INSIGHTS ON PBS HAWAI‘I: The News Stories and Events of 2017 | Program

INSIGHTS ON PBS HAWAI‘I: The News Stories and Events of 2017 | Program

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20:17. Brought Hawaii and the rest of the world highly, anticipated, events and. Unexpected. Sea change, which. Events and what, new stories, had the biggest impact on you from, emotional accomplishment, that filled us with pride to. Natural disasters, and human, suffering that changed, us forever tonight's, live broadcast and, live stream of insights on PBS Hawaii to start now. Welcome. To insights on PBS Hawaii, I'm Beth Ann kozlov itch it's, been a big year for national. And global news, events, extensively. Covered by all forms of media tonight. Our panel of seasoned, and student, journalists, will look back on the events of 2017. They felt had the biggest impact on our local community, we, look forward to hearing from you, what, stories, would you pick, you can email call, or tweet your comments, and you'll, find a live stream, of this program at And. The, PBS, hawai'i facebook page now to, our guest yunji. De nies is one of the regular, guests, on in. A rather regular. Insights, moderator, it's usually sitting in this chair and she, probably does a better job that I'm doing at the moment she, was a White House and national correspondent for, ABC News before, returning home to the islands in 2012, she, anchored the Evening News for a KITV. And is currently anchoring, digital news content for, the Star Advertiser, Daryl. Huff is a moderator, for insights, and has worked in the broadcast, journalism industry for 40 years he's, been a reporter, producer, executive, producer, and currently. Is a special, projects, producer, with, Hawaii news now Spencer. Ishita is the current editor-in-chief of, Kaleo o hawaii the student newspaper for, the university, of hawaii, he, is a European, history and English major with minors in, American, Studies and political, science. Rebecca. Meyer is a junior and second, year journalism student at Sacred Hearts Academy she, also, is, a features, editor of the, Academy's, newspaper, Callao and a, student journalist, for hiki no student. News network. Welcome, to all of you and thank you for being here thank you, now, we gave you some, card. Sort of categories, to be able to look back at the year because sometimes it's hard to remember everything that has happened in a year past and, one, of those categories, we, titled, go figure, so. I want to go right around the table and see from you what. It is you think that would fit into that category and we'll talk about it a little bit Darryl I'll start with you well. To be the biggest, go figure story, was, the, kealoha. Investigation. In how, the.

Simple Theft of a mailbox could. Turn into essentially. An investigation, that unseated, the police chief a. Top, deputy prosecutor, led to indictments, really the biggest. Corruption. Case in Hawaii, history, all. From, you know what seemed like a ridiculous. Mailbox. Theft and so to me that was a kind of a go, figure story and as we reported, it in Hawaii news now we constantly. Had to go back and say we. Have to explain to people this is more than just a mailbox over. And over and over again and it was extremely, complicated but. I think that what people got out of it was an. Idea. Of how, you. Know it's it's it's rarely the crime it's usually the cover-up and that's, what this looks like it's been indictments, there'll be a trial and so on but that, that's what this looks like that's what the federal prosecutors believe happened so I think that's a go, figure that took someone from outside the state a federal. Prosecutor from San Diego to. Come in and do. Their thing and find out all this very incriminating stuff, although some would say that that's exactly what. It would have to take in, this very insular, world I think, that a lot of people feel that way yeah all. Right who has a go figure story for me. Go. Ahead you know we had a legislative, session the last one was arguably one of the least productive in decades, I think they passed what eleven percent of the initiatives, that they had set out to do but, then they're called back and they rescue. Rail in you know at lightning, speed so, it just shows when lawmakers feet, you know are put to the fire they can actually get things done so go figure Hawaii ledge that you know that's, what it takes to actually get something that monumental pass now whatever. You think about rail itself the fact that they're able to take such action so quickly and actually get something done you. Know perhaps that bodes well for the next session maybe they're gonna be a little more productive this time around wouldn't hold my breath. A lot. Of people might not like but the point that you know that you're making is that when, there is a real reason for them to come back and actually do something and they. Feel well motivated right, that there's, a good chance that something will happen and the real flip side of that is well. Where wasn't the moat you know what happened to the motivated motivation. Earlier on and why. Couldn't this have happened with us in the session and not have to call a special session in the first place yeah exactly right and you know on my way here I was talking to my husband and he said you know the better go figure is those. Two Wahine, who set out on this on the boat and then. You, know that whole false alarm and is that or did they really were they out there for five months were they not go, figure, that's. A really good go figure too especially when our heartstrings were being played on that one and then all these other bits, and pieces come out that maybe they could have been rescued a lot sooner or not even had a problem you. Have, been very quiet. Rebecca. Because there are stories, out there that you as a young person looking. At the rest of the world must have thought how. Can this be. Was there something that you just couldn't. Get your head around thinking, that this could possibly be happening um.

