Killarney National Park, Ireland: Part 1 - Muckross House and Torc Waterfall

Killarney National Park, Ireland: Part 1 - Muckross House and Torc Waterfall

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So here you have it. thanks for joining me. Sinead here with Free Tours by Foot. I come. Small little short videos in the next few days. Delighted But it's worth the wait I promise.

It is a big vacation spot for Irish people and families and a Lot of families around at the moment. I think the whole of Ireland is in Clarney right now. You're gonna love it up here you guys. the waterfall.

Beautiful boys. Come through here. You can take these steps the whole way up. To the top of the mountain. And get some wonderful views along the way. little cousins and best friend's kids are gonna feed for the more adventurous of you.

the ducks and we're gonna head to Ross Castle. As always, This is the icing on the cake that I'm. towards the waterfall. Stay tuned.

picture. I've seen more people fall there over the years. See how stunningly beautiful it is up there. I'll show you just over here. lot of staycationers at the moment as well. Through the trees. too folks.

joining me. Don't forget to like and subscribe. More to tuned. A lot more to come. Much House and Gardens in Torque So, that's part eight of our series of Killarney Tour. Stay to bring you on vacation with me. Signing out. Sinead in

So, this is a little busy. I'm gonna get out of here you guys incidentally. Super busy day but good to see everyone out another bunch of kiddies. My own nieces and nephews and I think those people are quite crazy down there. Getting their

but that's the basis of it. and about and enjoying nature for a change. Thanks for Waterfall today, you guys. I'll see you all in the morning with them. Yeah. It's a waterfall you guys. Now, just as you know,

So, this is worth waiting for. I've seen more people slip up here. We get this place to ourselves all year round you guys. Now, it's super busy up here but I'll make my way around walk 200 meters up. So, this is the stream that's flying from Now we're very close. Now, look down here you guys.

Now, this isn't great for bikes. I recommend you leave your bike at the visitor center. And you take a little say hi guys. Always being a bit sarcastic with me. Even he knows I'm I

It's about a five-minute walk. We'll let these ladies come Come around here. It's been a while since I've been up here through.

this is our next direction. We're gonna make our way up Now, you all you have the hop on hop off bus as well you may just refer to you as you from now on if that's okay. So make our way across the main road here. There's one coming in town. And they all stick to their own little sides confusion I'm walking in the middle on the green.

You can negotiate the price with them. But it's always a Jarvis and as I said, there are wealth of knowledge, folks. And I am. To be from here and get to be here four or five times a Now we're just gonna speed up the walk here for you. But just we're gonna go up this way to the waterfall. Now here we go. lot of fun to take a jonting car as well. Just look at this

famous Kerry cow. These cows here on the estate. The life of lake scene here you guys. As we're coming back out onto every day. Along this path straight over to Torque we're gonna be turning right here in a minute through the flooding back folks I was very young in my 20s at that stage here on my own. Sitting there all day. Giving information to

path and we'll be following those jaunting cars. Now, Now, it's gonna be super windy by the lake. So, I'm gonna hold needed, whether they should bring their bikes, Let's have a at the bottom of this garden. So this is a far cry from the So I've just come out of the woods along that path. I was

swimming in the lakes. Heading across and we're heading to this mountain here So, this is the type of fish of course. The Arctic Char in there. So this is what the boys do all day every day. What a It's insane. In the next five minutes, it could literally go then to the mountain but look at that for scenery. Isn't it

moment. simple back then. where you would pick it up. The jonting cars are all stationed right here across the main road. of the most beautiful parts of the world. Killarney is such an

to stop referring to you all as you guys or ladies and Parisian like our like little boulevards or the outdoor 32 thousand um acres of national park here in Killarney great job you guys. They take the people out on trips all completely dark and lash out of the heaven. So, I timed it little beach. I still think my niece was telling me as well

here at you guys. beautiful you guys? woods. I'm nearly there. work to you guys. There's a little information center right stunning in the sunshine. Now, today's weather is so sporadic.

incredible waterfall. With beautiful Irish spring water can get out to you. Indeed, they can't. Now. We're heading wit and enthusiasm and fun. And handy helps for you as well. Here's some of the local residents you guys. This is the jaunting car drivers in Killarney Town are known as So just to show you where you can get a little boat tour here along this path. And that will bring us back onto the main beautiful sight to behold. So we're gonna make our way just

working on this estate and this is my little office is to come direction. So, you'll see the main sign across the road actually. As I said it's quite territorial. So we're gonna This is the electric fence in case you're worried if the cows jaunting car from Mucker's house. Along here to the luxury. They're leading. So we have a cycle track on one side year as often as I can So we speed it up. I'll bring you to

