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your heart to be healthy all the way not only one time but forever two times [Music] i'm sorry mom [Music] [Music] [Music] and you see the black and white stones all right next it's from the time look in the people not own them but he trains them to fight here in tripoli okay great so they are owned by salah let's say that's why they have the name of mamluk in arabic the word uh mamluk means the thing that you own okay great so they are owned by say technically they were like some armies and they are for salah they built these schools so whenever you say see the black and white stones is it the citadel or something else okay that's why i started to talk about loops okay okay so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] the original people of people the authentic people of lebanon they very first live in lebanon they are the phoenicians okay okay yeah so these people were from lebanon they used to trade with the world with the egyptians i mean the pharaohs you know yeah during the romans time they were here in lebanon they lived here okay and mainly they used to live next to the sea and they were traders and they like a trade with the romans the pharaohs and egypt after the phoenicians the romans hi so after the phoenicians the romans came to lebanon okay because they had like some fight and tripoli we don't have many rules from the romans time why because many many many civilizations has passed so if we like dig in the in the ground we can find some ruins from the roman style okay mainly i was talking about the mablux who came from egypt because they are the recent civilizations that like we have many many ruins or many landmarks till now also the ottomans you know yeah very nervous yeah so the ottomans before the ottomans we have looks okay and before the man looks we have the crusaders okay crusaders orchestras they're originally from europe so christians from europe they used to be what roman church turned to byzantinians okay and the byzantine is turned to crusaders but the very old people they used to live like this [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] which is with nuts okay yeah this one is fish all these types are made out of pumpkin okay okay it's pumpkin with some nuts or is that some uh also that's what like only uh hazelnut or something like this and this one is only with sugar okay okay pumpkin and sugar that's it right [Music] you are from india right yeah [Music] he catch that you are from india yeah i look indian you know you can see his grandparents and the family tree there [Music] most of the buildings as you have seen are made out of [Music] haha actually really it's similar to like something that we have in india which is it i think you have it as well halwa you something like gum yummy yeah and we have we put it under two biscuits here in lebanon okay so it's similar but i think it's here it's triply sweet by the way tripoli is known by its sweets people told me about it yeah try the other one how is it [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] and it's like it has some bombs on it i think so so we usually do this and we put some sumac inside it what's so much it's it's a kind of spices okay we're gonna put inside and you're gonna try it because it's very famous tripoli i really right here it is one of the oldest oldest oven and triple leaf and functioning in the same way we're going to try it together [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] india [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] so you put this on it yes sumac this one do you know it [Music] take one i think this one is hotter take it oh together it's like perfect combination wow [Music] do i have to like take a bite off and then yes yes take a bite and dip it inside the sumac and try it it's very traditionally in tripoli okay keeps one of my favorite okay you have to like it [Laughter] it's nice i liked it you like it but it looked more spicy i thought it'll be like too spicy it's not that spicy actually it's not as spicy it's a kind of like it's more like lemon i really yeah yeah it hits your tongue you know simmet in turkey they have cemeteries meat yes yes it's it tastes a little bit yes true true yeah i like it yeah you like it great [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you see it today like many stores are open yeah that's what i was wondering a lot of them are open today this is like the clothing suit right yeah so [Music] some eat uh the place here is like you cannot put your your like or your face here people are like it's so crowded yeah yeah and people are like one about the others you cannot walk the same jacket but we we do it in different ways this cake is with cheese and you can put some tomato inside it and some peppers a few more if you don't want we can add all those cheese okay great yeah with cheese with cheese and tomato maybe okay all right [Music] how much is this for it's only for three thousand even three thousand uh like normal food we eat white rice [Music] uh is [Music] this looks delicious actually i'm wishing you to have like two lives or two so when i say ah so i'm pushing your heart to be healthy all the way like not only one time but forever two times interesting it's like too healthy or too hot this is very delicious [Music] [Music] [Music] is a watermelon in hindi yeah so these are the traditional lebanese tar bush or hats usually all the old mans and during the the old times the old man used to put it on the man and the woman so you have it this one is like too small i think so yeah yes but usually it's bigger and they uh they wear it with a white shirt or white chemise do i look lebanese now okay good this took is called soup okay okay it's usually during the old times the ottomans especially they used to they used to sell only textiles as you can see and in these shops nowadays you can you can find the sari the hint [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] you

2021-06-22 23:32

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