INSIDE a $135,000,000 NYC Penthouse Apartment | NYC APARTMENT TOUR

INSIDE a $135,000,000 NYC Penthouse Apartment | NYC APARTMENT TOUR

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experience experiences the apartment that we are standing in right now  is the pinnacle of metropolitan luxury living here   in new york city it has five bedrooms five  bathrooms two half bathrooms it's just over 8 000   square feet of living space and was designed by  world famous architect and artist hiroshi sigimoto now i have lived in new york city for the past  10 years so you are seeing this tour from the   perspective of a new yorker who watched this  building being constructed from his 300 square   foot studio apartment in the upper east side  now before we jump into this video i want to   give a huge thanks to the listing agents  noelle burke and elizabeth mercedes-berg   for letting us tour this one-of-a-kind property  and with that let's head on up to the 79th floor welcome to the apartment coming off your  private elevator landing you have dual elevators   leading in to this living art piece now the whole  apartment itself has been done by hiroshi and it's   the only one in the united states behind me  here this is a contemporary piece by hiroshi   there's a projector which drops down from  the ceiling projecting this piece of living   art here if you look down below me these pavers  were brought in from the train station in kyoto   everything in here all the materials were brought  in on a huge barge from japan to essentially make   this apartment like i mentioned a living a  piece of art if you even look into the corner   there's hiroshi's signature right here etched  in gold on these charcoal walls so right off   of this elevator landing welcome to the entrance  of the home off to my left here we actually have   your coat room which pockets into the  wall here you have coat storage for   when you have guests over and you'll notice  i'm wearing slippers because traditionally   in japanese homes you never wear your shoes and  that's actually a practice that most americans   should start incorporating myself included this is  a 400 year old cedar platform traditionally when   you enter a zen temple there is a platform such as  this which leads into the temple and traditionally   you step down into a temple and in this case we're  stepping down into your formal tea room so right   when you enter the home this is the unwinding  room this is the room to have your guests come   have a nice glass of tea on this raised platform  looking to the west we have views of the hudson   river all your neighbors over on billionaires row  and if you look north central park now the first   element i want to talk about in this apartment  are the walls these walls are shikui plaster   and traditionally in japanese homes they only have  one wall with shakui plaster this entire apartment   has shikui plaster and here's why shakui plaster  actually improves the environment inside the   apartment by absorbing co2 and voc gases and  horrible smells so it naturally kills bacteria   viruses fungi and molds due to the high alkalinity  shakui plaster also prevents dust buildup so it   essentially is cleaning your entire house just  on the walls and it is found throughout the   entire apartment below us under our feet these are  thousand-year-old planks of cedar one thing i want   to point out in this apartment which unfortunately  you can't experience is the smell the smell   of cedar personally i find extremely calming  and the smell of cedar fills this entire room   i mentioned these floors are 1000 years old and  this wood is actually from the island of yakushima   and this island has unusually strong winds which  cause these unique knots and bends in the greens   of the wood and it's actually now illegal to  harvest wood from the island as it's now a world   heritage site so to have these in your apartment  i can't drive home how rare that is something very   unique off into the corner here is this acid wash  stone and this is very unique for a few reasons   and number one is it directly ties into the fact  that this building is built on that sturdy bedrock   of new york even in central park you have that  exposed bedrock and i love that balance of   nature in this apartment so off the tea room  we now enter into the grand salon and front and   center we have two 65 year old bonsai trees again  bringing those natural elements of central park   indoors to the space we also have this oversized  komatsu zone which was all brought in from japan   surrounded by these river rocks here's the second  bonsai tree and now let's talk about the views we   have five 10 foot by 10 foot windows in this  apartment with views to the south and the west   starting at this window here you have views of  the east river you can even see the atlantic ocean   you have the chrysler building i mean you can even  see to the verrazano bridge with staten island   right in front of us here we have the brand  new one vanderbilt with the some observation   deck views of the empire state building looking  all the way downtown to one world trade center   you have your views of the hudson river jersey  city hoboken you even have views of hudson yards   making your way around now to the western facing  views we have all of your neighbors over there   on billionaires row and then of course looking  down we have central park with that fall foliage   just starting to come in you can even see all the  way up into the hudson river valley with all the   foothills starting up i am at a loss for words  i've lived in the city for the past 10 years   when i actually moved to the city i watched this  building be constructed and to be in here now   yeah it's surreal bringing it back inside from  central park off of those western views behind me   this is a pocket door which is the back  entrance to your tea room but in front of   me here we have this communal round sitting  area and if you look above we even have the   round light fixture it's a very communal warm  gathering place and you even have the rug below   everything is circular heading over here we  actually have the