this is how you stay warm in Christmas markets in Europe with mold wine what's your favorite flavor well I trust you it's caramel and sesame it's my caramel and sesame okay I'll take a caramel Sesame then okay this here is the ice skating ring and it's huge it goes like in a in like a obstacle right here they're selling more ornaments I feel like you buy a lot of Christmas ornaments here at this Market wow the Christmas tree is beautiful guys what time does this Market open uh 10:00 10:00 um it's 10: or evening okay it's beautiful 18 can I play with card please the minimum my card is 20 by us what's up everybody welcome to another extremely cold day here in Vienna yesterday was nice and beautiful but today man it's freezing it's cold however I got a really special video planned for you guys because I've been wanting to do this for so many years today we are going to be visiting one of the largest Christmas markets in all of Europe in probably one of the most beautiful right behind me is the rat's house market and it takes place right in front of what used to be the city hall of Vienna it is extremely beautiful it gets very busy for a reason like I said it's one of the most famous in all of Europe and today well we're going to jump on in there and I'm going to show you guys what A1 gets you inside of the market the plan is to do a little bit of eating but I'm also going to be buying gifts for you guys for those level three members who support me so much I know that all of you guys show me your love each and every day but of course we got to show some love to the members of the channel so we're going to jump on in there we're going to do some shopping we're going to do some eating it's going to be a good time and hopefully we can find something nice and warm to warm ourselves up with right in the beginning because man I'm cold right now and yeah there's a lot of people this the lights actually just kicked on right now it should be getting dark here in about 20 30 minutes so we got a little bit of time to show you what it looks like in the evening and then we'll show you what it looks like as it gets dark now of course I am with Gadis hello guys how are you doing I'm so cold you're cold huh it is chilly but I'm happy to be here you know this Christmas Market it was a dream for me it was we've been talking about it for many years and as soon as you uh head on inside you can actually notice that there's this big Arch that says viener Christen I think it says Merry Christmas Market oh no it says Vienna Christmas Market that's what it says huh glce was like what yeah I think vien means Vienna yeah so let me know down in the comment section what exactly that translates to but I think we got it down quite well now as soon as these cars stop stop passing by we'll make our way over and we'll start doing doing some shopping and I'll show you guys some of the decorations and show you why this place is so special and look right now you can actually see the tram pulling up the public transportation here in Vienna is actually surprisingly good and you can pay for the tickets when you get onto the train or you can actually purchase um the pass through the application we actually just pay every time we get on but let me just tell you guys this is not one of those cities that you want to just be hopping into Ubers and traveling around on Uber's with because man it gets expensive yesterday we were on like a 13-minute ride no two days ago like a 13-minute ride and it was like €25 so definitely the train is the best option all right there's no reason too because the train it's pretty good yeah it's good huh and go all around the city yeah and they have a Subway the subway is really convenient as well all right now time for the fun stuff now the city hall itself is a landmark that you visits especially if you're not here during the Christmas time from what I was told yesterday there's all kinds of events that always take place here even even during the spring and summer months so I guarantee that if you come down here you're always going to find something to get into look here they're selling punches not sure what's going on over there oh those look like chestnuts they got a merry go round but before we jump on into the market I actually want to show you guys the ice skating ring the ice skating ring is impressive it's one of the most beautiful that I've ever laid my eyes on and as it gets darker it gets prettier oh wow look at this a lot of like handmade wooden items oh these are beautiful oh the bird is cute huh they look real you know we saw somebody with these I'm not sure where we were but then these are beautiful where where do we see somebody with those it was a kid that went into a Subway or a bus in prag huh yeah yeah it's beautiful and look they got a nasimo I'm not sure how you translate that but when the when Jesus was born all made out of wood as well all right well let's walk let's walk and let me show you guys this ice skating ring now yesterday gladus and I actually saw the ice skating ring a few nights ago it was beautiful what got you stuck over there no no no I was I like the wood the wood uh carvings the wooden items but I was just telling them that a few days ago we saw the ice skating ring and it was absolutely beautiful like one of the most beautiful ice sker Rings I've ever seen you agree yeah it's so cool and I love that it's here in the middle of the maret yeah right in the middle smack that in the middle that's something I like I would like to do but I'm a scared of skating yeah me too I am not even going to lie to you guys I am extremely scared of trying this but it looks beautiful so yeah this here is the ice skating ring and it's huge it goes like in a in like a obstacle which is something that we didn't see in other places in in Prague and you didn't see the one in Amsterdam but in Prague and Amsterdam it was kind of like just a just just a circle yeah