Japan Hour: Road Trip On Kyushu Railway (Part 3)

Japan Hour: Road Trip On Kyushu Railway (Part 3)

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(Local lines) Local lines take us to wonderful places all over Japan. From the first station to the terminal station, we'll look for great places not found in a guidebook. Breathtaking views, wonderful accommodations, and great food. It's a journey of enquiry to discover wonderful places that only the locals know about. All aboard! On this trip, the journey takes place on the JR Kagoshima Main Line and the Nagasaki Main Line, connecting Tosu Station, Saga, to Nagasaki Station.

It's a spring special three-hour episode in northern Kyushu. -Nice. -It's breathtaking! I see, I see. Two pairs of travellers relay on this three-day trip to find 15 entries in their guidebook. Are there any places you'd recommend around this station? -Around this station? -Exactly.

They keep discovering unknown places through enquiring the locals. -Here it is. -Thank you. Our travellers also enjoy local speciality gourmet foods. Amazing. Wow, look at that.

-It's soft. -It's plump. They also relax in an open air bath at a hot spring in the mountains. This is so nice. You're a monk! No way! However... It says they'll close their store for a while. Seriously? I was wondering if we could film this place.

-We decline. -What? Where is it? On this spontaneous three-day trip, travellers face some unexpected events! With the trip being so unpredictable, will they be able to find 15 entries before the time limit? Let's get started! All aboard our journey of enquiry and discovery! This is our three-hour special episode! (Kikitsu Station Hotel) Since our travellers still have time, they'll go to check in to their hotel. -Hello. -We called earlier. -Thank you for having us. -Welcome to our hotel.

It's a new hotel, isn't it? (Wide room, 5,700 yen without meals, 6,400 yen with breakfast) The two will each have this type of room. -It's dark out now. -Yes. -Thank you for the offer. -Director! The director will take the two to the Korean barbeque store by car. There were moments where I had no idea what would happen.

It's spontaneous and fun. Yes, it's very spontaneous. Sometimes it's fun. In about 20 minutes, they arrive at the store.

We are here! See? We couldn't have come on foot. -It's over here. -We're here. -Here it is. -This is Taisho. It's here.

-This is Taisho. Let's go in. -Go ahead. -Good evening. -Good evening. I heard you've got good aitchbone meat today. Yes, we have. It's already here. Which meat is this? Incredible.

(Yakiniku House Taisho) Yakiniku House Taisho is a restaurant as well as a butcher shop. Assorted Nagasaki Beef, which has won prizes in national competitions, is offered at only 6,000 yen for all this. Taisho offers highly marbled meat at a very low price. This is of course A5 grade beef. Cheers. Thank you!

How will you get back? -I'll hire a driver. -I see. That's assuring. -You can drink then. -You'll grill the meat for us? Have you been open for many years? It's been about 28 years. Almost 30 years.

It's a long-established store. Wow, look at this! Amazing. It's grilled quickly. It's a big piece of tongue. Thank you for it. It's amazing.

Incredible! Unbelievable. It's A5 grade meat, after all. That's why you only need to grill it quickly. If you want some A5 grade beef in Tokyo, -it'll be a lot of money. -Sure. -Very expensive. -Yes. Three times more expensive.

-Three times more expensive? -Yes, in Tokyo. Are you okay with charging one third of that price? This is aitchbone meat. -Here it is. -It's part of the thigh. Wow, incredible. Can I eat it now? This one is cooked.

Thank you for it. You can't help smiling. The aitchbone meat has even sweeter fat.

It's so tender. I love the meat flavour. It's incredible! So tender. I've never had anything like this.

-It's so sweet. -Me either. The 11th entry in the guidebook, Yakiniku House Taisho, which offers A5 grade Nagasaki Beef at a surprisingly reasonable price. We'll head to Nagasaki tomorrow.

Our goal is Nagasaki. -There'll be lanterns. -Chinese ones. -Lanterns? -Lanterns? -Nagasaki Lantern Festival. -Nagasaki? -Lantern Festival. -Lantern Festival? Is it a popular festival? Yes, it gets very crowded. One million people visit.

One million? When you say lanterns... -you mean the ones with lights? -With flames? Like paper lanterns? It's for Chinese New Year. I see, it's for Chinese New Year.

