Interview with Penny Rafferty - A Career in Sustainable Tourism

Interview with Penny Rafferty - A Career in Sustainable Tourism

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hello thanks for joining us today today I'm  joined by Penny Rafferty who is the Head of   Sustainability at Tourism Australia Penny will  be discussing the work to reframe and Advocate   to uh sustainability and sustainable  tourism in terms of the environment and   Regional economies thank you for joining us  today Penny can you please tell us a little   bit about yourself and the work that you do  sure thank you very much for having me Karen   um so the work I do is very much about building  a voice of advocacy for our tourism operators   and and our industry for The Operators that are  very clearly having positive impact on a multiple   uh set of stakeholders from the environment  that they operate in the community that they   live in and work in and the surrounding uh  communities and but also the impact that they   on the local culture so that what they do has  positive impact and really um defines what is   uniquely Australian and sustainably Australian  um the work is you know of course with Tourism   Australia it's a two- prompt approach so if we're  going we are a marketing voice for the country uh   we don't own the product but we are sort of I  guess you know Chief Storyteller if for want of   a better word um we also you know the other part  of my work is the behind the scenes which every   business does if they're going to work in this  space which is are we you know are we walking the   walk as well as talking the talk so there's some  business of the business work but primarily it is   about embedding consideration of sustainability  into all of our messaging and champing and   elevating the industry operators in tourism that  are doing it well excellent and and in terms of   sustainability what does that really mean in  Context of the tourism industry specifically   oh goodness uh sustainability like luxury means  something different to every single person you   talk to so from recycling those toilet paper rolls  to saving the planet and everything in between but   globally there are you know the the the concept of  positive impact and incremental positive impact on   people Planet place is widely agreed to be kind  of a a holdall for what does sustainability mean   and it will mean something different for every  business that you know people work in um and every   business is at a different stage of understanding  what what it is what it's going to take for them   to be sustainable um so it is incremental positive  impact on the people the planet the place and of   course they have to be profitable otherwise  that's not sustainable excellent and um so in   terms of the opport unities now so in um obviously  everybody has to do their own assessment as you   said and work out what does sustainability  mean for them and what their incremental   positive impact could be what sorts examples  of opportunities are available now that present   themselves particularly at this unique time that  we're in oh you know one of my favorite memes of   the last year was um an Instagram Meme and I'm not  a big meme person but saying you know the world   what do you mean we've got to stop everything  to save the planet and mother nature here's   a virus go practice I think the opportunity is  the fact that we have been forced to stop and we   everybody's had an opportunity to re-evaluate what  did what do I value so even even as much as sort   of March 2020 I was talking to a lot of people  who'd literally been in lockdown for a couple of   weeks and without prompting every single one of  them referenced their increased appreciation or   than value for nature and connection with nature  um teachers many other things Health well-being   travel know and that realization that travel is a  privilege not a right I think has has has emerged   I think the value of the things that actually are  at the at the base at the core appeal of travel   which is nature and cultural heritage and cultural  environments um there's a heightened appreci   ation of that not diminishing the pain that a lot  of businesses have gone through but the fact that   everyone has been at a standstill um and it's it's  kind of an even playing Ground for many businesses   that just were too busy didn't have time um  weren't quite sure where to start that it's   it's an even playing Ground for those businesses  to use this time to innovate and reframe how they   are going to be sustainable for the future from  their employee perspective from their environment   their local community perspective you know we're  not so busy for a change yeah absolutely it it's   um it is an incredible opportunity isn't  it that it's not that go go go it's that   time to like you say they can innovate and look  forward and and what would you say in terms of   achieving a more sustainable tourism what are  the biggest challenges to achieving that oh I   think it depends on the business business that  you're in so I think there and there are a lot   of business models and support sort of systems  like B Corp like ecotourism Australia like the   long run any of those businesses that are there  to help businesses of all shapes and sizes figure   out what it is that's going to make them more  sustainable both from a financial point of you   but also longer term impact on their environment  um a really great example of a business that um   has know practiced this for know 23 plus years now  is in trepid travel so it's the largest um small   tour group operator in the in the world based  here in Australia um they've gone through the   the borp um certification process I think it's  25 times now and just refining their business   so everything from um looking at their procurement  who do they deal with what is the impact are there   what you know do do each of the suppliers that  they deal with have a a a positive impact on   the the supply chain further down the track on the  people that they employ to their philosophy of you   know open sharing of lots of resources so I think  one of the big things is it's really hard for it's   it's quite challenging for a lot of people to get  