Kaldoaivin Erämaan Walloitus polkupyörällä (Bikepacking) - OSA1 - English Subtitles - 4K

Kaldoaivin Erämaan Walloitus polkupyörällä (Bikepacking) -  OSA1 - English Subtitles -  4K

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Hello hello! Welcome to my bike garage. It's a bit messy here, for I've been busy planning for Kaldoaivi trip. This has been in the schedule for two year. In 2020, it was cancelled. Now Kaldoaivi Ultra Trail is going through and I'm so exited to join! Parts of this video are made in cooperation with Kaldoaivi Ultra Trail They'll help me to get there, that's saving 1200 km driving there and back. The plan is to leave at Monday heading to Kaldoaivi Joonas Talka aka Kokovartalokommando is waiting me in there.

We will camp nearby Nuorgam, somewhere on a fell somewhere, from Monday-Tuesday Starting from Tuesday morning, we are set to go! The next three days we have to cover the route, that is 85 km There should be no need to rush, at any time during this trip Some fishing equipment will be with, with food and a plenty of other stuff The goal is to enjoy the stay and to spend time with my good friend Joonas. The planning for this trip has been effortless. No need to plan for the route, really. Kaldoaivi Ultra Trail has ready-made routes on their website. Two to choose from. The shorter is 85 km and the longer one is 135 km.

Too bad I can't go for the longer route, I don't have the time it'll take to spend. But, at the next time then! From the website, you can download GPX tracking codes. I took the 85 km route. There will be a lot of ATV tracks. A navigator is to be taken with. Also, traditional paper map will be needed. Lets go through some of the kit.

I've been choosing gear by trying out what I can fit in the kit and what not. I've got new bags for testing, this is Bikepacking set by Vaude. For something new to me, this trip will be made with a tent. Vaude Lizard Ultralight, seamless tent with a single set-up pole.

Weights about 1,5 kg. I did a little customization on my own on this. There were some smaller poles inside the garment, which I took off I closed the holes with velcro. Without these poles, the tent takes even less space All poles fit together in the same bag, with the actual central pole Also did add strings to all poles. Its so handy to keep them in order like this. With the added cord, you can hardly lose any poles. For example, if you stumble with your threads or would it be so windy. The handle bar bag will take a sleeping bag and merino base set with some socks Keli clothing merino shirt and the tent with poles.

For front fork bags, I'll put Vaude Hike 9 sleeping pad that's a nice, comfy and warm pad. All the sleeping equipment were there. The other front fork will take rain clothes. Trousers, hood, shoes guards, rain coat, another coat and gloves. Wool pipo for cold mornings, a mosquito net and a hat. A couple of trunk bags are for warm clothing Basic shirt, warm fleece, Sasta hiking trousers, socks.

Just to be sure, in the wilderness, if I'd had problems with my anckle I'll take with Thermoskin anckle guard, not that heavy to carry with Would there be something, I can help myself It'll get colder, which means I'll have more options for making food. Decided to leave water filter out, after watching several videos Ali Leiniö and Kanootti & Tomaatti were just in Kaldoaivi They took water straight from the streams. No need for a cleaner. A stove is needed, lets see what do we have regarding that.

A pan, a kettle coffee pot, Primus multifuel stove takes a variety of kinds of fuel What will I cook? Some eggs, pre-worked so that I'll put them in a plastic bottle Muesli, a good set of, with pea-barley talkkuna, just add the water. Some delicious meat, for making pasta, with some spiracha and peas. Salami, onion, garlic, potato Makuliha deer for making soup. We are to enjoy our time, so a bottle of red wine will come with. Delicious coffee is from Warrior Coffee some in grinded form and Woikahvi That's about that, I'm sure it'll taste fine! I'm hungry already! That was the gear about. Not so fast! There are a couple of extra bags on the frame.

I installed a seat bag on the frame. It's not meant to be placed here. But it suites well this setup. Inside, I'll pack some supplemental gear. Bike maintenance tools, spare tube, air pump, some lubricant. Puukko, a Northern knife suitable even for making firewood.

Fiskars folding saw, to work with a bit heavier wood. Toilet paper, a towel, toothbrush. All set up for the trip! We will see how the bags will do. Attachment mechanism are feeling sturdy. The tent, a sleeping bag, packed on the handle bar bag, with a spinning rod.

What else? I'd need to get some water bottles somewhere. Small bags around the handle bar are so handy for all the random objects. I had a bottle holder for the seat post in the garage. I installed it here. You can add up to two bottle holders on this.

There's a place under the saddle to fix this on. Also did found a pair of Canyon bottle holders that suite here just perfectly. Dropper post still works with no problem. That's my kit to go for Kaldoaivi.

