Is this the BEST HOTEL in Canggu Bali? | FULL TOUR and review of Tugu Hotel Bali | #Vlog 124

Is this the BEST HOTEL in Canggu Bali? | FULL TOUR and review of Tugu Hotel Bali | #Vlog 124

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where art meets seoul meets romance welcome to hotel to goodbye [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me this amazing hidden gem in the heart of chengu is owned by the tugu hotel group they're a chain of luxury art hotels and restaurants all over indonesia and their mission is to preserve significant historical artifacts that tell the stories of each region in indonesia as you enter the lobby you are greeted with this exquisite garuda statue this statue is the biggest wooden craft statue of garuda in indonesia you're then treated to welcome drinks and a traditional balinese blessing ceremony there are a few significant stories that this beautiful hotel holds one of which is the story of the bali pupitan war [Music] this room contains historical artifacts and artworks that date back to the bali pupitan war of 1906 and 1908. the room gives guests the feeling of dining as the balinese kings and princes once did during the dutch colonial era one of the amazing things about this hotel is they have a dine anywhere policy so this is one of the rooms where you can enjoy your dinner they also offer traditional dining experiences where they have dances and a huge table of food for you to enjoy with family and friends on this exquisite marble table that was once used by the dutch there are six different types of rooms we'll be focusing on three of them this is the rejoin suite with an ocean view [Music] [Applause] [Music] so as we enter we are greeted with a beautiful extra large king-size bed we have a wonderful working station here where they provide you with tea and coffee and water every day and then we have a little lounger here with beautiful windows and just like a relaxing station as we walk in we are greeted with the most wonderful little letter it says dear mr red and miss claire seasons come and seasons go sun will shine and flowers grow time has come and the happiness is yours wishing you the true meaning of memorable moments at your second home at hotel tugu bali oh that's so precious i love this and it comes with a little bouquet of flowers oh so special then to the right we have a little toilet a separate toilet and i find this so interesting look at this little basin very antique style and you'll find that throughout the entire hotel it's all about history and antiques and historical memorabilia now for the little bathroom section oh it's so precious we've got a little flower bath here in the sink and then a semi outdoor shower and changing area they do provide you with everything including a hair dryer soaps conditioners shampoos toothbrushes and cotton buds and they give you lovely little robes apart from the stunning views of the indian ocean the highlight feature of this room is the private spa and bathroom area so when we arrived we had a wonderful tea overlooking the ocean and later on we will be having a flower bath this is a unique hand-hammered giant sunken bathtub and then on the right is a little bed where they offer private in-house spa treatments in the comfort of your own suite [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we've been checked in at two hotels for the afternoon now we've had a wonderful spa treatment absolutely world class i felt like i was getting massaged by a veteran masseuse it was just amazing after that we had a beautiful flower bath which was arranged for our return to the room which was really sweet and now it's time to go and have dinner in a 311 year old chinese temple which was moved here from surabaya at the final hour before it was demolished by the government it's got such an interesting story [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just look at this massive big dining room it seats 25 people in here it is open to the public so if you come and eat the g restaurant which you'll see in our next video you can come and eat in this dining hall with your friends big table here that seats probably 10 people and then there's smaller tables all around there's so much history everywhere around you so if you book in advance you can do a cultural dining experience coloring the red walls of this temple are black and white oversized paintings of balinese monarch rulers as well as chinese ancient scroll paintings symbolizing the warm welcome received by the chinese immigrants from the balinese kings the owner of this hotel really loves japanese food and japanese culture and collecting antiques and historical artifacts that's why they decided to make this a japanese restaurant but in this temple is a mixture of japanese chinese and balinese historical artifacts and paintings that symbolizes the fusion of the three cultures here in bali so we ordered some pork gyozas so delicious and then red ordered himself some pan fried yellow tail tuna tsutsiki the plating looks incredible and these gyozas are delicious this is the starter oh wow thank you that i wish you guys could smell this it smells unbelievable it's beef this is beef yakiniku it's rice with sauteed beef and mushrooms and peppers and it smells unbelievable and then we got a big dragon of sushi that's my dragon of sushi it is the biggest plate of sushi one piece of sushi i've ever seen this restaurant is superb even if it's not staying at the hotel come to this restaurant it's the g restaurant i'll put a location for you right now and it will be in the description