Inside The World’s Most Hated City: Wuhan, China

Inside The World’s Most Hated City: Wuhan, China

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I am in Wuhan China a city you have all heard of  before but for all the wrong reasons just a few   years ago this city was all over the news with  some even calling it the world's most hated City   but what is Wuhan really like today my goal is to  explore the city Beyond its reputation visiting   its iconic landmarks trying the city's most famous  noodles seeing its incredible Skyline and I will   also visit the infamous wet Market known as the  starting point for the global pandemic so what   does Wuhan China really like today and will it  maybe even surprise us let's find out together   okay and I am in front of a very interesting  street here now called hubu allei which is a very   Lively and popular Street here it's like a walking  Street where you can find shopping opportunities   but also lots of street food so I'm here to try  some delicious food so I see some dumplings being   sold here already that is always a good option in  China but I see many more shops here so let's have   a closer look I think this is a rice cake here  dop yes this one right yes yeah okay can I get   one portion yeah this is called doupi it is like  a rice cake plate is very hot here so everything   is fresh and hot and then she puts it in this  little cup here and then I can sit here yes yes   okay maybe this is her shop and she's just serving  from this shop because the owner is currently not   here okay okay let's sit down here let's give it  a try and then I will figure out how much I have   to pay for this first we try then we pay okay and  we have the Chopsticks here on the side and then   I also see there is some sauce here which I think  is do you use the sauce yeah okay she looks a bit   confused I think this is soy sauce but I'm not  sure if you're supposed to put it on this dish or   not we also have something here that looks like a  chili oil which I'm going to skip because I can't   eat spicy it's delicious to add a little chili  chili but I can't eat spicy you know what let   me try a little bit I want to have the authentic  experience this is very fragrant and not spicy   see okay let me add a little bit so this one  it's vinegar yes oh no not delicious I don't   think vinegar goes well with this okay so the  dish I'm having here is called dopy it's a rice   cake filled with meat and vegetables wrapped in  Bean cured skin and yeah I heard this is actually   very popular here as a street food snack in vuhan  let's give it a try M oh the rice is very heavy I   think it's a type of sticky rice and then on top  we have this uh yeah it looks like a like a skin   almost like a pork skin on top of the rice that's  the bean Cur skin I guess and then underneath it   I'm actually not sure if this is actually meat  could also be tofu oh but the flavor I think the   flavor is coming from the skin it's very flavorful  very delicious and here there's another big piece   of rice underneath oh this is actually a very  heavy dish let me mix it all and get like a   proper bite with everything so the rice the meat  the greens oh that's a really nice combination   of different flavors in my mouth now oh that is  actually I think a really good start to our day   here exploring vuhan let me finish this and then  we see how much I have to pay for this is the meat   inside pork meat yes yes pork meat okay how very  good I can pay a g b so I'm scanning the code here   and then I have to type in the amount how much  you can type yeah 12 okay where are from I'm from Germany every time I'm trying to  say du which means Germany and China   most people don't understand me so probably my  pronunciation of the Chinese Germany is very wrong sounds exactly the same what I said  right okay sh thank you very much okay   byebye okay that was a very hearty very  delicious and very filling meal actually   a very nice Street I could really imagine like  if you're living nearby you can walk down the   alley here after work collect some food  take it home with you many many different   options here and even some some juices over  here as well it's always a bit difficult you   always need to keep your eye on the roads  for these electric scooters because they   are all electric in China so you usually  don't hear them coming because they are so quiet I think I also saw the famous Wuhan noodles  on one of these signs here we are going to try   these famous noodles later in the video the street  is actually very similar compared to one of the   food streets I have seen recently in kashka  in Ching Jiang China maybe you saw one of my   previous videos from there where we also walk down  an alley with many food stalls on the left on the   right and it actually looks similar just the city  around looks very different compared to kashka and   Ching Jiang China okay I'm inside a souvenir shop  I'm actually looking to buy some postcards I will   tell you in a minute why I'm looking for postcards  are these post cards I can send with the post