entrance to that coat room   right off the elevator with this pocket door  and in front of us this is one plank of cedar i   believe this again is 400 year old cedar and  this table seats 12 which guides your view   perfectly aligned with one vanderbilt the base of  this table is made of zinc and off to the western   views we have your sushi bar the base of your  sushi bar is brass we have seating for seven   the top here is cedar but could you imagine having  a michelin star world-class sushi chef come here   and just i mean i'm a huge fan of sushi and japan  itself but could you imagine just oh the aesthetic   here the back of here this is corian on the  countertop we have corian on the drawers as well   this is a fully built in essentially wet bar here  you have your sink you have ice maker mini fridge   built in all of your outlets here built into that  brass and then behind me again those views of the   hudson river central park billionaires row and  really quick i want to talk about the shades   in this room so the blinds are centuries-old cedar  from vancouver island that was sourced from a mill   in virginia and it's super rare to find all-growth  yellow cedar especially in this type of wood   and it's prized for the pure straight graining the  back of these cedar shades are a frosted acrylic   and these screens are motorized with custom  controls and integrated into the home system   so here we have the soji screens up  utilizing those city views so you feel like   you are just in the heart of the city and  we currently have them dropping down now   as you can see it almost looks like a dance in  unison how they're all dropping so peacefully down   optimizing now your sky views so it truly feels  like you are floating in the clouds i also want   to point out that all the walls in this unit are  trimless so as the building sways as super tall   buildings like this one tend to you don't feel  any of that movement because of the floating walls   but we're gonna now leave this just stunning grand  salon and make our way into your chef's kitchen we   now switch to chestnut on the floors and welcome  to the gourmet chef's kitchen there's a ton to   break down we're going to start with the center  island you have hone granite on the countertops   corian on the sides and the drawers you even  have corian here on the cabinetry your miele   suite here cappuccino maker wine chiller down  below you have hand pounded aluminum you can see   all the individual pound marks on this aluminum  and i really like how you have the built-in port   holes which is a nice break up from the 10 by 10  square windows in the space and your centerpiece   in this kitchen is this customized maltina range  this was actually too large to be brought up so   it was built in this kitchen this is a commercial  grade cooktop you have four burners here on to the   left your oven down below and then it is mirrored  on the other side of four burners oven in between   you have your griddle and above again this hand  pounded aluminum vent this is commercial grade   in this kitchen now i want to talk about what's in  front of me here you have one vanderbilt in your   kitchen the empire state building in your kitchen  all the way downtown to one world trade center   you have this breakfast bar moment floating  breakfast bar here with seating for three just   i it's hard to put this into words especially  being a new yorker and being in a place that is   this elegant it's something else but moving on in  the kitchen here we have more of that hand-pounded   aluminum we have your built-in refrigerator  freezer and then this far back wall this is   your pantry again with those porthole windows  which is a nice break up from these massive 10   by 10 windows you honestly need sunglasses  in this kitchen and this is a cool feature   window so you can actually open this up and get  some airflow into this apartment because we are a   thousand feet up so you can't really have windows  that are opening that high so that's a nice little   touch and then here you have your tawata tough  stone on this kitchen table we'll find this   throughout the rest of the apartment but making  our way out of the kitchen another pocket door   leading into the connecting hallway now below our  feet these are ceramic tiles and the family that   inlaid these into this apartment they actually  have been based in kyoto for i believe very   close to a thousand years and they actually  did a lot of the work on the temples in kyoto   with the ceramics so this is again connecting to  your utilities the back of the elevator and then   i want to just show you for the layout at the end  of this hallway here this is that grand salon and   you can actually close this off i love how it  can be open concept if necessary or closed off   we have two pad rooms here this is the first one  on the backsplash here we have tawata tough stone   and this is very unique you'll see later it  actually turns a very vivid turquoise color   when it gets wet and they have it here in the  backsplash we have the built-in mirror with the   recessed led lighting the sink is a hanoki  cypress with these individually cut pieces   of wood covering this stainless steel sink out  of this first powder room additionally this is   service right here and then one more powder room  off to my right and now this is all a mirror image   of that first powder room with the tawata tough  stone the cypress on the sink this is a hand-cut   cedar door and if you actually look above us this  was all hand cut as well using one of those big   heavy shears and this was a hand-picked stone that  was acid washed and i really love how it ties into   the bedrock of new york city now the reason you  can build skyscrapers this tall here in the city   is the bedrock from this connecting hallway in  front of me this is your family room your views   to the east if you look above me we have this cove  ceiling you can even hear the acoustics in every   single room are just spot on below us this carpet  is designed to mimic a zen garden just giving that   good energy to the space you have this whole  insect couch that runs the entire length