International Travel and Tourism Management

International Travel and Tourism Management

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hi everyone and welcome to this ulster university  destination ulster session this session   is all about the bsc international travel and  tourism management program which is designed to   give you the key management skills  to create an unforgettable experience   in the worldwide and constantly evolving  international travel and tourism industry   my name is peter bone i'm the course director for  the international travel and tourism management   degree here at ulster university you have my  email contact details on screen there should you   wish to follow up um after you've heard from this  particular session um you also have the relevant   twitter um ieds there as well so if you  wish to follow the main ulster university   account on twitter or indeed myself as course  director for this area please feel free to do so   the rather than hashtag in relation to this  particular course is ittm for international travel   and tourism management so to give you an overview  of what the session is going to cover uh we'll   be looking at why travel and tourism in general  is an area of study in an area of employability   um in future uh why travel and tourism ulster uh  university in particular uh give you a bit of an   overview of the degree program itself and what  that involves talk about some important areas   such as student support while studying on a course  like this and also of course the important area   of future careers and employability so just to  give you a flavor of what this session will cover   so moving first then to why international travel  and tourism management in general is something   you might wish to consider it's very much a global  industry um it's a global industry fueled by the   human desire for experiences and that has meant  that tourism has had a huge global impact it   had reached the point by 2019 just before covet  where we had reached 1.5 billion international   tourists traveling the world each year that meant  tourism had grown to such an extent that it was at   that point accounting for one in ten jobs globally  around the world and had become a key driver   on a global basis of economic growth um  as well now as we're only to be aware   the covert pandemic affected all industries and  industries like tourism of course and the ability   to travel in particular um we're now at a stage  of course where things are now recovering um and   tourism has always been a resilient industry  and a very innovative one that has adapted   to different aspects of disruption different  macro trends and so on that has affected it   so we're seeing tourism well on the road to  recovery at the moment um and we are destined to   see it not only return to the kind of levels that  we'd seen by 2019 you know but within a few years   getting back to even building further and growing  further beyond that as well what that has allowed   us to do in beneficial terms as an industry is to  look at new opportunities and how we developed and   how we adapt to things as we go forward it's led  to ideas for new business models in terms of how   we structure different elements of the tourism  industry it's very much led to refocus on the   whole aspect of digital engagement and going hand  in hand with that various aspects of environmental   sustainability as well and we've seen a whole  refocus initially on domestic tourism and what   the media sometimes likes to call the staycation  and how important that has been to tourism   in the early stages of recovery that way so those  are things that have become much more apparent   much more important during the last few years but  they are things that are now helping tourism and   in the industry to adapt in terms of informing  it as it were how it grows forward in that sense here in northern ireland uh with the courses  based northern ireland's economy has been very   much driven by the tourism industry in recent  times as well we reached the point where we   were getting over 5 million visitors in 2019  we had reached at that point for the first time   tourism generating over 1 billion pounds in  terms of revenue so very significant economically   contributing in the region of 5.6 percent of gdp  gross domestic products and making tourism a very   healthy component of the country's economy  reaching the point of having almost 10 000   hotel rooms available at any one time the giant's  causeway on the north coast very much had become   cemented as northern ireland's top leading  visitor attraction in terms of visitor numbers   and northern ireland have been receiving a lot  more attention and receiving a much more positive   international image and winning lots  of accolades and awards for that as   well one good example of that was  when belfast and the causeway coast   were declared as lonely planets top region to  visit in 2018 survey of all regions in the world   belfast and the causeway coast was written  as the number one to visit in 2018 there building on that further we have seen in recent  times some very specific aspects of tourism   helping to showcase globally the best of what  northern ireland here has to offer and very much   adding to northern ireland's traditional uh  tourism product that way and three of those   areas in particular have been food tourism or food  and drink tourism film or screen tourism and gulf   tourism and northern ireland has been developing  very strongly uh with its tourism in relation to   all three of those um the food and drink um aspect  of northern ireland has grown tremendously in   recent years the quality of a lot of our artisan  food and drink produce has been winning awards   both locally nationally and internationally  that way and has become much more of a feature   of northern ireland tourism that way um filament's  green tourism is another area of tourism has grown   enormously in recent times in particular thanks to  the worldwide success of the television show game   of thrones which has showcased northern ireland  scenery to the world through that very successful   award-winning television show but there are  lots of other examples of film and tv shows   around that now produced and shot in northern  ireland which are helping to attract tourists   as well and gulf tourism um which has been an  important part of northern ireland's tourism   product for some time now but particularly  in the past 10 to 15 years given the high   profile of our top golfers from northern ireland  at the top rankings of our best golf courses   and the fact we've been hosting much higher  profile competitions such as the open championship   which came to royal port russian 2019 and will  be returning again in 2025 those have been   tremendously important for the image of northern  ireland and for development of its tourism product   as well so those are just three