Insane Nightlife in Phuket, Thailand (Bangla Road Patong Beach)

Insane Nightlife in Phuket, Thailand  (Bangla Road Patong Beach)

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good man all right yeah everybody come to me I  sell good price really really you sell the best   price in Patong yeah okay oh you got buy two  get one free huh buy two get one free what's   the best seller I said hybrid best price best  price you do 200 200 look look look I got a   better price 200 and I give you 20 tips look see  that's a good deal right 250 good J 220 okay okay it's weird because here in Thailand I [Music] know what's up everybody welcome back to  another beautiful evening here in puket   Thailand and today I have one of those videos  that you guys love to see here on the channel   today we're actually heading back to Bangla road  for the first time in about a year it's been about   a year since I published a Bangla Road video  but I'm super excited to see what Bangla Road   is like right now and yeah more importantly  let's get this nighlife rolling now right   now it is low season here in uh Thailand so it  doesn't seem like it's as crazy as it is when   it is High season but there still is quite a  bit of Tourism here in fact the beaches have   been completely full and most of the tourist  attractions that we have been visiting this   trip have been completely slammed and of course  Maya Bay is also closed right now so that might   also be or have an effect on how many people  are here in puket at the moment but yeah this   here is putang right now we're heading on over  towards Bangla Road we'll be over on that side   of the of the city for most of the evening as I  show you guys what The Nightlife scene is like   now right now I'm noticing well there's a lot of  street food carts out a lot of food being sold the   taxis and tour drivers are still out there on the  grind what are they making in here some sort of soup pancake rot one of my favorite  snacks here in Thailand some juices and yeah things look a little bit slow  though this is usually where they have like the   whole surf border um thing going on but right now  that looks like it's under Renovations and usually   you can hear music all up and down the streets I'm  not sure what's happening in Patong right now but   let's find out maybe it's just these streets wow  look at the guoa lady that just pulled up those   look amazing those guioza carts are actually  some of my favorites to grab food off of but   I have been noticing guys that the prices here  in puket man they're skyrocketing they've been   going up like crazy seems like every few months  when I'm back here anduk K the prices yeah go   up significantly so it's not looking too hot for  the future here in puket I believe in my opinion   I mean all of that whole I'm coming to Thailand  for you know to have a good time because it's   affordable kind of goes out the window here in  these places like pong I mean there still are   some hidden gems to sit down and have some food at  but for the most part man you can expect to spend   you know around 10 us do 7 to 10 Us dolls every  time you sit down these days in most places it's   very common to just get charge you know 250 bus  for a single portion of a meal right here they   got ice cream rolls like they got these gun games  that you guys seen me play before plenty of times   100 bot 15 shots 200 bot you get to shoot the AR  customizable passport covers and of course all   of the different salons can all be found up and  down the street and the massage houses of course   I mean these ladies are all on the grind pretty  much all day long you come out here at 11:00   a.m. and it's active already hello theyy you  come out here bright and early and everybody's   already massage massage it's quite funny so um  yeah no days off the hustle never stops here in patang these here are with the Tuk ticks here in  patang look like they're more of like a a minivan   style hello hey what's up bro how are you I'm  good haven't seen you in a long time yeah last   time I made a video I came here huh yeah yeah  yeah I believe that's nice how's business yeah   business good yeah good man how's the how's this  good yeah on good man all right yeah everybody   come to me I sell good price really really  you sell the best price in Patong yeah okay   oh you got buy two get one free huh buy  two get one free what's the best seller   I said hybrid good number one hybrid  and sativa sativa as well okay and   which one's the most popular what's the  which name name I have the name amnesia amnesia High State PR CRA Moon Rock number  one the moon rock yes Moon Moon Rock what is   Moon Rock Moon Rock everybody man uh how do  you call in America man oh American man like   moon rock yeah yeah yeah really from the  music videos oh yeah Godfather Snoop Dog   Mac one oh yeah you know huh okay and what  about the tie stick everybody asked me about   the tii stick stick for new