of the   space all the furniture that you see in here was  custom built for this space there's no piece of   furniture that you could buy anywhere else it's  all for here you have your hanging tv with the   credenza down below and now let's just look to  the east you have your views of the east river   it's actually kind of unique i can see the first  apartment i ever lived in when i moved to new york   city it was a 300 square foot studio i was paying  1200 a month i was living with an x so splitting   that so 600 a month and i would look at this  building and just imagine what it was like in here   and now you guys are getting a first look at  what it's actually like in one of the highest   units in 432 park avenue this is a home office  off to the corner here we're going to keep this   shut because the owners still are in the space  and we don't want to show their personal items   but making our way out of this family room  i want to now take you to the bedroom wing   of this one-of-a-kind penthouse so off to my right  here this is actually your laundry room you have   four units here and you can actually pocket this  off and close the laundry room from the rest of   this hallway here we have guest bedroom number  one off to my left you have your walk-in closet   and it's a very minimal space you have all this  custom built-in furniture with the led light here   on this bed frame your views are to the east so  east river queens the atlantic ocean a fun fact   you can actually see on a clear day 50 miles in  any direction so you can actually see the ocean   from this bedroom on this far wall we have  all these inlaid custom shelves below us on   the floor is chestnut and now this is a jack and  jill bathroom which connects the two spaces the   whole entirety of this bathroom has that tawata  tough stone on the walls front and center you   have your soaking tub with your dorm box fixtures  coming out of the floor here overlooking to the   east with the east river atlantic ocean we have  floating vanities with corian on the countertops   that floating vanity mirror with the  lighting build into that toward a tough stone   behind me we have the water closet and then  here i'm going to actually walk in we have your   steam shower with that toilet tough stone like  i mentioned this turns a vivid turquoise color   when it gets wet we're not going to turn it  on right now but just use your imagination   so heading out of this jack and jill bathroom  we now enter the second bedroom you can see   it's a mirror image of that first one with that  custom built in on that far wall queen size bed   another built-in desk here and i just want to show  this so these all pocket in so you can close off   that bathroom this would be the guest room or  say the kids room you have your closet off to   the right another built-in closet along this far  wall so leaving the second guest bedroom towards   the end of this hallway this is guest bedroom  number three more of that custom built-in shelving   here off to my right this is your corner bedroom  moment with views to the east and these views to   the south where you are straight on park avenue  looking all the way up to harlem with that view   of central park the leaves are just starting  to change so you're going to have that show of   all the colors you can see the reservoir  up to the north george washington bridge   all the way up into the hudson valley upper west  side you can even see down into the sheep's meadow   with people laying out there catching some sun  it's truly something else you're in that rarefied   air here in this apartment but all the furniture  is the same built-in bed built-in desk here out   of the bedroom i want to show you this check out  this bathroom this isn't even the primary bathroom   welcome to the third bedroom bathroom  here in this 135 million apartment   with this view of central park could you imagine  being in this soaking tub just looking out over   those northern views of new york city it's  truly a glimpse of something that the 0.001   of humans will ever see and we're sharing with  you guys here on youtube so make sure to subscribe   but with that again as far as the finishes  toward a tough stone of the entirety here on   the floor the walls water claws off to the corner  your standing steam shower glass enclosed vanity   all same materials here with the floating mirror  some built-in shelving but just the moment is this   bathtub like come on now come on look at that  there's still more to see we haven't even seen   the uh the primary from guest bedroom number  three we're back into that connecting hallway   with that ceramic on the floor off to the right  here this is guest bedroom number four which is   currently staged as a composing room talk about  inspiration 10 by 10 window with that view looking   prime of park avenue central park essentially  the same view as those other guest bedrooms   but here it's been utilized like i mentioned as  a composing room the owners were saying how this   used to be their yoga studio this is uh it's  a very creative space just with those views of   the city it's very awe-inspiring you have this  couch in this nice corner here i want to mention   again all the furniture has been customly built  for this space i mentioned this is the fourth   bedroom so you have that ensuite bathroom if you  did choose to use this as a bedroom back out to   the hallway we're showing everything this is the  utilities area so you have your rubbish chute here   connecting elevator out of the rubbish room keep  this shut in front of me this entire hallway is   dedicated to the owner of this apartment and here  you have one slab of corian which closes into that   wall so you can entirely shut off this hallway  which is dedicated to the owner of this space   off to my right we're going to show this before we  show the bedroom this is the dual owner's bathroom   so you have bathroom off to the left and to the  right where to go right first you have this dual   paned glass door which slides on open brass  fixtures brass around the frame of this door   entering in to the first of the owner's bathroom  below me we