hey everyone welcome back today we're starting a three-part series on the Isle of white we're doing a tour of the island checking out the family attractions and places for families to visit the amazing beaches great places to eat and familyfriendly places to [Applause] stay scrunched up but and it's upside down but we have got the priority boarding pass as well which actually entitled you to 20% off any sort of food coffee anything that you can get at the calf you can get 20% off so come with us as we take you through the red funnel Ferry and also over to the island which is like the Caribbean did you say Caribbean I did I'll run the right then is that where you go right so when you're on a ship with a ship say ship I think that was L talking about going to Cuba cuz that would be the only time you going to be on a ship but anyway when when you're on a ferry going across with multiple people and a zebra and on your shoulder or surfing around you you need to make sure that obviously you know you're doing it safely and and Nord VPN gives you the flexibility and also the security to be able to serf and bring your giraffe along with you whilst on or in a public place whilst you're on a ferry whilst you're in a public place whilst you're on a campsite it allows you to Surf safely and also um securely definitely and if you're a zebra and you're black and white then it's clear that you see which side is black and white because one of them could be a scammer which will try and take your details yes so and and that's a question asked which what color zebra is it black or white which one is it more of what would you notot say black or white B both what would you say m uh what I think white more white well this one's more white to be certain what kind of color is or what or who could be looking at your information that's why you need a VPN Nord VPN and guys if you do want to get % off the deal the link will be down below or you can no sorry the link will be in the description or you can click our link which will be in a corner up there possibly on the video as well so you can scan that link what is it a QR code y a QR code yeah are they safe well it VPN it is before we do that I need to grab a coffee because I am absolutely ined we've been up from oh about 5 yeah we went didn't go to bed till about about 3 yeah exactly so if you want to buy us a coffee again the Link's on the yeah bio if you do want to come on the red funnel uh Ferry before the 31st of March you can get 20% of your booking all you've got to use is BCA funnel 20 followers viewers a chance to decide what I me we give you some options def you choose one of the options one the best definitely um this is one of them sure there let us know what you think of logo yeah definitely and then that will be the mer yeah definitely so it would be part of it guys like subscribe comment share and all that kind of stuff only can't it's unbelievable it's funny Christmas literally turned earned and said I feel good it feels like I'm leaving England without leaving England yeah you know Al White is one of the places where everyone knows of heard of but never been I was I was shocked seriously I was so shocked I wasn't expecting it the good thing about going into the ID white is that you literally could make it a day trip yeah is it yeah it's oh you you can do a day trip easily but I I recommend it's the first time you've ever been there stay longer because there's so you don't think about we've always when you traveling we've always done this we somewhere and we tried to get r as quick as possible literally knock it out a two we old day we've knocked it out in 3 days and we're probably going to do it this time yeah we have it doing that but it's great but then you miss out a lot so if you're going to go over there try and plan if you can at least two to three days and really expect got to vent there in few of those areas which the subtropical areas of the island South of the island and and shankling shankling all that kind of stuff um it's amazing and one day we'll do Al Telly of what we see definitely well we're going to be going over as a family so um and the thing is I don't really I think there is definitely a lack of content creators creating content to show you guys what families can do out and showing you as much as we can whilst doing it as a family be realistic about what time you're going to go because if you're going when it's the busiest period like School H days don't expect to find much especially in touristic places where it's very very very busy and there's nice beaches you might as well forget it but you if you br ahead and be smart you can but like if you can go off season or just at the end or tail end or start of the other days then that's the best time to go like midseason it's going to be harder but it's still doable because some places even though they're busy there's so much airbnbs in places now which are there and um they're not booked and you think you never find some you will so don't let people say oh it's all books you never find some you will but if it's a family be a bit more cautious when it's a busy because there's not one person there's five and place find aors to house accomodate five and one or two beat a couple in a small bedroom so be careful that if you got more than one child especially yeah definitely right so are you going to go for your little tour I'm going to go for my little tour see if I can get kicked off the boat hopefully not because you'll be kicked out into that F right I'm going to go look [Music] outside downstairs [Music] all right so we've arrived now we're in East cars getting off the red funnel uh Ferry and then we're going to head over to our accommodation but for now we are in Sunny is of [Music] white the Isle of