity is lower, and. When you load your bags really high then, this surface, is really good to put a tent a sleeping mattress, and where I always take with me is a chair, the, energy, the Bosch engine uses comes from the Bosch, power pack 500. And the. Biggest question that a box is of course how much distance cannot travel with a battery. Well. That's of course depending, on the support mode that you are using most. Time when. I test advice I always use, mainly, Eco in tour because I like the. Ebike. Or the motor to be a support, and not like a main, force. Behind what I'm doing but, sometimes, the sport is very convenient, and turbo is very funny and useful, when you're climbing hills or like here in the flat Netherlands where, you got the winds full blown into your face. With. My. Body weight of 63, kilograms the bike wearing, 24.8. And all my test luggage my total weight on, the. Battery basically, is about. 120. Kilograms and, in, eco. And tour mainly, I got, a range. Of about 800. Kilometers and I, think that is fine, for a a, bike like, this because. Well 100, kilometres is something that I like to travel on a normal trekking. Day when, you face it a castle, you go and have a good lunch somewhere, so. 100, kilometres is fine. Well. Then if. You are stopping for lunch and your battery is let's say charged d charts for about 50, percent then, it takes about an hour and a bit more to, charge it again to the full mix if the, battery is totally. Empty then, it takes about three, hours to, get it full again and charging. Of course you do this with a adapter, that's provided, with the bike and a, wall, socket in the hotel your B&B, on the, campsite or just at home.

The. Conga is equipped, with a hydraulic, disc, brake, system from, Shimano Deore, XT, series, the. Disc in the front and in, the rear wheel are, 160. Millimeters, in diameter, the. Calipers, on the front and the rear both are operated, by two Pistons, on the. Handlebar, the, brake levers, are adjustable. So you can make them, fit. To small and larger, hands just by turning a little knob. The. Braking, force is, really. Well balanced, and you never got the idea that you will block one of the wheels and even. With a fully, loaded bike. Well, stopping, is pretty fast, the. Behavior of the Koga is very predictable, and I do like, the fact that this is a bike with a. 27.5. Wheel set for, me as a small guy, this is the perfect balance between a compact, bike setup riding, characteristics. And comfort, the, tyres are from Schwalbe the supermoto, X. 27.5. And they are 62. Millimeters. Wide, so, this is a really big balloon tire. And if you're traveling on Tomic you inflate, them quite hard and you've got almost no rolling, resistance but, still great comfort, and if, you're traveling on more, like gravel, roads or dirt tracks just, release, a bit of that air and you get a really, comfortable. Ride, there's. One thing I would like you to know that how I test, tracking, bikes and that is always with the same cargo basically, independence, and that is not with a regular, camping, equipment because, every time when you pack your camping equipment. It's a different weight so, already, about 50 years ago I started with these, guys. Just. Dumbbells and I. Put them in the bags if they, are wrapped into cardboard, so they don't damage the bags and they are basically, attached. To the back of the pannier so close to the bike and they're always in the same spot in. The front I use, 10, kilos in total and, in the rear 15, kilos in total and, in. This way I can always relate, to the handling of bikes, i tested in the past and, that's how I know if this bike, handles, well or not, the. Koga but it's very stiffly, built and because. Of the Cubist, carriers. It is. Also a very stiff carrying. System and together, with my old lips or the photos I test with for days as well and this. Is really, a bike, that is capable of carrying at least 25. Kilograms, well. It should be aware of is, the fact that the bike has a weight limit of. 130. Kilograms, so, that's the bike that's. Me and the. Chicago so, if you are a bit more heavier than iron and I'm 63, kilograms then. You should really count from. 1 hundred and thirty kilograms back, to, your, weight and how much cargo you can carry, I've, been talking to Koga about this and I. Told, them that I'm pretty convinced, that this, bike is capable. Of carrying way more than 130. Kilograms in total and yes they do agree but according, to law and their testing, facilities, they're working on a test which, goes way above above. The under the authority but, according, to the law at the moment it's just legally. 130.

