Inside the Las Vegas of Malaysia

Inside the Las Vegas of Malaysia

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this P okay one two three up one two three okay  how funny is that so you get a photographer   Service as soon as you pull up your bro look  at this that is insane dude holy cow bro how   did we just come from something so peaceful to  this it's a it's crazy it's wild there's so many   people here he doesn't even know what he's getting  into bro he's about to lose everything hey is the   ring smaller normal size normal size over oh  it's a oval bro this man played me all right   so if I don't make it it's not my fault I I'm  I'm good at basketball when I have my family   my kids are coming here like this is where we're  coming Disneyland why would you go to Disneyland   when you could come to Malaysia what's up guys  welcome back to another beautiful day here in   Malaysia now today I'm talking to you guys from an  area that's completely different than qualum part   it's actually my first time here I'm in Genting  Highlands and this place is beautiful guys I can't   believe it's taken me so long to come up here now  for years I have been told I had to come up here   especially because it's so close to koala Loom  par and I finally made it happen after all of   that time so we actually came up here via grab we  took a taxi from the city center all the way up   here took about 37 minutes and let me just tell  you guys very affordable around $10 and there's   actually public transportation that you can take  up here as well that is a lot more affordable   around 10 rings around $2.50 to get all the way  up here however time is money I wanted to get here   bright and early so I jumped in a grab didn't want  to waste any time and we have made it now right   now to my surprise there's actually an outlet mall  guys this here is Genting outlets and they got all   kinds of big stores you got the polar Ralph Lauren  store you got a Crispy Cream donut shop shop over   there they got Docker pants they actually have  a a Coach Outlet as well Nike outlet Sketcher   Outlet all kinds of really cool stores and let  me just tell you guys this whole shopping center   itself is super beautiful very modern and it  reminds me a lot of an outlet center that we have   back in the US we have them everywhere but this  one here is way more modern in my opinion look at   how beautiful it is we're actually heading all the  way up there up top where you see the big building   and the clouds that's where we're going to be  heading up and it looks like down here there's   actually more r uh retail shops more restaurants  man it's going to be an exciting day I'm happy to   be here now I'm not alone I'm with solo hey what's  up guys how's it going finally made it bro finally   made it to Genting after so many years Solo's been  telling me for years bro you got to get up here I   think when I was here in February you were trying  to convince me to come up yeah cuz I was just up   here and then I was like man the weather's amazing  here like it's a little bit chilly not like how   the normal Malaysia is it's amazing but Chile's  an understatement I mean an overstatement right   now like it's it's not even I would even consider  it so fresh it's nice it's nice it's still hot   man we're in Asia it's warm like I think I think  this is cold for Malaysian people like everybody's   in jackets okay not everybody but like the  Malaysian people they come up here in their   jackets I actually just met a really nice guy he's  a subscriber hopefully you're watching this video   bro um and he was wearing like a a sweatshirt  and everything pants so yeah for for the locals   it's definitely a lot chillier up here but it is  still very much tolerable so yeah guys they got   a Coach outlet for all you ladies that like doing  your shopping uh Polo Michael Kors okay not just   ladies men come on we like shopping too right I  just yeah I don't really go out of my way to go   shopping so that's why I said ladies all right  but yeah this is definitely one of those spots   that if I was here with glattus she would go crazy  she would love this spots we got a Michael Core   store man it's beautiful and the best part is that  there's actually a lot of covering as well so even   if it starts to rain like it was when we came up  here about halfway up the mountain it started to   rain a little bit so you could still enjoy this  area so solo what are we going to be doing bro so   we're going to inform me I'm lost don't worry  your brother solo got you back all right what   are we doing so first we're just going to walk  around the mall see what stuff they have like   Nike store cuz they have some cool Nike stuff for  great yeah he told me they got some good deals so   we're going to Nike store uh then we're just going  to walk around the mall and then after that we're   going to probably head towards the cable car see  what's up see the beautiful views over here okay   and then on top of