Actually, I thought, that North, Korea's, nuclear bomb. Threat against Hawaii. Was. Honestly. So, surprising, to me that we could be experiencing. Something close, to a worid who world war and, that. I would be living through it and, possibly. See it happen one day and how, will it affect the people around me my family, the future and also. Hawaii itself, I. Think. That goes more beyond, that the go figure territory, and we'll, talk a little bit more about that in a moment but some of the stories then that just you kind of go back to the go figure. You. Know I have, to say it's been a very interesting year, in general. You. Know I've only lived for 20 years but. Sure. I. Have. This problem I think with looking back over this year because, this is really the first time that I've felt that. I'm living history I'm a history major as you said very. Interested, in studying it and you. Know when, I'm seeing you. Know the events play out that are playing out in my textbooks, right playing out in those books you know like when Rebecca was talking about you know this this nuclear. Threat with North Korea. Having. These alarms, for example, first, time it's gone off since the Cold War right, which I was not alive to see look. At you there we go, and. Yet here we are in. This in, this era where things. Like a North, Korean nuclear threat, things like. You. Know Donald Trump becoming, president, right are things. That are happening. And. You, get a real sense I think particularly. From from my perspective that history, is being, built as being made which. Is sort of an obvious thing if you think about it but I think it's, very it was very hard I think for me to feel that way until, I reached this this year, and saw everything that happened do. You feel part of history being made. Definitely. Definitely because. My. Generation, is gonna be. We're. Gonna start, setting a new path for our futures and we're changing, the world by starting new initiatives, and. It's. Us that are eventually gonna make our own future, and that. Can affect how we live in the future, and. For those. Who were little, kids in the Cold War just coming out of that time to. Hear, that siren again, was a pretty spooky, moment I was in a meeting and all of a sudden everyone. Was aware that the siren was wailing and a complete, silence fell into the room and everyone. Remarked. Like we were listening to the siren now I find it very interesting that the young people are so, focused on their the North Korea thing because when when. It. Was true nuclear, annihilation that, we were expecting. You know when we were kids when one. Shot was the end of the world literally, the end of the world and then in why, some. Of the fence officials were trying to explain to us well it, won't be that bad it'll. Be only 15,000. People or so will die instantly, and that'll be maybe another 5,000, and die later. And then, we're gonna be ready because you all have 15 days worth of food in your house and. To. Me that was the freaky, thing about that story it's more like okay. And. I think, it was Nikita. Khrushchev who said you know if there's actually a war. It. Will be the living will envy the dead, and that's. How I felt about that so but what I hear that young people talking about it. It. Reminds, me of how scared I was all the time, and. I don't was that how you feel like is it just it, was it really scary it is scary, and there's, I hear, others classmates. Talking in school about if this is gonna happen, how. They're gonna react. All of us are scared um are, we gonna be separated from our families what if it happens during school, I even, remember reading an. Article. About how. We can be separated for at least two days because. We have to block off all the outside, air how, long we're gonna be away from our families and if they're. Even safe, we won't never know and. Quite possibly for more than than two days -, are. You happy with the state's response, you. Know it's so interesting to hear this brought up as a concern because, for, me I feel like I. Sort. Of I read it and then I don't really think about it and yes I heard the siren and I and it definitely, you. Know it there is a chilling, sort, of feeling when you hear that because there that is a you, know it's a visceral thing but, you, know I don't have 15 days worth of food in my house and you know I'm a mom I'm the one who supposed to be responsible and to be packing up and to be ready to go and so you. Know I that perspective, is so fascinating, to me and maybe you know I need to take it a little bit more seriously, in my own life I know that you know my family we were thinking about going to South Korea because we have relatives there and we've decided to hold that off because at least going to the peninsula seems, like a bad idea but, to think that it would actually come to Hawaii you, know is not something that you know I've really thought about in great detail I don't know if you feel the same way.

It's. It's a very difficult situation because, on one hand you want, to be prepared. On the. Other hand you know that there's only so much you can do to prepare and what will you do with 15 minutes depending upon where you are and in. Fact is, it going to be survivable, depending upon where, you are all of those things that play in and knowing. That you can't succumb. To fear, on a daily, basis because you still have to live your life and that's, the most important, thing which obviously, all of us are doing but being a little bit more prepared for other disasters, might be helpful too alright, let's lighten the mood a little bit. What, about the number of people running for lieutenant governor all of a sudden this lieutenant governor race has gotten so popular, and you. Wonder if suddenly that there's going to be something new about the job that's going to make it far, and away more than just having an office a phone and a staff present. How much work you really want to do I mean I get, the impression that it's just a placeholder, for people that feel like they can't win another race. Especially. I have a statewide basis, it gets some statewide name recognition, it, gets them you, know perhaps first in line for, when this, governor or the next governor. You. Know is. Replaced, so. Like you know it's it is, a bizarre situation, I've never seen anything like it I remember. A, few years ago we had like eight. Prominent. Politicians, all running for Congress, at the same time, you. Know it's there's, there's all these ambitious politicians. With no place to go and they, don't want to go back to work so. Go. Figure it's not a mean thing to say I'm not really sure well. I mean that seat can lead to a number of places like a Brian Schatz right so that, that can be a very big stepping stone depending, on you know the political climate and I think you're right that these are people who might, be termed out and looking. For a new venue looking, for, another. Hand it really will depend also on who, the governor is right because how those two work together you, know one definitely, dictates, the other so, I think that it's very interesting the way our state does this that, they run so separately, and that they don't run together because it does seem like a house divided depending, on who who, the voters choose right because it's not a true ticket right so. What's wrong with David eg. There. Are a lot of people who have said that you know he's done. A decent, job he's a decent. Man, but. That he just doesn't have the kind of charisma. Perhaps but yeah hey we all knew what we were getting into he wasn't. Propagating. Himself as being anything other than what he was I think, the challenge for governor. Egay is that, on. The one hand his personality. He is not and particularly outgoing, he's not particularly. I. Hesitate. To use this word because he is in his own way articulate, but he's not articulate, in a in. A strongly. Charismatic. It's not a sound he's not a sound bite machine. And. He's, also. At. The, roughly, the highest office, in a party that's completely, divided we've only got one party, really functionally, in this state and within. That party, are these warring, factions, and. You. Know it's, very difficult, to get anything done, with. With, people working against, you who are in the caucus with you it's, just a much more difficult situation. To be in then, if you actually had an, opposing, party that you could be fighting. With I'm, kind of curious what the what, the younger people think about the political, scenario do you guys pay much attention to local politics anymore you. Probably do because you're like a political. I. Do yeah, the the local, politics scene is very interesting. And. I find it's it's it's really I think, especially for Hawaii bolder voters you know sort of the only political, scene that you can really, have. A choice in per se you, know I mean as you know right Hawaii, is in such, a you, know late time zone that by the time the national. Election concludes you. Know we're basically like, yeah. Put. The four votes in Hillary, Clinton's column and we're done. In. A very different way though the local elections, are fascinating. To me because. You. Know what. They what. They sometimes turn out to be is you know in this particular case of the lieutenant governor race, is. Sort of these, interesting. Maybe. Action-packed. We're, not sure but certainly, a populated. Race. And. I. Think. The interesting thing about David egay I, went, to school with the, daughter of his campaign manager back when he ran for governor and so. She would you know talk my ear off and tell, me a lot of things but. I think what was very interesting to me about David EJ at the time is that a lot of a lot of the campaign, at least from my perspective seemed to be well, I'm.

