Italy road trip (Emilia Romagna, Veneto)

Italy road trip (Emilia Romagna, Veneto)

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To our new video. Uh, we are in italy, we're on a road trip, to two regions, to veneto. And to emilia romana. And we're starting in. In, parava. We are now at the biggest, square. In italy. And one of the biggest squares in europe. Which, is prato de la vale. And. It's a. It's a, round, square, with a canal. With many beautiful, buildings. Statues. A good start i have to say, now we're gonna check out the city and then move on to the next. One. Padova. Was very nice. Well, worth. The visit. I would, my recommendation, is especially the basilica, of saint. Anthony. It is really nice it was sunday so, the entry was free. Some people also use it as a hub for venice because it's so close and there are very very good, train connections. Now we are in. Vicenza. After, the first two stops, we arrived, at. Post-apocalyptic. Verrona. This is the main reason of our trip so far. We will. Main reason, of the day, okay. Of the day. Let's go and search for romeo, and juliet. Main reason. Of her visit. Pasta. So. Juliet, is not accepting. Visitors, today, no, so we will console, ourselves, with some comfort food. But i think we've come just in. Place. We're going to the city. Second attempt, to find, juliet, at. Home. As we mentioned before there was a big big storm yesterday, so we had we actually had to, clear the parking spot of, all the branches, that. Fell from the tree yesterday. The furniture, is closed. We are going up to castel san pietro. Walking. What can we. Do. Everyone, wants to see. Juliet. How did you like verona. Lovely. But it's not as romantic, as venice, was, two months ago it was already a bit busy but still. Worth it. And now because we were just so close, we came to. Lake garga, la garda which is the biggest lake in italy. And. Now we are enjoying the pool but later we're going down to the lake see what i have. How it looks like. Have some. Gelato. So far. So good. Really nice, the beach where we were before, here's the text. They let us in at 5 30, without entry without entrance. Usually, entrance fee for the whole day is 16. No 13. Now we're gonna. Hopefully, go enjoy gelato, as you promised before, but so far.

It Feels like being at the. City. Good morning, a new day, uh we're starting at. Uh. Madonna. I'm not gonna comment on the name, it's a beautiful. Sanctuary. Dedicated, to virgin mary. Uh you park, up in the village of. We'll leave the text in and just walk down for like 15 minutes maybe. Alongside, the path you will have the. Passion of christ. It is really well worth it no entrance. Fee. Just one more tip before we go back to the lake, come early. There's some mess, at 10 o'clock. And everyone's. Coming around ten so try to be here. At nine. So that you're done by ten yeah okay now back to the lake, we are back at the lake. In siermine. Because yesterday, when we posted that we are on lake carta. Everyone. On instagram, was writing us you have to see sermiana. So we came here we did it was really crowded in the beginning so we had to park outside of the peninsula, we just kind of, like 30 minutes walk, but the parking is cheaper there yeah so then we came here to the castle, and then we went on a boat tour. It's. 10 euro. 30 minutes, we would definitely, recommend it because you can see, the peninsula, from all sides because, up until now everything was like privately, owned so we couldn't really get to the to the beach, but. North of this. This place you can actually walk around the beach and look for if you want to swim, look for jamaica, beach, it's a public, beach where you can swim and it's really nice it looks it looks really. Okay let's go to the city. Okay. So. And now some random trivia, about my my wife. She's probably one of the biggest, fans, of balsamic. Vinegar. In the world. She doesn't use it as a dressing. But she uses, it as i would say as a side dish. And of course i had to bring her to. Madana. And now we are here at the tasting, of balsamic, vinegar, and let's see how they make it and hopefully, we'll get to try. Something. Vinegar, will never be the same again. By sheer luck we ended up at the family, who is the oldest, in this. Balsamic, vinegar. Making, industry. Actually and they've been doing, they've been doing it since, 1605. Yes. Now we're off to bologna. Oh. What. Before we go to bologna, uh the tour is free, yeah and at the end and tasting is free everything is free but at the end i think they will they will have you and you will buy something because it's so good and it's not even that expensive, we bought. Some bottles we even bought their. Best. From the igp, line and in total we paid i think around 70 euros, which is good. And now it's bologna, time. We came to the tourist info to get the map. And simona, is. Figuring, out. What we're going to see, any plans. Yes i would like to go to. Vito san luca. Which is, outside of the city with a great view of the city. Then here in the city center we have, many. Old buildings. I would like to see the library, and the stuff around the old. Click. I would like to see the stuff around the old university, because as we all know. The first. University. Was.