I'd love to see that. It's a journey on the JR Kagoshima Main Line and the Nagasaki Main Line. On the second day, they advanced to Kikitsu Station and found 11 entries. Will they be able to find the remaining four entries tomorrow? (The third day) -Please excuse us. -Thank you.

-Thank you very much. -The weather is nice today. Sure, Akko always brings good weather. -You too. -I know that. -What a nice view! -Yes. It's so nice out today.

-Let's go to the station. -Yes. It's right there. On their journey on the JR Kagoshima Main Line and the Nagasaki Main Line, they visit three different prefectures. This time, it's a three-day trip where two pairs of travellers relay to find 15 entries to create an original guidebook. The time limit is set at 6 pm.

On the third day, Ms Morio decided the stations to get off in advance. Where's the next station? From Kikitsu, let's go to Nagayo. -Nagayo -370 yen.

370 yen. It'd be great to find a spot with a magnificent view by the sea. On the journey of enquiry and discovery on the JR Nagasaki Main Line, on the third day, they will first go to Nagayo Station, four stops away. Here it is. It's a blue train. So cute.

Where should we go? That way? This way. Good morning. Between Kikitsu Station and Urakami Station of the JR Nagasaki Main Line, there are two routes: the old line that runs along Omura Bay, and the new line that runs straight through tunnels. The old line, which has been in use since the railway opened, has a great view of Omura Bay. The route is still very popular among railway enthusiasts. I can see the sea already.

It's pretty. Omura Bay. I didn't know we were this close to the sea. I had no idea. We're so close.

Nice. The water is clear. It's very transparent. -Yes. -It's pretty. I like this place. This is amazing.

It's a detour, but... -but you might as well take this route. -Yeah, by the sea. (Nagayo Station) In 20 minutes, the train arrives at Nagayo Station. Oh look! Suddenly, there are more people aboard. There are many passengers. It's a big station with many passengers.

Look at this. This looks impressive. She's arranging flowers. -Good morning. -Good morning. -Good morning. -Are you arranging flowers? It looks pretty.

Do you do this every morning? Not every day. -I do it once a week. -I see. -We're visiting Nagayo today. -I see. -We got off here. -We want to walk around.

Do you have any recommendations? -Around here? -Any spot that you'd recommend? Let's see... There's a park above this station. A park? -Over there. -What's there? There's a park. -There's a park? -If you go up straight. -If we go up straight? -Yes.

There's a park. Does it have a great view? Yes, it does. Really? Yes, it's quite pretty. Because you'll be high up. Can we walk to the park? You could walk there.

But there's that thing that goes up. Cable car? No, not a cable car. -Really? -Like a trolley? Yes, something like that. -What is it? -Is the park very nice? -Thank you very much. -Sorry for the suddenness. Sorry, my hands are cold.

-Thank you very much. -Thank you. Bye. -Let's check this. -Oh yeah, the next train.

-Maybe about three hours? -Sure. We might need that much time to go to the park. -Yes, we might. -Shall we take this train? -The 12:36 train for now. -12:36. -Let's aim to take this train. -Sure.

We can see it but it's quite far. -It's far. -It's quite a distance. It'll get uphill over there. I see it.

It's quite steep. Yes, it is. She said we could walk up, though.

-Good morning. -Good morning. We heard that the park is very nice. -Yes, it is. -Right? Does it have a good view? -Yes, it's very nice. -Really?

You know, there's also an observation deck. -Does it have a great view? -Yes. Have you been there? Yes, I have. -I often take my dog there. -You go there too? -You do? -Is that so? -You often go there too? -That's great.

Thank you very much. Bye. Sorry for stopping you. Bye, puppy. It's called Nakaojo Park. It's written so.

It says Nakaojo Park. It's a nice park. It's huge. I see, this is what she meant. There's a trolley.

-It's a monorail. -A monorail. -It opens at 9:00. -9:00. -It's 100 yen. -100 yen each.

Do we need to pay to get into the park? There's an information centre. Excuse me. Good morning. -I'm already out of breath. -Good morning. -This is BS Japan. -Hi there. -Could we film this park? -Sure.