below so you guys can see exactly where it is and come and eat here i didn't say this lightly that was the best sushi i've ever had in my life dragon of cheat you have to order it it is the signature sushi dishes and it is wow mine was the waitress too [Music] plating of every single meal has been unreal look at these little meringues ready and excited to dig in [Music] yummy heavens so this is the melted chocolate ball dessert and it has little meringues and carrot cake pieces all around and it's drizzled in a very hot chocolate sauce which then melts the ball and reveals the ice cream it's a fun and delicious meal to try [Music] good morning it's our first morning here officially we are moving to a new room today but before we do that let's have the most romantic breakfast ever right on a lotus pond [Music] good morning is this not the most gorgeous breakfast setting of your life and look at this beautiful spread of food oh absolute bliss like claire said this is an awesome spread so clary's got some egg tortillas breakfast tortillas breakfast tortillas and there's a seasonal fruit salad with papaya pineapple watermelon strawberries bananas and dragon fruit my favorite in south africa we don't have dragon fruits um for those that don't know it's this bright purple one here and it's red's favorite fruit so he's super happy to be back in asia to be eating that again then you can't come to bali without the standard smoothie bowl so this is like smoothie at the bottom and then topped in yes dragon fruit smoothie and then topped with like granola and coconut shavings and a whole bunch of fruit that's basically my go-to breakfast in bali it's one of my favorite things to eat and then we got a nice tall black americano and a cappuccino so let's enjoy and they even give us mosquito repellent in case there's any mosquitoes around the pond but oh this is just so fabulous and a little candle and these beautiful handmade decorations all around us you could not find a more beautiful breakfast setting honestly we're starting off the day right just to mention about the mosquitoes i actually think there's very few mosquitoes here just so you know if you come and visit haven't been bothered at all haven't been bitten haven't seen a single mosquito yet and it's you know barley it's very hot so touchwood but uh yeah so far so good now let's eat [Music] that was just an exquisite breakfast this is actually the private hut that belongs to that magnificent villa let's go take you on a little tour this is the puri lamaya villa which is actually the honeymoon suite it is the best room the tugu hotels offers and it has an extremely romantic story behind it it is surrounded by this beautiful natural lotus pond that we just had breakfast next to let's go take you inside [Music] so one of the features of this beautiful villa is a private plunge pool welcome to my villa okay it has such a grand amazing entrance let's go inside [Music] [Music] [Music] this villa is named after a belgian painter called lee maya he came to bali in the 1940s he fell in love with a beautiful famous dancer called nepalak and they decided to make bali their home you'll see around this villa a lot of pieces that lee maya and knee pollock used themselves one of which is this beautiful desk and table where near actually wrote letters it is just a stunning stunning piece most of the pieces in this villa particularly are my favorite and they have a special story behind them a lot of the pieces in this villa were carved by a blind carpenter that lee maya actually employed is just exquisite knowing that a lot of these pieces were carved by a blind carpenter as we enter there's a large large living room with a tv various sitting areas as well as a beautiful view of the pool this room has a lot of antiques in it as well and that takes us through to the bedroom the highlight of this bedroom is definitely the views of the lotus pond it's incredible [Music] oh it's just magical this railing was also carved by the same carpenter and he was actually hired by the owner of this hotel to carve this railing as well as some of the pieces in the villa itself we have a large king size bed as well as another tv and in this special area in the back this grand dressing room slash beauty area with a separate toilet a lovely big marble top to get ready and do your makeup beautiful iron sink lots of cupboard space and this incredible bathroom [Music] so we've got yet another round deep deep bath with flowers in it everything you need as well as this little fish pond and it's open to the elements so this is actually neapola the famous dancer and this is actually a remade version of the original painting there's also a picture of her here oh she was just so beautiful but what makes this story so romantic is that lee maya and nepalak got married and they devoted their lives to each other when they got married lee maya didn't paint anything other than nepolak so you'll see just paintings all over this hotel of nepalak doing the traditional dancing when lemaya passed away near pollock never got remarried and she collected all the items that her and lemaya collected together and she actually gifted some of the items to the owner of this hotel and she asked him to please preserve the pieces and to create this villa to commemorate their love together and their life together and to just share their love story which i think is just so beautiful so romantic and really you couldn't find a more romantic hotel in indonesia this is a copy of lee myers original guest book they loved to host parties and dinners