white stands out as the largest island in the UK once a Charming Victorian Retreat now a vibrant hub for families with miles of stunning beaches and clear waters that have drawn visitors for centuries whether it's history Adventure or just soaking up the Sun the aisle of white delivers [Music] right we're at par de all white n point and the view over there is spectacular although you can't see in the camera but I will um oh we will go down there at some point right just checking in to see where we're going to stay not sure it's the main um inquiry Center reception [Music] it's almost like a little flat isn't it little house yeah first of all the TV's on which is good no it's not well exactly I said we don't watch TV and why we travel hands up how many of you guys still watch the TV this is the lounge yep it's really good condition actually it's really clean and so far apart from a little spider got a friend I'll get with him later which is not a problem it's just what it is hello said hello oh got say hello so apart from him little iny wiy iny wiy it's all good we got a kitchen as you can see it comes I say fully stocked and you know why I say fully stocked we stayed at lots of um hotels accommodation where it says it comes with appliances Etc it has actually got a small mini fridge which is um not a boy with detail everyone knows what fridge looks like it's it's clean you got a microwave it's a nice one as well do we have a cooker we got a cooker and the oven oh really and we've actually got toaster oh wow that is definitely family orientation right definitely family that's five stars in that one family happy yeah it's very clean um you know as clean as can be for a quick turn around we've arrived ear early so they had to KN one up yeah the guys let us in a little bit earlier yeah which is good so yeah nothing exciting there plates cups oh there's a cup missing we need another cup there's five you know oops yeah as long as you don't break as long as they break one need one extra and you got the pots no no no it's not missing oh yeah got two extras there oh gosh R slacking sorry sorry part de it's clean that is spotlessly clean absolutely spotless clean like has never been used but it has strainer all your stuff W with the Ros oh yeah here it's warm yeah it's very warm a bit too warm for my liking right let's go and have a look very very good for my like it I love it hot let's go look well first all to start over here got obviously usual stuff you got table chairs um all that kind of stuff fruit bowl if you have fruits you got some futons which of these which um they not very very comfortable what they are I'm not going to complain there and I believe this is yes it is it is what what's that mud oh probably chocolate yeah is um you got a like a a bed here s bed a sofa bed that's it and it looks from the face of it looks quite clean as clean it can be or be on be in mind it is used by a lot of people so when it when all their pots got turn these things around in hours it's a lot you're not going to do a deep clean as much as you want to complain so let's go into this room well I don't know what's behind here I've looked in the main part oh and we have linen too yep oh so it's the two singles two singles I must say I like the feature wall it's brightened up a little bit it's quite it's quite nice and cool in there and you got big windows and you can see I think the sea just about yeah this this this time of year yeah you can see this time of year OB when the leads are out there it might be a bit hard but got nice big Windows lots of light was that um yeah beds look clean cool oh they feel comfortable actually oh my God and let's go in this one what's this one you reckon there's two rooms I think it's a bathroom bathroom no it's not it's a bedroom right oh come on it's St in here turn that down turn that down car oh my god this is my sort of place oh gosh here we go oh my gosh it's like being in the Caribbean right so yep you got again same as next door big Windows you got nice bed don't do a bed test yeah you do it all right right bed test I think I need to take my shoes off yeah so we've been everywhere let's see right so just trying to see how comfortable these beds are we've ow ow what do you mean ow no it's good it's good it is comfortable it is right okay it's very comfortable it's very hot in here it's like being the Caribbean it's really clean as well yep so what do you think so far it's very bright and like I said the feature walls fantastic you've got loads of wardrobe space for your things I do like the white with the red it's actually quite nice it's quite holidays like yeah and blue and yellow blue and yellow yeah some ideas for of you doing a house up and last but at least it's got to be probably the bathroom yeah yep oh there's a bath oh oh oh okay all right there a bath ual stuff very clean that's me and the window and that's a toilet very clean look no no complaints oh and you got a heat rail to dry or keep your towel warm don't forget guys if you like the Adventure so far hit that subscribe button after dropping off our stuff and resting for the night the next day we headed straight to the beach see the beach is beautiful and we are on the is of white We're literally going to go and grab the kids an ice cream and uh well we're going to go and see how much the ice cream is and whether they actually do it but it does actually say ice cream over there so we're going to go over there and see Vanessa's got the main camera so she's scaring Birds Ava hello we're just walking along at the moment and showing you guys along the strip here in ventner is of white and then we're going to come back and grab a nice Beam for the kids there's loads of places in the aisle of white to visit and um yeah you guys should