Kilograms So be aware of this as. I told you before the Koga is fully loaded and in this case there is even a lock on it and that's something I do like because most, bikes are advertised, with, a very low, weight, because. There is no lock on it and and. I think on attacking bike basically. You need a lock it's inconvenient. If you don't have it and they're expensive, bikes I'll put a lock on it this. One is not, in the signature, program yet, because, the adapter, that is in here has. Not been officially, released. So be aware if you order, a bike from, Koga that, this is not, in the signature program yet, but it will be pretty, shortly gonna. Put a Brooks, c-17. Can be himself on to the evil, traveler, and that, is really to my liking because people, are following me already for some time they know that I am a great lover of the c-17. Cambium, due, to the position, of the battery, on the downtube you don't have the possibility to put a large, bottle holder, here but, underneath. Here, underneath the downtube there's a connection point and also. On this, one so. Place, enough for water there, is not much on the Koga that I absolutely don't, like except, for the grips from Brooks the surface is way too slippery. To my liking now. One thing that actually missing, is a belt because a bill well, they're obliged to endure it's law to have a belt on a break and one. Thing that is totally, unacceptable that. Is the very sloppy, electricity. Taping, to attach the electrical, wire to, the end of our now. On to my third exhale, do I rate the Koga signature, II will. Traveler s well. I think it's a pretty awesome bike. The. Geometry, is really, well balanced so you can really do long, distance, traveling in great comfort, the. Weight of the bike twenty, four point eight kilos. As I mentioned, I don't think that's too much for a bike that is fully, loaded with all the small details that it has the. Range of the battery as I measured, it 100, case is fine. Too because with everything, on it it's about 120. Kilos that it has to propel. Forward, and. I think for a normal, trekking day 100, case is pretty, fine. There. Are a few things that I don't like the first is the sloppy taping, on the handlebar, for a bike, of this quality that should be better. The, blue grips that's a personal thing I would probably change them in some, other ones probably, the ones from Eragon and. The. Fact that the, bike, is not equipped, with a bell which, is legally. Bounded. In the Netherlands you should have a belt on a bike well, that's something I don't, like course but I talked to Koga about this end yes they made a mistake so they will give a belt on every, bike, that they send out.

You. Should be aware of the weight limitations, because the bike is capable, or allowed, to carry a total weight of 130. Kilos so, if you are a quite, a heavy person then, you really should think about how much cargo. You can take with you on your travels. But. That said I'm pretty, sure that the bike is capable. Of handling much, more cargo than that, 130. Kilogram, in total, then. The price it, is. 6025. Euros. Which. Is a lot. Of money for, a ebike, but. Still in this, top category, of e, tracking. Bikes this. Is quite normal money and therefore, I rate the. Koga. Signature, a world. Traveler s at. 9.2. Points, out, of 10 total. I hope. You like to review and that it is useful to you and if it is please give it a like and leave a comment below I'm, doing, these reviews totally, for free and not being paid by manufacturers. To make them I don't have any affiliate, deals and I don't have advertisements. On my website, so if you value my, independent. Way of reviewing please, support me by subscribing to, my youtube channel follow. Me on Instagram and liking, my facebook page, many. Many, things in advance if you do enjoy. The outdoors so ciao.

2019-04-18 22:33

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Nog even over het bereik, de 100 km is neem ik aan in het platte Nederland. In de bergen haal je beduiden minder, ook omdat je dan wel vaker de sport en turbo stand zou gebruiken. Ik begrijp dat je deze fiets niet zomaar een week in de Alpen of in een andere bergachtige omgeving, zoals in de Eiffel zou kunnen testen. Toch zou dit wel interessant zijn. Vooral ook omdat mensen de e-bike deze trekkings fietsen toch vooral kopen voor fietsen in meet heuvel achtige gebieden, waar ze dus de extra ondersteuning nodig hebben.

Ik wou dat dat kon. Ja, dan is een tweede accu wel een aanrader. Echte bergetappes geeft Bosch zelf aan 44 km ;-(. https://www.bosch-ebike.com/nl/service/actieradius-calculator/

Leuke test. Je hebt ook de Santos e-bike getest. Welke van de 2 beviel je beter ?

+Jan Fictorie In theorie heb je daar gelijk in. De twee accu's worden simultaan leeg getrokken. Mis je wel ruimte op je bagagedrager ;-) Gr Gijs

Outdoorguru bedankt voor je reactie. santos stapt over op een nieuwe achterwiel motor. Maar de koga is toch beter. 2000 euro goedkoper en een sterkere motor die ook bergop erg goed doet. Overigens zag ik een foto van deze koga met een tweede accu in de bagage drager. Dan heb je 2 keer zoveel bereik.

