Israel’s SURPRISING Desert Discovery & UNDENIABLE Spiritual Impact | Insights | TBN Israel

Israel’s SURPRISING Desert Discovery & UNDENIABLE Spiritual Impact | Insights | TBN Israel

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visiting Israel in person is a whole different  experience for those who believe in Jesus and   want to experience the Bible first hand  coming here is an eye opener that changes   your life that's right today on insights  Israel in the Middle East we discover what   it looks like to travel through this land  the Heritage the history the experience   that only the Holy Land can give someone  definitely so come visit us here in our home there's simply no other country like the  land of Israel this country packs in it an   incredible amount of history of archaeology  of holy sites and of spiritual significance   but those traveling to this land and  through this land have more than just   the ancient there's a modern state of Israel  the incredible technology The Innovation the   amazing Cuisine the adventures the desert  that are also worth visiting I can't think   of a single other country in the world that  carries so much significance so much history   so much spirituality and also offers the  modern the exciting the vibrant the young   lifestyle that this country has to offer today  we're setting out on an adventure an adventure   through the holy the ancient and the modern that  the state of Israel has to offer let's do this yeah we're Tech technically on the brink of  the desert and the view is exceptional that   was amazing for me to experience how Elijah and  David and and Jesus and the Israel Israelites had   wandered through that Wilderness they go to the  beach they have the Falafel within 2 hours they   can be up in Capernaum the headquarters  of Jesus's Ministry to experience God I   would trade any year of graduate school I  ever had for an 8-day trip to the land of   is really absolutely to that degree and  I studied at some good schools [Music] today I'm off to the old city of Jerusalem  a Timeless magnet for Millions worldwide I'm   meeting Pastor Alan Jackson who is currently  leading a group on pilgrimage to Israel you've   come to Israel many many dozens of times and  led people through the trip to this country   dozens of times why do you do that and what is  the transformation you see in the groups that   that makes you go through this every time but I'm  a pastor I've served the same congregation for 40   years and I've been bringing tours to Israel for  almost that entire time because I have watched   the impact it makes in their lives you know  I can talk to them about the Bible when I'm   at home but if I bring them to Israel I watch  the Bible change for them it becomes a living   book yeah I can't think of a better investment  I can make in the lives of people my job is to   grow people and Israel is a very important part  of their story even if they don't know it so   anytime I can come I'll grab a group of people  put them on a plane and off the Jerusalem we had but more than that the accommodations  are beautiful when I first came to Israel   many years ago it was a developing country  yeah when I was at the University we said   they would deliver the mail if the donkey  felt like coming down your street it's not   that anymore you're not just a first world  country you're a global leader in comfort   and convenience they have the finest fruits and  vegetables in the world they fill the vegetable   markets of Europe the hotels are outstanding  this is visiting the the finest expressions of   technology in our world that happens to have  a window into Antiquity which is just simply unparalleled unlike other destinations a trip  to Israel has the capacity to ignite and fortify   pretty much anyone's faith if you're a Biblical  literalist and you come here it will give you a   confidence beyond anything you'll ever get in a  library yeah if you're a skeptic it will open the   the doors of your mind to the possibility that  maybe this stuff really did happen it wasn't   a Disneyland creation when they come to have an  experience what they don't expect is to meet God   and I watched that happen over and over again and  their hearts are open to God in a new way we're   sitting at the southern steps and just around  the corner they've excavated along the walls of   the Temple Mount when I was at the University here  that was speculation we hadn't seen it yet we were   pointing at the dirt thinking well maybe every  time I come it's like my Bible is being exposed   again and it's affirming what we've taken by faith  when I visit Israel and I see how God continues to   uncover the story and affirm it if you're willing  to look at it with the eyes of Faith you go home   stronger with a greater commitment to your faith  than when you came I don't think the people at at   home understand the tremendous pressure that is  up on them to Discount the authority of scripture   you know they try to convince us it's myth that  it's just intended to be metaphorical learning   but once you have the experience you don't need  the argument because you know the truth and if   we can help the people have the experience  they don't even have to debate any longer   they've experienced the [Music] truth so how did  you first young Allen connect to this country my   first trip to Israel I was in the sixth grade  it was 1970 my parents had made a trip the   year earlier and they were so impressed by it  that they went home and brought my brother and   I back the next year it it made such an impact  in my heart I floated in the Dead Sea I saw