Kids' Singing Lesson 10: Solfege and Salley Gardens | Sing With ETO

Kids' Singing Lesson 10: Solfege and Salley Gardens | Sing With ETO

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Ah, bonjour. Welcome, to calvi, the cookery. With me. English, touring opera. Singing. Lessons. Hello. Welcome, to english touring, opera's. Lessons, for kids, singing lessons. My name's dominic, walsh, and congratulations. On making it to lesson. 10. Fantastic. You must have learned so much, about, breathing. Warming, up, different, songs. Singing, opera. So much, well today, we're going to work on a little bit of a special word called legato. I'll tell you about that in a minute, but we'll do a little bit of warming up, and a little bit of a folk song but i can't wait to get started. So lucky that english touring opera is, providing, these videos, for people to discover, singing, and learning, how to sing, so that hopefully one day you can be a singer too. I want to thank, all of my friends who've taught the lessons so far. Particularly. A couple of favorites. Bradley's, warm-up, routine. Wonderful, to sort of get the body all warmed up we're going to be doing a few of those things in a minute. Hollies. I loved holly's, little, thing that you could do in the library. Brilliant, also sounds a bit like a windex, shh, when you're cleaning the windows. Either way it's working the support muscles which is what we want it to do, and then the third one, was magic, who gave us a wonderful. Torreira. Etc. Which is one of my favorite operas, carmen. But, let's. Start. Let's begin. By, first just centering, ourselves. Okay so we're going to stand up nice and tall but we're not going to force ourselves, up, we're going to feel our legs. Grow, down like roots of a tree, thanks carrie. Roots of the tree, down into the ground, so that gives us a nice. Solid, base. Now in this position, let's just take a couple of low breaths, and we're going to. Fill up the balloon, of air remember the balloon in the middle here we go breathe in. And out. And breathe in the balloon. And out. Breathe in again. And. Out. Fantastic. You're already so good. Now let's warm up our shoulders. So let's do a little bit of, forward, rotation, so all, nice and slow, the shoulders are moving, forward. We're not forcing them remember. They're just. Moving, around we can feel, them stretch. And now once they've gone forward, they can go, backwards. And now. What if you're double jointed, and you can do, two at a time while we're doing two at a time now, but we're. Feeling, the stretch, particularly, across the top of the chest. And we're gonna release. All of those muscles, and now. We just make sure that we're standing up nice and tall. Because when we get to singing legato. Which is coming up later. It's going to be all about singing nice and smooth. And making sure that we're standing, up straight we're not lifting our chin we're not putting our chin down showing the double chin no we don't want to do any of that it's going to be nice and even. So we've done, the router to the ground, we've done the deep breaths we've done the shoulders. Now i'm going to borrow one of bradley's, exercises. Which is to do with getting the apple, so we're going to reach, up. Reaching, up i'm gonna pick an apple, oh, and now we're gonna munch the apple. Now we're gonna make some munching. Noises. They can be slow, low high fast whatever. Don't drop the apple. Brilliant, isn't it what about another apple, don't need that one, reach up up we go. Reaching, reaching, uh we pick an apple. Oh here we go, brought the light down and then we're gonna punch the apple we're gonna munch, it. It's a very therapeutic, one this is. One for the parents. Nice and relaxed. On a sunday. Afternoon. Mm-hmm. Wow what a great apple, don't need that save that for later we can always pick more. Fantastic. Now we're all, nice and warmed up can you feel that now your voice is a little bit more limber, because it's like stretching, before you go for a run, you know you cannot go for a run or something and make sure you stretch your arms and you stretch your legs and do all this the same thing we do for our voice, we relax, and stretch, our body, we stretch, our voice. So that we can get ready, to, sing. Lesson 10. Singing time, i mean you've been singing all the way up until now and it's been, amazing. I bet you really impressed your friends and your family, and if not give them a little concert one weekend, you can show them what you've done, it'll be brilliant. So. What we do now is we're going to warm up our voice, okay, we did a little bit of warming up with the voice we're going to do a little bit more the first thing i want you to do see if you can do a lip trill. So it's a bit like a big bus. We're steering the bus. Oh i used to be a bus driver. Now what i want you to do, is see if you can go from very low, to very high, and back again but remember.