this here is like a big on course look at that full Christmas Vibes but I think it was yesterday we saw somebody fall and I was like yep not for me but I think they rent out even helmets I'm not sure let's actually see how much it costs to rent the skates and participate in the ice skating but yeah it's gorgeous guys look at all the decorations I mean this is why you come to Vienna to explore the Christmas markets to do some ice skating right in of the city hall this is about as iconic as it gets oh wow they even have like Locker set up here so you can store all your belongings while you're skating that's pretty damn cool you were calling my name yeah um there's a map of the Christmas Market really big it is yeah you got to you need a map to navigate this one that's pretty damn cool glad has never seen the ice skates before we need to try it we have skating ice skating rings SK in Venezuela in kakas I've never went you got to go we got to try it long time I just don't think we should try it while we got a lot of things to do because one of those Falls man your boy won't be walking for a while wow this is beautiful look at the Snowman you got a polar bear over there no the Christmas Vibes I keep complaining about how cold it is but the Christmas Vibes man they're gorgeous I always say you are here in the middle of the Christmas Market and you forget about the cold you forget about the cold yeah exactly I'm like we wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christ she's so funny all right let me show you guys the prices and then we'll jump on into the market so here's the price list for adults 9 children € 6 and then you can rent the skates ice skates 84 depending on your size man not bad I like that great deals so who knows maybe we'll be brave enough to try it by the end of our Europe trip but I don't think so because last time glattus got on some skates they were regular skates not even on ice and she broke her leg she broke her leg in like three places this was in Venice Beach like 3 years ago two years ago yeah three years ago yeah 3 years ago now huh and she broke her leg in three places and man the recovery was forever so and I had a flight to go back to Venezuela and I just went like that Chris was like let's go to the doctor I was like no I'm not going to the doctor because I knew what it was broken and as soon as she got to Venezuela they put her in a cast on crutches and she was like that for two months so we're not doing that again but yeah look they got a merry go round I think maybe later on we'll jump in one of those but I think first thing first we should get ourselves something nice and warm to drink oh wow this is like a candy shop it looks like yeah they got like a lot of souvenirs so yeah we're going to do some serious shopping here today in this video we're going to do some shopping and send some things over to you guys now every time I actually head out to these markets you guys are probably wondering how do I pick the members obviously I can't send gifts to every single member but essentially what I do is I put I got a Google um generator where I stick everybody's name it's like a raffle generator I stick everybody everybody's name that's a level three member and then I Choose You know three four five people depending on where I am to send gifts to so today I have a special list today we're going to be sending gifts off to let's see we're going to be sending off gifts to Carol in Connecticut Susan and Henry in California Brian Fernandez which I don't know where he's from yet and Alicia and Rhode Island so we got plenty of gifts to purchase but look at this guys it is gorgeous so beautiful all right I think I'm going to kick off this tour with a nice hot punch they actually got a punched hand right here behind me and I think that'll be the best way to kick off this tour oh I think they sell a lot more than just punches they actually got like hot dogs curries worse here oh man this is nice maybe we should actually get a punch and a Curry's worse right okay why not they don't have a line you got to take advantage when there's no line hello can we purchase the hot wine here yeah okay uh I'll do one please and can I do one Curry's worse thank you yes please thank you so much wow it smells delicious smells amazing thank you so much it's depit for the cup okay so that's the deposit for the cup 194 okay can you hold this for me real quick mhm 1914 okay thank you so much [Music] oh man this looks amazing we definitely made the right choice right now thank you so much wow that looks so good I think they're all different kinds of sausages based off the look of it that looks amazing huh it smells even better okay so at the Christmas markets guys it's very popular to uh when you order your drinks they give you nice cups and you can actually keep them but they charge you a 5 deposit in case I mean so that you have have to bring them back but you can keep them and look this one has the Vienna city hall right in front of it so guess what we probably ain't bringing this one back oh yeah let's keep it we got to keep it huh because we kept the last one the last one was like in in a shape like a stocking a Christmas stocking yeah exactly this is nice and this one has people eyes and skating look oh yeah it does in a snowman she's so funny all right now you could definitely smell the alcohol in this one let's give this a go you mind holding this for a second yes this is how you stay warm in Christmas markets in Europe with mold wine mold wine makes the cold go away and this one smells strong and it's very hot that's strong that's strong you know people told me you guys lied to me last year no two years ago when I came to Christmas markets everybody told me that you can't get drunk off of molded wine and I believed you guys and then like 3 days ago in Prague bro I could barely walk after like five glasses of these my friend took me to a local shop and I