the cable card there's like  uh big entertainment area that has indoor theme   park outdoor theme park casinos the Las Vegas of  Malaysia so yeah they say that this here is the   Las Vegas of Malaysia so we'll see we'll see if  it holds up to the name now we actually booked a   night at one of the largest hotels in the world  uh solo actually had this uh really cool idea   um of filming this hotel here that you said has  a Guinness World Record right yeah so the hotel   itself has like a Guinness World Record of being  the biggest hotel in the world so many rooms like   I think big as in size or as in rooms like rooms  room size even big as a facility just there's so   many rooms like what is the name of the hotel  called that we're going to uh Genting Resorts   World Resorts World something Genting man I  feel like they they just stole that name in   Vegas because there's a new hotel called Resorts  World but that's where we're heading guys so Las   Vegas of Malaysia that's the plan for today we're  going to do a little bit of I'm going to do some   gambling solo won't he's Muslim I'm going to be  doing some gambling I'm going me some drinks I'm   going to show you guys the vibe man I'm going to  show you guys the Good Vibes out here so right   here they got a Swarovski they got a Nike store  a van store Sketchers Outlet man all kinds of   shopping to be had now I won't bore you guys with  too much of this maybe if I pick something up I'll   show you guys but I'll see you at the cable car  oh man I'm excited anytime you take up a cable car   you're you're guaranteed to have some good view  so I'll see you guys up there but let me just tell   you man I'm so happy to be here there's nothing  like exploring a new spot yo we got caught up in   the shopping solo stuck downstairs at the Nike  store I just went to this store called super dry   I've never I've heard of it before but yo I just  bought the sickest jacket guys I got to actually   let me see if I can show you it's a sick jacket  but man this thing was like normally like 200   bucks and I got it for like $79 guys so perfect  for that European winter that we're about to have   after this Asia trip I don't know how I'm going to  take this all home I got to buy a bigger suitcase   now but we're going to make it happen that was was  a too good of a deal to pass up and look they got   a sunglasses hot Outlet bro I'm about to go crazy  so I'm going to jump on in there I'll catch up   with you guys in a second but so far we've done  some shopping not not too proud of it I didn't   want to but hey man when you find a deal you got  to snag them up because right now I'm sure these   jackets are on sale because it's way too dang hot  here in Malaysia but once I get to places where   it's colder man it's going to be hard to find  deals on winter clothes you know what I mean so   yeah I'll keep wandering around a bit I actually  really want to go in that Sunglasses Hut and this   A6 store and then we'll catch the cable car up so  right now we're entering the cable car area we're   about to come in through here and take the cable  car up to G gensing highlands now we did do some   shopping solo bought some shoes those are looking  fresh hey I got the jackets man it's going to be a   good time out here but we had to leave that area  man it's dangerous they got too many good deals   inside there and the outlets look like I said way  better than any winds that we have in the US all   right let's see how much the cable car cost and  then we'll take it up to okay so the the oh this   is the ticket uh purchase area yeah this is cool  man it's very popular place like there's people   from all around the world here oh yeah guys and it  take Visa Mastercard oh you can pay with Ali pay I   might just pay with my Ali pay cuz I miss China  let's see all right English I want to purchase   today ticket and then we're going to do the return  oh man look it's pretty cheap guys so they got a   standard Gondola oneway 10 rings so around $2.25  they got the return for 18 Express boarding   Express boarding return bro I might as well just  pay for the express boarding return it's not $3 oh   there's no one here anybody it's all right let me  just do one of these then I let go next the return   is for the same day let me double next only credit  card okay here we go we're going to play with   credit card and then look at this there's a reward  system I don't have any rewards we're going to   go next and Bam all we got to do is tap our card  and you know what I got Apple pay baby let's try this oh no it's not going to  work no tap it closer hold on there we go 18 ring not bad at all what  is that that's like five bucks man round   trip that's not bad at all to take a cable  car all right here we go and this is our   ticket our round trip ticket looks just like  this now we head over in this direction and   we got to go through like a small little  security and then we'll board the gondola all right and just like that guys we're  