Are you sure? Thank you very much. -Do we have to pay? -To get into the park? It's expensive to get into the park. -It's actually free. -You scared me.

Maybe nothing is more expensive than free stuff. Can we also do grass ski? -Yes, you can. -Now? How does that work? -Do you slide on your bottom? -You use this. Is it thrilling? Yes, it gets quite fast. That sounds scary. -Shall we try it? -Even elementary school kids can do it.

Shall we do it? Get the tickets? The two buy tickets for the monorail to the observation deck, as well as for grass skiing. (Nakaojo Park) Nakaojo Park is located on the east side of Nagayo Station. It was built on a castle ruins on a hill from the Sengoku period. I'm glad there's a monorail.

If it's just stairs... First, our travellers take the monorail to the observation deck. Towards the end of March... It's the season of cherry blossoms. Everyone says that. There are 400 trees.

Really? I'm sure it gets crowded during that season. I'm sure many people visit then. It's already a great view.

It's quite steep. It's impressive how they built this park on such a hill. It's as high as a seven-storey building. Is that so? Was this park built a long time ago? It's been about 20 years.

Twenty years? Thank you for waiting. -Thank you. -Thank you. -Thank you. -Thank you for waiting. Hello. -Hello. You're a good girl. -Are you leaving already?

Is that the observation deck? That looks scary. Right, Akko? (Nagayo Station) At Nagayo Station, our travellers head to an observation deck with a great view. Is that the observation deck? That looks scary, doesn't it, Akko? It looks scary. Oh, hello. Good morning! Good morning.

-Club activity? -Yes. -What kind of club? -Track and field. I thought so, you all said at once.

Can we go up this building? Yes, you can. -Good luck! -Good luck! Could it be that it only has stairs? Yes. -It's all stairs. -Really? It only has rails or fences.

This must be a great spot. -We can make this an entry. -Yes, please. Please, let us make this an entry. We are finally here. -We can see all around us. -We're here.

Incredible. We can see Omura Bay. It's a bit hazy though. -That's Omura Bay. -Omura Bay. -It's a bit hazy. -Yes, it is.

-But we can see it. -Yes. -It's glittering. -Yes. The view is breathtaking, isn't it? Impressive. We can see all around us. Wonderful. Next, the two cross the symbolic red bridge. This is very nice.

Look at this. -My legs are shaking. -We're so high up. My legs are shaking. It's so high. Is that the one? That's it! That's for grass skiing.

It's quite a steep hill. -Is this really the place? -I think so. I see kids.

Did you ski on the grass? No! We didn't! You didn't? -Next, they try skiing on the grass. -It was fun. -We crossed the red bridge too. -Sorry to keep you waiting. -Look. -Let's go. -The sleds are ready. -Yes. -They're standing by. -They're ready.

Shall we do it? You were the one who wanted to try this. I'm scared. Don't go yet. Hold it with both of your hands. Can I start with you? Two, one. Akko! Akko! -It was scary, wasn't it? -It was scary but fun.

It was scary, wasn't it? -It got quite fast! -Yes! Yes, it did. The 12th entry in the guidebook, Nakaojo Park, with a great view of Nagayo, which also offers a fun grass skiing activity. (1 hour 30 minutes till the 12:36 train) Since they still have time before their train, our duo will enquire to find another spot. We've had a lot of fun here.

But we still have 1 hour 30 minutes until our next train. Is there any other place you'd recommend? Here in Nagayo. Let's see...

It's a bit far, but... there's an old sake brewery which now has -just a brick chimney remaining. -A chimney? -Is it rare? -They also have a sake shop. They sell sake called Tsuru no Minato. -Is it a local sake? -Yes.

Tsuru no Minato. The sake is good to drink cold. Can we walk to the brewery? If you walk, it'd take 30 minutes. -One way? -Yes.

Okay. By the way, which direction is it? Keep going towards the downstream of this river. The river from earlier? -Towards Omura Bay? -Exactly. -Is the brewery by the river? -Yes. Should we look for the chimney? -I see, is it a large chimney? -Yes, it is. -Shall we go? -It'll take an hour to go and come back.

So we have 30 minutes to visit the place. -Thank you for everything. -Thank you. Let's go then. -Tsuru no Minato. -Tsuru no Minato.