was tore up from the floor up after five it was just two ooh no that's nice I like that that's great enjoy you got to give that a go okay let me try a little bit hold on it's hot it's strong huh you can very much taste the alcohol and that thing that's real wine that's real wine huh not no water down wine right there all right well you know what why don't you try the curry worst first you've never even tried a curry wor CH everybody wants your opinion on the sausage glattus already knows that you the kind of content you guys want to see sausage content you guys love watching Chris eat sausages bro it's crazy I already know the comments are coming right now let me get ready all right sausage oh this is a Curry's worse right here you've never had a Curry's worse before I don't think so I don't know let's see it's the sauce that makes it a Curry's worse as far as I'm concerned this is good it looks good that looks like am minino sausage I don't know how they make it but it's like crispy on the outside and soft on the inside delicious now it's your turn all right I'll give that thing a go I'm not cheated I eat bread yeah but we've been eating a lot of bread to be fair we've been eating cakes and all kinds of stuff all right so here this is how you do it man molded wine and some Curry worse [Music] oh that's good I actually like that a lot to be fair it's not my favorite sausage I like them a little bit crispier I was going to say a different word but crispier and I feel like this one here do you like I don't know what were you to say you like them bigger you hear this girl she knows exactly how to get the comments going it's good but I think I like the one that I had in Czech way better the one I had in Prague was like more Smoky flavor and it had some spice to it this one really doesn't have no spice to it but the curry sauce is good hard to beat all right well I'm going to go ahead we're going to finish this hot dog finish the mold wine and I'll catch up with you guys here in a second yo that sausage hit the spot I don't know why I think that's so funny but it did it hit the spot stop stop with the laughing in the background because you're going to get everybody you terrible girl huh terrible all right now let's start doing some more shopping guys now I actually want to purchase some more food here in a minute but first let's purchase something for Alicia now Alicia has been a member of the channel for quite some time now and I want to get her something special let's see what they're selling here oh these are like those those rollers for like pastries like for baking that's pretty cool I don't know if Alicia's much of a baker but that's pretty damn cool they sell a lot of like Christmas ornaments and stuff like that too wow these are cool they're very unique huh W they're glass they're glass huh be careful I don't know if we should send off the glass I got a bad reputation with sending off glass uh things sometimes you receive it in pieces and then I got to send it back ain't that right Alicia Alicia has received a magnet for me and um I just received a message from her saying that she received it so we got to make sure we send her a new gift but yeah beautiful pieces but you know it's almost a little bit too too Christmasy right by the time you guys receive it it's going to be middle of January so let's make sure that we get something that's a little bit more versatile oh these are like stuffed animals that's cool a that's so it's a wakamaya a parrot wow this is a cute store that is really nice huh all right let's see where else we can find something awesome I want to send you you guys something that you can actually I don't know maybe just hang up or use all year around I think that'd be pretty cool Christmas ornaments are cool but yeah maybe you'll just save it for next year's treat oh that's cool yeah that's a cool idea you know what should we go get let's go get a a Christmas ornament let's do that I'm going to get Alicia a Christmas ornament and I promise you we're going to put it in the best bubble wrap I can find that's the problem it's glass it's glass yeah but I think you guys will really like a Christmas tourn actually you know what I'll grab I'm going to try and grab a few small ones that way I can send them off to you guys but uh that way you guys can save them for your tree for next year and these are quite cool actually wow they got a big Ben Watchtower and they got a big sign that says no touching so we got to make sure we respect that let's see oh these are cool they're like small little birds oh they have a parrot oh they have one okay which one do we want to take I wish I knew what was Alicia's favorite animal but look they got some frogs over here I wish there was one that symbolized Vienna huh oh look at the chocolates the chocolates that's cool they should have a Mozart uh ornament right a Mozart ornament would be cool okay let's see I don't know they're not really catching my eye right now what do you glattus which one should we get for Alicia I kind of like the the parrot back there I like that the parrot is nice huh you know me of course glattus loves the parrot all right can can I get one of these ones please oh thank you I think this one this one's cute huh a yeah that one I like that one or the red one also the red one also should we do the red one these ones are 9 9 it's for the it's for the Christmas tree right yeah okay I'll take one of these wow your shop is beautiful I love it are you taking the blue I think I'm going to take the blue as well yeah let's do both oh you know what how much are these ones that say Vienna nine oh you know what okay here here I think we're going to do some of the Vienna ones oh I found the right ones for you Alicia sorry I almost got you some birds but those were cute but look at these These are Santa Claus Vienna ornaments okay you know what I'm going to take two pieces of these I think these ones are