We Don't want to go down put our chin down we don't want to put our chin up everything is going to be nice and even here we go inflate the balloon. Fantastic. Two more. Last one in the. Balloon. Wonderful. Okay, now let's do some scales. Now i think it was carrie's, lesson previously. She was doing an exercise, with numbers. 1. 1 2 1. 1 2 3 2 1. 1 2 3, 4 3 2 1 remember. Now we're going to do the same, exercise, but we're going to change the words. And we're going to use a system, called solfege. Which is do, re, me far so, la, ti do, oh. I think you know about this, it's in a famous, movie i won't tell you which one because you can look it up later, but let's see if we can remember, so. Do. A deer. Re. Drop of golden sun. Me. A name. Far. A long way. So. Sewing. La. A note. T. T, and then dough again, do, so let's go through it here we go. Do. Re. Me. Fantastic. You're so clever. Took me ages to learn, but that's okay we can do it again now we're going to sing it, here we go so we're going to do an ascending, scale, from bottom, to top here we. Go. Not bad let's see if we can do it again. This time for sure. Brilliant. Now let's see if we can say it backwards. So i'll guide you here we go, we start with, do. And then. T. La. So. Far. Me. Re. Dough. Fantastic. You knew it already you didn't need any prompting, but let's go through it again so, do. T. La. So. Far. Me. Re. Do. Fantastic. So we're going to sing the scale from bottom to top, and then, top to bottom here we go. Have a. Brilliant. Here we go. Again. I can hear it you're getting it brilliantly. And even mom in the background she's doing pretty well right, now let's go step up a little. Here we go back to dough and. Mistake. Up one step more. Here we go and a little bit quicker. If you're already familiar, with this system this solfege, system, you can do another exercise, which a little bit more advanced, so we come back to see. Me. That's where we are, and we're gonna do an exercise, which is one, one two one, one two three two one okay if you remember that one what we're going to do with deray, me, here we go. Doremi. Family. Brilliant. You are amazing. Now, let's get on with some. Singing. Sorry just doing a little bit of practice, there.

Practice. Is very, important. We don't always want to try to practice, makes, perfect i'm sure you've heard that before, but perfection, is pretty hard to get, so if we just practice, to, improve. We can't, lose we're always gonna get better, and it doesn't matter if each time you make a mistake. You think about the mistake, and you don't do it the next time, and eventually. You'll figure out a way particularly, with singing but any kind of music. You figure out a way how to do it and then you remember, that way, and then you practice. And the more you practice, that way that works for you, the better you get at it so that's what we have to do we have to make sure that we're doing our singing, practice, our spelling, practice, our writing practice, lots and lots of cooking, practice, we can practice everything. But we're always looking to make things, better, and as long as it's better, than the way we did it before. Fantastic. That's all you need to do, so, let's see if you remember this song this is a folk song that bradley did earlier on, here's the. Tune. Ah. Does that sound familiar. Here are the words here we go one. Two. Three. I can hear dad singing in the background, he's pretty good too isn't he, so, we've, learned the first part of that song, but now, i'm going to teach you the second, part. So, the song, because it's a folk song it's pretty easy, the tune. We've got a little a. Section. So that's the a section, and the pattern of the song, goes, a. A. B, which we'll talk about in a minute. A, so we've got three sections that are exactly the same they've just got different words. But here's the b section. So here we go just the notes one. Two. Three. Okay, let's do it to r here we go one. Two. Three. Little mistake in there but that's okay, we make mistakes that's fine. So here we go one. Two same again. Three. Fantastic. Now let's put the words in one. Two. Three. She. Bid. Me. The leaves. Grown. The. Tree. Fantastic. Let's do it once more with the words so we know what we're doing one. Two. Three. Fantastic, now let's talk about legato. So it's an italian. Word, that means, join together. And what it means in terms of musical, sense, is we want to join the notes together. So what we do when we're singing an english, song, we sing, a little bit relaxed. The consonants, so we don't we we don't want to sing. Down. By. The. Sa. Li. Okay we don't want to separate everything we want to, make it through, sing all the way through and make it as smooth, and legato. As possible. So let's just do the first. Section, section a, we're going to sing it on a vowel. R, and we're going to make it as smooth, as glass, as though we were sitting on a boat. And the waves are absolutely. Still, and the notes are just going to float along, here we go one. Two. Three. Oh that's a bit low for me that's okay, so, what's what we want we want it nice, and smooth, let's do it again, we'll do the a section, and then the b section here we go one. Two. Three. Now we'll do the b. Section. Fantastic. You know better than i do, okay, now let's see if we can put the whole, song together. So remember the pattern. Is going to be, a. A. B. A. And we've got the words and everything on the screen so don't worry if you get lost just join in whenever, here we go, one. And also, make sure we don't forget this, we want it nice and legato. So we're gonna sing it nice, and smooth. As glass, as silk, as ribbon as, chocolate, mousse. Here we go one. Two. Now. As, the. Leaves. Agree. Fantastic. Well done that was the first time through so if you made any little mistakes, or anything like that. We're going to try it once more, and don't worry about those mistakes. This time. Keep an eye out for them and i bet you won't. You won't make half as many, so here we go from the beginning. With the words. Nice and legato, here we go one. Two. Three. Again. She. Passed. Bid. Me. Take. Love. As the leaves. Away. Agreed. Well. Done, you've just done a whole song, all the way through i'm sure you've done it in some of those earlier lessons but that, was.

Brilliant. Well worth, 10. Out of 10. For the 10th, lesson. Fantastic. So all you need to do is to keep practicing. If you think that, something's a little bit tricky or you want to remind yourself of it go back and watch another video. Find out what it is, and then you practice you try and find out what's going on legato. Nice, and smooth. The balloon, breathing. Plucking the apple whatever it is. All you need to do is to take it at your own speed, and to find out what works for you and when it works. You just keep doing that and you'll be, brilliant. And make sure you get to sing for your parents, because they love it, okay. Good luck, keep singing, and i'll see you next. Time.

2020-09-08 08:49

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