Assalamu Alaikum everyone and welcome back to the channel from Bukhara, Uzbekistan. One of the few beautiful, important and historical cities in the world where you will get to see so much history even today. I am very excited to see the city. And today I will try to give you a walking tour of the city. There are many historical buildings in the city. In my vlog from Samarkand, I explained the detailed history of the city.
The history of Samarkand and Bukhara is very similar. So if you haven't seen that vlog yet, go and watch it first. And then start this vlog. Because there are many things that I explained in that vlog. I may not be able to repeat in today's vlog. But I will try to give you a walking tour of the city.
I will show you as many historical places as possible. Right now we are at a place called Labi House Plaza. This is one of the favorite spots among tourists and locals alike. I will tell you about this. And then we'll walk to the other historical buildings. You can see a pool here with many cafes and restaurants.
Such pools were built in the 16th and 17th centuries. The water from such pools was used for drinking or bathing. But the stagnant pool water would cause many diseases. When the Russians were here 100 years ago, all such pools were closed in the city. Only this pool is left. You will see many historical buildings on the sides of this area.
This plaza has been renovated and modernized over time. But there are three historical buildings here. I will show you all of them one by one. When you walk towards the east side of the plaza, you will see the Nader Diwan Beghi Madrassa.
It was built in 1622. There is another important monument in this park. It is of Naseeruddin Hoja. He is mentioned in many Sufi tales and stories.
It is said that he was from Central Asia. But it is often said that he was from Turkey. You can see the Madrasa building behind him.
Let's walk towards the building. Initially, this Madrasa was built as a caravanserai. But it was converted later. If you look at the entrance of the front gate of the Madrasa, you will see a human face and a sun on its sides. This is very controversial.
Normally, you wont see such human faces, birds and animals on Islamic buildings. Let's walk inside the Madrasa. and show you what it looks like from inside. Most of the monuments here are well preserved. There are souvenir shops, cafes and restaurants for tourists. You can feel the caravanserai spirit here.
You can see the small domes for people who'd come here to trade. There are souvenir shops on this side. There are double floors here. The entrance of each room is beautifully decorated with different colors. The designs of almost all the rooms are different.
When you come out of the Madrasa, you will see the park with a pool behind it. There is another important historical monument on this side. Let's walk towards it. This is the Kukeldash Madrasa.
It was built in 1568-69. The entrance gate of this Madrasa is 80m high and 60m wide. The Madrasas that I showed you in Samarkand, and Nader Beghi Madrasa here, all are very different.
The doors of these rooms open towards the main road. Normally, all the Madrasas have a wall on this side. And the doors open towards the courtyard. But this is the first Madrasa that has the doors open towards the road. You can see the souvenir shops down there. Let's walk inside this Madrasa.
When you enter these buildings, you can feel the cool breeze. Even though there is no air conditioning installed here. The interior of this building is very different. Mostly, you can see the tile work. It is beautifully done.
There are small domes inside. This is the courtyard of the Madrasa. You can see a big door on the opposite side of the main entrance. There are big doors on both sides.
But on the other side, you will find all the rooms. All the rooms have a door that opens towards this side. This used to be the boarding school for Islamic studies students.
There is a large courtyard here. I am not sure how many rooms are there. We have seen two important buildings here. The third building is on the other side of the pool. Let's walk towards it. It's a very nice place.
Especially when you are tired after seeing all the tourist attractions. You can sit here and rest for a while. There is water because of the trees. The cool breeze keeps blowing here. We will visit it in the evening as it is much livelier then.
This is Nadir Diwan Beghi Khanqah. It was built for respectable, notable and holy visitors from other regions. It was built in 1619-1920. The feel of this plaza is similar to that of Samarkand's Registan Square.
These three buildings face each other. And you see these buildings one after the other. The atmosphere of this plaza is very calm. You can sit here in peace, especially because of these trees.
The exterior of this plaza has been decorated in different colors. Many renovations have been made on the sides. Different hotels have been built.
But their architecture is quite similar to these three buildings. So that they blend in and don't look like modern buildings. You get the exact same feeling when you look at this area.
You feel that these are very old buildings. But they are mostly modern buildings. Except for these three major buildings.