Not Neil Abercrombie. And, he, brand very well on that I think it was very compelling, to people and. I, think that we're getting to a point now in this sort of local election discussion, that. I'm. Gonna go out and venture a guess to, say that maybe one of the reasons why the Lieutenant Governor race is getting so popular is. Because, maybe. They some, politicians, perceived David EE as being not, particularly, a, strong, politician. Even though he. Is the, governor and. I think that it's, as Yoon ji young. Ji said it's, a stepping, stone the Lieutenant Governor position, is and. So maybe we'll see people, running. For lieutenant governor or maybe running for governor in, four years sure, some. Of our audience have, already called in or brought. Us some questions in various. Ways including this one asking. Why aren't we seeing more media, coverage of homeless, working, families, on windward, Norrish in the North Shore caused. In part they believed by booming, illegal vacation, rentals why are we paying more attention to. What's going on on the windward side we, seem to see a lot of what's going on in, Honolulu. And we hear about the sweeps, youngji. What do you think about that well you know I mean I think that if, you're not in, Metro, Honolulu, you probably always feel like your issues are being ignored and I think that this particular issue affects, so, much of the island that, just, tends to be where the concentration, is of the homeless themselves right I think. You. Look at what happened in Kakaako, and with, the park closure and, so, the visuals there are so strong for for media coverage I mean you have a whole park being closed and hundreds of people being pushed out so of course that's gonna warn a lot of coverage if you have pockets of homeless throughout these more rural communities I. Think, that you, know that's a different conversation that, could be a little bit tougher to cover I don't necessarily think that there's not. An interest the, homeless issue is such a challenge, for our state and it's such a challenge I think for the press too because how do you cover this in a different way I think the, audience at times feels like I've seen this I know this I live this what, new is there to say, so, that, might contribute to why there's not as much you, know coverage, in that area there's. Two, there's two issues in that question, right one is healing, vacation rentals question, and the other is the homeless. Question, whether. One leads, directly to the other on the windward side it's. Hard to say I mean it could be there's more people in Woodward aside because they're getting pushed out of orbit, or lulu and they've found, more comfortable places the. Vacation, rental issue.