together and they had quite famous guests come along lee maya even met the second president of indonesia and became an advocate for tourism in bali and indonesia so he was a very influential man so that is the honeymoon suite it's actually not just for honeymoons anyone can come here and we highly recommend coming here if you're a couple that just needs a breakaway and just to experience the romance of bali it is just incredible welcome to the third and final room that we'll be covering this is the dadari suite [Music] i don't even know which one is my favorite i love both all three rooms equally this one is special because you have a exquisite koi pond as you enter and you can actually see the koi pond while you're having a bath in the bathroom but we'll show you that next we have an extremely big king bed here once again lots of indonesian antiques and artworks all over the room a wonderful sitting area to my right lots of sunlight comes into this room and the highlight of this room is definitely your private plunge pool we also have a beautiful lounger swing here and yes the pool is covered which is awesome and then we have doors there looking out onto the garden anyway let's take you to the most amazing bathroom and then the creme de la creme the most beautiful bathroom with views of the koi pond and once again a spa area for en-suite private massages after a whole day of filming it's so nice to just relax in this pool cleary's having some bananas which is provided there's like a fruit bowl in each room [Music] all right after chilling at the pool for a bit we've come to the big pool which you guys haven't really seen yet and we're about to have some tea so the pool area is quite cool it's got these high chairs that you can chill and relax on maybe you can even get a massage on them and then they've got the normal lounges they're just relaxing waiting for our tea and i see it on the way bye pink pancakes i must say the treats that they bring you with the tea have been absolutely delicious all the food that we've eaten here has been top top class [Music] good morning our second incredible breakfast just arrived at our velo having it by the pool we are enjoying this sweet so much it may just be my favorite sweet this morning we have two coffees again and a nice barley smoothie cleary got some pancakes and i got another smoothie bowl of course like my favorites i just can't live without a smoothie bowl in the morning and then cleary's got a baked skillet of egg with like potatoes and bacon i think i just want to summarize our thoughts on our stay here at tugu hotels in changu if you're looking for one of the most authentic balinese experiences and stays this is i think at the top top top you can't get much better than this it has so much history authenticity everywhere you look it's just unbelievable if you want to learn about the culture and the history and if that interests you i highly recommend you come and stay here this is basically a hotel museum it is really that interesting the service has been impeccable every single guest gets handwritten notes and poems every night you get flowers sprinkled in your bath it's just such a romantic place to stay i highly recommend it if you're a couple or you've just gotten married and if you're on honeymoon it would be absolutely amazing any one of these sweets you don't have to stay in the honeymoon suite although it's unbelievable these dinari suites with their own swimming pool and koi pond baths are just as good the service from all the staff working here has been absolutely unbelievable the food has been out of this world it's just so good the breakfasts the dinners the one downside at the moment is just that the indonesian restaurant that they have here serving all the local cuisine is currently not operating due to the pandemic but i'm sure in in due time it will be up and running that whole dining area around the garuda statue will be operating once again where they also have their dances that happen on a weekly basis so it's a very well-rounded cultural historical and romantic experience staying here and then to top that all off the location you're right in the heart of changu i'm so surprised i would expect a place like this to be in a bud it's super quiet you can walk to the beach it's literally 200 meters away and you're on one of the most popular beaches here in chengu there's a lot of things to do a lot of cafes to eat at the nightlife is great lots of sports to do on the beach and there's surfing lessons right around the corner but besides the activities all around there's so many activities you can enroll for here like the cocktail one we did last night which is super fun so i really don't think you can ask for much more this has just been such a well-rounded stay and i highly highly highly recommend it i must mention as a disclaimer this was a collaboration video with tugu they invited us to come and stay here so we are extremely thankful for that but they didn't pay us to have any biased opinion we are just here to enjoy and everything you saw in this video everything we ate everything we did is exactly what you can expect as a guest staying here we didn't get any special treatment it is how it is you can have breakfast anywhere you can have dinner anywhere they have the dine anyway policy and you get the teas every afternoon so really big big thumbs up and a big thank you to tugu we hope you guys enjoyed this one don't forget to like and subscribe see in the next one bye [Music] you

2021-09-16 15:26

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