And right next to this plaza, there is a very historical trading center called Toqi Sarrofon. Four such trade centers were built here. Because Bukhara was a very important trading city of the Silk Road. Merchants from far away would come here with their goods. Bukhara was very famous among the Indian merchants. And many merchants used to come here from Multan.
They would buy merchant goods here to sell in Multan. You can see its dome from a distance. It is very beautiful and big. It has been renovated from inside and outside.
It was built in 1534-35. And later, the condition of this place was very bad. It was renovated in 1980. There are still some shops on the sides of this plaza. Because people can walk from all four sides of the plaza.
There are some souvenir shops, cafes and restaurants here. Some renovations are still going on. And there may be some hotels being built there.
I am walking through the small alleys of Bukhara. There is another very historical Madrasa here. It is called Char Minar Madrasa. It is about a 10 minute walk from that plaza. You can say that the plaza is almost in the center. Most of the tourist attractions are located there.
Or within about a 10-15 minute walk from there. We have almost reached the madrasa. There is a very small and beautiful Madrasa in front of me. As the name, Char Minar, suggests, you can see four minarets on the sides and a small dome in the middle.
This is my most favorite building so far. Because of its unique architecture and design. Of course the other buildings are also very beautiful. But that is a bit too similar. So when you see such a building, you really appreciate that. The building has four minarets and four domes.
It was built in 1807. I can now see a lot of tourists here. I have noticed something here that I also noticed in Samarkand. They use small electric buggies to take tourists from one place to another. The rates are also very reasonable. Just for $1-1.5, they take you from one tourist attraction to another.
All these historical buildings... I assume that it was as hot back then as it is today. But they were built in a way...
That traders could do their business here, comfortably. You can still feel that. There is no air conditioning here. But the walls are very high and very thick. There are small outlets inside the domes for air circulation.
When you enter, you really feel as if the place has air conditioning. You only realize when you go out again. This is sort of a small bazaar. Looks like, the locals are selling souvenirs, carpets, clothes, etc. for tourists. As soon as you enter, you feel a cool breeze and peace. But it's very hot outside.
I'm here for another break. This is a very famous cafe called Silk Road Cafe. It has a very beautiful interior. Built in a very historical style. I have ordered saffron tea.
They have also served some sweets. It looks like our barfi. Let's try it.
It is somewhat similar to barfi. Very sweet as well. These sweets are also available in hotels. But I think these are sweeter. I am not sure what this is called. These sweets are also available in Pakistan.
It's a sugar type. And of course, tea. I paid 70,000 som for this. It's almost $6. They said that I can get a refill for everything.
But I don't think we will need a refill. There is an air conditioner here. Let's take a rest for an hour or so. There are two or three more important monuments to visit. And we need energy for that.
So, I thought of taking a short break here. Time for some tea and rest. We have reached another beautiful historical place.
On the left, you can see the Madrassa Abdul Aziz. And on the right, you can see the Madrassa Ulugh Beg. And right in front of me is the Trade Center.
It has multiple domes. And the air circulation is possible through these domes. So that the area can be cooled down. Just like in the previous area, all the Trade Centers here are just like this one. Let's go inside and show you the Madrassa Abdul Aziz. And then we will go to the other side.
This is the entrance gate. You will see that the souvenir shops are right next to the entrance. Just like the other places.
And the area in front of me is the mosque. They have placed a ticket to enter the mosque. Approximately 20,000 Som.
But that's about 1.5 dollars only. So, not that expensive. And it is very beautiful from inside. You can see that the colors have faded a little, at some places.
You can see some cracks here and there. But the dome is very high. And it is symmetrical on all four sides. It is not a functioning mosque.
As you can see, it is a museum type. Open for tourists. Today, we explored and shared with you many historical buildings of Bukhara. But the place where I am right now, has many of the landmark buildings of Bukhara. Without these, Bukhara's tour is incomplete. You may also say that these are the most beautiful buildings here.
You can see three historical monuments here. On this side is the Kalyan Mosque. Right next to it is the Kalyan Tower. And here is the Mir Arab Madrassa. Let's start with this tower.