in line but you can tell that the express   Ticket is definitely worth it if you come  here on a holiday weekend or on a weekend   when it's super busy these lines can I can  imagine gets pretty full now right now it   is a Thursday we decided to come up here  I it I actually wanted to come up here on   a Friday evening but I'm glad we didn't we  came up here on a Thursday and now that I'm   seeing all the lines it was probably the smartest  decision so they got a bunch of gondolas coming   it looks like they're fully enclosed too which  is nice especially if it's raining we'll wait   in this little short line and then we'll be we'll  be ready to go how long is the gondola ride you   know like around like 10 minutes 10 minutes oh  that's not bad at all I believe there's also a   stop on the way up good views too amazing views  all right amazing hopefully we get them good views man thank you thank you welcome thank you hello hi   okay baby baby please please  please okay one two three it up how funny is that so you get a photographer  Service as soon as you pull up here me me and   solo didn't take one I don't know why  he assumed we didn't want one he went   straight for the family how how rude no  joking guys don't get that man in trouble   but um yeah he went with the family there's  only a few seconds so I guess you prioritize   like he knew we weren't going to buy one  but look now we're heading up man this is   beautiful wow this is so nice and I love that  the cable car is super clean every time I take   cable cars around the world they're always  like hella dirty and it's not like really   enjoyable to look out of but this one is very  nice look at it oh man look at that view that is insane man so beautiful look they got a h  hel pad on top of the outlets bro this is   beautiful yo thanks for the invitation  man this is awesome I love going here y the nature is insane like  it's so green yo this is awesome   I wonder if that's the hotel is that the  hotel Z I think it might be dude that's sick man guys this is definitely the move  Hey sir you open problem yeah it's a little   warm huh yeah oh yeah one's open already  yeah just put up okay oh look we could do   these ones too bam there we go oh Tha  nice and fresh nice and fresh Tha how   look oh you seen they got they got a  USB charger too you could charge your phone canot use oh yeah canot use all right  guys well we're going to enjoy the ride I'll   see you up top man this is insane oh now  going over the overpass this is cool what a place it's amazing that you can come to you  know you can come and do this activity and   literally get here in like 37 minutes from the  city center that's cool something interesting   about solo he knows a little bit of Chinese huh  yes though May one too does in China in China I   wonder does everybody speak the same Chinese  or because the country is so big that Chinese   changes no they have like different dialects they  like the Cantonese dialect they have the Mandarin   which is like standard throughout all of China  and then depending where you're from they had   different dialects and you lived where in guano in  guango yeah so they have the Cantonese dialect too   oh cool yeah I just I just came from Beijing and  to be honest yeah I couldn't tell the difference   because for me it all sounds the same right but  can you can you tell the difference between the   dialects now yeah when I first came to China  I thought all of them were speaking the same   but then I found out they were two different  like guys you lived in China for five years   yeah about yeah yeah five years in China  that's a nice time you explored a lot huh   yeah it's beautiful oh wow guys look at this  Temple man that is amazing that is beautiful   wow so solo was actually telling me that there's  a there's a stop at the temple right or we can   actually come down yeah so I think uh there's  one stop just right over there in the middle   and then we continue on you don't want stop  there man this is awesome all right guys so   it's not actually these chains of buildings  that we were seeing these look like they're   just being developed man those look like they're  going to be insane though guys and they're   actually actively building those I mean look at  all the cranes there's construction workers up   there so that's not a project that's halted even  though it would look like it off from the distance   that's one that's going to be done here probably  soon and then now we're heading up this way and   look there's a bunch of high-rise buildings um  it looks like there's more hotels out that way   and they have a theme park which is out in that  direction that we're not visiting today in this   video and who know who knows maybe I will maybe  I will if we if we do good at the casino we'll go   straight to the theme park but every time I go to  the casino guys I spend all my time in the casino   and I'm there like all night long so I don't know  what's going to happen wish us