Doesn't. Get a lot of coverage because, the, politicians, really aren't doing anything about it I. Think most people know what the issues are the particular people who live in areas where there's a lot of vacation. Rentals, they, but. But the average person couldn't afford a house in those areas anyway, you, know you're talking about coholic. Kailua, honey near, the beach I mean that's. Not gonna contribute to a homeless family becoming. Homeless you. Know overall. The prices of housing is crazy and there's not enough affordable housing, why, the media, doesn't cover it on the, affordable. Housing side is we're. Busy covering the. Failure, to generate, affordable, housing as far as the vacation rental thing. The. Politicians, are as locked up on that one and, capable. Of resolving, that issue as, the. Media is of. Covering, it I mean it's just, when. Something moves I think you'll see some coverage. As. You and your friends talk about what's. Happening, in, our state and that you see what. Do you view, or how do you view the homeless situation how do you think that this is being. Covered in a way that is, meaningful. Or maybe not meaningful, to you I think. That, the. Government is definitely, paying attention, to the problems, and as I've. Seen when I passed through Kakaako, they are taking. Initiatives, to try and clean up the problem and. Offering. Alternatives. To those, who need homes, and. From. A student's point of view I think they're taking the necessary steps and that's, because, I don't think much, of people, my age would. Understand, what more the government can do so. For us it seems fine but for other people who know. What they can do and can improve it, may seem different to them, we've. Got the other question why. Is all the reporting, about building, more low-income, housing. Instead. Of building higher income, jobs, like, film and TV and digital media and music so that people, can actually afford homes, why. Are we talking about the, low end when we should be maybe floating, all boats I mean it is true in Hawaii we have highest. Cost of housing and we reward that with low salaries, right there. Have been a lot of initiatives, from the state to try to bring in tech biotech different. Tax incentives, that stuff, takes so much time. You know if I'm if I'm somebody with an idea you know if he's got an idea to start a company tomorrow or when he graduates, you know that might not be generating. That kind of revenue for years and years so I don't, know all of those kind of incentive programs they're great but they're not gonna you, know bring us up to where we can afford that Kahala house that you're talking about anytime soon yeah the, lack of diversity in the economy, certainly we do cover that a lot I mean but it's you. Know how many times can you do the same story over and over and over again and, you, know, when. An initiative, works and some jobs are generated we cover it but it's it's, such a drop in the bucket compared. To the, major industries, compared to tourism which. You. Know that's where the money is that's where the investment. Goes you know and and, you, know. This. It's. It's, another one of those issues where if, something, was happy okay. What's the meeting supposed to do are we supposed to say over, and over again, nothing's. Happening here you should do something about it. You. Know how, effective that is yeah exactly and so what we do is we look for this you know we do something called solutions, or end in journalism, where we try, and identify something. That's working. Where. Is it it's. Not out there that now the University of Y is a great University. You, know but, you know I know from my own family situation, I don't know that my kids are gonna come back here you. Know there's just so much more opportunity over there so. You. Know it's a carthorse kind, of thing too if you can't afford to live here you're, not going to come and work here and if, you have a tech job that could make you more money. And buy you more stuff on the mainland that's where you're gonna go how. We could, change. That dynamic, is, beyond me but I really be curious about you. Know when you guys look at your prospects, I mean what do you think is gonna happen to you what, kind of choices you have yeah. You. Know I, don't. Know who I'm about to go into a dangerous territory, here oh. I. Don't, know if you've heard of meme culture. But. That tends to be a very popular thing. Among. You know people who are social, media people, and I think you, know very typically, speaking when it comes to looking at job prospects, for Millennials and you know college students it's a lot about you, know okay just graduated from college have, my bachelor's, degree look, for jobs and every job entry-level or not expects.

Three To five years of experience off the bat and so you know there's this sort of running joke that sort of like well I, thought. All I needed was a bachelor's, degree I. Don't, have the job experience and I think that's that, sort of mentality. About. The, job, market, it is not a, localized. Thing, I think very much so Millennials. College, students, I mean I don't know about you high school students maybe you. Know see the job market as something that's you know sort of scary, where. Are we gonna find ourselves, you. Know can we afford to live in a place like Hawaii, and. I. Don't have an answer for you necessarily. I but, I do have another question sure and, that fits in well with what you're just talking about we have a question. From a viewer who says would the young people like to see more reporting, and political. Initiatives, on building, modern 21st century, higher income, jobs with, more young people stay in Hawaii if we grew industries, that fit the gifts and talents, of local, youth. What. Do you think I you. Know what um. It's. Sort of one of those solutions that, you know sounds, great let's. Do it and, then the next question is what, I do it right who's gonna do it how do we do it where is it going to come from. You. Know I've. Got a lot of friends who you, know are like no I'm never coming, you know I went to high school with them here, and no, no no we found better paying jobs you know elsewhere, is that purely, an economic decision or, is that a decision you know is that a desire, to explore the world to you, know see see a different culture or see you know see a different state or you know have access to different industry, I mean where does that come from is that are we talking purely because the salaries aren't there that the cost of living is too high or is it something else that's driving, people out of the state I think that that culture of trying to get an experience, is why a lot of people at, least that I know went. Away for college you know they wanted to experience something different and I think once they once they got there. You. Know and realized how how. Less. Expensive. It was to really live. You. Know I think it hit, home I can't really say in every case whether or not you know that's true but certainly I think that. When. You take a look at you know my age group. Getting. A job holding. A job right, having. A career that you do for 30 40 50 years wait, you actually think somebody's gonna have a career that's going to go 30 40 or 50 years and that's really that's what not when social science shows us yeah I mean you probably will have seven eight maybe ten different. Careers, in. Your lifetime absolutely, I think, that's that's where you. Know we're headed I think I think the age of starting. A career keeping, a career doing the same thing for, such a long time I I think that's that's not gonna hold as much water, with. People. In my generation as maybe it did before absolutely, not with the gig economy well. There you go you, know a lot of people are going. Into those sort of TaskRabbit, things, really just you know they do this one job $20. Right another job $30, right and you just sort of you know, gather. All these jobs up every day and that's what they do and I I. Think that kind, of consumerist, economy. Works. In in some ways for, for, people that, are connected through, this sort of social media the, the online which, is getting to be a very interesting topic now that we reached net neutrality but I'll leave that for oh I'm so glad you brought up that neutrality and I want to make sure that we get to that we will do that a little bit later in the show but I want to ask you how you feel, about all of this Rebecca because here, you're not even out of high school yet. And there.