the   Jordan River I walked the streets of Jerusalem  I mean I wasn't old enough to process theology   or to get all the names or the Kings or the dates  but I began to build an appreciation for what was   happening here and I understood at a very early  age that what I was hearing in The Narrative of   the world didn't line up with my experience even  as a child and that still holds true today in your   mind you again you you see people walk through  this journey in the land what are the messages   that are changing in their hand as they're  traveling through you know when they come the   first time they think they're coming for the Rocks  but what happens really quickly is they understand   the lands about the people and their story and  once once they understand that it becomes very   personal to them every group that's ever come  goes home with a commitment to pray for the   Peace of [Music] Jerusalem in America we tend to  worship at the altars of comfort and convenience   that encroaches in our churches as well and when  I come to Israel it's a sacrifice to live in the   land without your sacrifices I have no story to  tell I have no Messiah I have no scripture I have   no prophets and when I see the sacrifices you're  making I've got to go home and understand which   sacrifices I have have to make to make an impact  in the world where I live our Lord our King was an   observant Jewish rabbi and until you have stood in  the midst of the Jewish people and understand what   it means to be Jewish in the world just a little  bit there's no way we can fully understand but   if we can come watch and try to understand what  that means it helps us understand the king that   we worship so I would encourage parents you know  if your children are old enough to be baptized   to process their faith they're old enough to  understand the land of [Music] Israel we have   got an incredible offer for you today this show  sponsor alab box has a unique offer for only the   viewers of this show 10% off on your next purchase  if you get a annual or a one-time subscription   so what is alab box alab box takes the incredible  creations of Israeli Artisans food gifts decor and   brings it to your home not only that they do it  for times a year for a flat annual rate so use TBN   at the checkout out at the alab website  to get your promo [Music] today so Rachel this   is your first time in Israel yes it is and you  came with Pastor Allan who's been bringing people   more times than he can remember right how's the  experience been it's been amazing it's really been   surreal when I first came here I I expected you  know to see the sights the Sea of Galilee and the   places where Jesus walked but what I really feel  like God has been drawing my attention to is just   the history and the experiences of the people of  Israel and what they've been through and and what   that means the land was desolate for so many years  that they were disconnected from that and are just   recently returning and so being able to to come  here to to be witness to that to be witness to   prophecy actually being fulfilled currently that's  very important to be able to actually reflect upon   that and witness has there been one sit where you  visited the way you looked at Israel the Bible   the combination of those stories together really  transformed for you yes it's very unexpectedly the   desert in the desert you're completely dependent  upon God you were able to just exist and be and   there was more opportunity to actually abide  in Christ and to dwell and meditate upon God   and His word that I definitely think is lacking  from where I'm from it's fascinating to witness   the deeply personal yet impactful ways in which  Israel leaves its mark on each and every visitor   so Brendan this is your first time in Israel yes  sir how's it been it's been incredible it's been   I would say lifechanging it's opening my eyes  to the Bible I mean I can not have asked for a   better experience when I first started out I did  no research I thought it was more of a third world   country and then the thing that shocked me the  most was the Sea of Gile and places where Jesus   was and how beautiful it was I could not imagine  how beautiful what were you expecting I don't know   I was expecting TR not taking offense at that  yeah I know I'm sorry I hope I'm not offending   you but you know I I was I was expecting it to  be kind of like Gloom and you know not a very   beautiful water maybe a darker color than it was  and you see where Jesus was standing and looking   over the see of Galilee it was absolutely stunning  to me was something that was incredible to me do   you think other people should come to tour Israel  2,000% yeah anybody that's a Christian I would say   everybody you want to come and see this with your  own eyes I mean you know our country in the United   States of America is very young you see something  that's 100 years old and you're mesmerized oh my   God 100 years ago and then you come here and it's  thousands of years ago and I think it increased   your faith with countless destinations to choose  from making a decision can be tough and yet One   Thing Remains clear the magic that Israel offers  is unparalleled I would say whatever sacrifice   you have to make to visit the land of Israel whom  you go with how you go is secondary if you will   go with an open heart towards God and the spirit  of God I have seen it in the lives of thousands   of people my own included repetitively God will  bring change so what does 10 years from now look   like 15 years from now God willing 15 years from  now I'm still bringing