We walk towards the downstream of the river. I guess we turn right here? Is it by the river? Yes, that river. -This is it. -I guess we go this way.

-That way. -This way? We need to go that way. It's a bit primitive.

We follow the flow of the river. He told us that it'd take 30 minutes to walk to the brewery. But if it's a flat land, we might be able to see the chimney from a distance. -That's possible. -Right? (Nagayo River) Both banks of the Nagayo River, which flows into Omura Bay, are well maintained so people can walk up to the river mouth.

The scenery has changed. Ships too. I think we're close to the sea now. I think so. I see some fishing boats.

There it is! -I see it. -It says Minato something. There it is. We found it. It says Tsuru no Minato. -Tsuru no Minato. -We found it!

They preserved just the chimney. -Hello, are you Mr Hirose? -Yes, I am. -Sorry. -Sorry for visiting so suddenly. You're taking care of your garden. We asked someone for recommendations for a famous spot, -and they mentioned this brick chimney. -Chimney.

It's the only chimney that we still have. Is that so? It's more than 70 years old. -Is it preserved as is? -Yes, it was built during the war.

(Liquor Shop Hirose) Liquor Shop Hirose was established over 100 years ago. It's a liquor shop that used to be a sake brewery. Their 1,000-tsubo warehouse was destroyed by the air raids of the Pacific War. Their brick chimney was the only part of the building that has survived the war.

Only the third one is still remaining. It's the smallest one, and we didn't have to offer it to the government. Only this one remained. This remained? Two larger pots were offered to the government to make bullets.

You donated them. We had to. They were taken away. When the atomic bomb was dropped at Nagasaki, this place was used to make rice balls as a relief supply.

(The old Nagayo Station building) Nagayo Station wasn't seriously damaged when the atomic bomb was dropped. Shortly afterwards, to send supplies to Nagasaki, which was devastated, four trains with supplies departed from Nagayo Station. At that time, this place was used to cook rice for the relief supplies, as the chimney and pots here were fortunately not damaged. Tsuru no Minato is a great sake representing the town of Nagayo.

The sake used to be produced here, but now it's produced by Senryu Brewery, a long-established brewery in Sasebo. They were kind enough to let our travellers try the sake. It smells great.

Thank you for it. -It has a refreshing smell. -It's refreshing. -It's refreshing. -It's refreshing. -It's easy to drink. -It is.

It has a fruity flavour and is refreshing. It really does. I can tell that this sake was made with great water.

It's very good. The 13th entry in the guidebook, Liquor Shop Hirose, with its historic chimney. -Thank you. -It's 1,260 yen a bottle. It's so cheap! It's so cheap. Our duo each bought a bottle of Tsuru no Minato as a souvenir.

-Sorry for the trouble. Thank you. -Bye. We had a lot of fun here. It was really great. -Their sake. -Yes, it was great. It'd have been too heavy, but maybe I should've gotten a larger bottle. How far should we go next? -We're in Nagayo, right? -Yes.

-But there aren't many stations before Nagasaki. -I see. -We'll go until Nagasaki, right? -Yes. There's a station called Urakami.

There's also Nishi-Urakami, which I think will be a big town. I see. Nishi-Urakami Station is two stops before Nagasaki.

Urakami. On the journey of enquiry and discovery on the JR Nagasaki Main Line, next, they'll find a place to have lunch at Nishi-Urakami, three stations ahead. Many people get off and get on the train at this station.

Sorry, this is a travel show -on BS Japan. -Is that so? -Sorry about it. -You're very well-proportioned. Are you going to Nagasaki? Yes, we are. -Are you two friends? -We're sisters. -You two are sisters? -Yes.

Are you going to see the lanterns now? No, we're going to Nishi-Urakami. -Have you gotten off there? -No. No? But there might be a great spot that nobody knows about. Thank you very much. (Nishi-Urakami Station) In 10 minutes, the train arrives at Nishi-Urakami Station. -Have a safe trip. -Sorry for bothering you.

Not at all. Thank you very much. All right. -We're here. -We're here. It's about 12:50 pm now.

We should take some time here. Why don't we take the train at 3:36 pm? -Yes, let's take the 3:36 train. -Okay? -We'll have about two hours. -Yes. It's crowded here.

