It's ALL about PATIENCE - capturing the Alpstein, SWITZERLAND

It's ALL about PATIENCE - capturing the Alpstein, SWITZERLAND

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I took this image. In the year, 2017. Before emigrating, to south america. But wasn't satisfied, in the end and i wanted to recreate, it, now that i'm back in switzerland. I've got my chance to make it finally better. However. Also my second try didn't go quite as planned. This video. Is all about patience. So almost, ready. Charging the last batteries. Then i have. A very old backpack, i found i think it's for my for my father. Yeah it's going to do the trick. For now. And i'm preparing the food i think. Bread with cheese, fruits, and boil deck, will work fine for me. So everything, is packed. Now let's take this. Big boy. Here. So. Do. It's so nice to be finally, out in the mountains. After month of lockdown. Welcome. To albstein. And. Kreuzberg. You can't see anything at the moment. As you see. Clouds are all over the place. That's uh. Not a very promising, start, for the first hike, back in switzerland. But, uh. I'm not losing my hope. I. Think, these clouds, will may. Clear up a little i don't want that to go away. Completely. But. Yeah. Let's, just be patient. And. Hope for, really good. Conditions. Yeah. Well um. Normal day of a photographer, you know. But. Look at this. It doesn't look good at all. And. I am missing the sunset. The sunset is right now so. Sunset, shots. Are not happening, today. Then. I'm not sure if i can. Or if i should stay here for the night. Now is the is the, difficult, decision, to. To make. I mean i'm. I still have a. Little hope, left. That it's, going to clear up at least in the night, so um. I can take, some nice, photo of this mountain. With the stars. But if it's staying that cloudy. So i decided. Uh. Go home. Um, it's just. As you see. It's very foggy. And. I i don't think. It's going to clear up. I checked the weather forecast. And. It. It says that it's going to be cloudy. Uh the whole night, and tomorrow for the sunrise, as well. Uh i came here for. Three pictures. Of this landscape, here. Uh one for. Sunset. Then in the night with the with the milky way. And sunrise. And. When two of these three are not going to happen. And maybe the third one as well. Then. It's probably. Probably a better idea. To just walk back. And come here, another day. When the conditions, are better. But still you know. Of course i'm a little disappointed. But. In the end. That's the real. That's the real world of landscape, photography. You know it's not like. Every time i'm going out. I i get those pictures, i i want it i'm going to come back here for a third time. But that's okay. You know it's only, it can only. Be better. If, i'm patient enough. Then i'm going to get my bucket shot. So, now let's uh. Just walk back. And enjoy to be. Out of the house. And not in lockdown, anymore. This is what i live for in the, end. So. Cheers. So, here we are again. Two months later. What should have been my first video since i'm back in switzerland. Is now my, fourth, or fifth, not sure. Well. As you see it is a. Beautiful. Clouded, day. And i choose to come here today. Because, of the weather, of course, weather conditions. Is always, one of the most important, things. And. The forecast. Uh was talking about, some, fog. Especially, in the morning. And. This is always something i wanted to, to shoot the fork should be only to, 700, meters, and we are going to be, above that so i hope to wake up tomorrow, to a. Beautiful. Sea of clouds. With this, beautiful, peak, to take this photo. Of course i hope, this time it will work out you already know it i have no idea what to expect. As usual. So, let's get it. Started. So guys here, we are. Uh i gotta be honest with you i'm not loving it. Uh the problem, is, i. Didn't consider, at all. Where the sun. Is going to. Set. As you see it's. There. Right behind. At the these peaks the kreuzberg. And. This is not what i wanted. I totally, forgot. I'll show you. Well the last time i was here. The sun was setting over there. And. Now it's mid. Mid november, so uh, winter is knocking on the door. And i totally forgot, that this means. The sun. Is not going to set on the same spot. So now it's. Just behind. The kreuzberg. Which is of course a problem because this means. That. The kreuz belgium are going to be. In the shadow. And. Yeah so i'm not really sure. There are a lot of choppers, here so i'm. Not sure if i, we should get the drone up here. As i've, got to hurry anyways, because, um. I think i only got some light for. The next 15 minutes.