beautiful yeah we'll leave the birds we'll take two of these two of those thank you thank you so much they're beautiful I love them and look they even have another one here with the it's all the same they're all the same huh they all have the uh the city hall yes yes yes it's beautiful all of these yeah are here in the boxes I love them but this is all the same okay I love the sound there what time does this Market open uh 10:00 10:00 um 10 or evening okay it's beautiful 18 can I play with card please minum i c is 20 by us oh minimum is 20 okay then I buy one more okay perfect let me do this one please one of those I'm going to get one with the stocking and this has the St Stevens's Cathedral oh perfect that's beautiful thank you so now we'll send three off to three different members did you see this one oh yeah that's beautiful that is beautiful I like that do you need the receipt please thank you okay your shop is beautiful I'll be back than thank you thank you so much you're welcome at this oh it's the London uh London foam Booth huh wow that's beautiful look oh I like that one for our Christmas tree it's the world we need the world huh yes can you put these in my backpack please all right so I got three Christmas ornaments I'm going to be sending um one of those off to Alicia and then we'll send the other one off to Brian Fernandez we'll send one to Brian Fernandez and then we'll choose another member of the channel to send the other one off to now let's go on a hunt and Let's find let's find something sweet oh did we miss it we missed it huh oh man there was a big heart that just came down the down the middle but you know what guys I'll show it to you later on look at the tree yeah it lights up all of the trees we saw it a few nights ago it's beautiful but we'll show you guys later on later on I'll turn the camera back on even if we're done with the video and I'll show you guys that that takes place it's beautiful but yeah let's get something I don't know something sweet and then we do some more shopping uh okay something sweet now wow these look good smells good look they actually have apple ones apple and walnut okay should we try one are you in all right these are called Andis arini it's hot homemade filled freshly fried crispy risoto rice balls oh man it's street food from cilia cilia oh so this is Italian street food okay and look they got beef ball on has bacon cheese and fig Curry spinach pizza should we get a sweet one or should we do salty I want Apple you want Apple yeah what about you hm I don't know if I want a sweet one or I feel like it's a rice ball maybe I should get it Savory no but they wouldn't sell a sweet one if it wasn't good so yeah let's try the Apple let's try the Apple why not take one or try flavors look at that how much is one of these bad boys oh one of the savories is450 and a sweet is 350 hello how's it going sir can I do a uh Apple sure which one do you recommend for the sweets nut noot but apple is also very good okay dep let's try both okay that's the best way to do it huh yeah I also think thank you we have €7 please this is Italian yeah from Sicilia okay M with the Austrian touch exactly okay fair enough thank you so much I say thank I appreciate you which one is Apple this one this one's apple and this one's nou thank you can I get a napkin I give you two and you got the mustache you know how it is thank you you're you know everybody's so friendly at this Market too I'll tell you what we've been to a couple Christmas markets and sometimes you go to them and you're like bro why you so piss piss off it's Christmas bro like cheer up a little bit but you're GRE you should be in your cave yeah if you're top of the mountain if you're a grinch you should be stuck in your cave on top of a mountain all right I feel like every time I make food videos I always eat by the trash can even though we should definitely find a better place to eat all right so yours is the apple one mine is the know that Cheers Cheers let's try this M you want right kind of weird it's weird it's Savory but sweet in the middle it's rice bro it's a rice ball it's rice yeah like it's literally a rice ball mhm I don't know how I feel about it to be fair let me try yours I feel like an apple strudel would have went way better right yeah an apple strudel would have been the way to can you hold these napkins for me Apple shtle is from here so no mine is oh I don't know man I'd much rather have apple strudel yeah I feel like that's a I don't know it's kind of like a waste of galleries like it's not the most it's not the most delicious sweets when you're in Austria and at a Christmas Mark and there's so many sweet things all right let us finish these and then we'll continue you like that one huh glattus is a huge fan of Apple yeah anything apple and she's all about it I love it I love it all right well I can't say that was delicious but we ate it because we eat everything and yeah that's it wasn't bad that's the reason why we got to we got to actually like start working out but in Europe we're we're over here saying like oh it's too cold to go out and run but then when we wake up and we walk out we're freezing and there's always people running huh and then in nature I'll be like oh it's still hot it's like a big yeah it's the circle of life oh look everybody's buying Christmas hats here Santa hats that's cool and then right here they're selling more ornaments I feel like you buy a lot of Christmas ornaments here at this Market wow the Christmas tree is beautiful guys so beautiful here they sell like some scents probably for the home like incense things like that now we are on the hunts for something for Susan and Henry Susan and Henry uh they have been members of the channel for quite some time and they actually have their own channel it's called the solar panel cleaning channel so if you want to learn how to clean solar panels they might that might be the one for