luck but um that's   what I'm doing oh man this view is beautiful but  yeah look there's a lot of workers up there guys   man it's amazing how they bring all the materials  all the way up here this hotel is going to be   insane it's either going to be a hotel or a chain  of residences but I would I would assume Hotel so this is where we're going to be staying  tonight guys we're going to be staying here   at Resorts World and this here is um the largest  hotel in the world guys it has 7,300 rooms and I   guess the second place is the Venetian resorts  in Vegas and look at this guys we're entering   man look at that theme park yo I think I'm going  in there I might have to drop the money and on a   ticket I think we're going guys I might let's see  I'm going to see how we do in the casino right   now see how I'm feeling after a couple beers  but I think I'm going to the theme park that   looks sick there's so many roller coasters down  there yo that's epic look at that canting you can   see why this is one of the most popular theme  parks in the area man this is impressive yeah   definitely reminds me of like I don't know  I feel like I'm going into Disneyland more   than I'm going into Vegas but I'm excited  to see the casinos hey 400 ring it on black   first as soon as we get in there all right that  Solo's going to watch me just watch money go down   the drain solo it's a good thing solo doesn't  gamble all right I'll help him guys I'll help   him try to control you got to pull me out all  right pull me out don't let me spend my money in   there oh man look at that ride right there yeah  guys I think I'm going on the roller coasters I   don't think I'm going to have enough things  to keep me busy inside of a casino so we'll   see we'll see what we do oh look there's a museum  and a fish chip Stop Shop man this is nice and you   can tell they're doing all kinds of remodeling  dude this place is epic good luck at the casino   all right and we have made it yo man that was  sick oh look the pictures are actually up here   so you can actually purchase the pictures as soon  as you make it off the cable car man this is epic   I'm so happy to be here let's get our first little  glance oh dude this feels just like Vegas no joke it feels identical I will tell you one thing  though you can't feel that AC in here like when   you walk into a hotel in Vegas all you people  watching you know what I'm talking about when   you walk in and that just hits you bro look  at this that is insane dude holy cow bro how   did we just come from something so peaceful to  this it's it's crazy it's wild there's so many   people here all man I'm pump pumped I'm pumped  it's a weekday too I can't imagine not coming   out here on the on the weekend this is sick  guys I might have to come back here next week   with my friend this is wild I got one you guys  know kiwi he's actually coming out here next   week hey what's up bro I know you bro I see you  thank you thank you thank you for saying hi you   from United States toet nice to meet you bro  Bangladesh Bangladesh don't know that I know   I know take care all right all right let's  make our way down yo this is sick Bro they   got so many restaurants places to hang out look  at the ferris wheel in here yo that's the indoor   theme park and then down near here they got like  all kinds of other stores they got a bank so you   can come back and pull more money out in case you  lost more this is my kind of place and they got   it looks like it's a full-on shopping mall they  got uh Bath and Body Works over there dude this   looks nice man I'm pumped I'm pumped to be here  I see why the Malaysian people love this place   so much man it's great and I'm saying that as  someone that just just got off the cable car   dude it's cuz these are like my kind of places  like I really love um yeah this kind of vibe it   reminds me of like my childhood like I always  grew up going to Vegas with my family and I'd   always spend my time at like arcades indoor theme  parks at like you know Circus Circus it's a good   time man brings back memories and yeah you almost  get like a little bit of nostalgia coming in here   look Adidas Bath and Body Works you can come in  here win your money and then spend it here that's   cool look Oakley Rayban wow they have everything  over here I really I'm going to enjoy this and   they got a unique load yo this is actually  what I was looking for yesterday I'm going   to I'm going to go in there and buy some T-shirts  later on that's where I get all of my shirts guys   sometimes you guys ask me where do I buy all  of my t-shirts every one of these shirts that   I'm wearing I buy in there unique love they got  really good quality clothes and very affordable   don't don't buy anything right now first spending  the casino then when become a winner then you can   buy everything all right you you hear this man  I feel like I'd rather buy my shirts that way   when I if I leave with nothing I at least got  some T-shirts