their head around well how how do I decarbonize   my business how do I um you know tighten my  business or adapt my business so that I can   account for and measure multiple stakeholder  impacts not just measure the bottom line so you   know everyone's heard of the triple bottom line  or the quadruple bottom line it really is it's   about um it's almost a mindset shift really it is  about going right profitability is essential but   what are the other impacts and how do I measure  that as part of the success of my business are my   employees happy well paid is that is the majority  the money that I bring into the business to then   pay out is the majority of that staying in this  local region and environment and community that   I depend on for my business is the um waste  out of my business impacting negatively on   the environment that is arguably the appeal for my  business you know a lot of hidden sort of benefits   and positive and negative balances that can be  really quite easily reviewed but it it takes a bit   of a a Minds set shift to go that's how I'm going  to measure the success of my business excellent   and I would imagine the examples like Intrepid  uh travel that you mentioned are really good   case studies and and places for learning really  PL where where that you can examine and look at   good examples of practice absolutely and know I  know a few people who have worked with Intrepid   in the past and the you know one of the benefits  of doing this is you end up with this incredible   staff loyalty this wonderful culture and people  want to work for you because they feel good about   doing good and you know travel and tourism is an  amazing industry to work in but the the businesses   that actually have that positive impact that flows  through to this through to the employees the staff   as well excellent and and with regards to the main  stakeholders obviously staff are a big one um but   you mentioned earlier there's multi multiple  stakeholders to consider when looking at the   sustainability who are these main stakeholders  in overcoming challenges and how can they make a   difference to the organization or business listen  it depends what business you're in um and I call   it the stakeholder Galaxy for some businesses it's  really quite simple it is the physical environment   that you operate in it is the the people both  within the business but also imp acted touched   by the business so your supply chain um it is the  customer absolutely it is your guest and you know   U many many people would have heard me say this  before you know the the word tourist I I have   a problem with because it really depersonalizes  the the industry that we are in that what we do   you know so you know a simple way of engaging more  more deeply with people especially now because our   our Travelers really do want to engage more deeply  is to absolutely talk about them as visitors and   guests there's a tonal shift in that um not just  as a number it is about you know um so it's the   environment it's the people in the local community  it's your your staff it's also the um the broader   community that you work in and in Australia every  part of Australia has an indigenous connection so   one of the really simple things that we can do  um as as businesses is acknowledged that and   it's not know there I think there's a maturity now  that people understand that it is actually about   acknowledgement and respect and there's so much  we can learn from our local indigenous people you   know they've been around they're the oldest living  storytellers in the world because they have lived   as at at at as one with the land that they live on  so they're actually walking talking sustainability   success stories um so that acknowledgement of our  unique Australian culture is also um a key part of   a sustainability Journey for a business excellent  and that learning in terms of taking that on   there's a lot of learning that business owners  and um those working in organizations they they   need to develop and start to I guess expand their  their mindset and their understanding and would   you say that it's the owners and the managers in  these organizations where the focus should be with   education and learning or is it more broader that  we need to educate our visitors as well I I think   it is the coming together of all of those things  sometimes yes it'll be triggered by an owner or a   manager sometimes it'll be triggered by a grounds  will of keen new Next Generation intelligent   curious people sometimes it'll be triggered by  guest response that oh hang on maybe I should   be eliminating more civil used PR Plastics from my  business because I'm actually getting bad negative   customer feedback now um business owners though  there is increasing evidence that doing the right   thing and having a a business that does measure  multiple stakeholder positive impact as as part   of his success are generally better run businesses  and then generally more profitable and so you have   you know big hedge funds like um black rock on  Wall Street that are investing in sustainably   driven businesses because they are not because  they feel good not because it's fluffy and and   makes them feel good but because they're better  run businesses right that's a really good point   to know um because a lot of people I would imagine  the preconceived idea is that when you start to   take these actions it costs you more money and  it's um it's more work but actually it makes   such a significant difference to be more efficient  yeah the listen there is of course work involved   in making change in a business but very often it  it makes a positive impact on the bottom line as   well as a positive impression on the on the guest  as well as a positive contribution to the regional   community so you know your supply chain whether  it's local food and and Beverages and produce   whether it is local amenities whether it is local  art all of those things also align with why people   travel know people travel to to experience  difference they travel to experience the place   the the era of cookie cutter um I'm traveling  to stay in a hotel is over and I'm and the era   of I'm staying in a hotel because it's got the  same