very old school nobody buys postcards anymore  these days yeah I'm looking for postcards because   my mom would like to get a postcard from me she  said uh that's uh one of her Christmas wishes to   get a postcard from me my mom is a bit old school  but uh yeah this is not the first time I'm trying   to find the postcard it's very very rare to find  postcards these days nobody buys them anymore I   guess and by the way we are walking straight into  a very residential neighborhood here I think so   this is the end of the food Street and then you  can walk straight into a local residential area   actually I'm also curious to see a little bit of  a local neighborhood so let's have a quick look   around this area before we continue to the next  destination we have some murals here on the side   they're actually looking pretty good actually  wondering what is this construction here looks   like a place where you can hang your clothes to  dry right but why would that be here right next   to the street if anyone of you can explain what  this is let us know in the comments I don't know   it looks like a shopping scene inside a an old  school School shop maybe maybe this is an old   school Chinese restaurant here many murals here  actually and of course somebody uh cleaning the   streets that is something that I really notice  in every Chinese City there are always so many   people around and usually to be honest it's  older people cleaning the streets so I guess   they are employed by the city and yeah my  impression is that a lot of older people   are doing these jobs probably because that  is something that they are still able to do   plus they outside in the fresh air but yeah that  leads to the fact that all the Chinese cities are   always looking very clean I mean you can have  a look around here right and I think they also   separate their garbage here same what we do in  Germany we have different categories what type   of garbage you have belongs into what color of  trash bin and I think they're actually doing   something similar here so for example we have one  category for harmful waste food waste other waste   and recyclable raced and yeah my first impressions  here in vuhan the city actually feels like a small   town almost I mean there are 14 million people  living here in Wuhan that is a huge City actually   that's that would be by far the biggest city in  my country Germany but if you have a look around   and we are not somewhere on some quiet outskirts  areas this is the city center basically of vuhan   although I guess because the city is so huge  there are more areas in the city or several   different areas that you can call City Center  but we are quite in the middle of the city now   and if you have a look around it feels quiet  it feels relaxed it almost feels empty oh hell   and we have a friendly smiling local people here  but I also think that most of the cars here are   electric I mean you can hear or you can't hear  them that's that's the point because oh this is   a nice German Mercedes here that probably is not  electric and also the truck here is not electric   oh now that I'm trying to prove a point we have  a lot of non-electric cars around also we have   so many of these bicycles here that you can  you just scan a QR code and then you can use   them to cycle around the city I'm wondering  though if anyone of you can explain what is   the difference between the yellow and the blue  bikes is it maybe just different companies we   also have a green bike here but yeah does this  look or feel or sound like a city of 14 million people no right and yet the name of the city vuhan  comes from the combination of three neighboring   towns Vu Chang hu and hanyang and yeah these  three towns merged in the early 20th century   forming the city that we know today as vuhan oh  I can't believe how empty it feels here where   are all the 40 million people that is insane  I mean we are going to see different areas   of the city later in the videos so maybe they  will be busier and we have a park here public   park where people play how do you call it in  English baton that is also something that I   noticed every Chinese City I have visited so far  and I think this is my 10th City or so in China   all of these cities they always have a lot of  parks in the city centers well-maintained areas   where you can have a walk around enjoy relax  some of these Parks I've seen they also have   like a little cafe in the middle and usually  you can find a lot of old people in these Parks yeah I don't want to draw a conclusion  of the city now I will do that at the end of   the video but yeah my first impressions here are  actually very nice and I'm curious to collect more   Impressions throughout the day here throughout  this video okay and we are now at probably the   most famous place of Wuhan the yellow crane  Tower which is one of the most iconic historic   places in all of China but I'm actually not  sure if the entrance is here the taxi driver   just dropped me down there and yeah it also  started ter rain a bit so I have an umbrella   now