Oei, comfort-technisch wel behoorlijk dicht bij elkaar, maar de balans met een middenmotor vind ik echt lekkerder. De Santos met de motor in het achterwiel is overigens een aflopende zaak omdat de fabrikant gestopt is met de motor. Santos heeft nu een nieuwe motor op het crank. Daar ga ik binnenkort ook nog een keer mee rijden dankzij een uitnodiging van de heren van Sektor2Bikes ;-) Gr Gijs

Sorry but as soon as I realised this was a motor bike I stopped watching. I hate them. I don't think the cycling community should be promoting or accepting them. Sorry.

+Alex Morgan Alex, Thank you for your more than compete answer :-) and yes I do understand but I am a bit less radical if that is the correct word. There is a difference in embracing e-bikes and reporting on them. I don't embrace them, but realize they are there for a reason. I don't agree with you on people being lazy: I know many elderly, handicapped, commuters and schoolkids that because of a E-bike are not taking the car and do a fair amount of workout every day (40K). A E-bike is not a stand alone motorbike that does everything for you. I know, I own motorbikes. And... In The Netherlands a lot of people just use a bike. The battery issue is a BIG problem as is the end to fossil fuels. I would love to see more support for hydro-engines I and think the E-solution for the moment is fase into a newer way of thinking about energy and sources. Camera's: point taken! Just curious: where are you based? Cheers, Gijs ps I like this kind of open discussions. Thanks for that!

+Outdoorguru If you knew the damage that the manufacturing processes of these motor bikes with their motors and Li ion batteries did to the environment then you wouldn't accept or support them let alone buy one. I love bicycles. I cycle because I want to do as much to protect the environment as possible and improve the quality of life. If this means pedalling a little harder without cheating using a bicycle with a motor then I can live with this. The bicycle I believe was one of the most efficient machines ever designed and has low environmental impact. But sadly now this is changing as these MOTOR bicycles are becoming ever more popular with lazy people who do not care about the environment. They are corrupting cycling. Lazy people become even lazier. I am glad the UCI banned them. Human nature is to be lazy to cut corners, to pull one over on some one or some thing else. The market for these motor bicycles is being driven by money. Industrialists just want to make money at any cost. They don't give a crap about the environment, the water, the air quality, the natural environment. People buy them because they believe al the hype that they are environmentally friendly. NO THEY ARE NOT! I hate these motor bikes with a passion. They ARE firstly motor bikes and should be treated as such. They are NOT E-bikes which is a euphemism for motor bike. People should have to take mandatory tests, have insurance, helmet and annual inspections just like a motorcycle. The speed these things can reach is frightening as well, double the speed of a normal fit cyclist on the same cycle path. They are the next environmental scandal waiting to happen. People shouldn't be so fucking lazy. I can see you want yo grow your channel but surely you can do so without embracing these motor driven bikes. If you want to do camera reviews from time to time that would be great but there are already many many people doing camera reviews and very well. I am not criticising your presentation just the type of item you are now choosing to review. I think my arguments are pretty valid and in the fullness of time I shall be proved right.

Alex, I do get your point but I like E-bikes within their purpose. Do I like bikes better? For sure! This Koga was for me a new start in the relation with Koga and I am happy about it since.... the next bike is going to be their new WorldTraveller that is to be released shortly. One thing that is also important, is that my channel gets a new reach in audience. E-Bikes in general are way more popular than the relative small trekking bike community. And I need audience to maintain making independent reviews. I hope you understand. Would you mind if I do a review on camera-gear so now and then? Hope to hear from you. Gijs

Aan Jan Victorie, Ik zit onderstaande reactie aan je te tikken en zie opeens je reacties niet meer. Heb jij ze verwijderd? Je mag er mee door gaan hoor ;-), meningen worden op prijs gesteld! Je mag me ook bellen als je dat liever doet.  Learn by doing en voortschrijdend inzicht. Ik vond destijds de motor echt heel prettig en het was de eerste keer dat ik met een dergelijke fiets reed. Ik had al wel andere E-bikes gehad voor de ANWB, vele malen goedkoper, instabiele frames etc. De Santos was heel veel beter qua krachtverdeling in de motor: erg soepel. Ik had daarvoor een Bosch gereden, niet voor een video, en die was veel houtiger. Dus in dat perspectief moet je mijn opmerking plaatsen. En inderdaad op die plek is hij erg efficient. Hoe efficient een middenmotor is... ik kan het niet beoordelen omdat ik verlies in de aandrijflijn niet kan meten maar vanuit mijn ProMotor tijd dat er in een aandrijflijn wel verlies op treed. Of je me wel of niet serieus neemt, is aan jou. Nogmaals: ik weet niet waarom ik je reacties niet meer zie maar ik ben je niet aan het bannen.  Groet, Gijs