I hope I have everything I need, not too much anything unnecessary. I'm excited to wait for tomorrow. We'll see in the scene of Kaldoaivi. Hi!

Good morning The accommodations differ for what I'm used to. I mean this tent. This is where I woke up, at the Kaldoaivi wilderness. I slept surprisingly well. Woke up around 8 o'clock.

The sun has risen long ago. I'm excited to get going, can't spare my self to just lay down. Let's see what is to be seen outside the tent. And starting up the breakfast cooking. I might have my bottom messed up with crowberries, they are plenty everywhere.

Hot water coming up for coffee. Teaming up with some bread. I'll make an omelet. Eggs from a bottle, adding some Makuliha cognag salami This will make up a nice breakfast bread. It's always the same, I feel like this is the best place I've ever been in. Can't say that one place would be the best of all. Having a breakfast outside, it's so great to be here. Kaldoaivi has it's own magic, close to Nuorgam.

The valley of Utsjoki is there, mountains of Norway visible on the other end. Time for a small prize lottery! Warrior Coffee product coming for free. Check their website to see, what kind of coffee would you want. Roasted Coffee and Butter Coffee. Butter Coffee is vanilla flavour. Roasted series has all the grindings and flavors, pick any you like. Drop a comment of what are your favorites. I'll pick up two random winners

They'll get delicious coffees. The time for the lottery is here. I'm going to finish my breakfast and drink the coffee. As soon as I'll get my comrade up from his tent, we'll continue.

Good morning, Joonas Good morning, Jaska This is Joonas the Kokovartalokommando my traveling pal. This is my first time in a true wilderness It's nice to have a friend with. Hiking with someone definitely gives support. I like to travel with a group. The most epic trips are often happening far off in the wild, good to have pals with Compared to the South, where you always have someone not so far away there is no one, anywhere close you. This place is empty and massive. We travelled 21 hours yesterday to get here. I made some calculations on the way

Kaldoaivi is the biggest wilderness area of Finland. It is 3000 square kilometers. To compare it to something, I calculated that you could fit several municipalities in Kaldoaivi is bigger than Helsinki, Lahti, Turku, Tampere, Kotka, Vaasa, half of Jyväskylä All these combined. Quite stunning. It makes you think about the vast area We are to spend three leisure days in here.

Some fishing, observing the fish to avoid our trappings Perhaps we can catch some on our frying pan I wish the lord of the weather would smile on us. It looks a bit worrying It sure we'll get wet at some point. Luckily our skin is waterproof. Forecasts have been changing all the time. On the fells I guess you can't trust them If there's any wind, the conditions can make a rapid turnaround. Although I'm not a qualified meteorologist Sounds convincing! This is like an end to a particular story When was it when we left from Narikkatori? Perhaps three or four years ago? We had Fillaripäiväkirja launch trip with Helsinki biking club A group of cyclists left from Narikkatori, three of us ended up all the way in Karkkila You were going to make a video on that? I still have the material Perhaps I'll finish it up one day. At the time I thought its too much of just biking. This trip to Kaldoaivi will be the last trip in Fillaripäiväkirja 2 I'm making a book of these trips The second Fillaripäiväkirja Ideas on how to prepare, photos, experiences, about bikepacking Real-life experience content sounds good! The book one had it's own thing, but some evolvement has happened It will be seen how the new book is going to be.

The basic concept is to present bikepacking as all-year-around hobby How to prepare according the season, what can you take with when biking I've been pushing the limits of bikepacking. Have you bumped on the limits? There's always something new Bikerafting, checked. Biking with a sledge done last winter on a trip to Torronsuo You got a sledge in Syöte as well Yes, it worked pretty nicely there I've tried fatbiking at winter, too, although you can't do it in Lapland at the middle of the winter, because snow is too deep and too soft. Following a snowmobile track we had some troubles. I was like how can Jaska do it?

I was out of breath all the time and when you stop to take a break, it'll be too cold It pushed you to the limits, tests your guts. One needs to be prepared. On your first bikepacking trip you probably shouldn't go with a sledge. This is not the easiest of hobbies It'll keep you in good shape There are a number of easier hobbies And cheaper The book will have tips for preparing and speculations of what is important We'll start to go through the map and planning the route Days will be around 30 km a day First, coffee That's eurasian golden plover It's been going in low pace. We've been traveling now for 4 hours 13 km behind us Not exactly the fastest of bikings With such a heavy load, your driving gets quite technical. Lots of ascensions Time for a break. There's a lot of cloudberries We foraged a cups of cloudberries for a snack with nuts and water We'll go on today so that it'll be about 30 km in total It's been raining a bit, but thats ok Yeah, it's ok Such a tiny rain will be dried off in no time.