people it's  not like the tii stick from the years ago medium medum okay but it's not like the tii  stick from the 80s right yes no yeah yeah   okay okay all right you know what you know  what we're going to support your business   today why not let me see I'm do this you  think I should get the wedding cake you   Che the me check the smell all right oh  that smells good okay tick the tii stick   this happy about uh 10 minutes this one really  yeah this one really long okay this one God oh   The Godfather that one's nice Godfather tell me  you eat good sleep good and strong eat good sleep   good and strong okay I'm this here make you relax  ooh not sleep all relax okay okay I like that well   you know what here today let me help you here can  you hold this for me one second let me give you   um you have change yeah I have here give me I  can't buy one of these right now cuz I'm making   a video let me get one of this and let me get  one of this and 50 Buck for you okay yes I got   to help your business man every time I'm in  puket come visit my come visit my man if you   guys are here he's right along yeah right  along bangala Road huh Kudo oh yeah kuduo   Beach Club so right in front of kudu beach club  have people come to say hi to you from the videos   yeah I keep everybody come to me and get good  Pride for every okay all right he got the homie   hookup you see that for the travel with Chris  uh subscribers you come out here and he gives   you that good he'll get you right you know what  I'm saying all right got some little goodies for later 800 cup C wait a moment pleas 50 800 no  I leave you 50 okay all right thank you brother   nice talking to you okay I come back and I come  back and talk to you all right later bro yeah   funny that he recognized me from n year oh man  do I might oh yep the the sweat ring has started   damn I thought I was going to be able to beat that  right now but look this is what all of the boats   look like at night guys the boats the jet skis all  the fun stuff from batang gets taken like this at night but yeah right now the go for this video  is to show you guys the nighlife scene here in   puket and also just show you guys The allaround  Vibes right because when you're here in puket   you're not spending your entire time on Bangla  Road even though that's pretty much where we're   going to be hanging out this video you're also  walking up these streets that's um you know get   you there that lead up to there and they're very  beautiful there's a lot of restaurants just like   these ones farmes all kinds of different salons  these here do facials Nails waxing all kinds of   different different facial spots and of course  the Tuk Tuk literally line up the entire streets   which is very convenient especially when you want  to get home late at night all right guys I highly   recommend jumping on the back of those things  but yeah you also find a lot of tour agencies   a whole lot of shopping to be done here in puket  I noticed that's why a lot of people come on on   here is to do the serious shopping and you know  what to be honest with you I could go for a nice   nice color shirt right about now so let's get  something to take on out to Bangla Road see if   we can't find something that fits us nicely hello  hello you doing good how are you I'm looking for   like a button up open shirt something cuz it's  so hot yeah something something like white yeah   something white button up opened yeah SA Cup  man it's busy already huh this is open yeah   something like that this I think I need a big one  how much is something like that cost 300 just 300   just 300 for you just 300 yeah this is okay for  you know you think so can I can I try yeah okay   it's so hot today huh yeah where are you from  I'm from the United States California where   you from I'm from Burma you're from Burma  Myanmar a lot of nice Burmese people here   okay let's try this it's so hot let me see  can can you hold this for a second let's   see you think it looks good yeah good you sure  you got a mirror you want to look mirror yeah please wow this is a beautiful store oh that's  the mirror okay let me see oh man that does look   pretty good huh all right what's the best price  best price come on best price for come on 250 250   best price come on best price you do 200 200 look  look look I got a better price 200 and I give you   20 tis look see that's a good deal right 250 good  J 220 okay okay all right 220 you want to back uh   no I wear right now I'm already sweating so  much I got to cover up all right yeah what   SK I know but sunscreen is expensive yeah it's  so expensive 300 bucks 300 no no no C cop thank you but see easy business I gave you easy  business see not not not a hard bargain easy see I gave you 20 tip too 30 40 68 thank  you so much C on C thank you all right well now   we got our shirt and that should be that should  keep us cool for a minute man who knows I might   have to take off the gray one