Kamperem Po Europie - WŁOCHY - Rzym, Koloseum i Watykan #6

Kamperem Po Europie - WŁOCHY - Rzym, Koloseum i Watykan #6

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I start my day with coffee We're about to start training. David was bathing in the sea You have dirty flip-flops We slept with this view here Cool We're in the vicinity of Rome We go eat, get some exercise and then we start exploring Let's start training The dog is barking there New shorts, will be in the collection for sale. A lot of people ask me about the store Everything is nearing completion for the online store You still have to wait a little bit, I don't know how long it will take but it's coming soon. Once everything is ready, I'll tell you right away on the channel All right, let's start trening I eat cereal with Nutlove for breakfast. This is delicious And we drink coffee This is delicious We met a guy who lives here and in an camper because it's too expensive for him in Rome A flake stuck to my throat We ask him what and how things are done in the camper. The owner was explaining to me what is done here, but I forgot everything It's nothing new I was so happy to get this camper, the owner was explaining and I hardly listened to him I was so happy to be going on a trip Now the guy comes and teaches us what to do, how to turn something on, etc He's been very helpful to us It was painted on the park4night app so it must be standing here for a long time Really long We're in Rome under the thermae of Caracalla, but we won't go in there I wanted to show that on the park4night app you can find free parking Apparently the police don't give out tickets, so no problem On our scooters we ride by the Colosseum. This is my 3rd time here, and I'm so glad

Welcome to Italy, precisely to Rome, the capital and largest city This town is about two and a half thousand years old We're at the Colosseum, where the games were held The first Games were held in the 80s Over 900 gladiators died here 500 wild animals The games were held all the time. People were entertained by it until the 6th century A.D. The building is in good condition. We'll see him around. I will show you as much as I can and read interesting information about it. I'm glad to be here David, how many times have you been to Rome? I've been 3 times now it's my 4 time I'm here for the third time Every time you're here, you come by the Colosseum. Every time you are in Amsterdam you have to visit Red light streets. This is the place where most tourists come You'll see it in this series too, because I'll be driving David to Holland anyway I do not know if there will be a last episode, maybe not the last. It depends on how much time I have left Kinga will be arriving soon, if you're watching this, we greetings you A lot of people wrote that Kinga lives in Holland and she is not from Holland. Kinga lives in England

Kinga was in Holland because that's where we were supposed to meet Kinga is a good friend of mine. We're not a couple Fortunately I'm kidding, and greetings to you Kinga As a colleague, she's great This is not a relationship for me I like Kinga as a friend David and I have known each other for 4 years and met on tomorrowland Tomorrowland brings people together I also met Kinga at Tomorrowland Greetings to Justin like he watches this These are friendships made at a party If Tomorrowland takes place this year I absolutely have to be there and I will come from anywhere in the world I still have tickets from last year Then Ibiza would be great I think it will be worth driving There are more and more people here We're going to look for the entrance I read that, first, the soldiers were showing off their skills here. Later, soldiers were replaced by slaves and prisoners who fought to the death Because it became popular, the soldiers themselves wanted to be gladiators to show off their skills and win a lot of money I really like this building We're going to try to get inside We're about to find out how much it costs to get in Pizza and coffee next to the Colosseum We just met the Poles, a tour and 3 guys We regret not joining the tour We wanted to enter the Colosseum and the Roman Forum with them But it didn't work out We came to eat and we're going right over there We took a tour with a lady guide I'm sure she likes psychotropics Of course I'm joking But she has strange behavior I don't know what she's been taking, but she's fun The lady guide told us some interesting things The Colosseum is only on the north side in its entirety , it has 4 floors On the south side it has only 2 floors, the rest is demolished It is 50 meters high, we took this tour for 30 euros, in our group there are Poles and one guy from America We met a lot of Poles and the lady guide also says that a lot of Poles come here If you want to come to Italy, come because it's normal here Everyone wears masks, but no one in our group wears a mask I'm going to listen to lady guide We go inside, they have to take my temperature They're checking to make sure no one brought anything dangerous We went upstairs, there's this museum There are some things described here Lady say about everything. I'm going to listen Here's a model of what the Coliseum looks like now The lady said the wall was all around, but the south wall crumbled and only the north wall remained Let's move on I have little interest in this I can't wait to get out into the arena, because that's what I'm most interested in There's another model here We go out into the arena at last I've been waiting for this 70,000 people came in here Wow It's impressive We can take pictures here It looks amazing There were 70,000 people coming in, and the national stadium only has 64,000 people coming in, and the stadium is bigger How there were 70,000 people and they watched gladiatorial combat In 100 days, 5,000 animals brought from Africa died here 900 people died at the opening of the Colosseum And 500 wild animals All day long gladiators fought here. It lasted 460 years , then the nation became Christian and they forbade it I think it was worth spending 30 euros Then we go further we'll have almost 2 hours of touring We're going down to the arena Here goes the winner The gate we entered, the winners came out The losers went out through that gate, or the dead were carried out Sometimes the fights were to the death, and sometimes not Through this gate they carried away the dead Our tour of the Colosseum is over We'll take a picture here We were to go down to the underworld where gladiators and animals were kept The lady told us that those who won got money and could buy their freedom The lady told us that those who won got money and could buy their freedom The lady explained to us that it was as if some famous footballer wanted to leave what he was doing They could have redeemed themselves and been free men, but they didn't want to Let's move on We are entering the Roman Forum I'll show you how nice it is here Nice arch Look how nice everything looks here The tour is great, but it's so hot I think it's 30 degrees, because when we were driving here, it was 30 degrees in the camper There's a nice terrace here too It's definitely more degrees now, but I like it It's already 4:00 p.m. , so we have to leave soon We won't finish this trip because we want to go to the Vatican I'm coming there to show you what it looks like, I was there once I want to show you, maybe you can get in there I'll show you how beautiful it is here We take our scooters and go to the Vatican Are we going to the Vatican or somewhere else? We are going to Wtykana and then we are going to eat something and drink beer, because it is terribly hot We'll see something else later for sure We're at Venice Square A girl from Greece came to us and asked what it was called. 3 times we said the wrong thing and she walked away