It was the first to be built, in the 12th century. Initially, when this tower was built, it collapsed. And then it had to be rebuilt. The total height of this tower is about 48m; top to bottom. And you can see that it is a little thicker from the bottom because it is 9 meters in diameter. And gradually decreases to 6m at the top.
When Genghis Khan attacked Bukhara, he destroyed the whole city. But he was so impressed with this tower that he ordered to leave this tower intact. Initially, this tower was used to call people for prayer and call people for prayer.
Later on, it was also used to watch the enemy during war times due to its height. It was also used to punish the criminals. They would be thrown off it.
You can say that this tower is an iconic tower. You will not find a tower like this, not just in Uzbekistan... But even in any other country in Central Asia. Right next to it is the equally impressive Kalyan Mosque. You can see that it is decorated with different colors. Let's walk inside.
This mosque was built in 1514. I am not sure whether it is a functioning mosque or a tourist attraction. As soon as you enter the mosque, you will see a hall on the left. It is closed and is being renovated.
There is a similar hall on the right side. The back part is also closed for renovation. There are some souvenirs here.
I think I have to pay the entry fee. Assalam Alekum. How much is the entry fee? 15,000.
I have paid almost $1.25 for the entrance fee. I have been told that it is a functioning mosque. You can still offer prayers here. The rest of the areas are being renovated. The rest are closed off for tourism.
Let's go and offer prayers in the mosque. I will also show you the other areas of the mosque. Entering the main hall. There is a beautiful arch in front of us.
It is closed off. I don't think it is being used. You can offer your prayers in this section. But this section is being used as a tourist attraction. If you look at the sides, you will see that the buildings are mostly in blue and gold.
But different colors have been used on the arch. As you leave the mosque, you will see a grand view of the Ameer Arab Madrasa. Unfortunately, the Madrasa is closed from inside. So I cannot take you inside. But I can show you the splendid view from outside.
Since this square is very popular among tourists, there are some cafes, souvenir shops and restaurants here. You see a beautiful view of the entire complex from the 2nd, 3rd floor. We may visit a restaurant there at sunset. There are still a few more places to see. I have finally reached the Bukhara Fortress. It is a massive structure.
It is hardly a 5 or 7 minute walk from the mosque. It is called the Ark of Bukhara. It was built in the 5th century.
Initially, the entire town of Bukhara was under this fortress. Later on, it became the residence of the royal family. You can visit a lot of places here.
Especially the courtyard where the ceremony of transfer of kingship took place. There is also a beautiful mosque here. It's not a functioning mosque but the interior is amazing. It has been transformed into a museum and tourist attraction. A lot of things have been brought from the mosque. The interior has been decorated with calligraphy in different colors.
There are many other things here. It was used as a fortress until 1920. It was never used as a fortress after the Russian occupation. You may call it a major tourist attraction of Bukhara now. Dinner has been served. You can see that we are having Pulao again.
I had dinner here last night. And I loved their Pulao. So I thought I'd order it again. It's a bit small in size.
That's why I ordered another dish. But it's not here yet. So I thought I'd have Pulao before it gets cold. Not only does it look good, but it also tastes good. It's one of the best Pulaos of this tour so far. Bismillah.
Our second dish will be served in the meantime. We have finished our Pulao. And now we have Uzbek Samosas. They are called Samsa here.
I think they have meat in them. I'm not sure what else they have. I have already tried it last night. I liked it. So I thought I'd try it again. Their meat is very juicy.
Take a look. Dip it in the chutney. Amazing. It's very busy in the city right now. Personally, I really liked this city. I've always wanted to visit Bukhara.
And we finally had this chance. I also tried to make a good vlog for you guys. To share my experience and visit historical sites. This is the city of Imam Bukhari. (RA) I hope you'll like this video.
Imam Bukhari's shrine is not here. It's very close to Samarkand. I'll visit that when I go back to Samarkand. And then to Tajikistan. We'll visit that on the way. I hope you liked my vlog.
I worked very hard on it. If I missed anything, I'm sorry. We might try again some other time.
I mostly tried to show you all the places. Remember me in your prayers. Don't forget to Like, Subscribe and Share. See you in the next vlog. Allah Hafiz.
2024-10-23 22:28