Well, right! Will be drying by tomorrow maybe We'll continue in gray sky and the rain Would the cloudberries had been fermented or why am I losing balance Did you mess up your cloudberries? Yes I think I dropped some Lots of stones on the path. You really have to pay attention The rest of the route is of that small... Look at that, hold the map now For there on, no shelters have been marked We are now there, on the narrow part There are the wires, behind that hill I'd say we shouldn't go on much further Otherwise, we'll have to cover so much to get on an another place with water Let's take the next good location Welcome to Fillaripäiväkirja cooking school! This is our camp, just set up Luckily I took a tarp, being prepared for a rain We are in cover and making food Jaska is the cheft Military cookie! Fire up your stove. Let's see what we will get

We'll have deer, garlic, onion carrots and potato Ultralighters wouldn't agree your stuff Anything with water in it, not needed Ultralighters treats it will be then We'll prepare the vegetables and meat adding onion and then it is ready Don't cut your finger Be careful now This tastes good! Yes, quite delicious We can really enjoy Some travelling also happens Taking your time and traveling shouldn't be exclusive matters Days will come, when you have to go one, even if the weather is not good One you has to endure Bon appetite Thanks! Where's my spoon Salt? Help yourself Oops, rookie mistake After a rainy day, hot soup makes so good True, it tastes very good Joonas, what's on your mind today? 20 km of Kaldoaivi behind us I'm used to go on in all kinds of weather but travelling all day in rain gets on you It's not that cold, probably something like +15 C all the time The rain is not much colder, either So in a way, I'm not suffering from cold When you keep up on moving, you'll be fine Also, taking a break is no problem We were picking up berries, totally wet Even then it wasn't too cold The day was ok and obviously we have a few days to go on, still Biking went with no problem mosquitos, blaah I've been looking around, stunned Such a beautiful scene everywhere I wasn't put down by the rain The rain was not that heavy My coat is leaking water, I got a bit soaked. Preparations are the key Although at this time my outfit wasn't 100 % waterproof When it is raining, one should slow down the pace a bit, to avoid sweating With raincoats and such equipment, sweating might give you problems, too My trousers didn't stop water at all, although they claimed they are water repellent I'm totally soaked. Doesn't matter that much, as long as I feel warm This fabric is very thin, meaning that it won't soak water in endlessly It will be dry in no time. If you are wearing clothes that take water in better to let them get wet and only change dry clothes on when the camp is set up That way you don't end up getting all of your clothes wet at the same time You'll be warm enough if your breaks are not too long Sometimes your daily route is so long that you have to keep longer breaks if you skip those, you'll get problems Better to camp up then altogether The rain stopped about the same time we got our camp set up I don't mind the rain stopped now While traveling, it was raining all the time At the morning we managed to pack the camp dry and perhaps we'll manage to do that again if it won't rain tonight. One can't describe this route easy Not suitable for beginners Not suitable to go on on a city bike The map cover had a misleading picture Don't take on Kaldoaivi with this bike! A hardtail or a fat bike is the minimum Not sure if there are any neckbeards anymore to drive a MTB without suspension It is crucial to have a map with You'll need a paper map and the know-how to use it. We also have GPX navigation There are ATV tracks criss-crossing the route no signposts anywhere One must know at all times where you are The path won't give you much hints Animals, namely reindeer, made some appearances. And the golden plover

It is not the plover, there are many of them. They sound melancholic They were singing like everywhere That would be it for today After the meal it started to rain again Didn't go for fishing. I feel tired. It's about 9 o'clock I though to go to the tent, do some reading and wait for tomorrow A nice day ahead, I got my phone working for a moment and managed to check the forecast It should be sunny tomorrow Perhaps we can do fishing tomorrow Now we made bonfire from dwarf birches to grill the sausages. You should know that in the North this is ok to make a bonfire like this however, one must always see the local regulations of the park you are in Do the fire so that you'll remove a bit of the soil from under at the end you return the soil So that it looks like you never were here That belongs to the basic guidelines of hikers Also make sure you wet the ground under the fire, to avoid any damage A forest fire is impossible here, as there is no forest, but it is still possible to start a fire from on the soil. That's it for today Good night! The day looks gray again Maybe it'll be brighter, it is now almost half past eight I slept until 7 o'clock. Some headache Perhaps it'll get better after I've got some coffee and breakfast Oh boy, what a day! We had quite an adventure there.

This day wasn't that great. Currently it is raining, so tomorrow morning we'll start the work with Joonas to see if the bike can be fixed. We have to sort it out, to get back to the civilization.

2021-09-06 12:56

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