yeah so later in the video we are going to  see more of the modern and futuristic side of   the city but I thought I also want to show  you an ancient historical side of the city   hello can I get a ticket for the yellow crane  Tower yeah can buy here yeah yeah okay how much   17 17 yeah yeah I need to scan here oh okay  welome thank you very much okay here we are   so to my understanding this is actually quite a  large area yeah I know the weather condition is   not the best so imagine this in full bright  Sunshine but nevertheless it actually looks   quite beautiful already here but it is a bit  like like a ma here have to figure out where to go wondering what they are doing here they're  making some some sounds some some music I would   be curious to know what they are doing but I  don't want to interrupt them and ask because   they seem to be uh busy making uh making  the Sounds here so this behind me is the   yellow crane Tower which is considered one  of China's most iconic ancient structures   it was initially built in 223 ad during  the Three Kingdoms period but it has been   reconstructed several times due to damages  from Wars or natural disasters so the tower   that we are seeing here today is not 100%  the original tower anymore oh I wonder why   these cigarettes are famous he's taking a  picture of the cigarettes yeah what is this cigarettes I think the tower is on the package  of the cigarettes ah interesting I don't know   maybe this is a famous cigarette brand here  in China and it has the tower on the package   you can see here so the the building on the  package is exactly this building right here   oh very interesting okay that's an interesting  marketing strategy right putting an ancient   building on your cigarette package ah look  at that there's a sign here saying post so   maybe they're having postcards here  I'm not sure if this is a postcard I   can actually send to Germany to my mom is  this a real post card that I can send to Germany I think only to China can I only  send it within China ah yeah okay okay   this is a real postcard but I cannot send  it internationally but I think if I buy it   and then if I go to the Post Office and  buy another stamp pay a bit extra then I   can probably send it if I go to a post office  and buy a new stem can I get them send it to Germany you know what let me just buy one  because this is actually the first time   I come across a real postcard in a while I  think the last time I saw somebody selling   real postcard was in in Mumbai in India maybe  you remember how much is one okay let me uh   one that I'm going to send to my mom because yeah  she wanted that as a Christmas gift I cannot buy   one I need to buy all 20 per set okay okay then  I then let me get the set thank you very much so   Mom if you seeing this video this is the card that  hopefully has arrived already by the time you're   watching this video okay this is the inside the  main hall so you enter right over there and then   we have this impressive picture here which is  a very popular photo spot with a yellow crane   flying over the tower oh it's a cool feeling to  be in here like remember how old this building   is and people actually walked up probably  not exactly these stairs but similar stairs   hundreds and hundreds of years ago already yeah as  usual in China places like this are always quite   commercialized like we have book shops in here  souvenir shops tourist shops it almost feels like   an ancient Mall in here like we are in such  a historical building and you have shopping   opportunities here so at the inside like the first  floor was basically like a shopping area but the   other floors are yeah almost like a museum in  here how many floors are here I didn't count   but I think this was the fourth floor already so  we have at least one more and yeah so this is the   view from the highest floor this is the area where  we just coming from and the entrance area is over   there and also here you can walk all around so  you can enjoy the view 360° all around but yeah   it's a bit unfortunate that the weather condition  is not the best today unfortunately it's a rainy   day today okay and now we have seen the ancient  historical side of Wuhan but stay tuned later in   the video we are also going to see the futuristic  and modern side of the city and trust me that side   is quite impressive okay I'm actually trying to  find the Metro now and yeah if you saw my previous   video my arrival here then you probably remember  that Google Maps is not a big help here and I   can't really use the Chinese map so for example if  I'm having a look on Google Maps there's no metro   line near me but I know for sure that there is  a metro line somewhere here actually let me open   the Chinese map yeah we have so many different  colors here on the on the Chinese map that I'm   not really sure which one is a metro line I think  here's a metro station so I need to walk straight   and then right because yeah I am going to take the  metro to the next interesting area of the city and   then we are trying to find the