you oh maybe a chocolate bar everybody likes chocolate right yeah everybody likes chocolate maybe we can send them a little piece of of Vienna and a chocolate let's see oh the these look nice oh they are so cute wow they have a chocolate with corn that's crazy oh yeah and look at this one a sprinkle chocolate that's pretty damn cool all right well this is going to be a hard choice on which one we want pumpkin spice buttermilk cashews okay you know what I think I'm going to let Glades choose this one she's a lot better at choosing chocolate than I am I'll I'll probably go by the envelope like yeah this one with the Vienna logo yeah or maybe this with the city oh that's cool huh yeah look handmade in Austria you think we can you think we can get this home in one piece um I'm not sure eat it yes we will eat it yes nice but this this won't melt in our bag huh I don't think so okay all right you know what what's your favorite flavor well actually I trust you it's caramelized sesame caramel and sesame okay I'll take a caramel Sesame then okay yeah I'll do one of those and let's try how's the corn the corn is um it's a little bit of salt it's a different taste huh I mean there's some people who love it and most of people I just can't figure out you know like the the taste of chocolate and corn okay fair okay I'll take one Sesame let's do one Sesame and do you have a Mozart Chocolate by chance um no we don't who's this one I I'm I'm really bad this guy is that St Nicholas yes oh man I was like don't let me get that wrong okay yes I'll do one of this one and how much is the St Nicholas this one the big one is uh double filled with salted caramel and uh nugat o and this one is 8.90 and the small ones are 590 the small ones are 590 they different different this is just uh caramel and this is uh nou nou okay then let me do one small one and one of these yes and which one would you like salty or the the one I think we should try salted caramel to mix it up and can I pay card like little um we call it uh cat tongs so it's like chocolate but it's like very very um thin it's just a little yes a little taste huh okay those will work for me okay thank you for helping me 118 pleas there you go wait a second oh that's beautiful what year is that register from you know this is from my great great grandmother oh really so but I don't know ex the year exactly but it's like 1900 something so it's like quite early that's beautiful do you have it um no I'm okay thank you wow that is beautiful so this is a family business yes it is wow that's awesome it's nice to keep Traditions alive it's true but my grandma did did did not produce chocolate so we started 3 years ago to produce chocolate my grandma she had like a little shop with like groceries oh really selling groceries but you're from Vienna or another city or town it's like maybe 2 hours from here like in this direction to the north inside the woods but we produce in vien oh near like inbrook no no this is really far oh that's really far okay well thank you so much thanks a lot happy holidays to you thank you wow that's beautiful you hear that all right Susan and Henry I'm sending you some chocolates I hope you enjoy them chocolates all the way from Vienna stick that the goodie bag they are so cute they are cute huh I like those hopefully they make it to you guys cuz sometimes I wake up hungry at night I'm joking do buy chocolate like the Burge Khalifa No I don't know it's not the B kifa just a bar with gold a bar with gold duai fany well look I promise you this guys Susan Henry I bought you the chocolates with a lot of love if they do not make it for whatever reason if they're broken if it melts I don't know I will give you I will send you guys one of the Christmas ornaments at box they're beautiful you just have to save it till next year though oh look right here they got a weener stand oh I know a lot of you guys would go crazy for a Wiener Stand hey hey it looks good though you know we actually there's a chain it's a it's pretty I think it's pretty gross there's a there's a chain a fast food chain in the in California I've never seen it in any other state it's called weener schnitzel and I never knew why they call it weer Schnitzel yeah I don't know why I thought that maybe it's a type of like German hot dog or something but we went to a schnitzel place yesterday and we ordered a wiener schnitzel and it was literally a piece of pork breading yeah so maybe that's what a wiener snitel is I'm not sure but yeah look at this guys they sell oh these are the cups they actually sell them the ones that we have so yeah it's definitely worth keeping and not returning oh but you know what I guess if you do purchase it there it's probably better because no one else has been drinking on of it yeah they're not used yeah see maybe we should take that back and then come back and buy another one okay right because then we'll have a brand new one in a box oh that makes more sense actually oh dang Chris you have brilliant ideas but to be honest I didn't know they they sell them I thought it was just the car for yeah I didn't realize they sold them neither wow look at this guys this is beautiful no they go all out for these markets man it's gorgeous also I don't know if you guys noticed but we're a little late to the 4K game it's 2024 I know but I just recently started filming in 4k and I hope you guys enjoy it because I've noticed the difference and I've been telling gladus I don't know why we haven't filmed in 4k for a longer time yeah I don't know NE but hey it's better to start late than never right all right let's continue on with our little market tour man this place is gorgeous guys it's so beautiful if you've ever thought about coming to the Christmas markets in Europe you should absolutely come and this one here is a lot more spacious than a lot of the other ones we've been to which makes it a lot more enjoyable to walk around oh do they have