have that tawata tough stone we have   even this custom piece of furniture just right  in your bathroom the vanity we have more of that   cypress wood with those hand-cut pieces hiding  that stainless steel drain door and box fixtures   built into the cypress wood three-piece vanity  mirror with a built-in lighting even the ceiling   has that hand cut cypress wood but i want to point  this out we have this large pane of glass breaking   up the water closet area from your walk-in shower  with two oversized kamatsu stones bringing that   energy from japan into your new york city  penthouse to what a tough stone here on the   backsplash and if you look above me we have this  cylinder rainfall head shower could you imagine   i'm so tempted to just take the suit off and  test this guy out but we're not going to do that   and of course you have your 10 by 10 window here  with that tawata tough stone on the ledge here   for sitting down and looking at your views of  central park yeah this is a bathroom this is   only the first half so if we leave this bathroom  back into the hallway we'll keep the door shut   we have bathroom number two in front of us  this is your closet with the brass railings   that inlaid led lighting here with that cedar  below us we have cedar on the floors again   that transition from the wood to this kyoto pavers  it's a very grounding feeling to be 79 stories up   just over a thousand feet and be looking down at  that open-faced bedrock in central park so it's a   bit of central park here in your bathroom i think  that's just it's so unique you have your door box   fixture coming out of this kyoto train station  paving stones even note how wide the grout lines   are in these stones this was all shipped in from  japan towel rack here with that water tough stone   your toto state-of-the-art toilet that costs  just about eight thousand dollars which will   scrub heat massage and spray your goods down  below tough stone on the walls here and you have   your walk-in steam shower with this oversized  stainless steel rainfall shower head yeah this   is a i mean it's just it's so over the top and we  haven't even seen the owner's bedroom so let's um   head on out of here back out into the hallway and  these ceramic tiles they're very soft on your feet   that's not something you would expect but in front  of me through this frosted glass here we have the   pocket door welcome to your owner's bedroom here  in your 135 million dollar apartment i'm actually   going to take these slippers off because these  are actually chestnut floors which have been hand   scooped which actually almost massage your feet  as you walk throughout the space it's a very cool   feeling you have of course your views to the west  hudson river billionaires row central park this is   the corner bedroom so you also have those northern  views as well you have your king size bed built   right in here again all this furniture was custom  built for this space you have your home office   nicely built in outlets again built right  into this wood this brass shelving overhead   couch moment here to sit and just take in the  views let's just keep on walking and talking   out of the owner's room you even have i didn't  point that out the frosted glasses on the ceiling   and through this pocket door we are now back to  where we started the welcoming tea room in this   one-of-a-kind apartment i've showed you this place  we're now going to sit down with the listing agent   and pick her mind about what makes this place  so special she's been selling real estate for   40 years and this is the pinnacle of what she's  ever sold well first of all eric welcome to the   floating inner garden at 432 park avenue on the  79th floor when you come into this well-lit quiet   space you feel like you're floating you feel  like you're floating above new york city   and that was the intent of hiroshi  and he designed the entire apartment   from the floor to the ceiling the furniture the  art everything in it manhattan is like a ship   and it's sort of shaped like a ship and he thought  of this as going through time like a ship that's   just passing on the ocean going through  time that is an eloquent description of   this place wow i mean you are a new yorker  and you know the city in all facets it can be   so many things and i think that the main thing  that sticks out to me is the the control of energy   whereas you're not bombarded by anything here you  can kind of step back and just take everything in   absolutely true the the apartment has nothing  that attacks your senses your senses are calm and   that's the japanese aesthetic when you walk  into a home you transition from the outside   to your home inside and there are many  aspects of this apartment which you'll see   that help you do that one of them is the  bridge from you when you come in the front door   that transitions you to the apartment to  the inner part of the apartment and the   first thing you see when you come into the  apartment is the tea room which is meant   as a place where you sit down have some tea  and relax and that's the way you come home   it's great i also love how you do have those  elements of nature in here you know you have the   view of central park but you also have 65 year  old bonsai trees you have the stones it's such   a unique mix of all those elements with that  urban atmosphere out there most of everything   in the apartment the materials were imported from  japan big ships filled with stones and big stones   that are 10 feet high and the wood the wood  that we're standing on is a thousand years old   it's a thousand-year-old cedar in your years of  selling have you seen a place that is similar   to this or is this this is the pinnacle i have  never seen any other apartment in new york in   40 years that i'm doing this you heard it here if  you are out there and you are looking to purchase   this apartment all the information is down below  in the description of this video again thank you   eric thanks for letting us tour this space and  with that we will see you in the next episode you

2021-11-16 00:08

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