Is A lot, of conversation here, that could, make a person, blanch and yet, you say you want to be a journalist. Yes. I don't, know if it's just the culture of my school that the atmosphere, really surround us in that they tell us that we can succeed, and I. Believe that I can and, they. Offer us so many opportunities such, as being, here and when. I do these things I feel like I'm preparing, myself to become successful in the future and I. Want to venture, out and, try. And see if I can succeed and that may include leaving, the islands, which I understand, and a, lot of people I can relate to this because I think the, same way but a lot of my friends want, to leave this, island because they've grown up here this whole their whole life they, don't get to experience a lot of things other places to do like snow, that's, one. Of the things that they want to go over to the mainland for and experience, and I. Want to do the same thing too and I think that's what can what, is drawing people away from this, because Hawaii. Because, we. Don't get to go out off, the, island so often and being able to see, this world and experience, it and see if we like it and succeed in it that's. What, we wanted to be in. Gee that sounds a little bit like your life universe, yeah, I was just thinking the same thing you know I left, I went to high school on the mainland my parents are divorced and I was gone for almost 20 years and then the, pull of the islands was so strong the pull to be back with family and and. Wanting to be part of this community was, so strong that I did come back but I'm glad that I had that time to. Build my career and, to explore other you know other states, and you know I lived in the south for a number of years I lived in Washington for a number of years and I think it was very you. Know informative, for me just as a person and as a journalist, and just to grow in that way so you hunter do you think that it's absolutely. Important. For someone to leave the islands to be able to come back and do, a better job and, if someone stays here their entire career, you know I really think it depends on the industry because. I think you, know for, a lot of industry, here a lot of business it's, where, you went to high school right and, who you know, you know who your uncle is that's so insulin it is so insular, but it can be so important, depending on the industry you know for what I do I. Felt, like it was necessary to leave I don't know that that's necessarily the case I know a lot of journalists. Who have stayed here their entire careers and are extremely successful, so I do, think it's industry specific, journalism. In, particular, we generally. Do expect people are going to go away to the mainland for a little while it's. There's. A lot of competition for the jobs that are here in, in that field in particular and. Going. To a smaller, market it's it's. Kind of complicated basically a small market is where you can get that experience you, know that'll get you a job. Back, here but, I mean there are plenty of other industries, where it's better to stay in Hawaii and it's better to grow that Network you know right here at home so I just think that obviously, this is a topic that has gotten everybody going but let's get back more, to some of the stories that. We. Asked you to think about know we've, got lots of things that have happened and some of them are bigger some of them are smaller but a very important thing is that HPD, has new leadership now and you. Mentioned earlier about the kealoha case but for. Susan Ballard what would you tell her what is it you think it's important, for her, to know as. Woman, police chief this has been, a big thing but, how. Does she really make an impact in a way that will, create.

Trust, Or or. Increase. Whatever trust people may still have with, HPD well. I think that she's already taken, some steps to. Opening, up h pd h pd was, a completely. Closed up organization. They had the least, public, information, coming, out of the department than almost any big city police department in the country, they. Everything. Was on paper you had to physically go down there to find anything, and. Then the other big factor was, that, chief. Kealoha. Actually. You, know had his, his. Side of the department, that with his buddies and the. People that were indicted ultimately, we're all close personal, friends of the, Kiowas and you. Know that was the kind of corruption that was there it might not have been taking. Bribes from somebody, wasn't but, and, so the department, was fractionalized. The people who have now taken office, were all people who. Were excluded. By the kealoha's, so, whether you're just gonna have a new, faction taking, over and doing the same thing again it remains to be seen but. We've. Already started to see more. Officers coming out talking, to the cameras explaining, what's going on. Crimestoppers, you'll, notice a lot more videos that they're putting out finally. They're showing security, camera. Videos of people who are committing, crimes so they could say can, you help us find this person that. Would never, have happened under the old regime that, chief personally. Told us you know he didn't trust the media he didn't like the media didn't particularly think. That it was any the, media had anything to do with the success of his department, so I think she's been in a Police Department, long. Enough to know what she needs to do and it looks to me like they're starting to change, and that is a real sea change that Department is in, for some big changes under, the new leadership a sea change and also speaking, a lot of truth to power in a way that we haven't seen before in, in. Reverse, in a way out to those. Of us who have been listening and looking for that sea change we. Had some other issues of where, we talked some serious, truth to power I'm thinking about you. Know Hawaii's challenge to the Trump travel ban and we've just seen how all of that has played out but, that put Hawaii very much in the spotlight I mean. I think that's very interesting and it perhaps, that Doug chin up to run for Congress so you know it's definitely there's a there's a political component to that whole of that, whole. Lawsuit that's there as well but. Hawaii being right out front on that issue I think speaks a lot to the values that we have as a community of immigrants, and, I think that that's, something that you know I mean depending. On your politics of course you may or may not have supported, that initiative and. There was a lot of concern of course about the cost of a lawsuit like that but there have been steps taken so that the state is not you, know there's a Washington, DC firm that is putting a lot of man-hours in, with. Your boat oh yeah, so I think that you know I think that that it, definitely puts what you on the map in an interesting way and it gives us an opportunity to talk about our own heritage just, as you, know the melting pot if you will of the country but I do want to go back to you, point about HPD, because I think that it's. Very interesting the leadership change of, course the, reforms that you're talking about I think are great for the public because the more information that we have about the crimes in our community, the safer we are but, the other thing is that just the optics, of having a woman in charge in that office I mean this is the first time they, call that not a glass ceiling a concrete ceiling right so I mean I'd be interested just to hear from you about what how, you feel, when you see that there's now a woman running, the police department, in our community, that has to be you. Know pretty it's a I think it's an ammonia mental change I wonder if you, know someone younger than me feels the same I I. Think, that it's a big step for female. Leaders because, seeing. How what, she can accomplish can, inspire other, younger. Girls. Who, want to become a police officer or the.