Wait. -Hello. -Did you visit a shrine? Which shrine did you go to? Which one? -We went to Sumiyoshi Shrine. -Sumiyoshi Shrine. -He looks handsome. -He is. Is there a good place to have lunch that you'd recommend around here? The one we went to earlier was good.

Where did you go? It's called Kappo Tanaka, and it's next to a fish shop. You went with your family? -Yes, we went there. -Which dish was good? Tempura and sashimi set meal.

-Tempura and sashimi set meal? -Yes, it was good. Does this area in Nagasaki have good fish? Yes, I think they have good fish. -Thank you and sorry to bother you. -Thank you.

See you! They just visited a shrine. -They just visited a shrine. -We were like her once. That's true. This street car looks so cool.

Now I know that we're in Nagasaki. -It's so cute. -Yeah, isn't it? This one looks old, and I like it.

There are more stores on this side. It's a big shopping district. I like that it's an arcade. -Hello. -Hello.

Are you busy right now? -Do you work at a store? -Yes, I work at a butcher shop. Is there any good lunch that we should get? Nagasaki is known for its fish. Fish? Any place with good fish? -You can go to Tanaka. -Tanaka? -Tanaka! -It's over there. -It's famous here. -Did the other person mention it too?

Did they? What is their speciality? Horse mackerel. Horse mackerel. Sorry to bother you.

-Thank you. -Thank you. Getting horse mackerel is a good idea. This place looks nice. It looks nice, doesn't it? They're open. -Shall we go and ask? -Shall we? Excuse me. Wow, it's crowded.

Are you full? -I see. -Sorry. Sorry to bother you when you are busy. Thank you.

Thank you for waiting. They said no. They said no to filming. It's lunchtime and it's very crowded.

As their store is crowded during this time, they unfortunately said no to filming. -Hi, are you busy? -Hello. We're looking for a place where we can have lunch. Would Turkish rice be okay? Wait.

I only know the name. It's like a kids' meal but for adults. Kids' meal but for adults? I think it's open. It's right here. -What is it like? -What is it like? Do they have pasta? They have Napolitan. -They have Napolitan. -They also have pilaf.

-Pork cutlet too. -They serve them as a set meal? -That's called Turkish rice? -Exactly. -Do people in Nagasaki like this? -Yes, we all love it. It's high-calorie. Am I going to be on TV? -What dish do you recommend? -Anything? Anything you recommend? -Taro's Kitchen? -Right. We'll go ask.

Thank you, we'll ask them. Thank you very much. -Everyone is so kind. -Yes, they are. The Kyushu people.

Look at that. -Here it is. -Turkish rice. It's a set meal like that, and they call it Turkish Rice. Let's go ask. But it's lunchtime.

-Welcome. -Hello. They look busy. Excuse me. We're visiting this area on a travel show on BS Japan. We're sorry. -You're busy? -We understand.

Sorry to bother you. -They said no, it's not a good time. -No filming. It's just two ladies cooking. But it smelled amazing so I'd have loved to eat here. They looked busy.

-I wanted to eat here. -Let's find something else. They're having trouble finding a place as it is lunchtime. Will they be able to find a great place? What should we do? What should we do? -Hello. -Sweet potatoes? Baked sweet potatoes. We want to get lunch.

-What do you recommend? -What's the speciality here? -Chinese food in Nagasaki is good. -Chinese. What kind of Chinese food is famous in Nagasaki? -There's champon and sara udon. -Champon. -Sara udon. -Sara udon. Those things are famous. There's a place called Tenjo. -Tenjo. -Is it good?

-I often get sara udon from there. -Is it good? -He recommends it. -For lunch? They have thin noodles and thick noodles. Which do you prefer? -I like thin noodles. -I see. -Sorry to bother you. -Thank you very much.

Tenjo is here! -Here's Tenjo. -Let's ask. Will they say okay during this hour? It's their third try. Will they get a permission to film? Hello.

Would it be possible for us to film while we are eating? (Nishi-Urakami Station) At Nishi-Urakami Station, our duo has already been declined by two restaurants. Will they succeed at their third try? Would it be possible for us to film while we are eating? -Sure. -Are you sure? -Can our camera crew come in? -Sure. -Thank you. -You can come in.