brand of sparkling wine in it that I could   get in every one of its hotels doesn't matter  what country I'm in you know that's characterless   people don't travel for that anymore they travel  to really experience the place and particularly   postco there is that there is an awful lot of  research and and commentary and narrative now   around travel seeking a deeper connection with  place um which you know in Australia we kind   of we've done that a lot already we've always  offered that but the importance of local local   is certainly On The Rise excellent and in terms  of of building the message and and this connection   with place as well and sustainability in what ways  can we shape how customers view the value of their   travel spend and what they get from that that  travel spend uh simply tell sto tell your story   learn and you know it's interesting I've been  working with a lot of businesses many of whom   are doing really cool stuff in terms of you know  habitat rebuilding or Wildlife protection which   is particularly um potent you know given the the  focus on Australia Post bushfires um to working   with local producers and creating really cool Gins  you know we've got a gin explosion happening in   Australia at the moment but the stories behind  those things uh are your tools of trade and it's   interesting you know once you get people telling  their story and you say that was an amazing story   but I can't see that on your website or I can't  see that articulated on your social media or in   your brochure you got to tell that story because  that provides the um um the the the compelling   reason for people to want to connect with you and  that links um really well with Simon's the next   video doesn't it people buy what you um people  don't buy what you do they buy why you do it   absolutely and then another really great tool is  um something that I've always kind of abided by   is um there's a a big piece of research was done  post GFC by a guy called Ross Honeywell and he   developed a theory around the new economic order  which is planet traditional and the desire economy   and if you Google that on his homepage there's a a  seven or eight minute animation that really talks   about the people that are driven by by the cost of  something but the people that are driven by what   is it what is its value and how does it align with  their values and really those are The Travelers   they're the ones that really you know they'll  they'll talk they they'll if you don't deliver   on the promise yes then that then cost matters  but they will spend on things that align with   their values um and that's that sits at the heart  of sustainability or sustainability sits at the   heart of that what's the alternative people want  to travel unsustainably yeah yeah exactly it's   become um it's become more the Norman expectation  isn't it it's be gone beyond uh Isn't it nice it's   actually an expectation yeah and you know and  but the the promise has to live up you know   if if we've all heard about over tourism and you  know have seen even in New Israel's the impact on   you know beautiful beaches in in in Southeast Asia  on cities in Europe and you look at the beautiful   glossy brochures and you then turn up there and  there's overcrowding or there's nasty terrible   pollution and litter there's lack of respect for  the place that's just not sustainable and you know   we so there's an awful lot of work to be done  to make sure that we actually have integrity of   promise absolutely and with that and and with  your role you have such a a big role that you   have to to work within what would you say are the  biggest challenges for you in the role that you do   um it it must be like so widespread what you have  to achieve um oh certainly time um and you know   I'm I'm not necessarily very patient but the the  biggest challenge and opportunity is that this is   not a bolt-on this is not an add-on or a separate  Silo of thinking for Tourism Australia it's a   fundamental so one of the first Little Steps was  actually getting that that acceptance that this   has to be an all of organization approach the  knowledge can't sit with just one person and   that's the same with any business the knowledge  and the understanding that this is a consideration   in everything that we do has to be across the  organization so yes the challenge was to start   to infuse that but it's also the opportunity  because then it means it's not one person kind of   the keeper of all things sustainability it's not  you know it's not like doing the accounts or it's   not like doing the purchasing this is something  that impacts on every aspect of a business so   making sure that every every member of staff from  the board to the to the post boy um understand   that hey how how do I make this a consideration  in my activity how do I then actually make it a   ingrain it into our decision making processes and  our policies and our standard operating procedures   not as a drum banging exercise but how do I make  it a consideration have we consider considered   our bold vision statement for the future in terms  of the day-to-day Sops and procedures and activ   ities that every single person on the on the team  does that's brilliant so it's not just embedded   it's embedded in the culture but it's embedded in  everything that you do and it's really it's really   easy I think for S organizations to sometimes have  those values statements that aren't Then followed   through but like you say if it's considered in  every aspect of decision making automatically   it becomes an everyday occurrence and it it  actually starts to permeate through the whole   organ ization absolutely and um a very wise very  young fabulous colleague of mine um in Victoria   gave me a phrase that I I use regularly and it  reverts to the storytelling but it also refers   to this sort of infusion across across a business  it it is about making a commitment but her wise   words were progress not Perfection and and as  long as that isn't a copout absolutely start it   it start from where you are one little step at a  time because every you know it's quite often with   um sustainability is one of those words it's it's  an internal working word it's a word that