Jumna Dam 4WD-Bogged-hiking-biking what a weekend! Episode 1of 3

Jumna Dam 4WD-Bogged-hiking-biking what a weekend! Episode 1of 3

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[Music] [Music] [Music] are you there well hey australia welcome to this actually new year i am rafa mata and welcome to another episode of destination four-wheel drive so we are in the jamna dam this location is about probably two hours away a hundred feet 150 kilometers away from cairns west kent in the uterton taverns and as you can see it's very cloudy we arrived last night and i tell you we have not the best night of our life we literally this is pissing down rain we are on our tent and we don't know what's going to happen we don't know what's going to happen to be honest let's see it's a little bit nervous it's pissing down ryan there is a storm at the moment and has been raining all day and all night so we just decided to set up our campsite on a hill away from the diamond it's getting water is getting into the town because it's running from the from east to west and yeah it's too much water too much water can you hear the thunder so that's actually how he's getting in the water but it doesn't mean that we are very aware about the thunderstorm it rained a lot it was pissing down rain literally and well luckily we have this 10 which is pretty amazing honestly we're not sponsored by austen i know we are a little bit crazy because it's a wet season we just literally had a storm but anyway we love adventures so now it's coffee time let's talk with the chef babe you want to make coffee no you can make the coffee babe all right jesus the gemna dang was built by the loloma mine company between 1972 and 1981 and it was used to pump water to the mine by that time all right well the sun is out and i will introduce you to the new edition of the channel or to a live literally so we got those two bikes and we're gonna use it to explore and go on more adventures so i think it's time to get the bikes and just go for a ride it has a lovely sandy beach for camping and also a beautiful landscape that you probably won't miss but if you are looking for some fish in i tell you this is not the right place for you because there is no fish here or at least there is no big fish here the truck is just mad we couldn't even we couldn't we couldn't even do it with bike without bikes it's super slippery and wet and it's it's it's ugly it's ugly but nothing can stop us so we're working to get to the top and also it's a good workout [Music] in the last five years it has become more popular through the social media and four wheel drive communities so if you are coming here remember to look after the place and respect other visitors who's just saying i think this might be kangaroo paw because it's flower looks like a little kangaroo paw but i'm not sure if it is i might just be making that up well here we go we're going downhill now very wet let's see how we go i'm not an expert biking but we always begin somewhere and somehow so the truck is very slippery which make it harder to ride but if i'm sure of something is i won't go further the ground if i fall down so we made it to camp and now it's time to meet my friend wayne to see what he has prepared for us so i have to drive back out and see how the truck is after being washed up [Music] [Music] how are you good good how's your trip all right good good very beautiful country here yeah thanks excellent as you can see put you on a pretty good spot here for a camp ah awesome great little spot um we've got some actual little waterfalls we'll go and check out like one just over here and uh back up in the hills which is quite a little gem it's a nice quiet little area no one really sort of knows about so hey a bit of a special place yeah yeah i'm very interested actually when when you told me about the place uh and we start to drive through you know to to get here yeah this is it's beautiful okay all the way coming into the family it's just great yeah it's a great little spot like you're coming at right time it's usually pretty dry here but you come with a couple of inches of rain so everything's wet and greened out yeah actually on our way on our way here it starts to rain yeah so yeah we're expecting a little bit of rain tonight yeah it was forecast for some so so yeah let's see well i can't wait to get to get out there yeah we'll go and explore some stuff and have a bit of fun eh okay all right let's do that let's go [Applause] we take our way to the unknown adventures and i'm pretty excited already but surely things become in a very very difficult time just wait a minute this is our first obstacle and i can't drive through i'm bugged thank you yes i am i'm back so it is time for wayne to recover the stallion no jesus that honestly is embarrassing wayne is driving past me so that way we can recover the stallion vapor using the snap straps which would help to make the recover easier oh yeah um i'm checking my hops and one of them is not engaging so i jump on the tool to fix the problem luckily the problem is easy to fix and surely we are on the road again oh is that right i'm ready to send it uh [Music] i'm super happy i thought you were gonna stay here forever it is a good feeling when you fix the car on the truck on the road and the journey can continue so here we go [Music] again so this is the same track that we couldn't do by bike this morning and it's still wet and slippery but i tell you but nothing that the stallion can't overcome just airing out the tires a little bit till 24 psi and it's easy us finally ah about probably one hour just trying to fix the hub those little springs are super annoying when they get stuck they are nice so now wayne is showing us how the harlots performs on his backyard to get to the top listen to that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] so the waterfall is in a pretty steep gorge across the other side of the dam to get there you you have to walk down a pretty big slope across the creek and up up a mountain almost a vertical mountain basically to get there slow climb lots of loose rock crossing the creek at the bottom of the hill is part of the walking track well at least a walking track that we have decided to do and to make it more interesting there is a few balance tree that we have to cross look at that beauty wow wayne said to us that we were so lucky to see this waterfall running like this and it is because it rained the last few days so it is time to enjoy the moment [Music] [Music] so now it's time to come back and drive the car downhill but don't go too far because on our next video we have more adventures to show and more issues as well something that nobody wants to happen i reckon like quick sand yeah so after heat right through all that water start to go yeah so wet look at that [Music] so if you like the videos please subscribe and see you next time

2021-01-24 23:31

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