Head Of this department my, sister wants, to be a police, officer and on, it, I had. Doubts as well too I'm thinking oh there's, all men in Police Department. And. It's, a male-dominant job but then she has, her, her. Goals set on being becoming, a police officer she's already researching, colleges different. Programs that can help her put her a step ahead of what other people might do and men, might take this for granted because they, think oh because we're, men we will get this job and so, they don't put, in the extra effort that a woman might do to, be in that position and. My sister is a year younger than me she's only a sophomore and she's already looking at all these different, opportunities. That can help her put her ahead of everyone else but Becka when she, saw that and we now have a, woman, police chief did that change her mind, at all in terms of wanting to maybe accelerate, what she was doing or or not, change her mind but make, it even more firm I think. This just gave her affirmation, that she can do it she. Was never wavering, as far as I know and. This. Just makes her feel even better and like, she can actually accomplish this I mean that's a wonderful, change and if you think about it HPD, has I think we're 200 officers, short right now in terms of you know they are at least every, class they're trying to recruit more and more if we could get more female, recruits, that in those classes that would be wonderful for our community, I mean I just think that having someone even. If you don't necessarily want to be a police officer but seeing a woman in charge in that role I think for young girls I think it's really monumental. Jump. In here but the other thing is the police department under. Care law I had a problem with women I mean, the domestic, violence you. Know the way that's just where I was going with it this would have a ripple. Effect there's a lot of women that would not report domestic violence because they didn't trust the police officers, were gonna handle it for them they, felt like their their complaints, weren't being taken, seriously by you, know an all group of male officers, and, particularly. When a police officer but. A male police officer was the, suspect. In domestic violence there, was an awful lot of protection, that went on of those officers, and that. Was almost a, higher level of corruption and it was actually more important to a lot of the people who were putting pressure on the police department then, the mailbox thing it, was you. Know it was the police department's problem, with women and it is really. You know that I think that's probably the most significant. Change that you'll see I'd. Love to see more, women in the department you made a great point as a great story because. It. Will change, everything. When it comes to the relationship of the department to the community. Let's. Move on just in the interest of time we have so much to cover. We've. Just heard about, well. Not just but in recent, times about. Former. Khmer. Math school students, coming forward concerning. Sexual assault that happened years ago clearly, we've seen this happen within the Catholic Church but now to hear this coming forth out of Kamehameha. Schools during. The Michael Chun years and beyond of or. Before. That's. On one hand distressing. On the other hand a lot. At least women are feeling or young women are feeling that they can come forth and say something, about that where do you think this is going to go as we. Are now in this era of me too. I. Was. Really, really proud to beat those men. Who are mostly about my age that. You know came out about, the abuse that they suffered sorry it's. Okay and what. Was well. In very many ways those, are parallel stories, right the the b2 movement, and this for, these men it was very much a me-too movement, they, found each other they realized holy cow I was alone all those years suffering, thinking, I was the only one or what have only a couple and to discover that there were at least 30 maybe more that, suffered, for years. Under this we're. Talking decades well. Most, of them went, in as middle school students, and got. Out when they were juniors and seniors in high school so they spent all those years being. Abused, sometimes, once a week sometimes, twice a months you know by this by.

This Individual, and they had no idea what, the. Span of this I mean when you think about this could be going on it was nineteen in the late late. Nineteen, I. Have. To remember this it was from basically like 68, yeah all. The way up to 91. That's, a lot of time for at least to be going on into school and have it be kept yes but, I think the thing that would depress, me most about that story was the. Man who suffered so long who. Pulled. Together and, and, then just. In recent days. You know for some of the stories that we did and the newspaper, did. We're. Willing to tell these stories that they were never willing to tell I really. Think, that what they did will, make, kids. Now safer. You. Know and I'm really, really proud of that you know let's talk to a kid for one second forgive me for calling you that but. In. The context, of the people around this table as you. Are the youngest person as you listen, to this. Story as you see what is happening with a me-too movement, across. The country how, does that make you feel about, your, future I think. It will, inspire my generation. To stand up for, things. That they know is wrong because, in, the. Not. For saying those days but. Seeing. How all these people come out and there's. There, have their have courage to, come. Publicly, out with what, happened to them it'll, only inspire other people who have those that same problem to come out and. They're. Teaching us this in school to actually. In in, one, of my classes we are we've been, dedicating. About. Two weeks worth of classes to. How we, if, we are a victim how we can stand, up and say all the, different resource a. What happened to us and use all the different resources that are made available to, us and not, only as victims but as bystanders be. Upstanders, and help, those people if they are struggling, to find their voice. You. Are in a generation. Slightly, above where Becca is how. Are you assessing the, me2 movement and just, generally what we're seeing with so, many people now feeling that it's okay to be talking about some. Very serious, past, wrongs you. Know I don't know if I've lived long enough to be qualified, to say this but it's about time. My. Mother would agree with you well there you go. I you. Know I find this to be an, extraordinary. Extraordinarily. Fascinating. Movement. Because, on the one hand you you have so. Many. Women. Who, are now finding, success. In coming. Out and saying hey. This. Happened, to me and then, actually, seeing a result. From, that there is that solidarity, right there not just denial or not just you know years and years of court battles and and you, know media, attention but, now they're seeing almost, very, suddenly. And quickly you, know the people, who did this to them the people who were in power falling. Very quickly as well. There. Are implications to, having, an environment in which the. Court of public opinion is, infinitely more important, than a real, court but. I think that the movement itself. Has. Represented. For a lot of people, that, that speaking. Truth to power, in this, age particularly. Is, effective. What. I find even more fascinating about, this particular, command a story as. You as you sort of may find a similarity, in in the national story of Kevin Spacey that, men are coming out and saying you know. Things. Happen to us too. And. To admit admit, that, kind of thing. In. In, sort of an in a, space, where, men. Are maybe expected, to be more masculine or expected, to you know not be, or. Be the victim right and and, so to see, this story. And.

