Into Alaska - Terrifying Windstorm Hits Hard |10-Days Family Camping in Alaskan & BC Wilderness -E.7

Into Alaska - Terrifying Windstorm Hits Hard |10-Days Family Camping in Alaskan & BC Wilderness -E.7

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good morning good morning well here we are still  in Telegraph Creek and we spent a better part of   the afternoon yesterday dialing everything in  for our canoe trip and trying to fit everything   into the canoe before we uh hauled everything  down the hill to the Pud in and it looks like   it's going to fit we have you know a a lot  of stuff because we're traveling with four   people and a dog and all the gear we need to  be safe out there um now the good news is is   that uh there's no portages on this trip so  this is like the only Portage is portaging   from the truck down to the pudding this canoe  is rated to over 1,400 lb I believe um so the   weight's not an issue the only issue is  finding enough space to put everything   any who um yeah we're just going to have our  coffee and eat some breakfast and we should   be getting onto the river this morning  so can't wait to experience the lower Sten [Music] go [Music] away so this is a new life jacket that we got for  Wesley it's kind of acts as a neck ring and   then it's got a lot of flotation just on  his chest so it will basically flip him   right side up so his head is out of the  water no matter what so it's specifically   made for disabled people so that they can  feel extra safe when they get on the water sweetheart [Music] bringa for rainow S the [Music] Sandy [Music] oh my on Shore still here taking up okay we are on the water in a very heavily  loaded 18t prospector but we are still under   the uh amount of weight this puppy can  take this thing's rated for over 1,400   lb so um and we have a swift coming up right  off the Hop looks like left might actually be   better no yeah a lot of boils hey a lot of  boils but it does feel quite stable yeah it does this is a little wavy here eh yeah yeah no problem though he yeah  like it the one thing about having a   heavy load is that your stability is more you know yeah we're doing it we're paddling the  Sten we're paddling the Sten [Music] yeah nice our [Music] body [Music] up around this corner we actually have a  proper rapid so we have to like Scout it I   mean we might yeah sounds like something but it  looks like we could just pull up on this Gravel Bar good here it's just a booger it's just a booger um so  there's a kind of a big winding blind corner here   and I'm just walking down this Gravel Bar  it's quite a walk but it's nothing of any   seriousness but just cuz we have the kids  I'm going to make sure that uh the Rapids safe some bigger stuff over there clear passage right through there annoying life jacket yeah  I'm going to take one KNE [Music] too right just keep your eye on the  far right see that got a piece of cake right nothing wo very good very nice woohoo good CL I think we're L scary but nailed [Music] it [Music] W beautiful sorry buddy away tall tan Fish Camp here go Dodge smoke C yay yeah oh wa look at this look straight ahead see that oh wow [Music] is [Music] that is bad Rapids so to run bad rapid it looks  like we have to hit a line that uh we're going   to need to be fairly precise on at the top and  if we we hit that right we'll be able to miss   the big waves and stay right and essentially  just run a sneak route and avoid the whole thing I think we're going to  crush this it doesn't look too bad no yeah you threw your hat in the water yeah well that wasn't so bad you  pass me H's H now ready one two well we are past the Rapids and uh we're  looking forward to cruising a bit further down   river the scenery is just getting better and  better Clearwater Creeks rolling in off the   mountains making a nice hissing sort of babbling  noise stacked mountains in the distance we're   hoping to stop at a a fairly major tributary  that um with any luck will hold fish at its   mouth the sticken is a silty river milky as they  call it um has a lot to do with the glacial till   in it so typically where the fishing's good  is where Clear Water tributaries pour into it   and create a big Clear Water Back Eddy at the  Confluence and so that's where we're going to   fish I mean you still might catch something  in a regular old back Eddie here but uh your   chances are fairly low so yeah we're hoping to  camp at a spot where um we might catch a fish   and we'll definitely have a beautiful view  that's uh a given in this country [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yeah nice look at that woo that is not  a small fish it bit it hit right here   like it hit right in front of my feet  it's not exactly a tank but that's a   good good amount of food eh good eater  I'd say we're eating tonight yeah here Wes hey little cutie good job buddy are you fishing Wesley's fishing you want to  catch a fish cuz you saw daddy catch one hey here we go he's so happy we're at the campsite right y was that  a fun paddle you did good today Wesley did you   like all the scenery yeah did you like the  scenery today I think you did you go yay no   more life jacket no more life jacket you going  play with the dirt again aren't you no more life jacket G brother he yeah bud what did Mama do she's  not letting me eat all the cck bars for   dinner can't eat only CP bars for dinner but  