Waterfall. So, I'm gonna enjoy my little walk you guys and showing you to take to the waterfall but I just wanna show across and you make your way along the path straight ahead to Torque Mountain. Because there is also another place I or night. It's like the sky is preparing for a dip. as we hit the boathouse, we knew we were very close to to show you when you do visit this is the path you would beautiful place to live. The freedom to walk these parks day

Here you have it. How gorgeous is this you guys? can never be built on. This will be here and preserve for my microphone under and just maybe show you. dining of Italy and it's very European looking. So, but it's You do, I do forget how fortunate I am to be from one So, we'd cycle our way down this little corner and as soon and head down straight into the water and stay here for about some of the old pebble stones. Now this was our favourite will know me. So

down memory lane. Oh my little office you guys. County of Intrust. It's a big fishing area as well. There's a lot of eel, arctic char, brown trout, salmon, in the area. But with me a sec. I just wanna have a little nostalgic trip the top of the mountain, what walks to take, what shoes they look. The it's waterfall's about 200 meters up now so bear

tourists about how to get to the waterfall, how to get to hope it is great to be able to get inside all the memories of guys. Just be careful when crossing. Let me show you my it is by foot. Now, this is usually a very busy road you transportation as well, but I think always the best way to do along the lakes. It's quite territorial actually because to your car which will be in the car park on the state but there's also a car park here at the waterfall. This is just I So we're gonna head across and under the bridge. And over this

over if we can right here into the chalk waterfall car park guys. This is the newest edition to Killarney. That'll take you to all the major hotspots. If you're looking for you decide you'd like to take a pony and trap back, this is old workplace. Just right up here. I wonder is it open I up behind me again. The one here in the corner. So, that

will connect you back to the house but we're gonna cross waterfall and you'll hear the stream beside me. Now, we do head up here. So, that's a very popular walk uh drive with the to this mountain here. cross the main road up here. So, if you do make your way up you'll have the side. And then you have the Killarney Jarvis think a pretty walk but you can access both with your car If here and you decide you'd like to take a rest on the way back Yeah, we've resumed at the end of the path and we're gonna the foot of the waterfall in the information booth in just a and the pony and trap on the other. So to avoid any

so as you can see how stunning the area is. And how fortunate the waterfall will be bursting at the seams and it's always a when you are walking along this path here takes you forward I'm getting a lot of abuse. Not abuse, a lot of request for me gentlemen. Unfortunately, that's a force of habit. So I

Mountain. I'm right at the foot of the mountain is the most flowing from it. Now it's been exceptionally heavy rain. So of you there. You will see the jaunting car as we call them. towards Torque Waterfall. But apart from walking through the you this you guys. And this is what greets you. When you come

be right back with you. As soon as I get to that area but just I'll be right back with you. crazy manic streets of London. This was my journey to work There you go. So that's the majority of the walk from take. Straight up here. And follow the signs for Talk woods there's really not an awful lot to see. So I'm gonna

It's ours. We're happy with it. Now, the land is protected. The gardens. So what I am gonna do is I'm gonna take a stroll So, this is our idea of tropical beaches but it's free. you a really good view. Pretty it is. centuries and centuries. And this is what it makes it such a Okay, so that's super windy. I'm gonna make my way back into

we used to arrive here. Literally about twenty of us on And head right up to the water's edge. I just wanna give Torque Waterfall. Just do a quick little panoramic for you.

the woods and we're gonna have a little short walk towards our bikes. We'd lock them up here by this tree. Coming up I can still feel the the butterflies in my stomach and really excited about going down here. It's been a while. So And if you just head straight along then this direction. Well

where I could get just 1 hour of beautiful weather. I'm six or seven hours. Having the time of our lives. Lives are so plan on taking you around during the night time. Uh we that there are gangs of young kids still coming down here at have a lot of outdoor dining now So it makes it almost amazing place, folks. And it's also very lively by night and I

with the boys. That'll take you out. But I am gonna bring you down to see the little basil. Much gardens. So along here fourteen and fifteen which is lovely to see.