Have. These these victims come out and say not. Only me too but but that you, know this. Is an impactful. Thing. To see, I, just, think that that's I think what's what's so very great, about having, it come out do. You think there's any chance of this having. A moment. Where it's also going. To see more over compensation. For, the fact that this is now having a moment and that, there might be a real downside, to any of this is there would. Anybody. Else jumping well you. Know speaking, for the middle-aged, man's perspective. You. Know we have had to have conversations. In the. Workplace, about. What's, appropriate what's not not that you know I would say to anybody that I know, is that I that I know of or myself is done anything inappropriate. Would you rack your brain you look back at your past you go you. Know did, what. Was was, was. I always on track with my own behavior so that's the first question you have to ask yourself, then, the next thing is. You. Know we. Do you. Know people getting kidding, you I think you're taking up talk about people like Garrison Keillor or or, you, know Al. Franken, who were. You. Know they, have been someone might argue that these guys were caught up as opposed to being absolute. Predators, that there's others there's levels, of predation that are out there that are just astounding. But, you. Know I don't think there's going to be any. Negative ramifications of. This I mean, I you know, it's kind of shattering. For a lot of people but I think you when. You really think about it you. Know it's it's it is time for, us to recognize the. Impact of our behavior on other people I mean it is really interesting to think about looking at your own past and thinking, about you. Know the sins of 30 years ago now. Viewed, through the lens of, our cultural, norms of today and what, was acceptable, then obviously, you're. Right we're talking about levels of predation that are very different it's sort of what Dustin Hoffman said right that you're talking about you know someone like Harvey Weinstein who's accused of you know full rape and then someone like Al Franken whose. Behavior, depending, on who you believe you. Know may or may not be as offensive as. You, know to force, someone out of Congress but, I I really like what you were saying about that this is affecting, both men and women there was an NPR poll that just came out that said it was you know over 60% of women but also nearly, 30%, of men said that they had been the victim of sexual harassment, at some point in their careers and I thought that was really interesting because we, don't usually talk about the moon we don't talk about the men and in all of this you know even with the Time magazine cover and the you know the silence breakers being the people of the year I think there's one man in in, that whole cover story so I think you. Know maybe that's the next conversation, as this continues to evolve it'll, be interesting to see how this affects the workplace you. Know newsrooms. As you know, are crass, places. Where you, know usually run by men and. That too. Does, how does this change the culture, we, know that of course you know rape sexual assault things like that obviously not okay but, as men and women relate, to one another you know how does that change I don't know.

All. Right. Okay. Because we have a few other things I want to get to in our time is beginning to run just, a little bit short we, could talk about this for hours but you're, beginning to get to sort, of the silver lining of a very horrendous. Story, and that. That's a good thing but we had some other really, good things happen this last year let's. Talk about the Hawaiki. Village I mean that's by. Itself is, if you talk about bringing, a community together, and, making something happen. What, a good example I mean certainly when Carrizo and everyone could have done it by themselves if they'd wanted to but, the idea of bringing everyone in together to be able to have a stake and feel like they were a stakeholder, in this, and which will be a wonderful thing for when. It's when, it opens and for those 150, families who are able to live they're not, very far from where we are right now only but more important, the model that it provides because, basically. The government got out of the way and. That's what the government has to do and that's what they're unwilling to do they got out of the way they basically said here's some land here's, some infrastructure, go. Go for it guys and Cory, sue got the whole development community together came. Up with some creative ideas and bam, within six months it's, it's, up, the. Government could not ever do, that but. Getting government officials, to let go of, their, control of these things is but. You're right they did in this case and so now this becomes precedent, well we talk about public-private partnerships, all the time I mean this is an example of public-private partnership as you said actually really working out and you. Know it's so interesting because there were these photographs I think last week of the Nimitz sweep, you know you see all these people under the viaduct being, swept away and right in the background you see these houses that are coming up and you, know as painful, as those photographs were to me the highlight was those, houses in the back and the hope that is going to be coming out of that those are young families that are gonna be moving in there they're going to be working down for, example at, mrs.. Cayetana's, laundry, I mean they're gonna have jobs there's gonna be services. They're gonna be daycare, all of that together this is really going to lift these families out, of that situation and so finally. We have a homeless story that actually has as, you said a silver lining a happy end I mean it feels really good to see that well, it will we hope come January, they. Start moving in think. Back a moment to last June remember. Last June. The. Hokulea came home. That. Was really a story, that gave so much pride, to I think everyone, I don't, think you'd be watching that whether you were at home on television, or whether, you were lucky enough to be there and not, feel this tremendous, sense of. Pride. Especially. For you I. Was. Actually there in the Hokulea came in that's why I'm asking. So. I was, with the canoes that came. In with the Hokulea as well as the other canoes that boats. Are coming in and. We. Were talking about how young. People want to leave the islands and want to experience, something new but, it's times like this where we actually take pride in where we come from because, I can't, think of any other state that has. That. Something. Like the Hokulea something, that the. One around the world experienced, so many different cultures to bring it back home and successful. With all these people using, um. Stars. To navigate rather. Than technology, and it's. Just that we accomplish, this people. From our island accomplish this and it's something that we definitely need to take pride in, but. Also the pride in your culture yes. Into, that word you. Know I think it was a monumental, occasion. It's. A time when we. Get to look back and say, you know this is an integral part of local. Culture Hawaiian, culture and, thinking, about the the ways in which it brought a community. Together, for. This occasion, and, in some ways it brought the global community together I, think, that's what made it so wonderful, is that it touched so many hearts around, the world and you could really tell you.

