IRLANDA, Sus Pueblitos Y Castillos

IRLANDA, Sus Pueblitos Y Castillos

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[Music] well today we start the day it turns out that we got on the Bus that is going to transport us to another place outside of dublin and it doesn't turn on So while they fix it well we have to take a walk around here through the streets it's 8 o'clock the morning after we should have left but it didn't work out So while they fix the Bus we go for a walk the last walk through this neighborhood that we are going to change and it was done well this morning they prepared us to go to another place let's go the final destination is Cork but from there we are going to make two three stops in other little towns before getting to cork so that we are going to get there through a little town like that, kind of very picturesque I think it's on this day but I 'm going to show you it ok, the Bus still broken we keep waiting So as soon as they fix it, we'll get out of here, but well, in the meantime we have to wait a little longer, what are we going to do Well, it happens to be that, they are not going to come to fix the bus until 11:00 am right now is 8:25 ? I think we're going to go for a walk here in Dublin for a while until 11:00 am [Music] a small note no That bicycle that's there belongs to the Postman incredibly but yes So here in this one at least in This neighborhood is how they distribute the mail on the bicycle and if you ask me if the man looks like Jaimito the postman eh I can't show them to you because i was a little shy, right, but I was curious that the man arrived in his in his bicycle just as the postman issued, he stopped his bicycle, took out his packet of letters and distributed and this only happens in dublin Ireland I like it I liked that they look for the name of the street well there it is Look, you see, between the wall they all look at the architecture here the little houses It's pretty but even so all the little brick houses are cool I like the concept well we've been walking and just to find this little park we're going to see if it was worth it or not, I mean is not that we were walking so much but if we go at least 15 minutes walking I don't know if more, ah look a that it's cool! ler's go inside there, we're going, it's cool the little park we're going ahead here, there's a little lake that's where we're going, where we want to go, let's see how it's going, I'll show you [Music] , well, we found the, Well it's not a lake it's a pond So it seemed bigger but well, there are no ducks or wow That's where they are so there are ducks we called their attention you see, and this is herbert Park here in dublin [Music] Well we are Very close to our next stop, The Powerscourt Gardens, these are beautiful gardens, it's a palace [Music] Here's something I want to show you. These are the Powerscourt, that's how they call them here in Ireland I'll show you look, a natural beauty! this is amazing there's well, they say that to tour these gardens you need 10 whole days, possibly weeks because it is huge, it has many things here, here we are only in a small part, not of what these gardens are, but large [Music] [Music] the truth is that they are very impressive the truth is that they're very impressive [Music] he is José our tour guide [Music] perfect I love this shot, this is the center of Lagunita from here of these gardens Here i am walking through the Powerscourt gardens I'm going to try to take a shot of that side of that side of the lagoon to see if he could get a good picture on the building behind I think it would look very cool the picture it there I'll show you I have to go all around This is our first stop we're on our way to cork and here we have a a couple more stops but this one but I'm showing you this I take a shot from here and go up to the top of the building well it's like that I'm going to accommodate it the air is moving it for me but the shot I want to show you is from here this part is over here ready [Music] Those are the Power Score gardens [Music] [Music] I'm going down here I don't know where this is going to take me but well I'll show you [Music] I could have gone down here too But Well, let's go down here to see where this little path is going to take me, wow, it looks cool. this is where we're going to go another way over there Get some water I bet there aren't any fish here I mean it's because no one has caught it let's see here it is cool! here wow it's full we don't know if he can look here in the camera but everything there the lower part is full of vegetation that seems to have been there for centuries and centuries here it looks a little clearer this water is very clear and all that is under the water we are going to see a little more to cross the bridge here this part is full of little paths I already showed you here the bridge where I just passed this is cool is curious this part this is the part below where it is good it is part of the gardens of the Powerscore this is already in the part at the bottom no I know where that road will take me but I'm going to walk a little bit to see if I see something out of the normal or not. I don't look at what you can see so much there, but here I want to take a quick walk like that because well, I want to see as much as possible of in this section you can hear water it seems that there is a river down there i hear water, but I don't see water, let's see were this takes me , i think is going to take me to turn around here ok the chubby guy is going fast, is just making me turn around here yes but it seems like that there normally runs a river after these trees there you can see wow here it is the great stream I think I'm going to go up that noise of water is making me, going to the bathroom I better retire Let's go up a different route Let's see if this makes me cut off the path and I don't have to walk where I do, I think so here it will cross Here we go out with permission and we go back [Music] well it seems that in the part down here, as far as i was able to go, There isn't much to look at , the walk is cool, it's like walking like this, it's cool, we're in a hurry, I can't spend a lot of time here, but here it is cool, realize that we're in the middle of a hole of green rocks, I feel like it's going to fill up of water but I imagine that when the storm is here, all this is here because water is falling everywhere. It seems that when it rains, the water from up here, falls here and forms what we call waterfalls. Remember what it's called in Spanish, but hey, ah this passage is cool!