a Mozart Cup oh man that's awesome hello oh you can put someone's name on them here uh not here it's only in the shop in the first distri okay and do you have one with no name no no sorry no okay just pre presets okay let me see up there they're written all the words oh okay but these are like German names huh yeah it's like Austrian phrases a oh they're phrases okay almost vies almost dnes okay what's a funny phrase what's a good one a good one um maybe fats and Shad fats and Shad yeah what's that mean it's like idiot idiot oh God that's funny fats and Sharon okay also WR also on the also on the hat I like that fat and [ __ ] also this one the it's the word of the year in Austria okay it means like listen up like snob yeah like snobby snobby guy okay all right thank you so much wow they're beautiful I like them but yeah I don't know I don't know which one to purchase one of you guys but I'm definitely not going to send you guys a cup that says Idiot on it I mean I mean it's pretty funny but I guess that's like that's more like yeah German Austrian humor yeah I don't know you give somebody one of those cuffs and then they Google what the hell you sent them and you guys might be like oh that's the last membership I pay for he sent me an idiot cup remember no more yeah I don't want nothing to do with that no more but let me know what you guys think of this Market it's gorgeous huh it's beautiful I really enjoy it here you know what we need to get if we can find some we need to find some postcards that way we can send out some postcards too that's actually what I do more often guys this is because we're out in the Christmas Market and we're doing some some shopping but usually I send out postcards to the members and I don't do every single member we take turns there's a lot of members so um we circulate in a row I actually have a list and I put an emoji next to next to your guys's name when I send you out a card but we circulate them so please uh be patient I think a lot of people nowadays they use type on computer and they don't take the time to to write stuff and I think when you're right it's your time there yeah on letters and it takes a long time guys sometimes I'll send out like man what like 20 postcards and dude it takes hours like I'll do it over the course of a few days where I sit there and uh write each one all right so right now we're going to look for something for Carol H now from Hartford Connecticut we got to find something for Carol baby for Carol yeah we got to get her something special something moart a Mozart huh oh that would be fun we saw them yesterday Mo she is a Mozart addict we we literally this morning we woke up and she was like well we're in Vienna like usually I listen to some country music in the morning to get the Vibes going and she's like no I want some Mozart and I was like okay let's play some moart moart that's so funny all right well let's see maybe they got a little Mozart ornament here I'm surprised I haven't seen much Mozart stuff here at this Market at least wow oh these are beautiful cute they are beautiful huh okay well let's see maybe we'll get something for Carol from here for her tree next year oh these are cool these little nutcrackers let's see wow they're all so beautiful man I'm scared cuz we still got so much time left I don't want to like buy something that's going to break you know I know maybe something like these look oh those are cute huh bre I like this yeah the Santa I like this let's see yeah this is a tough decision man oh these are snow globes oh snow globes are cool huh but that one doesn't really say anything I don't know let's see oh the ice skating is cool that's cool I like this one too you know what maybe we should get Carol this one that's cute that is cute huh yeah oh that's cute also look at the bird oh I like that gladus has a huge thing for Birds man she loves them if she notices anything anywhere it's always the bird this is Sala not going to break yeah I'm not a big fan of that one though I think I think we'll take this one yeah this one's beautiful I have it you oh you have it there sorry I'm so sorry yeah we'll take one of those please thank you your Shop's beautiful I like your Santa or the other one oh they're both cute Santa Santa yeah thank you can I pay with card yes sure thank you oh look at this one oh my God look at this the birds are solders a soldier bird that is cool huh you know what oh let's not let's not cause any damage here you know what I think I want to get a smaller one also you know what can I get this one also I'm going to send this one to Susan and Henry also okay yeah that way you know you guys have something that lasts a little bit longer than chocolates you guys can eat the chocolates and then you know have a Christmas ornament for next year that's really cool oh the bag's nice too so yeah Susan and Henry you guys are going to be getting this little bad boy all together is 17 17 your store is amazing so beautiful thank you so much it's all about Christmas yeah and you know not only the happiest time of year yes and the cutest and the cutest yeah thank you so much thank you so much have a nice evening thank you you too you know I like to say that it is the happiest time of year but we also got to acknowledge that man it's also a very sad time of year for a lot of people like you know it's a tough time especially in the in the western world where people are always you know on the struggle to purchase gifts I feel like a lot of times we think that Christmas revolves around gifting somebody something and man it brings a lot of struggle to a lot of families every year like I grew up with a single mom so I remember during the holiday times I would always like you know it I would always hear about my mom's struggles to like hopefully find some money to put some something under the tree every year she came through but it was a tough time of year and not only that but also