tours um I'll be amazed at   what God is uncovering that what he's hidden for  people a decade from now that we haven't seen yet   God willing um I'll visit the land of Israel as  long as God continues to give me breath [Music] today with us we have ruven donon who's the  director of sell Academy the educational   branch of sell ruen what a great honor Shalom  the slogan of the ministry of Tourism for years   in here in Israel was visit Israel and never be  the same right do you really believe it's true   I do I do we have seen it with our work mik for  over 30 years in this industry and we see lives   transformed all the time one of the favorite lines  that many of our pastor friends tell us they say   listen ruven one visit to Israel is like a year  in seminary beautiful Psalm 34 tells us God tells   us taste and see that the Lord is good amen God  wants us to experience his goodness so he gave   us a land not an easy land the land of Israel  is is right on the land bridge between Africa   Asia and Europe that's why we have the greatest  bird migration coming through here twice a year   50 million birds shik fly over our heads coming to  visit the land coming to visit the land they are   the original pilgrims and they come to taste and  see that the Lord has provided A Feast for them   and so the invitation goes to all of God's people  to come and see where the words were spoken where   the Miracles took place to relieve if you would  the biblical story it makes your faith real you   know I met a lady that came on a tour and she told  me you know I raiseed Penny after Penny to come   to see the land yeah and she said now that I saw  the land I'm ready wow to go home it was like the   dream of her life Wow the thing that she needed to  do I believe it I like Simon righteous Simon who   stood in the temple right over the hill to bless  the baby Yeshua and he says now that I have seen   the salvation of the Lord I may depart in peace in  sell Academy the educational arm of sell tours you   have an episode on every site in Israel I think we  have like 52 different sites which site speaks to   you the most oh that's a bad question the southern  steps wow by hula gate by the by the Temple Mount   and I'll tell you why because of all the places in  Israel that are dear to our hearts because of the   biblical Motif and especially the places where  Yeshua our Lord the Son of God walked Among Us   in the flesh we only know of two for sure spots  where we know he stepped on these Stones one is   in magdala in the ancient synagogue that was  dug up in the last few years and the second   place is right here at the southern steps of the  Temple Mount because these steps were discovered   and une Earth this is the original structure and  let's be honest I think people are coming here and   it's like a magnet there's something here that ATT  touch them do you have any ideas of new itinerary   new things that they can see that they didn't see  on the first regular pilgrimage you got to take   the fign to capernum we have got to go up to the  Mount of Olives and to the Temple Mount Anda and   Bethlehem and so on yes these are the musty sites  that that you got to see them but once you've been   there a couple of times we love to take our  friends to off the road places where other   biblical Miracles took place where Abraham tended  sheep in the netive in the southern regions or   when Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt right  below us here behind this mountain range we just   shot one of our educational videos for SEL Academy  on Mount Kabir which is in Northern Samaria it is   that place where Father Abraham entered the land  of promise for the first time in Genesis chapter   12 and 13 this is where he received the first  promise from God I will give you that land and   we not very many Israelis make it there but we  love to take our pilgrims perhaps even you next   time the friends are in Israel to those biblical  spots we want to see the Next Generation standing   with Israel and supporting Israel we need to  bring them here that they experience and they   see the miracle of the return of the Jewish people  to the land absolutely what do you think I believe   that Israel is one of God's greatest gifts to  the church in this generation we have to pass   the ban and we tell you pastors friends Ministry  leaders teachers doctors professors pass the batan   to the younger Generations there's a story to be  told in Israel puts the backbone puts strength in   the heart of God's people Israel is a source  of blessing amen and all those who come can   drink from that cup of God's faithfulness amen  ruen donon what a great honor pleasure thank you   thank you very much and to you our friends come  see and taste how good the land is and don't   forget to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem while  Israel boasts many celebrated destinations also   known as the a region is a lesser known gem  located in the southern Judean desert it is   characterized by its breathtaking Landscapes  agricultural communities and Rich historical significance we're sitting here at a place that  from what I can tell is one of the most impressive   archaeological sites in this country and yet I  would say not enough people come to this site if   I asked you what is the significance of visiting  this site in this region what would that sound   like first I would say that uh I agree about the  first part that not enough people are visiting   the place because it's isolated it's distant  it's far away those who come are very impressed   they explore something that they never knew would  