that's the rule of thumb guys   good idea to yeah you know that's what I used  to do when I was in Vegas when at a young age   like when I first turned 21 you got to make sure  you eat first your rooms PID for and you got gas   money to get home and then everything else don't  matter but yeah this place is awesome guys so   we'll do a little Meander walking around and then  we're going to head over to the hotel get checked   in and then we'll start having some serious fun  this place looks great look they got the indoor   theme park the Sky Casino Genting gland Grand  complex not sure what that is and then it looks   like they got a lot of Chinese food this place  must be super popular with the Chinese let me know   down in the comments section is this a Chinese  getaway is this where all the Malaysian Chinese   come look at this place guys D Tha Fong I think  I've seen that in an airport before yo this is awesome you can tell like this is  definitely this is one of those   places you want to come to not only  by yourself but like with the family   you want want to bring your kids here  when you're in Malaysia guys this is cool you know what I I I'm definitely  gambling but I think I'm also yeah I'm also   going to spend some money playing some arcade  games I love that look at this that's crazy wow and then over here they got like you know  all your typical Carnival fair games where you   like yeah you can throw balls and knock down all  the different cups try and win yourself a big a   big bear or a big rabbit I think I'm going  to go for this one I'm going to go for the   banana a waffle stands Crepes and Waffles  that does look nice yo look at this it's crazy all right guys well I'm going to get  sorted you know what actually I'm playing   yo solo can you help me real quick yeah sure I  want to get on this what's up bro up six balls   for 50 ringing all right let's do it let's  do it what do I win if I I used to I used   to hoop if you to one B you get one prize one  prize wow all right let's do it one all right   let's do it I just got to make one yep that's  it that's too easy bro so how much you want   six yeah hey you know you're not worried about  me right you're not worried about me all right   he doesn't even know what he's getting into  bro he's about to lose everything hey is   the ring smaller normal size normal size  open oh it's a oval bro this man played me   all right so if I don't make it it's not my  thoughts I I'm I'm good at basketball watch out like Shack at the three point at the at the  free throw you got it Chris come on man come on oh   good good you got SK you got a Chris  come on damn a this is how you lose   $8 take your time bro take your time that  was closer that was only two right already   three dang let watch out watch out behind  you bro hey to be honest I think it's the ball let's go oh almost almost Chris a little  bit more a that star oh that was close one more a on the house on the house let's  go baby that's the lucky one you see all right thank you though I appreciate it that was  fun thank you thank you yo guys I love playing   like I'll spend all my money here I I love this  stuff man I love these games too where you pop   the balloons doesn't this remind you of like a  state fair oh definitely you guys got that in   Michigan right 100 so yeah every year we had one  right next to my house oh nice yeah look you can   get tickets yo this is sick all right guys well  I'm going put the camera down we're going to go   get checked into a hotel I'll show you guys the  room real briefly and then we're at the casino   man look at this this is crazy bro yeah when I  have my family my kids are coming here like this   is where we're coming Disneyland why would you  go to Disneyland when you could come to Malaysia   yo so I just sat down grabbed myself a little  brui so yeah the beer 25 ring not bad let's go   cheers try it it's a tiger I believe tiger is  from Singapore but this here is Bomb we're at   this little Bub called Alps they got she got a  bunch of different bars bro I'm about to get lit   I know that a lot of you guys watching don't drink  right but don't judge me man like we're having a   good time all right respect everybody there's a  lot of people out here that like to have beers   and alcohol and go to the casino man it's a fun  time so that's what we're going to do right now   beers make it over there right now I think Solo's  out wandering he's looking for a chocolate milk or   something chocolate milk with some sprinkles but  once he makes it on back we'll get to the room   and man we're going to start having a good ass  time out here all right just sat down at another   spot man look they got two for one high balls I  don't know what a highball is I know they're from   Japan but it's like a kind of alcohol this is a  Soju highball with lii look at that guys oh that   looks crazy huh and then I also got a high ball  with strawberry don't play now you're going to be   like why' you get two