hopefully i didn't took the wrong way, we go up and we are going to go, because they are already waiting for me in the transport to go to the next meeting point, I'll show them I want to see if you can see something through those bushes I don't think I can reach look but hey I want to go see [Music] [Music] these are the gardens of the Powers Powerscourt here in Ireland a very well well recommended place, here you can rent horses to walk around here throughout the field all the park all very green this well well well incredible if you come here you have to come here, i heve very reduced time, I can't show you everything but well all these areas that I managed to walk are are very, very cool, all very green, Well you know that here in Ireland it rains all the time, the time this little showers and so on, but the weather is wet all the time here so that's why is easier for them they keep it green but if you come here to Ireland it is definitely a well recommended place if you come with a lot of time you can spend here the whole day and You can have a super fun day this I don't know if they let you bring food here and to have a picnic and not all that but it seems that here they have everything there is food horse rental golf courses it's very cool, definitely a well recommended place here in Ireland The thing is that after walking for a while all over there Now you have to climb all the steps here, and you're tired, it's more difficult to climb But well, now or never as we say there at the ranch ah, this is easy here to maintain all those gardens, as they look impeccable, they say they have more than 150 employees that just to take care of the gardens [Music] defnitelly are very awesome these little gardens you walk and walk and you don't stop finding things that impress you, look in every little corner you find something remarkable, I'm going to enter this section I don't know what this section is but they look attractive things a good little garden, little rose garden, there is a little voy who is there naked, But hey let's go outside because is already time to leave from here, to enter this garden which is the garden of the powerscourt they charge you, i don't know how much they charge you, right now I'll find out for you I'll give you a little bit of information here below there is a charge I don't think it's a lot because I came here for construction of the tour but it's worth what they charge it's worth it because It's very nice to spend a day Here, well, well, everything, seeing nature, everything well treated, it's cool, I liked it, I liked it Okay, well, we're going out there That was the door we used to enter the gardens, now we're on our way out, do you want to buy too? there is where to buy the exit There it is this is the truck this truck where we go to our next word [Music] here these people have a house with some beautiful gardens and all this occupies 19 hectares 19 hectares the original house was a 13th century castle that then little by little has been modified until what we see today right now the family does not have and here that we all know it this is [Music] the castle this is outside a little side of the Castle And this is in Ireland [Music ] well there a lot of traffic This is Kim Kelly's little town So I thought there would be less traffic but it's not full of cars look now let's go up to the cathedral that's up the little street that 's over there more or less we are going to go up to the cathedral on the right side but right away we will take a walk here and we are also looking for something to eat this little town is called that is why we are going to go up right now to look for the cathedral which is one of the places icons here and I'm going to show you other parts of this little town like this little street that looks like several restaurants, little shops but right now we'll show you that part Okay I'm walking towards the cathedral it's one of the attractions here in this little town Apart from Calle de Animalito, apart from Calle de Martín, the little shops and all that, but I'll show you that, we're going to the cathedral because it seems to be a very cool cathedral, I'll show you, okay [Music] Believe it or not, this is the Court from here from here [Music] right now I'm walking to another cathedral to the first cathedral that I showed you I forgot the name but I'll put it there in the description the name of that cathedral right now I'm going to go to another cathedral of the Greater Cathedral that gives the name to this town that I show you Right now there is the sign that goes to the left Santa Cruz Santa Caniz is the cathedral that we are going to visit and we continue in search of the Cathedral well it seems that I found the street it was costing me a a little bit of work to find the cathedral through the little streets turn around here turn now but I found it is the cathedral of the round tower of Santa Canis and here I am I'll show you round [Music] yes it's very impressive in front of the Cathedral what it has you are here here here [Music] this is the cathedral [Music] well I took a memory from here [Applause] but it is Yes it is very impressive here the cathedral Eh yes I liked the quick visit here This is it I will show you what it is called n That's what it's called and the water has already started to rain. My God, I'm going to take out my umbrella because if I'm not going to get soaked down there, take out this part many years ago. It was a prison that later they turned into a House . The water didn't come, the water would go [Music] What do you think? It's cool, no [Music] Let's go up this little mountain here to go up here to the castle to what they'll call the over there, let's go well [Music] Here we go up the street we go to a castle a castle they call it the diamond or La Roca de caciel something like this closer I'm showing you suddenly the name comes from because it is made of pure stone of pure rock right now we are going to check it by going up there before we go look to see what Look here before going up a little path that I don't know where it will take us OK In the past it was a castle and now the ruins remain No but it's impressive very impressive and look where it is look it's on the hillside it's cool This view is beautiful part Here are the ruins of the Castle or what they call La Roca the rock of but it is in one in a little ice cream shop Here well well well well well well precious eh I show you [Music] because we left the Hotel late this morning because the truck did not want to learn the guide had to make a few phone calls to different places here was one of them that close at a certain time and when we got here well it was about time it was already closed No thanks to him they let us in and we We're going to stay here until they kick us out, that's what they told us. So we're going to have , we're going to have enough space to walk all around and see what else we can find. Open to see a little ravine, that's why it's fenced off, but here behind me is what they call the broker Casio, but down there, this other castle, let's see if he was able to grab something and there, let's see if my head doesn't move too much. camera But look, it's also beautiful, I don't know if they'll let us in there, but well, the idea is that it's the thing, from here we're going, we're going to see the graves on this side, I'll take them there, they come out [Music] my eyes don't give me For more, let's see if it already has a date of 1947.

