Kalbelia people - the snake handling tribe of India

Kalbelia people - the snake handling tribe of India

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You expert! On Indian road! Udaipur, Rajasthan India Bye, thank you Good morning Internet, it's 8:05 in the morning and welcome back to the channel Welcome here in Udaipur But today I am making my way to Bundi Which is a much smaller place It's not very far It's like 250 kilometers Which for me in India is a nice distance Oh, it's a gorgeous, gorgeous day again Sun is shining So it's only 10:30 but I've already done 200 km I was just riding on this uh.. main road Kind like a highway So It wasn't the most interesting route But it surely was fast This honking is crazy right? What a cool view on Bundi right? See this is a much smaller town Than the bigger cities that I went to Definitely worth it right? Very cool This must be the biggest Stepwell Because Bundi is actually famous for the amount of Stepwells Kind of in a similar fashion that I saw in Jodhpur All serve to keep the water supply available during the hot summers They have all these wells everywhere Very cute Nice arch Take a left I'm here right next to the.. .. The walls Of the fort. It's not a fort I think no? This way Not sure Hi What is your name? - Noraly What's your name? - Rushika Nice to meet you! Bye! Okay You have to go and then this way Right? Okay, thank you Please move There we go Oh, what's in there? Namaste! Uh.. Through here then Let me park up there I left from Udaipur and I am now here  in Bundi Yeah, I rode through here Like that So the homestay that I am staying Officially has the best view in Bundi Check this out I'm now standing on the terrace And this is the view! Can you believe that The palace is right here The chanting that you hear comes from that temple over there Apparently there is a nine day festival going on And this chanting is continuously being done for nine days So I think they will also continue in the nighttime I think But there's a couple of people that taking turns, that are chanting the entire time But that aside, it's just staying so close to the palace, is just amazing There are also monkeys everywhere. So you really have to be careful here with uh.. keeping doors open Because they will come, the monkeys will come That monkey just jumped into somebody's house Like a monkey invasion Look how many monkeys Just for fun See how I.. get out of here

.. the next morning Because I am going to meet Mr Kuki Who is a local here from Bundi It's all a bit tight here So I am on my way to meet Mr Kuki And I met him yesterday, at the end of the afternoon at the lake And he's going to bring me to meet some Kalbelias people Well actually, I'm rather I'm taking  him because we're going to go on my bike But um.. let me see, I got to go meet him at the lake And the Kalbelias people traditionally they are a nomadic people And they uh.. used to live from snake handling So catching snakes and trading in venom, trading in snake venom And so they would, if somebody would find a snake in their house They would call them and they would come, because they believe in not killing any reptiles But then in, I think, it was 1972 Came a new law, the Wildlife Act And since then they are forbidden to keep snakes So they were forced to make a living in another way But a lot of their culture is still intact And Well, they kind of live near the mountains And Mr Kuki is gonna.. .. Show me where they live. And introduce me to some people Not here yet, oh he is here Yes Namaste! - Namaste! How are you? - I'm fine Before time I came here I know, sorry I'm a little late Only two three minutes Sorry Good bike? These are red plates Ah ha I turn around? Can touch? - Yes, no problem Ah yeah, put the side step Good? - Yes First time behind a lady, woman Behind a lady, first time! - We go here You're always.. Now, I'm hero! In Bundi So many people jealous! Where we go? This way - This way You expert! On Indian road! Namaste How are you? - How are  you? - Good My friend Ah, your friend - Like my brother What's your name? My best.. my big brother My name is Gopal Mantri - Gopal Manti - Yeah Mantri  - Mantri Yes - Nice to meet you Where are you going? Hm? Where are you going? We're going to meet some Kalbelia - Yeah People Kalbelia people Yeah You like some water?  I'll have some chai - Chai, okay - Yeah Thank you Here? Here Now look, look right side All these kids they live here? The kids live here? Yeah What are their names? Sakin - Sakin Sakin Kiran - Kiran Good names For washing, shower Everything here - Yeah Bathroom There's a small little baby sleeping inside So cute That Rajasthani dance? Yes My shoes from Japan My trousers from England My hat from Russia From Russia But my heart Indian Noraly - Noraly Noraly, you very happy here and go back to home Yes Okay, bye! Bye! Bye. Oh, little one

Oh, mongoose! - Mongoose Good symbol! Mongoose cross the road it's a good symbol Ah ha, okay Nice to meet you Okay okay He say please hug baba I say before ready, before you.. Thank you Bye, bye! Kuki is telling the story about my first journey with Basanti to everywhere we go 25 countries, in nine months? Okay Goodbye! Yeah, wow That's amazing Park here, okay Do you know how old this temple is? 10th century to 13th century old. They call the Shiva temple .. for photography. I know every angle! It's amazing Inscriptions - Ah, there are inscriptions Ah, I see yeah So this is a Shiva temple And on the outside are two sons of Shiva Here is Ganesh Park here? Hello Hi Hello - Hi So the big spikes that you see on the gate They are actually to prevent elephants from pushing open the gate So it's protection against an army with elephants Left here? - Yes We are back in Bundi Our bench Yes Thank you today! Thank you! - Thank you today It was a good day no? Oh, thank you Can I drink this water? - Yeah yeah, of course Final hug! Thank you my lovely daughter Thank you I am back in my homestay in Bundi What a day, I really enjoyed it Kuki was an absolute legend He introduced me to so many  people, and I don't know wherever we went We managed to kind of collect a crowd, it was really funny And it was really nice to spend time with the Kalbelia people I didn't really film much when I was there Um.. because yeah, we were just hanging out and talking and they made me chai

And yeah, it was just really lovely They um.. they were just really happy to see me And it was nice to spend some time Um but yeah, I couldn't really film much there So I am going to end this video, that was it for today I really hope you liked it, if you did please give a big thumbs up Subscribe down below and then I will see you in the next video

2023-11-26 03:21

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