exist susia was a thriving Community between the   years 400 and 800 CE the people who lived here  approximately 3 thousands of them there were a   refugees who survived somehow the destruction of  the second temple 70 CE the people who arrived in   susia were kohanim were priests they spoke Hebrew  we see the inscription here the mosaics are there   in in Hebrew like it was written today in mod than  Hebrew more than letters so the way of living here   was pretty similar to what we did today after  the destruction of the second temple the major   outcome was the establishment of the synagogues  as a central point of Jewish religion they came   to this place and they built very large synagogue  very fancy one they were very much connected to   their tradition they were very much connected to  Jerusalem you're describing a fascinating story   which I think doesn't exist in many places that  answers in a physical place the question of what   did Judaism look like after the destruction  of the temple and this city is that this is   the reason that susia was declared was defined as  the National Heritage site because it's the only   place that you can actually see how people lived  in that hidden period of time of the Byzantine era   the state of preservation of ancient susia and its  synagogue is truly remarkable this is the entrance   to the synagogue welcome to the synagogue of Susan  and what's equally striking is its resemblance to   synagogues in use today what you see here is  a beima if you visit every synagogue in Israel   you will see a Bea like that it's exactly like  we have today after the destruction there were   laws that were differentiated from the laws in  the time of P mikdash of the temple in order to   retain the traditions of the temple wherever  Jews are living one of them was that we blow   the shuar not only in Jerusalem which was  the tradition during the temple time but we   blow shaar everywhere a je Community is living  these were their hopes these were their dreams   to remind themselves that we are here but really  really really we are part of Jerusalem I find it   to be incredibly grounding that we can come back  and visit and the connection to the people that   came before us is so immediate it's an incredibly  powerful experience I agree it's a very special place many young families have moved to the the  area feeling this deep connection to the land and   their Heritage sealit and her family live in  shanila a quaint agricultural Community where   she grows berries and has a coffee shop called  the house of ptil which translates to House of   berries what a place toal thank you very much  it's a combination of the desert the forest   around us Antiquities and your berries all in one  place yes for Friday I have here a my own Market   we have a cake and coffee good coffee very good  coffee I sell my fruits and people come to buy   fruit and vegetable I'm still deeply impressed  we're here and what is technically a desert that   has been incredibly formed into a forest and  now you're growing berries yes of all places here these are the blueberries   this is almost the end of the picking we have  here 10 different types of blueberries yes in   this one place yes this is the Blackberry  you have to pick the big one I want to say   these are the best I've ever had in the country  they're absolutely amazing wow in the desert in   the desert yes in the sun yes in the summer and no  pesticides or anything anything like that nothing wow my final stop for the day is the atel forest  not only is it Israel's largest man-made Forest   but it was planted on the very edge of the desert  a meeting with many for a bike ride that literally   offers it all I think Israel has really Advanced  over the past 5 10 years it it's just become like   the mecca of bike riding especially in in this  area which is the biggest planted Forest near a   desert okay so actually the The Watershed the  water line where this is considered a desert   this isn't considered a desert is actually  right here you can actually see practically a line you mentioned that Israel's become a hot spot  for biking worldwide right what is it about riding   a mountain bike specifically in this country that  suddenly made it so popular okay so first of all   I'm going to use the cliche I'm sorry I have to  it's riding through history right just in this   area you know this is where king of David's some  of his soldiers were from even one of his generals   came from this area and obviously Israel is a  small country yes but geographically where it's   positioned you have so many different terrains  to choose from you can go up North and into the   Galil and you can go right in judan Samara and you  can go anywhere in the South and you have totally   different climates totally different views if you  can imagine now we have trees behind us but you   know you go 20 km to the South and you're in the  middle of the desert you have nothing yeah with   a short drive short drive I think that's dri  many have been waiting three seasons to find   a way to incorporate bike riding into a show we  finally done it let's do it thank you [Music] sir Delicacies nature sport ancient  history and warm Hospitality yatil   delivers a perfect day for every visitor  including [Music] myself hello this is   here in Jerusalem with TBN Israel this is y  Pinto from TBN Israel here in Jerusalem TBN   Israel is keeping viewers informed with  Israel focused news culture and what God   is doing in this land support TBN Israel  today online at Israel thank you

2024-07-31 01:32

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