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Welcome from Italy Today from the south of this unbelievable country! the Amalfi Coast & Naples! In this Video i show you the place where "Diego Armando Maradona" became a God and still live in the streets of this beautiful place! Discover with me the south of Italy as you have never seen before! Subscribe to my channel and come back for the next Video! & so much more! Activate Subtitles! Welcome from Postiano, in the south of Naples. I will now show you the beautiful village, Postiano. Positano is a tiny seaside town on Italy’s scenic Amalfi Coast.

It draws millions of tourists each year due to its colorful cliffside residences, magnificent beaches, and quaint streets. Positano’s stunning coastal views and colorful buildings have attracted filmmakers for decades, including the 2003 romantic comedy “Under the Tuscan Sun.” Positano has been a popular destination for many famous figures, including Mick Jagger and Keith Richards from The Rolling Stones. The duo wrote the classic song “Midnight Rambler” in Positano’s cafes during a holiday, inspired by the town’s vibrant atmosphere and stunning views.

Positano, known as “The Vertical City,” is famous for its unique architecture and steep mountainsides. The town’s colorful buildings seem to climb endlessly up the cliffs, creating a breathtaking sight that is truly one-of-a-kind. Visitors can take in the stunning views of the town and the Mediterranean Sea from various viewpoints, and after about 8 hours, they can enjoy the sunset over the vertical city. The famous Neapolitan song “Scalinatella” was inspired by the long, narrow staircase in Positano called Via Trara Genonino, which leads from Punta Reginella down to the Marina Grande beach. During the early 19th century, the famous Neapolitan artist Vincenzo Caprile lived and taught in Positano. Caprile’s unique style and innovative approach to art continue to inspire artists, and admirers to this day.

Positano, the picturesque town situated on the Amalfi Coast in Italy, is a World Heritage Site designated by UNESCO. The town’s unique and well-preserved architecture, characterized by narrow streets, colorful houses, and terraced gardens, contributed to this designation. The local authorities have implemented a strict building code to ensure that the town’s character and charm are preserved.

The code prohibits the construction of new buildings, protecting the historic buildings, that date back to the 16th century from demolition or alteration. According to the Greek Mythology, Poseidon is the one who created the village of Positano. He did it to show his love to Pasithea, the goddess of rest and relaxation. The city started to grow later with the Romans, who came to the Amalfi Coast and built a very luxurious villa on the beach.

From the IX century to around the mid 1600s, the coast was raided by pirates, who came and killed everyone in the cities, stealing everything they could get their hands on. It took 150 years to build the road on the coast There is one single road on the coast, that goes from Sorrento on the northern side all the way to Amalfi. This road is called Amalfi Drive, and used to be the Strada Statale 163 (SS 163). This beautiful road has been used as a scene for many movies, and if you’ve played racing games you might have seen it in Gran Turismo 4 or Forza Motorsport. Many of the houses in Positano, and on the coast, have beautiful white domes. But did you know they were filled with sand? Well, sand is a great insulator. It was used to keep the houses warm in winter, and cool in summer.

Wonder Woman was filmed on the Amalfi Coast Did you see the recent Wonder Woman movie released in 2017? Do you remember the beautiful wild Amazon island of Themyscira? Well, I bet you didn’t know this was in fact the Amalfi Coast! The coast is a very popular honeymoon destination for celebrities Roman Emperors were not the only one to love the Amalfi Coast. It’s actually a hotspot for Hollywood couples, who love to spend their honeymoon on the coast. Among many stars, it was picked by Kim Kardashian, Jamie Olivier, or even Mark Zuckerberg. Lemons are the unofficial symbol of the Amalfi Coast You’ll see lemons everywhere on the coast, and they might as well be the unofficial symbol of the area. The Amalfi lemons are known as Sfusato Amalfitano; this unique local variety is used for many dishes, and locals use it to the last drop.

Juice, leaves, the peel and the flesh are all used in local gastronomy. The most famous product made out of lemons is probably the Limoncello. It’s one of the most popular liquor in Italy, and you need to try it when you’re visiting the coast! When visiting the coast, most people have no idea of the rich marine life that’s right there in the sea. If you go snorkel on your own, or join a boat tour with snorkeling equipment, you will be delighted to see plenty of fishes, octopus, sea urchins, and even turtles! The Loggerhead Sea Turtle is the kind of turtle that you can spot in the water near the cliffs of Sorrento, where they come to lay their eggs. There are no trains on the coast This might come off as a surprise, given how popular the coast is, but there are no trains on the Amalfi Coast.