important examples  of how tourism here has been developing that way those have been further integrated into wider  context the body responsible for marketing the   entire island of ireland to overseas international  tourist tourism ireland their first new campaign   in recent years was called fill your heart with  ireland and as part of that global campaign they   identified what they call six consumer passion  points and to attract tourists to come to ireland   and those six consumer passion points are views  and landscapes living culture built heritage   food and drink soft adventure and television  and movies so you can see some of the key things   associated with northern ireland that we mentioned  previously they're highlighted within uh some of   those six key consumer passion points as part of  that tourism ireland global marketing campaign so that's some context in relation to  travel and tourism industry both globally   and locally here in northern ireland  what about international travel and   tourism management and ulster then as  an area of study as a qualification so i'm going to start on that aspect by giving you  a little bit of insight into the course content   itself um here at ulster university and then we'll  focus on how to other connected areas to that so in the first year you'll study the modules  highlighted in red there on screen at the   moment so in the first semester you'll study  media creativity and experience global travel   destinations and introduction to the leisure and  tourism side of things in second semester of first   year you'll study contemporary tourism management  and action and food tourism festivals and events   so as you can see it's very much a blend of key  travel and or tourism focused modules combined   with other areas of importance such as the whole  aspect of media and creativity which is a very   important area of skill and knowledge to have  to be employable these days in most industries   certainly very much so in the travel and tourism  industry and the whole emphasis on media and   creativity very much runs throughout the entire  course um and you have other support modules   there such as management action it is a management  degree as well at the end of the day so you will   study a number of key business and management  modules as you go through the course as well in year two highlighted in red there you'll  study areas such as transportation operations   and tourism business research methods contemporary  marketing people management accounting studies and   landscape change and tourism so again you  can see there are a number of key tourism   modules transportation covering all modes of  transport with a particular focus on the airlines   and airport management side of things landscape  change and tourism very much looked at the whole   area of responsible tourism sustainability uh  you know and how we manage um tourism itself   but the landscape in particular for tourism how we  manage that in a sensible and sustainable way um   these days again combined with introducing you  to more of those core management and business   type modules in the second year um and while the  names suggest that they are very business focused   um the examples and the assessments that you do  will still be very much tailored to the travel   and tourism industry within the context of areas  such as marketing people management and so on   year three is normally a  year's placement in industry   or the opportunity to study abroad which i'll  say a bit more about shortly and then the final   year of the year four that you would come back  to covers areas such as e-business strategy the   whole digital side of tourism we look further  at some contemporary issues affecting tourism   um at the current time and in the near  future uh you also study creating visitor   experiences the very important area of tourism  planning development and management so tourism   planning at all levels from planning at site  level for perhaps an individual visitor attraction   right up to planning for tourism at the national  and international level such as a tourist board   might be doing in seoul you'll also choose to  do an individual project and final year what we   used to call a dissertation these days it takes  the form of either what we call a research paper   or if you're more entrepreneurial minded at that  stage and family year you can undertake in the   form of what we call a business plan as well and  then you will then take one of the core business   and management areas that you studied in year two  and you will choose to specialize in one of those   more focused management strategic level at the  end of final year either management accounting   contemporary marketing management or managing  talent and productivity that one falling on   from people management um in year two so that just  gives you a flavor of some of the key subjects and   modules that you would do throughout this course  in international travel and tourism management   now during the course you get the opportunity  to conduct real consultancy work on live   projects with industry organizations one very good  example of where you get to do that in particular   is in final year with the e-business digital  strategy module where in small groups you get   assigned and work with actual travel and  tourism industry organizations where you   get to analyze their current digital presence you  work with them on creating new digital aspects and   concepts including things like video creation and  so on uh social media strategy etc you pull all of   that together into a wider new digital strategy  for the company and you then pitch that in teams   uh what runs like a kind of dragon's den type  event where you pitch what you come up with to   a panel of industry experts including a manager  or director from the industry business that you've   been doing the consultancy work with as well and  there are a number of prestigious industry awards   that go with that kind of assessment as well so  not just competing for your grades but competing   for those important industry awards as well which  really enhance your employability if you get to   have those in your cv and your profile so this is  very much a course that doesn't just ask you to do   written reports essays those kinds of assessments  there may be some of those of course but   a lot of the assessment work is quite practical  and does give you that all important opportunity   to actually network and get involved with industry  businesses for real and conduct actual consultancy   work with those businesses so those kind of  live digital business projects we feel are very   important to enhance your qualification your  learning your development and really make you   highly employable in the industry these days those  carry with them and that was just one example this   happens across a number of modules from the course  from year to year you