infamous seafood  market where everything started a few years ago   but first I have to find the Metro ah here's the  Metro that looks like the entrance to the station   I was just walking by here and then I I noticed  oh that's actually the entrance I think we have   line five here I'm actually not sure which line I  have to take also very typical for Chinese metros   they are built very deep underground uh the good  thing about heing metros in China is that here   everything is also in English restroom welcome  to vuhan Metro tickets and trains over there   oh yeah the Metro System here in vuhan is huge  so the station where I want to go to is near the   vuhan museum but I don't know the actual name of  the station do you know which station I have to   go to if I want to go to the bham museum can you  help me out okay let me take a picture of this she   even translated it to English y cryo so I change  here and then change here hu railway station this   one yeah okay okay sh thank you very much okay hu  raway station okay now I know the final station   name I'm very helpful of her looking it up in her  map and then telling me so uh English hu railway   station okay I have to pay 4 un and I can pay with  Al pay I have the feeling that taking a metro in   China is always very affordable according to her  screenshot the journey takes about 37 minutes and   I paid 4 un now which is like 50 cents us okay I  have to scan my back I think scan the back okay   and here was my back nothing dangerous inside  actually I just have a hoodie inside because I   think it might get colder in the evening now  I'm just wearing the jacket and the t-shirt   we have about 15° in case you're wondering okay  entering here okay I just missed the train but I   guess they are running quite frequently okay I'm  definitely have to take the train on this side   and then just one station and then we figure out  how to continue yeah I'm not really sure where   the station is located that I'm going to now  so we have the vuhan museum here and then the   infamous seafood market where I want to go to is  basically right next to the museum so I hope that   the station where we are going to is somewhere  in this area but uh yeah I don't know I can't   recognize the station on the Chinese app and they  don't exist on Google Maps so let's just take the   train and then when we have arrived at the final  station we're going to see if I'm right look at   this this is also very interesting passengers  riding on the middle of the train will be hit   with a strong blast of air conditioning while  those on the first and the last Carriage will   be subject to much less intenses AC so you can  see here the trains in the middle are much colder   than the ones at the beginning or the front that  is a very interesting system so I want to go in here actually it feels quite warm in  here okay but we only have to go one   station and yeah the station names  are also in English here so that   is no problem and you can even see on  which side of the Train the doors are open okay literally a minute later we have  arrived already and I guess this station will   be a bit easier because we can transfer here to  another line and I think it's line two I have to   transfer to okay the station looks much bigger  than the previous station but uh yeah I have to   say well organized here you have many many signs  here indicating where you have to go line two   line two line two line two so another sign line  two so you can't miss it basically just need to   follow the signs to your next line I know there's  a train just arriving here but is this the right   train where I have to go on I don't know I would  like to double check that first yes it is okay   and I made it okay I'm pretty sure I saw the  station where I need to go to on the on the   map so then actually we should be crossing the  river now so this should be quite a long ride to   the next station also I like it that the colors  in here represent the color of the line I am on   so you can see here it's all painted in pink which  is the the color of the line of the metro line I'm   on at the moment what's also very interesting so  there are signs hanging on the sides here and I   just took a picture of the sign and translated  it and this is actually an information about   a healthy diet that is fascinating they're  educating the people here inside the Metro   about what is a healthy diet you will definitely  never ever see that in my country Germany but I   have to say it seems to work because you hardly  see uh overweight people here in China very very   well we are arriving at hu railway station  so that was actually only like 20 minutes now and here we are so because this is a proper  railway station I think it's going to be very busy   so let me see if I can find a way out here and  yeah I can see myself again on the map and we are   basically exactly at the vuhan Museum so exactly  where I wanted to go through so thanks to the lady   who guided me to the right station putting in  the coin here and I can leave the station and   that was a