because it was on it was a  special if you get two you get a deal if you get   one you don't get a deal so I'm ordering two and  the rain has started guys not looking good man but   just another reason why we got to go hide out in  the casino let me just tell you guys this place   right here puts Vegas to shake right why because  man here the people are so much like I feel like   everybody's a lot more respectful everything's a  lot more it's not like so much in your face but   you still have like those um those Casino Vibes  the the bar Vibes I don't know this is more like   my kind of place I have a feeling like Vegas is  like a younger Wilder crowd this is man I like   this this is nice it's mellow it's appealing I  like it all right let's try this um so you highall   let's move to sweater though we're going to spill  this stuff with all kinds of horrible red dyes in it I don't know I don't want to think about that  one that's how you lose your money in the casino   you make it to the bottom of that that's how you  lose it yo solo what the hell you been up to bro   where where have you been hiding in the last  few minutes uh the thing is I checked into our   hotel just a second and bro you you're going to be  amazed really really all right all right so Solo's   filming a video so he checked into the hotel I  was wondering what took him so long dude left   me hanging over here but we're about to go over  there to be honest with you guys I was going to   do the theme park but man it's raining the rain  has started but the theme park looks so sick I   want to come back over here and do that what is  this beauty is the pots oh it's a Hot Pot Chinese   hot pots man dude so much Chinese food here huh  definitely a lot of Chinese tourists come yo dude   this is so sick this place is awesome that's  a great view dude I feel like one night isn't   enough I should have spent the weekend up here  all right let's come down oh the escalator don't   work on the way down all right let's go check out  this room that solo says is insane and yeah this   is the largest hotel in the world guys so should  be super cool we're walking towards the check-in   now guys and there's so many different restaurants  so many places to hang out we actually just came   through a hey how's it going we actually just  came through a corridor where they had a Dior   store of coach store a bunch of luxury Brands  this place is crazy guys they got a cinema   Straight Ahead honestly such an incredible place I  don't think a night's enough Chinese food it looks like yeah they actually have a mixed Cuisine from  all around the world in here too we're getting   closer to the reception now and look they got a  Starbucks down here and check this out guys I am   at the world's largest hotel 7,351 rooms this  is the reason why we we came here right yeah   definitely that's the whole reason of this video  yeah this here right here look I am at the world's   largest hotel I actually thought solo was joking  when he said the largest hotel in the world was   here in Malaysia cuz I never heard of it before  you know not like a lot of others on the list   if you look up like the largest hotel rooms in the  world's list um there's a lot of other like really   big brands that you've heard of many times but  it's not every day you hear of First World hotel   all right let's get checked in oh look at this  they got a rice and Yogurt Bar a Baskin Robins   man dude this is crazy dude lights and stuff  amazing man they don't play in Malaysia bro of   course never oh is this the reception yeah this is  the reception man this is insane guys definitely   worth the stop all right well we don't even got  to worry about getting checked in because solo   already did that so let's make our way up to the  room but let me show you guys the check-in process   they got all kinds of different kiosk where you  can do self checkin man plenty of different uh   yeah people to talk to counter space what is this  an ATM oh no this is where you can actually pay   for the check-in man this is cool I like it just  made it inside of the room and I'm going to let   you guys know something solo messed up dude he  booked the wrong room instead of booking the   largest hotel room he booked another one called  what is it called sky sky world sky world sky   world and it's more of like a familyfriendly hotel  look at this this guys feel like he brought me to   the clubhouse I feel like I'm in summer camp right  now but hey it's a nice room so to be honest I'm   not complaining now um this does have three queen  beds look at this guys one up here one down here   and this was only a 100 bucks a night you also  got some Bag storage television small little   mini fridge but this here this is the money shot  look at that incredible views man man you look at   this every day honestly it's super good huh we get  like and they a little flower maze down there yeah   the flower Maze and look at this we got the cable  car on the side too literally