definitely come along and see what's good this is obviously going to be I'm assuming they're doing this place up uh it's all new I think this is a seating area decking area here and uh then you can buy your coffees and teas and things here here lots of people sunbathing down there because it is actually quite warm over here at the moment we are in the UK guys on the a of white for any of you guys that um have never been here this is ventner and it is actually quite gorgeous let me turn the camera around say hi hello hey guys so this is where we're at in the UK in now just walking along the ESP n so showing you guys what's good it is very warm it is really nice along here hello for anyone that's just joined the live just so you know to get over here we used red funnel and if any of you guys are going to be using red funnel we have got a discount code a 20% discount code that you can use uh to come over and um enjoy the island whether do a day trip or a week or two you can do that for guys for any of you guys that are watching the live also just hit the live button hit the Subscribe button and follow us for the adventures on the island me please clean me the car so guys I'm going to show you the view look at that it is beautiful along here we're just walking along the there's uh quite a few CFS along here which um yeah it's got a lot of people in them to be fair and it is fairly busy for the time of year it's not that busy obviously it isn't you know the season yet the season starts around March around the 25th of March and then it continues because Easter will be soon after that which I think this year is on the 18th of April but it gets super super busy you can see along here the parking spaces are very limited so if you are going to come along to uh ventner you need to get there early really to try and get some sort of parking so I'm going to turn it around Chris is here now hello hello say hi to our everyone on you on YouTube just taking you guys along with us in is of white in and showing you what's good I've always thought I white spelled with wh T until actually came here I thought it's wi ghd yeah you learn something when you travel don't you I've always assumed this aisle of Whit as in the white yeah yeah true until she looked it properly I guess SP it away for years really yeah I know and I was like fig if people for mile of white actually take offense if you spell it wrong probably just like the Cornish pasty yeah don't call anyone else's I went to a Bakers earlier and he said um we do past his but like Cornish I'm like well no it's the same thing isn't it but they're not allowed to say it's corage because they're not it's copyrighted apparently turn into a chair oh no the guy won the girls just ran into a chair right so we're just taking you guys along with us but this is our first live woohoo on YouTube and SE have seen the sea it's gorgeous I know let me turn it around so you guys can see the sea and oh don't forget hit that screen if you are watching the live video hit the screen show us some love on the video and um yeah just uh follow for more Adventures I'm going to show you guys let's turn this around look at this it is absolutely stunning I of white is literally like being abroad it feels like it definitely especially when the Shanklin ventor side yeah it's really really nice the thing is um did did we have to pay by the way for the car um supposed yeah okay so we're just carrying on along here for a little bit guys we this is our first live so hello hello he said hello see Hello so uh yeah we're just taking you guys along first Live on YouTube we're probably going to do a lot more lives with you guys cuz normally when we do lives we do it on Tik Tok yeah um it is a lot more busy on Tik Tok for us obviously it's boat card Ventures for any of you guys that are not following us on uh t on Tik Tok yet it's exactly the same as YouTube which is boat car Adventures so you can see here ventner Beach information Point uh Beware of RI currents strong winds it gets quite windy along here apparently yep so we're on the south coast on the moment apparently France is just over there not too far away well so when you come over here your phone does go on French mode oh in France oh what do you guys think about our hats it's quite new uh we're just tring out a few merch ideas logos and things let us know in the comments what your thoughts are showing you different places and uh yeah just lots of dogs today it's and it's great to come somewhere where it's um normally busy but it's not so you get to see a lot more true and what importantly you get to see a lot of more locals which is um a lot better than just seeing tourists not there's anything wrong tourist but it's good to see the locals as well because they're having a good time right now they're enjoying it imag they're not stressed out with parking so it's good that they're enjoying it which is great so um I think tourism is amazing and we support it but sometimes for locals it can be a bit lot so just be mindful when you come here keep the place clean be respectful to to locals because they've got to put up with you for six seven months of the year exactly and when you go home it's never the right time in terms of weather so big 10 right when it's not as good weather but so yeah just very might mind when you travel anywhere really yeah true so hi for anyone that's remember guys veter is on the southern coast some more subtropical um conditions down here and especially the summer and it does but saying that I do feel venno is amazing I think this is the place they send everyone to come but there's other places on the island which feels just as good definitely you go along the beach way yeah it can do only up until I think they give you a certain time to