pretty easy and convenient journey I  have to say so thumbs up to the vuhan Metro System   oh and look at the color of the sky that looks  beautiful already right yeah it is about 1 and   1/2 hours before sunset time now now and I have  something planned for sunset time and then also   for the time after Sunset so stay tuned for that  I think that's going to be very impressive but   here we are now this is another railway station  yeah maybe you remember my previous video when I   arrived here in Wuhan with the train I told you  there are three train stations in Wuhan and I   wasn't sure which one I arrive at this would have  been another option and yeah before I'm trying to   find this Infamous seafood market now I actually  want to see if I can find a place where I can eat   the famous Wuhan noodles I have the Chinese name  written here so let me ask if they have it hello   do you have this yeah I think it's actually very  easy to find these noodles from what I've heard   it's very very popular here in Wuhan okay one  yeah okay over there there heating the noodles   up by the way in the water this might be already  my portion right here adding a little bit of that   a little bit of that and this sauce oh that looks  delicious already okay how much I pay how much how much you can type in four oh 4 4.5 ah okay 4.5 you  okay so these are the famous Wuhan hot dry noodles   and the ingredients are of course the noodles soy  sauce Sesame paste pickled carrots and garlic and   my first impression is I can really really smell  the Sesame it smells like sesame noodles now and   yeah these are the pickled carrots but then I  also see I think these are peas and yeah this is   a very traditional dish here in Wuhan and what's  unique about it is that it's not in a broth like   most other Asian style hot noodles and yeah I  have heard that this is actually a very popular   breakfast here in Wuhan you can not only find it  in restaurants like this you can also find it as   a street food and yeah it's very quick to prepare  it was literally finished now in like a minute so   the noodles are precooked I guess and then they  are just adding the different ingredients on top   and then you have a hot bowl of noodles like this  let's give it a try oh you can immediately taste   the Sesame flavor but also the soy sauce of course  actually quite good but I think to be honest I   prefer noodles in a broth I'm missing a little bit  of broths now and what I'm also missing is meat on   top I could imagine that for example minced meat  minced beef for example would be perfect on top   of here as well I'm wondering I might be able to  actually add meat or other ingredients as well   here so I could imagine that you can pay a bit  extra and then you can actually add for example   meat on top okay let me finish this and then we  are trying to find this Infamous Market actually   I want to be a bit careful with the filming in  this area near the seafood market now not because   I'm worried about something I just think this  is the ground zero of the global pandemic from   a few years ago so I could imagine that over the  past year years many journalists news reporter   from all over the world have been here to fil up  this Market probably also other YouTubers or Tik   tokers instagrammers came here before and I could  imagine that that is something that the locals   in this area don't really like because yeah it's  probably nothing that you're really proud of when   you're from this city from this area that the  whole Global pandemic basically started right   here so I want to be a bit careful with my camera  now we have red light already J in China oh no my   social credit score will fall that's at least what  I can read all the time in the comments whenever I   am or people in my videos are jay walking actually  I wasn't sure if this seafood market was only the   ground zero of the pandemic in the western Media  or also in the Chinese media so I actually a few   days ago I asked my Chinese friend about it if  yeah according to Chinese media the whole pandemic   also started here and he said yes so not only in  the western media the whole thing started here   also in the Chinese media okay I'm almost there  should be maybe 100 m over there and then on the   left side and in case you ever wondered how the  area around it looks like I think this is actually   a hospital right next to it so I'm almost right  in front of it okay first thing I noticed there   are plenty of police cars parking right in front  of the market oh this is a police station I think   did they change the market into a police station  oh is this is not the right location here maybe   this is another situation of we can't trust Google  Maps this is a bank here and then maybe it is here   to be honest with you I'm not 100% sure if the  market is even still a market if it's still open   you know I could also imagine that it closed down  actually but this is oh this is uh the entrance   but I see something okay and I'm standing in front  of the infamous seafood market now and yeah at the   beginning of the