has kind   of become a bit overwhelming and possibly lost  meaning in terms of consumer marketing but it   absolutely um you know is an internal working word  we can't we can't just create another word but   don't you you don't have to wait for Perfection  you look at what can we do now and every bit every   little step is a step towards a more sustainable  future for the business for the people around you   for the environment you work in um and and you  know it makes it less overwhelming absolutely and   and and definitely more achievable and in terms  of the mindset so so for new entrance that are   starting to come into the industry would you say  that that mindset of you know what can I do that's   going to make an impact in my immediate role so  that I can start being sustainable straight away   is that the type of mindset you would like to see  entrance coming in with um yes it's interesting   because actually the the you know the generation  after me um there's there's a significant number   of them that have already got the mindset that  hang on what's what's got what what's going to be   left what you know the enormity of the damage that  we have done to the planet and the degradation of   environments and communities is they're already  aware of that so I think the mindset is about   long-term thinking and bring people with you  um and and not getting not getting overwhelmed   have big hairy audacious goals for the future but  start with what you can manage have a really good   look at what do I what do I have control over in  my day day life and you know fix those bits what   do I have influence over and bring people with  you what do I have no control or influence over   but you know what if there's enough of us that  start thinking that um around a project we might   be able to influence bigger players and create  a greater ground SWR of leadership brilliant and   and definitely if you go alone um sorry if you  go alone it it takes a lot longer than actually   working with others yeah collaboration and and and  in fact in the sustainability space it's really   interesting you you will find people are really  willing to share it's not a competition it's not   the Doge e dog you know Wolf of Wall Street kind  of activity out there because it is actually for   the greater good and I think people that uh  have been working on improving and creating   large scale positive impact for a long time  realized that all their efforts aren't going   to make much difference if they don't bring  everyone else with them so they're very happy   to share the level of collaboration in in this  area is is just heartwarming that's fantastic and   on on that that leads us really nicely actually  into our final question which is the top three   skills when building your team and would you  say that capacity to lead and bring people with   is something that you actually look for absolutely  so it's it's that balance between um curiosity and   collaboration um is is is what is sort of one  of those little Dynamics I can't look at single   skills I always look at sort of skills that are  complimentary but create a a productive tension   in a in a in say a meeting room so collaboration  and curiosity um empathy empathy empathy empathy   um wins out every time and and a work ethic  you know any industry any time any place if   there if there isn't a work ethic which shows  you care then um you know it's it's it's it's   very hard to to create the kind of dynamic and  tension and productivity and excitement in a team   that's really interesting because it's it's very  hard I think for a lot of people to sort of really   nail it and put put the finger on exactly you  know what that means to have that work e because   people can explain often what they don't want  but to say that they actually have to care is a   really good way of summing up all of those things  that that relate to being on time being engaged   being interested just caring is a really good  way to sum it up yeah and and with work ethic   that doesn't just mean work yourself to the Bone  it means having the smarts to understand what are   the priorities what you know what what do I need  to get done that means the rest of the team can   get their job done and it means also having the  smarts to go hang on which of these things is   more important you know you know it it and really  applying a discipline to to the work that you do   get get get the things that really matter done  first not you know not not drown in all the the   things that don't necessarily make a difference  just to be seen to be working hard absolutely well   that's fantastic and we've actually reached the  end of our interview now so I'd just like to thank   you so much for your time and you've mentioned  some incredible businesses and examples and some   some great videos what where would you say is  the best place for our students and trainers to   actually start you know investigating and finding  out a bit more about this topic oh goodness um   there are multiple resources and I think it  might even be easier if I send you a list   and you could potentially post them on this but  look to best PR practice um be Corp and looking   at businesses that have gone through the bot  process from small family businesses to big one   like Intrepid um look at um oh there are so many  success stories there is no cookie cutter formula   for this so there's no one source of Truth um  but Ed I think reading just reading and educating   yourself around what businesses are having a  positive impact in the very very diverse range   of areas that Encompass tourism yeah excellent  that's yeah and you know what better example what   better way than actually finding success stories  and those that have actually they're actually   demonstrating it it's applied it's not just theory  of what you need to do it's actually this is it in   practice which is it's kind of sums up everything  about vocational education and and what it aims   to achieve so that's that's perfect wonderful  thank you Karen Lely thank you so much again   for your time and your insights it's it's really  appreciated my Absolut pleasure good luck everyone

2024-12-08 22:28

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