This is one part of it. Oh my god, I haven't been down here got to visit Killarney. Now as I say I'm doing a little a gorgeous little boat house down here. I'm gonna bring you Beautiful binding of books. And it's just a little ehm support around. So, let's see. Scenic boat tours to meeting of the

nature trails that are in the area. But let's just take you wonderful restaurant and craft store. Where you can buy all down here very briefly for a quick minute. But definitely cutting it and burning it because it keeps regrowing. But little walk up here. That'll bring you towards Torque

to get some nice summer evenings in Killarney. But look round trip. locals will ehm offer their services and they have to keep So the only thing you'd have to pay they do join tickets for horses. I mean to be honest we kinda got used to it as it's fabulous to see them all but it's it's very busy. Let's sell you a booklet and all the wonderful walks that are are 15 years they actually introduced nappies for the featuring book binders, potters, and weavers. So, the

But they really do do an absolutely fabulous job of then cycle home then lake for dinner as always. And we used farmer's ladies and we call them Ben on teas here in some memories here. This is one of our famous favourite trees of visitors every year ladies and gents. Coach loads of little further towards the town. And have becoming it's interested in various species of trees in the area. You can would not be familiar with people doing YouTube videos.

craft store on this Magnifi Estate also features some exciting. You can take boat trips. Over to the islands and at these lovely little gardens all in the area. Now I'm not where as groups of twenty of us would take our bikes and fly Gardens, you will also see a visitor center and they can get emotional. So ehm Gonna head down here and I wanna take in bloom here. Hard work for all the gardeners in the area. of the biggest threats to the park at the moment is The Sikadier is much bigger in numbers and that was introduced vacation. But vacation means I'm at home and it's not

bring is a little mini beach. It's called Dundag. And this is what I wanna do is I'm gonna bring you down. This is such a other plants or the vegetations in the area. So, it's a huge

house nature trail. Now, when you arrive at McCrist House and great job. But alternatively what you could do is take a lived at the time and they even have ladies in the house, the bloom but the problem with rhododendron, it tends to Sika tend to breed quite rapidly so there is a massive waters where the three lakes meet which is another beautiful gardens we're about to see right now. Now the National charge and technically the property of Killarney people. maintained. Now by the Department of eh Heritage here I am going to dedicate this video to my uncle Declan who recently passed away. So but he's happier where he is now.

we can head through the trees and down, oh yes, we're gonna So, I am giving a rather few strange looks At least in of the house. The farms are very popular with families. And Park of course is patrolled by the rangers here do a great torque. Cos I'm gonna show you very windy right now but I'm to the park. I believe in around 1895 to encourage brew

picnics. And these are the stunning flowers that are all your handmade pottery and handmade weavers goods. middle upper and lower lakes. But I'm gonna keep going this take the path down here because I wanna show you the beautiful last they are making their presence felt shall we say.

trip of nostalgia for me. I had so much fun working in here. actually swim in the lakes. In Mochras Lake. Now there's only arduous task that is usually taken on board by a lot of of holes in the bottom of the lakes and eh some are forbidden amazing goods that are all made in house and in store. Now, one certain lakes that you can swim in. Obviously cos there's a lot

in there. And apparently there were two fire brigade engines. garden you guys. And this is only a small portion of the actually brought the seeker in for hunting purposes. Now the Publicly all over. So we're gonna take a little trip down

commonplace at the time and to preserve the red deer they say. There's a lot of parties and We have a christening tourists from all over the world will come and take a tour look at some. I'm only showing you a portion of these gardens Blacksmith's forge as well. Now, in the basement of to climb as kids and it's lovely to see they're still at it. I'll just take you down here to the little old boat

Horse manure all over the roads. But in the last ten to myself in years, ladies and gents. So, this is quite with the camera. They all I do will recognise a lot of people quick chat. Do I know them? Not sure I do but I just wanna give area. And it's ten pounds one way or return. Children five

Killarney. Not just Much House and Gardens but I'll bring you Killarney residents. The smell of horse manure because of the jaunting cars literally travel through everywhere. And there's

you an amazing view. That's the beauty of working around here Now, anything could happen down here, these boys could have a pounds one way or return. Wow. So, it's the same price to do a down here to the boat house. of the lakes along the way. Now, over the years, there's Castle in the morning with the kiddies. Now this brings back been a lot of issues with ooh very windy. Just bear with me.

hopefully maybe see the gap of Dunloe. We're going to Ross highlight tours of all the beautiful scenery here in direction even though they're telling us to go that way for little trip along the lakes. On one of So you can take another for independent businesses in the area and they really do a Diana's Cottage. Now the meeting of the waters is where

to ladies view. Gonna show you Torque waterfall. We'll right by the lake you guys. So give you some beautiful views make this on your bucket list. If you come to Ireland you have the traditional farms. Eh a ticket from Mucker's house

Waterfall and the boat house. You'll get boat trips from So anyway we'll move on from that subject. We don't wanna also you can take the buggy ride. But this is all free of the three lakes of Killarney meets. And that would be the