market there's a big sign that  no photos or videos are allowed inside the market   Market which of course I'm going to respect and  I can actually even understand that because yeah   I can imagine that in the past years many many  people came here with cameras probably from media   Outlets from all around the world just to film at  this market and it's probably very annoying for   the locals here so I just actually went inside  the market without my camera and it's not a wet   Market anymore it's not a seafood market anymore  it looks basically like a shopping mall I saw some   jewry shops in there some shops where you can  buy phones so it looks like a regular typical   little mall now so I'm pretty sure they got rid  of the red Market section that costed everything   a few years ago and I have to say it feels pretty  pretty weird to stand here right now this Market   has been all over the news a few years ago and  being here now at the ground zero of the global   pandemic is a weird feeling I have to admit yeah I  think we all remember the times 2020 2021 all the   lockdowns we've been through all the restrictions  and it is all connected with this location here   the first few lockdowns started I think in March  2020 I was in koal lumu Malaysia at that time and   I remember I was stuck in my apartment there for  three full months and I think many of you have   experienced something similar back then so that  was definitely an historical event something that   all of us hopefully will never experience again  in our life yeah it really changed the world and   it all started at the market right behind me and  in case you're wondering how it looks around here   so the market is right there and then around here  we have plenty plenty of residential buildings so   probably the first few people that got infected  with the virus we are probably shopping here   because they were living nearby so probably in  one of these areas and this is also probably   the area that saw one of the first lockdowns so  I guess that this area here was under a really   tough lockdown maybe even the first lockdown of  the whole country happened right in this area   strange feeling to be here such a historical place  but historical in a negative way I have to say I   would be really curious if you are F vuhan please  uh share the story in the comment section how did   you experience the beginning of 2020 here in the  city I would be very curious to read about that   and I think many other peoples who are seeing this  would also be curious but yeah like I said earlier   it is a sensitive topic so I actually don't want  to film too much here because I can definitely   understand that the locals here probably don't  want this attention here so I would say let's head   to the the final stop of today which is going  to be a very impressive stop I think okay and   I want to take the Uber of China now there's an  app here called Didi which is connected with the   alipay app and yeah that basically works like  uber in the west or grab in Southeast Asia and   let's see how convenient it is to take so I enter  it the location where I want to go to I can even   enter it in English here and usually it's able  to find it confirm destination and then I get   the prices right away so the oh you even have like  a premier car available a luxurious car here and   then you can also take meter taxis and then the  fair is approximate so but I can take the regular   discounted Express for only about 13 un so that is  like $150 for like a 15 minutes ride let's see how   fast I can find the driver and I have a driver  right away here is literally only 1 minute away   around the corner I actually use this app already  quite a lot here in China and it has always been   very easy to use very convenient and he should  be here already 5X 50x that's our guy even with a   German car Volkswagen FV I like that meow hello  good afternoon hello are German cars popular here so okay okay oh good okay I think he was  saying that German cars are good please translate   in the comments that he was doing this in the end  which is a universal sign for good I think yeah I   noticed that already they seem to like German cars  here I'm seeing plenty of f Volkswagen also many   Mercedes-Benz which actually surprises me because  uh the local car brands like B byd for example   they are also getting more and more popular  overseas for example in Indonesia where I'm   living at the moment I see plenty of byd stores in  Jakarta but I don't think to be honest that there   are many Chinese cars in Europe I haven't been to  Europe for a few years so I'm not sure about that   but I don't really think that Chinese cars would  be popular on the European market despite being I   think think uh one of the the leading car brands  in the world when it comes to electric cars okay   thank you very much bye-bye and we have arrived  about 15 minutes later and yeah that was a very   convenient way to travel around the city I  can really recommend if you coming to China   get yourself the alipay app and then alipay is  also