She was funny It's beautiful I didn't see this before when I was here Welcome to another country we visited during our trip This is the 4 country It is the smallest country in the world in terms of area and population Welcome to the Vatican The seat of the Pope. Everyone should have their own opinion, everyone believes in something different I have friends from every religion: Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims. Everyone can believe what they like, no one should be judged badly by their faith We'll try to get inside I'll try to show you something there They took our temperature first, now we have to go through the gates to be checked Safety measures He must be standing there all the time I was once inside here, and I was well impressed with how it was done there I hope no one's gonna tell me not to film there I'll tell you that even if you don't go to church, it's worth coming here and seeing because it's beautiful Everything here is so big, nicely decorated, I think it's worth seeing We're at dinner, beer, spaghetti and meatballs David has carbonare and wine And what did you order? Friends When he have food, I'll show you In Italy we eat everything Italian style I must warn you There are Negroes walking around, trying to get you to buy bracelets Once in Barcelona he talked me into buying a bracelet he put on my hand and I could pay any price They say you have nice shoes, etc. He walked up to David and asked what was on his hand, told him to hold out his hand and pressed the bracelet on him

He pissed us off a bit, watch out for them because they say free and then you have to pay a lot for it Here is the Pantheon From the year 125 A.D. Nice I recommend visiting Rome because it's worth it There are some amazing buildings here Now we're at the fountain di trevi From 1726 Look how many people are here Everyone wants a picture here The fountain is beautiful There are a lot of people here They throw coins in the fountain We met Poles who said that if you throw a coin with your left hand and it hits the fountain, you will return to Rome I think even if you don't flip a coin, you'll go back to Rome because Rome is great Traveling in Italy is a good idea because there are many nice cities, cool places to see I don't know where is David I already lost him for the second time today I can see him now This is a watermelon, and this is a lemon Have you ever seen a lemon like this? I'd like to know what farm this gentleman got his fruit from I've never seen a lemon like this I don't know what these lemons are made of I don't know what we can expect from this fruit You said these lemons were from Sicily They must have good fertilizer We go to one more place on the Spanish Steps David says it's normally full of people and now apparently they've banned You can't even sit there, the police are standing there. So there's definitely a ban It doesn't make sense They can sit here and they can't sit there It doesn't make sense It's 11:00 p.m. driving from Rome, we were at the station to take a shower which is free

Conditions are good I'm so tired after a day in Rome I'm really tired, we did a lot of walking, some scooter riding too, it was a very successful day We met a lot of Poles, I met a girl from Greece who I couldn't answer what building it was It was a very successful day Tomorrow we go to San Marino It is the second small country which is located in Italy I'm near Rimini, which we'll go to later Tomorrow is Saturday. We're planning to have fun That Pole's opening his bar tomorrow, he said if he closes it afterwards, we'll figure something out I think it's gonna be a good night I invite you to tomorrow's episode because it will be interesting, it will show San Marino, I myself am curious how it looks like Apparently you can visit it in an hour, so it's not big There won't be much to show, but it will show what's there Later there will be one more town in Italy there are 5 villages or 5 towns next to each other, so it will turn out how many days we will stay there I really want to see it I don't remember the name of this town because David made it up Later we're going to Monaco, I've already made an appointment with a Pole who works there He said he's gonna show us a lot, so we're gonna do a lot of sightseeing there If you haven't seen the previous episodes, I invite you to watch For those who don't subscribe, leave a subscription. We go eat dinner and continue on our way. Greetings, bye

2021-06-09 01:10

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