Into the thin air Everest Base Camp 2021

Into the thin air Everest Base Camp 2021

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[Music] should be so would you like me to find that here is good morning it's 5 30 a.m we are here at kathmandu airport waiting to go through to get our ticket for lunch and start our adventure it's not too cold this morning and there's not too many people here but there are a few other there are a few other trekkers here [Music] and we're off to one club what is the low [Music] oh that was thrilling okay we are leaving lunch behind us and heading off into the national park and we are on our way to foctain so i will keep you abreast as we get along [Music] okay we made it to our first suspension bridge one of many so uh here's what it looks like and uh we're gonna walk across it uh why don't you come along with me okay how you doing kind of a long way down i need to pay attention so hopefully i'm getting some good footage of me crossing my first suspension bridge this is ding we gotta cross the bridge and then go all the way out to that far red roof and that's where we're staying tonight and all this water is coming from the kumbu glacier from everest base camp okay i'm here in my room and it has a western style toilet and a shower and two beds carpeted floors and a nice window that i'm gonna put my solar panel in right now uh himalayan glacial adventure company really hooked me up this is a really nice compared to some of the ones that i've seen okay good morning day two we are here in ding it's five o'clock in the morning getting up to pack up and get ready to have breakfast at 6 30 and then leave here by seven we will be trekking through monjo and then on to namche bazar today's the day we get to cross the the hillary bridge which is the longest highest suspension bridge footbridge i believe in the world so see how that goes uh i'll check back in with you later got the donkey train coming through they already dropped off all their stuff so this is dango we are in denga vanguard bangor yes and we're making our way up the valley and then there are these guys that this is how everything gets up the mountain on somebody's back so we're just waiting another minute and we're gonna start across the suspension bridge okay we left pak ding this morning we trekked all the way through monjo and now we just stopped at lunch at the friendship lodge the next part of the trek is supposed to be a little bit difficult we're going to be crossing the hillary bridge and then the two-hour uphill trek to an mca bazaar so one day at a time one step at a time and we will get there we are right on schedule we left at uh 7 almost 7 30 and it's now 11 so we're right on time and we have about another two and a half hours to go here we are i made it to the hillary bridge so from here it's pretty much straight up there to namche bazar four kilometers about a two hour walk okay here we are at namche bazaar i made it man it was a tough climb but uh ding to nam che bazaar and uh here we are it's raining and frozen mix but we made it and uh we're gonna go find our tea house and we're gonna put on our comfy clothes and have some hot tea and good fellowship so i will check in with you in a little bit okay here we are in mca bazaar here's my room i have two beds and a sink and a bathroom with a western toilet and a shower but because it's raining and been cloudy there's no hot shower so we're just gonna have to suck it up so this is my accommodations for the next two days uh everything is wet because it rained so i'm gonna put up a clothesline here in the bathroom and see if i can't get stuff to start to dry okay good morning day three we are in namche bazaar for our acclimatization day and it's six o'clock in the morning and it's uh pretty cold it's somewhere around 32 to 35 degrees uh so let me give you a little view where i'm at this view from my hotel room and uh so today we uh are going to head up to the everest overlook hotel and uh to the hillary museum and um so we're gonna hike high and then come back and sleep here tonight and then start our day four and i will talk about that later so good morning here we are at everest overlook park and there in the background is our goal that high peak all the way in the back let's see if we can i can't zoom in and uh so we're gonna go all the way up there to get a better view but the view here is absolutely spectacular so we started this is the valley now sticking your head up and we will be heading toward kengo shay about a six hour walk from here so uh we're gonna have breakfast and uh get started uh get early start so we can have an early finish relax at the next lodge so here's a little bit of a look last look of nemtche bizzard early in the morning it's quiet and it's a little cold this morning uh lucky for me today pretty flat for a while [Laughter] so it'll be nepalese flat oh yeah that's a relative term so uh i will check back in with you as we go along have a nice day the valley we came up and now we're walking again on the nem che highway which is what they call nepalese flat so it means kind of up and down but this part of the trail is really really nice dirt no two not too many rocks so we're able to travel a little faster and uh sun's coming out so it'll start to warm up because it's a little bit cold it's a yak attack [Music] namaste [Music] so here we go right about in the middle and so this is the view from one side and then this is a view from the other side and all of this water is coming off of the kumbu glacier we are here there's ashish inside the uh the house and now we just got to go up just a little bit more but i'm going to go through here and uh i'm gonna spin the prayer wheel so come along because i need a prayer that's what i definitely need so i'm coming in and yeah baby no money on money or money oh money or money on my money oh money nice bending and now we are walking into tengo shay good morning today is day five we are leaving tengo shay heading to dingbo shay and uh so here we are in uh tengo shay that's the monastery up here and uh and then uh as we go out we're heading up through the valley and uh the one peak way in the back that's kind of poking up