-Sorry to bother you when you're busy. -Sorry. -Come on in. -Where should we sit? -They're so nice. Thank you. -Sorry to bother you. Should we get sara udon? Sara udon or champon. -Sara udon and champon? -Yeah.

I might get sara udon with thin noodles as the guy mentioned. Our speciality champon. -Do you recommend it? -Yes. Let's get that. We'll get one speciality champon, -and sara udon with thin noodles. -Sure. -Thank you. -Thank you.

Sara udon and champon in Nagasaki are served with vegetables and seafood. The owner is specific about the soup. He combines slightly salted light chicken bone soup with rich pork bone soup. Look at that.

Is this the large size? -No, it's our regular size. -Really? I can't believe this. (Sara udon, thin noodles, 700 yen) -Is it the large size? -No, it's the normal size. -Really? This much? -This much? -It's the regular size? -Yes. -It's the speciality champon. -Yes, the regular size. -Not the large size? -No.

-The regular size. -Really? Thank you for it. Nice flavour. I like the salty seafood flavour.

It's good. I like it. I like the crispy noodles. It has a lot of different ingredients. How are the champon noodles? Thank you for it.

How is it? The vegetables are crispy. The soup is very flavourful. -It mixes well with these thick noodles. -They're thick noodles. There are oysters. This really is a speciality. Yes, it really is.

The 14th entry in the guidebook, Tenjo with speciality sara udon and champon, made with great vegetables and soup stock. When I saw this platform, I was worried about this town. -But it turned out to be a big town. -Yes. Let's go to Nagasaki, our final destination.

-It'll be 210 yen. -Okay. On the journey of enquiry and discovery on the JR Nagasaki Main Line, our duo will finally go to Nagasaki, the last station of this trip. Here it is. It looks nice. Nagasaki. We're going to Nagasaki. -This is the last train that we'll take. -That's right.

-Here it is. -Finally, here we go! What should we do? Should we stand? -Should we stand? -Sure. Too bad we can't see this side.

(Nagasaki Station) In eight minutes, they arrive at Nagasaki Station, the terminal. Are you going to the lantern festival? Are you going there? Is it right outside of the station? -I've never been there before. -No? Really? Where are you from? -From Oita. -Have fun. -Have fun. -Have fun! -Nice. -Lantern festival.

-They're on a date. -That sounds nice. -They're on a date. -On a date. There are lanterns here already.

-It's pretty. -Look! We only have two hours? In two hours, we should see the lantern festival. Yes, we should see it. -Definitely. -Yes. Since they're already there, they'll go to where the lantern festival is.

Are you going to the lantern festival? Are you? -Do you want to go together? -Where are you going now? -Chuo Park. -Chuo Park. -Where is the park? -We'll follow you. We'll follow you. Though it was an aggressive move, our duo heads to Chuo Park with two students. I see Chuo Park. -I can see some lanterns already. -Me too.

Please say hi to your mother. -Have fun. -Thank you, bye! Thank you! -They're nice boys. -They're kind. -Look at that! -Amazing. Now I see why everyone recommended this. Nagasaki Lantern Festival originated from the Chinese New Year celebrations.

It's one of Nagasaki's most popular festivals. Over two weeks, in Chinatown, streets, and in parks, about 15,000 lanterns and decorations are placed. They decorate the city colourfully. Let's take a look. -They look pretty. -These look cute.

They're very colourful. Which is the most popular? How about this lantern? It's a mini lantern which is a lamp that turns on when twisted. Is this popular? Yes, this is popular. Look at these lanterns.

-The lights are on. -Yes, as it's getting dark. Lights are turning on. Our duo enjoys the lantern festival. Isn't this a good time to start enquiring people? We should get a map. They'll ask a staff of the festival for recommendations. Excuse me, this is our first time visiting the festival.

This is a show on BS Japan. It's a journey of enquiry and discovery on local lines. Do you know any unknown spots that are interesting? Will there be anything along the river? There are chocolate shops. Many of them opened recently.

Is chocolate famous here? -Chocolate. -Yes. -It's right where Meganebashi is. -Okay. Is chocolate a new trend here? Yes, there are many stores in this district. Could you recommend one of them? Right next to Meganebashi, -there's a place called Bridge. -Bridge. Is it good? What do you like from there? It's trendy.