Founded In bologna. Yes. Otherwise. Try some cheese. Parmigiano. And. Yeah, it's already quite hot for so we're gonna try to stick to the, to the shade as much as. Possible. That was a quick lunch break in. Market. I had to look. Uh it's a very good alternative, because yesterday for dinner we, saw that maybe. The food is a little bit expensive, but here. It is, very reasonable. Um. Moving. On. After a proper, mediterranean. Siesta. We're heading to. Madonna. Uh you just take the bus number. 20.. And then you start walking up the longest. Portico, in the world what is this. This is a combination of these. Archways. And there are. 666. All the way up to the top, and bologna. Has around. 40k. 40 kilometers. Of those, archways. Through the. City. I think this was my favorite thing in bologna. The madonna. But after this hike now. Food. We were just too hungry before. We forgot to film. We like polonia. We had two nights so one full day and i think that is, enough. To see the basics. You can also spend just one month. Definitely, do not miss, madonna. I think that as i said, i think that was our show that was really nice. And also the. Old market district. Very nice, very nice shops. So much good food. Just the portions, are a little small for us i don't know if our. I don't know if, we are in small pinks, or, i don't know. Uh we're to stay definitely. In the historic, center, because, uh. Yeah it's easier, if you have a car you're gonna pay for parking just deal with that. Tomorrow morning. Moving on. A new day, has brought us to, a new country. To san marino. In the times of uh pandemic, we managed to add a new country to our list. Yeah, uh i don't know how, this is still a thing it's an enclave. In the middle of italy, and you could just drive up to it we park for 1 year or 50 per hour. And it's the fifth smallest, country in the world. Thank you for that, let's. See. We are back at the car. It took us a little bit less than two hours. To see the whole thing i think maybe you can. Stretch it up to three or four if you want to go to the castle and stuff. But i had a nice breakfast. But couldn't have different plans now. Food, and drinks, are cheaper, than in bologna. What the plan is. What to go to the beach, to go to the. Beach. And this is. Rimini. Uh. And this is a classical, example, of this italian, beach system of lido's, where you have to. Pay to get to the beach, and, there are some. Free beaches, but, not many, not many but we found the cheapest version is that you just rent a. Beach chair. For six euro. Without. Without the umbrella, umbrella. So you can go to the beach and use the facilities, and we did just that because we're not gonna stay for the entire day, but yeah. The water um, we just got spoiled a little bit, on our last trip in croatia, with the clarity. But it's still nice. You can swim. It's. Warm. After the beach we arrived in ravenna, yes, and on the way here we stopped at the in. Cesanatica. Or something like that it's a great stop it's in the middle. And it's kind of a, small.

Town With canals. And a cool. Boat museum or something like that yeah. Um. We are here only for one night and we'll see what we can do i think the main attraction is the dante's grave. We'll try to see that but we'll do that in the morning because now it's closed, because it's already, quite late. Let's see what we can do. Here. Dante's, tomb, is being. Renovated. Uh now we actually saw that the main thing actually here are the mosaics. But, if you want to see them all there's only a joint ticket, which is just 12 euros. Yeah but we didn't have time for that but 12 euro and i think there are like five different places where you can see them yes, but if you look closely. In the churches, you can see the mosaics. Yeah so you don't have to pay for the ticket. You can actually see them but if you're interested, of course do that, so far ravenna, felt the most, local. Moving. On. And now we are in kiyoja. Uh i wanted to take simula, here because i've been here actually before with the university. And i remember it being it was like small venice. Would you say this. Um, yeah, it is a little bit, a little bit a small version, but on the way here we stopped, at the. Where. I forgot the name. Machoto. On the way here, we stopped, at, i think it's called, komacho. Komachi, something like that. Which is also, a lovely. Lagoon, city, with. That's funny. With. Uh with khanas. And. I think they are famous for eel hunting, or fishing. It looked very photogenic. But now let's take a walk around. Kyoja. Less. Pizza. And that was our last, stop, uh sorry for doing this at a random place but we're losing daylight, so we have to do it, and for some reason, somehow simula, always you manage, to. Come here every time we're in the area. To the outlet in noventa de piage. But then i end up getting something and you don't. Usually, yep. Our trip to veneto. And emilia romano. Has come to an end if you want to see more about the crown jewel of veneto, of venice. Check out our video for perfect weekend in venice. Which we. Went on i think a couple of months ago. I would say i really. Enjoyed the trip. But what i would recommend. Don't do it in the summer. It's hot, it's a little bit crowded, and it's hot. It's very hot unless, i mean you're not at the seaside, if you can stretch your budget a little bit maybe get something with a pool but, that can get quite pricey. Especially, in august. Don't come in august because in august. All the italians, have. Fargosto. And. They're not at home they are, they are where you are i think a perfect time would be like late fall early early spring maybe, yeah. We hope you liked the video. As always like and subscribe. Over here. And. See you next time, we'll see you when and. Where. Now we can go. Home.

2020-11-18 07:26

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