that's her majesty that is mount everest right there it's a beautiful day and uh we're gonna be starting out and then if you look up that is mother mountain or abby dablom and uh so continue on we were walking through the rhododendron forest and we came upon this prayer wall so these are all prayers that are written in stone some of them are really old and you can see trying to get a cool shot here way off in the distance is where we started at tengo shay and we kind of came down to that little village and now we're walking along this really nice uh highway and we're heading back up the kumbu valley gonna cross over down a little bit and then back up i can't even imagine trying to navigate that load going up the hill okay we made it up the valley we're now heading down into the valley and we're going to start our climb up that path to dingboche where we will spend two days uh at dingbo shay uh the next one so tomorrow we will climb to the top of uh this hill here now for me it's a mountain but we'll be at 5 000 feet and come back down and then we'll sleep low to help acclimatize so uh it's been a long walk so far got some weather moving in so we need to get going so we can get to the tea house and uh get into some comfy clothes and have something to eat we are making our approach to uh dingboche where we'll spend uh two nights and then uh i'm not sure but i think that uh path up there is where we're gonna hike up to day six we're here in dingboche for our acclimatization day we're gonna go and attempt to climb to five thousand feet excuse me five thousand meters and come back down for lunch so here's a quick little scan of where we are and uh i will check back in with you a little bit later this afternoon let you know how it goes here we are we're at 14 000 feet and uh we're looking down on the town of or the village of dengboche coming all the way up the valley toward island peak and uh today we are heading up up higher we're going up for 5 000 meters and then tomorrow we're going to come up to here and then we go this way to loboche so from here it's nepalese flat and uh i'll check back in with you when we get to the top it is now snowing imagine that in the mountains this is gonna make for uh an interesting track tomorrow morning we will see how much uh leaves on the ground or not but it looks like it's already starting to collect and it looks like it's snowing pretty heavy so we will see what happens day seven we are here at the hotel countryside in dingboche getting ready to start out for loboche and uh we're here in the uh the tea room and uh very nice very very nice the food was great and uh that's dolly she's the owner and proprietor she took really good care of me okay here we are on the everest highway heading this way up the kumbu valley there's some jab my faithful porter friend guide and uh so we're coming back and uh this is kind of where we came from up the top of that hill there and this is my lead guide this is ashish he takes care of everything make sure i'm well and these guys take really good care of me they have nicknames for each other i haven't figured that out yet but this big rock fall with this water running through it is all the water's coming from the kumbu glacier down through the kumbu valley we did our climb out after lunch we are now at the everest climbers memorial site where they built uh memorials for all of the climbers who were have been killed trying to summit mount everest i'm just going to pan around a little bit i'm not going to video i think that might be a little disrespectful but unfortunately there seems to be a lot of them and then way back up in here there's a memorial for the 1996 uh everest team that was just about everybody was killed so this is where we came from and this is the view it's a yak attack you gotta get out of their way man it could be a little bit mean and ornery you definitely don't want to be on the downhill side they'll hip check in send you down the hill here we are we're at 16 622 feet looking down on the kumbu glacier and then there's sun jab i don't know what i do without him and way off there in the distance all that ice that's ever space camp and then we continue on and then a big pile of black rocks is calipatar and kind of in between those two is gorek shep so that's where we're headed we got about another hour and a half two hour trek have a quick spike to eat and then off to everest base camp i made it to base camp there's the climbers camp there's the entrance to the climbers camp which we're not allowed to go into but this is the kumbu glacier and there's the kumbu ice fall that the climbers have to go through and the glacier moves along on down the valley with that beautiful blue ice i made it here probably one of the hardest things i've ever done probably one of the worst decisions i've ever made but also one of the best decisions i've ever made um you really find out who you are so uh it's almost time for us to start heading back toward gor shep for the night we got another two and a half hour trek back and uh it's been uh it's been a quite an experience getting here my two guides ashish and sun jab have taken care of everything made sure i was taken care of and had everything i needed and uh so there we are we have arrived we completed the mission the next part of the mission is to get home that's what i'm gonna do gopro stop recording [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that was uh ashish giving it a good turn and every time the bell rings that releases the prayers to the gods so for from my fire department guys there's the ftc for the we are leaving namche bazaar and these are the supposed to be the automatic prayer reels run by water which is i'd watch out it's slippery but as the water flows it's supposed to turn the prayer wheels but unfortunately they're not turning and the new mission is to make it back home okay we've got a quick helicopter ride but at least we were able to get out because the weather is still crappy and get back along uh get back to kathmandu here we go all right next part of the adventure or they called the monkey temple and there's kathmandu

2021-05-15 22:33

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