Alex Morgan I live in Denmark, and every day I have to bike approximately 18k (each way) to work. I can easily buy a car, but I opted for a e-bike ( e-world traveller), yes you are right about the batteries, but you are probably using one now, either on your phone or laptop. My point being, I don’t want to start my working day at the office super sweaty and “tired”, e-bikes for commuters are the way to go. Cheers from Copenhagen.

Toch nog een vraag. Als de batterij leeg is, kun je dan nog wel schakelen ? Dit gaat namelijk ook elektrisch.

Jep, zeg ik ook ergens - dacht ik....of ben het er vergeten in te monteren ......- het zeker staat in mijn verhaal op de site. Accu heeft een fietsleeg en een verlichting/schakelleeg. Koga vertelde me dat het 2 uur was volgens een wettelijke norm aangaande de verlichting. Ik heb het proberen na te zoeken maar kon het niet meteen vinden. Maar ja dus ;-) Gr Gijs

Outdoorguru was mijn account aan het opschonen en er ging iets mis. Sorry. Bedankt voor je reactie en ik begrijp je mening nu beter.

Alex Morgan Wow, you are a very educated person, just because I don’t have your “principals” you go on the offensive side, not a train I’m goin to take. Enjoy your day Alex.

+Broken English Well I ride 30 miles about 50km each way to and from work on a conventional bicycle. I think you are pretty pathetic and lazy to claim you need a motorised bicycle to help you ride only 18km. This is pathetic. I hate e-Bikes and the lazy people who buy them who convince themselves with pathetic arguments like yours to justify them using or buying one. You massively increasing the destruction of the planet by using these bikes. The millions of batteries and motors being manufactured and fitted to such motorised bikes, the raw materials dug out of the ground from huge mines in Africa and South Americe destroying the natural habitats. Then when they are worn out thrown on the scrap heap or landfilled or in rivers. Yes you can use the duplicitous analogy of batteries in phones and laptops but there aren't really any alternatives to using these, but we would have these anyway, but with motorised bicycles there are alternatives and the main one is a traditional conventional bicycle with no such motor or batteries. When you ride your motorised bike think of all the damage that has been done to the planet in producing it. A normal bicycle simply doesn't have such a damaging environmental footprint. Don't be so fucking lazy and pedal for yourself!

Alex Morgan better an ebike then a car , which uses lots of fuel. Also you still have to cycle so it’s not a motor cycle

i need this! thanks for review

UR Welcome ;) Cheers Gijs

Great review. Clothing noisy in first few minutes.

Chris Watson Chris, Thanks for the comment

@Broken English Well I ride 30 miles about 50km each way to and from work on a conventional bicycle. I think you are pretty pathetic and lazy to claim you need a motorised bicycle to help you ride only 18km. This is pathetic. I hate e-Bikes and the lazy people who buy them who convince themselves with pathetic arguments like yours to justify them using or buying one. You massively increasing the destruction of the planet by using these bikes. The millions of batteries and motors being manufactured and fitted to such motorised bikes, the raw materials dug out of the ground from huge mines in Africa and South Americe destroying the natural habitats. Then when they are worn out thrown on the scrap heap or landfilled or in rivers. Yes you can use the duplicitous analogy of batteries in phones and laptops but there aren't really any alternatives to using these, but we would have these anyway, but with motorised bicycles there are alternatives and the main one is a traditional conventional bicycle with no such motor or batteries. When you ride your motorised bike think of all the damage that has been done to the planet in producing it. A normal bicycle simply doesn't have such a damaging environmental footprint. Don't be so fucking lazy and pedal for yourself!