In other words, this tomb is not that old, 1919. Let's see if we can find something older than that, but establish one of the newest since the cement looks softer and more modern [Music] This is inside the Castle, impressive from above . I'm going to see if I can find images of when this Castle was in operation I don't know how many years ago I feel like a family of years, I don't know, but I'm going to see if I can find images to show you how this looked in those older days. restored part of here is what the interior of the Castle is here in Ireland it is very impressive this good are some rules they are not ruins that well when seen they are very well preserved of course many parts are missing I don't know how old this Castle is that he investigated them and I put the information here but the truth is very impressive I am going to show you here a tomb that he has just found . I try to read a little better than what you have here but [Music] what I'm looking at is a cemetery Don't make it up let's see if it says what year is this about he died at 68 years old 1870 strange I see why outside here the Castle is full of tombs something like that is closed Ah We can enter for now from the outside We can look Oops I have not seen here do not invent it is full of tombs I will see if there is information here about this tomb here but just look at this It should be someone important I can't read what it has written but it must be someone important [Music] but we can't go up there because it's locked up look So since it's closed they won't let us go up but it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a look a good view cool this exactly [Music] the ruins of rock or stone here in Ireland What do you think is good This really is a cemetery [Music] how can you look today is a rainy day If you look at the clouds there I mean it's still It's raining and the water came here too I have my umbrella ready but I haven't seen this place I wanted to show you this part this is the other part the left or right part doesn't turn it's around the Castle I hadn't shown you this one I wanted to come and show you to show them everything that is around the Castle this is the part they looked at from the front that the roof was broken that is Look look at the two columns I imagine that here Before there was an arch that fell and you have to understand it is hundreds of years or thousands of years since I've been here It's raining hard, let's see if you can look around here, it won't go away [Music] there's the city I'm going to have to run because there's no one anymore Look, they left me, I just have to take out my umbrella Wait for me, wait for me, how is the air, it's tremendous, but well, not after a while, strong waves of air arrive, let's see if they don't eat the water that arrived the strong water makes me no longer see in the camera because of the water that the phone is getting wet but I look at them more after a while okay look what do you think father this Castle is very impressive the pure truth What The castle seems to be alone, Mira, with no one and that's because the water came, everyone started running and we were the last ones, we were able to look, so it was that the strong water came for a little while, everyone ran, they didn't come prepared like us with the umbrella and they left. they had to go for a run that gave us extra time to look at more things from here at

del Castillo But what did you think it was godfather well these are some of the ruins here in Ireland Right now we are exactly in this area But from here we are going to grab via everything here everything here and it doesn't reach this map but it's double what it looks like here and down here is where we found Jorge, which is where we're going right now [Music] third bridge over there is the San Patricio bridge this is [Music] We are walking to the center of the city I don't know what awaits us now But well we are following the group in line India [Music] this is the quork center here in Ireland as you have seen this part here is the part where all the stores are, the little bars for this part here this part here that's the San Patricio River That's how Ocean you want it to call it better right What do you think of this with the little air going right And this protects you from the air it protects of many things and it looks good [Music] Well, although the street is very small, the fall is very small, it is not two-way, look, but it has its lights to cross, although almost one of them respects it. Cars just stop passing and people pass by in red like nothing [Music] let's see what's over there that corner looks very attractive throw us out this cool casino another thing here in Ireland that there are a lot of white casinos Look at this these here are a little bit from what is everything then the street where all the stores are, we didn't take an alternate street to come and see what was around here, ribbons on this side. the city by bicycle This is an option [Music] a staircase that is not a staircase is a band to go up to the second floor [Music] they come on vacation [Music] those sculptures Well let's cross the bridge called Saint Patrick's let's go to the other which side of the river and we are going to look for our transport that will take us to the hotel and it is already getting late tomorrow we will have another day tomorrow we will come to see what else we can find around here the city well this city pork is the second most big one from here in Ireland So we just arrived we saw this part tomorrow I'll show you other other areas of this city this is the Saint Patrick's bridge It's not that I like to repeat no but in case I hadn't told you well the day ended Here I'm here on the Saint Patrick's bridge this is in Ireland I'm going back to transport because it's time to return from here we're going to the hotel we have dinner in the motel And to rest but we haven't arrived yet So there's more to show [ Music] where is the center some of the centers from here tomorrow to a different part that I'll show you I'm sure it's going to be good don't miss it it seems that this chain of jungstars stores is very well known here in Ireland Because almost everywhere you go We've been there are those kinds of stores, department stores [Music] It's like taking a little walk there in a boat, although I don't see any, I don't know if they'll be available here, we'll find out if there's something like that [Music] you're not here anymore waiting for the glass there the second language here is Spanish Well we are At the tour dinner, he gave us a delicious vegetable soup. I'll show you here we had fellow travelers show the other table. The table behind us is also quite a lot and there's a truck [Music]

2023-09-10 07:50

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