The closest you can get by train is Naples, Salerno or Sorrento. If you want to reach any other town, such as Positano or Amalfi, you will need to take the bus. The lack of public transportation on the coats is one of the few reasons, as to why Cinque Terre is better than the Amalfi Coast. It was one of the first producer of paper in Europe in the Middle Ages! In the Middle Ages, the most used material to write on was parchment.

But it was expensive, and difficult to make. The people of Amalfi were the first in Europe to use paper, brought from Ancient China. They produced a paper known as Charta Bambagina, a hand-made thick paper that cost way less than parchment. The only land route to the Amalfi Coast is the 40 kilometres long Strada Statale 163 which, runs along the coastline from the town of Vietri sul Mare in the east to Positano in the west.

The annual feast days for Amalfi’s patron saint, Sant’Andrea, are taking place from June 27 to November 30. The huge, aromatic lemons that grow in Amalfi Coast leads to a well-known local product, Limoncello liqueur, you have to taste! Even though many people consider Sorrento as a part of the Amalfi Coast, it actually belongs to the Gulf of Naples. Italy has 55 world heritage sites, more than anywhere else on earth. They cover the entire country, and range from Mount Etna to the Colosseum. Italy is the fifth most visited country in the world Almost 65 million people visit Italy each year. Given that most head to Rome, Florence and Pisa, it's still possible to find uncrowded places.

Try Castelmezzano in Basilicata or head to Camogli in Liguria. The average age in Italy is 45.7 years, giving it Europe's oldest population. In world terms only Japan's population is older. And estimates suggest the average age in Italy will be 54 years by 2050. Italians also invented corrective eyeglasses. They were first made in the 13th century, and used mainly by monks.

Previously Ancient Romans had used magnifying glasses, but medieval Italian eyeglasses were the first to be worn. Pizza was invented in Naples! Our Next Place in this Video! Pizza gets a mention as early as 10AD. But modern pizza was born in the 1700s and it originated in Naples. Over 20,000 Italians work as baristas and the country's average household coffee consumption is 37 kg a year. You can drink espresso any time in Italy. But it's an unspoken rule that you don't order Cappuccino after 11am.

Italy produces about 54,800 hectolitres of wine a year compared to 49,000 hectolitres produced by France. Italy's also the world's largest wine exporter with most exports going to Germany, US and the UK. Now we are in Naples! With a total area of 119 km² (46 square miles), Naples is a huge city. It’s actually the 3rd biggest city in Italy, after Rome and Milan. This might be one of the best food facts about Napoli.

The pizza as we know it today was invented in Naples in the early 19th century. Naples is located right next to Mount Vesuvius, the volcano who erupted in 79 AD and destroyed the city of Pompeii. You can see the volcano from the city, and it acts as a reminder that life is ever so fragile. Naples is a hilly city, and classic transportation methods are not always the best.

This is why there are 4 funiculars in the city, to make commute easier. The Central Funicular is the most recent one, and it was built on October 28th 1928, after 2 years of construction. It’s now of the most used funiculars in the world, and it carries more than 10 million passengers each year. The historic center of Naples was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995.

More than 10km² (3.8 square miles) were included in the area, which makes it the largest city center in Europe. The history of Naples begins in the 7th century BC: the Greek came to Italy, and founded a new city called Parthenope. In the 6th century BC, the Greeks re founded the city, naming it Neapolis, new city. Parthenope was then called Paleopolis, or Old City. The Port of Naples is one of the biggest passenger ports in Europe! Built on the bay of Naples, the Neapolitan city has a major harbor.

The Port of Naples is huge, and the main activity is passengers transportation: more than 6.5 million of passengers go through the the harbor each year, making the Port of Naples the 12th biggest passenger port in Europe. Naples was an important city for Fascist Italy during World War II, and as such, it was one of the main targets for the Allies.

The city was the second most bombed city in Italy, after Milan, and it suffered 200 air raids. Huge damages were sustained by the city, with more than 25.000 people killed, and the destruction of major monuments such as the Church of Santa Chiara (now rebuilt).

2023-07-31 20:39

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