get that opportunity to   compete for industry awards as well and of course  that can really enhance your cv on your profile   one example there from a student in recent years  uh karen who had done her final year consultancy   work that way with uh the business the bushmill is  in an award-winning hotel uh on the north coast of   northern ireland here where they had redesigned  their digital strategy and key digital tactics   for them and in fact they had won one of those  prestigious industry awards that that year from   the origin digital company that way so that was  just current posting on her social media on the   linkedin platform um how delighted she was to have  had that opportunity to do the consultancy but   obviously even more delighted that their group  had won that important industry award that way you will also uh on a course like this in  international travel and tourism management   get the opportunity through many of our industry  contacts and partners to benefit from a host   of volunteering opportunities so that can be a  number of golf events and tournaments each year   and we particularly had a great opportunity  for our students in 2019 with the open   that way and that will be happening again  in 2025 as well we also have annual food   and drink festivals and events and those kinds  of things as well where again as you can see in   the images there where students in this program  get the opportunity to volunteer and take part   in those important events and look very closely  at the tourism impact that they're having what   goes into organizing and maximizing the tourism  impact from those as well and that really again   adds value to your cv and your profile those  the kinds of things that employers take note of   and that will enhance your employability as  well those kinds of volunteering opportunities   also take place at some of our leading visitor  attractions you can see in the image on screen   there at the moment where a number of our students  from the program took part in a volunteering   um element to an event that was happening  at the giants causeway northern ireland's   top leading visitor attraction that way where  students from the travel and tourism program   got to work at that particular event which  included uh visits from around 90 school pupils um   in northern ireland um so or volunteers from the  program that way had a great opportunity to work   with those young people in terms of their interest  in tourism in the future and so on as well   another key part of the program is that we do  take you out as often as we can to visit the   industry so there'll be site visits and field  trips and so on to various tourism locations   there you have a photograph from uh or students  visiting the new game of thrones studio tour   visitor attraction uh not long after it opened  they've been studying in class with myself   about the whole area of film tourism and screen  terrorism looking at game of thrones as a   very successful case study example of that  and then we took them along to give them   the opportunity to see how that then is put into  practice uh in terms of that creation of that new   uh leading visitor attraction in northern ireland  to do with film tourism and screen tourism   and game of thrones and they not only  got to experience it then as a visitor   but got some important talks from the management  staff at the visitor attraction itself   and so again it's it's just bringing a life what  you're studying in class and seeing how that   is realized uh in terms of actual in that  case visitor attraction and management degrees also designed as we said to include a  placement year or a year study abroad so in your   third year you can go into industry for a year we  have contacts with lots of companies both at home   and abroad all around the world where you can get  a year's experience you can an additional diploma   for that a diploma in professional practice  as well and that can really boost enhance your   employability upon graduation as well you can also  opt in that third year if you wish rather than   working in industry to study abroad for a year so  we have connections across europe with connections   in north america where you can go and study in  a european or american university for a year   taking further tourism related modules and  enhance your profile and studies that way as well all of that can help boost what we call your  specialist and your transferable skills to   make you highly desired at home or abroad when you  do graduate and in terms of career opportunities   we've seen many of our graduates in the past  10 years go into these areas in particular so   from tourism marketing digital marketing and  strategy into visitor attraction management   airport operations various aspects  of tourism planning and although this   course is not geared specifically to these  areas a number of our graduates have gone   on to work very successfully in event venue  management and also hotel management as well why might you consider cool rain in particular  for travel and tourism or travel and tourism   management degree is based at the colerain campus  well we're situated in the major tourism region   it's a region of great spectacular scenery some  amazing beaches it's a hugely significant area for   leisure activities such as surfing and so on so  you know you're studying tourism in an area that   is very much cemented as a major tourism region we  have some very modern state-of-the-art facilities   on the colerain campus both in general and related  to this area of study we place a high emphasis on   this course on digital media everything  from social media mobile applications to   digital connectivity video creation wider digital  strategy and so on and that's so important to   this industry these days and knowledge in  those areas will make you highly employable   with some very highly qualified and  experienced staff all of our staff teaching you   will have tourism related qualifications at post  graduate level a number of as myself included have   also worked in the industry in the past as well  and again quite a number of as myself include it   do regular consultancy work with the travel and  tourism industry too so we can bring the very   latest things that we're doing that way into the  classroom in terms of what we teach you and help   you to develop your knowledge we've strong links  with industry organizations and that can help with   everything from good placement opportunities for  you to bringing in those people to give talks to   you on campus and to also taking you out as i said  earlier to industry site visits and field trips um   and so on so plenty of opportunities that we  including as we said particularly in family year   the opportunity to do live consultancy with  some of those industry organizations as well   we also place a high emphasis on mentoring support  and guidance you're we do have to