be able to go on the beach with your dogs um during the year and it's just before that season so I think up to March maybe on the 25th of March maybe say l there some one or two Haven say l [Music] [Music] [Music] good to be there yeah they pick it up wow look at that yeah it's PE fine Pebbles which is nice wow so You' got a fish tank guys don't come and scoop it up for your fish tank it's ideal I know but it's the best wow that is really nice that is the beach and you've got some massive bigger Stones along here any black Stones no no no like ones at these These are perfect look the dark the darker one long as it dark ideally you want it to be like like that that that's that's good exactly oh my God T walking along that's on ah those are quite cool new flat ones like this one r one there few here look oh cool if we can get like 10 that would be ideal w w yeah there me going com bad as well oh slowly [Laughter] walking wow that one and that one Chris is collecting some Stones because what we're hoping to do is warm them up and then you can massage with them you can use it with oil and uh it now this is Bento beach one of the most beautiful spot on the aisle of white sheltered by steep Cliffs it's got this almost Mediterranean fill with its golden sand and Clear Blue Waters back in the Victorian era this was a top Seaside Escape for the British Elite thanks to its warm microclimate even today you'll find families enjoying the soft sand kids splashing in the waves and that classic British Seaside charm and if you're into fresh seafood well ventner has got some of the best on the island so let's keep walking and take it all in don't forget to go back and watch the video because um it does help it does help us it helps the channel seen that black on black ones and dark yeah see what's good so this is our first Live on YouTube and feeling the better we've got the we've got our main Vlog video running as well so we are going to be uh doing a v a vlog a video for Sunday so uh don't forget and Vanessa is the one holding our camera hello hello U Mar's got the Drone are we going to put the join off yeah you can do I'm going to do a drone video people starting sun b already yeah people are out enjoying the sun you know get out of your houses guys and see what's good in wherever you are you don't have to be on the aisle of white you can be in even if you are in oh look a crab H I think it's dead though oh no is it dead yeah oh no oh a has it just died must St oh W watch the water in the water no it is actually dead guys look a yeah I think dead shamee so it's going to be eaten out it's just it's just died a we're bu it there you go there you go right there you go so it oh right okay hear a crunching noise right so we're going to go and grab a right so we just found the crabs did we oh we're not going to grab anything because my batter's just died a anyway I'll continue with this had a few people on there on YouTube how many um it changed like just like Tik Tok oh yeah yeah it's the longest turn about yeah I can see that you got build up that yeah find some flattish that's good and then when you go somebody they'll be really flat yeah yeah yeah yeah she'll put she'll put up this drone when we get back to the car yeah I'll go grab a ice cream for them notot we'll try and try and use them Stones tonight if you want yeah yeah I've got some oil well actually one there going that's too big it's got to be thin yeah these not no no not white ones we need dark dark one these are not too bad they're good that's what I want I these ones yeah but I keep out just in case oh you just oh right yeah that's yeah di no uh no there you want to be flat so Le on your back no no it needs to be round so flat and round like these are good but it needs to be like that and and flaish that's not too bad yeah that's not too bad one there which one oh yeah that's not too big too big yeah no no it's the dark be better somebody w w he like hello straight in straight doggy don't make him jump on you in there you jump on who I know rocky rocky what you call it Roxy it seems like everyone's getting ready for the season to start up I know got some money even like uh this place here that was quite new right this one this one here yeah looks it they seem to be doing it up um is there's fridges in there and everything no need to be a little bit rounder make M it's here they're doing up the deck in huh probably yeah try that as well yeah well flat well they flat they do flat ones as well yeah look color that one oh no it wasn't dead you know now it's dead oh I think it was you be on your phone all the time you Char it up he do L got mixes full yeah it's not it don't to get a power bank right we're going to go and grab these kids some ice cream ice cream did you say waste cream race cream yeah no no no by the car that's that's a turning spot so just keep an eye on it when you're doing it what ice cream do you want Oh do you want to do the Ice Cream first yeah best yeah right we're going to go and grabb an ice cream for these kids oh someone's out there swimming wow where she G oh no what's that for want to keep it okay you want to keep it she gone is she coming did she want a nice cream what she want vanilla you keep this for me it's all right it's not filming oh no let's DRP it in there yeah that's was pretty one yeah oh I wanted to do that raw now that' be amazing it's amazing each started rolling she's like actually turn back in as we WP up day one on the Isle of white we're just getting started with three more days of Adventure ahead we'll be exploring even more of this incredible island with hidden gems stunning Coastal views and familyfriendly spots you won't want to miss and after that the journey continues camping through Europe [Music]
2025-03-12 02:49