London nowadays, it's kinda common place but we're going to itself. So you can visit both when you're here. And there's a maintaining the gardens. You know, I'm kinda getting lost usually a vacation. I have so many members of my family but

head to the Arboretum area. Look at these lovely little you down towards the boat house. Now, people in Kearney connect down to the path here So this place attracts millions coming up as well this week. And we had a very sad occasion. pathways you guys. How pretty is this? So, this is my

our little private beach for swimming in. Now, there's also an Arboretum here ladies and gents. You can visit if you are little boat house as well. And particularly Dundag. Which is myself. It's been so long since I've been down here but I know for swimming in. But mocracy Lake or the area I'm gonna

the lake very shortly. But these little secret spots for down here as young kids. And swim in the lakes and swim home walking in front of the lake yet but I'll show you plenty of Mucker's House, it's a wonderful craft center You have the small, medium, and the larger size farms.

cooking bread and baking bread and you'll see all the animals. today you guys and what I wanna show you is where we used to come as kids. We always came around here. Because you can strangle out the um the bed of vegetation and the sun can't in Ireland as is government owned. Now it's a quick mention rhododendron. Stunningly beautiful when it's in full here through these stunning gardens which are very well Ireland. Woman of the house, Ben on Tees and they would be also visit into the farmhouses and see how the local farmers get in. So, it's actually tends to strangle out any of the

not saying nuisance. I don't want to say nuisance but at And sorry now it's exceptionally windy. So you can or so they've become very very socialised and they've come a as well. They do have the mockers traditional farms here.

amount of them. And during times of COVID in the last year This is where my guiding career began. I'm gonna take large and of course presently London. But look at this beautiful eating because obviously hunting would have been job. There's over 850 native Irish red deer. On the park.

best friends and the best years of my guiding life before I left Killarney for bigger fields. Like New York, Tenerif, We're on duty for 24 hours during her visit. But right now groups around this beautiful beautiful house and I had the here especially for Queen Victoria. And if you take a began because of her visit to Ireland. I mean she was very place. It's called Lady's View in homage to Queen Victoria. Victoria's fault of course. And this is the fire escape and

will be heading in the Torque direction. Because there's a tours in cities throughout the world. You can help support Tommy's Wood and that's one of the largest and oldest oakwoods you over here this sunken garden. Now this is what I others discover this video. And for more virtual tours of some little guests with me tomorrow. My little cousins and

appearance on YouTube. So, it's straight over there ladies and lake and the lower lake. The lower lake is known as the lake my nieces and nephews will be arriving. They want to make an

devastated. At the death of his wife they eventually ended up donating the entire property and the surrounding gardens to The famous lakes in Killarney. This is the middle lake Lake, guys since I guided in here I was hoping I'd remember it I wedding gifts that was some gift oh Arthur Vincent my On the estate and shooting of course and fishing. The estate mines the Bowers borns and they actually bought the house as a itself is thirteen and a half thousand acres. And now it's

garden. But apparently she had an irrational fear of fire as little trip around Killarney. There's another beautiful ended up bankrupting Mister Herbert. That wasn't Queen

far, go ahead and click that like and share button and help escape was attached to her bedroom. Stunningly beautiful well received. Her and her ladies and waiting went on a course but some of the oldest oak trees on the planet are in ahead of you is Mangarton Mountain but I just wanna show sure to visit our website to learn more about our in-person buying your tour guide a pint or a cup of coffee. Links to do part of the Killarney National Park. Because not long after in

1929 Lord our the house was bought by an American hope I'm getting it right. Anyway Moore died very suddenly gonna be showing you some of the other amazing features of night or which never came. The visit actually bankrupted him this would have been her wing of the house. Now the fire

London and beyond, consider subscribing to our channel. Be actually built on especially for her and apparently they were she only stayed here for one night by the way. And she look at the side here you will see this fire escape that was Killarney. And the mountain there behind the tree straight in the world. An heritage site and it's a preserved area of And I'll just take you around here. This stunning sunken so are in the description below. Now back to the tour.

moment. We're looking directly now at Torque Mountain and we the Bay of Pigs Lake. I will be showing you some of the upper the government. So for the pleasure and for the use of the that very mountain. So if you're enjoying the tour so written on the island by Ross Castle. So, I'm gonna bring Vincent Willie Vincent Billy Vincent and this was their Lord Ardelone. He was a member of the Guinness family Arthur

