Iran Hamadan Archeological Park Walk – Explore Ancient Attractions and History

Iran Hamadan Archeological Park Walk – Explore Ancient Attractions and History

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] spe for here you can see a vast Hill which is called heg Matan Hill heg Matan is the largest Hill from ancient times in Iran the estimations indicate that the size of the hill is about 30 hectar however if there were no recent structures and modern constructions in this area the size of the Hill would have still been more than 40 hectar back in the 7th Century BC instead of the modern city of Hamdon they're used to an iconic city of the ancient world Heaton as the first capital of the first Iranian Empire the mids Empire heg Matan enjoyed full Glory wealth and fame of that magnificance except for the precious relics that are kept in top museums around the world only rains remain on top of a hill in hamon's City Center this over 3,000 years old site and the artifacts found there have given Hamdon the title of the Iran's capital of history and civilization regarding the researchers over Heaton Hill it seems that the constructions on this hill were made in 17th century 3 BC the recent excavations have brought many findings Priceless to the people who know the value of them the walls of this ancient city used to have gold and silver coating there were several other luxury things to make one of the most initial civilizations as mightly as possible on Heaton historical Mount one can see the reminds of The Monuments that belong to to the pre Christendom Kings they have their own particular styles of ancient periods at that time Architects constructed labyrinthine castles and massive structures with a variety of materials especially sunri brick mod and stone in addition there are some residential houses built around the castles archaeologists have discovered the trace of the people living then in that area Architects have used used gold silver tiles and decorative materials to build the place of the Kings here according to archaeological findings une earthed in the Heaton area the builders had considered special spaces there to transfer water or store Goods they had also built water channels all across the area the buildings on this historical Iranian Mound have large Courtyards rooms and water houses the experts of the time have designed and constructed many Transit routes near hm Matan for a Crossing between different places [Music] man is [Music] the stone museum is a very good identity section in the form of a collection of Engravings and Stone from the history of hamedan which had been discovered and collected from various areas of hamdan these rocks are from the sixth and eth Century the sjuk safit gajar and pavi periods some of these rocks belong to the base of the Ain columns located in the summer of Hamdon the T of the gajar and pav periods and Fountains of the safavid and sjuk period are also located in the museum these stones are kept in the open area [Music] spe hey m [Music] pleas the Museum of Heaton is one of the Eastern side of Heaton Hill based on the type of artifacts and ancient relics kept in the museum the museum divides into two sections ancient history and Islamic history the reles were either found in excavations of the meat capital or B presented or confiscated Stone and Clay artifacts make up the majority of the objects in the museum museum is an attraction Force visiting located at the site of this Mount Iranian cultural heritage organization authorities have exhibited a large number of historical reles and other objects of the region to the public here in this Museum there are ancient objects of prehistoric and post Islam eras Pottery jogs metal Stone and glassy objects of historical value are some of the examples object exhibited in this Museum [Music] [Music] for for B B [Music] [Music] m [Music] spe [Music] [Music] [Music] spe for another magnificent Monument of hmat is an Armenian Church called gory Church The Architects have built the Gory Church in 1676 in the Heaton area which consigned with the region of sha sulan Hussein is safit Sha of Iran the architecture of gory Church consists of several large Halls from religious rituals stone columns and a dome artists and Architects have built beautiful patterns and decorations on the faade of the church the church building is located in the eastern part of the Heaton Mound the building which includes a collection of Gregory stepanus Church in the ancient site of hegmon is located in a place where all its inhabitants were Armenian the numbers of which estimate at 300 were likely to immigrate to hamdan during the war of sha abas and occupied lands including Armenia for spe the nor School is located as of the Armenian Church and consist of seven classrooms the school begins with four students from religious minorities on 6 ah the building also has two entrance doors in the west a floor flat with a moery Ark and the eastern and western ltis window [Music] the Gregory's house is built on the Eastern side of the Armenian Church and has two floors the house is 2 square m and its lights comes from five half Crescent wooden windows the only South Eastern part remains with the main material of the clay a set of space including kindergarten preparation and old symmetry the old symmetry is the eastern part of the Protestant church and includes a number of Tom stones with prominent lines there are also a number of marble THS and descend to the asrian line [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music]

2025-01-19 09:13

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