and dip that off in  a bit but yeah we had to get right real quicko it   is hot but hey easy bargain huh we're able to  negotiate that down to 220 I feel like I got to are man thank you guys so much you guys how cool is this that's awesome  where you oh where you guys from in the Chicago   area uh so I'm from like suburbs lont oh okay  I haven't spent enough time out there we live   in Chicago too yeah nice but the summers are  beautiful everybody talks about the Summers they   say Winters are brutal but Summers are nice yeah  you all the time if it's really if it's above 60°   we're drinking 15 plus beers oh bro I got to join  you guys one day I like your shirt you guys look   good nice thank you guys so much I appreciate it  dud appr appreciate your channel man I appreciate   you guys so much what was your name June June  yeah Zach Zach how long you guys are around   like Inon uh we're leaving Monday Monday morning  oh send me a message tomorrow on Instagram let's   get a drink or something yeah yeah yeah send me  a message here my phone's being used right now but send me a message let's let's have a drink  tomorrow for sure yeah yo that's so cool I've   been running into so many subscribers here and  kids awesome yeah that's awesome keep doing it   than [Music] you see you guys tomorrow send me a  message how cool is that guys that's why I love   making these videos man you guys are awesome  and everybody's always good vibes that that   watch the channel which I love everybody's all  about The Vibes all right well we just made it   to patang beach Bangla Road the most yeah  the craziest Street in all of of Thailand   I'm going to go ahead and say I think Paya  walking Street in Bangla banga Road they go   Toe to Toe on who might have the best nightlife  scene but let's get this little walk going you   know I was saying that it looked a little bit  empty but I think I was wrong guys it looks   pretty popping out here look the Kebab meat  is full that means business must be flowing   in quite well or else I don't see why they  would be you know selling that or preparing   that much meat in a day got the Vape ladies  out going strong the pink pong shows being offered it's quite funny look at how  they just how hard they go with the   shows and the offerings this street guys  it's always so crazy and it's always very   different I feel like this street is  forever changing every time you walk   this streets the shops change the vendors  change and every night is just completely   different they got some live music over here  in this direction maybe that's live [Music]   oh I wonder what this is [Music] C go  interesting to say the least right but   yeah the bars are getting active guys  and the night has only just begun it's   only about 900 p.m. right now 9:30 guys  the craziness hasn't even started yet but   yeah you can see that all of the bars get  incredibly busy this here is Miami puket   over in this direction you have the Azie  Barn which is one of my favorite places as well you got the Sunset Bar kangaroo bar in fact we actually need  to go get a beer pretty soon   I'm pass du for a drink you got the  Ruby Gentleman's Club over in this direction tattoo studios yeah if you're  in for a bad decision if you're in for   a good nights you're going to find it here on Bang   there's no doubt but yeah like I said definitely  definitely plan accordingly when you're coming on   out here for one of your trips and make sure you  uh plan to spend your time and several different   areas of puket and not entirely your entire time  here in patang because there's so much more to explore even for good night life I mean  there's other areas of the city of I mean of   this island that you can go to to experience  those things the Heroes Bar you know I always   forget how just just how long Bangla Road  actually is till I'm on it and then I'm like   damn it goes on for a pretty big stretch but  it's always a good time it doesn't matter if   you've been here once or if you've been here 10  times banga road is good fun every time [Music] it's weird because here in Thailand I know [Music] VI what's your name I'm thank you bro thank you I come for a beer one  day super cool guy right he's from Vietnam I mean   he's from here but he loves the watching  the Vietnam series how incredible is that but yeah guys as I mentioned it's still a little  early out here tonight give it a few hours and   this place turns into complete Madness but it  gets incredibly hard to film because of the music like this guy got free joints  free joints with any purchase it's such an odd place here in Thailand because  you'll be on banga Road and they'll be literally   all these women working standing up in a  row and then you'll see like a a Muslim   lady walking around with their two children  in like the most vulgar place and it doesn't   look like it goes together but it does it  works and you know huge population of the   the Thai Community here in