Know I was not there unfortunately. But I did get to watch and I think it was it was just a great thing to feel as you were watching touching, hearts and spreading a lot of information, that otherwise wouldn't. Be as perhaps, meaningful, as it was given in that context, the other reason it was inspiring to me was because I I covered, a lot of the original Hawaiian. Renaissance. Movement, you know the coal Lobby and, so on and I. Recognized. How, far, this. Movement has come you know 900 Thompson's, father was. Involved you know at the very beginning, and and it. Was just amazing to see how far they you know that boats sank almost, once. And. Any, they had the the the the swapping off of. Wowie when, they lost Eddie, Aikau you know it's like to. Come all of those stories came together in that one moment and that was that was really something. Before. I let you go I want to ask you this this one question. When. We all gather next. Year this time. What. Story, do you hope won't, be in the mix what, story do you hope will maybe die, on the vine something. That we've been talking about that you hope won't be in. The, newsfeed, next. Year I hope this Kahlo her case will finally be brought to rest I mean this as Darrell said it's been dribs and drabs and going on and on and you know it starts with the mailbox and how many years later we, are still talking, about this I think, that the community really to, heal, in this regard this needs to be settled one way or another so I hope, I next year it's a pow it, won't we'll probably be talking about it but maybe it'll be over I. Don't. Think it'll be over but. That's. Okay wish list is good I. We. Talked about this earlier so I'm kind of tripping, this answer but I I'm. Really hoping that by this time next year we'll actually see some traction on the homeless issue I think, there's some real, hard realities, that still have to be faced these people who are still, homeless many. Of them are so chronic, I. Don't, know the end solution, for them but. I'd like to see us have, places. To shelter, these people at the very least along. With their dogs, and their bikes and everything else you, know I just want to see we, made, it we dedicated, a lot. Of resources, at our station to covering the homeless issue. And. We talked about it every single day so. For me personally I'd, like to have not been talking about it every single day that's. It you know I, wishful, thinking, because you know the the cynical part of me is saying this you know we're gonna we're gonna be talking about this for the next 20 years, but. Certainly I'd actually, and and let me just spin this just a little I'd. Actually you, know in a hypothetical. Scenario would like not to see truth to power stories, I would like to have a world in which we wouldn't have to do that because. That would be the norm you know, one would hope that, we. Live in a world in which you, know power doesn't need to be, spoken. Truth, that. That, that. Good. People didn't. You know people with integrity. You, know are coming together, building. A community, building a, space. Well let me jump in here for just a second because we're gonna have to go in a moment but we just. Sort of touched on earlier net. Neutrality and today. We've seen that a lot of the net neutrality that was built over. The last you know 10 years is, going, to be rolled. Back, well. It sounds like we're gonna be talking to about truth to power in some way or some form with that we'll see their New. York Attorney General just, minutes, after after. They announced the FCC decision said well I'm suing. You know and so, I think this is not the end of the net neutrality story, we will see more, but. You know I can still hope all right darling very quickly what is it that you hope we won't be talking about, I actually agree. On the homeless issue because, I, I. Didn't, something one night where I searched up on Google why. Is Hawaii, and I let it finish the sentence and one, of the options was why does Hawaii have so many homeless people and I don't want that to be a thing that, people know Hawaii for like Oh Hawaii, a lot of homeless people see, them on the streets so I really, hope that they do take some more initiative, to clean it up or at least give us a better. Outlook. From, other states.

And Countries, anything. Specific, that you would love to see happens with that. I. Just. Want to see them. Help to not moved, or, like. Scattered across the island from. Places. That. Just get more camera, time I per, say like they're probably cleaning more the metropolitan, area so that when, tourists, come to see they don't see all the homeless people so they're getting swept to the other side of the island I want them to be helped, yes, more affordable, housing and yeah. More initiatives, just to help them rather than just create. Moving. The problem somewhere else well. I want to thank all of you for spending the last hour and all, of you to for, being here Mahalo to everyone, for joining us and for being, with us for insights. As, we wrap up another year if we want to thank our guests eunji, Denise Spencer, oh she de Daryl Huff and Rebecca, Meyer during, the next several weeks we'll bring you special programming. For the holidays, this, during this time period insights, will be back on January, 11th, to take a look at tourism. With, another record-breaking, year for visitor, arrivals, have we reached our capacity, to safely, and efficiently, manage our, rising visitor, count are we re investing in the resources, stretch to accommodate this, booming tourism will. Have that show for you on January 11th. On behalf, of everyone, at PBS. Hawaii we, wish you a safe healthy. And a wonderful, holiday season please, accept our sincere appreciation, for. Your support, I'm Beth Anne Kozlov, itch for insights, on PBS, Hawaii. A Hui ho, happy, holidays, and a peaceful. 2018.

2017-12-18 18:31

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