this is a money view   yeah it's money shots it's awesome so yeah this  is the room for the night let me show you guys the   bathroom it's a really cozy spot they got a joint  room as well if you come here with the family you   got a his and her vanity all the um toiletries  that you're going to need it's nice it's cozy   very family oriented right the downstairs section  they got a bunch of like slides and yeah [ __ ]   like that for the kids dude is awesome I like it  definitely recommend this place you know maybe   I'll go yeah things like that all kind things like  that it's very much a family place I recommend it   we're going to have this view not only right  now but also in the morning there's not going   to be a sunset tonight it's very moody up here  but it's beautiful guys I feel like I'm in yeah   I don't know I don't feel like I'm in Malaysia  I feel like I'm in Hong Kong to be honest with   you guys this is what this reminds me of Hong Kong  it's beautiful right and also very fresh huh solo   yeah really fresh I love the just like the fresh  air yeah really gives me Hong Kong Vibes Solo's   not he's not the happiest right now right let's be  honest he he he booked us the wrong room bro like   straight up like he was literally so salty right  now and I was too he booked this the wrong room   but dude you got to run with it right we having a  good time we we'll come back here and stay in the   largest hotel another time but dude it's okay this  is an experience that I man I I didn't even know I   was going to have this week like this is beautiful  man so right now me and solo uh we're going to   freshen up wash our faces things like that use  the bathroom then we're going to head down I think   we're going to go we're going to go work our way  to dinner um get into the casino and and just have   a good time so uh I'll get freshened up and I'll  see you guys downstairs all right so hey the room   it wasn't what we expected but it's great I like  it nice spot now we're on the hunt for some food I   think we're actually going to go to this spot that  we saw earlier I can't remember the name but it's   like a fish and chips burger spot right yeah we've  been eating what do we have for lunch we had nasty   lak nasty lak baby but now we want something that  reminds us a little bit of home so we're going to   go have ourselves a burger maybe some fish and  chips and then wait how do we even go up there   oh it's this way all right I was confused oh it's  called the Highline this area oh yeah this here is   the restaurant guys Harry ramsen this is actually  where I was having my drinks earlier when I was   waiting for Sol but this area is super nice they  got all kinds of different foods they even have   beer Towers look at that might have to get one  of them but yeah wow look Two Towers guys for   300 ring to be fair that's pretty damn expensive  actually those are Patronus Towers those are the   petronis towers it's two towers but to be honest  I don't know in in Los Angeles you can buy a beer   tower actually it's been a couple years I remember  used to buy these at the bowling alley for like   25 bucks and this is probably like 7 $ for two  so yeah definitely a little bit more expensive   but let's Jump On In this restaurant looks nice  hello how's it going bro fine you guys got some   good food sorry you got good food yeah good food  okay how's the burgers nice nice all right let's   sit down for two people please wait is this famous  for fish and chips what's like the main thing yeah   our Outlet is uh famous for the fish and chip got  two kind of fish C and head off and serve in three   kind of portions small regular and large and you  can plus with a side of your choice gravy machine   peas and fre SAU awesome awesome and our Burgers  come with three variants hot Burger chicken and   pl Burg and the beef they come with fries or you  got to add them separate uh it come with the fries   sauce oh okay where are you from bro sorry where  are you from Malaysia yeah Malaysia yeah oh nice   I just asked because there's the whole world  is here yeah yeah okay for two people please   recognize you you recognize me but I forgot your  name Chris yeah Chris a k around the K right for   Ramadan I think yeah man nice to see you you work  here yeah I'm work here all right so we're at the   right spot huh all right let's sit down then for  two people please yes thank you so much man what   a legend right guys so here is the menu they got  all kinds of starters man homemade freshly baked   white bread served with salted butter I don't  know why you would buy that but that's there   prawn cocktails all kinds of burgers to be honest  I kind of looked at the menu earlier and I think   I'm going to go with the beef burger obviously  the fish and chips are probably a better option   but I'm not a big fish and chip guy you're a  big fish and chip guy though huh I love fish   and chips honestly is that what you think you're  going to go for or you going to