for a lot of those people that you know lose a family member lose a loved one during this time of year that they don't get to spend the holidays with their loved ones like for a lot of people it's actually a very sad time of the year as well so you know if you're having an amazing Christmas if you have the opportunity to be able to bless somebody else or you know invite somebody over for dinner that might not have friends or family it's the best thing you could do because a lot of people go through some very tough times during the holiday season it's a very sad time of year for a lot of people I know for Gladis putting her business out here but it's a very difficult time of year for her she lost her father in December right before Christmas so um always keep others in mind during the holidays not just your immediate family but friends call your friends check up on your family members it's important so we got some souvenirs for Susan so Susan and Henry I'm going to send you guys that um ornament and then I think I'll send the other one off to Brian so yeah I'll send the other one off to Brian because man we are we're we're spending some money here guys so let me add up the calculations real quick let not get it's easy to get carried away man everything is amazing um yeah we're still good to go we're going to be doing a few more a few more uh purchases oh wow what is this oh man roasted apples oo should we get a little closer and see what they got going on let's see it's called the brat topil brat topil okay oh it's a roasted Apple what that's interesting I love that my mom makes that really she puts an apple in the oven yes I would have never thought about putting an apple in the oven sugar my Dad loved that okay I'm down to try this I've never heard of a of a roasted Apple before these ones have crumbs you can add caramel vanilla sauce okay well let's try it oh there's no one at the stand the Apple stand is abandoned but yeah you can see the roasted apples in the oven oh man it smells like amazing look at the flavors rum and raisins rum and raisins caramel sauce vanilla sauce or crumbl oh I I know what you want I like classic because it's what I used to eat at home just so no crumbles Oh I thought you were going to go crazy for apple crumble oh no you I'm down I'm down for crumbles why not some you got to add some toppings to it you can't just keep everything classy all right but I don't think we're having this tonight I'm not sure where the where the Apple crumble lady is we're taking a break yeah man it smells amazing though that's delicious or you know what maybe she's taking a break because there's none ready yet could be too I wonder what's in there that smells amazing awesome all right well you know what I think I think we should just keep going oh there is stuffed they're stuffed yeah look they're stuffed apples they have um hous made nut filling housemade nut filling well well right about now I can have whatever kind of feeling but it doesn't look like we're trying them oh well that's sad I really wanted that oh wow look they got a ferris wheel for the cakes here that's pretty cool damn those look really good actually but man we got to buy the whole cake that looks good oh baby look at this they even have merch with their cake on socks oh God that's yo we're slacking huh yeah guys please let me know um if we release the merch would you guys purchase it we got a lot of designs that we've already created and we've we've received a lot of samples I just actually haven't threw them up on the website but I need to know are you guys actually interested in purchasing items I mean we got some shirts already like designed we got coffee cups we got magnets um stickers a lot of cool stuff but you got to tell us in the comment section what would you like yeah what would you like because sometimes I I feel like I I'm assuming what everybody would like and we've gotten samples for like literally you don't know how hard it is to make clothing like merch shirts and good quality ones and still make them profitable obviously it's very hard there's a lot of like Services out there online and they make some shitty quality stuff and I refuse to sell like a t-shirt that is just that's trash like no way I refuse to so we've gotten a lot of samples but I haven't actually posted them online to I've never even showed you guys but um I got some pretty cool stuff I just I need your guys' approval right that's what I'm always talking to GL about I just don't know man dude when you put your whole life online it's kind of scary sometimes like you don't know if you know people are actually going to like what you put out and that's kind of a buzz kill sometimes because we put a lot of work into these videos into those products and and man it takes a lot of effort and a lot of money like just to get the right t-shirt made costs a lot of money because you're purchasing sample after sample after sample and usually they charge you more for one shirt than when you order a bunch because they they're making like the what do you call it the stencil For That t-shirt mhm so let me know what you guys think gladus has um had many many many merch items before for her Spanish Channel and people love them well I'm hearing something I'm hearing something right it's a helicopter oh it's a helicopter oh I was like what's about to happen um but we need to make them for for for you guys yeah so let me know what you think about that anyways what else should we try man that chill wine gots me feeling a little funny I like that I might need another one of them I'm telling you those things are strong but look at these um merry go rounds it's beautiful you know what why don't we walk into that side of the park let's go let's go now you know I was a little bit disappointed um during our first couple Christmas markets because I thought that there was going to be like a crazy amount of food to try but man it's