we bring eat some fish you want to eat some fish oh my goodness so helpful put's being very helpful Hudson stay close  please far thank you uh want a little oh don't do that be gentle  gentle what going holding up our   no no no don't take that one no no  no Hy don't take that one look bu guys I think yeah come sit down puty come sit don't need no help let's do pasta  tonight spaghetti yeah yummy spaghetti   dad daddy daddy Mama very good D dad dad  play dad dad play dadad okay Dad Dad will play [Music] here you go [Music] Bud wussy loves it yeah more fast y yeah you got to rehydrate your brother's food [Music] [Music] ladybug tonight is pasta um I just rehydrated Wesley's  dinner which is chicken pop pie I know sweetheart dinner is not going to take long well tried to get another fish no such  luck but uh that one Dolly VAR in good size   so uh it'll us with a little side of pasta  or something uh also this tributary is uh   right out of a glacier and it's kind of Milky  um so I'm looking forward to hitting up some   of the more clear water tributaries cuz I think  typically they produce more fish but uh who knows   it's that's fishing for you are you drinking  a rock tea wow yummy Rock tea excited to this go M could use some more rocks oh I was worried about it it's pretty good eh yeah it's ripping yeah like oh everything is [Music] everywhere what' you do oh uhoh and North why you have a dog right there  the rocks and everything very good honey I'm   just using some fish Cris here because  uh we forgot the Old Bay we left it in   the spice rack I love Old Bay with Fish And we  didn't bring any fish seasoning so we're going   to have to uh do it the oldfashioned way  huh huh fish hi plenty of time for that Hy hi I don't care enough okay I'm sit on Mama's Bo wind completely  changed Direction hey weird eh one the other direction okay super windy  all of a sudden I'm just H the swe help me help I can understand you're so scared it's  pretty scary isn't it but we're okay right it's just wind it's just just sounds scary Wesley is just chilling look at him he's   asleep already Wes's used  to this camping situation huh lie down in here no yeah Mama's  going to lie next to you it's okay not quite like that dummer still technically boy over there like a little bit of a crazy turn of  events here all of a sudden what was a perfect   evening just turned into AIC wind storm and it all  happened right when I was about to finish cooking   my fish so I think me and T are going to put our  rain jackets on and eat that fish and climb into   the tent but this is [Music] crazy and after  all that it is now raining and the uh uh wind   has pretty much stopped we just guide the crap out  of the whole tent huie was super scared but Tori   went in the tent and calmed him down and he fell  asleep and all is well so um the tent we have is   meant for like Mount Everest perfect mhm wow I  need a drink after that I was so I was just like   oh my God what are we going to do what if the tent  shreds apart were you scared yeah I was terrified   H scream crying I felt so bad mama it windy scream  crying oh my my heart was breaking and then also   shoved him in the tent thinking oh he's going to  be protected from the wind in there and meanwhile   he's just in the tent with the tent flopping  around and he's more terrified it's the poor   kid he has no idea yeah and we're kind of freaking  out like you know chaos ensues cuz we're running   around doing a bunch of stuff that was chaotic I  think I was freaking out a little too much and I   scared of tring over here well I was terrified I  was terrified and I was just trying to not have terrified hey pretty good they were  like it's going to be raining for   the next 5 days yeah but we're on a trip  for 10 days so maybe the next following   5 days will be nice and when we're  in the rainforest nice and sunny and sunshiny okay so nighttime of day one and uh  it threw a lot of different things at us from   a beautiful morning to taking time to get on the  river to starting out feeling uncomfortable packed   in gear not in the right place scared that  we were too heavily loaded to all of a sudden   gaining our confidence running a bunch of Rapids  and nailing some technical Maneuvers to hitting   a nice beautiful stretch of river taking in the  scenery and just getting to Camp catching a beauty   fish right off the bat and being like oh man this  is perfect what a nice evening to all of a sudden gale force freaking winds me to are thinking  like 75 80 km an hour winds but uh yeah it was   pretty scary I can't say I've ever really had  um a raging Windstorm blow up like that out of   absolutely nowhere but you know what at the end  of the day yeah it wasn't what we wanted but we   knew how to deal with it and we handled it and  everybody's fine and we're looking forward to   tomorrow on the river anyways it is late  I'm tired crazy chain of advents today not   to mention the Big Horn the Great Horn Owl  I guess they have a nest around here that   was just hanging out right over there calling at  us so that was nuts but uh yeah looking forward   to seeing what tomorrow has in store and uh I'm  going to go to bed before my pants get any more wet come okay serious isue this  morning I just woke up and   climbed out of the tent and our canoe is [Music] gone

2024-01-02 20:34

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