I like sweets, so I like their milk chocolate. -Milk chocolate. -He recommends it. -Thank you. -Sorry to bother you. Thank you for all the information. Shall we go to Meganebashi? -I enjoyed the atmosphere. -It was great.

-I finally understood. -It's a lantern festival. It's all yellow. I see it. -It's pretty. -It's pretty. -It's pretty, Akko. -It's pretty. It's pretty.

It's pretty. -It's pretty. -Look! Which way should we go from here? Finding an entry is more important.

They don't have a lot of time before the time limit. -There's a girl. -Hello. -Do you know the chocolate shop Bridge? -Bridge? I've never heard of it.

-I see. Thank you. -Thank you. Thank you. Sorry. Sorry. Do you know a chocolate shop called Bridge? -No, I'm not from here. -Okay. Sorry to bother you.

-Hello. -Excuse us. I see. -Many people are visiting. -I see. -Around here... -Do you live near here?

Do you know a chocolate shop called Bridge? No, I don't. -There are chocolate shops here, right? -New ones. You don't know? -Bridge. -I don't know. -You don't know? Thank you. -Thank you. Where is it? -You know it? -Bridge? It's by one of the bridges.

Is it Meganebashi? -I think so. -Thank you. -Aren't you Ms Matsumoto and Ms Morio? -Yes, thank you. -That's very helpful. Thank you. -Thank you. -It's a chocolate shop that's new. -That's right. -Sorry if it's not Bridge. -It's fine. Thank you.

-Thank you. This is great. -Thank you. -So it's this way. -This way, after all. -Is it not here? -We came from this side.

Is that cafe logo for Bridge? It's a new chocolate shop, and not a cafe. -Wait. -It's not that one, is it? Is it the one next to the castella shop? It says Bridge. It's here! It's quite far. I almost gave up.

It was one bridge ahead. I almost gave up. The store must be popular. The store seems crowded. Will they get a permission to film? Maybe it's okay to film outside.

This is a TV show on BS Japan. We're on a journey of enquiry and discovery. Not inside of the store... (30 minutes till the time limit) Our travellers visit a chocolate shop near Meganebashi.

This is a TV show on BS Japan. We're on a journey of enquiry and discovery. Is it crowded inside? We don't know for sure yet. The cafe is full and people are waiting. So we can't use their cafe but we can still buy their chocolate.

-Hello. -Sorry for the trouble. They've got permission to film just the store. Opened three years ago, this is Spectacle, a store specialised in chocolate and Bridge, a cafe attached to the store. In honour of Nagasaki, where chocolate is believed to have been introduced, they sell various sweets with fancy designs inspired by Nagasaki. (The packages are inspired by Nagasaki) -Someone recommended your milk chocolate. -That's right. Do you have milk chocolate? We sell milk chocolate that looks like lanterns.

By the way, what do you recommend? I recommend the matcha chocolate. Matcha! Our duo buys the recommended milk chocolate and matcha chocolate. -There's one. -Can we sit next to you? -This is great. -I'm glad we found an empty bench.

-It's great. -This is the best spot. This was recommended by the festival staff. Thank you for it.

It has a great cacao flavour. It's milk chocolate for adults. Yes, it's quite rich. It's milk chocolate, but is closer to dark chocolate.

The manager recommended this. -Matcha? -Matcha. At first, it's mild and creamy.

-At the end, I taste the bitter tea. -It hits at the end. The 15th entry in the guidebook, Spectacle Bridge, a store specialised in chocolate and a cafe. Now they've found all 15 entries. The JR Nagasaki Main Line trains we saw on this trip were quite interesting. There were fancy ones. -Some of them had box seats. -That's true.

-From unnamed stations to large stations. -Large stations. It was fun. I'm so happy I got to travel with Yumi Morio, who made her debut as an idol in the same year as me. It's been 35 years. It's a trip celebrating the 35th year since our debut.

-Thank you. -Thank you. Finding new places through new meetings. With those many meetings, helping each other. To everyone who helped us on this heartwarming journey, thank you very much! Subtitles: SDI Media Group

2021-07-15 00:38

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