the sou southern  part of Thailand are actually Muslim as well   yeah what's up bro yeah happy now here sweet  go get free drink okay and what do you get for free you get fre 39 okay yeah you can all  night let me think about that one thank you   I need hey I'll come back I'll come back I'll  come I'll come back and visit you I got you funny guys huh the hustle is real out here I'm  telling you look at this club man that place   looks crazy right there but yeah the street  food you can always count on the street food   being a a big part of the nlife culture the  nlife scene in Thailand there's always food available oh we got MJ out tonight clean oh that boy is crazy look at him H yo he's so hard huh oh what oh nice man how cool is that huh he got his son out here  doing that I'm guessing that's his son crushing it though well yeah guys this here  is Bangla road right now let me   know what you guys think of this  place so far right now it's crazy huh around here there's actually a food court  tug in as well right here you find a bunch of   like shops where they sell like knockoffs and  things like that you can find yeah shooting   real gun yeah real gun real bullets real  bullets real bullets how much is that mil   but how much what's the price you can okay let  me see what else do you have to offer okay oh   you got the price right here bro let me see 890  10 bullets $1 ,200 8890 for for 10 bullets it's   real yeah real real gun yeah real gun real  bullets okay let's go let's go let me come see I'm following you I'm following  you hello my friend how are you oh I just got a whiff of somebody's   hot spicy chilies yeah this is crazy if  you can really shoot like a real one in   the middle of some market like this like a  middle of a mark a clothing Market souvenir shop not too far okay do you get a free beer  free beer if I shoot free beer   all right take you take care of me I take care of you all right let's do it hey  what's up bro how are you how are you yeah we're going okay  all right let's do it all right wow there's a shooting range for R damn this  is crazy I didn't expect this all right wow bro   shit's crazy out here man was not expecting  this in Thailand crazy bum bum bum okay okay   okay I believe you I believe you now let's try  okay what you want um the cheap one no cheap   cheap come on let me do you do one for 9 what's  what's the cheapest one I sh 9 mil 9 mil yeah oh   bro that's [Music] expensive you don't have  excuse me oh you don't have nothing for like   800 Bots like just even three shots 800 BS can  top but what's the what's the cheapest you can do to 10 bullet 10 bullets okay  all right it's okay thank you C   hey bro it's okay but look look I hook you up  look it's for you okay here not done not done   hold on I got something else for you here thank  you for you all right let's go it's too expensive   bro but thank you thank you for showing me  yeah yeah yeah next time next time but see   I gave you good tip okay thank you all right bro  thank you man sorry no it's okay thank you I gu   I didn't know it's real real gun see me okay  bro appreciate you have a good night all right you have a good night bro have a good night bro no  not today but but I gave him good tip you come see   me again I come see you okay bum nice nice one for  you all right take care okay bye guys good people   good people all right w tells you guys shit's  crazy in Thailand man you can do whatever you   want man it's a fun place but um be careful for  reals but I I have hey how are you my what's up   doing good how are you so I you guys have know a  little bit about my background and I was obviously   in the military and I have shot plenty of weapons  throughout my life but personally I was just like   you know what I'm not about to drop 50 bucks on  10 rounds of some 202 or of some 2020 of some 22   ammo can't even talk um to shoot a 22 caliber  pistol you know what I mean not happening so   yeah now you guys know you can do that here as  well you can do whatever you want and this here   is like a big outdoor um Seafood Fish Market  or seafood Meat Market what's up bro how are   you yeah how are you thank you how you doing  doing good man dude this looks bomb I watch   man thank you bro I appreciate it are you from  Thailand I burish oh burmish man I love the   Burmese people bro you guys are good people thank  you man apprciate that I'll come by and try your   food one day all right thank you bro nothing but  love I'm telling you guys thank you so much for   um supporting everything that I do and joining  me on these videos each and every day if you're   not already subscribed please go ahead and smash  that like button leave a comment subscribe cuz   it really does help the channel a lot and I'll  leave you guys with this video now it's time   for me to go meet up with my brother have some  drinks lay back and chill all right later guys

2024-08-24 11:58

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