Victoria. Uh apparently, he inherited all these Persian directly in front of you. That's one of the lakes here. wedding gift for their daughter Mod who was to become Mod What actually happened is he ended up bankrupted. He uh was huge portion of the Killarney National Park. Now you can see at the tender age of forty-two. And Mister Vincent was so

entire wing of the house was built especially for Queen Vincent and Mod Vincent married a chap called ehm William visits of his friends and family that come here hunting. Californian couple who had made their money in Californian gold parliament. My apologies but he was expecting some form of a stunning waterfall there. And steps you can take to the top this channel by donating through the thanks button or by well. So this entire wing of the side of the house was built

This is where my mild obsession with her to be fair actually of the mountain to get an amazing panoramic view around heard about Queen Victoria actually when I worked in here. tours and London travel tips. We also offer live and virtual of learning. Uh it's where the animals of Inish Fallon were We'll be taking a little walk through the gardens in a gents. That huge mountain you see in the distance. That's

people of Killarney and the surrounding areas. Now it's a this is Mokra's house. Muchra's House and Gardens are a world carpets, silk Japanese, silk curtains, all to um enhance the arrived for a three-day visit to the house in eighteen Guinness. And he bought it as a hunting lodge. For weekend

essentially hoping to become a member of parliament. He here in Ireland. I am currently on vacation but of course I I'll tell you all about it. We'll throw we'll throw up a

Westminster actually. She was a very famous watercolorist. And forty-three. Completed in eighteen forty-three. years. This was a huge distinctive honour for the the house here. So in 1899 the house was sold to a chap called Stunningly beautiful inside. You can take a tour inside.

are full of local history. They're great characters. Full enjoy the tour you guys. Stay tuned. Loads of info to come. I believe about three of her ten children with her. Um the Herbert family. Now, they've been here since the seventeenth little trip around Mucker's House and Gardens. I'm gonna them along the way. Um but it's a lovely idea that'll take you

century but this house itself was built in eighteen look at this for an entrance and that amazing house. Now I'm gonna be showing you some highlights of my amazing town can show you around my actual hometown. London I live in but Killarney. It's one of the top tourist destinations in deer on the national park but more on that to come shortly can join me. Sinead here in Ireland for a change. Hope you My obsession with Queen Victoria began here. So happy I and deer and times gone by. We still of a massive amount of

a tour guide in this amazing house. So, today's little walk middle, and lower lake. Right now, we're gonna be seeing today the middle lake which is called Mocris Lake which means Here you have it. How gorgeous is this you guys?

Killarney, Ireland. Lord Herbert's wife. Now he was a member of parliament in apologies I'm getting it all incorrect it's been so long you visit of Queen Victoria. Preparations took ten years.

inside. But in 1861 they had a very special visitor here. To mansion was built for the Herbert family. Eh Mary Herbert and he sold the house in eighteen ninety-nine. Now these sixty-one. Now, preparations actually took place for ten cars have been here for over hundreds of years in Killarney. are the gardens around the front so just bear with me. I'm

her work is exquisite and you'll see a lot of her work thought he'd get some form of a well he was a member of the estate. And that was sort of Queen Victoria and she few links to inside the house as well. Now the stunning to film inside. So, there's more to see out side anyway but of wit and enthusiasm for their job. We'll meet a couple of

Now, even though I used to work there, you do have to get special uh permission from the government of the public works This is the novel way for tourists to get around. So, renowned tourist site here in Killarney. You're gonna see they'll take you on a little pony and trap card. These guys that we will encounter along the way are what I call have to bring you guys with me. Stay tuned. Right folks. Now some spectacular scenery today and the only bit of traffic jaunting cars here in Killarney. Now, these jaunting

gonna make our way today. Now, let's start with the house though. The first family to live on this estate with the Herbert family uh to experience a royal visit. Now, she brought

on a lovely trip towards the waterfall which is where we're give you all the history of it. Oh my god I really do hope I national park and three lakes here in Killarney, the upper, seacade. But this brings me back in time ladies and gents. is just gonna be around area in Killarney here called Mucker's this is home in Ireland. So today we're gonna start a remember it. It's 20 years old of my history. So delighted you about the wild native Irish red deer and the Japanese imported the bay of pigs. It would have been an area full of wild boar House and Gardens. Now, just a little bit of background about

Ireland. We are so fortunate with our 32 thousand acre Ireland and I just wanted to bring you back an amazing hometown in Killarney, County Gary in the southwest of nostalgic trip for me. Uh this is where it all began for me as the surroundings happen to be a little different today than the usual London, ladies and gents. Today, I am live from my Well, hello everyone. I am back. Now, you may notice that

2021-08-14 15:46

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