challenge you in   any degree course but you're not on your own we  do provide a lot of support and guidance and a   lot of mentoring to help you as well um and that's  something we very much place a strong emphasis on   uh in colerain on a course like this with regard  to that student support at ulster university   um we do place a big emphasis on our student  mentor scheme in particular um so normally we   have a number of second year students when they're  in their second year they will act as mentors to   our new first-year students so when you first  come in the course um you'd be assigned a mentor   from year two um and there there is a point of uh  you know contact to help you settle in during the   first semester and even throughout the whole of  the first year and not only are they there isn't a   point of informal contact to me from time to time  have a chat with have a cup of coffee with and so   on uh they also several times a year will will  take more structured workshops with you as well   in terms of helping you with your first pieces of  coursework and so on and who better to do that and   give you some advice than than their own students  who've been doing the kind of work you'll be doing   just that year before so there's there's a lot  of important mentoring going on particularly   from our own students that are a little bit  further on in the course from where you would be in terms of future careers we mentioned  a little bit about that already   everything from tourism marketing to airline  management visitor attraction management   tour operating including specialist areas of  tour operations like gulf tourism for example   digital tourism managers event managers hotel  management and so on so a course like this really   does keep your options up and gives you such a  huge varied range of potential roles and potential   sectors you can go into because travel and tourism  is such a varied and dynamic industry that way in terms of showcasing some examples of good  practice uh some examples from recent years   rosie there rosie henderson rosie graduated from  uh or degree in international travel and tourism   back in 2017 um and rosie is now the market  manager for the uk and ireland for expedia   which i'm sure you know as one of the world's  largest largest and most successful digital   uh tourism organizations that way so rosie has  done exceptionally well within within three to   four years of graduating she had got to that  point of being the uk and ireland market manager   for expedia and you know mainly through uh not  just what you studied in the course generally but   particularly those modules in media and creativity  finally your e-business digital strategy module   where you do the consultancy on the digital  side of things with life industry businesses   rosie's grip had won the award that year she  was able to talk about that interview and so on   samantha slightly more recent examples the month  they graduated from this degree in july 2021 and   actually within a few weeks of graduating secured  a management job as the digital marketing manager   at the causeway hotel just beside our  leading visitor attraction here uh on   northern ireland's north coast so samantha another  good example again on the digital side of tourism   um and her group had won one of those prestigious  um industry awards and final year as well for   their work that way and that really helped them  out to secure that good management position as   say just within a few weeks of graduating from  the course so both roseanne's a month are great   examples there of graduate success that way  another good example from slightly earlier   is claire moles claire is a past tourism student  from our department at ulster university as well   uh and clara is now head of marketing for the new  game of thrones studio tour visitor attraction   in northern ireland which i mentioned earlier and  there you can see a screenshot of claire actually   being interviewed on sky news um about the  opening of that new visitor attracts and so claire   uh was a tourism student probably about 12 years  ago so a little bit longer ago but again just a   very good example of graduate success that way  and now heading up marketing for one of our   or leading visitor attractions in one of  our newest visitor attractions in that way so the coloring campus as i mentioned earlier  on is where this course is situated it has very   modern teaching facilities we have a riverside  theater on campus we have a multi-million pound   state-of-the-art sports and leisure complex as  well on campus it's an ideal part of the world   if you're a door lover there's lots of surfing  water sports walking trails mostly tourist   attractions and leisure activities and so on as  well um and the campus is very close to to both   seaside resort towns of port  russia and porsche that way so   it is a fantastic part of the world to  live work and study in that way as well um to sum up um this course really does give  you the the management skills and knowledge to   get involved in this very uh dynamic um and  interesting and travel and tourism industry   you're learning all that important travel and  tourism industry knowledge along with key business   and digital media skills as well and there's lots  of support and aspects available for you that way   you get a lot of real world experience through  site visits field trips the opportunities to do   consultancy work and so on with industry  um you know and our career opportunities   we've been through there several times  you can see them listed again there   on the table on screen but lots of varied career  opportunities from a qualification like this and   it is of course also accredited by what we  call the institute of hospitality so it is a   course that is industry recognized  in that wider sense as well just to point out our courses are continually  reviewed and updated so we do that   on a regular basis as well so please be aware that  modules might change for your year of entry um but   by and large you'll have seen what the current  course structure is through this session here   if you do need more information of a general  nature you can contact the university   and follow them also at study at in relation to that um be a number of other  more general sessions like this available   uh or not wider information with regard  to applying through ucas and so on   so thank you very much for your attention as part  of this destination ulster event that is just to   give you a lot more information with regards to  international travel and tourism generally and in   particular or degree in international travel and  tourism management at ulster university's korean   campus and hopefully we'll look  forward to seeing you in future   if you do make that your choice and your  destination in terms of career thank you you

2022-05-19 08:18

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