always the same thing like the Christmas Market will always have like a bunch of punch stalls here I don't even see hot chocolate I think the vi the the vienes people love to drink like there is no hot chocolate here it's all alcohol alcohol yeah which I'm knocking I'm I'm all about it too but yeah no no hot chocolate to be found in this market and everything is the same huh it's all punch wieners Lango and Lango oh we need a Lango the free is off so I think it's about to you think it's about to happen oh look they got the helicopter out here oh it is you know what guys let's stand right here I want to show you what's about to happen so right now there's something special that's about to happen coming from this tree I mean this section look at that it's perfect timing you guys are going to love this right here this is why I came to Vienna oh man hopefully you guys can see that it's beautiful so essentially it's a heart that comes down these zip lines and as it passes the trees it turns them on wow that's [Music] [Music] gorgeous man that is a cool system they have and just pay close attention to the trees guys whoow that's beautiful huh man I'm telling you they go all out here it's unreal now a bunch of Hearts turned on man that is beautiful so beautiful to see okay now I lost glattus I have no idea where she went but yeah that was gorgeous to see oh there you are I was like oh no I lost glattus I love it it's so cute man that was beautiful huh yeah we stumbled across that on accident a few days ago and I was like man I got to show them that it's gorgeous look at all the little hearts on the tree guys and yeah over in this area there's a lot of like light Arrangements I wonder if that helicopter knows he's messing up my video right now get away get away bro yeah see it's super gorgeous out here and they actually have a big ferris wheel over in this direction that is really cool to see as well wow we didn't walk over here the other day and it's actually very nice yeah look there's the feris wheel they actually got a gingerbread house here yeah it's gorgeous you know what guys I think I'm going to put the camera down here for a second you know what let me show you the ferris wheel a little bit closer and then I'm going to put the camera down and then we got to go look for a Longos we have to try one of them I didn't see none on on this Market let me let me see how much money we've spent so far cuz I told you we're doing1 it's 1037 we're close man we're close we still got some time but we need to go find a Longos yes we're going to go find a Longos guys oh look at this it's gorgeous yum yum glattus actually wanted to ride the merry go round but I was like come on like there's so many kids on that but I think we're still going to do it I don't care I'll take the spot of one kid she's being so serious too she don't care she don't care if she leaves somebody crying tonight no there's always SP on that there is huh I don't know why grow people grown people just don't go on that it's fun it is fun maybe we'll do that maybe we'll do that all right let me catch up with you guys here in a second once I find the the Lango that that's actually one of my favorite things um one of my favorite like Hungarian dishes I didn't realize it's so popular here in Austria but um maybe it's not that popular maybe it's a Christmas food because I saw it at the frag Christmas markets too but Longos I believe is Hungarian and it's incredible so let's try and get our hands on one I could actually mess one of those up right now I'm kind of glad that there was no that there was no uh roasted Apple lady because I I'm I'm more about the Savory stuff than the sweets glattus is the opposite she would go sweet all day and leave the Savory stuff for somebody else okay well no luck on the longo I'm not sure if I saw that here or at the other Market in front of the the church yesterday I I think it was in prag in prag they were everywhere yeah man we should have had one I didn't have one we were so full man we've been walking around eating like crazy but anyways guys I think that's going to be it for this video I appreciate you guys so much I hope you enjoyed it this Market is beautiful definitely you should add it to your bucket list um how would you rank it out of the other videos or how would you rank it out of the other markets that we have visited so far sorry I'm stuttering it's cold 10 out of 10 huh yeah yeah yeah it's beautiful especially if you have kids because they have the um ice skating they have the wheel like another area areas besides the food and the the alcohol and the alcohol and the souvenirs I said alcohol she was thinking about souvenirs but um yeah they got a lot of stuff for the families and also I would say that the best Christmas markets we have seen so far have been Prague and Vienna and honestly they're both so close to each other that you can take a 20 flicks bus from Prague to here um or vice versa vice versa from here to Prague and you won't be disappointed you'll have yourself in amazing holidays um so thank you so much for watching I appreciate you guys so much and I will be sending these gifts out very soon as soon as I get back home and for now what are we doing now what are we doing now going home going home I'm pretty I'm pretty full and tomorrow we got a flight at 6:00 in the morning to Barcelona so yeah we're going to go home get some rest pack the bags I feel like that's just circle of life these days we we film we go home we pack and we fly out again somebody asked me today oh hello how are you how is your vacation I'm like I'm going a vacation bro we've been on vacation for seven years man yeah like anyways vacation for us it's going to be not when we go somewhere like home and then we don't leave the house like that's vacation all right thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys soon later guys I was the one to take a love [Music]
2025-01-06 20:10