go burger also I   I love Burgers too I don't know temp I don't know  I have to think about it for a second it's tough   choice there's there's a lot of tough choices hey  the the fish actually comes in three different   portions small regular and large but yeah this  looks super good man I'm excited about this oh   man that looks nice thank you thank youo thank you  so much I enjo your meal thank you all right guys   so the beef burger came out look at this man nice  juicy burger oh I think it has some bacon inside   of there no that's not bacon because there's no  pork there's something inside of there some nice   fries and look at these baked prawns time to  go crazy yo this looks so good smells so good M fry pass the test all right big juicy burger woo mom you got to come here insane well it is the  following morning now and let me just tell you   guys I had an incredible time so last night I  actually uh stayed out having a couple drinks   listen to some live music actually you joined  me for the live music upstairs that was nice   really nice um definitely recommend this place  guys it's a cool cool little day trip or even   a weekend getaway from KL now I did lose 50 bucks  the casino was not my cup of tea but let me just   tell you guys man if you do like to gamble man the  casino is actually like pretty affordable dude I   think we're walking the wrong way are we there's  a line for something over here I don't even know   oh this is the car park but there's the cable car  over there all right we're trying to get on out of   here right now guys but I'm that's the cable car  100% so like it's not coming from here we'll go   find it but let's chop it up a little bit longer  so the casino man they have like some high roller   tables down on the bottom right as soon as you  walk in I couldn't film anything guys I could have   if I wanted to be disrespectful but there's big  signs everywhere that says you can be prosecuted   I I love Malaysia I want to keep coming back so  if you want to see the inside you got to come see   it it's crazy though it is bro you walk in there  and it looks like a scene out of Rush Hour like   rush hour too huh like everybody's in there is  Chinese which is cool but man they go crazy on   the casinos bro like they were dropping bread  like the amount of money I was seeing on those   tables I was like you could change lives with that  like that's crazy a lot of money was in there but   um basically as soon as you walk in they got like  High Roller tables and high roller I mean like 200   uh ring hands so like $50 hands nothing too out  of the ordinary right and then on the top floor   that's where it gets fun they actually have like  roulette for 10 rings 20 ring bu of Gamers yeah   you can play for like two three bucks and have a  good ass time long story short though I lost 50   bucks it was fun though had a couple drinks made  for a good time now it's time for us to make our   way down back towards the outlets and hopefully we  can grab ourselves a a grab to get back to KL what   was your favorite part about Genting my favorite  part was just uh seeing so many different types   of restaurants the people here it's a different  atmosphere also the weather I do love the weather   the weather's nice cuz I'm in Southeast Asia but  like I feel cool like I'm wearing like a long   sleeve shirt I mean like yeah this and then also  have pants on like everything that we're going to   have to take off as soon as we get back huh oh  yeah totally different atmosphere yeah anyways   guys we had a good time I would definitely be  back I want to come back and explore the theme   park and stuff but we got some pretty bad weather  it rained yesterday so that's the excuse for not   going uh and it closes at 6 p.m. so if you're  going to come to the theme park like definitely   plan to come here early but if you're coming to KL  with a family you have to come here man it is sick   not only for the casino and like the NTI stuff the  Family Adventures man it's a great place to come   and hang out like you're going to make memories  that last a lifetime here oh definitely just our   hotel was like really familyfriendly it was like a  jungle themed definitely come over here dude they   had like a park at the check in like for the kids  you seen that with all the slides like a bounce   house it was sick I don't know where we're going  guys so I'm going to be done with this video see   you guys again soon for another one thanks for  watching smash that like button and please let   me know what else you'd like to see from Malaysia  because there's a lot more places that I want to   see I want to discover I just don't have enough  time but I'm going to make time I'm going to be   back all right solo peace guys thanks for joining  me solo also made a good video from here I'll   link it down below check him out and I'll see  you guys again soon for another one later guys

2024-12-13 12:51

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