connected with Didi that was the name of   the taxi app and yeah this is not a sponsored  video by Didi or alipay I can just recommend   having this app when you're coming to China or  you can also use the Metro taxis which are also   very easy to find here in China I mean there  are plenty of metero taxis driving around and   I took them many times here as well and never  had any problems with it they're all using the   meter right array you don't have to ask about  that and they are also pretty affordable That's   My overall impression here that the taxi  rides are very affordable similar to the   Metro rides I mean this was now less than $150  for 15 minutes in a taxi and Metroid taxis are   also very cheap I'm from Dua Dua Germany Dua  D ah my pronunciation is so wrong okay nice   to meet you never mind he was very confused I  think what is wrong with my pronunciation for du du that's exactly what I'm saying right d  okay it is getting pretty cold actually now   I'm guessing we're having like 10° now  here in the evening just with a t-shirt   it is very cold but it's not as cold here as  in my previous videos from Ching Jiang okay   just feels much warmer now much better so I need  to wait until 6:00 p.m. now it is now 5:32 so in   about half an hour you will see the magic when  this Skyline Comes Alive cuz the skyline here   in Wuhan is very impressive and yeah while I'm  waiting for the skyline to come alive I want   to say some things about my day my experiences  here in Wuhan so far my first impression here is   actually that it's a very livable city the city  is modern it's clean well organized like you saw   how huge the Metro system is so I think uh once  you understand all the lines it's actually very   convenient to be able to reach all the corners  of the city with the Metro the taxis are very   affordable here also the food is not expensive and  I'm actually quite surprised about vuhan like we   all heard so many negative stories from the city  but who knew that this city is actually quite a   cool place so I'm feeling actually quite surprised  and yeah before coming here of course I only had   seen Wuhan through the lens of the global news  the negative Global News in the past years but   after exploring around meeting people trying the  local food I have to say now I definitely see it   differently and I think you should not judge or  Define a city based on the history the past it's   always better to come here and see for yourself  and then you maybe notice that oh this city is   actually quite cool and different from what you  would have expected and yeah always keep mind that   behind every headline also behind the negative  headlines is a real place with real people living   real lives and I haven't had a single negative  experience here in the city and now let's have   a look at the skyline by night oh look at this  this is probably the smallest KFC shop I have   ever seen we have the KFC logo here hi Mommy only  ice cream and coffee ice cream no chicken chicken   y you have chicken here no oh KFC yes oh so small  the shop I think this is the smallest KFC store   I have ever seen very small mini mini mini KFC  yeah mini KFC but are you selling fried chicken   and hamburgers here no hamburger no hamburger  your chicken chicken yes yes ah okay okay maybe   later can I can I see the uh I'm looking for a  place with a nice view to the skyline here yes the weather today is bad ah yeah it's very foggy if it were normal this would be great  place to enjoy the scene ah yeah oh not lucky   today okay I still have a look over there okay sh  thank you very much yeah she said the weather is   very bad today if it were normal this would be  a great place to enjoy the scenery well I hope   we can still enjoy it and yeah this is the  youngster River the biggest river in China   the biggest river in Asia and the third biggest  river in the world with a total length of 6,380   KM it starts in tbet and it ends near Shanghai  so very impressive actually to also see this   River for the first time in my life with  my own ice okay turns out the lights are   being turned on at 6:30 not 6:00 p.m. but  yeah have a look now it looks so beautiful   basically every skyscraper that you can see  on the skyline here is illuminated with the   lights and the color of the lights is constantly  changing like every 30 seconds or so and wow this   is just so typical China having impressive  skylines like this wow I really like that   and even the bridge is illuminated wow what  an atmosphere that is here so yeah this was a   very interesting and impressive day here in Wuhan  China I hope you enjoyed today's video subscribe   to the channel if you haven't yet to follow the  journey and if you haven't seen my previous video   where I took a first class highspeed train from  Chiang to vuhan then feel free to check out the   video right here stay healthy stay positive  and then see you on the next episode ciao guys

2024-12-21 14:29

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the best single week of my life to date | Kangaroo Island 2025-01-14 17:32