@Alex Morgan Alex, Thank you for your more than compete answer :-) and yes I do understand but I am a bit less radical if that is the correct word. There is a difference in embracing e-bikes and reporting on them. I don't embrace them, but realize they are there for a reason. I don't agree with you on people being lazy: I know many elderly, handicapped, commuters and schoolkids that because of a E-bike are not taking the car and do a fair amount of workout every day (40K). A E-bike is not a stand alone motorbike that does everything for you. I know, I own motorbikes. And... In The Netherlands a lot of people just use a bike. The battery issue is a BIG problem as is the end to fossil fuels. I would love to see more support for hydro-engines I and think the E-solution for the moment is fase into a newer way of thinking about energy and sources. Camera's: point taken! Just curious: where are you based? Cheers, Gijs ps I like this kind of open discussions. Thanks for that!

@Outdoorguru If you knew the damage that the manufacturing processes of these motor bikes with their motors and Li ion batteries did to the environment then you wouldn't accept or support them let alone buy one. I love bicycles. I cycle because I want to do as much to protect the environment as possible and improve the quality of life. If this means pedalling a little harder without cheating using a bicycle with a motor then I can live with this. The bicycle I believe was one of the most efficient machines ever designed and has low environmental impact. But sadly now this is changing as these MOTOR bicycles are becoming ever more popular with lazy people who do not care about the environment. They are corrupting cycling. Lazy people become even lazier. I am glad the UCI banned them. Human nature is to be lazy to cut corners, to pull one over on some one or some thing else. The market for these motor bicycles is being driven by money. Industrialists just want to make money at any cost. They don't give a crap about the environment, the water, the air quality, the natural environment. People buy them because they believe al the hype that they are environmentally friendly. NO THEY ARE NOT! I hate these motor bikes with a passion. They ARE firstly motor bikes and should be treated as such. They are NOT E-bikes which is a euphemism for motor bike. People should have to take mandatory tests, have insurance, helmet and annual inspections just like a motorcycle. The speed these things can reach is frightening as well, double the speed of a normal fit cyclist on the same cycle path. They are the next environmental scandal waiting to happen. People shouldn't be so fucking lazy. I can see you want yo grow your channel but surely you can do so without embracing these motor driven bikes. If you want to do camera reviews from time to time that would be great but there are already many many people doing camera reviews and very well. I am not criticising your presentation just the type of item you are now choosing to review. I think my arguments are pretty valid and in the fullness of time I shall be proved right.

@MatthewBayard You are not very intelligent. You have a choice between a traditional bicycle or motorised bicycle where the motor with a powerful battery helps you pedal or indeed pedals for you. There is NO car choice. You use a car choice just to justify your ignorant view that motorised bicycles are environmentally friendly they are not. I made a choice. The correct choice. Traditional bicycle without motor BECAUSE I want to do as much to protect our environment as possible. You clearly don't want to do this. The problem and threat to the planet is YOU not me. But don't let facts get in the way of your misguided belief.

@Alex Morgan so you want people in cars rather than an ebike? That mentality will and is hurting the environment more than the environmental impacts of ebikes.

@Johnny Guzman Well FUCK YOU. Don't tell me what I should or shouldn't believe in. Just because you are complicit in 1) The corruption of cycling 2) helping to destroy the planet by turning probably the most environmentally friendly means of transport on the planet into one that is NOT. At least I have principles. Fuck you!

@Alex Morgan E-bikes have been in Europe waay before we ever heard of them in the U.S. They had E-bikes when I went to Germany in 2009. It's a culturally accepted norm over there. It's better to pick your battles, and this one isn't worth it Alex. Like other's said, there are Li-ion batteries in your labtop, smartphone, tablet, etc. If you want to be enviomentally conscious, don't own a smartphone and communicate by letter writing, smoke signal or tribal clicking noises. Otherwise, please stop making yourself look bad. Use your passion for social justice for the issues that actually matter.

Thanks to an e-bike, my 69 year old dad can still join me on a decent bike trip. It's like the old days when I was a kid and thanks to an e-bike, my daughter will be happy some day when I am that age.

@Alex Morgan You demonstrate such intolerance. I guess that's another human attribute like laziness, greed etc, that you repeatedly criticize people for. It would appear that we all have our crosses to bear.

You're a naive child Alex, on here dropping angry F bombs at people that you can't healthily debate with. Environmental impact is virtually solely in the hands of globalist corporations or governments. You're just one of those morons that buys into the green marketing hype. And is likely the least of your shortcomings.

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