So, I better take those shots now. Okay. Let's go to the other side. There's no way i will make this. In. Under 10 seconds. So i really rely on. On the remote. Here is my. Spot. There the camera. And i'm going to face. In this direction. Here's my. Position. Ah. What a beautiful, place to be. Although. I have to be careful, because. You're up here. Yeah you don't, want to fall down, there. So now. Just quick. Running back. Always important, to see what am i. Shooting. All the. Settings. Right. Okay. Not too bad don't like the lens flare. But. It's gonna be okay. Now setting. The exposure. Sorry the shutter speed. And then. Ready to go. Again. Well. That's exactly how it works. Running from one spot to the other. From camera. To my spot here. From here back to see how the image. Went out and then, adjusting. And. Doing this all the time till the light is gone. Just to make sure. I've got the right capture, i want. Okay. Let's do this. Again. So, that's it. I am, now in the shadow. The light is gone. There was. A close call first. When i came here, i came early, i thought. That i'm, i was, way too early because i was, considering. Uh. The sun. Go down elsewhere. And i thought i would have. More time, till sunset. And. Now it's. What time is it it's. Almost, four. So it's yeah. The sun is gone very early. And i. I'm glad i came here, with um. Early enough to capture. The the the last sunlight. But yeah, it could have been worse if i would have decided, to, no i have time you know and then, coming later. Would have been. Bad. Oh. God be honest. I think this is one of the coolest camps. It's just gorgeous, i mean. Such a nice view. So the sunset, was. The sunset was okay. Um, wasn't that bad either. But i'm not, very convinced, of it. So um. This is all about the morning now, i am very confident, for the morning to look, very good. I hope so, please let there be some fog, but even if there isn't fog so um, it's still gonna be nice. Actually. Actually, i'm pretty glad that this happened the last time that um, that i had so bad luck with the weather. Because, um. This shows. How patient you have to be and sometimes you have to go back. Again and again. Um to to take the image, you really want. I think that's all about landscape, photography. Patience. And. I keep going you know, because. Most of the time. Not just most of the time it's never like you expect it so you can, be the best prepared, you want. In the end it's it's always going to be. Something. You didn't expect, or you didn't imagine. Then for tonight. I think i'm going to do some star photography. The conditions, are great there are. Not too many clouds in the sky right now. And. I should check. For the moon there is also no moon today, visible. So yeah, it should be fine. Um. But in the end i just have to wait and, see how the night is going to be, otherwise, if there is. Nothing, interesting, to shoot this night, i guess i'll see you in the morning. Hopefully, with. Great, light. Good night. Well as you see i came out by night because, it's just gorgeous. The only problem, is what you see right behind me.

Uh. Quite a lot of light pollution. This will, probably, mess up with the stars, and it's not going to be. As clean. But i still i'm. Going to try it out, and. Hope i will get some, nice picture, out of it, let's see what i can. Capture. So. Well as you see. This was, just gorgeous, beautiful, sky. Even though uh. It's a little light polluted, here. Still i think this is, just an incredible, image, and. Yeah. Good i did this. Good that i came here. Now. I'm going to brush my teeth. And prepare, for. A good night's sleep. Probably, it's, already, very cold so i'm. Not too sure how good i'm going to sleep. But yeah. Well then. I see you in the morning. For the. Most exciting. Moment of this trip here. To see how. This mountain range is going to look, in the first. Morning light. I'm very excited. See you then. Good. Night. Good morning. Guys. I already had a little peak outside. And, there is no fog at all, unfortunately. But um, well. Uh. Look for. Yourself. As you see there are also. No clouds. In the sky. Which is not very promising. But i'm not losing, hope yet. Let's see what this. Sunrise, is going to, look. Like. So. Here we are now, out of the warm. It's. Really cold the night was very uncomfortable. I was freezing, a lot i couldn't sleep. Very good. In fact. I'm not even sure if i really slept. You know just this. Kind of. Hope sleep, public. Well. It's how it is. Now. No clout, at all, which is. A nightmare. But uh, yeah. Let's see, what this is. Going to bring, and uh. I'm not sure which, composition. I'm going to choose, for this morning. I might. Go back to the, same spot this hills. Just there. Where i shot for the, sunset. But yeah. Still have to figure it out i still got some. Time till uh. The first sun beam. Will. Strike. These uh. Beautiful, mountains. Until. Then. Let's see what is going to. Happen. So. So, i am saying goodbye, to these. Beautiful, mountains. Alpstein. In up and cell, i was here now for, the third time, and. I had a great time i made some, very nice pictures. And most importantly. I, think i got, some better images that i took the first time when i came here, this was what it's all about. To be patient, to come back again and again, to get, those, those pictures. You really want you really, hope for. Well in this case, for, the third time i am here. I'm still not 100. Satisfied, so i think, in the future. For a new video, i'm going to come back here and trying to, capture. These, beautiful, mountains, here again but until then, i guess i'll see you on my next video, and on my next adventure. Goodbye. So. You.

2020-12-10 07:41

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